All about green tea. Pros and cons

23.08.2019 Seafood

Is green tea good? And if yes, then to whom and to what extent?

This drink has been used since ancient times to get rid of depression and headaches, and modern people also note its ability to burn fat, lower blood pressure and the level of bad LDL cholesterol. Today, the Forest Fairy blog will examine in detail the beneficial properties of green tea for the human body, the correct methods for brewing it and individual cases in which its use can harm your health.

Before you find out what the benefits of green tea really are and what contraindications exist for it, check out these interesting facts:

The benefits and harms of green tea for the body. What does this drink contain?

Green tea is a rich source of potassium, vitamin C and some B vitamins, which are highly soluble in water and absorbed by our body. Another important component of green tea is the antioxidants flavonoids, including proanthocyanidinswho are actively struggling with age-related diseases, diseases of the circulatory and digestive systems.

This table and the information below will tell you more about the beneficial properties of green tea.

Index Units rev. Per 100 g For 1 cup
general information
Calorie content Kcal 1 2
Squirrels g. 0.22 0.54
Fats g. 0.00 0.00
Carbohydrates g. 0.00 0.00
Dietary fiber (fiber) g. 0.0 0.0
Sugar (including glucose and fructose) g. 0.00 0.00
Minerals and Electrolytes
Iron mg 0.02 0.05
Magnesium mg 1 2
Potassium mg 8 20
Sodium mg 1 2
Zinc mg 0.01 0.02
Copper mg 0.004 0.010
Manganese mg 0.184 0.451
Vitamin C mg 0.3 0.7
Thiamine (Vitamin B1) mg 0.007 0.017
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) mg 0.058 0.142
Niacin (Vitamin B3 or PP) mg 0.030 0.073
Vitamin B6 mg 0.005 0.012
Other substances
Caffeine mg 12 29
Antioxidants Proanthocyanidins mg 4.2 10.4

Source of numbers: US National Nutrients Database for standard reference. The numbers characterize ordinary green tea brewed with water and may vary slightly depending on the variety and growing conditions of the product.

Antioxidants in green tea and their effects on the body

Green tea is characterized by a rather high content of plant antioxidants - flavonoids and catechins, the most active of which is epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG . This is a very powerful antioxidant, which according to many scientists is able to slow down the growth of cancer cells and the aging of the body. Together with other antioxidants in green tea, including proanthocyanidins, it also helps:

  • To facilitate digestion and speed up the metabolism in the body;
  • Reduce blood pressure and LDL cholesterol in the blood;
  • To freshen breath and eliminate bacteria that cause tooth decay and other diseases of the oral cavity.

Attention:  To date, insufficient clinical trials have been conducted so that green tea or its extracts can be used with complete confidence in the treatment of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. For example, experiments that confirmed the ability of green tea to reduce the risk of liver cancer were conducted only among the Chinese and Japanese populations.

Nevertheless, modern data on how green tea affects different people with their individual characteristics, remain quite limited. Before using it for medicinal purposes, it is necessary to consult your doctor and observe the dose recommended by him.

Caffeine in green tea - benefits or harms?

A cup of green tea contains about 30 mg of caffeine on average. For comparison: black tea contains an average of 55 mg, Red Bull - 75 mg, and regular coffee - 90 mg of caffeine per cup of 250 mg. How does this affect a person?

It is known that caffeine has an exciting effect on the brain, gives a feeling of strength and uplifting. However, the antioxidant EGCG and L-tianin in green tea to some extent neutralize the effect of caffeine and make this drink much safer. L-theanine is one of the few amino acids that reduces anxiety, lowers blood pressure, relaxes, improves learning ability and boosts immunity. Therefore, a cup of green tea can always be drunk in the evening, without fear of insomnia.

Note:  with the usual method of brewing tea, we get a fairly small amount of L-thianine. To completely release it into a drink, the first tea leaves of green tea are drained, after which the leaves are boiled at a high temperature of water to 127 ° C.

Here you also need to pay attention to the fact that caffeine helps to dehydrate the body and is considered a good diuretic. There are studies that have shown that catechins in green tea do not allow caffeine to dehydrate the body. However, many people noticed that after drinking tea they often run to the toilet. Therefore, just listen to your body and do not abuse this drink if it acts similarly on you.

Finally, we note that many scientists consider caffeine in green tea to be safe and even assigned it the status of GRAS (unconditionally safe products and ingredients). In any case, today green tea remains the safest and most useful of all caffeinated drinks.

Green tea: increases or decreases pressure?

Due to the caffeine content, the question often arises: Does green tea raise or lower blood pressure? We have already mentioned that L-thianine neutralizes the effect of caffeine, but the amount of this amino acid in a drink directly depends on the method of brewing it. There are also catechins in it that have a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels. What is the effect of green tea in general?

All experiments carried out gave one result: green tea lowers blood pressure. The cumulative benefits of green tea for hypertensives are obvious! A general meta-analysis of studies showed that the systematic consumption of green tea for 3-6 months helps to reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure by about 3 mmHg. Art.

Does green tea really help to lose weight?

No global experiments confirming the benefits of green tea for weight loss have not yet been conducted. However, there are a number of facts that support this statement:

  1. Green tea has the ability to accelerate metabolic processes, which makes the human body faster to consume calories without any exercise.
  2. Green tea is not able to suppress appetite, but allows for a while to increase the stamina of the body. The polyphenols in its composition accelerate thermogenesis (the generation of heat by our body to maintain the functioning of all its systems) and promote the use of calories as energy.
  3. Catechins in green tea help regulate blood sugar and prevent obesity by preventing the deposition of glucose in fat cells.
  4. The caffeine mentioned above interacts well with polyphenols and also increases the rate of fat burning.

Slowly but surely, green tea helps to lose weight, causing the human body to lose fat, while maintaining muscle mass.

Possible harm of green tea to the human body

Moderate regular consumption of green tea is generally considered safe, but still there are some limitations and contraindications for it.

So, green tea can be toxic to the liver if the recommended intake is exceeded (10-29 mg of tea per 1 kg of body weight per day). In addition, too high doses of green tea, which contains a lot of antioxidants, can begin to act as a prooxidant and damage healthy cells in the body.

Heartburn and indigestion are common consequences of excessive consumption and / or improper brewing of green tea. This harm can be prevented by brewing a drink on water with a temperature well below the boiling point. Ideally - in the range of 71-82 degrees Celsius.

Also, green tea may be contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Iron-deficiency anemia. Consuming green tea can create an iron deficiency in your body, which has a dramatic effect on people with anemia. This harmful property of tea can be neutralized by adding lemon to it.
  • Allergy. It is extremely rare, but still, some people have an allergic reaction to Chinese green tea: swelling of the throat, shortness of breath, swollen lips, tongue and / or face, and fever.
  • Sensitivity to caffeine. With excessive consumption or hypersensitivity to caffeine, green tea can cause a person anxiety, palpitations, irritability, sleep problems, etc.
  • Pregnancy. Green tea is not recommended to be consumed in large quantities by pregnant women, especially in the early stages. Caffeine, tannins and catechins in its composition can lead to birth defects.
  • Taking medication. When taking medications, be sure to consult your doctor about your consumption of green tea.

Of course, the benefits of green tea depend on the amount you consume. Experts recommend drinking from 10 to 29 mg of green tea per 1 kg of weight per day. Thus, for a person weighing 60 kg, the recommended dose is in the range of 600-1740 mg (2 to 6 cups), and for a person weighing 85 kg in the range of 850-2465 mg (3-9 cups). However, given the contraindications and research data, it is better not to bring the amount of tea drunk per day to the upper limit. According to several experiments, the dose of 6 cups of green tea is too large for normal daily consumption. Side effects of this technique can be frequent urination (and, as a result, dehydration), diarrhea, vomiting, dizziness, headaches and loss of appetite.

Be healthy!

It was known for its healing properties over 4000 years ago. This tea is obtained from the same tea leaves as other types of tea, which differ in the way they are processed. Green tea is not subjected to fermentation, which allows you to keep nutrients in it to the maximum. This type of tea has a rich history shrouded in legends.

Green Tea: What Legends and History Talk About

History goes to distant China. There, tea began to be cultivated there before our era. The Classical Book of Plants of the Divine Farmer, written more than 2500 years ago, tells the story of the Yellow Emperor who is engaged in healing. Studies of various plants led to its poisoning. The leaves, brewed in a vessel, helped him remove toxins and avoid death.

Another legend tells of Bodhidharma, the founder of the Chan teachings. During his nine-year sitting meditation in the Shaolin Temple, he pulled out his eyelids, which closed against his will, from which wonderful tea bushes grew. Green tea leaves have since served the monks as a means to combat sleep.

In China, tea began to be used as a medicine. There were special officials in charge of storing tea and its consumption in the palace of the emperor. Ordinary people could be treated with tea; tea bushes grew in many provinces.

In the era of the Tang Dynasty, it began to be used as a drink, and tea drinking became a kind of philosophy. Tea trees began to be grown in Buddhist temples; they treated important visitors to temples with a delicious drink. Lu Yu created the famous tea ceremony by doing tea research. He wrote about the culture of drinking in the "Canon of Tea."

Features of green tea production

The technological chain of green tea production is designed in such a way that all useful substances are preserved in an active state. After collection, tea leaves are left in the open air for drying. The leaves become withered and soft, after which they are dried with hot air. Such drying does not allow the leaves to undergo oxidation. Tea leaves are twisted, the process is carried out in various ways, which allows you to get varieties of green tea with a unique appearance.

Tea leaves can have a different look:

  • Highly twisted along the transverse axis. A similar tea is called pearl tea in China. Tea is marked with a Gunpowder icon, which means gunpowder. It actually resembles balls or peculiar scales.
  • Slightly twisted. Teas of such tea are practically not twisted; tea looks like whole-leaf tea.
  • Strongly twisted along the longitudinal axis. Tea has the form of twisted spiral sticks. A striking example of this type of tea is a subspecies of elite gyukuro tea.

The process of twisting the tea leaves increases the shelf life of the tea leaves, preserving its best properties, and allows you to adjust the process of extracting essential oils when brewing. Which view is better? Strongly twisted tea leaves produce a more saturated and strong green tea. Twisting the leaves of elite varieties of green tea is done manually. Quality tea has a natural green hue, darkening of the leaves is considered a marriage.

The main producers of tea are Japan and China, although green tea is also grown in India, Ceylon, and Kenya. Zhejian province is a mass producer of medium quality tea, and higher quality tea is produced in Fujian province. Elite tea is grown in Japan in the province of Uji.

The composition of green tea

  • Tannins. These substances occupy more than one third of the composition of tea. They include various compounds of polyphenols, tannins, catechins. High-grade green tea is rich in tannin, the amount is 2 times the tannin content in black tea. Combining with caffeine, it forms caffeine tannat, which stimulates the nervous system.
  • Alkaloids: caffeine, theophylline, theobromine. In green tea, from 1 to 4% caffeine is more than in coffee. The amount of caffeine depends on the conditions for growing tea, the size of the tea leaf, the processing method, and the brewing temperature.
  • Vitamins Vitamin C in tea helps boost immunity. The carotene content exceeds the amount of vitamin A in carrots. This vitamin is good for vision. Green tea contains all the vitamins of group B. They help fight viruses, regulate the carbohydrate balance of the body, reduce cholesterol, and have an antioxidant effect on the body.
  • Minerals and trace elements. These are iron, fluorine, potassium, sodium, gold, magnesium, calcium. The leaves contain a sufficient amount of essential oils, during processing part of which is lost.
  • Enzymes and amino acids. Japanese green tea varieties are rich in the best protein composition. When drinking tea without sugar, you don’t have to worry about extra pounds. There are no calories in green tea.

The benefits of green tea

Useful due to its rich chemical composition.

Tea is an excellent energy stimulator. This is a drink of good mood, well-being, vitality and health. Regular consumption of green tea prevents the occurrence of chronic diseases, favorably affects immunity, and helps to destroy bacteria. Green tea has antimicrobial, antiviral and antibacterial properties.

Scientists from Japan believe that green tea has unique properties, is able to actively fight cancer. It is included in the diet of cancer patients, as it supports the immune system, removes carcinogens from the body. Green tea is able to remove salts of heavy metals - a dangerous radioactive isotope of strontium-90, mercury, lead, zinc and cadmium. It neutralizes the negative effects of any radiation. This is for those who spend a lot of time on electronic devices.

Green tea is a drink of longevity and youth. It regulates metabolism, blood sugar. Tea extract is actively used in cosmetology because it improves the complexion, slows down the aging of the body, being an excellent antioxidant. Rinsing oily hair with a decoction of tea leaves improves their condition. Masks from brewing green tea are effective, ice cubes from a strong infusion tone and refresh the skin of the face.

A cup of green tea can relieve headaches, cope with stress. For a depleted nervous system - this is a real find, tasty and without chemistry. The use of green tea will also help to activate the brain, green tea is also useful for concentration.

With poor digestion, indigestion, poisoning - green tea will help. Its properties destroys pathogenic microbes in the stomach, enhances the motility of the digestive tract, removes toxins from the body. Strong tea, taken after meals four times a day, helps with painful colitis. For drug poisoning, you should drink a cup of green tea with sugar and milk.

Green tea acts on the walls of blood vessels, making them more elastic, preventing the appearance of blood clots. Doctors recommend tea for the prevention of heart disease, atherosclerosis. Dutch scientists have conducted a series of studies showing that people drinking four cups of green tea a day avoided a heart attack. In the initial stage of hypertension, a tea drink lowers blood pressure by 10-20 units.

Strong green tea helps with eye inflammation to relieve tension and fatigue. The benefits of angina, laryngitis, pharyngitis have been proven. With rhinitis, it is useful to rinse the sinuses with a decoction of green tea. In dentistry, tea is recommended for the prevention of caries for rinsing the mouth.

Green tea is used to prevent the formation of kidney stones, liver, activation of the spleen and liver.

Green tea: contraindications

The benefits of green tea have been proven, but they should not be abused.

  • Elderly people are not recommended due to the fact that tea can trigger negative processes in the joints. It is dangerous for rheumatoid arthritis, gout.
  • A large amount of tea has a bad effect on diseased kidneys. Tea enhances acidity, so you should not drink it with exacerbation of gastritis, stomach ulcers.
  • Due to the increasing load on the kidneys, green tea is not recommended at high temperatures.
  • A dangerous load awaits the kidneys if you combine alcohol and green tea.
  • The presence of caffeine makes green tea harmful to hypertensive patients, people who suffer from changes in blood pressure.
  • Tea is contraindicated in diseases of the thyroid gland.
  • Do not use stale and low-quality tea.
  • You should not drink tea very hot and strong, so as not to provoke a headache and not burn your internal organs.
  • Women during lactation should be careful when drinking green tea, caffeine can have an exciting effect on the baby, worsen his sleep.

The best varieties of green tea

There are hundreds of varieties of green tea. Depending on the country of growth, the time of collection, the processing process, they differ in appearance, taste and aroma. The best in the world are Chinese, Japanese, Georgian and Ceylon varieties.

Choosing the best green tea, you need to pay special attention to its brewing. Using soft water of a certain temperature, good tea will allow you to get a high-quality, tasty and healthy drink. Green tea can deliver indescribable pleasure, produce a beneficial effect, allow you to heal and rejuvenate the body. Regular tea consumption is the key to longevity, beauty and youth.

Green tea is obtained from an evergreen plant. The drink is known in China from 2700 BC. Then it was used as a medicine. In the 3rd century AD, the era of the production and processing of tea began. It has become available to both rich and poor.

Green tea is produced in factories in China, and grown in Japan, China, Malaysia and Indonesia.

The composition and calorie content of green tea

Green tea contains antioxidants, vitamins A, D, E, C, B, H and K and minerals.

The calorie content of a cup of green tea without sugar is 5-7 kcal. The drink is ideal for weight loss.

Green tea is good for heart, eye and bone health. It is drunk for weight loss and for type 2 diabetes. The benefits of green tea will appear if you drink 3 cups of drink per day.

Green tea neutralizes the effects of harmful fats, bacteria and viruses, such as staphylococcus and hepatitis B.

For bones

Green tea eliminates pain and inflammation in arthritis.

The drink strengthens bones and reduces the risk of osteoporosis.

Caffeine in green tea improves motor activity and reduces fatigue.

For the heart and blood vessels

Green tea reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke.

People who drink green tea daily have a 31% lower risk of heart disease compared to people who don’t.

The drink carries out the prevention of atherosclerosis and thrombosis. It improves blood flow and relaxes arteries.

Drinking 3 cups of green tea per day will reduce the risk of stroke by 21%.

For nerves

Green tea improves mental activity and slows brain degeneration. The drink soothes and relaxes, but at the same time increases alertness.

Theanine in tea sends a “feel good” signal to the brain, improves memory, mood and increases concentration.

Green tea is useful for treating mental disorders, including dementia. The drink prevents nerve damage and memory loss, which leads to Alzheimer's disease.

In a study presented at the International Conference on Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Diseases in 2015, those who drank green tea 1-6 days a week were less likely to suffer from depression than those who did not. In addition, researchers found that tea drinkers almost did not suffer from dementia. Polyphenols in tea are useful for the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.

For eyes

Catechins protect the body from glaucoma and eye diseases.

For the digestive tract

Green tea improves digestion and protects the liver from obesity.

For teeth and gums

The drink improves the condition of periodontal disease, reduces inflammation and inhibits the growth of bacteria in the oral cavity.

Green tea protects against bad breath.

The study found that people who consume at least 6 cups of green tea per day reduce their risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 33% than those who drink 1 cup per week.

For the kidneys and bladder

Caffeine in green tea acts as a mild diuretic.

For skin

Organic ointment with green tea extract is useful for treating warts caused by human papillomavirus. Researchers have chosen more than 500 adults with the disease. After treatment, warts disappeared in 57% of patients.

For immunity

Polyphenols in tea protect against cancer. They reduce the risk of developing breast, colon, lung, ovarian and prostate cancer.

Women who drank more than 3 cups of green tea per day reduced the risk of breast cancer recurrence, as polyphenols stop the production and spread of cancer cells, as well as the growth of blood vessels that feed the tumors. Green tea enhances the effect of chemotherapy.

Green tea fights cancer. It blocks the growth of the tumor.

Green tea replaced black tea and coffee. Without additives in the form of herbs and dried fruits, this tea is not as aromatic as its counterparts, but it has more beneficial properties. How to minimize the benefits and harms of green tea? We would like to answer this question in this article.

The features of green tea have been used for hundreds of years, but only in recent decades has the scientifically proven effectiveness of the use of green tea from various diseases. It is important to consume not only fine tea, but also to store and brew it correctly.

In the right way, tea should be brewed in a special bowl ...

What is green tea?

Green tea is the result of steaming tea leaves at a temperature of 170-180 degrees, then fermentation is possible for no longer than 2 days, which is forcibly completed by heating. In dry form, the color of green tea varies from light green to dark green. Tea itself turns a light yellow, orange or greenish color with a herbal hint and slightly tart taste. If tea has a bitter taste, then it is of poor quality, overcooked or improperly brewed.

It is safer to use top quality loose leaf tea. This is due to the fact that green tea in bags is a waste of the tea business, essentially tea dust. Even if packaged green tea is properly brewed in boiling water, it will not bring tangible health benefits.

In Asian countries, they prefer “brick” green tea made from old leaves, branches, and cutting parts. Bricks contain at least 75% green leaves, which makes this tea stand out for its tart taste and can be stored for a long time.

Composition and beneficial properties of green tea

Green tea contains:

  • vitamin K;
  • minerals (fluorine, copper, iodine, manganese, chromium, zinc and selenium);
  • natural antioxidants (polyphenols);
  • caffeine;
  • tannin (vitamin B1);
  • riboflavin (vitamin B2);
  • nicotinic acid (vitamin PP).

Vitamin C boosts immunity, helps fight viruses and avoid disease. Tannin has a beneficial effect on the digestive process, supports the stable functioning of the nervous system and has an antimicrobial effect. Vitamin B2 affects the elasticity of the skin, and B15 helps to penetrate the body into beneficial substances. Vitamin PP has an antiallergic effect. But vitamin P is especially distinguished, which affects the strengthening of blood vessels.

Iodine affects the functioning of the endocrine system, and fluoride will help to effectively fight caries in combination with other methods of treatment. Vitamin K affects blood coagulation, contributing to the formation of prothrombin in the blood. Natural antioxidants of green tea effectively remove radicals from the body, which is used for various diets and diseases. Green tea can be so useful. How to brew it and under what diseases it benefits is discussed later in this article.

The benefits of green tea

Green tea can be used to prevent various problems and diseases. Green tea benefits:

  • vision;
  • cardiovascular system;
  • cerebral vessels;
  • hypotensive, regulating blood pressure;
  • pregnant women with toxicosis, during lactation;
  • metabolic processes in the body, cleansing it of toxins;
  • digestive system;
  • nervous system;
  • the immune system;
  • teeth whitening them;
  • diuretic system;
  • with diabetes;
  • with excess weight;
  • alcoholics, reducing the effect of a hangover - although these representatives of the animal world can only benefit from getting rid of a bad habit;
  • breast and prostate gland (anti-cancer properties);
  • the body, raising the mood and relieving stress.

In general, it should be noted that among the varieties of tea, in terms of its beneficial properties, green is second only to that which retains more healing substances in the composition due to minimal processing and fermentation.

For the effective effects of green tea on the body, it should be consumed regularly, an average of 2 cups per day. But not more than 4 glasses of green tea per day. Pregnant women should alternate the use of green tea with other healthy drinks - compote, fruit drinks.

In order not to destroy the beneficial properties of green tea, it is important to know how to brew it properly. For this, it is necessary to monitor the quality of all components involved in the brewing process:

  1. Water - filtered or non-carbonated drinking, brought to a boil of 100 degrees. But it is better to brew green with slightly cooled boiling water - 80-85 degrees.
  2. Kettle for brewing - used ceramic (porcelain) dishes with thick walls, longer keeping the desired temperature. Must be with a cap on top and on the nose. Before use, it is poured with boiling water inside and out to warm up, and only then green tea is put.
  3. Tea leaves are of high quality, reliable supplier and are in the correct storage conditions. They are transferred to the kettle only with a dry and clean spoon. Before tea leaves, rinse the leaves with boiling water in a teapot, and only then pour boiling water.
  4. Brewing time - depends on the variety of green tea leaves. Leaf tea brews longer than leaf tea. The average brewing time is 10-15 minutes if tea is planned for a large number of people and tea is diluted in glasses. If it is brewed only for a family or a couple, then it is infused for no more than 5 minutes, and is not diluted in glasses.
  5. Proportions - 1 teaspoon of green tea leaves per 1 cup, about 200 ml in volume. When drinking tea for a large number of people, 1 more spoon is added above the norm.
  6. Additional components - lemon, sugar, milk. Especially popular is the addition of milk to green tea during pregnancy and lactation, this tea regulates the pressure of the pregnant woman, cleanses her body and supplies part of the necessary nutrients. The warm liquid in itself stimulates milk production, and the combination of milk with tea provides an increase in lactation.

The harm of green tea

Green tea may not bring benefits, but harm in cases of violation of storage rules or brewing method. Therefore, when buying, pay attention to the leaves, they should be a light shade. If they are broken, with a nondescript and dull color, this indicates a long shelf life. Such tea cannot be used.

When brewing, the main mistake may be getting boiled water in the tincture of tea. This will ruin the tea and may cause stomach problems. You can not drink tightly brewed tea on an empty stomach, during an exacerbation of diseases, tone and the threat of miscarriage. The time limits for brewing tea should be observed, too strong tea can cause insomnia or nervous tension.

You can not drink medicine with green tea, since it does not contribute to their absorption. Do not use stale tea leaves or the remnants of yesterday's tea in the morning. Observe the rules for its storage - in a wooden box or in a glass jar with a tightly closed lid. This may be green tea, the benefits and harms of which are discussed in this article.

Still, do not abuse the beneficial properties of green tea, drink it several hours before a meal, and not on an empty stomach in the morning. Regular consumption of properly brewed green tea will benefit both men and women. It is strongly recommended that you do not overdo the dosage and limit yourself to 1 cup of green tea per day during pregnancy or serious chronic diseases.

The popular green tea, whose benefits and harms are described below, has varieties that differ both in the varieties of leaves and the place of their collection, and in the type of preparation (semi-fermentation or its absence) and the presence of additional components (ginseng, jasmine, mint, lemon balm).

Depending on the taste preferences of a person, tea is consumed with honey, lemon, milk, mint, ginseng, jasmine, hibiscus, hot or cold. This drink is on sale in various forms - in bags or in bulk. It is widely believed among buyers that the best tea is leaf tea, and small fragments of leaves, stems and other wastes from the production of leaf tea are packaged in bags. However, this is not always true, because the quality of the product depends on the variety, additional components (jasmine, hibiscus, roses) and processing, regardless of the form in which it went on sale.


Due to its composition, tea is able to normalize blood pressure, has a positive effect on the kidneys. Green tea also contains a complex of vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of the liver.

  1. B1 (19 mg) is involved in the processing and synthesis of fats, contributes to their early dissolution and elimination of liver;
  2. B2 (1) stimulates the production of bile and accelerates its flow, not allowing harmful substances to stagnate in the body;
  3. C (250) normalizes the metabolism between liver cells by increasing vascular permeability and helps to restore organ cholecystitis, hepatitis.

The presence of catechins in the composition can affect the health of this organ and negatively. Scientists from the American College of Gastroenterologists have found that a safe dose for the liver is a daily intake of up to 500 mg of catechins for men and 450–470 mg for women. Exceeding this dosage leads to inhibition of liver function.

This is especially dangerous due to the spread of dietary supplements in which the catechin content exceeds 700 mg. Daily use of such a dosage can lead to destruction of liver tissue.

It has a beneficial effect with increased pressure (hypertension). Theophylline (3-4%) - an alkaloid that relaxes muscles and eliminates spasms, helps to dilate blood vessels by relaxing their walls and increasing the lumens through which blood flows.

As a result, blood circulation is normalized and arterial pressure decreases. A positive effect on the level of pressure affects immediately after drinking, which helps relieve the attack. With its daily use of 1-2 cups a day with hypertensive disease, the severity of the disease may decrease, and the pressure jumps will stop. Also, pressure has a positive effect of tannin, which increases vascular tone.

Caffeine causes a diuretic effect. This eliminates edema and removes excess fluid from the body. Also positively affects the kidneys, because it contributes to their “washing” of sand (if any) and resists stagnation of urine. But with abuse of this drink (drinking more than 600 ml per day) in the kidneys, the content of salts and acids can increase, which provokes the formation of stones. This is because when dehydrated, the urine becomes more concentrated and the salts contained in it accumulate and form a precipitate.

With milk

Perhaps the most useful drink for tooth enamel is green tea with tar, baguettes or brewed from leaves. Due to its high calcium content (495 mg), it effectively strengthens tooth enamel and prevents its thinning. In addition, when consumed with resin, tea does not stain your teeth (unlike black tea, the pigment of which is not always neutralized by even the grinding).

Another property that green tea bags with milk are useful for is that it has an alkaline environment (thanks to milk), which means it can neutralize the acidity of the stomach. Therefore, the obvious benefit of green tea with straw in any form is for people suffering from heartburn, gastritis, high acidity. When ingested, this drink, due to its alkaline environment, reduces the acidity of gastric juice. As a result, the severity of attacks of gastritis and heartburn decreases. To improve the taste, it can be consumed with honey, jasmine, mint, melissa and other additives.

With lemon

One of the important aspects of the benefits of green tea is its high content of vitamin C (250 mg, whereas vlimone is 40 mg, but not in black tea), which can increase the body's immunity and resistance to bacteria, viruses and infections . It is possible to significantly increase the content of this substance if you drink a drink with a limon. On average, 1 cup of tea contains about 10 mg of vitamin C. Adding one slice of lemon, which contains about 4 mg of this vitamin, allows you to increase its content in the cup to 14-15 mg. Vitamin passes into tea with proper brewing (you cannot fill tea leaves with water with a temperature above 90 degrees). The drink is also beneficial for the liver due to the content of vitamin C, which normalizes the intercellular metabolism in it.

Advice! In order to maximize the benefits of green tea for the body, it is poured not with boiling water, but with water with a temperature of 80–90 degrees and insisted for about five minutes. Caffeine from the leaves is extracted into the drink at a water temperature of 85–90 degrees. And at a higher temperature, tannins begin to be extracted into the drink, which give it bitterness.

For one cup, you need to use 1 packet or 1 teaspoon of leaves per 200-300 ml of water. After that, add lemon. It is better to sweeten such tea with honey rather than sugar, because Vitamin C is also present in the honey. To improve the taste, you can add melissa or mint to the brewing time, which in the best way reveals the taste exactly with the lemon.

With honey

Speaking about how green tea is useful for the human body, it is worth mentioning the presence of vitamin C (250 mg) in its composition. Thanks to him, the drink helps to increase the body's immunity. The content of vitamin C (0.5 mg) is also characterized by Imed. Regular consumption of a hot drink is suitable if it is necessary to strengthen immunity during epidemics of viral infections and colds.

It is equally effective regardless of whether it is added directly to the drink or consumed simultaneously with it. When adding a drink, dissolve it in an amount of at least 1 teaspoon per cup. At the same time, 1 packet or one teaspoon of leaves is used for 300 ml of water. To improve the taste, honey can be used with crumpled, lemon balm, lemon. In addition, tea with honey is used by women and men for weight loss, as it satisfies the need for sweets and gives a feeling of fullness.

With melissa

Peppermint and melissan are only able to significantly improve the taste, but also enhance the useful properties of green tea, regardless of whether it is in the package or in the form of whole leaves. In the composition and lemon balm, as well as in the composition of the tea leaves themselves, potassium is present (569, 458 and 6.4 mg, respectively). Potassium has a positive effect on the body, normalizing the work of muscles and relaxing muscles.

The benefit of green tea with lemon balm and mint is obvious for those who need to get rid of cramps and cramps. The use of one cup of such a hot drink has an antispasmodic and relaxing effect. For the preparation of one cup of the drink with mousse or mint, you need a spoonful of tea leaves and one middle branch of the plant. All this must be put in a cup and pour hot, but not boiling water. Insist 5-7 minutes.

Weight loss

Green tea with lemon, honey, jasmine is an effective way to lose weight for men and women. Tea operates in several directions:

  1. caffeine and catechin in the composition of such a drink significantly accelerate the metabolism of daily use and are responsible for faster burning of body fat and cleansing the liver of fats;
  2. catechins also make tea with honey diuretic, as a result, swelling of men and women is reduced, therefore, body weight and volume are reduced (the same property positively affects the state of the kidney level of blood pressure);
  3. polyphenols in the composition of the drink with honey contribute to increased heat transfer, as a result, more energy is consumed during body fat burning during fat burning, and weight loss is stimulated;
  4. the presence of honey reduces the need for sweets and nourishes with energy.

In order for weight loss to go actively both for men and women, tea with honey must be brewed correctly. It is necessary to fill in a teapot leaf at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 200-300 ml of water. Pour the tea leaves with water at a temperature of 80–90 degrees and allow to brew. For the morning intake - 5 minutes during this time, caffeine will have time to be extracted into the drink and this tea will give vigor for the whole day. For lunch and evening - 2-3 minutes, but no more, to reduce the excessive invigorating effect of caffeine, which can cause insomnia.

After brewing, pour tea into a glass and dissolve two tablespoons of honey in it. Use three times a day for 200 ml for women and 250 to 300 ml for men. Continue taking until the desired weight is reached. Sometimes napohudeniin drinks are drunk with resin and honey once a day in the morning, 250 ml each. The caloric content of such a portion is about 90 kcal. At the same time, it gives a rather long feeling of fullness.


Green tea, the benefits and harms of which are discussed in the material, can not be taken by everyone.

  • There is some harm to green tea when consumed in its slimon. Since organic acids are contained in vlimon, its addition significantly increases the acidity of the drink. Acids negatively affect teeth and destroy the enamel of men, women in particular, in children, since they have thinner it. However, this harm to green tea can be reduced if you rinse your mouth or brush your teeth immediately after drinking it. The best way to remove acidity is to drink milk, as its alkaline environment neutralizes acids;
  • Potential harm to green tea also exists for allergy sufferers. Although green tea is one of the most non-allergic teas, sometimes intolerance is caused by flavors and additives with which it can be enriched (ginseng, hibiscus, jasmine, rose). Rarely enough, a natural flower is used as a flavoring, for example, Jasmine, because it does not give a strong aroma, and the production of such tea is more expensive, because manufacturers replace it with a chemical analogue. It is to him that the reaction can begin. Regardless of what kind of product is purchased, in the package or leaf, it is important for allergy sufferers to find out what composition the product has in order to be sure of the absence of flavorings in it;
  • The ability to lower blood pressure explains the contraindications of green tea for hypotonic use. It can greatly dilate blood vessels, resulting in a drop in blood pressure. This can cause dizziness, weakness, drowsiness, and even fainting. If men or women are suspected of being prone to hypotension (low blood pressure), then it is better to refuse the drink;
  • The use of tar reduces the acidity of the stomach. Milk has an alkaline reaction, the same acquires tea, when milk is added to it. If it enters the stomach, the drink reduces the acidity of the gastric juice, as a result, the digestion of food deteriorates. This feature explains what harmful green tea with gastritis with low acidity is harmful;
  • The diuretic effect is non-desirable on the stones in the kidneys. Active urine flow can cause stone movement and obstruction of ducts of men and women;
  • The choleretic effect, useful for the liver, causes the displacement of stones in the ducts and gall bladder (if any). This can lead to obstruction of the ducts;
  • The catechins in the composition are able to have a negative effect on the liver;
  • The debatable question is whether green tea is harmful during pregnancy. Since it relieves swelling, it is useful for expectant mothers. However, potassium and calcium are washed out of the body with urine. But this happens in a small amount.

If there are no contraindications, the drink can be consumed by men and women in any quantity. But even with contraindications, a person can sometimes treat himself to one cup of such a drink.

  • excessive sweating;
  • weakening of the immune system, frequent colds;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • nervous state, depression;
  • headaches and migraines;
  • successive diarrhea and constipation;
  • i want sweet and sour;
  • bad breath;
  • frequent hunger;
  • problems with losing weight;
  • decreased appetite;
  • teeth grinding at night, salivation;
  • pain in the abdomen, joints, muscles;
  • cough does not go away;
  • acne on the skin.

If you have any of the symptoms or doubt the causes of the ailment, you need to clean your body as soon as possible. How to do it .

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