Rice oil: benefits and applications in cosmetology. Rice oil - useful properties and contraindications

23.08.2019 Egg Dishes

Vegetable rice oil is unique in its positive effect. It is produced during the extraction of rice bran. Often used in the cosmetics industry, it is added to a variety of hair and face care products. But cooking did not bypass oil either; many housewives use it in the preparation of salads, appetizers and wok.


Useful properties of rice oil mass. It is recommended by both cosmetologists and nutritionists. The product is very popular among those who prefer to lead a healthy lifestyle. The benefits are as follows:

  • protective effect against ultraviolet rays;
  • lack of components that can cause allergies;
  • the absorption of nutrients by the skin increases;
  • promotes the renewal of skin cells, helps to provide a rejuvenating effect on cosmetics;
  • activation of lipid metabolism;
  • lowering the level of bad cholesterol in the blood;
  • an increase in the level of good cholesterol in the blood;
  • when used for frying, it helps preserve most of the beneficial properties of other products;
  • a positive effect on hair growth;
  • natural antioxidant;
  • organizes the fight against carcinogens.

By its positive qualities, rice oil largely bypasses a number of other common vegetable oils. It will be useful not only to ladies seeking to extend their youth, but also to the cores. The product helps improve blood by lowering bad cholesterol. Studies have also shown that oil helps reduce the risk of cancer.


On rice oil beneficial properties completely cover potential negative ones. Which is practically absent: there are only recommendations for refusing dishes with his participation at the time of exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases. For the rest, you can use it without fear of poisoning or treating constipation.


There are practically no contraindications to the use of rice oil. It is hypoallergenic, can be used even for baby food. But you should refrain from taking the product for people suffering from gastrointestinal disorders for the period of exacerbation. The rest of the time you can use it without problems (but without getting carried away!).

Composition (vitamins and minerals)

As part of a lot of minerals and vitamins we need. It is saturated with beneficial acids, it contains phytosterols. Due to its composition, rice oil also pleases many with its positive properties.

You can find rice oil as part of cosmetics for both adults and children. It is soft, caring and with protective functions. And for all its useful properties it is necessary to give thanks to a rich mineral and vitamin composition.

How to cook

Rice oil in cooking has long found its place. You can fill them with salads, you get a very piquant taste. It can fry meat, vegetables or seafood, give a pleasant aroma to the finished dish. In many Asian restaurants, it is already used for cooking, the product actively displaces other vegetable oils. No wonder - Asian cuisine is often held on rice. For fast frying and preserving the properties of products, it is best suited.

Great for making snacks. Especially those that need to be stored for a while. Oil will save from quick souring. Therefore, it is also used for preparing snacks in packaging for sale, especially in Asian countries. It can be mixed with other oils, which on the contrary quickly deteriorate.

At home, with rice oil you can make not only appetizers with salads, but also masks on hair, eyebrows and eyelashes. It can strengthen and enhance the growth of your hairline. It can be mixed with various caring balms, or applied separately. Preheat a little in a water bath or in a microwave. Such a simple mask holds for a couple of hours, after which it is washed off. It is carried out in a couple of months.


Rapid oxidation is not characteristic of rice oil, but this does not mean that it can be stored somehow and for a very long time. The shelf life from the moment of production ranges from six months to one year. Keep after opening is in a cool place protected from direct sunlight.

How to choose

It is worth choosing rice oil, looking at the time of its manufacture (it is stored for 6-12 months, regardless of whether the package has already been opened or not) and the integrity of the package. It is not pretentious and easy to store, but you still need to choose only the oil that looks decent, not expired, and certainly has not been opened by anyone before you.

What is combined with

Rice oil is a diet food. It is low-calorie, therefore, it is best to cook with it dishes related to healthy or diet food. Dress vegetable salads, fry vegetables, meat or fish on it. For vegetables, it is generally a find: when frying, oil allows you to save many useful substances, which many other vegetable oils practically do not allow. It does not oxidize quickly, but the natural taste does not interrupt. To completely fall in love with him, just try!

Rice oil can be easily mixed with other vegetable oils. This will be especially true when preparing billets and snacks, because rice “preserves” another vegetable, will not allow it to quickly lose its properties and oxidize. It will not interrupt the aroma of another vegetable, it will only serve for additional protection and successful preservation.

In the vastness of our homeland, rice oil is not very popular, but is rapidly gaining momentum. The raw material has a valuable chemical composition and a fairly pleasant aroma. Such a product is obtained by pressing the cores, as well as by cold pressing. In terms of usefulness, such a product is superior to most vegetable oils.

Rice Oil Composition

  1. Rice oil is a natural source of amino acids. In addition, an abundance of tocopherol is present in the composition. Studies have shown that raw materials contain 2 rare antioxidants - tocotrienol and orinazole. Together with tocopherol, such substances inhibit the aging of the body.
  2. In addition, antioxidants showed themselves well as fighters against free radicals. A systematic intake of oil will prevent the development of cancer. After a short period of time, the blood is completely cleansed of bad cholesterol.
  3. Orinazole is contained in sufficient quantities in the rice product. Such an enzyme can also be attributed to the list of antioxidants. The substance fights free radicals in the human body. The only difference is that oryzanol is a more aggressive antioxidant and is more effective than ascorbic acid.
  4. Such an enzyme penetrates much better into cell membranes. Orizanol, getting into the liver tissue, blocks the synthesis of bad cholesterol. As a result, the weaker sex normalizes the menstrual cycle. Unpleasant consequences and symptoms disappear during menopause.
  5. The oil contains no less useful phytosterols for humans. Such enzymes do not act as antioxidants, but they bring no less benefit to the body. Studies have shown that phytosterols effectively fight bad cholesterol. Also, substances eliminate inflammatory processes of a different nature. Rice oil contains about 27 types of phytosterols.

Rice Oil Properties

  1. As mentioned earlier, oil is of great benefit to the human body. Systematic intake of the product starts all metabolic processes in the tissues and stabilizes their activity. The protective functions of the body significantly increase.
  2. This oil is recommended to be included in the daily diet, regardless of age. The raw material has an excellent wound healing effect. Fast cell regeneration is achieved due to the abundance of linolenic acid. As a result, all skin lesions are delayed several times faster.
  3. Rice oil has a good anti-inflammatory effect. In this case, the polyunsaturated fatty acids oleic and linolenic enter into action. Together, these enzymes resist inflammatory processes of various nature. The epidermis cells are strengthened, their protection is enhanced.
  4. As mentioned earlier, raw materials are considered an excellent antioxidant. The active components together create a natural barrier against toxic compounds that enter the body with various products. Oil also protects a person from the negative effects of the environment. The body clears faster from decay products.
  5. As mentioned earlier, a huge amount of phytosterols are present in the oil. Such enzymes have a powerful antitumor effect. Raw materials simply destroy atypical cells. Also, oil is allowed to be used as a means that protects against UV rays. It is enough to grind the composition and continue to go about their business in the open sun or enjoy sunbathing.

  1. Due to the valuable chemical composition, rice oil has gained wide popularity in folk medicine. Specialists often prescribe a product as an additional tool to basic medicines. Also, raw materials are used to treat external injuries and similar ailments.
  2. The healing properties of rice oil are superior to many vegetable oils due to active enzymes. Such a product is absolutely environmentally friendly and safe for humans. Beneficial effect is achieved due to its rich structure.
  3. Often, experts prescribe such an oil to combat cardiovascular pathologies, dermatological and oncological diseases. Using a product in a short period of time can significantly lower the indicator of bad cholesterol in the blood.
  4. A systematic intake of raw materials positively affects the general condition of a person. The activity of the cardiovascular and circulatory system is fully restored. Immunity is significantly strengthened. Oil inhibits the aging process and withering of the skin. In particular, the composition is recommended for women.
  5. By incorporating oil into your daily diet, you will have a positive effect on the heart muscle. Try to completely replace them with ordinary sunflower oil. Soon, the work of the cardiovascular system is getting better. It works smoothly and without failures. Blood vessels strengthen.
  6. If you are prone to the development of cardiological pathologies, such a product must be present in the daily diet without fail. The positive effect of raw materials is achieved due to the high concentration of antioxidants. Tissues are enriched with tocopherol and polyunsaturated fatty acids.
  7. Thanks to the systematic consumption of oil from rice bran, the walls of blood vessels are cleaned of cholesterol plaques. The risk of developing pathologies in the form of atherosclerosis is significantly reduced. To avoid such problems, it is enough to consume 90-100 ml. raw materials per day. You can just fill in vegetable salads with oil.
  8. The product showed itself as a good anti-cancer agent. Active enzymes effectively resist the development of various oncologies. Such substances simply destroy the harmful effects of cancer cells. Phytosterols remove carcinogens from the body.
  9. The oil cleanses tissues and cells of free radicals and toxic compounds. To prevent the development of cancerous tumors, it is enough to take 30 ml. raw materials 3 times before eating. The product also has excellent cleansing properties. Thanks to this, you can extend youth and preserve beauty.
  10. The most effective is considered to be oil from rice germ. Healing properties are almost the same, only a positive effect is achieved faster. Rejuvenation and healing of the body occurs from the inside. Cells and tissues are simply getting younger. Also, the oil protects the body from the negative effects of the environment. Bodies are quickly cleared of harmful decay products.

Rice oil in cosmetology

  1. The presented product is invaluable for the nail plate, hair and skin. Raw materials are often added to various body care products. Thanks to this, you will always look at the height and younger than your age. The skin gains an even structure, all the flaws and inflammatory processes disappear.
  2. Many women who know the valuable properties of oil include it in cosmetics. Hair masks can get rid of common problems and restore the old structure. The hair follicles are noticeably strengthened. Curls become silky and obedient.

Rice Oil Contraindications

  1. In order not to encounter the harmful effects of the composition, the daily norm should be observed, which should not exceed 100 ml. per day.
  2. When taking such an oil, the possibility of individual intolerance to rice should be taken into account.
  3. Also, do not include raw materials in the diet with a frequent problem in the form of diarrhea. Consider the presence of chronic gastrointestinal pathologies.

Raw materials have found application in various industries. The abundance of antioxidants and various acids visibly rejuvenates the tissues of the human body. The synthesis of essential substances and cells is increased. The epidermis is renewed, the skin is noticeably tightened, wrinkles and small creases come off. Cells get nutrition. The body is fully healed.

Rice oil or rice bran oil is oil obtained from the outer shell of rice grain. It is rich in polyunsaturated acids, antioxidant compounds. In the East, this oil is valued for its high heating point. It can be heated to 232 degrees and is considered one of the best oils for high-temperature cooking, such as roasting or deep-frying.

A good vegetable oil not only brings its zest to the most common foods, but also plays an important role in our health.

The general misconception about the dangers of fats and oils will generate stereotypes and healthy foods for a long time to come. Not all fatty foods only harm the human body. They are necessary for health. Fats are a component indispensable for many processes in almost all systems of our body: the brain withers without it, the liver is overworked, the skin dries, etc.

Foods rich in fats should be combined with low-fat foods. It is this balanced approach that guarantees a healthy result. Therefore, as an elementary example, you can bring an ordinary vegetable salad, which is usually seasoned with vegetable oil. Firstly, the taste becomes softer, a bunch appears, secondly, fresh vegetables are in perfect harmony with a viscous fatty liquid, and thirdly, the nutritional value and usefulness of such a dish increase significantly.

Now specifically about the oil. Rice oil is little known in our country. Rather, it is more common in Asian countries, where a cult of rice is more common than wheat or sunflower. India, China, Japan, Vietnam, Korea and other related countries consume rice bran oil both undiluted and in combination with other types of oils: mustard, peanut, etc. In relation to the base, rice oil is taken in an amount of 30-40% of the total weight of the mixture.

Rice oil composition, calories

This valuable vegetable oil has an extremely rich composition. Vitamin-mineral components affect all systems of the human body in an exceptionally positive way. Here are the main natural ingredients of rice oil:
  Vitamin K - thanks to it, human blood coagulates. If there is a shortage in the body, any open wound bleeds for a very long time, and the content of prothrombin in the blood decreases sharply.

Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant that restores cell membranes, stabilizes the work of the heart, blood vessels and gonads. A lack of vitamin E provokes frequent nervous disorders, breakdowns, depression, as well as the breakdown of red blood cells.

Phytosterols - prevent the formation and reproduction of cancer cells, minimize the amount of "bad" cholesterol in the blood.

Antioxidants - the most powerful ones are concentrated here, such as squalene, gamma oryzanol, ferulic acid. They create a barrier to cells from harmful external influences, neutralize and remove toxins, poisons, toxins. Thanks to antioxidants, the body as a whole is rejuvenated, many diseases bypass it.

Iron - forms the immune system, is responsible for the respiration of cells and normal blood formation, it is necessary for an adequate course of redox processes.

Palmitic acid - stimulates anabolism, that is, the absorption of nutrients is more active. It perfectly rejuvenates, stimulates skin regeneration, starts the synthesis of collagen and elastin.

Linolenic acid (Omega-3) - normalization of lipid balance, removal of inflammation, participation in thrombosis.

Linoleic acid (Omega-6) - retains moisture in the skin, contributes to their speedy recovery, heals wounds and cracks. Relieves inflammation, increases the speed of lipid metabolism.

Oleic acid (Omega-9) - makes the skin stronger, stronger, more elastic. Enhances the protection of all skin layers.

These properties can be manifested not only after eating rice oil with food, inside. It is also useful to use it as a cosmetic product, alone or in combination with other ingredients.

Rice oil beneficial properties

Rice bran oil is very valuable to the body. Thanks to him, natural processes are launched, the immune system is activated. Eating regularly at any age can have the following positive effects on the body:

Healing - the presence of linolenic acid in its composition accelerates the process of cell regeneration. The skin heals faster, cracks and wounds heal imperceptibly.

Anti-inflammatory - the same linolenic acid, together with oleic polyunsaturated fatty acid, effectively fights inflammatory processes, and also helps strengthen epidermal cells, thereby enhancing its natural defense.

Antioxidant - a combination of vitamins and other beneficial substances creates a natural barrier against toxins entering the body. Negative external factors, contaminated environment, food preservatives, low-quality products no longer affect the condition as a whole. Harmful substances are eliminated easier and faster, thereby minimizing the negative effects.

Anti-aging - a complex of antioxidants, vitamin E and palmitic acid stimulate the synthesis of hyaluronic acid, renew skin cells, smooth wrinkles, nourish deep layers of moisture.

Antitumor - due to the content of phytosterols, the possibility of the formation of atypical cells is sharply reduced.

Protective - can be used as a natural ultraviolet barrier. Protecting the skin from the sun, rice oil prevents burns, the development of cancer and other injuries.

Rice Oil Health Benefits

The product has found wide application in alternative medicine. Experts prescribe it as an addition to the main therapy, and it can be used both internally and externally. As for its healing properties, rice bran oil surpasses other types of oils, taking the leading place in terms of environmental friendliness, health benefits and richness of the structure.

Its regular use is indicated for patients with cardiovascular problems, dermatological diseases and oncology. With its help, you can easily lower cholesterol, restore stable hematopoietic functions, strengthen immunity. Rice oil can inhibit the withering process of the human body and prevent the formation of tumors.

The main areas of influence of the product:

Heart - by incorporating rice oil in your regular diet, completely replacing it with the usual sunflower, you can adjust the work of the heart muscle, strengthen and restore the blood vessels. If there are prerequisites, a tendency or obvious risks of a cardiological disease, you must immediately switch to this type of oil. It is useful for cores due to the high proportion of antioxidants in its composition, vitamin E and unsaturated fatty acids.

Under the influence of rice bran oil, the walls of arteries and blood vessels are cleared of "bad" cholesterol, and this in turn reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis. These and other heart problems go away if you consume an average of 3 tablespoons of oil every day, add mainly to salads.

Anticancer agent - oncological and other types of tumors under the influence of active substances cease to develop, and with proper additional intervention they disappear altogether. Phytosterols act as a shield against carcinogens entering our body, remove toxins and radicals. In order to prevent cancer, you should drink a tablespoon of rice oil three times a day with meals.

Cleansing abilities - rice germ oil will prolong youth, preserve beauty, remove all harmful substances from the body, cleanse toxins and heavy metals, which, accumulating, gradually poison our body from the inside. Cells throughout the body are actively getting younger, beauty and elasticity return to them. Rice oil is able to build effective protection against negative external influences and remove the accumulated pollution. Such abilities make rice oil useful for overweight people who want to lose weight and return to their former slender forms.

Rice oil in cosmetology

Its role is invaluable for hair, nails and skin, so rice bran oil is common as an ingredient for anti-aging creams, restoring shampoos, all kinds of caring gels, masks and serums. The skin from it becomes more elastic, elastic, smooth, inflammation and irritation disappear.

Rice oil is often used as part of hair masks or as an independent tool. It is able to wake up frozen bulbs, activate hair growth. For this, the heated fluid is massaged into the area of \u200b\u200bthe scalp. After half an hour, it is washed off with ordinary shampoo. Repeating these manipulations a couple of times a week, after one to two months, the hair will become thicker, stronger, more shiny and obedient.

The positive effect for the skin of rice oil is also very large. For example, it is good because after application it is quickly absorbed into the deep layers, without leaving a greasy shine. Chronic patients with dermatological diseases very often use rice oil, as it neutralizes irritation, relieves swelling and itching.

Rice oil is also found in the composition of baby cream, talc, oil for babies. The thing is its absolute hypoallergenicity and instant absorption. Thanks to this component, the rest of the ingredients will begin to act faster, and the delicate baby skin will not know what irritation is.

Cooking Rice Oil

Linolenic acid contained in any oil contributes to the rapid oxidation of the product, which can not be said about rice. An extract from rice bran contains it the least, it is this fact that makes it a valuable component for culinary experts around the world.

It can be fried on it, because the combustion temperature is fixed at 232C.

Thus, rice oil can replace our essential sunflower oil. Any dish with it will have the usual traditional taste without extraneous notes and will bring only benefits, and at times exceed the effect of our usual vegetable oil.

Fragrant rice bran oil has a pleasant taste, it can add piquancy and nobleness to any dish. The natural product looks bright with an amber hue. The unrefined version of rice oil is best used in salads, and the refined version for heat treatment.

Rice oil does not form foam, does not smoke and does not burn, therefore it is an optimal basis for frying, stewing, baking vegetables and meat.

You can bake with it, flour products go well with it. It is literally created for fresh vegetable dishes, a variety of sauces, dressings. Oddly enough, rice oil is also suitable for deep-frying, and it is the best possible way. The thing is that it will never smoke the kitchen, as it is extremely resistant to high temperatures.

Rice oil contraindications

No matter how positive the product is, in any case, with its improper use or a strong overdose, side effects are possible, sometimes even very serious. The optimal amount would be 3-5 tablespoons of rice oil per day, but not more than 100 g. The factor most important here is that it contains a small amount of arsenic compounds. The abundance of omega-6 acids is also a limiting factor for uncontrolled ingestion of oil.

Individual intolerance to rice;

Prolonged diarrhea;

Chronic diseases of the digestive system.

The harm of rice oil is not so noticeable and global to refuse it. In fact, the benefits of this product outshine any side effects that are negligible.

Have you noticed what beautiful skin Japanese women have? Tender, smooth, young. The secret is simple - rice oil. Everyone knows that rice replaces bread for the peoples of Asia. After all, it is very nutritious and so rich in nutrients. In Europe, this product was introduced at the beginning of the 18th century by French merchants, but it immediately won the local cuisine. Now scientists know exactly what properties rice has, not only gastronomic, but also cosmetic.

Japanese women have long known how beneficial rice bran oil is. It smooths the skin, whitens it, tightens the oval of the face and maintains youth. The fatty acids contained in this product make it the number one remedy for dry and brittle hair, and also prevent early gray hair and hair loss. Vitamins A and E promote bonding of split ends. Rice tender oil is also a natural antioxidant.

Healing properties of the product

Rice oil is recommended for dry skin prone to early wilting. It smoothes wrinkles, makes the epidermis supple, and improves tone. Rice bran oil does not clog pores. It is easily and very quickly absorbed. For dried skin, rice healing oil will be the best nourishing, emollient and moisturizer.

Possessing regenerative properties, it contributes to the renewal of the epidermis, the prevention of early age-related changes, returns freshness and youth to the face. Light and hypoallergenic rice oil is suitable even for moody skin around the eyes. Summing up, we can distinguish the following useful properties that this substance possesses:

  • slowing down early aging;
  • acceleration of regeneration processes;
  • excellent anti-inflammatory agent;
  • increase skin elasticity;
  • protection from the negative effects of sunlight;
  • stimulation of hair growth;
  • delicate.

You can use this vegetable oil in different ways, each time it will show its properties. Apply a clean substance to the face instead of a cream. Add it to any self-made cosmetics, as well as other special formulations. With a warm extract, you can cleanse your skin from makeup in the evening. If you want to try rice oil at home, we offer you some useful compounds.

The best beauty recipes

The best cosmetics is the one that you have prepared with your own hands, using the properties of gifts of nature. By experimenting and trying different compounds, you help your skin maintain freshness and attractiveness. Essential extracts will become not only a means, but also a wonderful aromatherapy. For example, bergamot oil neutralizes aggression and helps to achieve success in creativity, lavender soothes and gives new strength, contributes to a pleasant and easy sleep, a rose encourages good luck. Patchouli has the ability to attract positive energy and is a natural aphrodisiac.

Knowing these basic nuances will help you not only take care of your skin, but also influence your own mood. It is so nice to feel like a perfumer, creating a unique and pleasant aroma.

  1. If you use rice bran oil for massage, then it is superfluous to dilute it with peach seed extract and apply to the body.
  2. Your hair will thank you for the gentle mask. Combine rice oil in a volume of 10 ml with a glass of kefir and yolk. Heat the mixture slightly above body temperature and apply to hair. Wrap your head in polyethylene and a towel, rinse off after an hour.
  3. In winter, the skin of the hands undergoes many tests, but an interesting composition will protect them from dryness and peeling. Combine rice bran oil with aloe and walnut extracts by adding a couple drops of lavender and bergamot ester. Then rub thoroughly into the skin of the hands, paying attention to the cuticle and nails. This composition not only nourishes and moisturizes, but also gives a sunny mood with its pleasant aroma. In addition, this tool shows wonderful antiseptic properties.
  4. To keep your nails clean, strong and shiny, rub clean rice oil daily into the horn plate.
  5. Tired of a boring night cream? Treat yourself to a nutritious mixture. You will need 20 ml of rice healing oil, 10 ml of cocoa and jojoba extracts. For more flavor, add a little ester of rose, patchouli or peppermint.
  6. You can also take a bath with rice bran or butter from them. Place a bag of dry matter in hot water or pour liquid extract. Additional rinsing is not necessary, just enjoy the matte, delicate and soft skin.
  7. To give it freshness, use rice oil. Add to it the useful ethereal extracts of sandalwood, rose and mint or orange in a volume of 1 ml. This mask tones well.
  8. If inflammation appears on your skin, apply a simple composition to them. Rice bran oil - 15 ml, 20 ml of warmed shea butter and 10 ml of amaranth with a drop of clove ether. With daily application, the inflammation will quickly disappear.
  9. Nutritious beneficial effect on all layers of the epidermis. Add banana puree with oatmeal, pour in 5 ml rice oil and hazelnut extract. After half an hour, rinse off the mask with warm water. Banana cleanses, nourishes, rejuvenates and gives the skin a gentle pleasant aroma.
  10. Did you get an orange peel? It doesn’t matter, a miraculous scrub will help you get rid of it. Combine 60 g of finely ground sea salt and rice oil in a volume of 15 ml, add 5 drops of rosemary and black pepper esters to the mixture. Apply to a damp body after a shower. Rinse without soap with cool water and allow the body to dry naturally. Such a scrub improves skin condition and stimulates blood circulation, and also maintains a silhouette.
  11. If you spend a lot of time under the sun without protection, your skin will not thank you. Use a light body balm. You will need rice healing oil, squeezed shea, sesame and avocado, mixed in equal proportions. For flavor add a little lavender ester. Apply the mixture 40 minutes before going outside.

Rice oil is an excellent face, hair and body care product. It works real miracles. Moisturizes and nourishes, tones, fights age-related changes, corrects the figure, restores curls. That is, does everything so that you can feel your beauty. It is it that will give a healthy radiance to your skin, give it softness and elasticity, preserve youth. In conclusion, we suggest you watch a video about other Japanese beauty secrets.

Rice oil or rice bran oil is a relatively young product in our country. I can’t say that little is known. But not common, that's for sure. It is still not possible to buy it freely everywhere. But I bought at my supermarket and at a price, in general, quite acceptable.

The first time I learned about rice oil was when I became interested in soap making. I wanted to order it on the Internet, but the price was “biting”. So my recipes with this oil remained so far in the notes. I used the oil I used in cooking and once made a mask. I admit, it was a pity to spend on soap. I thought I would buy more ... and did not have time. Dismantled! So what is this oil and how will it be useful, first of all, for our health.

Rice oil, as a food product, we still have little advertised. Not many people know about its benefits. Bypassed and advertising this unique food product. Perhaps because there are not so many manufacturers of this oil. Although my oil is a domestic product. The Internet is mainly sold from Asian countries abroad. The main producers are China, Bangladesh, Japan, India. This is not surprising. Rice countries. We have fewer rice fields.

The benefits of rice oil

Rice oil deserves attention. It is a good source of vitamins, antioxidants, essential fatty acids and amino acids. It lowers cholesterol, strengthens the immune system, helps prevent cancer, improve skin condition. Useful oil for weight loss, for women during menopause.

As an oil rich in antioxidants, it has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

Rice oil, in comparison with other popular vegetable oils, has more advantages for our body. After all, the rice from which this oil is obtained is one of the most common and popular food products.

Rice oil is obtained from the inner rice shell by pressing. All its benefits are provided by a balanced unique composition.

Rice Oil Composition

The main feature of rice oil is a unique combination of fatty acids, vitamins and minerals.

The oil contains vitamins E, A, PP, vitamins of group B.

Rice oil contains omega-9 fatty acids (oleic acid), omega-6 (linoleic acid), omega-3 (linolenic acid) fatty acids.

Saturated fatty acids are represented by palmitic and stearic acids. Moreover, in percentage terms, rice oil has an ideal composition of unsaturated and saturated oils, which is most beneficial for health. In this regard, it is closer to corn oil.

The antioxidant complex is represented by three antioxidants: vitamin E (tocopherol), tocotrienol and oryzanol. These natural antioxidants help fight free radicals, which are the main cause of uncontrolled growth of cancer cells.

Orizanol is a powerful antioxidant found only in rice bran oil. It is more active than vitamin E in the fight against free radicals. It more effectively lowers blood cholesterol, reduces the synthesis of cholesterol in the liver, for the treatment of menopausal disorders.

Many pharmaceutical companies are now switching to vitamin production from rice oil, and not from wheat germ.

Another unique substance in rice oil is squalene. It is he who provides the love of many cosmetologists in the world.

In addition, 27 different phytosterones, which are nutrients, are present in the oil. Providing many benefits to human health. They lower cholesterol, provide anti-inflammatory effects, inhibit the growth of cancer cells, improve the immune system and many more benefits to our health.

Useful properties of rice oil

Rice oil is a rich source of vitamin E and a whole complex of antioxidants, other vitamins and minerals that help fight free radicals and the effects of aging on the body.

Rice oil has the best balance of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids in accordance with the recommendations of WHO cardiologists, which helps prevent many cardiovascular diseases associated with high levels of bad cholesterol.

Rice bran oil is a natural source of vital antioxidants such as tocopherol, tocotrienol, gamma oryzanol, phytosterols, polyphenols, and squalene.

Rice oil is great for frying, as it has a high “smoke point”. It can be used in deep fat fryers instead of oils containing trans fats. At the same time, less oil is absorbed into the products, which leads to lower calories and also lower oil consumption.

The oil is hypoallergenic. Therefore, it will be useful to those who are allergic to other oils.

Due to its high content of antioxidants, the oil has a longer shelf life. I had a bottle written for one year and it stood in my kitchen table.

The healing properties of rice oil

Talking about the healing properties of the oil is probably not entirely correct. Nevertheless, it is primarily a food product. But our health is directly related to what we eat, drink and breathe. Therefore, the use, or rather the inclusion of this oil in your diet, will lead to better health and well-being.

We have rice oil a new product. I have not found any studies of oil in terms of health. But here on foreign sites, where this oil is as common as sunflower oil for us, there are such studies.

In these countries, rice oil is widely used in nutrition and, of course, studies have been conducted from the point of pharmacological action on the human body.

So it was noted that the use of rice oil more effectively helps to reduce the level of bad cholesterol in blood plasma than oils with the same content of linoleic acid. Scientists explain this by the presence of gamma oryzanol in the oil.

A positive effect of the oil on reducing the manifestations of menopause in those women who regularly included rice oil in their menu was noted. Irritability and hot flashes decreased.

The presence of oryzanol and squalene in the oil, their pharmacological action attract especially Japanese scientists. As studies have shown, these substances, in combination with other components of the oil, can help in healing ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, with irritable bowel syndrome.

With regular use of rice oil, the level of bad cholesterol decreases and the proportion of good cholesterol rises. This in turn reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Rice Oil Harm

Still, scientists have found harm in rice oil. So what is the harm of rice oil?

Firstly, in the bran of rice themselves from which they make this oil. It turns out bran itself with a potentially high content of arsenic. Therefore, it should be balanced approach to the manufacturer. After all, oil is extracted in a cold way, which means that it must undergo additional purification from this element.

Do they do it? As I wrote above, I practically did not find anything about the technology for the production of rice oil. Perhaps this is a production secret.

Secondly, omega-6 and omega-3. Rather, their ratio. In rice oil, it is 15: 1. And according to scientists, this ratio should be 1: 1, i.e. linoleic and linolenic fatty acids must be present in the oil in the same amount. And in rice oil, linolenic acid (Omega-3) is practically absent.

To make up for this difference, you need to take Omega-3 in addition. And if this is not, then consuming rice oil on an ongoing basis, according to scientists, is harmful.

What is the reason for this. Excessive consumption of omega-6 polyunsaturated acids, which are found in other vegetable oils, can increase the likelihood of developing breast and prostate cancer.

Why? Omega-6 and Omega-3 are responsible for the metabolism of the same enzymes. This imbalance can create health problems. In addition to the above, it can lead to a risk of developing diabetes, arthritis, skin diseases and even stroke. In this regard, rice costs little next to sunflower, rapeseed, and corn oil.

The good news is that research is ongoing. And believe it or not, decide for yourself.

Thirdly, rice oil can be made from genetically modified rice. True, I have not heard of such rice. Perhaps it is not there yet, but it will be tomorrow, a matter of time. There are many supporters of genetically modified foods.

So, we can conclude: everything should have a norm and rationality.

The use of rice oil

Rice oil is used in cooking and traditionally in Asian countries. This oil is resistant to high temperatures and is used for frying, adding to other vegetable oils.

Rice oil is used in cosmetology, where the main advantage is the high content of vitamin E and the presence of squalene.

Since the oil is resistant to rancidity, it is in demand among soap makers and cremovars.

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