Rice oil is a good. Rice oil

23.08.2019 Restaurant notes

It is made from rice bran and rice germ grains. In composition, this oil, which has simply unique healing properties, is similar to corn. This product is rich in vitamins, fatty acids, antioxidants, which makes it an excellent means of supporting health.

Rice bran oil has a yellow color and a natural light aroma. Despite the fact that this oil is not as well known as, for example, olive or sesame oil, it is widely used for medicinal purposes, cooking and cosmetology. Usually it is used as part of mixtures, but not more than 40%.

Many research centers have studied the healing properties of rice oil. However, it is most popular in India, Japan and other Asian countries. In Japan alone, about 80,000 tons of this product are sold every year. Rice oil is extracted from a thin brown layer, which is located between the protective film of grain and the nucleolus. The supply of substances in this layer is simply amazing, it's just a vitamin bomb that helps with many diseases.

Most of all, the attention of scientists around the world is attracted by the unusual combination of squalene, gamma-oryzanol, vitamin E and fatty acids. Thanks to this combination, rice bran oil is an excellent antioxidant. Perhaps this oil in the future will form the basis of one of the medicines to combat tumors.

How to choose

It is worth choosing a product made by cold pressing. The color of the oil should be yellow, and the aroma should be light.

How to store

Essential oil cannot oxidize quickly. Depending on storage conditions and the degree of refining, its shelf life is from six months to a year. After opening the bottle, it is recommended to store the product in a cool place.

In cooking

This oil is often added to salads. It is able to give the dish a pleasant piquant aroma and taste. In addition, it is suitable for frying. Meat fried in rice oil or vegetables stewed on it acquire an unusual smell.

Asian restaurants often use this oil. It is often used for frying seafood, meat and vegetables in the way " sty fry". Compared to other oils, it is more resistant to high temperature. Therefore, rice oil retains most of the nutrients in the processing of dishes.

Among other things, rice oil is a dietary product, because it contains less fat and calories compared to other oils. A small amount of linolenic acid does not allow it to oxidize quickly, which can be considered a big plus in cooking.

Calorie content

The oil is quite high in calories - 857 kcal. Therefore, it is not worth consuming it in large quantities, but adding to the diet in moderate doses will only be useful.

Useful properties of rice bran oil

Composition and availability of nutrients

This oil is very rich in vitamins E, A, PP and B. Moreover, most of it belongs to vitamin E, known as the vitamin of youth. Like many other natural oils, this product contains many fatty acids. It has about 46% Omega-9, about 36% Omega-6 and 1% Omega-3. Among saturated acids in oil there are stearic and palmitic. This composition favorably affects the level of cholesterol, and due to the abundance of vitamin E, this oil also becomes a powerful antioxidant.

After all, it contains gamma-oryzonol, tocotrienol, squalene and tocopherol. These substances are excellent antioxidants that fight free radicals, protecting against their destructive effects, preventing the development of many ailments and prolonging youth.

In addition, phytosterols are part of the oil. They fight against carcinogens and have a beneficial effect on the skin, strengthening cell membranes, normalizing water balance, increasing the regenerative properties of the skin during burns and wounds, and providing an anti-inflammatory effect.

Useful and healing properties

Due to the beneficial properties of rice bran oil, it is actively used in cosmetology and medicine. This is an excellent dietary product that should be consumed by everyone who is trying to take care of their health.

Rice bran oil can help to cleanse toxic substances. The contained vitamin E is able to actively combat the activity of free radicals.

Studies confirm that continued use of rice oil can reduce cancer risks. Scientists attribute this effect to the content of TRF, which provides protection against toxins and free radicals.

Due to its gamma-oryzanol content, the oil is an excellent UV-protective agent. The thing is that this substance provokes the production of tyrosinase, which prevents the penetration of the sun's rays into the skin and the pigmentation process melanin. For this reason, rice oil is often used in the production of a variety of sunscreens and other cosmetics. In addition, the excellent hypoallergenic properties of this product play an important role. Rice oil can be used by everyone, including young children.

Thanks to the same gamma-oryzanol in rice oil, a positive effect can be noted for peptic ulcer, irritable bowel syndrome, as well as gastritis, signs of menopause and high cholesterol. It helps to significantly reduce bad cholesterol and increase good.

Also, the properties of rice oil are determined in many respects by the content of various fatty acids. So, it contains about a quarter of palmitic acid, which has a beneficial effect on the skin. This acid increases the ability of the upper layer of the epidermis to absorb all kinds of useful substances, and also activates the synthesis of collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid, which leads to the speedy renewal of skin cells, its strengthening and rejuvenation.

A lot of oleic acid in the oil is about 50%. It helps to activate lipid metabolism, retain moisture in the skin and restore the barrier functions of the epidermis. Oleic acid can increase the absorption of other substances by the skin. Also, this oil contains a large amount of linoleic acid, which has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect, having a positive effect on certain skin diseases. In addition, it helps to restore the barrier function of the epidermis, activate lipid metabolism, strengthen the structure of the epidermis, and retain moisture in the skin. It also helps to restore normal water balance in all layers of the epidermis, being an excellent UV filter.

Use in cosmetology

The most widely used rice bran oil has gained in cosmetology. It is noted that it perfectly affects hair growth. For this reason, it is often used in the manufacture of products necessary for the care of eyelashes and eyebrows. Also, such cosmetics can have an anti-inflammatory effect. For thin and damaged hair, hair masks with the addition of rice oil can be made at home.

For those who often use hot styling products, the restoring power of rice oil is simply necessary. Vitamin E in it “seals” the damaged ends of the hair and prevents them from losing nutrients.

For weak thin hair, a spoonful of rice oil is mixed with yolk and three tablespoons of mayonnaise, and heated in a water bath. This mass is applied warmly to the skin and hair, after which you need to warm your head and wash it after an hour, as always.

It is known that beautiful cosmetics are produced in Asia that have a rejuvenating effect. Often it contains rice bran oil, because due to the content of antioxidants, fatty acids and vitamin E, which improve skin elasticity, this product is an excellent anti-aging agent.

When preparing this or that dish, we often focus only on its ingredients or method of preparation. Have you ever wondered how important that fact is on what exactly we cook: fry, stew, or on the basis of which we season, for example, salads, make sauces? We are talking about vegetable oils and their variety.

Among the most useful oils of plant origin, such as sesame oil, corn, sunflower, olives or grape seed oil, rice oil is not the last. This oil in the east is also called "health oil", because it is famous for its abundance of useful substances that make up its composition.

Rice oil, or rice bran oil, came to us from Asia, the modern territory of Thailand and Vietnam can safely be considered its homeland. Today, rice bran oil is perceived as part of the national culture of Asian countries, symbolizing wealth and fertility.

If we get to the point, then rice bran is a secondary raw material, it is a kind of waste generated during the processing of rice grains. Rice bran is the so-called shell, as well as the crushed parts of the grains of the cereal and pericarp of the plant itself. They are widely used both in human diets and as animal feed.

The rice bran oil itself is a pleasant yellow tint with a natural unobtrusive taste. High-quality unrefined rice oil should be viscous and thick in consistency. Despite the fact that this product is not so widely distributed in our latitudes, it is highly valued in cooking, in cosmetology, and even in medicine.

Rice oil: benefits and harms

Rice oil, whose beneficial properties and contraindications are due to its composition, is rich in vitamins, enzymes, fatty acids and antioxidants. This product has long attracted attention due to its beneficial effects on the human body.

The beneficial effect of rice oil on the human body is enormous. Here are some examples:

  1. Protects from the harmful effects of UV rays.
  2. It has a hypoallergenic property, does not cause allergies, even in small children.
  3. Promotes the regeneration of skin cells, strengthens it and has a rejuvenating effect.
  4. Improves elasticity, moisturizes and nourishes the skin.
  5. Strengthens hair.
  6. It has a stimulating effect on the root system of the hair.
  7. Great natural antioxidant.
  8. Enhances blood flow.
  9. Reduces blood cholesterol.
  10. Counteracts the already accumulated free radicals in the body.
  11. Prevents the formation of blockages in the vessels.
  12. It is a prophylactic in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, as well as cancerous tumors.
  13. It has anti-inflammatory effect.
  14. It has a positive effect on peptic ulcer and irritable bowel syndrome.
  15. Struggles with painful symptoms in women during menopause.

Rice oil can be harmful only when used during an exacerbation of an ulcer or diarrhea. Such an oil has practically no contraindications, only an individual intolerance to the body can serve as an exception.

Sometimes you can hear two concepts: rice bran oil and rice germ oil. The only difference is that the latter contains the maximum concentration of useful substances, so its purpose is mainly for oral use and cosmetology.

The use of rice oil in cooking

Rice oil is usually used as the basis for frying, dressing salads or baking. In the kitchen, 3 of its properties are extremely important:

  • it is a low-calorie product;
  • withstands temperatures up to 254 degrees;
  • ability to not oxidize quickly.

In the process of frying, rice oil practically does not leave a stable burning, emits less smoke, thus minimizing the breakdown of fatty acids, which many relatives of our product can envy. In addition, when cooking with such oil, the dishes do not come out so fatty, acquiring a pleasant natural aroma and taste. Due to its ability to withstand high temperatures, cooked dishes retain a significant share of their beneficial properties, which is very important for prolonged frying.

Rice bran oil is perfect for “preserving” other vegetable oils that tend to deteriorate quickly, for this it is enough to add only a small amount of it.

Of the clearly visible advantages of rice oil, of course, there is one understandable drawback: the cost of such high-quality oil is quite high. As a rule, its price can be three times higher than the price of olive oil. However, here it is worth noting a very important nuance: the consumption of rice oil is much less, in addition, it is easily and for a long time stored. Therefore, we advise you to more actively use rice oil in your kitchen.

This product is incredibly popular in Asian countries, and in terms of its useful properties it is not inferior, and in a sense even surpasses other vegetable oils. That is why rice oil is included in our daily life, occupying an honorable place in medicine, cooking and cosmetology.

Such a valuable product is obtained from the brown layer of rice grains, which is located between the protective film of the core. This layer contains a huge amount of nutrients. The layer is distinguished by a golden yellow hue and a characteristic plant smell. Rice oil is obtained by pressing and cold pressing kernels. In more detail about the benefits of this product, as well as contraindications for use, we will discuss further.

Useful properties of rice oil

As part of this plant product, vitamins of different groups were found - A, B, E. PP, as well as omega 3,6 and 9 acids, phytosterols, tocopherol and many other useful substances. At the same time, modern scientists do not tire of constantly exploring rice oil and sharing new discoveries with us. The use of this plant product for the heart has recently been proven. Now research is being conducted on how it helps fight cancer.

Rice oil has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, regenerating, immunomodulating properties. Antioxidants help protect the body from many diseases, and phytosterols stimulate the process of cell renewal, helping to heal wounds. Rice bran oil contains a special substance - gamma-orinazole, which helps in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, ulcers and gastritis. It also helps lower blood cholesterol. Moreover, one of the advantages of this product is that it does not cause allergies, even in young children.

Modern cosmetologists do sing odes to rice oil. Its anti-aging, regenerating and skin-strengthening properties allow the product to be used on virtually every part of the body. Rice oil helps to eliminate the first age-related manifestations and produces a rejuvenating, tonic, tightening effect on the skin. The fatty acids included in its composition stimulate the production of elastin and collagen, which are necessary for the skin of the face and body. Due to this, the skin is smoothed, the elasticity and firmness of the skin increases, moreover, moisture is stored in it.

For facial skin care, this cosmetic product can be used both in pure form or in a mixture with essential oils. It is suitable for any type of skin. It can also be used to repair damaged hair and split ends. It is also suitable for eyebrow or eyelash care.

The regenerating properties of rice oil can get rid of scars after acne or chickenpox. If you carefully study expensive cosmetics, you can definitely find rice oil in their composition.

As for cooking, here this product is used both as a salad dressing and for preparing fried dishes. Rice oil is low-calorie, practically does not lose its properties during heat treatment and does not oxidize. In addition, it does not interrupt the taste of vegetables, meat and seafood, but gives them a pleasant unusual taste. Japanese residents cook mainly on this herbal product. Maybe that's why they live so long?

Rice Oil Harm

Due to its hypoallergenicity, the considered plant product has practically no contraindications. However, during an exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcers, gastritis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis), it is better to refuse to use rice oil.

Despite the fact that this plant product exceeds the cost of other popular oils by almost three times, its consumption is much lower than that of its relatives. In addition, rice oil is stored throughout the year.

That's all we wanted to tell you about Asians' favorite plant product. If you want to join the number of centenarians, then you should definitely use rice oil in everyday life.

A few years ago, rice oil, whose beneficial properties are in no way inferior to olive, corn or sesame seeds, was popular exclusively on the Asian continent. But today it is quite widely used in domestic culinary, medicine and even cosmetology. After reading this article, you will understand how this product is so useful.

A few words about production technology

It should be understood that to make vegetable oil (rice) at home is almost unrealistic. This unique product with a subtle characteristic aroma is a yellowish oily liquid. It is not obtained from the cereal itself, but from bran, which is peeled off before packaging. During the production process, a golden yellow layer located between the protective film of the core is pressed and cold pressed.

What is included in rice oil?

This valuable product is considered one of the best sources of many beneficial substances, including vitamins A, E, B and PP. By analogy with other vegetable oils, it is rich in fatty acids such as oleic (about 46%), linoleic (about 36%) and linolenic (not more than 1%). In addition, it contains a sufficient amount of squalene, tocopherol, gamma-oryzonol and tocotrienol. All these substances are considered good antioxidants that protect the human body from the harmful effects of free radicals.

In addition, rice oil, whose properties are due to the high stearin content and has a beneficial effect on blood cholesterol. And the anti-inflammatory effect is explained by the presence of phytosterols in the composition of this product. These substances not only fight against carcinogens, but also help to increase the regenerative properties of the skin, normalize water balance and strengthen cell membranes. It is also important that in the composition of this product there are no impurities that could cause an allergic reaction.

Rice oil: useful properties and contraindications

This product has a unique composition that distinguishes it against the background of other vegetable oils. It is recommended for people suffering from various skin, oncological and cardiovascular diseases. It prevents the development of benign and malignant neoplasms, slows the intense aging of the skin, lowers cholesterol, restores blood circulation and strengthens the immune system.

Today, an increasing number of people consume rice oil. Contraindications to the use of this unusually valuable product are limited to individual intolerance. Also, it should not be added to the diet of people who have problems with the digestive tract. In other words, it cannot be used during exacerbation of pancreatitis, cholecystitis, gastritis and peptic ulcer.

How is it used in cooking?

High-quality rice oil, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which are described just above, has a thick viscous consistency. It can significantly improve the taste of pastries and salads. Due to the fact that after it does not remain stable burning, it is actively used for frying meat.

Among other things, it is considered a dietary product. Calorie content of rice oil is only 884 cal / 100 grams.

Use in medicine

Due to the unique properties of this product, it is actively and fairly successfully used to treat many diseases. So, rice oil has an immunomodulating, regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect. But one of its main advantages is hypoallergenicity.

Oil made from rice bran helps to eliminate toxins. Vitamin E, which is part of it, inhibits the activity of free radicals, and fatty acids are beneficial for the cardiovascular system.

Application in cosmetology

In this area, the protective, strengthening, regenerating and anti-aging properties of rice oil are especially appreciated. The first cosmetic power of this product was appreciated by Japanese women. They are well aware of the smoothing and whitening effect of rice oil. In addition, from this product you can make homemade hygienic soap that is best suited for facial skin care.

Pure rice oil can be used not only as an independent cosmetic product. It is often added to masks and night creams. It is perfectly absorbed into the skin without leaving the slightest sign of oily sheen.

This product is successfully used not only for face care, but also for hands. To strengthen the nail plate, it is enough to carefully massage it with a cotton swab dipped in oil made from rice bran.

This product is also actively used to restore the beauty and shine of hair. In order to restore curls to their former health, it is enough to regularly apply a mask on them made from one egg yolk, two tablespoons of mayonnaise and one tablespoon of rice oil. The resulting mixture is applied to the hair, which is wrapped in a towel for greater effect. After an hour, the mask is washed off with warm water and ordinary shampoo.

Beauty recipes using rice oil

As already mentioned above, this product is part of all kinds of cosmetics. Those who do not have the opportunity to buy expensive caring masks and creams, you can cook them yourself. To date, there are many home recipes in which rice oil appears.

For massage, the product prepared on the basis of this product with the addition of peach seed extract is the best suited.

For weak hair, you can apply a gentle caring mask. To prepare it, you need to add one egg yolk to a mixture of 10 ml of rice oil and 200 ml of kefir. The resulting mass should be heated to 37-38 degrees and applied to curls. To obtain the maximum possible effect, it is recommended to wrap the head with polyethylene and wrap a towel. Hold the mask for at least an hour. After this time, you need to wash your hair with warm water and ordinary shampoo, suitable for your hair type.

Owners of dry and constantly flaky skin of the hands can be recommended to lubricate it with a rather unusual product, consisting of rice bran oil, walnut extract and aloe. To this interesting composition, you can add only a few drops of lavender and bergamot oil. The finished mixture must be thoroughly rubbed into the skin of the hands, not forgetting about the nails and cuticle. This tool has an antiseptic, nourishing and moisturizing effect. Those who wish to maintain the strength and beauty of the nails can be advised to rub pure rice bran oil into them daily for several weeks.

An excellent alternative to the purchased night cream will be a hand-made mixture consisting of 20 ml of rice oil, 10 ml of jojoba extract and cocoa. To give the product a pleasant aroma, you can add a few drops of pink or mint ether to it.

Rice oil: reviews

Those who have already managed to evaluate this useful product are convinced of its beneficial properties. Many housewives have successfully replaced them with ordinary vegetable oil. And women who add it to the composition of home cosmetics, claim that it not only tones, nourishes and moisturizes the skin, but also tightens the oval of the face. Many ladies claim that a body scrub based on rice bran oil allows you to get rid of cellulite, stimulates blood circulation and significantly improves the condition of the skin.

Rice oil. Composition, properties, benefits and applications of rice bran oil

Rice oil is obtained from rice bran and germ of rice grains. This is a wonderful vegetable oil, which has unique healing properties. The composition of rice oil is similar to corn, it is rich in vitamins, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants, which makes it an excellent tool to save our health. It has a yellow color and a light natural aroma. Despite the fact that rice oil is less known than, for example, olive, sesame or jojoba oil, it is widely used in cooking, medicine and cosmetology. Usually it is used as part of mixtures in an amount of not more than 40%.

Rice Oil Composition

Rice oil is rich in vitamins A, E, PP and B vitamins. Moreover, most of it is vitamin E, also known as the vitamin of youth. Like many other natural oils, rice bran oil contains a lot of fatty acids. It contains about 46% oleic (Omega-9), about 36% linoleic (Omega-6) and about 1% linolenic (Omega-3) acids. Among the saturated fatty acids in rice oil are palmitic and stearic acids. This composition has a beneficial effect on blood cholesterol, and due to the abundance of vitamin E, it also becomes a powerful antioxidant. Rice oil also contains tocotrienol, gamma oryzonol, tocopherol and squalene. These substances are excellent antioxidants that fight free radicals, protecting health from their damaging effects, prolonging youth and preventing the development of many diseases.

Rice oil also contains phytosterols. These substances fight against carcinogens and have a beneficial effect on the skin - they strengthen cell membranes, normalize water balance, increase the regenerative properties of the skin in wounds and burns, and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Useful properties of rice bran oil

The beneficial properties of rice oil can be discussed for a long time. Thanks to them, it is actively used in medicine and cosmetology. Its healing properties have been the subject of research by WHO and the American Association of Cardiology. Studies have shown that this is an excellent dietary product that should be eaten by everyone who cares about their health. This is a low-calorie product that contains a huge amount of vitamins, acids and antioxidants.

Due to the gamma-oryzanol content in this oil, it is an excellent protective agent against UV rays. The fact is that gamma oryzanol provokes the production of the tyrosinase enzyme, which in turn prevents the penetration of sunlight into the skin layers and the process of pigmentation of melanin. Therefore, rice oil is often used in the manufacture of sunscreens and other cosmetics. Also important are its hypoallergenic properties. Everyone can use rice oil, including young children.

Also, the beneficial properties of rice oil are largely determined by the content of various fatty acids in it. So, it contains about 25% palmitic acid, which has a beneficial effect on the skin. It increases the ability of the upper layers of the epidermis to absorb beneficial substances, activates the synthesis of elastin, collagen, hyaluronic acid, which leads to the rapid renewal of skin cells, its strengthening and rejuvenation.

There is a lot of oleic acid rice bran oil - about 50%. It helps to enhance lipid metabolism, retain moisture in the skin and restore the barrier functions of the epidermis. Oleic acid increases the absorption of other substances by the skin. Rice oil also contains approximately 47% linoleic acid. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, having a positive effect on some skin diseases. It also contributes to the restoration of the barrier function of the epidermis, the activation of lipid metabolism, the fastening of the epidermis structure, and the retention of moisture in the skin. It helps to restore normal water balance in all layers of the epidermis, is an excellent UV filter.

Due to the content of gamma-oryzanol in rice oil, this natural substance has a positive effect on gastritis, peptic ulcer, irritable bowel syndrome, menopausal symptoms and high blood cholesterol. It helps lower bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol. Also, rice oil is recommended for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

The use of rice oil

As already mentioned, rice oil has a wide scope. The study of its medicinal properties was carried out by both WHO and American research centers. However, it gained the greatest popularity in Japan, India and other Asian countries. In Japan alone, about 80 thousand tons of this wonderful product are sold every year. Rice oil is extracted from a thin layer of brown, which is located between the protective film of grain and its core. The supply of nutrients in this layer is amazing, it is a real vitamin bomb, which helps with many diseases. Most of the attention of researchers around the world was attracted by the unusual combination of gamma oryzanol, squalene, fatty acids and vitamin E. Thanks to this combination, rice oil is a good antioxidant. Perhaps in the future, rice oil will form the basis of one of the anti-tumor drugs. And for those who want to take advantage of the medicinal properties of this product right now, it is advisable to use rice oil in cooking.

Rice oil is often added to salads. It gives the dish a pleasant piquant smell and taste. It is also great for frying. Roasted meat or rice stewed vegetables have an unusual flavor. Now many Asian restaurants are switching to this oil. It is often used for frying meat, seafood and vegetables using the steer-fry method. Compared to other vegetable oils, rice oil is more resistant to high temperatures. Therefore, it retains most of the nutrients in the heat treatment of dishes. It is also a dietary product, as compared with other oils it contains less fat and, accordingly, calories. A small amount of linolenic acid does not allow it to oxidize quickly, which in cooking is undoubtedly a big plus.

The most widely used rice oil has gained in cosmetology. It was noticed that it perfectly affects hair growth. Therefore, it is often used in the manufacture of eyebrow and eyelash care products. Also, such cosmetics have an anti-inflammatory effect. For damaged and thin hair, you can make hair masks with rice oil. It is known that in Asia they produce excellent cosmetics that have a rejuvenating effect. Often, it contains rice oil, because thanks to the content of antioxidants, vitamin E and fatty acids, which activate the increase in skin elasticity, it is an excellent anti-aging agent.

They use it in the production of cosmetics for skin care of babies. It is perfectly absorbed and has hypoallergenic properties.