Jackfruit - the beneficial properties of giant fruits.

23.08.2019 Desserts and Cakes

Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) is a plant of the Mulberry family with large leathery oval leaves, called the Indian bread tree. It reaches 20 meters in height, however, the branches of jackfruit do not differ in strength, and the fruits are formed on the largest and hardiest of them.

Jackfruit can be called the largest of the edible growing on trees. Jackfruit reaches 110 cm in length, fruit diameter - about 20 cm, weight can reach 34 kg. The peel of the fruit is thick, covered with many conical protrusions, it produces an unpleasant putrefactive odor, while the flesh of jackfruit, consisting of juicy yellow fibers, smells pleasantly of a banana. Jackfruit peel is covered with adhesive latex, from which high-quality glue is made, so it is recommended to cut the fruit with rubber gloves.

Unripe green jackfruit fruit, fully ripened - brown-yellow, when tapped makes a hollow sound. Overripe jackfruit has a deep brown hue and is quickly damaged, however, in a cool place it can survive without losing its taste for about 1-2 months.

India is considered the birthplace of the fruit: in this country, jackfruit has a similar distribution with banana and mango. The area of \u200b\u200bcultural plantations of jackfruit is 26,000 hectares. Today, jackfruit is cultivated in Southeast Asia and is grown mainly for wood. Due to the unpleasant smell that its waste exudes, jackfruit is less popular than breadfruit.

Jackfruit Nutrition Facts

Ripe jackfruit fruits contain about 40% carbohydrates, which explains the other name of the fruit - "bread for the poor." The plant is also rich in vitamins A, B, C, folic acid, magnesium, sulfur, calcium, phosphorus, as well as coarse fibers - substances called “ballast”. The coarse fibers present in jackfruit reduce the synthesis of lipoproteins, cholesterol, as well as the rate of absorption of disaccharides in the intestines, which protects the body from a sharp increase in blood sugar. In general, “ballast substances” ensure the normal functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract.

Ripe jackfruit has a mild laxative effect. Brewed jackfruit leaves, used as tea, increase lactation in nursing women.

Jackfruit seeds are also used in food: they contain about 38% carbohydrates, 6.6% protein and 0.4% fat. Most often they are fried, like chestnuts.

Jackfruit Application

Jackfruit properties are universal. It is believed that the plant brings good luck - therefore, it is grown in many gardens of the Republic of Bangladesh, being its national fruit. Jackfruit seeds are often used as a talisman that protects its owner from wounds caused by sharp objects.

Jackfruit is used for medical purposes: the flowers of the tree are antidiuretics - substances that inhibit the secretion of fluid by the body. Jackfruit roots are used to treat diarrhea.

Ripe jackfruit fruits are used to make desserts: jelly, marmalade, jam, ice cream or fruit salads. Immature are prepared by analogy with vegetables - they are fried, stewed, boiled or used to make a filling for pies. In addition, jackfruit is a great addition to meat and fish dishes.

It is noteworthy that the wood of the plant is not damaged by termites and is not exposed to fungus, which allows it to be used as a building material for the construction of houses, furniture and musical instruments.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

Hello friends, I’m Ruslan Zvirkun. Currently, my wife and I are again in India, this trip without a return ticket, i.e. planned to be long lasting. We are now in Udupi. Udupi is an amazing place and later we will shoot a video about this town.

Meet the Jackfruit Fruit

Today in the video about our acquaintance with Jackfruit. We went to the market and saw a huge Jackfruit fruit.

Jackfruit is an unusual fruit, it is the largest fruit in the world. My wife and I are convinced vegetarians and we are interested in trying various fruits to taste. Jackfruit's taste surprised us a little 🙂

Watch our Jackfruit video

How to consume Jackfruit

Jackfruit is usually used in two forms. One is when it is ripe and eaten like a regular fruit. The second is green jackfruit. Jackfruit, when it is green, is fried and added to various vegetable dishes.

I'll tell you honestly that I like green Jackfruit a lot more than ripe. It’s hard to describe it on the palate, and the consistency of green Jackfruit fiber is very tasty. Ripe did not cause me such pleasant feelings)

How to Peel Jackfruit

When it is green, it becomes very difficult to clean it, since Jackfruit releases an adhesive substance and it is then difficult to wash hands, knives, a frying pan, etc. from it. With ripe there are no such difficulties.

But if you apply a little trick, such as greasing your hands with vegetable oil and all surfaces that will touch during Jackfruit cutting, then this will make it much easier. And also, it’s best to peel it under a stream of running water, it will also facilitate the process of washing the kitchen, after cooking Jackfruit.

P.S. There is a ripe Jackfruit none of us could, so I had to give it to the cows. I guess we did not understand him the first time)))

That's it for today, stay tuned for new videos.

Not so long ago we met a very unusual fruit - this jackfruit , it’s just called jack fruit. You can learn my impressions about him from this article.

Jack fruit, what is it?

Having visited Asia (Thailand) for the first time, we certainly wanted to see and try the durian, of which we had heard so much. But we could not find him. As a result, in one of the hypermarkets we found an interesting fruit cut into large pieces and packed in individual packaging. Taking him for durian, we bought and tried it.

We were struck by a delicate fruity aroma and unusual fruit structure - it was absolutely not juicy, but it was very tasty. The fruit consisted of many separate sliced \u200b\u200bslices, each of which, as in its house, had its own bone. It turns out that jackfruit seeds are also edible - they need to be cooked, but we did not have such an experience! Edible slices themselves consist of yellow fibrous plates that need to be chewed carefully. We liked the new fruit. Later we learned that it was jackfruit .

The next time we tried jackfruit, we noticed for ourselves some peculiarity of it - it was very satisfying! Having eaten just a couple of pieces of such fruit, saturation quickly came, and the feeling of satiety remained for a long time. And this is no accident, the fibrous structure of the fruit is a source of nutritious carbohydrates and fiber necessary for our gastrointestinal tract. You can read more about fiber from our article.

Jack fruit - how does it grow?

Visiting the local pagoda - the Buddhist temple, we decided to take a walk in the garden, which was located next to the temple. It was impossible not to notice the unusual tree: it is not very large, but on it closer to the bottom huge green spiky fruits hung. There was no doubt - it was jackfruit! It is amazing that jackfruit can reach a weight of 36 kg! Here is a fruit! Subsequently, we often began to meet such trees near residential buildings. It turned out that for Asians they are a symbol of well-being and health.

Unfortunately, tourists can’t pluck the local fruits, we just have to capture this natural wonder in the photo.

What is the benefit of jackfruit for the body?

Jack fruit is incredibly useful for the human body, if you are in Asian countries, be sure to try it! In addition to vitamin C, which most fruits are rich in, jack fruit has the following properties:

high magnesium content, which in turn allows the absorption of calcium in our body;

high iron content  helps to increase hemoglobin;

not a small amount of copper  as part of the fruit, it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland.

These and many other properties of jackfruit make it very beneficial for humans.

How to eat jack fruit?

Naturally, it is best to use it fresh, so its usefulness is maximally preserved.

The Asians themselves, that they just don’t do with it, are cooked, stewed, and marinated, and even fried! An explanation can be found for this phenomenon - the jackfruit tree bears fruit all year round, many fruits are gathered from each tree, the sizes of which we already know. It turns out that all this good must be done somewhere, otherwise it will disappear! Therefore, local residents have learned to harvest jack fruit for a long time. This will be understood by those who have ever harvested apples in the harvest year - and that they just don’t do it — and jam, and fruit drinks, and dried, and made pastille and added to salads. A familiar situation, isn't it ?!

This is durian and jackfruit.

You can immediately say that there are two groups of editors of these fruits: some adore them and are ready to eat daily, someone hates them fiercely, for whose aromas they can even cause a gag reflex.


Durian (thu rian) is the local fruit king. The fruit is unusual, and tasty, and smelly at the same time. As they mature, the smell of durian only increases. It is a conglomerate of caustic chemical odors with the addition of the smell of moldy onions and interspersed with the smell of turpentine. But only his spiked skin stinks like that, and several durian pulp slices inside are sweet and juicy.

It is worth knowing that with bought from the market from 150 baht for 1 kg durian, you will not be allowed into public places, taxis, hotels. The reason is that its pungent odor is literally absorbed into all surrounding objects. You will have to clean it outdoors. Thais often sell durian in peeled and packaged containers and bowls. But, if you have a desire to enjoy the process of cleaning it yourself, then you need to choose the right fruit.

The soft durian can be spoiled inside, completely hard - still green, and slightly amenable to pressure - it is it. From the first time, few people like durian; it is one of those products that you need to get used to.

Durian has a number of useful properties:

  • Firstly, it is very satisfying, but it does not contain cholesterol.
  • Secondly, the fruit restores the level of insulin that regulates blood sugar.
  • Thirdly, durian has in its composition sulfur, which contributes to the formation of protein and the regulation of hormones in the human body.

But at the same time, it is sulfur and indole (a substance that has an antibacterial effect) and are the source of the unpleasant odor coming from the fruit.

Durian can be treated differently, but it is a leader among other fruits in terms of amino acids, vitamins, nutrients, fatty acids, antioxidants, and organic sulfur. Durian is very popular in the male environment, Asians consider it indispensable for increasing potency. You can buy it all year round, but the most delicious fruits are from April to September.

be careful , durian is able to increase blood pressure, especially when mixed with alcohol. Do not abuse, everything is good in moderation.


Jackfruit (“kha-nun”) is a breadfruit that reaches 30 kilograms of weight. View the photo to better imagine its description. Jackfruit is pear-shaped, completely covered with green spikes, in mature form it is gray-brown and the spikes are less pronounced. Edible are the seeds of the fetus.

They have a sickly sweet taste and are highly nutritious. The internal partitions, fibrous tissue and peel of jackfruit contain a lot of milky juice. It is characterized by pronounced stickiness and viscosity properties. It sticks to everything, you can only wash it with oil. Our tourists, who dared to buy a whole fruit, carve it in clothes and gloves, which will not be a pity to throw it away.

Useful properties of this high-calorie fruit:

  • Saturation with vitamins A, B, C and trace elements;
  • Magnesium and folic acid strengthen the walls of blood vessels and help lower blood pressure.

It is worth knowing, the ripeness of the fetus is determined by the smell (rotten onions). Most often jackfruit are sold already peeled and packaged in bowls. The price ranges from 80 baht per kilogram.

Jackfruit  - a plant of the mulberry family. It is also called Indian breadfruit. The birthplace of this fruit is India and Bangladesh. However, this fruit grows in other areas with a warm climate. It is worth considering that in all parts of these fruits there is a sticky latex, so when cutting fruit, it is recommended to use gloves or grease your hands with sunflower oil.

The fruits of this plant are the largest edible among those growing on trees. They are oval and in diameter can reach up to 20 cm, but their length varies from 20 to 110 cm. These giants can weigh about 35 kg. On a thick peel is a large number of conical protrusions that resemble spikes (see photo). The color of the unripe fruit is green, but depending on the degree of ripeness, it turns into green or brown-yellow. Inside there is a large number of lobules, which contain sweet flesh of yellow color. Each lobule has a brown seed, which on average reaches about 4 cm.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of these fruits are known to many people, and therefore it is not surprising that such a fruit has found application in recipes of traditional medicine. So, since jackfruit belongs to low-calorie foods and it contains a large amount of nutritious carbohydrates, fruit is allowed to be used during weight loss and to maintain perfect shape.

Fruits, or rather their seeds, have a bright energy effect, which for a short time, but still gives energy and provokes active physical activity.

Jackfruit has an antiulcer effect on the body, given this its can be used during the treatment of ulcers and various digestive problems.

Many believe that the fruits are anti-cancer fruits, as they include phytonutrientans, which help protect the body from many diseases.

Jackfruit has a rejuvenating effect  and with regular use, you can notice a positive effect on the skin condition.

Fruits help increase blood circulation, strengthen bones and help restore and maintain vision in a normal state. In addition, the benefit of jackfruit is that with regular use in men, the number of sperm cells increases.

It is noted that if you eat this fruit during feasts, then you can prevent the occurrence of a hangover syndrome.

Cooking use

Jackfruit for our area is still exotic, which can not be said about the countries where it grows, where it is widely used for cooking various dishes. Unripe fruits are used in cooking like vegetables, for example, they can be cooked, fried and stewed. In addition to these, you can prepare the filling for various pastries or prepare a side dish that goes well with meat and fish. Ripe fruit can be used in the formulation of various salads and desserts.

You can also eat fruit seeds, which you can fry and eat like chestnuts. In addition, plant flowers are used in cooking, based on which sauces and light salads are prepared. From young leaves you can make a delicious salad.

Jackfruit Benefits and Treatment

The benefits of jackfruit have been known for a long time, so the fruits are used in the formulation of Eastern medicine. The fruit helps to normalize the digestive tract, eliminate pharyngitis, remove toxins from the body and cure fever.

In folk medicine, other parts of the plant are also used.  For example, a decoction from the roots of a plant helps in the treatment of diarrhea, and if you prepare it from the leaves, you can increase lactation.

Jackfruit Harm and Contraindications

Jackfruit can cause harm to people with individual intolerance to the product, and therefore, in the presence of such intolerance, it is contraindicated to eat fruits. It is also worth controlling the amount of fruits eaten, since in case of overeating they can act as a strong laxative.