Dishes from capelin. Useful Tips Blog: Capelin: Cooking Recipes

23.08.2019 Snacks

Capelin does not belong to delicious varieties, but, nevertheless, it is quite popular among Russian housewives. And the thing is that it is very useful and easy to prepare. We will talk about such tasty, healthy and quick to prepare capelin dishes.

  Capelin belongs to the family of smelt fish, sometimes it is called "chaplain", which is a distortion of its name in English. This fish is rich in vitamins (A, PP, group B) and useful substances (selenium, phosphorus, iodine, etc.), protein and polyunsaturated acids. It is recommended to eat with diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, with high cholesterol, problems with the thyroid gland, high blood pressure.

You can’t call capelin a dietary fish - it is quite oily, but its calorie content is still not so high: only about 120 calories per 100 g.

From capelin, you can cook a lot of various second courses and snacks, but the first dishes are rarely prepared with it, because it boils very quickly. It is best to cook or bake it in the oven, while before cooking it can only be washed without cleaning.

Cleaning and gutting capelin before cooking is not a prerequisite, it is done at will.

This method of cooking capelin is very popular as frying, but doctors strongly do not recommend preparing this fish in this way - when frying, it loses all its useful properties. Nevertheless, very many people choose this cooking option as the fastest and most straightforward.

The recipe for fried capelin

You will need:  capelin, flour, vegetable oil, pepper, salt.

How to fry capelin.Rinse the fish, if desired, gut, rinse again, breaded in flour mixed with salt and pepper, put in a frying pan with heated oil and fry until brown on both sides over medium heat.

It is necessary to fry capelin no longer than 6 minutes on each side - this time will be enough for it to achieve readiness.

If you want the capelin to turn out to be rosy and tasty, but you don’t want to neglect the advice of doctors and nutritionists, it’s better to bake it in the oven - this will preserve all the useful properties. Or you can fry it in the dough - then it will lose less nutrients due to indirect contact with the pan.

Recipe for capelin fried in pastry

You will need:  600 g of capelin, 2 eggs, 1 cup of flour and milk, 2 tbsp. butter, 1 tbsp. olive oil, vegetable oil, vinegar, ginger, pepper, salt.

How to fry capelin in a dough.  Rinse the fish, cut off the heads and gut, sprinkle with pepper, salt, ground ginger, slightly sprinkle with vinegar, pour in olive oil, mix, remove for half an hour in the cold for marinating. For batter, separate the egg whites from the yolks. Add the yolks to cold milk, add flour and salt, beat with a mixer until smooth, then add the whipped whites in the foam, mix with a spoon. Dip the fish in batter and fry in a pan in a large amount of oil on both sides. Spread the fish on a paper towel, then pour melted butter and sprinkle with herbs before serving.

Oven baked capelin recipe

You will need:  500 g capelin, 50 g breadcrumbs, 1 tsp seasonings for fish, vegetable oil, pepper, salt.

How to bake capelin in the oven.Rinse fish with running water, gut, rinse again, put on a colander and dry. Mix breadcrumbs with seasoning, breaded each fish on both sides and put in a baking dish or on a baking sheet with a "jack" - the tail of one fish to the head of the other. Bake capelin in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 20-30 minutes until cooked.

Of course, you can bake capelin not only in breadcrumbs. You can sprinkle it with greens and various herbs, both fresh and dried, and it is also very useful to water it with lemon juice and not use salt. In addition, you can bake it with various vegetables - potatoes, zucchini, tomatoes, etc.

From capelin, you can cook a lot of delicious and very interesting dishes, for example, this:

Capelin recipe

Will need: capelin, onion, bay leaf, fresh herbs, pepper, salt.

How to cook cabbage from capelin.Rinse the fish, put in an even layer on the pan, pepper and salt, lay onion sliced \u200b\u200bin half rings, lay the fish back in a layer, then onion again and repeat the layers several times. Top with fish and onion sprinkled with chopped herbs and bay leaf. Pour boiling water over the dish - the water should completely cover the ingredients, put the pan on fire, bring it to a boil, cover, reduce heat to a minimum, 10 minutes to darken the cabinet, then put on plates and serve, pouring the broth left in the pan.

You can make many original appetizers from capelin, for example, such homemade “sprats”.

Recipe for cooking sprat from capelin

You will need:1 kg of raw capelin, 1 liter of vegetable oil, ½ cup strong tea leaves, bay leaf, ground black pepper, salt.

How to cook sprats from capelin.Rinse and dry the fish, pepper and salt, put in 1-2 layers on a bay leaf, laid a baking sheet, gently pour with tea leaves, without washing the spices with which the fish is sprinkled, pour oil so that it almost covers the fish, put in preheated to 150 degrees oven, simmer for 1.5 hours, then open the oven door and let the fish cool. Transfer the finished "sprats" into a container with oil and store in the cold.

Another very interesting capelin dish is fish patties.

The recipe for capelin cutlets

You will need:1 kg of fresh capelin, 4 eggs, 1 tbsp. flour with a hill, 1 bunch of fresh dill, pepper, salt.

How to cook cutlets from capelin.  Rinse the fish, remove the heads and gut, rinse again, dry, pepper and salt. Beat eggs with flour, chop finely dill, add it to the egg mass. Heat a frying pan with oil, put the fish, without slicing, into the egg mixture, then scoop the “dough” with a large spoon, put it on the pan and use a spoon to shape the meatballs, frying the meatballs on medium heat on both sides.

Cutlets from capelin can be prepared differently - by twisting the prepared fish without heads and entrails (also preferably without a spine) in a meat grinder, however, such cutlets will require much more time for cooking.

In addition to various main dishes and snacks, capelin can be used to cook pies and pies, and it can also be grilled, stewed in various sauces and salted. This is really tasty, very inexpensive, but extremely useful fish - according to the last criterion, it is comparable to very expensive types of fish.

Capelin does not belong to delicious varieties, but, nevertheless, it is quite popular among Russian housewives. And the thing is that it is very useful and easy to prepare.

Capelin belongs to the family of smelt fish, sometimes it is called "chaplain", which is a distortion of its name in English. This fish is rich in vitamins (A, PP, group B) and useful substances (selenium, phosphorus, iodine, etc.), protein and polyunsaturated acids. It is recommended to eat with diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, with high cholesterol, problems with the thyroid gland, high blood pressure.
  You can’t call capelin a dietary fish - it is quite oily, but its calorie content is still not so high: only about 120 calories per 100 g.
  From capelin, you can cook a lot of various second courses and snacks, but the first dishes are rarely prepared with it, because it boils very quickly. It is best to cook or bake it in the oven, while before cooking it can only be washed without cleaning.
  Cleaning and gutting capelin before cooking is not a prerequisite, it is done at will.
  This method of cooking capelin is very popular as frying, but doctors strongly do not recommend preparing this fish in this way - when frying, it loses all its useful properties. Nevertheless, very many people choose this cooking option as the fastest and most straightforward.

  You will need: capelin, flour, vegetable oil, pepper, salt.
  How to fry capelin. Rinse the fish, if desired, gut, rinse again, brew in flour mixed with salt and pepper, put in a frying pan with heated oil and fry until brown on both sides over medium heat.
  It is necessary to fry capelin no longer than 6 minutes on each side - this time will be enough for it to achieve readiness.
  If you want the capelin to turn out to be rosy and tasty, but you don’t want to neglect the advice of doctors and nutritionists, it’s better to bake it in the oven - this will save all the useful properties. Or you can fry it in the dough - then it will lose less nutrients due to indirect contact with the pan.
  You will need: 600 g of capelin, 2 eggs, 1 cup of flour and milk, 2 tbsp. butter, 1 tbsp. olive oil, vegetable oil, vinegar, ginger, pepper, salt.
How to fry capelin in a dough. Rinse the fish, cut off the heads and gut, sprinkle with pepper, salt, ground ginger, slightly sprinkle with vinegar, pour in olive oil, mix, remove for half an hour in the cold for marinating. For batter, separate the egg whites from the yolks. Add the yolks to cold milk, add flour and salt, beat with a mixer until smooth, then add the whipped whites in the foam, mix with a spoon. Dip the fish in batter and fry in a pan in a large amount of oil on both sides. Spread the fish on a paper towel, then pour melted butter and sprinkle with herbs before serving.
  You will need: 500 g of capelin, 50 g of breadcrumbs, 1 tsp. seasonings for fish, vegetable oil, pepper, salt.
  How to bake capelin in the oven. Rinse fish with running water, gut, rinse again, put on a colander and dry. Mix breadcrumbs with seasoning, breaded each fish on both sides and put in a baking dish or on a baking sheet with a "jack" - the tail of one fish to the head of the other. Bake capelin in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 20-30 minutes until cooked. Of course, you can bake capelin not only in breadcrumbs. You can sprinkle it with greens and various herbs, both fresh and dried, and it is also very useful to water it with lemon juice and not use salt. In addition, you can bake it with various vegetables - potatoes, zucchini, tomatoes, etc.
  From capelin, you can cook a lot of delicious and very interesting dishes, for example, this:
  You will need: capelin, onions, bay leaf, fresh herbs, pepper, salt.
  How to cook cabbage from capelin. Rinse the fish, put in an even layer on the pan, pepper and salt, lay onion sliced \u200b\u200bin half rings, lay the fish back in a layer, then onion again and repeat the layers several times. Top with fish and onion sprinkled with chopped herbs and bay leaf. Pour boiling water over the dish - the water should completely cover the ingredients, put the pan on fire, bring it to a boil, cover, reduce heat to a minimum, 10 minutes to darken the cabinet, then put on plates and serve, pouring the broth left in the pan.
  You can make many original appetizers from capelin, for example, such homemade “sprats”.

  You will need: 1 kg of raw capelin, 1 liter of vegetable oil, ½ cup strong tea leaves, bay leaf, ground black pepper, salt.
How to cook sprats from capelin. Rinse and dry the fish, pepper and salt, put in 1-2 layers on a bay leaf, laid a baking sheet, gently pour with tea leaves, without washing the spices with which the fish is sprinkled, pour oil so that it almost covers the fish, put in preheated to 150 degrees oven, simmer for 1.5 hours, then open the oven door and let the fish cool. Transfer the finished "sprats" into a container with oil and store in the cold.
  Another very interesting capelin dish is fish patties.

  Required: 1 kg of fresh capelin, 4 eggs, 1 tbsp. flour with a hill, 1 bunch of fresh dill, pepper, salt.
  How to cook cutlets from capelin. Rinse the fish, remove the heads and gut, rinse again, dry, pepper and salt. Beat eggs with flour, chop finely dill, add it to the egg mass. Heat a frying pan with oil, put the fish, without slicing, into the egg mixture, then scoop the “dough” with a large spoon, put it on the pan and use a spoon to shape the meatball, frying the meatballs on medium heat on both sides.
  Cutlets from capelin can be prepared differently - by twisting the prepared fish without heads and entrails (also preferably without a spine) in a meat grinder, however, such cutlets will require much more time for cooking.
  In addition to various main dishes and snacks, capelin can be used to cook pies and pies, and it can also be grilled, stewed in various sauces and salted. This is really tasty, very inexpensive, but extremely useful fish - according to the last criterion, it is comparable to very expensive types of fish.

Although capelin does not belong to delicious varieties of fish, however, it is very popular with our hostesses. This is because it is available, very useful, and most importantly - easy to prepare. A large number of various appetizers and main dishes are prepared from capelin, but the first dishes are practically not prepared with it, since capelin has an impractical property - it quickly boils. It is best to cook it as an independent second dish, bake in the oven, fry without cleaning, etc.

Capelin also does not apply to dietary products. Dietary dishes from capelin are, most likely, just boiled fish, with vegetables. Capelin is a rather fatty fish, however, its calorie content is not so transcendental: 120 calories per 100 g of product. Such fat content of fish allows you to make excellent dishes from smoked capelin. They are very original and tasty in their own way; many beer lovers will prefer smoked capelin to this drink.

Given the fact that fresh capelin is rare in our stores, our culinary specialists have mastered a whole arsenal of fresh-frozen capelin dishes. Since capelin tolerates freezing and long-term storage, dishes from frozen capelin are also tasty and attractive, as if it had just been caught. Perhaps the most common fresh capelin is our sailors engaged in its fishing. They even have their own signature dish, which each of them proudly cooks, even going ashore. This is the famous capelin rack - a favorite dish of sailors. Preparing it is easier than you can imagine, and eating it is a pleasure. Fresh capelin is laid in layers on a pan mixed with onions, other vegetables, and poured with water. In this form, cooked, stewed. That's all! Try at your leisure, feel like a sailor!

Capelin roe is also much appreciated. Dishes with capelin caviar - a great snack, even on the festive table. It is separately mined and canned for sale.

Recipes of capelin dishes are very diverse, and you can’t count them all at once. Well made cutlets from capelin. Homemade home-made sprats from this fish are sometimes tastier than industrial ones. We already mentioned smoked capelin. And there is also fried, baked, under the marinade, etc. And how beautiful and festive dishes from capelin are! Photos of these treats instantly make our imagination work, I immediately want to certainly prepare and try them. Therefore, if you want to arrange a holiday for your loved ones, prepare dishes from capelin, recipes with photos of which you saw and could not take your eyes off.

We think that some tips for preparing dishes from capelin will not be superfluous for you:

It is not necessary to clean capelin from scales before cooking, the scales are very small and do not interfere with cooking and eating. Gutting is optional.

Gutting will leave a significant amount of fat, which is concentrated on the abdomen. For some dishes, this is undesirable.

When frying, capelin loses its main useful qualities.

Baked capelin in breadcrumbs in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees 30 minutes.

You can bake capelin in other ways, for example, sprinkle it with herbs, various fresh and dried herbs.

You can also bake capelin with various vegetables, such as potatoes, tomatoes, zucchini.

Capelin loves lemon. It is very useful and delicious to pour it with lemon juice and refuse salt.

This article will devote to various recipes on how to cook capelin. The methods for preparing this fish are quite diverse, and the simplest of them will not take you much time. In addition, the process of preparing the fish for cooking is simple, you do not need to gut it, but simply rinse thoroughly under running (cool) water and let the water drain.

Capelin: recipes


To the extent that capelin is a small fish, it is fried very quickly, so every housewife should know how to fry capelin.


  • Capelin
  • Pepper
  • Vegetable oil

We will fry the fish in batter, to get a nice golden crust. To make batter, take a couple of eggs and beat them with salt and pepper. Fry capelin: dip in each batter in batter, then in flour and spread in a frying pan. It is necessary to fry the fish on each side for 1-3 minutes, over medium heat, until golden brown. Serve on a table decorated with greens.

To speed up the cooking process, you can immediately immerse the whole fish in batter and refuse to use flour. Or vice versa, do not use batter, but fry, dipped only in flour.


Another option, how to cook capelin in a pan, is to put it out.


  • Capelin
  • Black pepper (peas)
  • Bay leaf
  • Lemon
  • Vegetable oil

To cook stewed capelin, you will need a deep frying pan. Lubricate the pan with oil and spread one layer of prepared capelin, sprinkle with salt and pepper on top and put onion cut into rings and several leaves of lavrushka on the fish. Then we again lay out a layer of fish, and again salt, pepper, put onion and lavrushka. If the pan and the amount of fish allow, we make another layer of fish and spices.

Then we take water, mix it with lemon juice, and fill this mixture with fish so that it covers all layers of fish. Cook over low heat, the extinction process will take 15-20 minutes after the water boils.


Now let's talk about how to cook capelin in the oven. To prepare baked capelin, we need:

  • Capelin
  • Mayonnaise
  • Black pepper
  • Greenery
  • Butter
  • Crackers

Preparation: option 1 (simple)

Before placing the washed fish in a baking dish, it must be put in a bowl, pepper and salt, and season with mayonnaise. Leave it to stand for 10-15 minutes.

While the fish is pickling, the baking dish (or baking sheet) must be greased with oil and sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Then we put the fish in a form so that it closely lies with each other (belly down). Grease the resulting workpiece from above with mayonnaise and send to a preheated oven (190-200 °), bake for 20-25 minutes.

Before serving, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Preparation: option 2

Now a more time-consuming option, we will need additional ingredients:

This option is laborious because we will only use capelin fillets. To do this, we separate the head, gutting the fish, separate the fillet from the bones. If capelin is caught with caviar, then also use it in cooking.

We grease the baking dish with oil, in this version we do not add crackers, but immediately spread the capelin in one layer, add salt, pepper, spread the onion, cut into rings, then the layer of fish again. We spread the grated cheese with the next layer, and pour mayonnaise on top, after which we send it to the oven (preheated) to bake at a temperature of 190-200 ° for 20-25 minutes.

Also in this recipe you can also use mushrooms, the mushroom layer should be between the fish layers, the mushrooms must first be fried until half cooked.

Capelin in tomato sauce


  • Capelin
  • Onion and garlic
  • Tomato paste (you can use tomato juice)
  • Vegetable oil
  • Spices (to taste)

We will cook in a pan, for this we pour a little oil into it and lay out the prepared capelin, sprinkle with onion, chopped rings, chopped garlic and finally pour the tomato paste diluted with water (not too liquid). We put the pan on a slow fire and simmer. After the mixture boils, add spices and simmer another 10-15 minutes. Capelin cooked in this way goes well with boiled potatoes.

Capelin in milk

One option for making delicious capelin is to make it in milk. The fish will turn out tender and tasty.


  • Capelin
  • Milk or cream
  • Black pepper peas
  • Butter

Preparation: grease a deep frying pan with butter and put capelin into it alternating with a layer of fish and a layer of spices with onions. Then pour the fish with milk, and put on a slow fire. Make sure that the milk does not run away, after boiling it remains to simmer another 10-15 minutes. Serve as a standalone dish with the resulting broth.

If you are ready to spend more time cooking, then before stewing the fish in milk, you can lightly fry it in flour until a crust forms, but the dish is great without it.

Capelin with vegetables

To prepare capelin with vegetables, it must first be chopped, that is, we only need fish fillets.


  • Capelin fillet
  • Tomatoes
  • Carrot
  • Pepper and other spices (to taste)
  • Vegetable oil


  1. We clean the tomatoes from the skins, for this we dip them in boiling water for 10-15 seconds, then we cool down and remove the skin with ease. Now the tomatoes should be chopped.
  2. Three carrots on a medium grater, finely chop the onion.
  3. Stew the tomatoes, pre-lubricating the pan with vegetable oil, for 10 minutes.
  4. Add chopped onions and carrots to the tomatoes, simmer another 8-10 minutes, then add the capelin fillet, salt, add spices, and continue to simmer for 15-20 minutes on low heat.

If you like fried onions more, then pre-fry it with carrots, and add to the tomatoes with the fillet. In addition, you can expand the list of vegetables used.

Now you know what you can cook from capelin, try various recipes, add something to yourself, and you will always have a delicious fish dish on your table.

Capelin is a fairly common fish in our diet. It is not only tasty, but also healthy. Capelin contains a large amount of protein, which prevents cholesterol from accumulating in the human body. In addition, this small fish contains as many vitamins as meat. Therefore, this product is very necessary for the human body and must be present in our diet. But you need to know how to cook capelin so that the dish is tasty and nutritious.

Due to the relatively low price of capelin, it is not considered a delicacy and is considered everyday food. But actually this fish is very tasty. It can be fried, boiled and even baked in the oven. The main thing is to know how to cook capelin tasty.

If you stick and prefer boiled food, then this fish can be boiled. To do this, boil water and dip it only in boiling water. Then you need to reduce the fire. It’s best to keep the lid of the pan closed to preserve the flavor of this fish.

Before cooking capelin in a pan, it is better to boil it until half cooked. This is necessary so that after frying it becomes soft and tender. Capelin is not very fatty fish, and therefore pre-boiling makes it more tasty.

Here is the easiest recipe for making capelin. To do this, you need about half a kilogram of capelin. The fish should be washed and dried with a paper towel. Then sprinkle it with pepper, salt and pour over lemon juice. Next, fry in the usual way, using flour for breading, and cooking oil for frying. Since capelin should not be cooked for long, it must be ensured that it does not overcook. The fish should be crispy, but not overdried.

Capelin goes well with any vegetables, rice, potatoes. Here is an example of how to cook capelin with potatoes. From the beginning, the fish must be washed and then chopped, separating the fillet from the bones. Next, sprinkle it with seasonings at your discretion. Fry each piece of fillet in a pan, previously breaded it in flour. Then we put the fish on a special baking sheet, oiled. The second layer is potatoes, boiled and sliced \u200b\u200bin circles. The dish is smeared with sour cream and sprinkled with cheese. Then we send Bake until golden brown.

A distinctive feature of capelin is its quick preparation. This is very convenient when time is limited. How to cook capelin quickly? To do this, peel and chop the onions in half rings. Spread it on a greased baking sheet. This will be the basis for the dish. The prepared capelin goes from above. Mix mayonnaise with pepper and salt. You can add any seasoning and some lemon juice. Grease the fish with the prepared mixture and put in the oven. Cooking time is approximately 30 minutes. Capelin cooked in this way can be eaten immediately while it is hot, or it can also be when it cools. She is good in any way. Capelin fried in the oven is more useful, especially for people suffering from disorders of the digestive system.

Despite the fact that this fish is not considered a delicacy, it can be a great addition to the table. To do this, you only need to know how to cook capelin so that it is tender and tasty.

Capelin is not only boiled and fried. It is also salted and pickled. For marinade use all available herbs and seasonings. Optimal are basil, dill, cilantro and parsley. This fish can be served or spicy, in which a little lemon juice is added. Vegetables or vegetable salads are perfect for capelin. Any fish dish goes well with good quality white wine. Use the tips and cook one of the dishes. Dinner will be wonderful, and most importantly healthy.