All the pros and cons of cocoa for weight loss. Is cocoa healthy?

23.08.2019 Egg Dishes

Why cocoa is useful for women and men: we drive away depression, improve memory, mood, blood circulation, and the cardiovascular system.

Cocoa is a wonderful drink that reminds you of a carefree childhood, creates an atmosphere of comfort, warms you in fierce cold and just improves your mood. Cocoa is the source of a healthy and active life. Another plus - cocoa is healthier than chocolate, because it is less high-calorie. In addition, the beneficial properties of cocoa have been known for a long time. The drink is especially shown to the representatives of the "weaker" sex.

Who was the first to use cocoa? Maya Indians living in Mexico!

Who invented cocoa

The usefulness of cocoa was known to mankind at the time of the ancient Mayan Indians (in the territory where modern is located). The healing drink was made from chocolate tree beans, and it had little to do with the pleasant sweet cocoa we were used to.

The original recipe for an ancient Mayan drink included water, cocoa and chili. The mixture was thick, so often the drink had to be eaten with a spoon.

Today, tribes living in the equatorial zone consume cocoa daily - 40 cups of the drink weekly. The use of this amount contributes to longevity, reduces the risk of cancer, diabetes, and also improves the functioning of the circulatory system and heart.

The main beneficial properties of cocoa

So look fresh cocoa beans. Who would have thought, really?

Cocoa beans - a storehouse of nutrients and trace elements for the health of the body. The use of this drink favorably affects workers of mental and physical labor: it helps to focus attention, improve memory and better recover after heavy loads. Cocoa is very useful for women, as it naturally normalizes the nervous system and improves mood - which in the end has a beneficial effect on men!

Let's take a closer look:

  • Cocoa contains epicatechin, which has a beneficial effect on our memory, improves cerebral circulation and lowers blood pressure. The content of a large amount of epicatechin makes the drink healthier than green tea, red wine and berries, which also affect the reduction of blood pressure.
  • Flavonoids, which are part of cocoa, also have a positive effect on the body. Therefore, people who regularly consume cocoa minimize the chance of developing diabetes and heart problems. A slight minus: flavonoids that provide the beneficial properties of cocoa give bitterness. Therefore, in the manufacture of chocolate they are removed. And in the case of a cocoa drink, its use with milk and sugar will help to weaken the side effect of this miraculous trace element.
  • Due to its rich content magnesium   Cocoa is an excellent helper in the fight against stress, has a relaxing effect on muscles, strengthens the skeletal system.
  • Cocoa beans contain a huge amount glandtherefore drinking a drink is a great way to combat anemia.
  • Chromium   as part of cocoa helps to maintain normal blood glucose levels.
  • Trace element anandamide   (chocolate tree - the only plant that contains anandamide) has a positive effect on the brain. Simply put: it causes a feeling of euphoria and increases the level of the “hormone of happiness” in the body - endorphin.

What else is cocoa good for? It has an excellent effect on cerebral circulation, concentration and memory. Regular consumption of a fragrant drink will help prevent the development of senile dementia.

These are the beneficial properties of cocoa. So in between coffee and tea (or rather instead!) - Drink it. Warm up, cheer up, improve your memory and drive away depression!

The best way to make cocoa: recipe with photo

Making cocoa is not so difficult: some are used to just brewing it with hot water. But the most delicious cocoa is obtained, of course, in milk. In addition, there are some more secrets that will make this wonderful drink more aromatic. So how do you make delicious cocoa?

Cocoa is very useful for women, as it normalizes the nervous system and improves mood - which ultimately has a beneficial effect on men!


  • 6 tbsp. tablespoons of cocoa;
  • 6 teaspoons of sugar;
  • 1 liter of milk.

Cocoa Recipe

First, boil about a liter of milk. Then, in a separate bowl, mix 4 tablespoons of cocoa powder and 6 teaspoons of sugar. Sugar and cocoa pour a small amount of hot milk, while stirring constantly. It is necessary to bring to a state of thick sour cream.

Pour the resulting mixture into the remaining part of the milk and boil again, not forgetting to stir - there should be no lumps.

Instead of part of the milk, of course, you can use water, but we warn you right away - the taste will lose a lot from this. At the same time, the amount of the remaining ingredients does not need to be changed.

When is the best time to drink cocoa

When is it better to drink cocoa: morning or evening?

The best time to drink cocoa is in the morning, when you want to wake up and cheer up. It’s good to serve cocoa for an afternoon snack, as well as at any time when you need to improve your mood (after all, cocoa, as we now know, contains endorphin, known as the “hormone of joy”). Cocoa can be consumed not only hot, but also cold. You can serve baked goods with it, preferably with a low sugar content. For example, diet cookies or salted crackers.

In cocoa, unlike coffee and tea, the caffeine content is not too high, so it can be given to children from the age of two.

Why you should drink cocoa - facts that you did not know yet

The taste of cocoa is one of the "tastes of childhood." This drink of the gods is associated not only with childhood, but is a warming and healthy drink. This fragrant delicacy was firmly registered in the menu of child care facilities and for good reason.

Unlike tea and coffee, cocoa contains a very small amount of caffeine, which, if properly prepared, will avoid adverse reactions. Another thing is theobromine, a substance similar in composition and action to caffeine and contained in cocoa in elevated concentrations, although not hazardous to health in general. It is because of theobromine that cocoa is not recommended for children under 2 years of age.

Cocoa is rich in protein, fiber and vitamins. Especially a lot of folic acid in it. Cocoa has a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are necessary for building cell membranes and are able to lower blood cholesterol. It contains a lot of iron, zinc, which is a part of most enzyme systems of the human body, necessary for a growing body.

Cocoa contains more than 40 aromatic compounds, which often cause allergic reactions in allergic children. We should not forget that cocoa has a very high calorie content. That is why it is recommended with caution to children prone to overweight. But for kids - asthenics, as well as children prone to anemia, cocoa will be very useful.

As mentioned above, cocoa can be given to children over the age of two years in an amount of not more than 50 ml per day and 4 cups per week. Best to offer it for breakfast. It will come in handy if in the morning the child eats poorly. You can offer honey with dried fruits to cocoa as a dessert.

Starting from 6-7 years, a single volume of consumed drink can be increased to 100-120 ml. If suddenly you notice that the child has signs of allergy: spots on the skin, itching, redness of the eyelids - cancel the cocoa and find out the possibilities of its further use by the doctor.

A cup of cocoa for the night, according to Italian scientists from the University of Aquila in Italy, will help preserve the memory of people in old age.

Cocoa is not the only product that contains flavonoids that protect the brain from damage. The same beneficial compounds are found in tea, grapes, apples and red wine. However, the best results when passing tests for logical thinking demonstrate precisely fans of a chocolate drink.

Compared to tea or coffee, cocoa is not so popular. However, recent studies by scientists allow us to say for sure that regular use of this drink plays a significant role in oncology prevention.

Expert Maria Arribas of the Technological Institute, who led the scientific research, claims that the intestinal mucosa due to the negative effects of toxins, carcinogens and free radicals becomes very susceptible to the occurrence of malignant tumors. And it is cocoa that, due to its high content of antioxidants and minimal side effects, can significantly reduce the likelihood of cancer. This fact was confirmed by experiments on a laboratory rodent.

Cocoa is a delicious and aromatic drink. But it is not useful to everyone.
   In addition to fat, protein, starch and mineral salts, cocoa powder contains tannins, theobromine alkaloid, oxalic acid and purines, which are not harmful to the body in some diseases. So, theobromine is exciting, and therefore people with diseases of the nervous system can drink this drink very rarely. Due to the presence of purines and oxalic acid, cocoa is contraindicated for suffering from gout, uric acid diathesis, as well as diseases of the kidneys, liver, diabetes, atherosclerosis, hypertension.
Typically, cocoa is prepared in milk, drunk with sugar, cream, which increases its already high calorie content. Therefore, the drink is recommended exhausted, weakened after serious illnesses and operations. But obese, full-bodied people of cocoa should be completely excluded from the diet.

Cocoa actively stimulates gastric secretion, and therefore patients with increased secretion of gastric juice should refuse this drink.
   It is better for children under three years old not to give cocoa, so as not to excite the nervous system, not to disrupt intestinal activity.
   Another property of cocoa is the ability to cause allergic reactions. Therefore, both adults and children prone to such reactions, this drink is not recommended.

A. V. FEDOROVA, doctor. Health magazine

R the recipes of traditional medicine using cocoa:

Doctors conducted a special study on how cocoa affects the intelligence and cognitive abilities of people 60-83 years old. Experts have come to quite interesting conclusions: it turns out that regular consumption of hot cocoa for a week improves the cerebral circulation by 8%. So, if you drink cocoa for a rather long period, you can slow down the age-related decline in cognitive abilities and protect the brain from dementia. Moreover, neurologists claim that the drink of the ancient Aztecs improves the functioning of all the vessels of the body, positively affects the circulating function of the blood and circulatory system, and thereby provides protection against cardiovascular complications and such a formidable enemy as stroke.

Cocoa is a wonderful and noble product with an exquisite taste and aroma. It is successfully used for confectionery purposes, everyone's favorite cocoa drink is brewed from dry powder. It turns out that cocoa is indispensable in caring for beauty, since various masks for the face, body and hair are prepared on its basis. Such procedures will give a lot of pleasant sensations, will effectively cope with skin problems, in addition, masks based on cocoa will increase mood and well-being.

Cocoa in cosmetics - from here

The rich composition of cocoa includes B vitamins (B5, B9), vitamins A and PP, minerals (calcium, iron and potassium, copper and magnesium), starch, caffeine, tannins, antioxidants, fats and vegetable proteins. Among the acids, palmitic, stearic, linoleic and oleic can be noted. The rich composition of phytosterols, flavonoids, polysaccharides, as well as theophylline and theobromine.

Benefits of Cocoa Masks

. Active for different skin types. Since the components of cocoa effectively fight the first manifestations of aging, a mask of cocoa is an excellent option for prolonging the youthfulness of the skin thanks to vitamin B5.

Combined effect on the skin. A mask of cocoa for the face at the same time nourishes and moisturizes the skin, exfoliates dead particles of the surface layer of the epidermis.

Improving the appearance of the skin. For example, vitamin PP allows you to restore the natural shade.

Elimination of acne and blackheads. Vitamin A removes inflammation; Vitamin B9 soothes irritations.

Moisturizes and softens the skin due to its potassium content. Iron ions are involved in the transport of oxygen to cells, and calcium performs a building function.

Bleaching is due to starch.

Recovery of the barrier functions of the epidermis.

Activation of fat metabolism.

Activation of the synthesis of elastin, hyaluronic acid and collagen due to the presence of palmitic acid.

The lifting effect is possible due to theobromine and theophylline.

Healing and toning due to tannins, caffeine and methylxanthine.

Indications and contraindications for cocoa masks


Dry skin prone to drying out

Irritated skin, acne, acne

Tired and pale skin

Oily skin with a characteristic oily sheen and wide pores

Normal skin with the first signs of aging and aging.

Freckles and age spots (skin pigmentation).


Facial masks made of cocoa powder may be contraindicated for those who are allergic to cocoa products or to the individual components that make up the masks. Beauticians claim that the facial mask from cocoa reviews which are impressive, is the best remedy for many problems.

The use of masks from cocoa powder

Use a natural product. Instant mixes for preparing delicious drinks are not suitable.

Before applying the mask, the skin is thoroughly cleaned of excess sebum, cosmetic residues and impurities. For this, any cosmetic products (cleansing gels and milk) are suitable.

Cocoa masks can dye clothes. When using, apply the composition to the skin and rest. It is better to simply lie down with your eyes closed - this will enable the active compound to penetrate deeply into the layers of the epidermis.

Homemade Cocoa Mask Recipes

1. Cocoa powder mask

   Cocoa powder

Preparation: a tablespoon of cocoa powder is carefully diluted with water until a thick mixture without lumps is formed. Active exposure to the mask lasts 10 minutes. Rinse the face with plenty of water.

Action: active nutrition and hydration. Such masks made of cocoa powder can be used for oily and dry skin. Too dry skin can be pampered with a mask where water is replaced with milk.

2. Mask with cocoa butter

   Cocoa Butter - 1 tsp
   Chamomile oil - 1 tsp
   Aloe juice - 1 tsp
   Fresh cucumber

Preparation: pre-heat cocoa butter in a water bath until soft and mix with chamomile oil and aloe juice. Grate the cucumber, add to the mixture. The resulting slurry is applied for half an hour, removed with warm water.

Action: anti-inflammatory effect, smoothing wrinkles and lightening the skin. Masks with cocoa butter perfectly cope with the appearance of wrinkles, moisturize, nourish and soften the skin. Such procedures can get rid of stretch marks on the body and prevent their appearance.

Indications: irritated or aging skin.

3. A mask of cocoa butter, wheat germ with pumpkin

   Cocoa butter and wheat germ oil - 1 teaspoon each
   Pumpkin pulp

Preparation: Mix the oils and add the softened pulp of the pumpkin. The mask "works" 10-15 minutes. It is useful to wipe the face with chamomile infusion.

Action: active nutrition and hydration, smoothing wrinkles, softening and cleansing.

Application: if necessary, the procedure can be repeated every other day for 2 weeks - a month.

4. Mask with cocoa butter and parsley

   Chopped greens - 3 teaspoons
   Softened Cocoa Butter - 1 teaspoon

Preparation: mix parsley with cocoa butter. Rub the mass into the skin with circular massage movements and rinse off after 30 minutes.

Action: nutrition and hydration of very dry skin, lightening age spots and freckles. Cocoa butter is a natural, pure product that does not cause allergies and is considered a real find for aging and aging skin of the face and neck.

5. Mask with wrinkle cocoa butter

   Cacao butter
   Carrot juice
   Lemon juice
   Egg yolk

Preparation: the components are mixed in equal proportions and 1 egg yolk is added. This procedure is carried out no more than 20 minutes and wash your face.

Action: smoothing of deep wrinkles and quick elimination of facial wrinkles.

Application: cocoa butter in face masks perfectly softens and nourishes the skin. This mask can be used as compresses and for wraps - the effect is always amazing.

6. Mask of honey and cocoa

   Cocoa - 1 tbsp.
   Light honey - 1 tbsp.
   Cane sugar - 2 tbsp.

Preparation: Cocoa is gently mixed with honey, sugar is added and mixed until completely dissolved. You can replace cane sugar with regular white, but brown sugar has many more nutrients. Apply to the clean face skin in a circular motion, rubbing gently. After 10 minutes, the residues can be washed off.

Action: exfoliation of dead particles, improving blood circulation in the upper layers of the epidermis.

Indications: the mask is used as a mild cleanser. The tool is used as necessary, but not more than 1 time per week.

7. Mask with kefir and cocoa

   Cocoa and oatmeal - 2 tbsp. Each
   Fat-free kefir - 2 tbsp.

Preparation: mix cocoa with oatmeal, add kefir and leave for 10 minutes until swelling. The mask is applied to a clean face, rest for 20-25 minutes. Gruel is advised to rinse with green tea, which perfectly tones the skin.

Action: cleanses oily skin, eliminates shine, gives dullness, tightens pores.

Application: a face mask with cocoa and kefir is used twice a week. The course consists of 10-12 procedures.

   8. A mask of cocoa and milk

   Cocoa - 1 table. a spoon
   Half a glass of milk
   Peach oil (or olive) - 1 teaspoon

Preparation: heat the milk to 36-37 degrees, pour cocoa and stir until sour cream. Heat the oil a little in a water bath and pour into the mixture, gently stirring. After the mass is homogeneous, apply it on a clean face. You can remove the composition from the skin after 15 minutes with a cotton swab soaked in infusion of herbs, after the face is washed with running water.

Action: the mask has a complex effect on combination skin, eliminates peeling and irritation, normalizes the production of the product of the sebaceous glands in the T-zone, eliminates the feeling of tightness in certain areas.

Indications: combination problem skin.

Application: the recovery course is designed for 2 months or 14 procedures that are performed twice a week.

9. A mask of cocoa and kefir with raspberries

   Cocoa - ½ tablespoon
   Raspberries - 1 tablespoon (8-10 berries)
   The protein of one egg
   Kefir - 1 tablespoon

Preparation: put raspberries in a bowl and knead slightly, add kefir, cocoa and pre-whipped protein. Mix the ingredients, whisking slightly. The resulting mass is applied to a clean face. After 15 minutes, the nutritional and tonic composition is washed off with cold water.

Action: nutrition, toning and cleansing in the summer. Raspberry refreshes and whitens freckles, age spots.

Indications: the mask is suitable for mixed, normal and dry skin

10. A mask of cocoa kefir and eggs for oily skin

   2 tbsp cocoa
   ½ tbsp kefir
   Egg white

Preparation: mix cocoa with sour cream, beat the protein in a thick foam and carefully add to the mixture. Apply the mask for 10 minutes on the face, do a light massage and leave the mixture to dry completely.

Action: contraction of wide pores, removal of oily sheen, normalization of the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Indications: mask: kefir, cocoa, egg is ideal for oily skin, repeated twice a week.

   11. Lifting mask with cocoa

   2 tbsp. spoons of cocoa
   1 tbsp. clay spoon
   Fruit juice

Preparation and use: combine cocoa powder with clay, dilute with fruit juice made from raspberries or cherries, lemon juice is also suitable. The finished mask is applied for 20 minutes, washed off with warm water. If there is a burning sensation, the mask is immediately removed.

Action: the magnificent lifting effect is noticeable from the first application. Such a mask with cocoa reviews which are excellent, allows you to improve complexion, increase skin tone and smooth out fine wrinkles.

Indications: tired, aging skin, pale color.
   The mask is used once a week until a result is obtained.

12. Mask of cocoa and olive oil

   Olive oil
   Cocoa powder

Preparation and use: the components are mixed in equal proportions, left for 10 minutes on the face.

Action: After removing the mask, the skin acquires a beautiful shade of bronze tan and shines with health. A cool wash promotes a slight blush.

Indications: the procedure is used for dry skin.

13. Kefir mask with cocoa, oatmeal and honey

   Oatmeal and cocoa - 1 tablespoon each
   Thick dark honey - 1 teaspoon

Method of preparation: mix oatmeal with cocoa, add honey and add kefir so much to get a thick, porridge-like mass. The mask is applied for 15 minutes, after removal, moisturize the face with cream.

Action: tightening effect, restoration of normal skin color, elimination of wrinkles, cleansing.

Indications: fading, as well as combination and dry skin.

14. A mask of cocoa and honey, yogurt and vitamin E

   Cocoa - 3 tablespoons
   Honey - 2 tablespoons
   Natural yogurt - 1 tablespoon
   Vitamin E - 1 capsule

Preparation: the ingredients are mixed until a homogeneous mixture is applied to the skin for 20 minutes. The mask is washed off with plenty of water and soothing with a nourishing or moisturizing cream.

Action: active rejuvenation, smoothing wrinkles, moisturizing, softening and nutrition, saturation with vitamins.

Indications: fading skin, requiring special attention and care.

Features: given that the mask contains honey and cocoa (products that cause allergies), it is necessary to conduct a sensitivity test by applying mass to the wrist or elbow.

15. Clay and cocoa mask

   Cocoa and white clay - 2 tbsp each. spoons
   Oatmeal - 1 tbsp. a spoon

Application: mix the ingredients, dilute with yogurt and evenly spread on the face, leave for 10-15 minutes. Sometimes instead of yogurt use green tea (strong tea leaves). You need to wash your face with cold running water.

Action: cleansing, increasing tone and elasticity, tightening and smoothing wrinkles.

Indications: fading, sagging skin, deep wrinkles, oily skin.

Application: the procedure is suitable for frequent use, but not more than 2 times a week.

16. Face mask with cocoa and sour cream

   Fat sour cream - 1 tbsp.
   Cocoa Powder - 1 tsp
   Raw yolk

Preparation: mix the yolk with sour cream, carefully add cocoa. Rub the lumps, evenly distribute the mass on clean skin until completely dry and rinse with mineral water.

Action: nutrition, moisturizing, tightening the skin, eliminating dryness.

Indications: tired dry skin, pale complexion, vessels located close to the surface (couperosis and rosacea).

   17. Face mask with cocoa and coffee

   Cocoa powder and ground coffee - 1 tablespoon each

Preparation: warm milk is gradually added to cocoa and coffee until gruel is obtained. Instead of milk, you can take fat cream. The mixture is kept on the face for 10-15 minutes, after which they wash their face with cold green tea.

Action: cleansing and toning the skin, narrowing pores, improving complexion.

Indications: the active ingredients of the ingredients are perfect for all skin types, especially for combination and oily.

18. Face mask with cocoa and honey, with the addition of green tea

   Cocoa - 1 teaspoon
   Green tea - 1 teaspoon
   Thick dark honey - 1 teaspoon

Preparation: mix green tea with cocoa, add some hot water and honey. Add a couple drops of olive oil. The warm mask is distributed on clean skin, left to dry completely. It is advisable to rest and lie down calmly, then rinse the composition with water.

Action: wrinkle removal, toning, nutrition, moisturizing.

Application: the mask is used once every 3-4 days for combination and oily skin.

19. A unique mask with cocoa for wrinkles around the eyes

   Cocoa powder - 0.5 teaspoon
   Vitamin E - 5 drops
   Sea buckthorn oil - 2 teaspoons

Preparation: mix the components to obtain a thick composition, apply the area around the eyes in the form of a compress. After 15 minutes, rinse your face thoroughly with water and apply a light eye cream.

Action: the mixture copes with fine wrinkles around the eyes, smoothes crow's feet.

Application: the best effect is achieved if you apply the mask before bedtime.

20. Face mask with cocoa and honey, yogurt and coconut oil

   Cocoa Powder - 1 tbsp
   Natural yogurt - 2 tsp.
   Coconut oil - 1 tsp.
   Thick honey - 2 tsp

Preparation: mix the listed components gently, spread the mixture on the face. It usually takes 20 minutes to absorb the active substances, after which the face is washed. Apply a nourishing cream.

Action: revitalization of the complexion, moisturizing and nutrition, protection against adverse external factors (UV radiation, frost). Cocoa restores the skin, yogurt has a soft exfoliation, thanks to its lactic acid. There are enough vitamins K and E in coconut oil, which helps in the fight against premature aging. Honey perfectly retains moisture, cleanses and disinfects the skin.

Indications: for all skin types. Exceptions are cases when individual intolerance to a component is observed.

21. Mask with cocoa, cinnamon and turmeric

   Cocoa - 1 tablespoon
   Turmeric and cinnamon - 1 teaspoon each
   Olive oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon

Method of preparation: when mixing the components, a dense mass is obtained, which is distributed with a thick even layer, rest 20 minutes lying down. Before removing the mask, the skin is slightly massaged to improve absorption.

Action: removal of inflammation and irritation, cleansing, healing of small wounds and toning.

Indications: the mask is suitable for problem skin, eliminates acne, blackheads and frequent rashes.

22. Toning mask with cocoa and fruit pulp

   1 tbsp. cocoa spoon
   1 tbsp. a spoon of fruit puree

Preparation: Kiwi, raspberries, melon, pear, strawberries and watermelon can be used as fruits for making mashed potatoes. Mix the flesh with cocoa. The resulting mass is applied to the face. If the skin is oily, you can add ½ teaspoon of lemon juice.

Action: toning, normalization of the production of the product of the sebaceous glands, cleansing, improving complexion.

Indications: normal, dry and combination skin.

23. A mask of cocoa and cognac with strawberries, oatmeal and clay

   Cocoa - 1 tsp
   Strawberries - 5-6 medium berries
   Cosmetic clay - 2 tbsp. spoons
   Oatmeal - 1 tbsp. a spoon
   Cognac - 1 tbsp. a spoon
   Rose essential oil

Method of preparation: the ingredients are thoroughly mixed, the berries are pre-kneaded with a fork. The mask should be applied to clean skin, soak for 20 minutes and remove with a towel dipped in cool water. To enhance the effect, you can alternate several times washing with cold and hot water.

Action: elimination of oily sheen, making the skin dull, cleansing and softening, eliminating age spots and freckles, smoothing out fine wrinkles.

Indications: this mask with cocoa and cognac is great for oily skin. Do not be afraid of peeling, the effect of which is attributed to masks based on cognac. The only condition: cognac must be expensive and good, since it contains high-quality brandy alcohol.

24. A mask of cocoa, cottage cheese and chocolate

   Melted dark chocolate and fat cottage cheese - 2 tbsp each. spoons
   Cocoa powder - 1 teaspoon
   Pinch of cinnamon

Method of preparation: the ingredients are combined and heated in a water bath, stirring regularly until a thick creamy mass is obtained. The mixture is applied warm on the skin of the face and neck. The next 15 minutes are recommended to lie down and rest. Then the gruel is removed by wetting the towel with mineral water.

Action: the mask soothes irritations and inflammations, cleanses, tones, smoothes expression lines and improves mood.

Application: the procedure can be repeated 1 time in 7 days.

25. Cocoa mask with berries and honey

   Cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. spoons
   Honey - 1 tsp
   1 large strawberry and several blackcurrant berries
   Apricot oil - 10 drops

Preparation: mix cocoa with honey, add crushed berries and drip butter. The mask is applied for 15-20 minutes. After washing, the face must be smeared with cream.

Action: active cleansing, nutrition, giving the skin a haze, toning, normalization of the upper layers of the epidermis.

Indications: tired, aging skin with fine wrinkles, loose skin. Masks can be repeated a couple of times a week for a month.

26. Cocoa mask with banana

   Ripe banana
   Cocoa powder - 1 tbsp.

Method of preparation: mash a banana and mix with cocoa. Vitamin gruel is applied to the face, kept for 20 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with warm water.

Action: improving complexion, cleansing, nourishing and softening the skin. If the skin is sensitive and dry use a banana. For aging skin, you can take mango, the active components of which contribute to the elimination of fine wrinkles. For oily skin, quince, apples and kiwi are used.

Indications: dry and normal skin, aging or oily skin. The range of action of the mask expands depending on the components

Cocoa cultivation culture originates in Mexico. Its former inhabitants, the Aztecs, used cocoa like this: they ground the fruits, added hot spices, sometimes honey, and prepared a fragrant drink called Chocolatl. According to some reports, the famous Inca emperor Montezuma drank up to 50 small bowls of chocolatl per day, which gave him extraordinary vivacity, strength and energy. These qualities were so appreciated by the Aztecs that cocoa fruits were used even as a monetary unit. For example, a slave could be bought for 500 cocoa seeds. The Spanish conquistadors, who conquered Mexico in the sixteenth century, brought cocoa fruits to their king, among other precious gifts, and told how the Aztecs consume them. For a long time, chocolate remained the privilege of kings. Only after about 150 years did he become fashionable throughout Europe. And it remains popular today, although what we used to call "cocoa" is very different from the Aztec "chocolatl".

Tasty good

Cocoa, along with coffee and tea, is one of the most popular everyday drinks in many countries. And the point here is not only a pleasant aroma and taste, but also in beneficial properties, in the amount of which cocoa is not inferior to neither coffee, nor even green tea.

The tonic substance contained in cocoa powder - theobromine - acts invigorating, but at the same time, it is slightly milder than another known alkaloid - caffeine. Therefore, cocoa can be recommended to those to whom coffee is contraindicated for any reason. Theobromine weakly affects the nervous system and actively - on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. So cocoa is very useful in certain diseases, for example, bronchial asthma. It is also believed that all cocoa products protect teeth from the harmful effects of sugar.

Cocoa is also rich in protein (12.9%), fatty acids in cocoa butter normalize blood cholesterol. It has a lot of fiber and vitamins, especially folic acid (vitamin B9). The mineral composition is also diverse: for some elements, cocoa powder is a champion, and in terms of the content of iron and zinc it can be called a leader among products.

American researchers have established a curious fact: despite the fact that   cocoa is more high-calorie than tea or coffee,   it does not lead to obesity. The fact is that even a small portion of cocoa causes a feeling of fullness, therefore, a person does not overeat.

Cocoa and chocolate are also useful for active mental or physical work, many call them wonderful antidepressants.

Cocoa Etiquette

It is customary to drink a drink from large wide cups with thick walls. It is believed that in this way you can enjoy the taste and aroma of cocoa to the highest degree. It is best to combine cocoa with biscuits or not very sweet cookies. In the morning and in the afternoon - for vivacity, in the cold evening (but not before bedtime!) - for raising mood.

The benefits of cocoa to the human body are huge! This drink will cheer you up in bad weather and make you forget about problems and worries.

It is believed that he gives wisdom and peace and is a source of inner strength. With it, your words and ideas turn into actions, the mind becomes clear, and emotions take on new shades. And this is not all that cocoa is capable of - a real drink of the gods.

A recent study at the University of Pennsylvania showed that drinking cocoa can be an effective way to get rid of extra pounds. The results of this work are published by the European Journal of Nutrition.

“A cup of hot chocolate or cocoa in the evening is not a whim, but a concern for one’s health,” the article says about the effect of the drink on losing weight.

The effect of cocoa on body weight associated with weight loss is determined by the presence of such active natural substances in it as flavanols. It is scientifically proven that these nutrients help to reduce the amount of triglycerides (fat-containing compounds) in the blood, which ensures good conductivity and elasticity of blood vessels and, due to this, full blood flow.

This blood flow through the vessels, in turn, is associated with active metabolic processes, the rapid removal of toxins from the body and cellular renewal. All this in combination provides protection against inflammation, which often causes diabetes, and helps a person to be in good shape.

However, doctors emphasize that a positive effect on the body can be achieved only by consuming drinks with a high cocoa content and low sugar.

Pennsylvania State University staff also concluded that cocoa consumption does not affect weight. Moreover, scientists advise those people who are overweight to drink cocoa.

Mice suffering from obesity were fed cocoa powder (ten tablespoons per week) for ten weeks. And in these mice, the inflammatory process causing diabetes of the second type was less likely than in other rodents whose nutrition was the same, but without cocoa. The mice fed cocoa had lower insulin levels (27% lower). It is its high concentration that gives rise to the development of diabetes. Also, these rodents had lower triglycerides (32% lower), which is extremely important for liver health.

“Cocoa did not affect the weight, as we expected, but at the same time, to our surprise, the drink contributed to a significant reduction in the inflammatory response and the risk of developing liver diseases,” commented one of the authors of the study, Joshua Lambert. It has been established that regular consumption of cocoa reduces the possibility of stroke and heart attack.

However, American scientists have found that cocoa contains active substances that contribute to the natural expansion of arterial vessels, thereby lowering blood pressure.

Also, the antioxidants contained in this drink destroy the molecules in the blood that contribute to the onset of cancer. The above substances necessary for the body are in cocoa twice as much as in red wine and three times as much as in green tea.

But it is worth remembering that only cocoa containing at least 50% cocoa mass can have a positive effect on the body. During an experiment that lasted 40 years, Japanese scientists accurately said that drinking coffee also prevents cancer. But how this happens, the researchers failed to understand.


Cocoa powder is obtained from finely ground cake of chocolate tree beans after receiving oil from them. It serves as the basis for the preparation of an aromatic chocolate drink.

Among the Indians, Maya was considered a sacred drink. He was drunk during important rituals. For example, at the conclusion of marriage. The scientific name of the beans is Theobroma, which means “food of the gods” in Greek.

Is there any benefit in using cocoa, than it is useful for different categories of people? We will discuss in our article!

How to choose a good product and check its quality

In stores you can find two types of cocoa:

  • powder to be boiled;
  • dry mix for instant cooking.

Natural powder is more beneficial for health.   It does not contain sugar or preservatives.

When choosing, evaluate the fat content(on packaging): it must be at least 15% in the product, shelf life.

The remaining quality criteria can be evaluated already with the purchased product. These include:

  • The smell of chocolate. It should be strong and clean, without any impurities.
  • There should be no lumps. Their presence indicates improper storage.
  • Grinding   He is supposed to be very small. To assess the quality, you can grind the powder between the fingers. Good cocoa should stick to the skin, not crumble into dust.
  • Color can only be brown.

Before cooking, a little product is advisable to taste.   Rancid or other unpleasant aftertaste indicates unsuitability for food.

REFERENCE! After preparing the drink, the suspension in the liquid should not settle before two minutes.

Composition and calorie content

The chemical composition of the product contains more than 300 organic substances.

The most significant among them:

  • theobromine, causing a feeling of happiness and euphoria, but without addiction.

    INTERESTING!   Theobromine is added to a new generation of toothpastes, as it prevents the destruction of enamel and the development of caries.

  • Theophylline, relaxing smooth muscles, normalizing respiratory function.
  • Phenylethylaminerelated to antidepressants.
  • Caffeine,   stimulating mental and physical activity. It belongs to psychostimulants, but the powder is contained in an amount not exceeding 2%.
  • Purine bases,involved in the synthesis of interchangeable amino acids.
  • Polyphenolsacting as antioxidants.

Calorie content is about 300 kcal / 100 g of product.

Nutrition Facts and Glycemic Index

Sugar-free cocoa powder refers to foods with a low glycemic index of 20. This makes it suitable for the diet of patients and obesity.

Useful properties of the drink in water and milk

The product has a general strengthening effect on the body.. It invigorates, raises the mood, stimulates mental activity without depleting the nervous system.

Fragrant hot drink useful to drink in the cold season., since it has a warming effect.

The product is capable of:

  • stimulate lung function;
  • activate hemoglobin synthesis due to its content;
  • prevent tooth decay;
  • neutralize the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiationdue to the natural pigment melanin, which is part of the composition;
  • inhibit the development of cancer;
  • normalize blood pressure;

It has antioxidant properties, superior to and.

Cocoa brewed on water reminds taste of dark chocolate. It is recommended to drink it to people:

  • prone to diarrhea;
  • hypotension;
  • allergic to lactose.

French nutritionist Madeleine Gesta recommends drinking a drink made in skim milk with honey. It maintains strength even during tough diets.   due to a balanced combination of trace elements and vitamins contained in the ingredients of the drink.

Cocoa in plain milk, with or without sugar, is useful for people with mental work. It satisfies hunger without burdening the stomach, stimulating the brain.

Effect on the body

The product is a source of endorphins, hormones of happiness. It acts gently, not addictive and mood swings.

What is beneficial for adult men and women

In adults, with moderate constant use, strengthens the capillaries due to its flavonoids. Promotes wound healing, rejuvenation of the skin of the face and body.

It is good for men to maintain reproductive function. and contained in the drink, stimulate the body to actively produce male hormone - testosterone, improve the quality of seminal fluid.

Cocoa women are especially useful for hormonal disruptions. It balances the emotional state, softens the premenstrual syndrome.

Pregnant and lactating

Doctors do not recommend cocoa in any form for women expecting a baby, since it complicates the absorption of calcium by the body. But with severe toxicosis in the first trimester, drinking a drink in small quantities is allowed, twice a day, 50-100 ml. It relieves nausea, causes a surge of strength, preventing exhaustion.

During lactation, the product must be resolutely abandoned   to avoid sleepless nights and impaired calcium metabolism in the baby.

Is it harmful to children

Children can drink cocoa from three years old. It is better to accustom your child to a natural product with a minimum amount of sugar. It is necessary to introduce the drink into the diet carefully, in small portions, since it can cause allergies.

Especially useful is a delicious drink for children after illness, during exams to increase their overall tone and mood.

For the elderly

With the onset of age-related changes in the human body, perestroika begins, which is accompanied by emotional decline, depression and depression.

Cocoa can support older people:

  • activating the blood supply to the brain;
  • improving memory;
  • preventing the development of atherosclerosis;
  • increasing the strength of the walls of blood vessels and capillaries;
  • gently removing from a depressive state.

Special categories

They also note the benefits of the product for asthma sufferers.. It relieves spasm of the bronchi, facilitating the well-being of the patient.

Potential danger and contraindications

Cocoa is a food that can trigger allergic reactions.. The main contraindication is individual intolerance.

The product also can not be consumed:

REFERENCE!   Despite the tonic effect, cocoa helps to normalize blood pressure to all those suffering from its drops. It is advisable for hypotensives to drink it on the basis of water, and for hypertensives - milk.

Major suppliers of cocoa beans for powder production - Africawhere chocolate trees are treated with pesticides and insecticides. All toxic substances are removed during the processing of beans at the stage of oil extraction.

But improper storage of raw materials before processing can harm. Therefore, it is better to purchase the product in large supermarkets from manufacturers worthy of your trust.

Since cocoa has the properties of energy, it is better to drink it in the morning to get a charge of vigor for the whole day. A drink on water is combined with cheese or boiled, and on milk - with and honey. Elderly and debilitated people can drink cocoa in milk during the day or early evening.

Sugar-free cocoa in milk is good for athletes, 20-30 ml with an interval of 15 minutes, starting an hour after training. You can prepare a drink in advance and pour it into a thermos.

Safe daily dose of the drink - two cups of 200-250 ml each. To prepare one serving, take 2 tsp. product.

ATTENTION! It is advisable for hypertensive patients to limit themselves to one cup of a fragrant drink in the morning. Patients with asthma - on the contrary, you can drink 3 cups per day.

In cooking

Used for making chocolate sauces, pastries, glazes, etc.

Pancake Sauce
