Passion fruit: description, cultivation and beneficial properties of passion fruit. The fruit of passion, the fruit of health: all about passion fruit

23.08.2019 Snacks


I have long wanted to try passion fruit  to taste (translated from Thai as “passion fruit”) and it finally succeeded in Thailand on the island of Phuket.


Behind   1 kgpassion fruit at the night market in Karon asked for 100 baht (200 rubles). The fruit does not tolerate transportation very well, for this reason it is not so easy to find it in Russia and the price is high, in online stores they offer 2 fruits (200 grams) for 355 rubles, they are stored in the refrigerator.


Do not be alarmed by the wrinkling of the skin; this is what mature passion fruit looks like. The red-brown shriveled fruit looks like an old potato and is the size of a potato.


Seeds with a yellow-orange liquid, in appearance, reminded a berry cloudberries, but the taste is completely different.

The bones are shrouded in white mucus, if you clear them of it, then the color is dark brown, somewhat similar to the bones of an apple.

Gemstones also reminded me, as there is a ribbed structure.


When I tried to determine what smells like passion fruit, it seemed to me like sweet mucus. The smell is not very nasty, just unusual for my nose.


Passion fruit is eaten with a teaspoon, cut the fruit in half and eat the pulp with bones.


On the Internet they write that passion fruit is sweet, do not believe it! She sweet and sour   with a nasty smack and mucus. Something to the taste still reminded a lemon (very sour for me).

After a couple of spoons there is an aftertaste of sourness at the throat.

Passion fruit certainly did not become my favorite fruit. I love sweets, and those people who like acid fruits like lemon (without sugar) will like this exotic.

CALORICITY  (diet product)

68 kcal per 100 grams.

Nutrition value: Proteins - 2.4 g, fats - 0.4 g, carbohydrates - 13.4 g.


Immunity increasebecause, due to the high content of vitamin C, passion fruit becomes good antioxidants for our body.

Vision improvesdue to the large amount of vitamin A in fresh fruits, as well as other components - carotene and phyto-micronutrients.

In addition, vitamin A is a natural source of facelift, which makes skin tautand gives her fresh look.

Normalizes heart rate and blood pressureunder the influence of potassium, iron and magnesium.


Allergic reactions are possible, I and those close to me have not been noticed. I didn’t do any harm, just didn’t like the taste.

A small amount of passion fruit per day helps fight insomnia, but if you overdo it, the opposite effect may happen - increased drowsiness.

This exotic fruit is cultivated on an industrial scale in South Africa, Australia, the Hawaiian Islands, Thailand, and South America, although its homeland is the tropics of Brazil.

In Russia, passion fruit is known as Passiflora, Passionflower, and Granadilla. There is a legend that the Italian Jesuit monk F. Ferrari called this plant a passion flower in memory of the suffering of Jesus Christ. When they showed him the Passiflora flower, he compared the parts of the plant with garments, the Savior's wounds, a crown of thorns and nails from his crucifix.

In its homeland, in tropical forests, passion fruit grows on strong vines of almost ten meters in length with dark green leaves. There are several dozen varieties of this species. Passion fruit flowers are not very large, after pollination for 80 days, a fragrant fruit forms in place of the flower.

Composition of passion fruit

100 g of passion fruit contains:

    Water - 78 g

    Proteins - 2.4 g

    Fats - 0.4 g

    Carbohydrates - 13.4 g

Dietary fiber (fiber) –1.5 g


    Vitamin A (beta-carotene) - 0.24 mg

    Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.02 mg

    Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) - 0.1 mg

    Niacin (Vitamin B3 or Vitamin PP) - 2.5 mg

    Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) - 0.2 mg

    Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) - 0.4 mg

    Folic Acid (Vitamin B9) - 14 mcg

    Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - 24 mg

    Vitamin E (tocopherol) - 0.4 mg

    Biotin (Vitamin H) - 5 mcg

    Vitamin K (phylloquinone) - 10 mcg


    Potassium - 340 mg

    Calcium - 17 mg

    Magnesium - 9 mg

    Sodium - 28 mg

    Sulfur - 19 mcg

    Chlorine - 37 mg

    Phosphorus - 57 mg

Trace elements:

    Iron - 1.3 mg

    Iodine - 1.3 mcg

    Manganese - 120 mcg

    Copper - 120 mcg

    Zinc - 0.25 mg

    Fluoride - 20 mcg

What does passion fruit look like?

Those who have never seen passion fruit can imagine a large plum yellow or dark purple. This exotic fruit grows on the vine, its length varies from 6 to 12 cm. Passion fruit, which is not quite ripe, has a smooth skin, and its ripe fruit has a wrinkled surface. The peel of the fruit is quite dense, it reliably preserves the flesh from mechanical damage.

The beneficial properties of passion fruit

Passion fruit contains almost no fat, protein and carbohydrates predominate, which allows those who care about their weight to use this fruit in their diet. Calorie content of 100 g of tropical goodies is only 65-70 kcal. But the benefits of passion fruit are not only to use when dieting, it has many valuable properties.

Useful properties of passion fruit:

Today, on the grocery shelves of our supermarkets, you can increasingly find the most diverse overseas vegetables and fruits. But how are they useful to us? Today we will talk about an amazing tropical plant, the fruits of which are often called the fruit of passion, or simply - "passion fruit". The beneficial properties of the plant and its fruits, the chemical composition, as used in cooking, medicine and cosmetology, who benefit from passion fruit, and who should use it with caution - you will learn about all this from our article.

Tropical fruit

For us, such a fruit is considered a curiosity. But it has been known for many centuries about the beneficial effects of passionflower (or passion fruit) in the subtropics - Africa, Australia, Brazil, New Zealand, Israel and the Hawaiian Islands. It is generally accepted that South America is the birthplace of the marvelous fruit. This fruit has become so popular that today there are more than 400 varieties of it throughout the world. Fruits of different species can vary in size, shape, color and even taste. Some fruits can be eaten whole, but for others, the skin is poisonous, and only delicate and juicy pulp is eaten.

Only two types of passionflower often appear on the shelves of our country, one of them has a purple peel, but the other is yellow. It is interesting that passion fruit has useful properties not only in its fruits: the leaves and flowers of this plant are used to make medicinal decoctions and infusions. Passion fruit is a part of cosmetics and medicines.


This plant belongs to lianas and grows to 10 meters, entangling everything that gets in its way. In agriculture, passionflower is grown in the same way as grapes in our country - on large high arches. The plant is perennial and lives about 7 years. Like any resident of the tropics, it needs warmth and sun. It is capable of self-pollination, green fruits outwardly resemble large grapes. 2 months after flowering, harvest begins. The flowers of the plant are large, very beautiful and unusual, they rightfully occupy one of the first places among the most beautiful on the planet. During the flowering period, hummingbirds curl around them in flocks. Photos of amazing flowers you can see below. They so conquered the beauty of man that he decided to settle them in his house. If on your windowsill there is a plant with the intricate name of "passionflower", you can be sure that you have a living relative of the "passion fruit". With good care, such a plant can bloom all summer and even in winter.

How to use passion fruit

Today, not only freshly sold its flesh can be found canned or frozen. Many delicious desserts and drinks also include passion fruit. The beneficial properties, of course, are optimally preserved in fresh fruits. The fruit is cut into two parts, and the juicy fragrant pulp is eaten with a spoon. It has many small seeds, they are also useful and rich in protein. Ripe “passion fruit” has a bright pleasant aroma and sweet and sour taste, some varieties are sweeter, and others, on the contrary, with pronounced sourness. The pulp is used as a filler for desserts or for decoration, added to many dishes, and juice is made from juicy varieties.

How rich are the fruits

The beneficial properties of passion fruit (fruit) can be judged by the content in it of certain substances that affect our body. Fruits contain a large amount of minerals and vitamins, but their calorie content is very low - only 70 kcal. Passion fruit can be eaten by those who are inclined to be overweight, it will not add extra pounds. At the same time, the body will be able to get vitamins in sufficient quantities.

The pulp contains abundance of ascorbic acid, vitamin PP, B vitamins, as well as E, A, K and N. It is also rich in passion fruit minerals, the beneficial properties of which are described in the article. It contains potassium, zinc, iron, copper. It contains fluorine, chlorine, manganese, sulfur, magnesium, calcium, sodium and phosphorus. In ripe fruits, there is everything necessary to maintain the human body in good shape, it is believed that the fruit gives youth, beauty and longevity.

Who benefits from passion fruit

The fruits have a lot of vitamin C, which means that it is useful to eat passion fruit in the cold season. It can enhance immunity and improve disease resistance. Passion fruit is an excellent product for those who care about their vessels and heart. Fruit will help lower cholesterol, strengthen the vascular system. Favorably affects the digestive system, helps to gently cleanse the intestines, has a laxative property. Doctors recommend including fruit in the diet for those who suffer from kidney disease. It has diuretic properties, improves metabolic processes in the body, removes toxins and fights against microbes. It is believed that passion fruit interferes with the development of cancer, is effective for gout, bronchial asthma, and helps to relieve heat. The fruits are able to relieve nervous tension, depression, act as a natural sedative.

But is passion fruit (beneficial properties) and pregnancy compatible? Often in a "interesting position" a woman's blood pressure drops, and she has to give up medicine. Include passion fruit in your diet - and you will forget about this problem. Plus, you will receive all the necessary nutrients, your mood will improve, and your sleep problems will disappear.

Passion fruit in cosmetology

But what are passion fruit has beneficial properties for the skin? Oil from its seeds is often included in cosmetic products. It is rich in oleic, eicosanoic, lauric and margaroleic acids. Contains saponins, amino acids, alkaloids, vitamins A and C, pectin and potassium. Oil is used for the production of creams, lotions, masks, cleansing and restorative products for the skin. It is effective for psoriasis, burns and various eczema. Also included in shampoos, shower gels and other products. Passion fruit enhances skin regeneration, softens, nourishes and eliminates itching. Gives skin elasticity and healthy color, preserves youth. Include passion fruit in your diet as often as possible - and soon you will notice that your hair has become strong and shiny, and your nails have become stronger and stopped peeling.


Like any other product, passion fruit has beneficial properties and contraindications. The basis is the individual intolerance of the product, which may cause allergies. You should know that passion fruit should not be given to small children. Well, of course, do not overeat these fruits, because everything, as you know, is good in moderation.

The material describes in detail the fruit of passion fruit, useful properties. A photo of him is presented in the article. Remember that fresh fruits are of great benefit to our health. Adhere to a healthy diet and often include them in your diet, this will help to maintain health and youth for many years.

All about passion fruit - what is this exotic fruit and how to eat it. Also where it grows, how to grow it at home, where to buy passion fruit and how to store. Useful and harmful properties of the fetus

The passion fruit passion fruit appeared in our countries not so long ago. His homeland is Brazil. This fruit has over a hundred species. However, it is possible to grow it only if certain conditions exist. The main condition is the presence of a large amount of heat and sun. Passion fruit, depending on the species, may have a wrinkled or smooth skin. Such differences do not strongly affect the taste of the fruit, however, it is generally accepted that fruits with smooth skin are less mature and less sweet, more mature fruits are even slightly soft. Therefore, for those who prefer aromatic fruits, when choosing this exotic fruit, you should pay attention to its skin, it should also be dark in color (although there is also a kind of light green fruit). Color and appearance will be the main clue.

Growing passion fruit

This fruit can be grown at home, but for this you will need, firstly, careful care for it, and secondly, a large space, since the fruits of this exotic fruit appear on the vine. It all depends on the desire and ability of a person. However, the main thing to remember is the intolerance of cold to southern plants. If the owner still decided to cultivate a wild species of passion fruit, then this must be done patiently, not expecting fruit in the first year. But the absence of fruits, even after 4 years of careful care of such a plant, may indicate an improperly selected temperature or light regime.

Therefore, more often the fruits of passion fruit are grown in countries such as India and Brazil. You can also often find the growing fruits of this exotic fruit in the Philippines, Australia or Hawaii. Common to these places is the plentiful sun necessary for the proper growth of such a plant.

How to eat passion fruit: use in cooking recipes

Those who see this fruit for the first time are wondering, “How to eat it?” Everything is very simple, you need to carefully cut the skin with a knife in a circle (not like a tomato in half, but in a circle), the blade of the knife should go half a centimeter. Then quickly disconnect the two halves so that the passion fruit juice does not leak. It is advisable to eat yellow flesh with seeds with a teaspoon. Seeds nicely click on the teeth, and the aroma of the fruit makes you eat more and more.

Usually, passion fruit pulp is used in food. It can perfectly help to create a unique taste in a pie or cake. It can also be used for fruit salads, but then put it last, before mixing. Passion fruit is also an excellent component for creating cocktails. In this case, its juice is used. A great combination will be mixing passion fruit juice, absinthe and mango juice. Such a cocktail will not leave indifferent any gourmet. And the harmony of passion fruit with kiwi will be a real find for culinary specialists creating fruit sauce. The seeds in the passion fruit pulp, like kiwi, are a piquant “highlight” of such a sauce, giving it a gentle acid and a pleasant aftertaste with a crunching of seeds.

The appearance of this exotic fruit often encourages its use as an aphrodisiac. The combination of it with mussels will be a real mystery for a man, which he can solve with his beloved woman.

Where to buy and store passion fruit

You can buy this “fruit of love” at a large supermarket importing exotic fruits. If passion fruit is not eaten immediately, then storing it in the refrigerator is regulated for five days. In the case of the purchase of an unripe fruit, it is recommended that it be stored for a day at room temperature until fully ripened, and only then put in the refrigerator.

If you are going to visit, for example, Thailand, then there you can buy this fruit for 80-100 baht for 5-6 pcs. (this is about 160-190 rubles).

Useful and harmful properties of passion fruit

The huge amount of vitamins contained in this exotic fruit makes passion fruit a win-win remedy for strengthening immunity. And the content of antioxidants in the fruit allows it to be used for cancer, as well as to strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Passion fruit is used by many traditional healers as a means that can regulate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as normalize the genitourinary system. The seeds of this fruit are used to relieve nervous tension, and the leaves are an excellent remedy for headaches and joint pain. That is, this fruit can be used for medical purposes in its entirety, since each component of it is appreciated in the treatment of various diseases.

And about the harmful properties, there is nothing to say, the only thing, it can just be an allergy to this fruit and that’s all, and if you use it in large quantities (seeds), it can pull you to sleep, it has drowsiness.

Video about the fruit, its benefits and how to eat:

Of the approximately 500 species of plants of the Passiflora family, only passion fruit has become widespread and famous. There are two different forms of passion fruit within the species — the ordinary purple (violet) and yellow varieties. Not only the color of their fruit is different, but also how and where these subspecies of passion fruit grow.

Passion fruit is a tree perennial, with a shallow root system and long branches of lozines, fixed with antennae and weaving on the surrounding vegetation. Three-lobed leaves have small denticles along the edges and grow up to 20 centimeters in length, have a dark green color on top and paler on the back. Young stems and antennae have a reddish or purple hue, which is especially characteristic of the yellow form of passion fruit.

In the sinus of each leaf on a growing young vine, one passion fruit flower is formed, growing up to 7.5 centimeters in diameter. The flower consists of 5 greenish-white sepals, 5 white petals and many subtle rays forming a crown of the same color. The whole flower has a rich purple color at the base, in the center are concentrated 5 stamens with large anthers and a pistil, divided into sap. The yellow passion fruit flower grows more spectacular with rich color.

The fruits of passion fruit are almost round or ovoid fruits growing from 4 to 7.5 centimeters in diameter, have a hard crust with a smooth waxy surface. Shades of passion fruit can be dark purple with small white dots, or light yellow, resembling the colors of a pumpkin. Under the peel, a cavity is found filled with about 250 bags filled with fragrant orange juice and seeds.

Countries where passion fruit grows.

Purple passion fruit hails from southern Brazil and Argentina, and the origin of its yellow variety is not exactly known. In Brazil, passion fruit is growing everywhere and there is already an established industry for the production of juice and preserves from it. Purple passion fruit is considered preferable for fresh consumption, yellow is grown for industrial processing.

At the beginning of the last century, passion fruit plantations were common in Australia and New Zealand, however, after the onset of the disease, almost all large-scale plantings died. After the emergence of hybrids of yellow and purple passion fruit that can withstand serious diseases, these fruits have again begun to gain popularity in this region over the past few decades.

The industrial production of passion fruit juice in Hawaii has firmly entrenched, where its yellow-form plantings reach 500 hectares. Commercial cultivation of purple passion fruit previously flourished in Kenya and Uganda, but after the onset of disease, farmers switched to less massive cultivation of it. In South Africa, India and Sri Lanka, purple and yellow passion fruit are actively grown for domestic consumption.

Today, passion fruit has spread and is growing in Taiwan, in the private gardens of Israel, it can be found on the islands of Java, Sumatra, Malaya, the Philippines, and Zimbabwe. In many places in Southeast Asia you can find wild passion fruit, but it has a cultural origin. In the 1950s, interest grew in the cultivation and processing of yellow passion fruit in Colombia and Venezuela, where the production of juice, ice cream, passion fruit cocktails reached industrial status with wide national support.

Purple passion fruit is a subtropical plant. It grows well at altitudes from 650 to 1300 meters above sea level, can survive negative temperatures, but usually frosts cause serious damage to the passion fruit vine, so in the cold months it is advisable to arrange shelters and wrap the passion fruit vine in heat-preserving materials. Yellow passion fruit is more thermophilic - a tropical plant.

Both varieties need protection from the wind, and the minimum annual rainfall should be about 90 centimeters. Passion fruit grows successfully on many types of soils, from light to heavy loam, but soils of medium texture and medium acidity are preferred. Various periods of fruiting of passion fruit are known in various places of its growth. There are territories, for example, in India, where passion fruit grows and bears fruit year-round, with peak periods in the spring and from August to December, but the quality of the fruit varies from month to month.

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