The composition will help enrich the olive. Mask for dry skin

23.08.2019 Desserts and Cakes

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 13 minutes

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One of the most useful products, by right, is olive oil. Even Homer, it is called "liquid gold", and has been actively used in various fields of our life for more than six thousand years. Olive oil is used for beauty and for massage, for treatment, and for cooking. What exactly is this “liquid gold" useful for, and how to use it correctly?

The beneficial composition of olive oil

When choosing oil, you should give preference to Greek - the most useful. And to distinguish a fake from natural olive oil is very easy. Just put a bottle of oil in the cold. White flakes will appear in natural oil (due to the content of solid fats), which disappear when the bottle returns to room temperature.

Benefits of consuming and using olive oil

Internal application

Outdoor application

Olive oil in Russia has become popular not so long ago, but has already won universal love for its beneficial properties and exquisite taste. It is worth noting that in countries that have been using this oil for centuries, there are a lot of centenarians. Olive oil - life extending product. After sheetaki mushrooms, this oil is in second place in the ranking of products that give youth and beauty.

Contraindications to the use of olive oil

Olives cannot cause harm to human health. But everything is good in moderation. And also it is worth remembering the negative properties of olive oil:

  • This product able to cause outflow of bile   from the gall bladder. With cholecystitis, it is categorically not recommended to use it.
  • The daily rate of olive oil is a couple of tablespoons . This product is high in calories, and if you are overweight, olive oil should not be abused.
  • After heating, any oil ingested is harmful to the body. . It is clear that waiting for a healing effect from french fries in olive oil and overcooked chicken is pointless. But with a salad of fresh vegetables, oil will be very useful.
  • In the process of diet, you need to remember calories olive oil : one spoon - one hundred twenty calories.

As for an allergic reaction, it is extremely rare for a given product.

Olive oil for beauty

Since ancient times, this oil has been successfully used in cosmetology, thanks to the presence of vitamins, antioxidants   etc. Olive oil is an ideal cosmetic product for any type of skin, and on its basis most of creams and other cosmetics are made. Olive oil has many beauty benefits. Here are just a few of them.

Olive oil was so highly valued in ancient Greece that for pruning or damaging the trees, the culprit could be executed based on the provisions of the laws of the 6th century BC. Learn more about this product, how to use olive oil correctly, whether expired olive oil can be used, and whether the statement of the Greek poet Homer, who used the phrase “liquid gold” to describe it, is justified.

  Olive Oil Properties

The main components of olive oil include: oleic (omega-9), linoleic (omega-6), palmitic, stearic and linolenic (omega-3) acids, polyphenols, vitamin E, carotenoids and squalene (Squalene). Let's try to understand the components and their features.

Oleic acid (OMEGA-9):

  • supports softness, elasticity and healthy gloss of the skin;
  • stimulates the growth of thicker, longer and stronger hair (more about);
  • reduces the manifestation of aging, for example, in the form of premature wrinkles;
  • eliminates dandruff;
  • boosts immunity;
  • exhibits antioxidant properties;
  • prevents joint inflammation, stiffness of movements and pain.

Linoleic acid (OMEGA-6):

  • moisturizes hair and stimulates their growth;
  • promotes wound healing;
  • it is an effective emulsifier in the composition of soaps and quick-drying oils;
  • possesses anti-inflammatory qualities;
  • fights acne and reduces the chances of their further appearance;
  • helps to retain moisture in the skin and hair;
  • makes the oil mixture more diluted in consistency during cooking, which is useful for use in the presence of blackheads.

Palmitic acid:

  • has emollient properties (at the same time, does not leave a sticky residue after use);
  • is the most common saturated fatty acid.

The chemical composition of olive oil depends on the following factors:

  • type and quality of the pressed fruit;
  • the region in which olives grow;
  • height of growth above sea level;
  • weather during the growing season;
  • harvest time and extraction process.

However, at the same time, 3 main components of all types of product remain unchanged - oleic (up to 83%), linoleic (up to 21%) and palmitic (up to 20%) acids, which were described in more detail above.

There are additional features that other components provide. For example, thanks to stearin, which is an ideal emulsifier that binds water and oil, the products produced on the basis of the subject of study remain stable during long-term storage. Add to this the exceptional cleansing properties.

Omega-3, in turn, controls blood coagulation and soothes joints. Polyphenols protect against ultraviolet rays, increase the moisture level of the skin and improve blood circulation and cell growth.
  Vitamin E is known for stimulating antioxidant activity, delaying the aging of the body and protecting against toxins, as well as smoothing the surface of damaged tissues with scars, acne and wrinkles.

Carotenoids guard hyperpigmentation due to UV radiation, acne and hormone activity. In addition, they reduce water loss and are responsible for moisturizing and regenerating the skin.

Finally, squalene is similar in chemical composition to the secretion produced by the sebaceous glands, and helps, like sebum, soften and moisturize the upper layer of the epidermis.

  The harm and benefits of olive oil, contraindications

If we consider “liquid gold” on the basis of the information indicated above, it seems that the product has only useful properties. But, for the objectivity of the assessment, it is worth mentioning the shortcomings and cases when it is better to dose the application.

  The usefulness of olive oil

To understand if olive oil is good, let’s briefly summarize it based on the following benefits:

  • irreplaceable useful properties, skin, moisturizing and increasing its elasticity, regenerative abilities;
  • the formation of antioxidants and healthy fats to combat free radicals (defective molecules trying to regain their composition even at the expense of other tissues) and facilitate healing;
  • smoothing wrinkles under the eyes;
  • possibility of application and similarity in composition with sebum.

But the benefits are not limited. It is rich in monounsaturated fats, which helps reduce the risk of heart disease. It can be beneficial in regulating insulin levels and controlling blood sugar and therefore potentially reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. This product is considered softer for the digestive system, prevents gallstones and soothes ulcers.

  Possible harm

Now about the negative impact. For people with sensitive skin or a disease such as dermatitis, external use is not recommended, as this can worsen the condition. It is necessary to conduct a test for the reaction of a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin to check for allergic irritations before applying it to more sensitive areas.

It is also worth completely eliminating the use of massage babies, as studies have shown that natural oils can contribute to the development of eczema, especially in people with a genetic predisposition to this. Those who suffer from asthma, atopic dermatitis, it is also advisable to avoid the use of olive oil, because there is a likelihood of allergies. For external use, the excess amount should be removed after application to avoid clogging of pores and the retention of bacteria inside.

When eating, pay attention to the fact that this product is high-calorie and its excessive consumption will negatively affect the health status of sedentary people. Cholagogue properties are dangerous in the presence of formations and stones, therefore, with diagnosed cholecystitis, caution will not be superfluous.

Like any vegetable oil, useful characteristics are lost when heated, and when high temperatures are reached, harmful carcinogens begin to be released. In this case, we are talking about an indicator of more than 200 degrees.


Diabetes medicines are used to lower sugar levels. Therefore, with their parallel use with olive oil at home, it is better to monitor the numbers of glucose in the blood.

A similar situation is with medicines for high blood pressure. Antihypertensive drugs often include captopril, enalapril and furosemide, and when used together, the numbers may change too sharply. Cholecystitis, diarrhea and obesity will complement the list of contraindications.

  What can replace olive oil with?

No matter how expensive and useful the product is, sometimes it needs to be replaced. First of all, because of the price or specific taste. But what kind of oil can be replaced with olive?

Consider five alternatives for those who are used to using olive oil.

  1. Flaxseed. It is made from flax seeds and is applicable as a medicine, and not just for cooking. Due to the pronounced taste and smell, it is usually used for dressing salads, cereals and boiled potatoes. The short shelf life (about three months) and the price tag do not allow us to consider it as a full replacement.
  2. Sesame. It is a popular substitute in view of the trace elements and antioxidants contained in its composition. It is made either from raw seeds or roasted. Accordingly, the color varies from light to darker, and the first type is used in cold dishes, and the second is seasoned with hot ones. Fry in sesame oil is undesirable.
  3. Mustard - distributed due to resistance to high temperatures without loss of beneficial properties. It contains a decent list of vitamins (B6 and B9, A, C, D, E).
  4. Hemp. Easily digestible, does not contain contraindications for frying and cooking marinades and soups. The composition of omega-3 and omega-6 is close to olive.
  5. Sunflower. The most common substitute. The fat content is approximately the same, but in a refined sunflower, the indicator will be significantly lower. The price tag for two products in the CIS countries differs 5-6 times in favor of the domestic alternative.

  Why is olive oil better than sunflower oil?

Is it worth looking in favor of substitutes, giving up olive oil? Consider the example of the last, fifth denomination.

Olives do not grow in our latitudes, and organisms are not as adapted to them as the inhabitants of the Mediterranean. Due to the length of the cold season, the need for omega-3s that fight cold and atherosclerosis is increasing. The usefulness of sunflower oil is that, containing 72% of these fats in the composition, it is almost seven times higher than the competitor. But olive, in turn, is better in the following components:

  • three times more vitamin K;
  • easier to digest due to the unique combination of unsaturated fatty acids (omega-9s affect protein production and fight blood clots and cholesterol);
  • economy in consumption;
  • resistance to higher temperatures and less carcinogens when heated.

Of course, olive oil is not a medicine in the fight against obesity, because with excessive consumption, the problem will also appear. But compared to sunflower, the risk is lower at times.

  How to take olive oil?

Some of the most confusing questions that come up on forums and web pages about nutrition and health are: how to use extra virgin olive oil. Many people recommend using only a premium product or only slightly heating it. For example, sprinkle vegetables, add to ready-made dishes or dress salads. For others, this is the main tool in cooking, both for stewing and frying, as well as cold snacks.

The problem is the burning temperature at which olive oil burns, becomes rancid and, in turn, releases free radicals that act as carcinogens. But, if you do not go about your business and leave food for a long time on high heat, nothing will start to smoke. For example, when cooking eggs, potatoes and other dishes that do not take much time, the pan will not have time to warm up to 200 degrees.

  Refined or unrefined?

Refined and unrefined olive oils have their own characteristics that affect their use. In the first case, the product is cleaned by neutralization, bleaching and deodorization. There is no point in taking a bottle of the processed product for filling cold dishes and salads: the desired aroma is lost during the cleaning procedure, the taste also changes somewhat. If heating will not be carried out, it is better to opt for the unrefined version.

The refining process, in turn, adjusts the product for heat treatment. Removing moisture allows you to not burn in a pan and not foam. The burning temperature of refined oil rises, odors are removed, which, when heated, affect cooking, and harmful elements that turn into carcinogens.

  What else to look for?

Quality is important. See what the product is made of - from fruits or oilcake. Never use a premium product for a long time to fry fatty meat dishes of long cooking. This is a transfer of money, and there’s no question of benefits. Whenever cooking with olive oil (or any other vegetable oil), gradually raise the temperature and do not raise it to a critical level of burning. Contrary to popular recipes, where you want to heat the pan almost red-hot, you should not just turn a useful ingredient into smoke.

  How to use expired olive oil?

Finally, let's talk about how to use expired olive oil, and whether it can be consumed. If the recommended shelf life has expired, the useful properties of such a product will decrease, and in some cases a rancid taste and smell will appear. First of all, it is undesirable to use expired olive oil for food. However, much depends on storage conditions. If the temperature conditions are observed, sunlight is excluded, and the bottle is tightly closed, then the period indicated by the manufacturer can be safely increased by a third.

The use of expired olive oil is possible in the following areas:

  • for cosmetic purposes: various skin products and natural soaps require the correct fat content and consistency, rather than smell and taste;
  • “Paint” for wood products. With the function of protection from sunlight and surface wear, the oil can handle it. But you should be careful when it comes to furniture, so as not to leave stains. Although the outer elements will gain shine after polishing;
  • grease for creaking parts;
  • “Refreshment” of leather things, especially shoes.

Olive oil has long been popular not only in the Mediterranean regions, but also around the world. It is valued for its taste and range of health benefits for the body. This article is intended to help you learn more about this herbal ingredient - its properties, health values, how to use olive oil correctly, whether it is possible to replace olive oil with sunflower oil, and what to do with an expensive purchase that has expired.

The main and still unattainable dream of mankind at all times has been and remains a cure for all diseases. However, neither technological progress nor incredible computer capabilities have yet been able to help us achieve this goal. Therefore, traditional medicine and healthy products donated to us by nature itself remain the most effective way of healing the body. Especially effective of these is olive oil - a real panacea that can defeat even cancer cells! But what is the superiority of foreign olive to domestic sunflower? And is it possible to harm this health with this miraculous medicine? On the benefits and harms of olive oil on an empty stomach, reviews of people taking it, read the article.

Olive - a gift from Athens

As the ancient peoples liked to compose legends and myths about everything valuable and inexplicably useful, so it is said about Greek olive that it was a gift from the goddess of wisdom and peace of Athena. Allegedly, this divine lady once argued with her husband Poseidon about the name of the new city of Attica. Zeus helped them resolve the dispute by declaring competition for the gift most useful to the people. As a result, Poseidon decided to defeat everyone with a source of clean water, but the wise Athena created a source of vitamins and other useful compounds in the fruits of the olive tree. Subsequently, they became an indispensable ingredient in cosmetics, medicines, as well as masterpieces of culinary art. And for good reason, because olive oil contains:

  • all known vitamins: A, B, C, D, K, E, F;
  • macro- and microelements: potassium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, sodium;
  • unsaturated and saturated fatty acids;
  • antioxidants, etc.

Well, the dispute was resolved in favor of Athena, from which the ancient Greeks only benefited. For many years, olives served as the monetary unit of this people and were equated with gold coins. Until now, the welfare of a resident of Greece, Italy or Spain can be estimated by the number of olive trees in the property. This fact really makes one think about what the olive fruits are valuable for and what specific effect they have on the human body.

Among the most powerful arguments in favor of olive oil can be the fact that the inhabitants of the olive homeland are less than other peoples have problems with the cardiovascular system. Not only that, they learned to prevent the formation of cancer cells with the help of olives.

Thus, the formation of cholesterol plaques and blood clots on the walls of blood vessels is prevented by omega-9 (oleic acid), thereby preventing atherosclerosis, heart disease and vascular ailments.

While studying the properties of olive oil, scientists were interested in its molecular composition, where fatty acids are composed of fairly large molecules. This implies a large number of atoms in their composition, providing a large energy return to the human body. In simple terms, if you use olive oil in the winter, you can never get cold.

An interesting fact is that a natural hydrocarbon of youth was recently discovered in olive oil. We are talking about squalene, the existence of which became a real sensation when it was discovered in long-lived sharks. Based on this useful component, the beauty industry has learned how to make cosmetics. However, replace specialized preparations with easily unrefined olive oil, applying it to the skin of the face and body.

The amazing properties of olives help smokers by neutralizing the harm from Moreover, contributing to the accelerated renewal of cells and wound healing, olive oil will protect the lungs from the damaging effects.

The benefits of olive oil for the body

By improving blood circulation with linoleic acid, olive products can affect brain function and nerve cell production. Thus, a person who regularly consumes olive oil will have excellent memory, speed of reactions and coordination of movements.

It has been proven that the fats found in olive oil can replace breast milk for babies. Therefore, this olive product is recommended to be added to babies in the first lure - cereals and mashed potatoes.

What else is the use of olive oil for the human body? The greatest advantage of olives is the ability to cure stomach ulcers. Improvement promises to come within three months after the start of the olive diet. Olives also have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the pancreas, liver and gastrointestinal tract as a whole. Moreover, olive oil prevents the formation of stones in the gallbladder and reduces pain in the presence of a particular illness of the body.

With the help of olive trees, they even learned to cope with diseases in the oral cavity, including periodontal disease. To do this, you just need to brush your teeth with olive oil and rub it into the surface of the gums.

The main thing is not to harm

As the main principle of medicine says, the main thing is not to harm. And to harm your health in the case of olive oil is possible only in two cases:

  • purchasing a low-quality product;
  • consuming it in unlimited quantities.

How to take olive oil? The product will bring benefits with a reasonable approach to its use. The experts determined the norm of no more than 2-3 tablespoons of this product per day. If you use more, it can lead to weight gain, at least.

Before taking olive oil, the benefits and harms need to be studied and discussed with a specialist. A contraindication to the use of this product may also be its individual intolerance or the presence of gallstone disease.

In addition to all the inhabitants of our vast country, it is better not to give up native sunflower oil completely.

Well, of course, no one is safe from the purchase of a low-quality product, therefore, its selection and storage should be approached responsibly. Especially if with the help of olive oil you are going to improve your health.

What manufacturers are silent about

Before taking olive oil, the benefits and harms to the body, of course, are worth exploring. And besides, you need to purchase a quality product. It is worth noting that the following countries are the largest suppliers of olive oil: Greece, Italy and Spain. They supply us with various varieties and types of olive oil, which are not always so natural and healthy. In order to use olive oil with confidence, you need to understand a little about the processes of its production. Its technological capabilities allow producing three types of olive oil:

  • Extra virgin olive oil.

It is such a product that is most useful, since during the production of olive oil is not subject to heat treatment or the addition of chemicals. This product is not cheap, but cannot be stored for long. It is possible to determine the belonging of olive oil to this category by the composition of fatty acids - their amount should not exceed 1%.

  • Extra virgin olive oil.

This oil is obtained during the second cold pressing, respectively. It also does not contain chemicals, but inferior to its "first" brother in quality characteristics: taste, smell, color.

  • Chemical extraction.
  • Oilcake is made from a substrate, heat-treated and a whole list of chemical solvents is added to it. For example, gasoline and hexane. This product is not capable of providing any benefit. Its use is widespread in the production of mayonnaise and sauces, where they are silent about the details of the production of second-rate oil.
  • If the bottle with oil is marked Pure olive oil, then be prepared that this type of product is carried out according to a similar technology with oil cake, with the exception of some technological features.
  • Finally, the Pomace oil label indicates that this oil is intended for the manufacture of creams, soaps, balms or cosmetics. However, this is similar to chemical extraction, which has little to do with the useful product.

Rules for choosing olive oil

Those who have long turned their attention to such a useful product as olive oil probably know that refined, that is, refined, bleached and deodorized oil cannot have the beneficial effect declared by experts. Therefore, when purchasing this product, you should be guided by the following rules:

  • To use an olive product as a salad dressing, cosmetic, or nutritional supplement, you need to purchase only unrefined oil.
  • The cost of natural olive oil is quite high, as a producer can collect only 8 kilograms of fruit from one olive tree, from which only 1.5 liters of the final product are obtained.
  • Real unrefined olive oil has a greenish tint, pungent olives and a slightly bitter aftertaste. At the bottom of the bottle you can see a small precipitate.
  • Look carefully at the product label. The above markings indicate a low-quality product, but the inscriptions Bio or Organic, on the contrary, promise naturalness and the absence of chemicals, as well as genetically modified raw materials.

Finally, if you intend to use it, then in this case it is better to give preference to a refined product that does not have a pronounced smell and taste.

As noted in the reviews by numerous consumers, when storing olive oil, it should be protected from sunlight and bright light. That is why the product is most often bottled in dark glass. Do not store the olive product in the refrigerator, as in this case it will lose its beneficial properties. The optimum storage temperature is not higher than 12 degrees.

Fasting olive oil: benefits and harms

In many open sources, you can read that the most effective way of the beneficial effects of olive oil on the body is to take it on an empty stomach, that is, 15 minutes before a meal. Why did the experts think so?

Due to the fact that the olive product is a choleretic drug, it is the first to enter our body that it prepares the gastrointestinal tract for digesting food, thus triggering the choleretic process. After all, it is bile that helps with the greatest efficiency to break down consumed foods. Especially if you drink olive oil with lemon juice. What can go wrong in this case, you ask?

In the presence of gallstone disease, olive oil can provoke the movement of stones towards the canals, which will lead the consumer to a hospital bed with a diagnosis of biliary colic.

In addition, in combination with lemon, an olive product can provoke a severe upset stomach, in other words, diarrhea.

However, according to reviews of the benefits and harms of olive oil, cases of such effects are rare, especially if your use of olive oil is reduced to a useful minimum. Plus, the treatment of each individual disease requires an individual approach.

Olive Health Recipes

In order to bring olive oil on an empty stomach, people recommend using the tips below in reviews. Indeed, each individual case of a disease or prevention has its own secrets of using an olive product.

  1. Due to the fact that olive oil cleanses the liver and removes cholesterol, consumers often resort to cleansing the body with an olive diet. To do this, oil and lemon juice are mixed in equal amounts (150 ml each) and consumed every 15 minutes for 1 day. But the day before, you should refuse fatty and protein foods, and 6 hours before the start of the procedure, it is better to make an enema. There is another - a more gentle way to cleanse the liver - drinking 1 cup of tomato juice with 1 tablespoon of olive oil daily before breakfast.
  2. In order to cure gastritis, experts recommend drinking a glass of purified water daily in the morning, then, after 20 minutes, a tablespoon of olive oil, and after another 30 minutes, start breakfast. The course of such therapy cannot be continued for more than 3 months. But peptic ulcer helps to cure olive oil in the morning on an empty stomach (we have already discussed the benefits of consuming this product), mixed with aloe juice and honey.
  3. Very carefully, you need to follow the recipes for pancreatitis, since olive oil with this diagnosis can be used only 30 days after remission and in an amount not exceeding 1 tablespoon per day.
  4. Many in their reviews of the benefits of olive oil note that a tablespoon of the product consumed on an empty stomach 20-30 minutes before a meal will help to clear the intestines and forget about constipation.
  5. Without fail, many recommend using olive oil for thrombosis and varicose veins. An oil product is able to thin the blood and rid blood vessels of blood clots and plaques. Drinking oil on an empty stomach can be supplemented by rubbing into the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe vessel.

Olives on guard of beauty

However, a magical olive remedy is able to improve the condition of the human body not only from the inside. With the help of oil, you can significantly improve the appearance of your hair, face, and nails. When planning to deal with this very issue of your health and beauty, use olive oil in a complex manner, that is, both inside and as a means for external use.

  • Due to the property of cell renewal, olive oil heals wounds and burns well. It can be rubbed directly into the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe skin or take warm baths with the addition of 4-5 tablespoons of olive oil.
  • In addition to healing, the olive product can have a beneficial effect on the skin of the face and body, it will eliminate cellulite, nourish and moisturize dry skin, protect against ultraviolet rays, heal cracks in the lips, and eliminate wrinkles and age spots. It is enough to cleanse the skin of the face and body, and then apply olive oil as a mask for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  • Those who suffer from hair loss, split ends or naughty strands should conduct complex procedures daily with olive oil. It is rubbed into the hair roots or applied as a mask over the entire length for no more than 15 minutes. Oil can be mixed with other healthy foods. For example, with a banana, egg yolk or lavender oil, as well as burdock oil.
  • To strengthen the nail plate and get rid of its delamination, rub the olive oil into the surface of the nail or make special baths with sea salt, cosmetic additives and olive oil.

After such complex therapy, your hair will be soft and shiny, your nails will be strong, and your skin will begin to glow with youth.

Draw conclusions

We have analyzed the benefits and harms of the body of olive oil. In conclusion, I would like to give one interesting story, how 90-year-old Frenchwoman J. Kalman sold her apartment to a 47-year-old lawyer. The terms of the contract were simple - the buyer undertook to pay the elderly landlord a monthly amount of money, as if he had purchased an apartment in a mortgage for 10 years. How could this far from old man have thought that he would pay the agreed amount for another 30 years and would not live to see the moment when he entered the ownership of the apartment. After the death of a lawyer, a grieving widow paid the debt for another 2 years. As a result, the Frenchwoman went into another world in 122 years, which set a world record for longevity. But not all of these events are the most interesting, but the fact that the elderly lady did not at all adhere to a healthy lifestyle and quit smoking, for example, just a few years before her death. When Jeanne Kalman was asked how she managed to live so long, she referred to the high consumption of port, chocolate and olive oil.

What can I say? Perhaps a panacea for all diseases has long existed, and scientists are puzzling in vain over the technological process? At least it’s worth trying a miracle cure from olive.

The fatty vegetable product obtained from olive, its pulp, is olive oil. The secret of its uniqueness and value is the composition, which includes many useful substances. Moreover, they are absorbed one hundred percent, which makes it a valuable product.

It can be used both inside and out, but olive oil will be most useful when taken on an empty stomach. This method allows you to rejuvenate the whole body, improve the quality of hair and skin with nails. According to doctors, at this time there is a better absorption of substances with effective cleansing of the internal organs.

The benefits and harms of fasting olive oil directly depend on the ingredients of this product:

  1. Unsaturated fatty acids, especially omega-3s, help remove bad cholesterol and cleanse the body of harmful substances.
  2. Phenols help relieve inflammation.
  3. Monounsaturated fats allow you to prevent the development of atherosclerosis with cancer.
  4. A large amount of fat-soluble vitamins is being established for the normal functioning of internal organs and external systems.
  5. Linoleic acid helps to heal various injuries of the internal and external nature.

The production process and the possibility of long-term storage give olive oil benefits and harms in some cases, which will be discussed later.

Wonderful action

Its use helps to prevent the appearance of plaques from cholesterol, normalize metabolic processes in the body, decrease appetite, slowly turn lipids into fat, quickly tighten existing gastrointestinal ulcers, lower acidity and eliminate inflammation, cleanse the intestines, activate the liver, improve skin, hair, and nail plates cartilage, bones and muscles.

Folk and official medicine is absolutely confident in the benefits of fasting olive oil. Doctors explain this by saying that an empty stomach better assimilates the products that enter it. And it is better that they are useful, which is what is contained in this product.

At this point, cleaning processes that occur throughout the day are activated. But such a technique can also provoke an exacerbation of diseases existing in the body. Even those about which man himself did not know.

Therefore, before drinking olive oil on an empty stomach, you should familiarize yourself with the conditions under which it can not be used in this form with the advice of a physician. Any treatment should be carried out according to the developed scheme and under the supervision of a doctor. Reception begins, as a rule, with half a tablespoon. The same amount must be taken in the evening before dinner for half an hour. After two weeks, the dose increases.

After drinking such a product immediately after lifting, you can permanently remove toxins from the body and bring internal organs, in particular the liver, to normal. This can be done by adding lemon juice - at first 1 tsp is drunk. oil, and then a few drops of juice.

This method is the most optimal, allowing you to soften the effect of the oil. To completely clean the liver, you need to increase the number of products - 1 tbsp. l for the same amount of lemon juice. The same effect will be if instead of lemon juice to drink tomato - 1 glass of juice and 1 tbsp. l olive oil.

Rejuvenation, cosmetology and body shaping

A unique combination is considered to be fasting, honey, lemon and olive oil. All of them are unique individually, and together they give an amazing effect.

Most of all, this method is used to improve physical fitness. Indeed, thanks to honey, the fats entering the body are digested faster, lemon removes unnecessary water and lowers cholesterol levels, and oil fills the body with the necessary healing substances.

It should be borne in mind that while on a diet, such a combination saturates with all useful trace elements.

Honey, Lemon and Olive Oil

Fasting honey, lemon and olive oil have a positive effect on the skin and hair. To do this, take 0.5 cups of lemon juice, honey - 1 cup and oil - 50 ml, mix everything thoroughly and set in the cold. Eat the resulting mixture every day for 1 tsp. and the result will not be long in coming.

In cosmetology, this combination is also popular. To strengthen the hair you need to take half a lemon and squeeze the juice, honey - 4 tbsp. l., olive oil - 1 tbsp. l Mix everything and insist 30 minutes in the heat. Hair should be washed, dried and combed - apply a mask and wrap your head with a bag and towel. After 40 minutes, wash your hair with shampoo.

These ingredients can whiten the skin. To do this, just take a little bit in equal amounts, mix and add the chicken yolk. This composition also eliminates peeling and gives elasticity.

Like any product, this one also has contraindications due to the strong effect on liver activity in terms of cleaning. Enough a teaspoon to start the movement of stones in the gall bladder.

In this case, the result may be the need for surgical intervention. To avoid this, it is necessary before you start drinking olive oil on an empty stomach without fail to learn about your health condition and consult a specialist.

For a quality fight against excess body fat, it is worth adjusting your diet, eliminating products and dishes that are unnecessary for the body.

An equally important point is the choice of oil:

  1. First, but what you need to pay attention to is the freshness and whether the place where it was produced coincides with the place of bottling.
  2. You should look at the presence of such a mark - Extra virgin, which means high-quality raw materials and cold pressed. If only the word Virgin is present, then the quality of the feedstock is slightly lower.
  3. In the presence of the inscription Pomace, utility is reduced significantly, since the cake, heat, and chemistry were used in the production.
  4. If there is an inscription on any other oil that states the presence of olive oil in the product, you should not believe this.
  5. Oil should be sold in a dark glass bottle.

Given all these points when buying oil, you can safely use it without fear of negative consequences. It is better to store olive oil in the dark and cool, but not in the refrigerator.

With the right approach, reasonable storage and use, a lot of useful and pleasant things can be taken out of this product.

Olive oil is obtained from the fruits of the olive tree (European Olive), mainly in the Mediterranean regions. It has been used by mankind for many centuries. Oil is obtained by pressing whole. It is commonly used in cooking, both for frying and for salads. Olive oil is also used in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and soaps, as well as fuel for traditional oil lamps and has additional uses in some religions.

Olive oil is one of the three main plant foods in Mediterranean cuisine; the other two are wheat and.

Olive trees have been grown in the Mediterranean from the 8th millennium BC. Spain is the largest producer of olive oil, followed by Italy and Greece. However, per capita consumption is highest in Greece, followed by Spain, Italy and Morocco. Consumption in North America and Northern Europe is much smaller, but growing steadily.

The composition of olive oil varies depending on the variety, altitude, harvest time and extraction process. It consists mainly of oleic acid (up to 83%), with fewer other fatty acids, including linoleic acid (up to 21%) and palmitic acid (up to 20%). Extra virgin olive oil should have no more than 0.8% free acidity and is believed to have favorable taste characteristics. ()

Nutritional value, composition and calorie content of olive oil

100 grams of olive oil contains (in% of the recommended daily intake) ():

  • Calories: 884 kcal (44%).
  • Carbohydrates: 0 g (0%).
  • Fats: 100 g (154%).
  • Protein: 0 g (0%).
  • Vitamin E: 14.3 mg (72%).
  • Vitamin K: 60.2 mcg (75%).
  • Phytosterols: 221 mg.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids: 761 mg.
  • Omega-6 fatty acids: 9763 mg.

Olive oil also contains small amounts of minerals such as calcium, iron, potassium and sodium.

The benefits of olive oil for the human body

The use of olive oil helps prevent and helps in the treatment of cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, stroke, rheumatoid arthritis, obesity, etc. Here are the benefits of olive oil for the human body:

1. Olive oil contains monounsaturated fats

Olive oil is a natural oil extracted from olives, oily fruits of the olive tree. About 24% of olive oil is saturated fats, and and ().

But the predominant (73%) fatty acid in olive oil is a monounsaturated fat called oleic acid, which is extremely beneficial to human health.

It is believed that oleic acid helps reduce inflammation and can have a beneficial effect on genes associated with cancer (,,,).

Monounsaturated fats in olive oil are also quite resistant to heat, making it a good choice for cooking.


Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated oleic acid. It is believed that this fatty acid has a versatile positive effect on the human body and is a good choice for cooking.

2. Olive oil contains a lot of antioxidants

Olive oil is quite nutritious. In addition to useful fatty acids, it contains a large amount of vitamins E and K, as well as rich in powerful antioxidants. These antioxidants are biologically active and can help fight serious diseases (,).

It includes antioxidants that can fight inflammation and help prevent the oxidation of cholesterol in our blood, which are the most important steps in the process of preventing heart disease (,).


Olive oil is rich in antioxidants, some of which have powerful biological effects.

3. Olive oil has strong anti-inflammatory properties.

Chronic inflammation is considered one of the leading factors contributing to the development of many diseases. It can cause cancer, cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus, Alzheimer's disease, arthritis and even obesity.

Olive oil can reduce inflammation, which may be one of the main reasons for its health benefits. The main anti-inflammatory effects are associated with the antioxidants it contains. The key among them is the oleocantal, which has been found to work similarly to ibuprofen, an anti-inflammatory drug ().

Some scientists believe that an oleocantal of 50 ml (3.4 tablespoons) of olive oil has the same effectiveness as a 10% adult dose of ibuprofen ().

There are also studies suggesting that oleic acid itself (the main fatty acid in olive oil) can lower important inflammatory markers such as C-reactive protein (,).

One study also found that olive oil antioxidants can inhibit certain genes and proteins that lead to inflammation ().


Olive oil contains nutrients that can fight inflammation. These include oleic acid, as well as the antioxidant oleocantal.

4. Olive oil can help prevent a stroke.

A stroke is caused by a circulatory disturbance in the brain due to a blood clot or bleeding. In developed countries, stroke is the second leading cause of death, immediately after heart disease ().

The relationship between olive oil and stroke risk has been widely studied. A large review study, which included more than 841,000 subjects, found that olive oil is the only source of monounsaturated fat associated with a reduced risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease ().

These results are supported by yet another major survey study, which involved 140,000 participants. Researchers found that those who consumed olive oil were at a significantly lower risk of stroke ().


There are many large studies whose results show that people who consume olive oil have a much lower risk of stroke - the second largest killer in developed countries.

5. Olive oil protects against cardiovascular disease

Heart disease is the most common cause of death worldwide ().

Observational studies conducted several decades ago showed that cardiovascular diseases are rare in Mediterranean countries. This led to extensive research on the Mediterranean diet, which has been found to significantly reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease (,).

Olive oil is one of the key elements of this diet and protects against cardiovascular diseases in many ways ().

It reduces inflammation, protects LDL cholesterol from oxidation, improves blood vessel endothelial function, and can help prevent unwanted blood clotting (,,,,,).

Interestingly, a decrease in blood pressure was also detected, which is one of the strongest risk factors for heart disease and premature death. In one study, olive oil reduced the need for drugs to lower blood pressure by 48% (,,).

The truth is, dozens, if not hundreds, of studies have shown that olive oil is incredibly good for heart health.

If you have cardiovascular disease, a family history of heart disease, or any other serious risk factor, then you might consider incorporating a large amount of olive oil into your diet.


Olive oil is very good for heart health. It lowers blood pressure, protects LDL particles from oxidation, and has a beneficial effect on many other risk factors.

6. Olive oil does not cause weight gain and obesity.

Numerous studies have linked the Mediterranean diet, rich in olive oil, with a beneficial effect on body weight (,,).

In a 2.5-year study involving more than 7,000 students in a Spanish college, it was found that consuming large amounts of olive oil was not associated with weight gain ().

In other words, significant consumption of olive oil is not associated with weight gain or obesity in observational studies.

A 3-year study in which 187 subjects took part showed that a diet rich in olive oil increased the level of antioxidants in the blood and led to weight loss (weight loss) ().


Consuming large amounts of olive oil does not appear to increase the likelihood of weight gain. It can even be beneficial for weight loss.

7. Olive oil can help fight Alzheimer's

Alzheimer's disease is the most common neurodegenerative disease in the world. One of its key features is the accumulation of so-called amyloid beta plaques inside brain cells.

One mouse study found that a substance in olive oil can help remove these plaques from brain cells ().

Another study, this time in humans, showed that the Mediterranean diet, including olive oil, has beneficial effects on brain function ().


Some studies show that olive oil can help fight Alzheimer's, but more research is needed to confirm this.

8. Olive oil can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes

The beneficial properties of olive oil include its ability to protect against diabetes very well. Several studies have found that olive oil has a beneficial effect on blood sugar and insulin sensitivity (,).

A randomized clinical trial in 418 non-diabetic patients confirmed the protective effects of olive oil ().

In this study, a Mediterranean diet with olive oil reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by more than 40%.


Observational studies and clinical trials show that olive oil, in combination with a Mediterranean diet, can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

9. Antioxidants in olive oil have anti-cancer properties

Cancer is one of the most common causes of death in the world. People in the Mediterranean countries have a lower risk of developing certain types of cancer, and many researchers believe that olive oil may have something to do with it ().

Antioxidants in olive oil can reduce the oxidative damage caused by free radicals, which is considered one of the leading risk factors for cancer (,).

Many in vitro studies have shown that compounds in olive oil can help fight cancer cells (,).

In order to find out if olive oil can really help prevent cancer, more research is needed in humans.


There is preliminary evidence that olive oil can help prevent cancer, but it needs to be studied properly.

10. Olive oil may help treat rheumatoid arthritis.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease characterized by deformed and painful joints. The exact reason is not entirely clear, but it includes the body’s immune system, which mistakenly attacks normal cells.

Olive oil appears to improve inflammatory markers and reduce oxidative stress in people with rheumatoid arthritis (,).

Its use is apparently especially useful in combination with fish oil - a source of anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids.

In one study, olive oil and fish oil significantly reduced joint pain and morning stiffness, and also improved hand fist force in people with rheumatoid arthritis ().


Olive oil can help reduce joint pain and swelling in rheumatoid arthritis. The beneficial effects increase significantly in combination with fish oil.

11. Olive oil has antibacterial properties.

Olive oil contains many nutrients that can inhibit or inhibit harmful bacteria (). One of these types of bacteria is Helicobacter pylori  - bacteria that live in the stomach and can cause stomach ulcers and cancer.

In vitro studies have shown that olive oil is effective against eight strains of these bacteria, three of which are resistant to antibiotics ().

A human study found that 30 grams of olive oil can eliminate the infection. Helicobacter pylori  in 10-40% of people in just 2 weeks ().


Olive oil has antibacterial properties and has been shown to be particularly effective against Helicobacter pylori  - the type of bacteria that can cause stomach ulcers and cancer.

The harm of olive oil to the human body

So, what is olive oil harmful to the human body? This product is probably safe if ingested properly. Olive oil intake should be limited to 14% of the total daily calorie intake. This is about 2 tablespoons (28 grams) per day.

Used olive oil is well tolerated by most people, but it can cause nausea in some. When applied to the skin, allergic reactions and contact dermatitis have been reported. When used in the mouth after dental treatment, the oral cavity may become more sensitive.

Special precautions and warnings:

  • Pregnancy and lactation: There is insufficient reliable information on the safety of olive oil if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, in order to avoid unforeseen side effects, do not use it in excess (more than 2 tablespoons per day).
  • Diabetes: Olive oil can lower blood sugar. People with diabetes should check their blood sugar when using this product.
  • Surgery: Olive oil may affect blood sugar. Its use may affect blood sugar control during and after surgery. Stop using this product 2 weeks before surgery. ()

How to take olive oil reports that olive oil is safe to take in amounts of up to 2.7 tablespoons per day. It is not recommended that pregnant or lactating women consume it in larger quantities ().

  • For constipation: 30 ml (about 2 tablespoons).
  • With high blood pressure: 30 to 40 grams (2 to 2 ½ tablespoons) as part of your diet. In other words, if you take so much olive oil daily, do not add more to your products.
  • With high cholesterol: 23 grams (a little less than 2 tablespoons) instead of the other fats in your diet.
  • For the prevention of cardiovascular disease and heart attack: 54 grams (about 4 tablespoons). To avoid weight gain with this amount, make sure the other foods you eat are healthy and contain less calories and fat. The risk of side effects may increase with higher doses.

If you can't stand the taste of olive oil in its purest form, you can add it to your morning coffee, juice, or cocktail.