Secret tricks: how to store greens. How to store greens in a refrigerator? Secrets of long-term storage of greens in the refrigerator

Today, rarely what summer dish is prepared without the use of fresh herbs. It is included in many recipes, it is decorated with dishes or simply put on the dining table - for gourmets.

One trouble, fresh greens are not stored for long, in addition, after a couple of days, starting to lose its presentation - a few days, and she becomes lethargic and unappetizing.

However, each time the housewives have the problem of storing greens, in particular green onions, dill, parsley, lettuce, spinach, sorrel.

To always have really fresh greens on the table,

use the following tips:

Secrets of long-term storage of greens

It should be remembered that the main enemy of the vitamins contained in greens is light and heat. Under the influence of sunlight in the vitamin Vitamin C is lost more quickly - for this a few hours are enough.

Therefore, you need to store green vegetables only in the refrigerator, best of all - in a tightly closed bag or container. There are several ways to store greens, choose any.

Tip 1.  The easiest way. Rinse greens with cold water. It is advisable not to wash under running water, but to draw in a deep saucepan of water and immerse greens in water. And then rinse completely under the tap.
  Then we lay out the greens washed and shaken from water on paper kitchen towels. We need to dry the greens as best as possible. Blot large drops of water and spread the greens on the table, let it dry for about fifteen minutes.
  Next, pack in a spacious container with a tight-fitting lid (vacuum is even better).

If there is no container, then we take a clean dry liter jar, put greens in it and close the jar with a clean plastic lid. That's all.
  Keep refrigerated. In this form, the greens calmly stand for a month and do not deteriorate or even turn yellow.

Tip 2.  In order to keep greens and leafy vegetables fresh for several days, they should be carefully sorted (discarded spoiled), rinse, allow water to drain and place in a plastic bag. Then open wide so that it accumulates the maximum amount of air, and tie tightly. Keep in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf.

Tip 3. Greens can be stored for 2-3 weeks, if it is rinsed well before storage, allowed to drain water, dab with a towel, wrap in paper (not waxed).Kraft paper or a thick paper towel is well suited for this method, the main thing is that the paper does not creep away from moisture. Wrap pure spicy grass in a towel completely. Spray on the paper with water from a flower spray or dampen under a tap. Put the parcel in a plastic bag and refrigerate.

Do not use newsprint - ink is harmful to the body.

Tip 4.  For long-term storage of greens, it should be sorted, but not washed. Then put in a plastic bag along with 1-2 unpeeled and cut into four parts onions and tie. Keep in a cool place. Take out every 4-5 days, wipe the bag dry and put greens in it again, replacing the onions with fresh ones.

Tip 5. If you don’t have time, you can simply wrap fresh greens immediately after purchase waffle towel, and put in the refrigerator.

Tip 6.Chives, celery, head of lettuce, spinach, parsley, dill  can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time if they are dry. Before laying, such greens do not need to be washed - it is enough to sort it out, dry it on paper and put it in a plastic bag, making a few holes for ventilation in it with a fork. Celery greens in a plastic bag can remain fresh in appearance for 5-6 weeks, a head of lettuce cut with a cob - 1-1.5 months, spinach - almost all winter.

Tip 7. Parsley and dill can be stored like flowers by placing in a glass with water:  cut the roots of fresh herbs, lower the bunch of herbs in a jar or a glass of water, cover the green leaves with a bag of polyethylene (or wrap the leaves with wet gauze or another clean rag), change the water once every two days

Tip 8. Lettuce  will remain fresh and crispy all week if you place them on a plate, put a paper towel on top and cover with a film.

Tip 9. Chivescan be kept fresh for two to three weeks, if you sort it out, moisten the roots with cold water and leave the feathers dry. Then, with a wet rag, wrap the roots with the onion, and over the rags the roots with the onion, wrap with paper, which should be tied at the base of the feathers with twine, put in a plastic bag and put in the refrigerator.

Freezing greens as a storage method

For longer storage of greens, it should be frozen.

  • To do this, fresh greens need to be washed, wait for it to dry out from moisture, cut off its roots, discard the rotten parts. Then, place the green leaves in bags or in airtight containers in the freezer of the refrigerator.
  • To rinse greens properly  in large amounts of water, it is recommended not to drain the water after washing the greens, but to get the greens out of it so that the sand remains at the bottom of the dishes, and not on the greens themselves.
  • Classic. Cut greens, put in a plastic bag and put in the freezer
  • Parsley, sage and thyme  it is recommended to cut, and it is better to freeze in tightly closed plastic containers
  • Dill, mint  it is recommended to freeze in small portions wrapped in foil: divide the dill and mint greens into portions. Wrap each piece in food foil and place in the freezer.

Previously, each type of greens can be signed with a marker on the foil (for example, mint - m, dill - y), for a quicker and more convenient search in the freezer. This method is quite effective in terms of storing greens all year round and you can freeze a fairly large amount of greens.

  • Basil leaves and rosemary  it is recommended to sprinkle with salt on top and freeze also in tightly closed plastic containers, remove salt before use.
  • Keep chopped green onions  in a freezer in plastic bottles. Just make sure the onion is completely dry before you pour it into the bottle.
  • And another, in my opinion, an interesting way freezing fresh herbs: Wash the mixture of herbs (anything: basil, cilantro, dill, parsley, etc.), dry with a towel and lay on a layer of plastic film in the form of a thick sausage. Wrap the "sausage" very tightly and for fidelity tie a thread along the entire length. Do not use salt! Put in the freezer. If necessary, remove, peel back the polyethylene and plan as much as necessary with a knife directly into the bowl of soup.
  • There is another original way - freezing fresh herbs in ice cubes. To do this, finely chop the leaves of fresh herbs and place them in the ice tins attached to the refrigerator, fill the tins with greens with water and place them in the freezer. Store finished cubes in a bag or box in the freezer. It is very convenient to throw such a cube in a pot with soup (or another dish) when the soup is already cooked.
  • Alternatively, greens can be frozen this way: Fill greens in ice tins, pour olive or melted butter  - and to the freezer. Then it will be possible to add to salads or to potatoes!

These simple tips will help you for some time to keep fresh greens collected from the garden or bought on the market fresh and to keep nutrients and vitamins in it as much as possible.

Do not neglect the tips, even if they seem too simple for you to be effective: o) Thanks to them, greens are stored for a very long time, and you can safely buy them for a week in advance.
  Based on materials from,

PS.  If the greens have withered, then to restore its freshness it is enough to hold it for an hour in cold water, slightly acidified with vinegar.

I really like to season dishes with fresh spices. But keeping greens at home is not so easy. Let's find out together how to store greens in the refrigerator and what to do to prevent it from wilting.

The main disadvantage of fresh weed is its short shelf life. In warm and bright rooms, it begins to turn yellow and rot after two days. In order not to fade the greens, it is necessary to observe some storage conditions of the greens.

Preparation of greens for storage

To store greens in the refrigerator for a very long time, you need to do a few preparatory steps:

Picture Instruction manual

Step 1. Cleaning

Carefully inspect the bunches of grass for dry branches and insects. If something is found, remove it.

Step 2. Wash

If you need to remove a small layer of dust, wipe the green leaves with a dry sponge.

If there is a lot of dirt, wash the spices in a container with clean water.

Green onions, parsley, garlic and dill do not like “bath” procedures. It is best to limit your treatment to a damp sponge.

Step 3. Drying
  1. Gently shake off excess water.
  2. Spread the grass on paper napkins and leave for 10 minutes.
  3. Take a dry paper towel and pat it on top.

Step 4. Packaging

Sort the spices in pre-prepared clean containers.

Packing: 5 options

How to store greens in the refrigerator? You need to choose a suitable container, put spicy herbs in it and put on the lower shelf.

Which storage container will be ideal for a particular greenery:

Images Description

Option 1. Glass

In a clean glass jar with a lid, you can put twigs of dill, parsley and cilantro. Be sure to remove long stems and roots.

Option 2. Plastic container

A sealed container made of food-grade plastic is suitable for long-term storage of lettuce, spinach, sorrel and tarragon.

Option 3. Packages

Lay a paper towel in a plastic bag and fold the greens on top. Place in the refrigerator so that the cloth is on the bottom.

Option 4. Foil

You can wrap celery, dill and mint in foil. The wrapper should not be pressed very tightly against the leaves - it is advisable to even leave air in.

Option 5. Paper towel

Wrap green leaves in a paper towel and place on the side shelf of the refrigerator.

So, you can store any spices for 5-7 days.

Storage specifics 10 types of herbs

Fresh herbs are a seasonal product, so the price of greenery in the winter is very high. But each spice has unique properties, so the stock must be made taking into account their characteristics.

How to store fresh herbs in the refrigerator correctly:

Picture Description
  • container - a plastic bag;
  • shelf life - 14 days.
  • in a plastic container - 1 week;
  • in a glass of water - up to 2 weeks with regular replacement of water;
  • in a glass jar / in a bag - up to 2 months;
  • with onions (put dill in a bag with chopped onion) - 2 months if you change onions every 5 days.

  • capacity - a plastic bag;
  • the term is 3-4 weeks.

  • container - a glass of water, covered with a bag;
  • how long to store - 2 months if you regularly change the water.

  • tara - wet paper towel (foil);
  • shelf life - 1 week.
  • container - chopped onions in a plastic bag;
  • how long to store - up to 3 months.

Be sure to make several holes so that the bow can "breathe".

  • capacity - a plastic container with perforation;
  • freshness period - up to 1 week.

  • capacity - a glass of water;
  • how long - up to 2 months if you regularly change the water.

  • packing - a plastic bag;
  • shelf life - up to 1 week.

  • container - a plastic bag with perforation;
  • how long - up to 5 days.

How to return greens freshness.


We are all delighted with the aromas of freshly picked or brought greens from the market. It is an adornment for any dish and delicious support to our health. But, unfortunately, the lifespan of such a product is very short, but I want that in the winter, and at any time tasty and fragrant herbs are at hand.

To maintain freshness, it is necessary to deprive the spice of access to sunlight and excessive moisture.

Another storage enemy is oxygen. At the termination of access of air greens remain much longer.

Regardless of the type of grass, it should not be washed. Washing, as well as the presence of any moisture, accelerates the deterioration of the product.

It is advisable to choose a room for storing greens that is darkened and cool. Elevated temperature generally does not contribute to the preservation of anything.

To keep the greens bought at the market or in the store as long as possible, it should be chosen correctly. The fresher the spice you buy, the more chances to keep it for a long time.

Preliminary preparation for storage

As soon as they brought the product home, the first thing is to sort out. Dry, diseased leaves with signs of decay - discard.

If there is dust on the leaves, they can be wiped with a slightly damp sponge. If you decide to still wash, be sure to dry thoroughly. This can be done with a paper towel, it should be spread out and put greens as thin as possible.

Several ways to keep greens at home

The most popular storage methods:

Glass jar

Shelf life in this form at home and a half months. To do this, greens are laid down, the jar is closed with a clean polyethylene lid. Greens can be pre-chopped, and then rammed into a jar, preferably sprinkled with salt. In this case, the shelf life is increased to 2 months. Keep the jar in a cool place.

Plastic bottle

Ideal for storage in the freezer. Grind greens (it needs to be washed beforehand), we fall asleep in small plastic bottles and put in the freezer. Shelf life is several months.


Salt is the most famous preservative, so it is suitable for preserving the product for a long period. It should be taken in 5 parts of herbs and 1 part of salt. Stir and pour into glass jars, while tamping tightly.

In this form, the spice can be stored until the next harvest. It is advisable to put the jar in a cool dark place (cellar or basement).


This method is great if you do not need to store it for long - for several days. It is enough to put the bunch in a container with water and change the water every day. In this case, the roots must be cut off, and a plastic bag should be pulled on the leaves.

Vacuum container

Such a container is good in that it does not have air access. Store with a tightly closed lid in the refrigerator. Shelf life - a few days, if not opened - up to a month.

Food bag

For storage in a bag you will need a paper towel, which should be put in a bag. Put dry greens on a napkin, close the bag and place on the lower shelf of the refrigerator.

Wet paper

Another way to save a product for a short time. You can use wrapping paper or cloth, such as linen or cotton. Dampen cloth or paper. You can under the tap, you can just sprinkle out of the spray gun. Wrap greens tightly, put in a bag and refrigerate. In this form, you can store on the balcony or in another cool place.

In dry form

A method for long-term storage. The grass is ground and carefully dried, then, after drying, it can be placed in a bag or in a jar. The container must be absolutely dry. You can store dried herbs for years, the main thing is to prevent air from entering.

Places for storing greens

To preserve freshness and vitamins, a refrigerator or freezer is best suited if you need to keep it for a long time.


A glass jar, container or paper towel is suitable. The ideal place is the bottom and side shelves. The container must be tightly closed.


Before freezing, greens should be carefully sorted and washed. Can be frozen using plastic bags. There is another way in which the parsley is chopped, placed in an ice container and filled with water. You can freeze both in bunches and in crushed form.

It is stored in the freezer for about 6 months (if it is not thawed).

In the kitchen

You can store in the kitchen in the cabinet for several days, for this the greens should be put in water or wrapped in a wet cloth. Home storage space must be without access to light. If the kitchen is warm, the greens cannot be stored for more than a few hours.

How to store certain types of greens

There are nuances of storage, depending on the type of greenery. For example, peppermint and basil are stored at room temperature better than in the refrigerator. Each type of greenery has its own way:


Plastic bag or container. Cultural is better suited for long-term storage, but wild-growing can also be used.


The ideal option is freezing raw. For consumption, spinach leaves are not recommended to thaw with heat. This should happen naturally. Spinach can be stored in perforated bags in the refrigerator for up to five days.


Tie in bundles and wrap with cling film so that it does not absorb extraneous odors.

Lettuce leaves should be dry and slightly chilled. As such, they must be stored in the department for vegetables and fruits, in a container with a tightly closed lid.

Preservation of greens for the winter

  • salting;
  • freezing
  • drying.

When salted, herbs are stored longer, but lose their aromatic properties. Therefore, drying and freezing is a priority.

When harvesting for the winter, you can mix different types of herbs. These mixtures are ready to use.

If you want to give freshness to an already wilted product, try dipping the grass in cold water, and then immediately in hot; you can’t store it after that, you need to immediately eat it.

It is advisable to wash in a container with water, and not under a stream, so it is less injured and lasts longer. For a quality washing of greens, water should be drained, and not grass taken out of it, then sand and dust will not remain on the leaves.

If the seasoning will not be stored for a long time, it should not be mixed, since different types of herbs absorb the surrounding aromas in different ways.

To always have aromatic and healthy herbs in your diet, it is not necessary to go to the market every day or have your own garden. With proper storage, you can have spices and aromatic seasonings on the table all year round.

The daily menu is rarely complete without fresh herbs. Parsley is one of its most common species. With its astringent taste and pleasant aroma, it gives dishes a special appeal.

Parsley should be at hand constantly. Well, if you can break the bunch directly from the garden. But not everyone has such an opportunity. And summer does not last all year. Often you have to buy greens and take care to keep them longer.

How to keep fresh parsley

Parsley is best picked in the morning - after the sun has dried the dew. At this time, greens are the most fragrant. But the midday heat can significantly worsen its taste.

When buying parsley in the market or in the store, you need to choose bunches of bright green color and with a fresh aroma. Such greens will remain in the refrigerator for several days. It is necessary:

  • put a bunch of parsley in a jar of water. Leaflets should remain at the top and not be buried in liquids;
  • put a spacious bag on the greens and move it to the lower shelf of the refrigerator.

The color and aroma of parsley will last 3-4 days.

To preserve fresh greens longer, you can use one of the following methods:

1. Storage of parsley in a glass container:

  • Cooking a clean liter jar.
  • Wipe inside with a napkin so that not a drop of moisture remains on the walls.
  • Put the parsley in the jar with the roots up. This is to make it easier to get greens.
  • We close the lid from polyethylene and send the jar to the refrigerator.

Greens remain fresh for up to three weeks.

2. Storage of parsley in a package:

  • We put parsley in a plastic bag.
  • Peel a small onion and put inside.
  • In a half-open form, we place the package on the lower shelf of the refrigerator.

Parsley will not fade or lose its aroma until two weeks.

Greens should be washed only before direct use.

Freezing parsley bunches for the winter

Cold does not destroy the structure of parsley leaves. Therefore, in the frozen greenery all beneficial substances and fresh aroma are preserved.

The simplest thing is to freeze parsley in bunches without chopping it into pieces. Workpiece sequence:

  • We sort the parsley, remove the yellowed and dried leaves, extraneous blades of grass.
  • Rough petioles are cut.
  • Submerge the parsley in water and wash it very carefully.
  • Place the twigs on a paper towel to dry.
  • Divide the absolutely dry greens into small bunches and wrap in cling film. It is important that the amount of parsley in the bag is enough to dress one dish.
  • We send the workpiece to the freezer.

Parsley will be perfectly preserved all winter. It must be remembered that after defrosting it must not be re-exposed to cold.

Other ways to freeze parsley

  • Wash the parsley and chop finely.
  • We lay out the greens in ice tins.
  • Fill with water and carefully put in the freezer.
  • We transfer completely frozen cubes to a bag and leave it in the cold.

Greens in this form will last up to four months.

Instead of water, chopped parsley is poured with olive oil or melted butter. Then the dishes seasoned with herbs will become even more appetizing. Parsley frozen in oil can be stored for up to six months.

Storage of parsley in salt form

Salt is a natural preservative, so it perfectly retains all the beneficial contents of parsley. The salting process is as follows:

  • My parsley and finely chopped.
  • Mix greens with salt in a ratio of 5: 1. You can use a blender.
  • We decompose the resulting mixture into a clean glass container. We leave room for juice, which is formed as the salt dissolves.
  • The container is tightly closed and placed in the refrigerator or in the cellar.

Parsley with salt will last at least six months.

Preserving Dried Parsley

Dried parsley perfectly retains useful qualities, and its aroma not only does not disappear, but also becomes more saturated.

Dry the greens like this:

  • Wash the parsley well.
  • We dry until a drop of water remains on the greenery.
  • We leave parsley in its entirety or disassemble it into leaves.
  • We spread the greens in one layer on a baking sheet or a sheet of paper.
  • We dry in the shade, in a dry and well-ventilated room (the kitchen is quite suitable).

In a few days, parsley will be ready for long-term storage.

You can dry the greens in the oven, observing the following conditions:

  • temperature - 50-60 degrees;
  • the oven door does not close (so that the air circulates freely);
  • greens are periodically mixed.

In the oven, parsley will dry in 5-6 hours.

Greens should be stored in sealed glass containers in a dry and dark place. It remains usable for at least a year.

Each mistress has her own way of storing greens. It’s not bad at all, when at any time of the year fresh parsley pleases with its aroma and decorates your favorite dishes.

Spicy herbs just brought from the market or your own summer house smell so wonderful! But for some reason, even in the refrigerator, they quickly turn into unappetizing wilted hay ... How to store greens so that it stays fresh for a long time? Experienced housewives do this with special tricks. Here are some culinary secrets.

How to store fresh herbs

Fragrant bunches of dill, cilantro, basil, parsley deteriorate if they are placed in unsuitable conditions. The main enemies of freshness:

  • Sunlight. It destroys chlorophyll, especially in delicate herbs - parsley, cilantro. They begin to turn yellow.
  • Oxygen. Open air access to plants torn from the roots leads to the leaves curling and becoming brown.
  • Excessive humidity. Water vapor from the air contributes to decay. Leaves and stems are covered with mucus or mold. This happens if you leave the greens in their store packaging.
  • Lack of moisture. Water evaporates from plants, from which they lose their aroma and dry out.

If herbs are supposed to be used in the coming days, you can save them without a refrigerator. To do this, the purchased product is exempted from packaging, and plants from their own garden are thoroughly cleaned of the roots and lower leaves, soiled by the ground. The grass must never be washed! It is sorted by type (dill - separately, cilantro - separately, etc.) and each bundle is wrapped in parchment, cotton or linen. The bundles are put in the kitchen cabinet. In this form, the plants will retain freshness 3-4 days.

Basil and mint are placed in a deep jar, at the bottom of which water is poured with a layer of 2 cm. This “bouquet” can simply stand on the kitchen table, the main thing is that direct sunlight should not fall on it. Change the water daily and prune the stems a bit.

How to store greens in the refrigerator

Almost all herbs are best placed in the refrigerator. There are several effective ways to prepare plants for storage:

  • Free from store packaging, wrap in a paper towel and put in a bag with a zipper. If the plants begin to dry inside, a paper towel should be slightly sprinkled with water. This method is effective for storing dense herbs - sage, rosemary, thyme, but is also suitable for delicate chives.
  • Wrap greens with a damp piece of natural fabric (cotton, linen), put on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.
  • Put the bunch vertically in a plastic bucket of mayonnaise, in which a little water is poured, put a plastic bag with a fastener on top, and put it on the lower shelf of the refrigerator. This is the best way for soft herbs - parsley, cilantro.
  • Wrap the bundle in a black bag, put on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

These methods are suitable for all cooking plants except basil and peppermint, which quickly turn black in the refrigerator.