Stuffing stuffing for flour and confectionery. Assortment, cooking technology and rules for serving sweet dishes

Herbal teas are made from forest, field herbs and fruits, varied in taste, color and aroma. Herbal teas are actually a food product, because they contain a lot of biologically active substances: vitamins, enzymes, microelements, organic acids, etc. This bouquet of biologically active substances has a beneficial effect on the human body, protects, prevents and treats many diseases, therefore, it is recommended to drink herbal teas for everyone, regardless of age and health.

The value of herbal tea also lies in the fact that it does not contain caffeine and other excitatory substances, which are not so harmless to the human body, especially for people with disorders of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Currently, many regularly consume vitamin teas. And the best vitamin tea is tea made from hand-picked herbs. Therefore, it’s good to know the rules for collecting, processing and storing herbs.

When collecting leaves (strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, bones, etc.), only a few leaves are cut from a branch; if the flowering part is collected, then some plants with flowers are left to ripen the seeds (St. John's wort, oregano, mint, thyme, etc.).

Flowers of plants such as dogrose, linden, jasmine, etc., are harvested only when they are fully bloomed.

Leaves of black currant, blackberry, raspberry, cloudberry, bone fruit, fireweed (ivan tea), etc. are collected only when they are fully deployed.

Fruits and berries should be picked only ripened.

It is necessary to harvest grass in dry weather, as soon as the dew has descended.

The best time for collecting is the beginning of flowering or full flowering of the plant.

Dry grass under a canopy, in the attic or in a well-ventilated area, preventing its decay. Blackened grass should not be consumed.

Rosehips, barberries, blackcurrants and mountain ash, which contain a lot of vitamin C, are dried in a dryer at a temperature of 80 ° C.

Dried leaves and fruits should be stored in paper or cloth bags, each type of plant separately (can be stored in glass or ceramic jars with tight lids). The bag or jar should have a label indicating the name of the grass and the time of collection.

The shelf life of flowers, leaves and grass should not exceed 1-2 years, the shelf life of fruits and berries - 3-4 years, roots, rhizomes and bark - 2-3 years.

The flowers are brewed in a large porcelain teapot with boiling water. Fresh berries before brewing must be mashed, dry - crushed. Leaves are placed in hot water and boiled for 3-5 minutes or poured with boiling water.

The roots, stems and coarse parts of plants are finely cut. Then put in cold water, bring to a boil over low heat and boil for 10 minutes. After brewing, teas from flowers, leaves and berries are infused in a porcelain teapot for 5-10 minutes, and teas from roots and stems are infused in an enameled bowl for 10-15 minutes.

Properly brewed vitamin tea has a unique taste, aroma and color, all biologically active substances are stored in it.

The fees (composition) of herbal teas can be very diverse and depend on the taste and well-being of a person. It is advisable to always include one fragrant grass (oregano, mint, lemon balm, thyme, etc.) in the mixture.

It is not recommended to use two or three aromatic herbs in the mixture: aromas can destroy each other or mix into an unpleasant odor. As a rule, the collection should be one fragrant grass and several neutral herbs.

In the evening, it is better to drink soothing herbal teas (St. John's wort, Ivan-tea, raspberry leaves, peppermint, chamomile, lemon balm, primrose, cherry leaf, etc.).

In winter and early spring it is advisable to drink multivitamin herbal teas (raspberry, blackberry, blackcurrant, nettle, carrot, rosehip, mountain ash, barberry, sea buckthorn, blackcurrant, etc.).

In summer, herbal teas are made only from fresh herbs, this period of the year should be used with maximum benefit for the body.

A storehouse of nutrients for our body - vitamin teas. I really respect such drinks and I can talk about them for a long time. Do you know what is valuable and useful for vitamin tea, when is it good to drink, from what and how can it be prepared ?!

The main ingredient of vitamin tea is fruits, berries, leaves and even the roots of various plants.

Very often they are called medicinal, I would give a different name - healing. These healthy drinks contain the secret powers of mother nature, they are rich in useful biological substances, contain a whole complex of vitamins.

Tea vitamin balms strengthen blood vessels, activate and normalize metabolism. They do not have a bad and harmful effect on our body. On the contrary, if you drink a cup of fragrant, freshly brewed vitamin balsam daily, your nervous system and immunity will be at their best!

Mother nature does not skimp on a storehouse of vitamins, drinks prepared from fruits and berries of plants are much more aromatic and tastier than the most expensive tea.

During the period of autumn-spring colds, infections, it is useful to drink vitamin teas from sea buckthorn, rose hips, viburnum, strawberries, mountain ash, linden, lemon balm and oregano.

Fruits, berries and healthy herbs are always at hand. In the garden, the nearest forest, meadow, you can find, collect, dry future ingredients for a healthy drink. And if you do not have such an opportunity, then they can always be purchased at a pharmacy or in the market. As they say, there would be a desire ...

In the morning, it is useful to drink tea brewed from leaves of strawberry or lavender. For a good and calm sleep, brewed ivan-tea, mint, chamomile is more suitable.

Sea buckthorn tea

Sea buckthorn is a real prickly treasure of folk medicine! Than only it is not rich and what useful substances it does not contain! It is its beneficial substances that can improve the metabolism in our body, slow down aging, relieve inflammation, heal wounds, and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Sea buckthorn tea helps in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases and diseases of the blood and stomach. It treats sea buckthorn anemia, exhaustion, stomach ulcers.

For the preparation of vitamin tea from sea buckthorn: half a liter of water, 3 \\ 4 cups of sea buckthorn berries, 2 tablespoons of honey or sugar, 1 tablespoon of black tea.

Wash and pass the berries through a meat grinder or chop in a blender. You should get a homogeneous mass - the main ingredient in vitamin tea. Place it in a warm teapot, add a spoonful of black tea and pour boiling water over it. After that, wrap the kettle, let the future drink infuse for about half an hour. Then strain it through a strainer, add sugar or honey (which is more to your taste).

During inflammatory processes in the body (liver disease, inflammation of the pancreas, duodenum and gallbladder inflammation), sea buckthorn should be taken very carefully. Nevertheless, this useful plant has minor contraindications. Sea buckthorn is rich in a variety of acids and can increase the acidity of urine, with urolithiasis it is better not to take it.

Rosehip Vitamin Tea

There are several options for making vitamin rose hip tea. The recipes are almost the same, only the ingredients are different. To cook any of the options you need enameled dishes and boiling water. So…

Option one

Rosehip berries - two tablespoons, raspberries - five tablespoons - chop, put in a pan. Pour boiling water with boiling water - half a liter, boil over low heat for ten minutes. Pour the resulting broth into a hot kettle, add another half-liter of boiling water. Cover the kettle with a lid, wrap it well and insist for about 3 hours, drink it through a strainer.

Second option

Rose hips and rowan fruits - one tablespoon. Grind, put in a pan, pour half a liter of boiling water, boil over low heat for ten minutes. Pour the resulting broth into a hot kettle, add another half-liter of boiling water. Wrap the teapot and insist for another 3 hours, drink the strainer through a strainer.

Third option

Rose hips and lingonberries - one tablespoon. Grind, put in a pan, pour a liter of boiling water and boil for ten minutes over low heat. As in previous versions, pour the resulting broth into a hot kettle, add half a liter of boiling water and insist in the heat for an hour and a half. Drink, strainer through a strainer.

Fourth option

It will take one tablespoon: rosehip berries, currant leaves, raspberry leaves, lingonberry leaves. Grind all ingredients, put in a pan, pour half a liter of boiling water and boil for ten minutes. Then pour the broth into a hot kettle, add half a liter of boiling water and insist in the heat for an hour and a half. Drink after filtering through a strainer.

Fifth option

It will take one tablespoon of wild rose and lingonberry berries, three tablespoons of nettle leaves. As in previous versions, the berries and leaves should be chopped, mixed. Pour a liter of boiling water into the pan, add three tablespoons of the resulting mixture and boil for ten minutes over low heat. Then pour the broth into a hot kettle, wrap and insist 5 hours. Drink, strainer through a strainer.

Rowan fruit vitamin tea

It will take ten tablespoons of rowan berries, five tablespoons of nettle leaves. Grind and mix berries and leaves. For one liter of boiling water add three tablespoons of the resulting mixture and boil for ten minutes over low heat. Then pour the resulting broth into a hot kettle, wrap and insist for three hours. Drink tea, strainer through a strainer.

If in the future you plan to independently collect raw materials for vitamin tea, then you need to learn how to properly collect it ...

How to collect raw materials for vitamin tea

Every little plant, leaf, flower - they are all alive! No need to become a barbarian and ruin the beauty. The best time to collect leaves of strawberries, Ivan-tea, blackberry is June-July. Leaflets should be fully deployed, and they do it when they gain full strength!

If you collect leaves from a tree branch, then do not destroy it entirely! To prepare useful tea decoctions, a few leaves will be enough for you, so do not disturb the life of the plant itself.

When you collect flowers, a few petals from the flower will be enough for you. Leave the bulk of the color to ripen the seeds for a future life!

If fruits and berries are needed for collection, they must be ripe. Unripe raw materials are completely unsuitable for a healthy vitamin drink. It can rot and it has not yet accumulated a sufficient amount of nutrients.

How to Dry and Store Vitamin Tea Fees

The raw materials for medicinal teas are very different, many herbs contain essential oils, so the temperature of their drying should not be too high (so the herbs will retain useful substances). At a temperature of 30-35 degrees, you can dry thyme, oregano, thyme.

But herbs containing glucosides can be dried at higher temperatures - 50-60 degrees. These herbs include mint, coltsfoot, St. John's wort.

The berries of mountain ash, rose hip, barberry, hawthorn can withstand and need the highest temperature conditions - up to 80 degrees.

It is better to store raw materials for vitamin teas in bags made of natural dense fabric. A glass container with a tight lid is also suitable for storage. Moisture during storage of this kind of product does not benefit him - the collection of herbs can rot.

Berries and fruits can be stored for quite some time - up to four years. But the shelf life of herbs and inflorescences is quite limited - only a year (in rare cases, two).

I am sure that any herbal drink is pleasant and healthy equally for everyone! I don’t think I made many discoveries by talking about simple recipes for making vitamin tea. And how after a good bathhouse not to try to drink a delicious drink ?! It's time for a tasty and healthy tea party!

As you know, everything new is well forgotten old. This expression is the best suited to the topic of today's article. The popularity of tea from the collection of herbs, fruits and flowers is growing more and more, and it's not just about fashion. Very often, those who seriously care about their health refuse traditional tea and coffee and switch to herbal teas. The motivation is simple: in "ordinary" tea, the content of caffeine and tannin is high - substances that stimulate the nervous system. In addition, few people follow the instructions of tea masters and brew tea leaves correctly - alas, tea leaves, which have stood for 2-3 days, are not uncommon in our kitchens, and there is no way to call such tea tasty and healthy. And children can be given tea only after 2-3 years.

Good old herbal teas are another thing. It was them that our ancestors drank some 500 years ago before real tea appeared in our country. Strictly speaking, tea infusion or a decoction of herbs, roots or flowers should not be called, because it is not made from leaves of tea bush. But we will not be too picky.

Herbal teas are very different: vitamin, medicinal, cooling or, conversely, warming, aromatic and not very, but in any case they are all useful. And most importantly - you yourself can collect and make your own unique tea, you just need to know some important rules. Going for the right weed, remember that nature is very vulnerable - do not tear everything out, leave part of the grass at the gathering place to resume it. When collecting leaves (strawberries, raspberries, bones, blackberries), cut only a few leaves from a branch, and you need to collect them fully unfolded. When collecting flowering plants such as mint, St. John's wort, thyme, oregano, always leave some plants with flowers to ripen the seeds. The flowers of jasmine, rose hip, linden should be collected only fully blossomed. Berries and fruits pick fully ripened. The best time for collecting raw materials is the beginning of flowering or full flowering of the plant. You need to collect grass in dry weather, immediately after the dew has descended.

Drying herbs is also a science. The collected herbs are dried in a shaded room (under a canopy, in the attic or in a well-ventilated room), until completely dry. Never allow grass to rot. Blackened grass must not be consumed!

. Herbs containing essential oils (oregano, calamus, thyme, etc.) should be dried slowly, at a temperature of 30-35ºС. This is necessary so that the essential oil does not evaporate.
  . Herbs containing glucosides (tansy, mint, adonis, St. John's wort, coltsfoot) are dried in a dryer at a temperature of 50-60ºС.
  . Fruits (wild rose, blackcurrant, barberry, mountain ash), containing a lot of vitamin C, are dried in a dryer at a temperature of 80-90ºС.

It is necessary to store finished raw materials in paper or linen bags, away from strongly smelling products, preferably each type is separate. Odorous herbs can be stored in glass or ceramic jars with tight-fitting lids. On each bag or jar, you must always attach a label with the name of the grass and the time of collection. Shelf life of leaves, flowers and herbs - 1-2 years, fruits and berries - 3-4 years, bark and rhizomes - 2-3 years.

Another important skill in making herbal teas is picking up a bunch of herbs. You can, of course, make tea from one weed, but who will refuse the opportunity to conjure over a teapot? If you use aromatic herbs (mint, lemon balm, oregano, thyme, etc.), then it is advisable to include only one of them in the mixture. Otherwise, aromas can destroy each other or, even worse, merge into an unpleasant odor. Therefore, the best option may be to mix several neutral herbs with one aromatic.

You must be able to make herbal tea. If you are making tea from flowers, you need to brew them in a large porcelain teapot with water boiling with a “white key” and let it brew for 5-10 minutes. Leaves can also be boiled with boiling water, or you can boil for 3-5 minutes, but many useful substances will disappear. Dry berries before brewing must be crushed, pour boiling water and let it brew for 5-10 minutes. The roots, bark and coarse parts of the plants are finely cut, put in cold water, brought to a boil and boiled for 10 minutes, then allowed to infuse for 10-15 minutes. Properly brewed herbal tea has a wonderful aroma, rich taste and bright color, and is also just a storehouse of nutrients. You can even say that herbal teas can be considered a food product, because they have in their composition a huge amount of biologically active substances: enzymes, vitamins, organic acids, micro and macro elements, etc.

All herbal teas can be divided into vitamin and medicinal. As the name implies, vitamin herbal teas can be safely drunk all year round anytime and whenever you like, but with medicinal teas you need to be careful. Such teas are prescribed by doctors, and you can drink them for a limited time. Herbs that are part of medicinal tea may have contraindications for some diseases.

In the morning you can drink a tonic vitamin tea, consisting of leaves of wild strawberry, angelica, lemongrass, lavender, leaves and flowers of clover, lovage, etc.
  . In the evening, on the contrary, you need to drink soothing herbal teas - St. John's wort, raspberry leaves, peppermint, lemon balm, chamomile, ivan tea, cherry leaves, primrose, etc.
  . In winter and early spring, it is good to prepare multivitamin herbal teas from raspberry, blackcurrant, blackberry, nettle, carrot, barberry, rose hip, sea buckthorn, and mountain ash leaves.
  . But in the summer it is best to drink tea from fresh herbs and leaves - this is the best time for “live” vitamins.

Here are some sample recipes for vitamin herbal teas.

Lingonberry:   2 g of heather flowers, 2 g of rosehip leaves, 10 g of strawberry leaves.

Rowan: 30 g of rowan berries, 5 g of raspberries, 2 g of currant leaves.

Strawberry:   10 g of strawberry leaves, 2 g of mint, 2 g of St. John's wort.

Primrose tea:   5 g of primrose leaves, 5 g of St. John's wort.

Honey rosehip tea:   20 g of rose hips, 15 g of honey, 5 g of lemon juice.

Vitamin: 20 g of rose hips, 10 g of rowan fruits, 5 g of oregano leaves.

Bracing: 3 g of wild strawberry leaves, 3 g of blackberry leaves, 3 g of black currant leaves, 10 g of thyme, 10 g of St. John's wort. 1 tbsp brew the mixture with 200 ml of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes.

General Strengthening No. 2: 6 g rose hips, 6 g sea buckthorn fruits, 2 g centaury grass, 2 g licorice root, 3 g dandelion root, 20 g honey.

Bracing No. 3: 30 g rose hips, 20 g blueberries, 10 g cherry berries, 30 g nettle leaves. 1 tbsp brew the mixture with 200 ml of boiling water and cook for 10 minutes, insist for 1 hour. To drink with honey.

General Strengthening No. 4:   30 g rose hips, 10 g lingonberry leaves, 30 g nettle, honey. 1 tbsp pour 400 ml of boiling water into the mixture, cook for 10 minutes, insist in a thermos for 2 hours. To drink hot. This tea is contraindicated for constipation.

Medicinal herbal teas are used only on the advice of a doctor and under his supervision. Doses and the number of herbs in the collections of medicinal teas are not strictly required, it depends on the state of health and your well-being, you can reduce them, but you should not increase them. Unlike vitamin teas, which can be drunk at any time of the day or night, medicinal herbal teas are consumed 20-30 minutes before a meal. The prepared tea can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. Usually, medicinal teas are prepared in a water bath. To do this, the dishes filled with boiled water are put in a collection in a vessel with weakly boiling water and boiled. Infusions are prepared in a water bath for 15 minutes, decoctions - 30 minutes. Then medicinal tea is removed from the fire and insisted: infusions - 10-15 minutes, decoctions - 30 minutes. After this, the resulting tea is drained, the remaining raw materials are squeezed out and all the liquid is filtered through cheesecloth. Then the finished medicinal tea is poured with boiled water to the original volume.

The wise use of natural remedies will help alleviate your condition and get rid of the disease. However, do not self-medicate, exceed the indicated doses of herbs and use unknown herbs. It is fraught with poisoning!

Here are some recipes for medicinal teas.

Diuretic tea:   5 g sainfoin, 5 g St. John's wort, 5 g blackcurrant leaves.

Blueberry tea (for colitis): 2 g of blueberries, 2 g of chamomile flowers, 2 g of peppermint, 2 g of nettle leaves.

Sweat tea: 10 g of raspberries, 10 g of linden flowers. 1 tbsp brew a mixture of 2 stacks. boiling water, insist 5 minutes, drink hot.

Medicinal tea for colds: 10 g of chamomile flowers, 10 g of linden flowers, 10 g of black elderberry, 10 g of peppermint. 1 tbsp brew the mixture with a glass of boiling water, wrap for 30 minutes, strain. Drink hot.

Breast tea: 40 g of coltsfoot leaves, 30 g of plantain leaf, 30 g of licorice root. 1 tbsp brew a mixture of 2 stacks. boiling water. Insist 30 minutes, strain. Drink 2 tbsp. every 3 hours. This tea helps get rid of sputum in the lungs.

Warming Tea: 10 g of ginger, 10 g of cinnamon, 10 g of cloves. 1 tsp mix the mixture with 200 ml of boiling water, insist a little. Ginger improves blood circulation, has an antiseptic, expectorant, stimulating property. This tea is very peculiar, harsh.

Soothing Tea: 10 g of lemon balm leaves, 10 g of veronica leaves, 30 g of strawberry leaves, 40 g of hawthorn fruit. 1 tbsp mix the mixture with 250 ml of boiling water, leave for 5-7 minutes. To drink with honey.

Soothing tea No. 2:   30 g of strawberry leaves, 20 g of peppermint, 40 g of hawthorn fruit. The mixture is prepared in the same way as in the previous recipe.

Soothing tea No. 3:   10 g of peppermint, 10 g of lemon balm, 10 g of valerian root, 10 g of prickly leaves and flowers. 1 tbsp pour 200 ml of boiling water into the mixture, insist 30 minutes, strain. Drink half a glass 3 times a day.

Soothing Tea No. 4:   10 g peppermint, 10 g motherwort, 10 g valerian root, 10 g hops. The mixture is brewed and taken as in the previous recipe.

Separately, it must be said about herbal slimming teas. Such teas gradually restore metabolism, contribute to the breakdown of fat, remove toxins. Of course, you won’t achieve a miraculous instant effect, but by taking herbal tea for weight loss for a long time, you will significantly improve the general condition of the body.

Multivitamin Slimming Tea: 30 g of buckthorn bark, 10 g of dandelion root, 10 g of parsley, 10 g of peppermint. 1 tbsp add 200 ml of boiling water to the mixture for 15 minutes. Take 2 tbsp. in the morning on an empty stomach for 2 months.

Rowan Slimming Tea:   70 g of rowan berries, 30 g of nettle or rose hip leaves. 1 tbsp pour 400 ml of boiling water for 10 minutes, insist 4 hours, drain. Take half a glass between meals 3 times a day.

Blackberry Slimming Tea:   80 g of blackberry leaves, 10 g of birch leaves, 10 g of coltsfoot leaves. Pour the whole mixture with boiling water in a ratio of 1:20, insist 15 minutes. Take 1 stack. before breakfast and lunch.

Tea for weight loss based on buckthorn bark: 30 g of buckthorn bark, 20 g of peppermint leaves, 30 g of nettle leaves, 10 g of calamus root. 1 tbsp pour 300 ml of boiling water into the mixture, leave for 4 hours, strain. Take half a glass 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Be careful! Slimming teas are contraindicated in case of exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases, general weakening of the body, urolithiasis, as well as during pregnancy and feeding.

And finally, a few words about the benefits and harms of herbal tea during pregnancy. The issue of the safety of herbal teas during pregnancy is rather controversial. Experienced herbalists argue that some of them can have a beneficial effect on the course of pregnancy and the condition of the fetus, but contraindications are also known. For example, chamomile tea can be drunk, but a little and infrequently - no more than one cup per day, but with the threat of a miscarriage, this dose can become fatal. Teas containing ginseng, mint, Vorontsov, Chernobyl, elm rust, fennel, licorice (or licorice), fenugreek, sage, hops and wormwood are generally forbidden to drink during pregnancy. These herbs can tone the uterus and cause a miscarriage. If you do not know exactly what the effect of a particular herb on uterine activity is, it is better not to risk it.

For pregnant women, vitamin herbal teas can be a good way out.

Vitamin tea for pregnant women:   10 g rosehips, 10 g blackcurrant fruits. 1 tbsp pour 400 ml of boiling water into the mixture. Insist 40 minutes in a sealed container. Take half a glass 3-4 times a day.

Vitamin tea for pregnant women No. 2:   10 g rose hips, 10 g raspberry leaves, 10 g currant leaves, 10 g lingonberry leaves. 2 tbsp collection pour 200 ml of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, insist 45 minutes. Drink half a glass 2 times a day.

Vitamin tea for pregnant women No. 3: 10 g of rose hips, 10 g of rowan fruits. 2 tbsp pour 600 ml of boiling water into the mixture, boil for 3 minutes, insist 30 minutes. Take half a glass 3-4 times a day.

As for the kids, any vitamin herbal teas can be given to them, only, of course, diluting them by about half.

Have a nice tea party!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Aromatic herbs can replace a whole multivitamin complex. At the same time, drinking vitamin tea will be much nicer than pills. You can brew a tasty and healthy drink from many plants with the addition of berries and fruits. Great for this, strawberries, cherries, St. John's wort grass, oregano, tansy, mint leaves, lemon balm, fruits. You can experiment with the composition, look for your taste. Each time the taste of the drink will be different: with a hint of bitterness or a sweet aftertaste, a fruity aroma or with a rich taste of meadow herbs.

Procurement and storage of medicinal raw materials

Dried herbs and fruits can be purchased, or you can harvest the plants yourself. Leaves of bone, raspberry, blackberry, wild strawberry need to be collected fully unfolded. Gathering St. John's wort, mint, oregano, thyme, you need to leave plants with flowers so that the seeds ripen. , wild rose and jasmine are harvested when they are fully bloomed. Fruits and berries must be fully ripe. It is best to collect in the dry season.

Keep herbs away from strongly smelling substances. Canvas and paper bags or sacks are used. Aromatic herbs are stored in ceramic and glass jars with lids. It is better to attach a label with the name, time of collection to each jar. The grass is stored for no more than two years, the fruits are not more than four years, and the rhizomes are not more than three years.

The beneficial composition of vitamin tea

Vitamin tea can be regarded as a source of biologically active substances: vitamins, enzymes, microorganisms, organic acids. Such a rich composition can prevent many diseases and cure them. considered a good preventative. It does not contain caffeine, which adds value to it. A drink made from herbs can be used without fear at any age and at any time of the day. The main thing is that you need to drink vitamin tea regularly, and properly cook it.

Each tea has its own set of valuable substances. Consider the most popular herbal drinks that use vitamin herbs.

Rosehip tea. It contains a large amount of vitamin C, it has a healing effect. Its value is explained by the presence of vitamins P, E, A, which increase the body's resistance. This tea has healing and tonic properties.

Tea with currants. Blackcurrant (leaves and fruits) are rich in vitamin C. The drink helps to strengthen immunity, fight against vitamin deficiency. When the body is filled with enough vitamins, it is protected against influenza viruses and the common cold.

Vitamin collection of herbs. You can use in equal parts the leaves of currants, strawberries and rose hips to get a fragrant and tasty drink. It will combine many healing properties.

Making a collection for vitamin tea

The composition of vitamin tea can be the most diverse. It all depends on the taste preferences of the person and the state of his health. The fragrant grass must be only one so that the aroma of one plant does not interrupt another. You can use thyme, mint, oregano, lemon balm. You need to add some neutral herbs to the fragrant grass.

When mixing herbs, one should take into account the contraindications of each of them, remember that it is better not to include unfamiliar plants in phyto-collection. It is wiser to use the already proven herbal recipes that have long been used in folk medicine.

When and how to drink vitamin tea

For a morning reception is suitable. It can be prepared from angelica, leaves of wild strawberry, lemongrass, lavender, clover.

Before going to bed, vitamin is useful. For its preparation, chamomile, fireweed, raspberry leaves, lemon balm are used.

In summer, tea is made from freshly picked flowers and leaves. In winter and early spring, dried raw materials can be used. Particular attention should be paid to tea from the leaves of blackberry, black currant, barberry, rowan fruit, currant, sea buckthorn.

Vitamin Tea Recipes

Tea of \u200b\u200bheather, rosehip and wild strawberry

It is necessary to take 2 g of heather flowers and rosehip leaves, as well as 10 g of wild strawberry leaves. The mixture is poured with 200 ml of boiling water. After 10 minutes, vitamin tea is ready.

To prepare the collection, you need to mix 20 g of St. John's wort and thyme. Add 4 g of lingonberry leaves. The mixture needs to be brewed, used as a brew.

Rosehip Vitamin Tea

Rosehips are included in various herbs. Legends add up to its benefits. Its saturated composition includes a whole range of nutrients.

Classic rosehip tea

Vitamin tea with wild rose serves as a prevention of vitamin deficiency. Dry rosehips need to be chopped, 1 tbsp. l pour the fruit into a thermos, pour boiling water (200 ml). Let it brew. Tea is rich in color and taste. This is a daily dose for an adult.

Herbal practices with rose hips

Dried rose hips in various proportions are added to other plant materials. Prepared tea is used instead of regular tea. You can use the following fees:

  • Rosehip (fruits) - 3 parts, nettle (leaves) - 3 parts, dried carrots - 3 parts, black currant (berries) - 1 part;
  • Rosehip (fruits), raspberries (berries) or mountain ash - 1 part;
  • Rosehip (fruits) - 3 parts, lingonberries (berries) - 1 part, nettle (leaves) - 3 parts;
  • rose hips, lingonberries (leaves) - 2 parts, black currant and raspberries (leaves) - 1 part each.

You can add honey or sugar to any of the prepared drinks.

Fortifying teas

Collection number 1. Leaves of black currant, blackberry and wild strawberry - 3 g each, thyme, St. John's wort - 10 g each. This mixture is poured with 200 ml of boiling water. Infuse the drink for up to 10 minutes.

Collection number 2. Rosehips and sea buckthorn - 6 g each, centaury grass, licorice root, dandelion root - 2 g each. The roots need to be cut and the fruits chopped. Pour 200 ml of boiling water, keep the mixture on low heat for 10 minutes, then insist for an hour. Before use, add a spoonful of honey.