Cook woodcock recipes. How to cook woodcock: recipes


To prepare the wort, you need to know how much is in the resulting juice acid (acidity  juice) and sahara (sugar content  juice). It is necessary to know this for making wine of the desired quality, because in most cases the fruit and berry juices contain an excess of acids and an insufficient amount of sugars.

In home winemaking, especially if a small amount of wine is being prepared, table 2 can be used to determine the composition of the juice. If the winemaker is preparing wine on a small-scale or industrial scale, or if they want to make wine of very high quality, it is better to conduct a more detailed study of the juice. (For example, I use a table).

Juice acidity  determined by the amount of alkali spent on the neutralization of the acid contained in the juice, which is based on the properties of acids to combine with alkalis.

Various acids are present in fruit juices: tartaric, malic, citric, succinic, and others. As a rule, malic and citric acids predominate, unlike grapes, where tartaric acid dominates (although other acids are also present, but much smaller quantities).

When determining the acidity of the juice, the total acidity is calculated in terms of the acid prevailing in the juice. For grape juice and wine - in terms of tartaric acid, for fruit and berry juice, as a rule, in terms of apple and less often citric acid (depending on which one prevails in this type of fruit and berries).

The acidity of the juice is determined by adding to it a solution of alkali of a certain concentration (titration solution). A titer is the amount of alkali in 1 ml of a solution, and titration is the determination of acidity using a titration solution. The result of the reaction when alkali is added to the juice is looked at by the indicator - a litmus test. When determining the amount of acid in juice or wine, a sodium hydroxide titration solution is used.

To determine the acidity of the winemaker must be available: pipette; glass tube with applied divisions (burette); glass cup or porcelain cup; glass rod, titration solution, litmus indicator (litmus test, which turns blue with alkali and red with acid).

Pipette  - the glass tube with the marks applied to it must contain at least 10 ml of liquid.

Burette  - a glass tube with applied divisions for each 1 ml of volume up to 25-50 ml.

Titration solution. It is a solution of dry sodium hydroxide in the amount of 5.97 g., Dissolved in 1 liter of distilled water. It will take about 0.3 liters. The previously prepared solution can be stored in a glass bottle with a stopper of chemically resistant rubber.

Determination of acid content.

The essence of the method is to add a titration solution to a well-defined volume of juice until the litmus paper turns blue from the resulting mixture, which will mean neutralization by alkali of all acid in the juice. Knowing the initial volume of juice and the volume of the used alkaline titer solution, and that 1 ml of alkali neutralizes 0.1% acid, it is easy to determine the acidity of the juice.

Consider in more detail the following example. Suppose apple juice is available. Set a clean, dry burette on the table vertically, then carefully pour 10 ml of juice into it. This is a strictly measured amount of juice poured into a glass cup. If the existing juice is brightly colored (blackcurrant, etc.), then the measured amount of juice can be diluted by pouring distilled water with a pipette (pour the contents of the pipette 3-5 times) so that the juice becomes less colored. Mix the resulting mixture of juice and water with a glass rod. This dilution of the juice will not affect the acidity indicator, since when diluting only the volume of the mixture will change, and the amount of acid will not change, because they took exactly 10 ml of juice.

Then, in a glass with juice from a pipette, add the titrated solution in measured portions, after each addition with a glass rod, mix the juice, and apply droplets from a glass rod to a litmus test. The red color of litmus means that not all acid has been neutralized and therefore we add a new portion of the alkaline titration solution. We will do this until the red color of the entire litmus test changes to blue, which will be when neutralizing all the acid with alkali. Suppose we spent 21 ml of an alkaline titration solution on the neutralization of 10 ml of apple juice, then this means that 1 g of juice contains 21 g. malic acid, or 2.1% acid.

To determine the acidity of a fermenting juice or wort, a measured amount of juice (must) must be heated to a boil to remove carbon dioxide, which was formed during fermentation and can distort these definitions.

Determination of the amount of sugar in the juice.

The total amount of sugar in the juice can be determined by the specific gravity of the juice, which is based on the dependence of the density of the juice on the sugar content in it. Specific gravity is determined by weighing a measured amount of juice on an accurate scale or using a hydrometer. Before determining the amount of sugar, the juice must be filtered through a paper filter. The temperature of the juice should be 19-20 ° C.

The specific gravity of the juice is determined as follows: 10-100 ml of filtered juice is measured using a clean dry pipette per 10 ml into a clean dry glass, which must be weighed before filling with juice. Then on the exact scales we determine the weight of a glass of juice. The weight of the measured juice is divided by the weight of water of the same volume, the obtained division result will be the desired specific gravity of the juice. To calculate the percentage of sugar in juice from the specific gravity value, subtract 1 and divide the remaining difference by 5. The resulting figure will indicate the percentage of sugar.

For example, 100 ml of juice weighs 104 g., And 100 ml of water weighs 100 g. The specific gravity of the juice will be: 104 :   100 \u003d 1,040. We subtract one from the specific gravity: 1.040 - 1.00 \u003d 0.040, or just 40 (to simplify the calculations). We divide this difference by 5 and we get the percentage of sugar in the juice, i.e. 40 :   5 \u003d 8 or 8%.

Using a hydrometer to determine the percentage of sugar is easier and faster. The filtered juice is brought to a temperature of 20 ° C, poured into a tall narrow vessel. Pour in such a way that foam does not form. A clean dry hydrometer is gently lowered vertically into the juice, preventing it from diving. If the hydrometer body located above the juice surface is moistened with juice, then the hydrometer readings will be incorrect, as the device will become heavier. It is necessary to lower the hydrometer into the studied juice carefully, holding the upper part with two fingers. If the hydrometer has plunged, its body should be washed with clean water and wiped dry, and repeat the measurement process again. The hydrometer should be read so that the eye is at the level of the juice surface.

If the juice temperature differs from 20 ° C, then a temperature correction is made to the hydrometer reading. If the temperature is above 20 ° C, then the value obtained from multiplying the difference in temperature degrees by 0,0002 should be added to the hydrometer reading. For example, at 25 ° C the readings of the hydrometer are 1,053, and the actual weight will be: 1,053 + (5 x 0,0002) \u003d 1,054. Conversely, at a juice temperature below 20 ° C, the temperature difference multiplied by 0.0002 must be subtracted from the hydrometer.

For example, a hydrometer reading at a juice temperature of 14 ° C is 1.041. Then the value is: 1.041 - (6 x 0.0002) \u003d 1.0398.

After making a temperature correction, the specific gravity of the juice determines the sugar content in it.

In addition to sugars, juice also contains extractive substances, the content of which is different in different juices. These extractive substances affect the accuracy of the results of determining the sugar content of the juice, allowing a deviation within 1. Therefore, when examining a few extractive juices (for example, apple juice), it is necessary to add 1. to the sugar content by specific gravity. When calculating, use the formula:

C \u003d (Y: 5) + 1where C is the sugar content in juice in% or in grams. per 100 ml of juice; Y is an indicator of the specific gravity in which the units and zeros ahead are excluded. For example, the specific gravity is 1.041, then Y \u003d 41, then C \u003d (Y : 5) + 1 = 9,2%.

When determining the amount of sugar in juices of medium extractivity (red and white currants, raspberries, strawberries, etc.), use the formula:
C \u003d (Y: 5).

All these juice studies must be done to make quality wine. In home winemaking, especially if a small amount of wine is being prepared, you can use it when determining the composition of the juice

Various methods are used to obtain the desired acidity of the juice. The most common is the addition of water to the juice.

The wine should contain about 6-7 g of acid per 1 liter. To regulate its acidity, even before the start of the fermentation process, a certain amount of water is added to the wort. In juices of different fruits and berries, the acid content is different. So, in 1 liter of apple, blueberry and blackberry juice contains about 8 g of acid, the same amount of strawberry juice - 12 g, wild rose - 19 g, red currant and garden rowan - 23 g, black currant - 26 g, gooseberry - 16 g, cherries - 18 g, turn - 35 g. Knowing this, it is easy to calculate how much water you need to add to 1 liter of juice to obtain wine with a content of 6-7 g of acid.

For example, 1 liter of gooseberry juice contains 16 g of acid, and 1 liter of wine should have 7 g. But since some of the acid will be lost during fermentation, it is taken as the norm for calculation of 8 g. For the preparation of 1 liter of wine with the indicated acid content it is necessary to add 0.5 l of water to 0.5 l of juice. However, it should be borne in mind that sugar will subsequently need to be added to the wine three times, diluted with a certain amount of water, which must be considered. So, when you first dilute the juice, less water is required. It is not recommended to dilute apple juices with water, as their fermentation decreases acidity. 2.7 l of water is usually added to 1 liter of currant juice.

Juice can be diluted with boiled or raw water, however, in either case it should be soft, clean and free from any odors. If the water is hard, the acidity of the juice will be greatly reduced. If there is a lot of iron in the water, the wine may turn black. Experienced winemakers usually add soft spring water to the juice.

If table wine is being prepared, the acidity of the juice should be close to titratable and amount to 0.8-1%. For strong and sweet wines, the acidity of the juice is usually higher - from 1 to 1.2%. Dilute it with water should be very careful, since a strongly diluted juice (even currant juice), brought to an acidity index below 0.6%, will be difficult to ferment. In this case, the wine will turn out to be tasteless, devoid of the aroma of the raw material.

A more accurate amount of water for diluting the juice can be calculated using a simple formula. So, if the titratable acidity of the juice is 2.4%, and the desired acidity of the wine should be 0.8%, the acidity of the juice should be divided by the acidity of the wine (2.4: 0.8 \u003d 3). Thus, the juice should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 3.

B \u003d (Ks: Kv) - 1,

where B is the required amount of water, l; Ks is the acidity of the juice; Kv - wine acidity. If you use the same example, it turns out that B \u003d (2.4: 0.8) - 1 \u003d 2. That is, 2 liters of water must be added to 1 liter of juice. From this number, subtract the amount of water that was consumed in the process of preparing the fruit or berries, squeezing the juice (for example, by pressing marc and pressing), as well as the amount of sugar that was added to the juice. You should know that 1 kg of sugar, dissolved in water, takes 0.6 l of volume. As mentioned above, the water required to dissolve sugar should not be taken into account.

The method of obtaining a given acidity of the juice by adding water is simple, but it has its drawbacks. Diluted juice with water can become excessively liquid. So, in acidic juices, which have to be diluted strongly (cranberry, lingonberry), the concentration of nitrogenous substances necessary for feeding the yeast is significantly reduced. To activate fermentation, you will need to add nitrogen nutrition to these juices - ammonium chloride or phosphate (based on 0.2-0.4 g per 1 liter of juice). These substances can be replaced with 25% aqueous ammonia solution (0.5-1 ml per 1 liter of juice).

Another way to obtain the necessary acidity of the juice is to completely neutralize part of the juice and mix it with the remains of acidic juice.

As an acid neutralizer, crushed pure chalk is used. It is introduced into the juice, mixed well and defended.

After some time, a precipitate forms on the bottom, which is a calcium salt of neutralized acids and excess chalk.

Juice neutralized in this way must be carefully drained from the precipitate, and then mixed with the remaining acidic juice.

The amount of juice to be neutralized is fairly easy to calculate. It is known that 1 g of chalk is required to neutralize 1 g of acid. For example, take 10 liters of juice, titratable acidity of which is 2.2%, and the desired acidity is 0.9%.

First of all, you need to calculate the total amount of acid contained in this amount of juice: 22 x 10 \u003d 220 g. Then you need to calculate the desired acidity: 9 x 10 \u003d 90 g, as well as the amount of acid that needs to be neutralized: 220 - 90 \u003d 130 g. Next, we determine how much juice will need to be neutralized (130: 22 \u003d 5.9 l) and how much chalk will be needed for this (130 x 1 \u003d 130 g).

If the juice diluted with water liquefies, then this does not happen with the neutralized juice, it retains extractiveness. However, this method of obtaining the desired acidity also has one drawback: in a wine made from juice that has undergone neutralization, a drug taste may appear.

Much more effective is the third method, which consists in mixing very acidic juice with juice of lower acidity. The disadvantage of this method is that it is rather difficult to select the necessary components, given that the juices should be in harmony in taste and aroma.

Determining the juice ratio is easy. For example, 10 liters of juice with an acidity of 2.2% were taken, the required acidity of the wort should be 0.9%.

This means that slightly acidic juice (pear juice with an acidity of about 0.1%) should be added to acidic juice. Let's consider all the calculations in stages:

1) 22 x 10 \u003d 220 g - the total amount of acid in 10 l of acid juice;

2) 220 - 90 \u003d 130 g - the amount of acid to be removed. If 1 g of acidic juice contains 1 g of acid in 1 liter of acid, it means that 9-1 \u003d 8 g is not enough in it;

3) 130: 8 \u003d 16.25 L - the amount of slightly acidic juice to be added to acidic juice;

4) 10 +16.25 \u003d 26.25 l - the total number of juices (slightly acidic and acidic);

5) (10 x 22) + (16.25 x 1) \u003d 236.25 g - the total amount of acid in the juice mixture;

6) 236.25: 26.25 \u003d 9 g - the amount of acid in 1 liter of a mixture of acidic and slightly acidic juices.

As a result, it turns out that the acidity of the prepared mixture will be the required 0.9%.

Both the wort and the wine prepared from it in this way will be extractive, with a wonderful taste and delicate aroma.

In the event that it is necessary to increase acidity, slightly acidic juice is mixed with strongly acidic or tartaric or citric acid is added to it.

When changing acidity, the following rule should be taken into account: the wort acidity should be slightly higher than the expected acidity of the finished wine. This is due to the fact that wort fermentation and the addition of sugar reduce acidity by approximately 4% of titratable acidity.

Another rule matters: dry white wines should have lower acidity, and strong red and sweet wines should be higher.

Based on this, the wort and wine acidity is usually made from 0.7 to 1.1%.

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The acidity of the stomach is an important indicator of the state of the internal environment of a person and his health in general. In various parts of the gastrointestinal tract, acidity varies depending on the function of the site, and changes in this indicator in one direction or another can lead to the development of a whole galaxy of various diseases. Determining the acidity of the stomach helps in the diagnosis and monitoring of gastrointestinal diseases, and everyone should be able to recognize the symptoms that accompany acid-base changes in the stomach.

Normally, the composition of gastric juice includes hydrochloric acid and bicarbonates, which have an alkaline reaction of the medium, that is, in different departments, acid and base synthesis processes take place alternately, and sometimes simultaneously. For the mucous membranes, which are lined with the entire gastrointestinal tract, both extremes are dangerous because they are an aggressive environment. But together they neutralize each other, restraining the damaging effect.

Passing these areas in stages, the contents of the stomach move physiologically along the digestive tract, breaking down into molecules that the body is able to absorb. Most enzymes are secreted inactive so that the stomach wall is not digested with food, and they become active when the acidity is specific to each department.

The acidity of the stomach normally varies for each department, depending on the time of day and food intake. In an empty stomach, acidity is in the range of 1.5-2 pH, and approaching the transition to the duodenum, the pH shifts to the neutral and even slightly alkaline side (up to 7.4). In the epithelial layer, acidity should be neutral.

Only with acidity will digestion be effective, and the gastrointestinal mucosa will remain intact.

Why maintain a certain acidity?

The oral cavity is populated by a huge number of microorganisms, which, with the adequate functioning of the immune system, do not pose a danger to a healthy person. Mixing with food, they enter the stomach, which acts as the most important factor in protecting against infection precisely because of the acid reaction of the gastric juice. Hydrochloric acid neutralizes most bacteria that enter the stomach, preventing them from entering the intestines, where they can be absorbed into the systemic circulation.

In the stomach, the first stage of the splitting of complex molecules occurs under the action of their own enzyme systems. The wall of the stomach is rich in glands, which produce various enzymes, in particular pepsinogen.

Pepsinogen is an inactive form of the pepsin enzyme that breaks down proteins. Under the influence of hydrochloric acid, inactive pepsinogen is converted into active pepsin. Hydrochloric acid is also involved in the breakdown of proteins, possessing an independent proteolytic effect.

Like any other acid, HCl has a mild irritant effect. By stimulating motility and irritating receptors, hydrochloric acid becomes the starting factor for the movement of food from the stomach to the duodenum.

Why determine acidity?

Measurement of acidity in the stomach is prescribed for an accurate diagnosis, changes in this indicator indicate a developing gastrointestinal pathology.

Depending on which direction the acid-base state has moved, you can find the cause of the disease. Only by normalizing acidity can an effective therapy be achieved.

Acidity Methods

The least accuracy and indicative information in the hospital gives probeless methodbased on the identification of different staining of urine using ion exchange resins. Acidotest was more widely used in this line of products. The kit includes several tablets with:

  • dye;
  • ion exchange resins;
  • a stimulator of secretion of gastric juice.

Resins are inert to the body and are not absorbed in the digestive tract, which means that they cannot appear in the urine, like the dye, which is in a strong complex with them. But the dye is easily displaced by hydrogen ions coming from hydrochloric acid. Depending on how many ions have displaced the dye from hydrochloric acid, urine will stain differently. A color scale is attached to the kit, according to which one or another condition is judged.

Sensing of the stomach will more accurately tell about the state of acidity: gastric contents are aspirated, the acidity of which is measured in the laboratory. This method is not physiological, since there is a mixing of liquids from different departments, which have different acidity. The result is an average figure with low reliability.

Gastric Probing Process

During   it is also possible to determine the acidity of the stomach by irrigating the mucosa through a flexible endoscope with a special acidity indicator. The method is visual and also not very accurate.

Intragastric pH measurements are considered the gold standard and the most informative way to determine acidity. This method not only gives an accurate pH figure, but also reflects the full picture of the distribution of acid in the stomach in different parts of the gastrointestinal tract or even at different times of the day.

How to suspect a violation of acidity at home?

To determine the acidity of the stomach, you can use a simple test with litmus paper, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. The test strip should be put on the tongue for a few seconds.

It is important to conduct a study either 2 hours after a meal, or an hour before a meal. Remember that you should not drink juices and carbonated drinks on this day, they can distort the result, limit yourself to clean drinking water. It is best to repeat the experiment on different days, and then see the average result.

A litmus test is a simple indicator for changing the pH of a medium.

Changes in the color of the paper will indicate the acid-base state of the gastric juice:

  • red (or pink) color - acidic environment;
  • purple is a neutral medium.

Another way is based on the psychosomatic reaction of the body. It is enough to mentally imagine the taste and smell of lemon and listen to your sensations. Lack of secretion or increased secretion of saliva are signs of a change in the environment in the stomach.

It is obvious that at home it is impossible to accurately determine "own" acidity in the stomach. But everyone can assume a violation, it’s quite simple to follow their feelings throughout the day.

High acidity

Most often, an increase in pH in the stomach accompanies the development of the so-called acid-dependent diseases. These include hyperacid duodenitis and gastritis, peptic ulcers of the duodenum and stomach, as well as GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease).

  • pain that occurs after eating (1-2 hours later);
  • sour belching;
  • burning and heaviness in the abdomen (heartburn);
  • nausea (in rare cases, vomiting);
  • tendency to constipation.

Low acidity

Reduced acidity of gastric juice is a frequent pathology that proceeds almost asymptomatically until atrophic gastritis develops. Low secretion of hydrochloric acid leads to a weakening of the antimicrobial barrier, which leads to frequent intestinal infections, weakening of the motility of the stomach and intestines.

Symptom complex characteristic of this condition:

  • bad breath;
  • lack of appetite;
  • weakness, chronic fatigue;
  • tendency to constipation or diarrhea;
  • anemia;
  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • flatulence (increased gas formation in the digestive tract);
  • recurrent indigestion.

How to normalize acidity?

With an increased level of acidity in the stomach, anticholinergic drugs, such as atropine and platifillin, have shown their effectiveness. Aggressiveness of gastric contents also reduces:

  • antisecretory drugs (ranitidine, omeprazole);
  • antacids (rennie, gastal).

Among the folk remedies of medicine, potato and aloe juice, propolis tincture and natural honey have proven themselves. Carrot juice and warm milk can reduce gastric secretion and, accordingly, acidity. In addition, carrot juice reduces abdominal pain, with a weak analgesic effect.

Increasing the acidity in the stomach is much more difficult. Alternative medicine can also help: wormwood, calamus or peppermint. Herbal preparations of chamomile, St. John's wort and herbs (wormwood) should be brewed in a thermos and taken half a glass half an hour before meals.

Drug therapy is prescribed only after a therapeutic diet has been prescribed and has had its effect. Substitution therapy includes hydrochloric acid preparations (acidin-pepsin) or stimulant preparations for the production of gastric juice. You cannot appoint them yourself and without constant monitoring by a specialist.

High acidity nutrition

A therapeutic diet with an increased level of acidity is prescribed taking into account the degree of mucosal damage and the stage of the process.

In the period of exacerbation, first of all, it is necessary to reduce any irritation of the inflamed stomach: chemical, thermal or mechanical. Food should not be too hot or cold, spicy, salty and especially acidic dishes should be completely excluded from the diet. The patient should chew food well and eat at the same time in small portions, but often. All products are steamed or boiled. An hour before meals, the patient is recommended to drink bicarbonate mineral water.

During the period of remission, it is allowed to add carbohydrates (wheat and rye bread, cookies, crackers), lean meat, soups cooked on a vegetable broth to the diet. Still, it’s best to keep a “diet” steamed and avoid eating spicy, salty or acidic foods. Mucosal enveloping agents (natural jelly or oatmeal infusions) are beneficial.

A sanitary-educational conversation is held with this patient about the dangers of alcohol and smoking, which stimulate the secretion of the gastric glands, which is unacceptable in the position of a patient with a high level of acidity.

Low Acid Nutrition

Common mistakes in the treatment of low acidity are precisely the stimulation of secretion and attempts to artificially increase acidity. In no case can this be done, since the mucous membrane is in a weakened state, it is not necessary to load the stomach even more. First of all, you need to prescribe a sparing diet with digestible products.

As in the case with a high level of acidity, various cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat), rice, mashed potatoes will be the dish of choice. Products should be soft uniform consistency and not hot in temperature. The patient can cook vegetable soups, steamed lean meat and fish, and even flour.
  From the moment the symptoms subside, you can begin to stimulate the secretion of gastric juice. Sour fruit and tomato juices, marinades help in this. Vitamins will be useful for improving the general condition and as stimulants of healing of the mucosa.

Woodcocks are hunted in spring during mating, and in autumn with a cop in the span. This bird is small in size and weighs approximately 300 grams. The feather is motley, of a red tint. Woodcock is notable for a straight long nose and large eyes. Woodcock is considered “red game”. Its carcass is usually fried and not gutted before cooking. There are many recipes for cooking woodcock dishes. Consider the most popular of them.

Heat the sunflower oil in a saucepan, put in it the carcasses of woodcocks, previously stuffed with lard. Fry should be from different sides. During frying, you need to water the carcass with sauce in which the meat is fried. After cooking, pour the meat with one glass of red wine and pull it out of the saucepan. Before serving, cut the carcass into two halves. Fry croutons in oil, put on a plate. Put two parts of woodcock carcass on top and pour over the sauce.

Hunting roast game

Woodcock carcasses prepared by plucking and singeing them. Then you need to gut, wash, sprinkle with pepper and salt inside. Carcasses can be wrapped in foil or leaves. It is necessary to dig a hole in the ground with a width of 35 cm and a depth of 25 cm. Then, light a fire, calcine the ground, clean the hole and put in carcasses, cover with oiled paper or foil, fill the ground with 5 cm of soil. depending on the size of the game. After that, carefully remove the foil. You can serve hot meat with greens and a side dish to the table.

Prepared for a roast carcass, put on a baking sheet or stew-pan with the back to the bottom. If the meat is lean, it should be smeared with beef or pork fat in advance. When cooking after 5 minutes, it is poured with fat and juice, which are allocated from the meat. To form a golden crust, before cooking, the carcass is greased with sour cream and placed in the oven or oven. To determine the readiness of the dish, you need to pierce the carcass to the bone with a fork in a thick place.

If the juice that stands out has a transparent color, then the dish can be served to the table. Small individuals are served whole without cutting. With large sizes, meat is cut into two parts along the carcass. The cut parts are heated in an oven and put on a dish, then pour oil and juice after frying. The meat is decorated with greens and wrapped in a heated side dish.

Woodcock with feathers in clay

Gutted bird, feathers left in place. Inside put fat or oil, salt. Then the carcass is sewn up with grass or thread. Next, the meat is covered with clay and put on hot coals. Clay gradually dries and cracks. After this, the meat can be served, it is already ready. The fried carcasses are pulled out of the fire, allowed to cool and dry clay is beaten off. With it feathers easily depart from meat. After this, the carcass can be fried at the stake, planted on a ramrod, or cut into pieces and make a barbecue.

Grab carcasses, gut, wash. Pepper and salt inside and out. Inside put fat. Thread carcasses. Melt the remaining bacon and butter in a pan, put cooked meat, sprinkle with spices, add chopped mushrooms and fry. As you cook, you can add water. At this time, you need to prepare carrots. It must be cleaned, cut into strips and stew in butter, pre-salt, adding sugar and spices. You can add a little water.

Pour the cooked carrots with sour cream. Before this, add a little flour to the carrot and stir. Lemon juice or sugar is added to taste. Woodcock fried meat is divided into two parts and a side dish of carrots is added. Served with frying juice, boiled potatoes and coleslaw. If you use canned carrots for such a dish, then you need to add sugar and spices to the marinade, pour the carrots and insist it. Next you need to boil it and add sour cream.

For two carcasses, 50 grams of fat, oil and mushrooms, 4 peppercorns, 1 bay leaf, pepper, salt are taken. To cook stewed carrots, you need to take a pound of carrots, a glass of sour cream, 30 grams of butter, black and allspice, a teaspoon of sugar and flour.

After evisceration and washing, prepare prepared carcasses to separate the meat from the breast. Stuff carcasses with lard, salt, pour lemon juice and cognac, then place in a cold place and close the lid. Divide the meat into pieces and cook, adding greens, salt, allspice and black pepper. A few slices of lemon peel, cloves. It will take a little water to form a concentrated broth. Fry the meat separated from the breast in sunflower oil until golden brown.

The broth should be filtered, the meat removed from the bones and finely chopped. Can be chopped with a blender. Put the resulting mixture into the broth, add the marinade, mustard, starch and lemon zest. Starch must first be mixed in cold water. Bring to a boil, sprinkle with pepper, salt and serve to the fried woodcock. As a side dish, you can use fried or boiled potatoes, as well as blackcurrant jelly or rice.

Two carcasses take 30 grams of bacon, two tablespoons of sunflower oil, a few peas of black pepper, parsley, juice and lemon peel, cloves, a spoon of French mustard. You can add a little cognac to a glass of water - three teaspoons. In addition, potato starch is added in the amount of 1 teaspoon.

Polish fried woodcock

Prepared carcasses need to be salted inside and out, rinse pieces of fat inside. Outside, carcasses are wrapped in slices of fat and tied with thread. The rest of the fat is fried on a baking sheet with poultry meat. Before this, you need to add juniper berries, peas of black pepper. In addition, you can add beef broth. Boil the vegetable mixture in salt water. Fry the breadcrumbs in oil. Divided carcasses into two parts, pour juice from frying, stuffed with fried lard and boiled vegetables, sprinkle with breadcrumbs.

Cream with grated horseradish and sugar can be served on the table. Two carcasses take 100 grams of fat, 50 grams of oil, one set of vegetable mix, several peas of pepper and juniper berries. A glass of beef broth and four tablespoons of crackers are also added. Wild pigeons are prepared according to a similar recipe.

Let's get acquainted with the recipe for woodcock regal dishes. This bird has long been considered royal, as this bird is the cleanest, compared to other game. And if it is cooked correctly, it will be a real royal dinner. If you were lucky in the hunt and you got woodcocks, we suggest you cook them royally.

This dish may be suitable for a festive table, instead of a hot one. It will take about two hours to cook it. But the result is worth it. The main point is to comply with the cooking order and recommendations on the proportions of the constituent products.

Product Composition

Since the woodcock is small, and there will be very few carcasses for a gala dinner, try hunting for a minimum of six woodcocks. To make the meat juicy, you will need 100 g of bacon, 50 g of butter. Together with meat, champignons 300g, a glass of sour cream and broth are served on the table. To taste - spices, salt.

Cooking order

Carcasses need to be plucked and gutted. After this, the meat must be washed and soaked in vinegar for three hours. This will allow the meat to become softer and fry faster. After pickling, they must be removed, remove the moisture with a towel, salt and put a piece of bacon on the center of each carcass. Melt butter and bacon in a pan. Put the carcasses in the pan and close the lid. Let the meat be stewed in a mixture of oil and fat, let the juice. After a quarter of an hour, you can drain the excess fat, and fry the meat until golden brown on both sides.

During this time of frying, you can cook rice, cook mushrooms, and fry them in oil, then add sour cream, broth and simmer for five minutes. After preparing all the ingredients for dinner, remove the fried carcasses from the pan, turn the breasts down, pour them with sauce. Then simmer for 15 minutes in slow heat under a lid.

To determine readiness with a knife, pierce the meat, if it is hard, let it stand for another 10 minutes. After final cooking, do not rush to immediately put the dish on the table. He needs to insist at least half an hour. Serve the meat with rice and sauce. Different pickles go well with such a dinner.