National dishes Kurban Bayram. Eid al-Adha

On August 21, the main Muslim holiday, Kurban Bayram, begins. Food is one of its most important components. What dishes a gala dinner does not do without and what is the daily routine of the celebrants, said Zarema Tagirova, a culinary blogger and connoisseur of Tatar cuisine.

The Feast of Sacrifice, or Kurban Bairam, is the most important holiday for Muslims. It begins 70 days after the end of the thirty-day fasting in the month of Ramadan and coincides with the day of the completion of the pilgrimage to Mecca.

On Kurban Bairam day, believers wash themselves, put on clean clothes and attend a mosque for a festive morning prayer - prayer, with a sermon, and also visit cemeteries to commemorate the deceased relatives. The final stage of the holiday is the sacrifice of any animal - a ram, goat, camel or bull, while the ram should not be more than a year old, and a bull or cow - no more than two years. The animal must be healthy and not have any physical disabilities, it is sacrificed in accordance with the canons: they say a prayer, and the meat is divided into three parts - one is given to the needy and poor people or left in the mosque, the second part is used to prepare festive dishes that treat relatives, friends and neighbors, and the third part remains in the owner’s house. The meat should not be stored, it must be eaten at the end of Eid al-Adha, and the bones must be buried.

What is prepared for the holiday from sacrificial meat? On the first day - offal dishes: liver and heart. The second day begins with a bowl of soup cooked on a broth from lamb heads and drumsticks. They cook stew, roast, complementing with rice, legumes and vegetables. On the third day, lamb bones, pilaf, kebab, lagman, manti, beshbarmak, chuchvara and many other traditional dishes appear on Muslim tables.

A special place on the festive table is reserved for sweets, which are usually used to decorate tables and present children. In Kurban Bairam, baked goods, as a rule, are prepared using almonds and raisins: these are all kinds of oriental cookies, pies and biscuits.

Dishes for a festive table

Jizz byz

Jizz byz is a dish of shepherds whom they ate and eat on their long journeys through pastures. Liver cannot be stored for a long time, which is why this dish is quickly cooked and immediately eaten. The lamb offal is a storehouse of vitamins and tastes. The whole liver is used in the dish according to your taste - the liver, heart, kidneys, lung, peritoneum, spleen and mutton eggs (for the male variation of jizz-biz). Jizz-byz is cooked in a saj (a concave steel or cast-iron frying pan with two handles on the sides. - Ed.), Or in a cauldron or wok.

Ingredients (for 4 persons):

  • set of lamb liver (liver, lung, heart, spleen) - 1 pc.;
  • onions - 4-5 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil / fat tail fat - 3-4 tbsp. spoons;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • bulgarian pepper - 2-3 pcs.;
  • tomatoes - 3-4 pcs.;
  • coriander - 1 tsp;
  • ground black pepper and salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Peel the onion, wash. Finely chop and remove for a while to the side. Bulgarian pepper and tomatoes wash and chop. Wash a set of mutton liver. Cut each component separately. Heart - remove ducts and blood clots. Cut the liver large, removing the excess film. The lung and spleen are also not very finely chopped.

In a cauldron, dissolve the oil with a clove of garlic. Once it turns brown, it needs to be removed from the oil. First fry the heart for 1-2 minutes, then add the liver, after - the lungs and spleen. Mix thoroughly and fry for a minute.

In the finale add onions, chopped tomatoes and peppers. They will give the dish taste, juice and softness. Stew, stirring, 5 minutes. At the end of the dish you need to salt, pepper and pour coriander. Sprinkle with coarsely chopped cilantro before serving.

Eastern Salad

Not the last place on the festive table is occupied by salads with liver and meat. Oriental salad is variable, and it can be prepared with both liver and boiled beef or lamb. All products must be chopped into strips.

Ingredients (for 4 persons):

  • boiled lamb or boiled beef - 200 g;
  • tomatoes - 3-4 pcs.;
  • pickled cucumber - 3-4 pcs.;
  • bulgarian pepper - 3-4 pcs.;
  • red onion - 1 pc.;
  • cilantro;
  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. l .;
  • soy sauce - 1/2 tsp;
  • apple vinegar - 1/2 tsp;
  • freshly ground pepper;
  • sea \u200b\u200bsalt;
  • sesame.

Cooking method:

Clean the lamb liver from ducts and films, cut into thin strips and fry for 1-2 minutes in a well-heated pan.

Wash and dry all vegetables. Chop the onion in half rings and put aside. Cut tomatoes, peppers and cucumber into thin strips.

In a bowl combine soy sauce, apple cider vinegar, vegetable oil, salt and pepper. To mix everything. Check for acid balance - sweets.

Put vegetables and liver in a bowl and season with sauce. Put the salad in a plate, sprinkle with sesame seeds on top.


Shulum is a rich, hearty soup of meat, coarsely chopped vegetables and herbs. As a rule, it is cooked on an open fire, and the choice of vegetables is determined by seasonality. From meat choose shanks, shoulder blades and other components of the lamb, as well as beef, poultry and game.

Ingredients (for 4-6 persons):

  • lamb (drumstick) - 2 kg;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • bulgarian pepper - 10 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 6-8 pcs.;
  • tomatoes - 8-10 pcs.;
  • parsley - 200 g;
  • cilantro - 200 g;
  • basil - 200 g;
  • dill - 200 g;
  • salt;
  • peppercorns;
  • freshly ground pepper;
  • chilli.

Cooking method:

Chop lamb into pieces of 100-150 grams. Peel the onion. Pour cold water into the pan, put the meat and onions. The first 40 minutes can not be salted. After boiling, remove the foam, reduce heat and cook for 1 hour.

Peel the potatoes and cut into large slices. Add to the broth after 40-45 minutes of cooking. Sweet pepper cut into strips. On tomatoes, cut the skin crosswise, pour over boiling water and peel it. Cut into slices. After an hour of cooking meat, peppers and tomatoes are put into the pan.

Finely chop all the greens. 10 minutes before readiness, we begin to add it: first dill and parsley, then a couple of minutes later basil, and when the soup is ready - cilantro.


Pilaf is a dish that unites people, traditions and nations at one table. There are a great many variations, but one of the most prominent representatives of the festive pilafs is shah-pilaf, a dish of Azerbaijani cuisine. The name comes from its appearance, which resembles the crown of medieval eastern rulers.

A characteristic feature of Azerbaijani pilafs is gazmakh (this word cannot be translated into Russian - approx. Ed.). This is a crust of pita bread, dough or noodles, as well as the bottom layer of rice that sticks to it. The essence of gazmaha is that, when frying, it prevents the combustion of rice. A special round iron sheet is often laid under the cauldron, which does not allow pilaf to burn and contributes to an even temperature distribution.

Ingredients (for 4-6 persons):

  • long-grain rice (better than Basmati) - 200-300 grams;
  • lamb (pulp) - 500-600 grams;
  • ghee or tail fat;
  • salt;
  • saffron - a pinch.


  • thin pita bread - 2-3 pcs.;
  • ghee - 80 grams;
  • sesame.

Shirin Ashgara:

  • dried apricots - 80 grams;
  • raisins (quiche-mish) - 80-90 grams;
  • melted butter.


  • onion - 1 pc;
  • medium carrots - 1 pc;
  • mixture for pilaf (barberry seeds, cumin, chili pepper, zira) - 1 tsp.

Cooking method:

Rice: at least 3-4 hours before cooking pilaf, the required amount of rice should be washed thoroughly. Pour with water, sprinkle with salt on top and leave aside. It is important to do this in advance, so it will cook faster. Pour saffron into a cup, pour boiling water over it, cover with a saucer, let stand at least 4 hours or overnight.

Fill the largest pot with water (there should also be plenty of water, because rice swells during cooking) and put on a strong fire. Pour a lot of salt, a few tablespoons. As soon as the water in the pan begins to boil, pour in the water in which the rice was soaked. As soon as everything boils again - pour in rice, stirring. When it is cooked, put it in a colander and cool.

Shirin ashgara: rinse dried fruits, put in a saucepan and pour water so that it covers them completely. Put on fire, simmer. Once the water has evaporated, add oil. Fry ashgar over medium heat for 3-5 minutes, then let cool.

Zirvak: chop the carrots and onions with straws. In a dry cauldron, put the mixture for pilaf and warm. Add oil or fat tail fat, melt a little, then fry the vegetables until golden brown.

Cut the lamb into pieces, add the parts to the cauldron, sealing them from all sides. Add a little water and simmer with zirvak for 30 minutes.

Gazmag: thin lavash cut into strips 1.5-2 cm wide.

Assembly of the shah-pilaf: grease the cauldron or form with ghee, sprinkle with sesame seeds and lay out sliced \u200b\u200blavash lap all around the perimeter. Its ends should hang over the walls of the cauldron. Grease with ghee again. Then put a layer of rice, a layer of zirvak with lamb, a layer of ashgar and repeat everything again by analogy.

The final touch: add a little oil to the pre-soaked saffron and pour the pilaf over the entire surface. With those pieces of pita bread that hung from the cauldron, line the top of the pilaf, grease with ghee and cover. Put the cauldron on fire or in a preheated oven to 180 degrees for 1 hour.

Before serving, turn the pilaf upside down, cut into pieces.

Cookies "Shaker Puri"

The culinary art of the East was and is being created by women. In any family, regardless of wealth, the ability to cook is passed down from generation to generation. This is the essence of the life and traditions of peoples. A mother does not write down recipes: her daughters have been watching for years as she conjures in the kitchen. All girls and women from childhood know the golden rule: "Your eye is the best scales."

Oriental cuisine is famous for its abundance of sweets and desserts. At the heart of many of them are spices, fruits and dried fruits, nuts. In Kurban Bayram, desserts with almond content are preferred. Cookies “Shaker-puri” are a delicacy, which they greet and treat guests with tea, and they also distribute it to children.

Ingredients (for 6-10 people):

  • premium flour - 200 g;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • almond flour - 80 g;
  • cinnamon - 1/2 tsp;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • yolk - 1 pc.;
  • icing sugar - 100 g;
  • milk - 125 ml .;
  • vanilla sugar - 20 g;
  • baking powder - 5 g.

Cooking method:

Beat butter at room temperature in a lush mass with vanilla sugar and powdered sugar. Add the egg and yolks, milk. Mix everything thoroughly. Pour the sifted flour with baking powder and cinnamon into the mass. Substitute the dough.

Roll out the dough into a layer 1-1.5 cm thick, using a crescent-shaped mold cut. Lay on a sheet covered with parchment and put in the oven, preheated to 220 degrees, for 15-20 minutes.

Get ready cookies, grease, if desired, with sugar syrup and sprinkle with almond petals or sprinkle with powdered sugar. Serve for tea.

Bon Appetit!

Salad "Spicy"

200 g boiled lamb

100 g grated horseradish

5 tbsp. l mayonnaise

2 onions

1 tbsp. l lamb fat

1 tsp lemon juice

1/2 tsp Sahara

salt to taste

Cooking method

Cut the meat into cubes, salt, add chopped onion, fried in fat, grated horseradish mixed with sugar and lemon juice. Put the salad into a salad bowl, season with mayonnaise and serve.

Lamb and coriander salad

300 g boiled lamb

200 g walnut kernels

100 g sour cream

1 boiled beets

1 boiled carrot

1 tbsp. l ground coriander

salt and ground red pepper to taste

Cooking method

Dice the meat, season with salt, pepper, add the grated beets, chopped nuts and coriander. Mix the salad, put in the salad bowl, season with a mixture of mayonnaise and sour cream and serve, garnished with curly chopped carrots.

Salad with lamb and goat meat

300 g boiled lamb

200 g boiled goat meat

150 g green peas

5 hard boiled eggs

2 tbsp. l vegetable oil

1 onion

1 tsp 3% vinegar

1 tsp lemon juice

salt to taste

Cooking method

Cut the meat into thin slices, mix with grated onions, sprinkle with vinegar and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. Then cool, transfer to a deep bowl, add chopped eggs, diced apples, salt, mix, put in a salad bowl, drizzle with lemon juice, season with mayonnaise and garnish with green peas.

Lamb and smoked chicken salad

200 g boiled lamb

100 g smoked chicken meat

100 g oyster mushroom

1 bell pepper

3 hard boiled eggs

3 tbsp. l canned green peas

2 tbsp. l vegetable oil

1 onion

1 boiled carrot

1 bunch parsley

1/2 bunch cilantro

1/2 tsp ground caraway seeds

salt to taste

Cooking method

Cut onion and bell pepper into rings, mix with chopped oyster mushrooms, salt, add vegetable oil and fry over medium heat for 10 minutes, then pour in a little water and simmer the mixture for 5-7 minutes.

Cut lamb and smoked chicken meat into small slices, add salt, red pepper, caraway seeds, sliced \u200b\u200bcarrots, chopped eggs and stewed onions, bell pepper and oyster mushrooms.

Mix the salad, season with mayonnaise, lay the slide in a salad bowl, sprinkle with chopped parsley, garnish with green peas and cilantro branches and serve.

Lamb and radish appetizer

200 g boiled lamb

100 g butter

1 bunch of radishes

1 loaf of white bread

Cooking method

Cut the meat into thin slices, add the sliced \u200b\u200bradishes, pepper, salt, mix and season with mayonnaise. Cut the bread into thin slices, each of which is greased with butter. Put a portion of the prepared mixture on each slice.

Lamb spicy snack

300 g boiled lamb

2 hot pepper pods

2 eggplant

2 tbsp. l vegetable oil

2 cloves of garlic

1 carrot

1 onion

1 loaf of bread

salt to taste

Cooking method

Cut peeled eggplant and carrots into strips, add chopped onion, chopped hot pepper and crushed garlic.

Place the vegetable mass in a frying pan greased with vegetable oil and fry for 3 minutes, then add salt, pour in a little water and simmer for 20 minutes. Turn the meat through a meat grinder, mix with vegetables and simmer for 3-5 minutes. Cool the prepared snack, put on slices of bread and serve.

Fried lamb salad

300 g fried lamb

100 g green peas

3 boiled potato tubers

2 onions

1 bunch of lettuce

1/2 bunch of basil greens

juice of 1/2 lemon

Cooking method

Mix the slices of fried meat with chopped basil greens, chopped onion rings, salt, pepper, pour over lemon juice and leave for 30 minutes. Then add chopped potatoes, 1/2 bunch of chopped lettuce, diced cucumbers, green peas and mix.

Put lettuce leaves on a dish, put cooked salad on a slide, pour mayonnaise on it and serve.

Pumpkin and quince appetizer

300 g boiled pumpkin

2 tbsp. l olive oil

1 tbsp. l lemon juice

salt to taste

Cooking method

Mix pieces of pumpkin with chopped quince, salt, pepper, mix, put in a salad bowl, season with olive oil, drizzle with lemon juice and serve.

Salad with canned vegetables and meat

300 g boiled lamb

150 g canned green

100 g pickled cabbage

3 boiled potato tubers

3 hard boiled eggs

2 pickles

2 onions

1 salted tomato

1 canned bell pepper

Cooking method

Cut the meat into strips, add the diced potatoes and cucumbers, chopped onions and bell pepper, chopped eggs, grated apples, cabbage and pickled peeled tomatoes, mix and put into a salad bowl. Season with mayonnaise, garnish with green peas and serve.

Chicken and Cucumber Salad

300 g boiled chicken

300 g pickled cucumbers

1 hard boiled egg

1 bell pepper

1 bunch of parsley

salt and black pepper to taste

Cooking method

Finely chop the chicken meat and pickled cucumbers, salt, pepper and season with mayonnaise. Put the salad into a salad bowl and garnish with halves of the egg, rings of bell pepper and chopped parsley.

Meat Salad with Cheese and Mushrooms

500 g boiled lamb

100 g pickled mushrooms

100 g boiled rice

7 black olives

1 onion

1 tbsp. l vegetable oil

1 pickle

1 bunch of green cilantro salt to taste

Cooking method

Cut the meat into small cubes, salt, add onion fried in vegetable oil, chopped cucumber, grated cheese, rice and mushroom sliced. Season the salad with mayonnaise, put the slide in the salad bowl and serve, garnished with cilantro twigs and olives.

Fruit Meat Salad

300 g boiled lamb

2 hard boiled eggs

1 orange

1 tsp lemon juice

1 tsp adjika

salt to taste

Cooking method

Cut the meat into thin slices, salt, add grated apples, slices of peeled orange, chopped eggs. Sprinkle the salad with lemon juice, put it in a salad bowl and season with a mixture of mayonnaise and adjika.

Salad with goat meat and duck meat

300 g of boiled duck meat 200 g of boiled goat meat

100 g canned green

4 boiled potato tubers

2 tbsp. l tomato paste

1 carrot

1 tbsp. l adjika

ground black pepper and salt to taste

Cooking method

Cut the meat into thin slices, add the cucumbers, carrots and potatoes chopped into strips, salt, pepper and mix. Put the salad up in a salad bowl, season with a mixture of mayonnaise, tomato paste and adjika, garnish with green peas and serve.

Lamb Light Salad

500 g lamb lung

5 onions

2 tbsp. l vegetable oil

1 tsp black pepper

1 bunch of green onions

salt to taste

Cooking method

Thoroughly wash the lamb lung, soak for 2 hours, then boil in salted water. Cut onions into rings and fry in vegetable oil. Finely chopped light, mix with fried onions, add salt and pepper. Season the salad with mayonnaise and put the slide in the salad bowl, garnishing with chopped green onions.

Salad with lamb heart and cheese

200 g of stewed lamb heart

100 g boiled rice

100 g sour cream

2 cloves of garlic

2 onions

1 tbsp. l 3% vinegar

1 bunch of green cilantro

salt to taste

Cooking method

Slices of lamb heart mixed with grated onions, pour vinegar, salt and leave for 20 minutes. Then add rice, diced cheese, 1/2 a bunch of chopped green cilantro and mix. Put the salad into a salad bowl, pour a mixture of sour cream and crushed garlic, garnish with cilantro sprigs and serve.

Salad with Beef Liver and Mushrooms

200 g boiled beef liver

150 g sour cream

100 g pickled mushrooms

3 tomatoes

2 onions

1 bell pepper

2 cloves of garlic

1/2 bunch parsley

juice of 1/2 lemon

salt to taste

Cooking method

Cut tomatoes, cucumbers and mushrooms into slices, add diced liver, crushed garlic, chopped onions and bell pepper, salt and mix. Put the salad up in a salad bowl, season with a mixture of lemon juice and sour cream, garnish with chopped parsley and serve.

First meal

Lamb head and legs broth

1 lamb head

3 lamb legs

3 cloves of garlic

3 tbsp. l 3% vinegar

2 egg yolks

salt and black pepper to taste

Cooking method

Cut the prepared head of the lamb and legs into pieces, put in a pan and pour cold water. Add whole slices of garlic and cook for 3 hours, then remove from the broth, separate the meat from the bones. Strain the broth, add salt, pepper, bring to a boil, put pieces of meat and cook on low heat for 20 minutes. Prepare a mixture of egg yolks and vinegar, season the broth with this sauce and serve.

Peach and Apple Soup

500 g peaches

500 g apples

3 tbsp. l Sahara

2 tbsp. l boiled rice

2 tsp potato flour

Cooking method

Pour peaches with 2 cups of water and cook until soft, then wipe through a sieve. Pour 3 cups of hot water into the resulting puree, put rice, sugar and apples cut into thin strips. Bring the soup to a boil, add the potato flour diluted with water and, stirring, cook for 1 minute, then cool and serve.

Lamb Leg Chowder

1.5–2 kg of mutton legs

50 ml olive oil

2 tbsp. l 3% vinegar

salt and red pepper to taste

Cooking method

Cut each leg of lamb into 2 parts, grate with salt and red pepper, put in a pan, add olive oil, pour 2–2.5 liters of water and cook until the meat begins to separate from the bones. Remove the mutton legs from the broth, separate the meat from the bones. Strain the broth, bring to a boil, put the meat, cook for 15 minutes, then add the eggs, stir, pour the vinegar, bring to a boil and serve.

Lamb Bone Soup with Rice

300 g lamb bones 50 g rice

2 potato tubers

1 carrot

1 onion

1 bunch of green cilantro

salt and black pepper to taste

Cooking method

Prepared lamb bones put in a pan, pour cold water, bring to a boil and cook for 2 hours, removing the foam. Then remove the bones, strain the broth, bring to a boil, add salt, pepper, diced potatoes and carrots, chopped onions, rice and cook for 20 minutes. Serve, sprinkled with chopped green cilantro.

Soup "Orom"

2 l mutton broth

300 g lamb

150 g sorrel

50 g peas

3 potato tubers

2 onions

1 carrot

1 bunch of dill

1 bunch of parsley

1 bunch of green cilantro

1 bay leaf

salt to taste

Cooking method

To prepare meatballs, mince meat through a meat grinder, add chopped onions (use 1 onion), rice, salt and red pepper. Stuffing the minced meat and forming from it meatballs weighing 20-25 g.

Bring the broth to a boil, put salt, black pepper, bay leaf, previously soaked peas. Boil for 35–40 minutes, then remove the bay leaf, put meatballs in the soup, julienne carrots and potatoes, chopped onions. After 10 minutes add chopped sorrel.

Cook for 10 minutes, then remove from heat, add chopped greens of parsley, dill and cilantro and serve.

Lamb soup with nuts and lemon

300 g lamb

4 tbsp. l rice

2 carrots

2 tbsp. l butter

2 tbsp. l chopped walnuts

1 onion

1 celery root

1/2 lemon

salt and black pepper to taste

Cooking method

Cut the lamb in portions, salt, pepper, pour 2 liters of hot water and cook for 40 minutes, then add the chopped carrots, chopped onions, celery root. After 10 minutes put rice fried in butter, cook for 15 minutes, then add walnuts and peeled and sliced \u200b\u200blemon into thin slices. Bring the soup to readiness within 5-7 minutes, then serve.

Beef kidney soup with carrots

2–2.5 l of beef broth

500 g beef kidneys

500 g carrots

100 g canned green peas

50 g butter

4 potato tubers

3-4 peppercorns black pepper

2 onions

1 bell pepper

1 bay leaf

1 celery root

1 bunch of celery greens

salt to taste

Cooking method

Put peeled and soaked beef kidneys into a saucepan, add cold water and bring to a boil. Then drain the water, rinse the kidneys, add fresh water, cook for 1 hour, then drain the water, cool the kidneys and finely chop.

Bring the beef broth, add salt, pepper, peas, green peas, diced potatoes, carrots and celery root, cook for 15 minutes, then put the onion and bell pepper fried in butter, bay leaf and chopped celery. Boil for 5-7 minutes, then serve it on the table, putting several slices of boiled kidneys on each plate.

Lamb liver puree soup

300 g lamb bones

200 g lamb liver

100 ml of milk

3 tbsp. l flour

3 tbsp. l butter

2 onions

2 carrots

1 egg yolk

1 parsley root

1 bunch parsley

1 bay leaf

1 tsp black pepper

1/2 tsp ground saffron

salt to taste

Cooking method

Prepared lamb bones put in a pan, pour 2 liters of water, bring to a boil, salt, pepper and cook for 1.5–2 hours. Take out the bones, strain the broth.

Cut the lamb liver into small pieces, put in a deep pan, add butter, sliced \u200b\u200bcarrots and parsley root, chopped onion, pour in a little water and simmer over medium heat until cooked. Then salt, pepper, rub through a sieve and mix with the sauce.

To prepare the sauce, combine flour with milk, pour in beaten egg yolk, grate thoroughly, add 3 tbsp. l water and, stirring, let it boil.

Bring the bone broth to a boil, add bay leaf, saffron, mashed liver, cook for 3 minutes, then serve, sprinkled with chopped parsley.

Lamb kidney soup with apples

1.5–2 L of lamb broth

300 g lamb kidney

4 potato tubers

2 tbsp. l sour cream

1 carrot

1 onion

1 tbsp. l butter

1 tbsp. l peas

1 tbsp. l rice

1 bay leaf

1 bunch of green cilantro

1/2 tsp ground coriander

1/2 tsp ground black pepper

salt to taste

Cooking method

Peeled and soaked lamb kidneys put in a saucepan, pour cold water and bring to a boil. Then drain the water, rinse the kidneys, pour fresh water, cook for 40 minutes, then drain the water and cool the kidneys, finely chop, put in a pan and pour boiling broth.

Add previously soaked peas, salt, cook for 20–25 minutes, then put rice, carrots and onions fried in butter and diced potatoes. After 15–20 minutes add apples, coriander, bay leaves, black and red pepper, sliced \u200b\u200binto thin slices. Cook for 3–5 minutes over low heat.

Season the finished soup with sour cream, sprinkle with chopped green cilantro and serve.

Tomato Soup with Meat and Salad

1 liter of lamb broth

200 g boiled lamb

200 ml tomato juice

10 lettuce

2 bell peppers

2 tbsp. l sour cream

2 tsp adjika

1/2 tsp ground red pepper

salt to taste

Cooking method

Bring the broth to a boil, put rice and cook over medium heat for 10 minutes, then pour in a mixture of tomato juice and adjika. After 5–7 minutes add the meat sliced \u200b\u200bin portions, chopped bell pepper, red pepper and salt. Cook for 3-5 minutes, then put the coarsely chopped lettuce leaves, bring the soup to a boil and serve, seasoned with sour cream.

Spicy Soup with Cheese Toast

1.5 L mutton broth

200 ml dry white wine

3 cloves of garlic

3 hard boiled eggs

3 onions

2 potato tubers

1 carrot

2 tbsp. l vegetable oil

2 tbsp. l ghee

1 bay leaf

1 bunch of parsley

1 tsp adjika

1/2 loaf of bread

1/2 tsp ground red pepper

1/2 tsp ground caraway seeds

salt to taste

Cooking method

Finely chop the onion and garlic and fry in vegetable oil. Pour hot broth into the pan, add wine, bring to a boil, add the fried onions and garlic, bay leaves, red pepper, cumin, salt and cook for 5 minutes over low heat. Then put chopped potatoes, grated carrots and cook until tender.

To prepare the toast, grate the cheese, mix with the egg yolks triturated with adjika, put the mixture in an even layer on slices of bread and fry in a frying pan greased with ghee.

Serve the finished soup to the table, sprinkled with chopped parsley. Serve toasts separately.

Lamb and millet soup

1.5–2 L of lamb bones

200 g boiled lamb

100 g millet

3 potato tubers

2 onions

2 cloves of garlic

2 tbsp. l sour cream

1 tbsp. l lemon juice

1 carrot

1 parsley root

1 tbsp. l tomato paste

1 tbsp. l olive oil

1 tsp adjika

1 bay leaf

1/2 tsp black pepper

1/2 bunch green cilantro

salt to taste

Cooking method

Bring the broth to a boil, add the washed millet and cook on low heat for 10 minutes.

Then add chopped potatoes, parsley root and carrots.

After 5–7 minutes, put onion and garlic, chopped and fried in olive oil, tomato paste, adjika, ground black pepper and boiled meat cut into small pieces.

Cook for 10 minutes, then add bay leaf, salt, bring the soup to readiness and serve, sprinkle with chopped green cilantro and seasoned with a mixture of sour cream and lemon juice.

Lamb and Bean Stew with Spices

2–2.5 l of lamb broth

300 g boiled lamb

100 g of beans

100 g peas

3 carrots

3 tbsp. l fat tail

2 potato tubers

2 clove buds

1 onion

1 bay leaf

1 bunch of celery greens

1 tbsp. l lemon juice

1/2 tsp cardamom

1/2 tsp ground caraway seeds

1/4 tsp ground coriander

1/4 tsp ground red pepper

salt to taste

Cooking method

Soak beans and peas for 10 hours, then rinse, put in a pot with boiling broth and cook until cooked.

Cut the onion into rings, sprinkle with cardamom, caraway seeds, coriander and pepper and fry for 1–2 minutes in chicken fat, then add the grated carrots and potatoes, pour in a little water and simmer, stirring, for 10 minutes, then put in soup.

Bring the soup to a boil, add salt, bay leaf, cloves, lemon juice, boiled meat cut into small pieces and cook over medium heat for 5-7 minutes.

Sprinkle the finished dish with chopped celery and serve.

Mushroom soup with lamb ribs

1.5–2 L of mushroom broth

300 g lamb ribs

50 grams of mutton fat

2 potato tubers

1 carrot

1 parsley root

1 tsp black pepper

1 bunch of parsley

salt to taste

Cooking method

Chop the prepared mutton ribs in small pieces, salt, pepper and fry until tender in melted lamb fat.

In a pan with boiling mushroom broth, put diced potatoes, parsley root and carrots, add black pepper, salt and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Then put the fried lamb ribs. Boil the soup for 10 minutes, then sprinkle with chopped parsley and serve.

Mushroom Lamb Soup

1.5 l mushroom broth

100 g lamb

2 potato tubers

1 carrot

1 tbsp. l flour

1 onion

1/2 bunch of dill

salt and red pepper to taste

Cooking method

Cut lamb fat into small pieces, add chopped onion, flour and fry over medium heat until golden brown. Put boiled potatoes and carrots into boiling broth, add red pepper, salt, fried lard and onions and cook for 15–20 minutes. Sprinkle the prepared soup with chopped dill and serve.

Lamb and corn soup

2 l of lamb broth 300 g of boiled lamb

300 g canned corn

3 potato tubers

1 carrot

1 parsley root

1 tbsp. l ghee

1 onion

salt and black pepper to taste

Cooking method

Fry chopped onions, parsley root and carrots in ghee and put in boiling broth. Add julienne potatoes, portioned pieces of boiled lamb, salt, corn and cook for 15–20 minutes. Sprinkle the prepared soup with black pepper and serve.


300 g lamb

300 g lamb bones

200 g of beef

5 onions

3 cloves of garlic

2 tomatoes

1 bunch of parsley

1 tsp black pepper

salt to taste

Cooking method

To prepare the meat, chop the lamb and beef into pieces, mince, add salt, pepper, 3 chopped onions and mix.

Pour flour into a deep bowl with a slide, make a funnel-shaped indentation at the top, add eggs, salt, 1/2 cup water and knead the dough. Leave it for 20 minutes, then roll it into a thin layer and cut into squares 5 × 5 cm. For each of them put 1 tsp. minced meat. Roll each product in half, bend the side, wrap around the index finger, pinch the edges. Put the dumplings on a chopping board sprinkled with flour and leave for 10-15 minutes, then put in a cool place for 1 hour.

Chop the lamb bones, put in a pan, pour cold water and cook for 1.5–2 hours, then remove the bones, bring the broth to a boil, add the remaining onions, crushed garlic, sliced \u200b\u200btomatoes, salt and cook for 15 minutes, then lower the dumplings and bring the soup to readiness.

Sprinkle the prepared soup with chopped parsley and serve.

Bell Pepper Meat Soup

2 l beef broth

10 red bell peppers

4 potato tubers

2 onions

1 tbsp. l vegetable oil

1 bunch of dill

salt to taste

Cooking method

Bring the beef broth, salt and put chopped potatoes and bell pepper. Cook for 10 minutes, then add the chopped and fried onion in vegetable oil. After 10 minutes, remove the soup from the heat, sprinkle with chopped dill and serve.

Lamb head, legs and heart soup

200 g ram heart

3 lamb legs

3 potato tubers

2 carrots

2 onions

1/2 head of a ram

1 bunch celery

salt and black pepper to taste

Cooking method

Cut the prepared head, heart and legs of a ram into pieces, put in a pan, pour a small amount of water and simmer for 20 minutes. Then pour hot water, bring to a boil, add salt, pepper and cook for 3 hours, then put the chopped potatoes and carrots, chopped onions and cook for 20 minutes. Add chopped celery greens to the soup, bring to a boil and serve.

Pumpkin and carrot semolina soup

1.5 liters of milk

200 g pumpkin

100 g cream

2 carrots

2 tbsp. l butter

2 tbsp. l semolina

1 tbsp. l Sahara

1/2 tsp salt

1/2 tsp cinnamon

Cooking method

Cut pumpkin and carrots into small cubes, put in a pan, add butter, pour in a little water and simmer until cooked over medium heat. Then knead to a puree state and mix with cinnamon.

Pour semolina into boiling milk, cook for 10 minutes, then put mashed potatoes from pumpkin and carrots, salt and sugar. Cook for 5–7 minutes, then serve, seasoning the cream with soup.

Second courses

Lamb and Bean Slices

600 g lamb

500 g canned beans

30 g ghee

2 onions

salt and red pepper to taste

Cooking method

Cut the meat in portions, pepper, salt and fry in ghee for 15 minutes. Then add finely chopped onion, beans and put in a moderately heated oven for 3-5 minutes. Immediately serve.

Schnitzel in Kazakh

400 g lamb

200 g lamb liver

100 ml olive oil

2 onions


salt and red pepper to taste

Cooking method

Cut the meat and liver into pieces, pepper, salt and fry on both sides in 50 ml of olive oil. Quench the remaining oil by adding 1/4 cup water and salt, chopped bell pepper and onion. Pour the stewed vegetables with beaten eggs and fry, stirring, 3-5 minutes. Put the meat and liver on a dish, place the stewed vegetables with beaten eggs on top.

Tatar mutton kidneys

500 g lamb kidney

80 g lamb fat

3 onions

2 tbsp. l flour

1 cup cream

1 hot pepper pod

salt and red pepper to taste

Cooking method

Cut the prepared mutton kidneys in half in length, then cut across into small pieces, pour over boiling water, rinse with cold water and put in a pan with melted fat. Fry for 5 minutes, then add chopped onion, chopped hot pepper, salt, sprinkle with red pepper, pour cream with flour diluted in them and simmer for 15–20 minutes.

Lamb liver in red wine

500 g lamb liver

100 ml olive oil

4 canned bell peppers

1/2 cup red wine

salt to taste

Cooking method

Cut the liver into thin slices, salt, fry on both sides in olive oil, add peeled and sliced \u200b\u200bapples, pour in a little water and simmer for 10 minutes. Then add the wine, sliced \u200b\u200bbell pepper, bring the mixture to a boil and simmer for 5-7 minutes, then pour the dish with beaten eggs and simmer, stirring, for 3-4 minutes.

Tajik Omelet

150 g boiled lamb

50 g grated cheese

50 g boiled homemade noodles

30 g dried mushrooms

4 onions

salt to taste

Cooking method

Boil dried mushrooms in salted water, chop finely, add noodles, chopped onion rings. Beat eggs and salt. Heat fat in a pan, fry slices of boiled lamb in it and pour over the egg mass, put the cooked vegetable mixture on top, pour in grated cheese and bake in a moderately heated oven.

Chopped lamb cutlets

400 g lamb

100 g lamb

100 g breadcrumbs

50–80 g of mutton fat

50 g white bread

1 onion

salt and red pepper to taste

Cooking method

Pass meat, lard and bread through a meat grinder, add finely chopped onions, peppers, salt, 1 egg, flour, 30 g breadcrumbs. Stuff the minced meat, form cutlets from it, roll them in breadcrumbs, pour over with beaten eggs and fry in fat on both sides.

Beef liver schnitzel with raisins

500 g beef liver

100 g raisins

100 ml of vegetable oil

2 tbsp. l milk

2 hot pepper pods

2 onions

2 tbsp. l flour

salt to taste

Cooking method

Cut the liver in portions, salt, mix with grated onion and finely chopped hot pepper, put in a pan, pour in a little water and simmer for 10 minutes, adding vegetable oil. Beat eggs with milk and flour, add salt, raisins, mix and cover the stewed liver with the prepared dough, then cover the pan with a lid and keep the dish on fire until cooked for 10-12 minutes.

Lamb baked with cauliflower

500 g cauliflower

200 g boiled lamb

50 g fat tail fat

3 tbsp. l milk

1 onion

1/2 cup flour

salt and black pepper to taste

Cooking method

Boil the cabbage in salted water and cut into small pieces. In a deep frying pan with melted fat, put onion, chopped rings, cabbage, slices of boiled lamb, salt, pepper and mix. Beat eggs with milk, add flour and pour the mixture with the prepared dough. Place the pan in a moderately preheated oven for 10 minutes.

Fat mutton asparagus

400 g asparagus

150 g fat mutton

50 g butter

1 tbsp. l grated cheese

juice of 1/2 lemon

salt and black pepper to taste

Cooking method

Boil asparagus in salted water. Cut fat mutton into small pieces, salt, pepper, put in a pan, add butter and fry for 5-7 minutes. Then pour in a little water and simmer until tender over low heat.

Put asparagus on a dish, put slices of meat on top, sprinkle with lemon juice, sprinkle with grated cheese and serve.

Boiled lamb celery with spicy sauce

500 g celery roots

300 g boiled lamb

3 tbsp. l olive oil

2 egg yolks

1 cup milk

1 tsp mustard

1 tsp flour

1/2 bunch of parsley

salt and black pepper to taste

Cooking method

To prepare the sauce, pour flour into warm milk, add salt, beaten egg yolks, mustard and cook, stirring, over low heat until thickened. Then add olive oil and ground black pepper.

Salt the celery roots, then boil, cut into slices, mix with pieces of meat, lay on a dish, pour over the sauce and garnish with parsley.

Braised lamb with leek

700 g leek

300 g lamb

50 g ghee

1 cup cream

1 tbsp. l flour

salt and red pepper to taste

Cooking method

Cut the lamb into thin slices, salt, pepper and fry in ghee until golden. Add the coarsely chopped leek, pour in a little water and simmer for 20 minutes, then add the flour, pour in the cream, bring to a boil, remove from heat and serve.

Khasib fried with vegetables

500 g Hasib

100 g lamb

6 bell peppers

2 onions

2 tsp 3% vinegar

1 tbsp. l adjika

1 bunch of parsley

salt and black pepper to taste

Cooking method

Cut bell pepper, hasib and lard into large pieces, onion into rings, strung alternately on skewers, salt, drizzle with vinegar, pepper and fry over hot coals. Then grease adjika, sprinkle with chopped parsley and serve.

Lamb Stuffed Apples

300-400 g minced lamb

3 tbsp. l dry white wine

1 onion

1 tbsp. l fat

1/2 tsp black pepper

salt to taste

Cooking method

Mutton lamb mix with grated onion, pepper, salt, stir, put in a pan, add fat, pour wine and simmer over high heat for 5-7 minutes.

Remove the core from the peeled apples and fill the holes with the prepared meat. Place the stuffed apples on a greased baking sheet and bake in a moderately heated oven for 5–7 minutes.

Lamb stew with rice

400 g fat mutton

50 g ghee

50 g fat tail fat

1 tbsp. l flour

1 onion

1/2 cup meat broth

salt and red pepper to taste

Cooking method

Cut the lamb into thin slices, salt, pepper, sprinkle with flour and fry in fat tail fat until golden. Then add chopped onion, pour in the broth and simmer until tender. Heat ghee in a pan, put rice, mix, pour 2-3 glasses of water, add salt and bring to readiness in a moderately heated oven. Put the rice in a slide on a dish, place the mutton slices on top, pour the sauce remaining from the stew, and serve.

Steamed Lamb

1 kg of lamb

6 potato tubers

1 tsp ground caraway seeds

salt and ground black pepper to taste

Cooking method

Cut the peeled potatoes into 4 parts, chop the meat into large pieces. Put the potatoes in a colander, place the pieces of meat on top, salt, pepper and cover with a damp cloth. Fill the pan 2/3 with water. Bring the water to a boil, fix a colander with potatoes and meat over the pan, put a gap between the colander and the edges of the pan with a damp cloth, close the colander with a lid and steam for 1.5–2 hours. Serve to the table, sprinkled with ground caraway seeds.

Fried lamb shoulder

1 lamb shoulder

50 g ghee

2 tbsp. l vegetable oil

2 cloves of garlic

1/2 tbsp. l flour

salt and black pepper to taste

Cooking method

Grease a lamb shoulder with ghee, rub with garlic, sprinkle with salt, pepper, put in a saucepan, pour water and cook for 1.5 hours on moderate heat. Then remove the spatula and fry it in vegetable oil until golden brown. To prepare the sauce, the pan in which the meat was cooked, put on the fire again and boil the broth to 1/4 of the original volume, then add the flour, stir and bring to a boil. Put the fried shoulder into a dish, pour over the prepared sauce and serve.

Moroccan fried lamb

carcass of 1 ram

500 ml olive oil

500 g butter

4 tbsp. l ground saffron

3 tbsp. l ground caraway seeds

3 tbsp. l ground allspice

3 tbsp. l ground ginger

2 tsp ground red pepper

2 tsp ground rosemary

2 tsp ground bay leaf

2 tsp ground thyme

salt to taste

Cooking method

Salt the prepared carcass of a ram, plant it on a pole about 3 m long, sticking it in the back and leading it out under the neck. The neck and legs of the ram are tightly tied to the pole.

In a hole with a depth of 40-50 cm, light a fire, drive in the edges of the pit of the horn so that they rise above the fire by 40-50 cm, and when the fire burns out and coals form, put a pole with a ram on the horn and turn it from time to time.

Heat the olive oil, melt the butter in it, add saffron, caraway seeds, allspice and red pepper, ginger, thyme, rosemary, bay leaf, and mix. As you fry, grease the ram carcass with this mixture on all sides. After 2-3 hours, cut the finished carcass into large pieces and serve.

Fried lamb leg

leg of lamb

150 g ghee

10 potato tubers

8 bell peppers

juice of 3 lemons

1 bunch of parsley

1 bunch of green cilantro

2 tsp adjika

1 tsp ground saffron

1/2 tsp cinnamon

salt to taste

Cooking method

Chop the lamb leg into several large pieces, grease 100 g of ghee, salt, sprinkle with pepper, cinnamon, saffron, lay on a baking sheet together with peeled and cut potatoes.

To prepare the sauce, mix the remaining ghee, lemon juice, adjika and 1 cup of water.

Pour the meat and potatoes with the sauce and bake in a moderately preheated oven for 45 minutes, pouring the allocated fat from time to time. Then put the peppers peeled from seeds on a baking sheet, bake for 10 minutes.

Put the prepared meat and vegetables on a dish, sprinkle with chopped parsley and cilantro and serve.

Chopped lamb cutlets

400 g lamb

100 g lamb

100 g breadcrumbs

50–80 g of mutton fat

50 g white bread

2 cloves of garlic

1 onion

salt and red pepper to taste

Cooking method

Pass meat, lard and bread through a meat grinder, add finely chopped onions, crushed garlic, pepper, salt, 1 egg, flour, 30 g breadcrumbs. Stuff the minced meat, form cutlets from it, roll them in breadcrumbs, pour over with beaten eggs and fry in fat on both sides.

Mosley in Moroccan

leg of lamb

500 g of potatoes

100 g butter

1 tbsp. l flour

1 tbsp. l lemon juice

1 tbsp. l 3% vinegar

a few twigs of parsley

1/2 tsp ground saffron

salt and black pepper to taste

Cooking method

Make deep incisions in the prepared ram leg. Salt, vinegar, ground black pepper and saffron pour 1 cup of water, mix and pour the meat with the prepared mixture. Place the meat and peeled potatoes cut in half on a baking sheet sprinkled with flour, add the butter sliced \u200b\u200bin small pieces, put in a very hot oven and bake until tender, sprinkling from time to time with lemon juice diluted in 1 cup of water. Serve, garnished with sprigs of parsley.


500 g lamb

1 tsp ground red pepper

1 bay leaf

1/4 tsp ground saffron

salt and black pepper to taste

Cooking method

Cut the meat in portions, salt, sprinkle with pepper and saffron, put in a pan, pour 1.5 cups of water, add bay leaf and simmer until cooked. Serve, garnished with slices of peeled lemon.


1 lamb shoulder

500 g of potatoes

200 ml olive oil

1 onion

1 tbsp. l tomato paste

salt and black pepper to taste

Cooking method

Chop the lamb shoulder into 5–7 pieces, salt, pepper, put in a pan, add 100 ml of olive oil, chopped onion and fry for 20 minutes. Then pour the tomato paste diluted with 2 glasses of water and simmer over medium heat until cooked, adding water from time to time. Cut the potatoes into 4 parts, salt, fry in the remaining olive oil, then put in a pot with meat, pour a little water and simmer over medium heat for 15 minutes.

Lamb ribs on lettuce

500 g lamb ribs

100 g ghee

3-4 tbsp. l breadcrumbs

1 bunch of lettuce

1/2 tsp ground red pepper

salt to taste

Cooking method

Chop the lamb ribs in portions, salt, pepper, grease with beaten eggs, roll in breadcrumbs and fry until cooked in ghee. Arrange the lettuce leaves on a dish, put the fried lamb ribs on top and serve.

Tajine with tomatoes

3 kg of tomatoes

1 kg of lamb

100 ml of vegetable oil

1 bunch of parsley

1/2 tsp ground ginger

1/4 tsp ground saffron

salt to taste

Cooking method

Cut the meat into 10 pieces, put in a saucepan, salt, sprinkle with ginger and saffron, pour in vegetable oil and a little water and simmer, stirring, until tender. Then remove the meat from the pan, put in it peeled tomatoes and cut into 4 parts tomatoes, add chopped parsley and simmer, stirring, until thickened. Then put the meat, simmer for 10-15 minutes, and then serve the dish to the table.

Kefta fried in oil

300 g lamb

200 ml olive oil

200 g mashed potatoes

3 bunches of parsley

3 tbsp. l flour

2 onions

salt and black pepper to taste

Cooking method

Cut the meat into pieces and mince with parsley and onion, add salt, pepper, egg, mashed potatoes and mix. Form cutlets from the prepared minced meat, sprinkle them with flour and fry in olive oil until tender.

Kefta fried in the oven

500 g lamb

1 clove of garlic

1 tsp ground black pepper

1 tsp caraway seeds

1 tbsp. l ghee

1 tbsp. l breadcrumbs

salt to taste

Cooking method

Chop the meat and mince, add the crushed garlic, salt, pepper, caraway seeds, egg and mix. Form small cutlets from the prepared meat, put them on a baking tray greased with ghee and sprinkled with breadcrumbs and put in a moderately heated oven for 20 minutes.

Sweet Tajin

1 kg of lamb

1 kg of pumpkin

50 ml of vegetable oil

50 g ghee

50 g icing sugar

1 tsp flour

1 clove of garlic

1 orange

1/2 tsp cinnamon

1/2 tsp ground saffron

1/4 tsp ground ginger

salt to taste

Cooking method

Cut the meat into small pieces, grate with garlic, salt, sprinkle with ginger, saffron, put in a pan, add vegetable oil, pour in a little water and simmer over low heat until cooked. Then add flour diluted with water and bring to a boil.

Cut the pumpkin into thin slices, put in a deep pan and simmer, without adding water and stirring, until the liquid evaporates completely. Then add salt, powdered sugar, cinnamon, ghee and fry for 40 minutes, without stopping stirring.

Put the meat on a dish, place the pumpkin on top, pour the sauce remaining from the stewing meat, garnish with lemon and orange slices and serve.

Tajine with vegetables and raisins

500 g lamb

100 g carrots

100 g zucchini

100 g tomatoes

100 g raisins

50 ml of vegetable oil

3 onions

1 celery root

1 bunch of dill

1/2 bunch parsley

1 tsp adjika

juice 1 / lemon

21/2 tsp black pepper

1/2 tsp ground red pepper

salt to taste

Cooking method

Cut the lamb into small pieces and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. Then salt, pepper, add diced carrots, turnips, zucchini, celery root, chopped onions and peeled tomato slices. Pour in a little water, simmer for 30 minutes, then put pre-soaked raisins.

After 15 minutes, sprinkle the dish with chopped dill and parsley, add adjika, season with lemon juice and serve.

Tajine with apples

500 g lamb

500 g green apples

2 tbsp. l olive oil

1 tsp flour

1/2 tsp ground saffron

1/2 tsp ground ginger

salt to taste

Cooking method

Cut the meat into large pieces, put in a saucepan, salt, sprinkle with saffron and ginger, add olive oil, pour in a little water and simmer until tender.

Then put apples peeled and peeled and cut in half, pour in a little water and simmer for 7 minutes, then add flour diluted in a small amount of water and simmer for 3-5 minutes.

Tajine with quince

500 g lamb

2 tbsp. l Sahara

2 tbsp. l ghee

1/2 tsp ground saffron

salt to taste

Cooking method

Cut the quince into 4 parts, sprinkle with sugar, pour cold water and boil until cooked.

Cut the meat into small pieces and fry in ghee for 5 minutes, then salt, sprinkle with saffron and nutmeg, pour a little quince broth and simmer over low heat for 20-30 minutes. Then put the quince, pour a little broth, bring to a boil and serve.

Kefta in Tunisian

500 g lamb

200 g breadcrumbs

100 ml of vegetable oil

100 ml tomato sauce

2 onions

2 cloves of garlic

1 bunch of parsley

salt and red pepper to taste

Cooking method

Pass the meat through a meat grinder, add grated onions, eggs, breadcrumbs, crushed garlic, chopped parsley, salt and pepper. Stuffing the minced meat and forming balls of diameter 3–3.5 cm from it. Fry the products in vegetable oil for 10–15 minutes, then serve them over the table, pouring tomato sauce.


1 kg of mutton 500 g dried apricots

200 g raisins

4 onions

3 tomatoes

3 tbsp. l vegetable oil

1/2 tsp cinnamon

1/2 tsp ground allspice

salt to taste

Cooking method

Cut the meat in portions, put in a pan, add peeled and chopped tomatoes, vegetable oil, salt, allspice, shredded onions, pour in a little water and simmer for 45-50 minutes. Then put pre-soaked dried apricots and raisins, cinnamon, simmer on low heat for 20 minutes, then serve.

Lamb with chestnuts and raisins

500 g lamb

200 g chestnuts

150 ml olive oil

100 g raisins

50 g peas

1 tbsp. l Sahara

salt and black pepper to taste

Cooking method

Cut the meat into small pieces, salt, pepper and fry in olive oil until golden brown, then add sugar, raisins, pre-soaked chestnuts and peas. Pour in a little water, bring to a boil, reduce heat to a minimum and simmer for 1.5 hours.

Lamb with prunes and almonds

600 g lamb

300 g prunes

100 g toasted almonds

2 tbsp. l Sahara

2 tbsp. l ghee

2 tbsp. l olive oil

1 onion

1 bay leaf

1 tsp honey

1/2 tsp cinnamon

1/2 tsp sesame seed

1/4 tsp ground ginger

1/4 tsp ground saffron

1/4 tsp ground allspice

ground nutmeg on the tip

knife salt to taste

Cooking method

Pour pre-soaked prunes with hot water and cook for 5–7 minutes. Mix saffron, ginger, nutmeg and allspice, put the mixture into warm water, add olive oil and mix. Cut the meat into thin slices and dip each into the prepared mixture.

Salt slices of meat, put in a saucepan, pour a little water, add bay leaf, chopped onion rings, crushed almonds, ghee and simmer for 20–25 minutes, then put prunes, add sugar, honey, cinnamon and sesame seed.

After 5-7 minutes, put the cooked dish on plates, garnish with slices of peeled lemon and serve.

Honey cakes

500 g apricots

500 g cream

400 g strawberries

200 g butter

100 g sugar

100 g coconut flakes

3 tsp olive oil

3 tsp semolina

2 oranges

1/2 tsp cinnamon

Cooking method

To prepare the dough, mix the sifted flour with softened butter, add honey, 2 eggs and cinnamon. Knead the dough until smooth, put in a cool place for 40 minutes, then roll into a layer 1.5 cm thick and distribute in small molds greased with olive oil and sprinkled with semolina.

Free apricots and cut into thin slices. Cut strawberries in half.

Arrange apricots and strawberries in tins and sprinkle with coconut.

To prepare the glaze, beat with a mixer the remaining eggs, cream and sugar. Pour the glazed product and place the molds in an oven preheated to 200 ° C. Bake cakes for 15–20 minutes, then cool, garnish with thin slices of peeled oranges and serve.

Creamy Sausages

400 g sour cream

250 g sugar

150 g butter

Cooking method

To prepare the dough, pour 1.5 cups of water into the pan, add softened butter, bring the mixture to a boil, cool, add beaten eggs and flour. Form the finished dough in the form of short sausages.

Put sausages on a greased baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 200 ° C for 15–20 minutes. Cool the products, fold them up on a plate and pour on a cream made from sour cream, whipped with sugar.

Shortbread cake

450 g sugar

250 g margarine

200 g apple jam

100 g strawberries

2 egg whites

2 tsp semolina

1 sachet of vanilla sugar

1/2 tsp tea soda

1/4 tsp cinnamon

Cooking method

Mix melted margarine with 150 g of sugar, add beaten egg, soda, vanilla sugar. Knead the resulting mass for 15 minutes, then pour in the flour, knead the dough, roll it into a layer 4–5 mm thick and cut round cakes.

Put each cake in a greased form with margarine and sprinkled with semolina and bake in an oven preheated to 200 ° C for 10-15 minutes.

To prepare the cream, pour 100 ml of water into the pan, put the remaining sugar and cook, stirring, over low heat until thickened. Cool the syrup and add the whipped whites. Ready cream grease baked cakes.

Put the product on a dish and grease on top apple jam mixed with cinnamon.

Cut the finished pie in portions and garnish each with strawberries and thin slices of kiwi.

Strawberry biscuit

1 kg of strawberries 600 ml cream

300 g sugar

200 ml of milk

50 g butter

2 tbsp. l strawberry jam

2 tsp olive oil

1 tsp gelatin

1 sachet of vanilla sugar

Cooking method

Beat egg whites with 50 g of sugar. Grind the yolks with 50 g of sugar until white, add flour, add softened butter, vanilla sugar, mix thoroughly, then introduce egg whites.

Put the finished dough in a mold greased with olive oil and bake in an oven preheated to 180–200 ° C for 25–30 minutes.

The product is cooled and cut into two layers.

To prepare milk fudge, dilute 100 g of sugar in milk and cook, stirring, over low heat until thickened. Beat 500 ml of cream with 50 g of sugar and combine the resulting mass with cooked fudge and previously diluted gelatin.

Grease the lower biscuit cake with strawberry jam, put 500 g of chopped strawberries on top, pour cream and cover with a second cake.

Whip the remaining cream with sugar and cover the second cake with this mass. Put chopped strawberries on top.

Put the biscuit for 1 hour in a cool place, then serve.


300 g of condensed milk

300 g butter

250 g ghee

200 g sugar

100 g semolina

100 g ground almonds

100 g strawberries

50 g walnut kernels

2 tsp butter

2 tsp strawberry syrup

1 sachet of vanilla sugar

1/2 tsp cinnamon

Cooking method

Put softened ghee in a pan, add sugar and beat until a whitish foam forms, then put sifted flour, semolina and ground almonds.

Knead the dough and put it in a cool place for 1 hour, then cut into pieces the size of a chicken egg and form a ball from each.

Give the products a conical shape with a flat base, sprinkle the top of each with chopped walnut kernels and cinnamon and lay on a greased baking sheet. Bake in a moderately preheated oven for 10-12 minutes, then refrigerate, put on a dish, pour cream. Garnish each cake with strawberries.

To prepare the cream, soften the butter, beat, add the condensed milk, strawberry syrup and vanilla sugar. Beat the mixture with a mixer until a thick, lush mass is obtained.

Semolina pie

200 g sugar

200 g pear jam

150 g semolina

100 g ground almonds

100 g cream

20 g butter

1 tbsp. l flour

juice of 1 lemon

Cooking method

Grind egg yolks with 150 g of sugar, add lemon juice, flour, semolina, whipped whites. Mix the dough, put in a greased form and bake in a moderately preheated oven for 40-50 minutes.

Cut the cooled cake into 3 layers. Grease cakes with jam, sprinkle with ground almonds and lay on top of each other. Garnish the top cake with whipped cream and the remaining sugar.

Peaches with nut filling

300 g peaches

150 g walnut kernels

4 tbsp. l sour cream

3 tsp Sahara

Cooking method

Peaches cut in half, peeled. To prepare the filling, beat sour cream with sugar, add chopped walnut kernels.

Fill each half of the peaches with the cooked filling, put on a dish and serve.

Rice with Prunes

200 g prunes

50 g cream

3 tbsp. l Sahara

2 tbsp. l powdered sugar

1 tsp lemon juice

Cooking method

Fry the rice in a hot pan until golden brown, pour 1 cup of hot water, add pre-soaked prunes, sugar, lemon juice and cook over low heat until cooked.

Put rice with prunes in a slide on a dish, place whipped cream with powdered sugar on top.

Chocolate coated almonds

300 g almonds

250 g sugar

250 ml of milk

1 tbsp. l cocoa powder

1 tbsp. l butter

Cooking method

Pour milk into the pan, add sugar and cook, stirring, until thickened. Then put cocoa powder diluted in a small amount of water, mix, remove from heat, cool and whisk with a whisk until the icing brightens.

Fry the almonds in butter until golden brown, pour over the cooked glaze and serve.

Chocolate curd with raisins

400 g cottage cheese

250 g sugar

200 g butter

100 ml of milk

100 g raisins

3 tbsp. l cocoa powder

1 sachet of vanilla sugar

Cooking method

Pour milk into a saucepan, add sugar and heat over medium heat until sugar is completely dissolved, then introduce a beaten egg and cocoa powder diluted in a small amount of water. Cool the resulting syrup and mix with pre-soaked raisins. Add softened butter, vanilla sugar, beat with a mixer and combine with the curd rubbed through a sieve.

Strawberry Cream

500 g strawberries

250 g sugar

200 g butter

100 ml of milk

1 sachet of vanilla sugar

Cooking method

Pour milk into a pan, add sugar, stir and heat over low heat until sugar is completely dissolved. Then introduce the beaten egg and cook, stirring, for 1-2 minutes. Cool the resulting syrup to a temperature of 25–30 ° C. Combine softened butter with syrup, add vanilla sugar and beat with a mixer. Arrange the prepared strawberries in tins, pour the cooked cream and serve.

Peaches in sour cream

500 g peaches

250 g sour cream

100 g icing sugar

2 tbsp. l ground walnuts

1 sachet of vanilla sugar

1 tsp gelatin

Cooking method

Combine sour cream with icing sugar, add vanilla sugar, leave in a cool place for 1 hour and beat with a mixer. Then introduce gelatin dissolved in a small amount of water and continue to beat for 3-4 minutes. Cut the peaches in half, remove the seeds, arrange them in a bowl, place the cooked cream on top and garnish with ground walnuts.

Raisin Stuffed Apples

5-6 apples

2 tbsp. l raisins

2 tbsp. l Sahara

1 tsp olive oil

1 tbsp. l butter

1 tbsp. l powdered sugar

Cooking method

To prepare the filling, combine the pre-soaked raisins with an egg whipped with sugar, add softened butter and mix.

Using a special notch, remove the core from apples, fill the recess with the prepared filling. Place apples on a baking tray greased with olive oil and bake in a moderately heated oven for 3-5 minutes. Serve, sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Fruit and berry drink with honey

100 g of plum

100 g of cherries

3 tbsp. l honey

1-2 mint leaves

1 clove bud

1/4 tsp cinnamon

Cooking method

Mix plums, cherries, sliced \u200b\u200bapple and pears with honey and leave for 2 hours.

Put mint, cloves, cinnamon in boiling water, cook for 3-5 minutes, then remove from heat and strain. Pour berries and fruits with honey with the resulting broth and leave for 2 hours, after which cool the drink and pour into glasses, putting several berries and slices of fruit in each.

Almond milk

400 ml of milk

100 g ground almonds

50-60 g sugar

30–40 g cream

vanilla on the tip of a knife

Cooking method

Bring milk to a boil, add sugar, ground almonds, vanillin, heat, stirring, over low heat for 1-2 minutes. Then cool and pour into cups, adding a little cream to each.

Milk Cherry Shake

100 g ice cream

100 g of cherries

8 tbsp. l cherry syrup

4 cups of milk

food ice

Cooking method

Stir the ice cream in milk, add cherry syrup, vanilla sugar. Beat the resulting mixture with a mixer, pour into glasses, putting in each a few berries peeled cherries and a piece of edible ice.

Strawberry Mousse with Milk

1 liter of milk

300 g strawberries

300 g sugar

100 g semolina

Cooking method

Mash the prepared strawberries, add a little water and squeeze the juice through cheesecloth.

Squeeze the squeeze with 2 cups of water, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes over low heat. Drain the broth, add semolina to it and cook for 20 minutes, then put sugar, bring to a boil and remove from heat. Cool the finished mass, mix with strawberry juice and beat until the mass increases in 2 times.

Place the prepared mousse for 2-3 hours in a cool place, then dilute with milk, pour into glasses and serve.

Tea of \u200b\u200bsea buckthorn and wild strawberry leaves

2-3 leaves of sea buckthorn

2-3 strawberry leaves

1 tsp green tea

1/2 tsp dried mint

sugar to taste

Cooking method

Pour boiling water over the teapot, put in it the leaves of sea buckthorn, strawberries and mint. Pour 1/3 of the volume with hot water, mix and let it brew for 3 minutes. Then put green tea in the teapot, add boiling water, cover the teapot with a napkin and leave for 20 minutes, then strain.

Pour tea leaves into bowls, put sugar, dilute with hot water and serve.

Hot milk drink

400 ml of milk

2 tbsp. l rosehip syrup

2 tsp lemon juice

2 tsp grated chocolate

1 tsp honey

1/2 sachet of vanilla sugar

Cooking method

In hot milk, put vanilla sugar, honey, add rosehip syrup, lemon juice, mix, pour into bowls, putting a little grated chocolate in each, and serve.

Orange jelly with honey

400 ml of orange juice

3 tbsp. l Sahara

2 tbsp. l potato starch

2 tsp honey

2 tsp lemon juice

1 orange

1/4 tsp cinnamon

Cooking method

Pour the orange juice into a saucepan, pour 0.5-0.6 liters of water and lemon juice, add starch, sugar, honey, cinnamon diluted in a small amount of water and bring to a boil while stirring. Then cool and pour into cups, putting in each slice peeled orange.

On this major Muslim holiday, we have prepared several recipes that will suit the celebration.

Today, September 24, Kurban Bayram is celebrated all over the world. The festive table should be distinguished by special dishes. However, it is worth noting that the selected recipes are suitable not only for Muslims, but also for people who are not related to Islam. These are not religious, but traditional dishes that perfectly diversify your meal.


First option -   lamb salad with horseradish.To do this, we need 200 g of boiled lamb, 100 g of grated horseradish, 2 onions, 1 tsp. lemon juice, 1/2 tsp sugar, vegetable oil or mutton fat, dressing mayonnaise and salt to taste.

The salad, which is special in taste, is prepared very easily. Dice the lamb, salt. Fry the finely chopped onion in oil or fat. Mix horseradish with lemon juice and sugar, mix thoroughly. Add onion and horseradish to the meat. After that, the salad is seasoned with mayonnaise. Done!

The second option is smoked chicken and lamb salad. For salad, take the following ingredients: 200 g of boiled lamb, 150 g of mayonnaise, 100 g of smoked chicken meat, 100 g of oyster mushroom, 1 bell pepper, 3 hard-boiled eggs, 2 tbsp. l vegetable oil, 1 onion, 1 boiled carrot, ground red pepper and ground cumin.

To begin with, we cut onion and bell pepper into rings, add them to the finely chopped oyster mushrooms, and salt. Add vegetable oil to this and fry over medium heat for 10 minutes, then add water and simmer for 5-7 minutes.

Dice boiled lamb and smoked chicken into small cubes. We cut the carrots in circles and chop the eggs, add to the meat. We also send caraway seeds, paprika and stewed onions, peppers and oyster mushrooms here. Mix salad, season with mayonnaise. For beauty, salad can be sprinkled with chopped parsley, sprigs of cilantro and green peas.

Second courses

As you already understood, the main meat of Muslim dishes is lamb. Here are some recipes for making hot dishes from this type of meat.

  Lamb with beans

  For cooking, we need: 600 g of mutton, 500 g of canned beans, 30 g of ghee, 2 onions. As well as salt and red pepper to taste.

Cut the meat into small pieces, salt, pepper and fry in ghee for 15 minutes over medium heat. The next step is to finely chop the onion, add it and beans to the meat. The dish is sent to a medium preheated oven for 3-5 minutes.

  Lamb baked with cauliflower

  We take 500 g of cauliflower, 200 g of boiled lamb, 50 g of fat tail fat, 3 tbsp. l milk, 2 eggs, 1 onion, 1/2 cup flour, salt and groundblack pepper to taste.

First, boil the cabbage in salted water and cut into small pieces. Cut the boiled lamb into slices. We take a deep frying pan and drown fat in it. Here we put chopped onion rings, cabbage, chopped lamb. Salt, pepper and mix. Beat eggs with milk, add flour and pour the mixture of the remaining products with dough. Then we send the pan to the medium-heated oven for 10 minutes.

From the middle of the 7th century, according to the Gregorian calendar from July 16, 622, the reference point for the Muslim calendar is the Hijra (from Arabic: “relocation”). As a result of this event, the prophet Muhammad and his followers, persecuted by the pagans, moved from Mecca to Medina, where they found their refuge. The last who left Mecca was Muhammad.

Since the Hijra calendar is directly related to the Qur'an, every Muslim considers it his duty to sacredly fulfill all his instructions. It is based on the lunar annual cycle, which is divided into 12 lunar months, corresponding to 12 revolutions of the moon around the Earth. The length of the lunar year is 354–355 days, that is, 10 days less than in the Gregorian or Julian, based on the solar annual cycle.

The beginning of the month coincides with the birth of a new moon, and its end falls on the 29-30th day. Thus, its duration in Hijra is 29.53 days. In this regard, the number of days in a month is not the same: odd months have 30 days, and even months have 29 days. In leap years, this rule is somewhat violated, since the 12th month has 1 additional day. The day in the Muslim calendar starts from the moment the sun sets.

The Muslim year, unlike the Gregorian year, is not related to the seasons, which is why the celebration of the New Year can occur both in the summer months in the Gregorian style and in the winter. As a result of such a mismatch, 34 Gregorian years are accounted for 34 lunar years. To establish the correspondence between the hijra and the Gregorian calendar, it is most convenient to use special tables.

New Year on Hijra begins on the first day of Muharram, which opens the Muslim calendar. Muharram is considered sacred by Muslims. Throughout this month, Allah strongly forbids waging wars and persecuting his blood enemies, that is, doing everything that separates people, introducing discord and strife in their relationship. Believers must observe strict fasting 3 times a week: on Thursday, Friday, and Sunday.

The first day of Muharram is not an official Muslim holiday. However, many adherents of Islam widely celebrate this day, and the imams in their sermons remind believers of the event that led to the formation of the first Muslim community, and wish everyone "peace, kindness and prosperity, goodness and abundant mercies of the One Most High Creator."

The first 10 days of this year in the Muslim world are considered especially blessed. Every business begun these days is charitable, and therefore promising. That is why the largest number of Muslim weddings takes place at the beginning of the year.

On the New Year's table, most dishes have a ritual and symbolic meaning. On New Year's Eve, it is customary to cook traditional couscous with lamb, and on the dinner menu include lamb soup and a main meat dish, the main components of which are lamb or fat beef, vegetable oil, tomato paste or tomatoes, as well as a lot of herbs and various spices . Particular attention is given to greenery, since the green color of Muslims is considered sacred and symbolizes faith (the green banner of the prophet), fertility, health and wealth in all its manifestations. For the same reason, on the New Year's table must be mulchia, seasoning, which is prepared from sorghum (cereal) and a large amount of greens, and boiled chicken eggs, painted green, as a symbol of the birth of a new life.

The end of last year's stocks in the early days of the new year is symbolized by dishes of rice and dried beans. Together with them, lamb of all kinds, vegetables and greens are traditionally served on the table. All dishes are richly flavored with all kinds of spices.

From appetizers in the first place - salads made from meat (mainly lamb), fish, vegetables and fruits and decorated with olives and pomegranate grains.

In order not to frighten off the luck that the holy month of Muharram promises, throughout this month you can not add garlic to food. Muslims are sure that a clove of garlic eaten at this time can interfere with the implementation of the plan.

Ashurah, or the Day of Remembrance of the Prophets and Messengers of Allah

This holiday is usually celebrated 10 Muharram. It is believed that on this day Allah created heaven, earth and angels and sent down the great grace of 10 prophets. In addition, this holiday is considered special due to the fact that 10 Muharram Muhammad uttered memorable words: “O people, hurry to do good on this day, for this day is great, blessed. Allah blessed Adam on this day. "

On the day of Ashur, according to the legends of the Sunnis, the followers of the most numerous trends in Islam, there are many miracles related to the life of the prophets: the birth of the prophet Ibrahim, the salvation of the prophet Musa, the ascension of the prophet Isa, the landing on the earth of Nuh after the worldwide flood, and others.

On this day, Muslims observe the fast: "fasting on the day of Ashur cleanses a Muslim from sins for the previous and next years, and for a bit of alms on the day of Ashur, Allah will give a reward the size of Mount Uhud." However, after sunset, fasting ends, and then relatives sit down at the festive table. A hearty meal consists of salads, appetizers, soup, meat dishes, fruits and pastries. The traditional drink, of course, is tea, which is served in celebratory bowls.

Salads and snacks on the day of Ashura are prepared mainly from chicken meat (preferably chicken) and lamb, although sometimes beef is also used for this. The dishes are seasoned with a large number of various spices, abundantly sprinkled with herbs and beautifully decorated with olives, pomegranate seeds and figures carved from vegetables and fruits.

Of soups, Shurpa or Merka Harra are most often used, which are usually eaten with tortillas or kulch. The second is usually prepared kabob, necessarily pilaf, dumplings or manti and other traditional meat and vegetable dishes, not forgetting to flavor them with a large number of spices and all kinds of greens.

For children, a separate treat is prepared: cakes (sweet crescent-shaped cookies) and sorbet.

Regardless of the wealth of the family, it is customary to put dishes of dried fruits, nuts, peas and beans on the festive table on the day of the remembrance of the Prophets and Messengers of Allah. As for garlic, snacks in which it is the main component are still banned, however, adding a small amount to individual dishes is quite acceptable.

Navruz, or the Spring Equinox

Although Navruz is widely celebrated by Muslims around the world, the birth of this holiday has nothing to do with Islam. Its roots go far into the past, in patriotic times. The very word "Navruz" comes from the Persian language, in which "know" means "new", and "ruz" means "day."

The holiday is associated with ancient agricultural cults. It is celebrated on the day of the vernal equinox, which is considered the beginning of spring and is inextricably linked with the beginning of agricultural work. Moreover, it is on this day that the beginning of the new year according to the eastern calendar falls.

In different languages, the word denoting this holiday sounds differently - "nouruz", "navruz", "nauryz", however, the traditions associated with it are almost the same in them. For example, in Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, it is still customary at night to fumigate homes with smoking twigs of juniper at night on the eve of the holiday. According to legend, the smoke of this tree is able to drive away evil spirits from the house. Also, festive dishes are being prepared on the eve, and the house is decorated with green branches of apple and pomegranate.

The holiday begins to be celebrated in the afternoon. The whole family gathers at a table on which the Quran is necessarily laid and put a mirror surrounded by lamps with burning candles, the number of which should correspond to the number of family members. They should burn throughout the meal, you can’t blow them out, since it is believed that in this case the life of one of the family members is shortened.

The menu of the festive dinner includes a variety of traditional dishes of lamb, chicken, fish and eggs, abundantly seasoned with spices and decorated with herbs, as well as ritual, which are required. Firstly, it is sumalak (malt halva), from the juice of germinated grains of wheat, sugar and flour. In ancient times, it was always prepared before the start of spring sowing. Cooking sumalak must be accompanied by jokes and funny songs, only in this case he will fulfill his main mission - to endow people with physical and spiritual forces.

Secondly, it is half-syn - seven dishes, the name of which begins with the letter “syn”: sabzi (germinated grains), seb (apple), sir (garlic), sumac (barberry), cirque (vinegar), sipand (seeds ruta), senjid (olives). Haft-syn is the same symbol of the New Year as a tree decorated with toys for Europeans.

On the festive table that day should be homemade bread, nuts, almonds, milk, cheese, fish, green-painted eggs, a vessel with pink water and a bowl of water, in which a green leaf floats.

Leilat Mavlid, or the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad

Muslims celebrate this holiday on the 12th of the month of Rabbi al-Aval. The exact date of birth of the prophet is unknown, therefore it is customary to celebrate the birth on the day of his death. According to Islamic canons, a birthday should be celebrated very modestly, in contrast to the date of death, which is considered a birth for eternal life and therefore is celebrated very solemnly. As a rule, tables are set for this day, at which fun and joy reign.

Mavlid is a relatively young holiday; it acquired official status 300 years after the rise of Islam. This fact gives occasion to some researchers to say that he owes his appearance to the influence of the Christian holiday of Christmas. Despite this, today this holiday is unconditionally recognized by the most respected Islamic scholars and is widely celebrated throughout the Muslim world. In some countries, it is even declared a day off, and in Pakistan, as an official holiday, it lasts for 3 days.

On this day it is customary to read the Qur'an, pray and give alms. In addition, poems dedicated to Muhammad and chants telling about his life are heard in the houses. On the streets, people organize festive processions with torches, during which the protesters carry images of the mother of the prophet Amina. In all mosques, festive services are held in honor of the birth of the prophet. In the evening, the sky is colored with colorful fireworks, explosions of firecrackers and crackers are heard everywhere.

In the evening, on the eve of the holiday, tents decorated with colored flags and lanterns appear on the streets of big cities. They sell sugar treats in the form of symbolic figures: the bride of the prophet with a multi-colored paper fan behind his back and a rider armed with a saber.

On the festive table this day serves traditional lamb dishes, necessarily flavored with a lot of spices, homemade bread, tortillas, beans, a lot of all kinds of pastries, sweets, fruits and herbs.

Traditional for this holiday are salads and snacks from feta cheese, liver roll, barbecue, assyp (home-made lamb sausage), zhutanan (manti), laasida (semolina porridge with honey), asida (porridge) with nuts, baluza (souffle ) with starch, buza (low alcohol drink) and almond cream. At the table on this day it is customary to drink green tea and sweet jelly.

A close family circle relatives gather only for breakfast and lunch, and for dinner it is customary to invite close friends and good acquaintances.

Miraj, or the Ascension of the Prophet Muhammad to Heaven

Muslims celebrate this holiday on the 27th of the month of Rajab. The history of this holiday is as follows. Once the Prophet Muhammad, while in Mecca, fell asleep near one of the mosques. At night, the angel Gabriel appeared to him, and next to him was Burak, a winged horse with a human head. He invited Muhammad to take a trip, and they, riding on Burak, went to Jerusalem.

Flying over an ancient Jewish temple located on Mount Zion, travelers saw how the heavens opened and the path to the throne of Allah opened. But neither Muhammad nor his accompanying Jabrail was allowed to take this path. The only thing that Muhammad could see during his wonderful journey was heaven and hell, after which he appeared before the throne of Allah, thereby achieving the greatest spiritual state for man. That very night, Muhammad had a conversation with the prophets Isa, Musa and Ibrahim.

There, on the throne of Allah, the prophet was consecrated in the secrets of Muslim prayer, which is still considered the center of faith and is the basis of Muslim life: “Praise be to those who transferred His slave from the mosque untouched to a distant mosque at night, around which We blessed to show to him from Our signs. Verily, He is all-hearing, all-seeing! ”

A festive feast on this day begins after sunset. It is preceded by a day of abstinence, which is observed differently in different countries. In some, this is a strict fast during which not only the ingestion of food, but also water is forbidden, in others it is less strict and allows some concessions. However, even in this case, any excess is censured. The foods that are allowed to be eaten on the day of the ascension include mainly fruits and vegetables.

After sunset, relatives, friends and acquaintances gather at the table. The menu of the festive feast includes many meat and fish dishes, including manti, dumplings, pilaf and fatty mutton soup, as well as vegetable salads and savory foods. At the end of the meal, all kinds of sweets and fruit compote are served.

Leilat al-Baraat, or the Night of Atonement

Leilat al-Baraat is celebrated on the night of the 14th to the 15th of the month of the Sha'ban. This holiday is very ancient, its mention is found in historical monuments of the pre-Islamic period. The month of sha'ban in the calendar of the ancient Arabs coincided with the summer solstice and opened the new year. On this day, the Arabs offered prayers to idols and commemorated the dead.

Some features of the ancient New Year holiday have been preserved even now: at night, Muslims read prayers, visit the graves of deceased relatives during the day, and then sit down at the festive table, have fun, sing songs and dance.

According to legend, on the holy night, the Leilat al-Baraat shakes the Tree of Life, on the leaves of which are written the names of the living.

Some of them as a result of this fall. This means that people whose names are written on them should die within the next year.

That night, Allah descends to the lower of 7 heavens to hear the prayers of sinners. That is why Muslims pray throughout the night for the dead, turning to Allah asking them to forgive their earthly sins: “As soon as night falls in the middle of the month of the Sha'ban, spend it in worship. And in the afternoon hold a post. After all, Allah that night, starting at sunset, descends with his mercy on the firmament of the earth and commands so: “Are there penitents to Me — I will forgive them, are there any those who ask for blessings — I will give them, if there are those gripped by the disease — I will send healing ... ".

After a night in prayer, Muslims go to the mosque. On the way, they give alms to the poor and treat the children with sweets. In the afternoon, believers go to the cemetery to honor the memory of relatives and friends, and in the evening they receive guests or take part in street festivities.

On this day, it is customary to cook traditional lamb dishes: pilaf, shima (lagman from thin noodles), moshbirinch (soup with lamb meatballs), as well as a large number of pastries from unleavened and pastry. Of the drinks, tea and coffee are preferred.

A separate treat is prepared for the children. On this day, they feast on chak-chak, fruit and berry mousses and drink sweet compote from prunes.

Ramadan, or Great Lent Month

This month was considered sacred in pre-Islamic times. According to legend, throughout this month the doors of hell are closed, all demons are chained with strong chains, and all 7 gates of hell are open: "When Ramadan arrives, the heavenly gates open and the gates of hell are closed, and his dark powers are chained." Moreover, one of the open gates is intended for believers who throughout their life strictly observed fasting. Fasting, according to the Prophet Muhammad, is intended to teach a person to fight passions, thereby bringing his soul closer to Allah.

The first day of fasting coincides with the new moon, that is, it lasts a whole month, until the next new moon (29-30 days). During this time, believers are forbidden to eat and drink during daylight hours. Eating is allowed only after sunset. And it is recommended to eat only dishes from vegetables and fruits. And meat and chicken can be eaten only by small children, the elderly, pregnant women, nursing mothers, the sick and warriors who are conducting jihad (holy war).

In addition to the restrictions associated with eating, in the holy month of Lent, you can not smoke, inhale the smell of tobacco, drink alcohol, swear, try cooked food and even swallow saliva.

If a person for some reason violated the post (intentionally or involuntarily), during the current year he is obliged to fast as many days as he missed the days of fasting.

During Lent, the rhythm of life in all Muslim countries changes dramatically: it freezes during the day and gathers momentum at night. During the day, the streets of cities and towns become empty, and cafes and restaurants are closed. But after sunset, the streets are filled with people, music everywhere, pedestrians buy fruits, sweets, snacks and pastries, which are sold in large quantities at numerous retail outlets.

In some Muslim countries where Islamic traditions are honored with particular severity, before starting the first meal, which is called futur, you should drink 3 sips of water and eat a few dates or other sweet fruits and only eat sugar in the morning, a light dinner made of vegetables and cakes.

However, many Muslims immediately after sunset pay tribute to a hearty meal, which consists of hariri (lamb and noodle soup), chekchuki (fried vegetables) and briks (pies) with meat and vegetable fillings. Drinks include tea and coffee.

Leylat al-Qadr, or Night of Predestination

The festival of Leilat al-Qadr is celebrated on the 27th of the month of Ramadan. Its origin is connected with the first revelation of the Prophet Muhammad, which he received in 610, which strengthened him in the correctness of the chosen path. It was on this holy night of the month of Ramadan that he finally believed in Allah and his prophetic mission.

On the night of predestination, or the night of greatness, the angel Gabriel first appeared to Muhammad and told him a passage from the Koran. Before Muhammad, for the same purpose, Jabrail appeared to other prophets. Researchers of Islam have clearly established that he appeared 12 times to Adam, 4 times to Enoch, 42 times to Ibrahim, 400 times to Musa and 10 times to Ise. By the way, Mohammed in total after this night, the angel came 24 thousand times.

The Prophet described his meeting with Jabrail as follows: "He appeared to me when I was sleeping, with a sparkling scroll covered with some writing." “Read!” Said the angel to Muhammad. “But I cannot read,” Muhammad replied. Then Jabrail put a scroll on the chest of the prophet, and the latter felt a huge weight in his heart, which even prevented him from breathing. After some time, the angel picked up the scroll and again ordered: "Read!" “I cannot read!” Exclaimed Muhammad. And again the messenger laid a scroll on his chest. The severity of the scroll made the prophet's heart almost break, and Muhammad thought that he was dying. Appearing again raised the scroll and a third time ordered: "Read!". “What should I read?” The prophet asked this time. And Jabrail answered him: “Read! In the name of your Lord, who created, created man from a clot. Read! And your most generous Lord, who taught in kalam, taught man what he did not know. ” Having said this, the angel disappeared, and Muhammad subsequently described his condition: “When I woke up from my sleep, I felt that everything I heard was written in my heart.”

Muslims believe that on the night before the holiday, Allah determines the fate of each person in accordance with his actions and requests addressed to him during prayer. In this regard, believers are ready for all kinds of signs and miracles.

On the day of the holiday, Muslims read the Qur'an, pray, perform a missed prayer (obligatory five-fold daily prayer), analyze past life, make plans for the future and ask for forgiveness from relatives and friends.

Throughout daylight, they abstain from food and drink, and sit at the table only after sunset. The menu of the gala dinner includes a variety of vegetable and fruit salads, soup, pilaf and sweets. Mandatory attribute of the festive table are fruit vases.

The holiday lasts all night. Crowds of smart people walk in the streets decorated with garlands of multi-colored light bulbs, there is a brisk trade in fruits, sweets and soft drinks.

Uraza Bairam, or Feast of Conversation

This is one of the largest Muslim holidays, which is celebrated on the first day of the month of the month of Saw Shawl and lasts 3 days. It marks the end of the fast, which lasted a whole month of Ramadan.

On this day, Muslims get up very early, when the sun has not yet risen, eat a light breakfast consisting of a small amount of fruit (usually dates), put on festive clothes and go to the mosque, where they make a prayer.

On the way to the mosque, believers, instead of the usual greeting, turn to each other with the words: “May Allah send his mercy to both you and us!”, “May Allah accept our and your prayers!” Leaving the mosque, people are in no hurry to disperse, they congratulate each other on the holiday, treat children with sweets and give alms to the poor.

After the mosque, Muslims go to the cemetery to visit the graves of their relatives. Only after this comes the feast time, which is sometimes delayed until the morning.

Uraza Bairam is a family holiday. On this day, all family members prefer not to leave the house, since, according to legend, the souls of deceased relatives come to the house on this day. On the eve of the neighbors exchange traditional dishes, and on the morning of the holiday husbands give gifts to their wives and children.

In some Muslim countries, large bonfires are made in the evening, jump over the fire and dance.

The main product from which most of the festive dishes are prepared is lamb. She goes to cook meat salads, soups and main dishes. In addition to lamb with a side dish of potatoes, zucchini or rice, on the festive table there are vegetable and fish dishes, as well as bread, olives, dates, raisins, figs, pistachios, almonds and many sweets (cakes, cookies, biscuits, fruit and milk and milk desserts), which are washed down with compotes and syrups.

Kurban Bayram, or the Feast of Sacrifice

This holiday, which coincides with the day of the end of the pilgrimage to Mecca, begins on the 10th of the month of Zul Hijj, 70 days after the end of the fast.

Kurban Bayram is the main Islamic holiday, which is widely celebrated throughout the Muslim world. Its main rite is performed in the valley of Mina, in Mecca. It was there that Ibrahim, obeying the will of Allah, was preparing to sacrifice his son. But Allah, appreciating his humility, at the last moment allowed to replace the young man with a lamb.

Preparation for the holiday lasts several weeks, during which believers are forbidden to have fun, put on new clothes, get a haircut, etc.

The holiday itself begins in the early morning. Muslims take their bath, put on festive clothes and go to the mosque, where they perform a prayer and listen to a sermon.

After collective prayer, the culmination of the holiday - the sacrifice. As a victim use any pet - a ram, a sheep, a goat, a cow or even a camel. The animal is laid on the ground so that its head is directed towards Mecca, and then its owner or the person hired by him for this business cuts his throat.

According to the legends, on the back of the sacrificial animal the faithful can easily go to paradise, bypassing the main obstacle on this path - the Sirat bridge, “thin as hair, sharp as the blade of a sword, hot as fire”, thrown over hell.

The rite of sacrifice is performed on all days of the holiday, and the meat of the sacrificed animal must be eaten on holidays, it is strictly forbidden to leave it for everyday life. Traditional meat is prepared from the meat of a sacrificial animal. On the 1st day it is a treat from the heart and liver, on the 2nd day - a soup of lamb head and legs, as well as fried or stewed meat with a side dish of beans, vegetables and rice, on the 3rd and 4th days - bone soup and fried lamb ribs. These dishes are customary not only to eat for all family members, but also to treat them to neighbors, friends and the poor.

In addition to meat dishes, on this day it is customary to serve bread, cakes, pies, biscuits and all kinds of sweet dishes from raisins and almonds.