Pork belly marinade. Pork brisket in the oven

Among the variety of tomato varieties, as a rule, there are only two groups: indeterminate and determinant. But the tomato world is divided into more diverse "clans", to know about which is not only interesting, but also useful. Tomatoes are divided according to the method of cultivation, by ripening time, by leaf shape, by shape of fruit, by size, by color ... Today I want to talk about varieties that form the most colorful group under the beautiful name "Bi-Color".

Charming April with its delicate flowering and the first dazzling greenery is a very moody and volatile month. Sometimes it unpleasantly surprises with a winter atmosphere, and sometimes it pleases with unexpected warmth. In April, work starts on the beds, and a full season begins in the greenhouse. Sowing and planting in open ground should not interfere with the care of seedlings, because the quality of the crop also depends on its quality. The lunar calendar is especially favorable for useful plants at the beginning of the month.

Extreme sensitivity to low temperatures makes zinnias flyers, which are usually grown through seedlings. But then in the sowing, and in the cultivation of young zinnias, there is nothing complicated. These are hardy and easy-care plants that are easy to grow from seeds. And if you also collect your own seeds, it will turn out to be one of the most “economical” flyers in your collection. Bright baskets of inflorescences bloom the garden with a special cheerful canvas.

A large assortment of seeds of cucumber hybrids is presented on the domestic market. What varieties to choose to get the maximum yield? We have identified the best hybrids, according to buyers of seeds "Agrouspeh". They became “Meringue”, “Zozulya”, “Masha” and “Director”. In this article we will tell you about their advantages. Since absolutely all hybrids of cucumbers have no shortcomings: they do not turn yellow, have many ovaries, the fruits are not large, and are resistant to disease.

Eggplant - tall upright plants with wide leaves of dark green color and large fruits - create a special mood in the beds. And in the kitchen they are a popular product for a wide variety of dishes: eggplant is fried, stewed and canned. Of course, to grow a decent crop in the middle lane and north is a difficult task. But subject to the agrotechnical rules of cultivation, it is quite accessible even to beginners. Especially if you grow eggplant in a greenhouse.

Buying a blooming orchid, lovers of exotic plants are wondering - will it bloom at home as well and should you expect it to bloom again? Everything will be - and grow, and bloom, and delight for many years, but on one condition. As for any houseplants, for an orchid, you must initially try to create conditions suitable for growth and development. Adequate lighting, humidity and air temperature, a special substrate are the main points.

Noble lush greenery, unpretentiousness, the ability to clean the air of dust and pathogens make nephrolepis one of the most popular indoor ferns. There are many types of nephrolepis, but any of them can become a real decoration of the room, and it does not matter if it is an apartment, a country house or an office. But only healthy well-groomed plants can decorate the room, so the creation of suitable conditions and proper care is the main task of gardeners.

The correct herring under a fur coat is layers in turn, on the order of which the taste of the dish depends. It is important not only to stack the fish and vegetables in a certain sequence. Of great importance is the preparation of products. Never cook vegetables for this snack the day before; overnight in the refrigerator they will lose some of their taste and become fresh. Boil vegetables 2-3 hours before cooking and cool them to room temperature. You can also bake carrots, beets and potatoes in the oven in foil.

In the garden first-aid kit of experienced gardeners, there is always a presence of crystalline iron sulfate, or iron sulfate. Like many other chemicals, it has properties that protect horticultural crops from numerous diseases and pests. In this article, we will talk about the features of using iron sulfate for treating garden plants from diseases and pests and about other options for its use on the site.

Many do not imagine their diet without ripe tasty tomatoes. Moreover, the variety of varieties allows you to choose the one that is most to your taste. There are varieties called salad, that is, it is better to use them fresh. These include the Honey Tomato, whose name speaks for itself. In 2007, the Honey variety was included in the State Register of the Russian Federation. “Agrouspech” offers seeds from the best breeders in the world who have passed additional testing

Retaining walls - the main tool for working with complex terrain on the site. With their help, they not only create terraces or play with planes and alignment, but also emphasize the beauty of the landscape of rockeries, the change in height, the style of the garden, its character. Retaining walls allow playing with raised and lowered platforms and hidden areas. Modern dry or more solid walls help to turn the shortcomings of the garden into its main advantages.

A salad with chicken breast and vegetables without mayonnaise can be both a light snack for the festive table, and the main dish for those who follow their figure or decide to part with extra pounds. To make the chicken breast tender and juicy, pre-marinate it in spices and oil, and then quickly fry it in a very hot frying pan in vegetable oil. If there is a wok - great, if not, then a regular skillet with a non-stick coating will do.

There were times when the concepts of "tree-garden", "family tree", "collection tree", "multi tree" simply did not exist. And to see such a miracle was possible only in the economy of the “Michurin people” - people whom the neighbors marveled at when looking at their gardens. There, on the same apple tree, pear or plum, not only varieties of different ripening periods were ripened, but also various colors and sizes. Not many despaired for such experiments, but only those who were not afraid of numerous trial and error.

On the balcony, in the apartment, on the summer cottage - everywhere enthusiastic people find a place for their favorites. It turns out that growing flowers is a very troublesome affair and obeys only endless patience, hard work and, of course, knowledge. Providing flowers with varied and wholesome nutrition is just one, not the biggest, but the problem is on the difficult and fascinating path of the grower. One of the most responsible and difficult work to care for indoor plants is their transplant.

A unique combination of flowers similar to chrysanthemums with fleshy original leaves attracts attention to aptenia. But her ability to tirelessly and rapidly grow, the dazzling colors of both greenery and flowers are the main advantages. And although the plant has long been transferred to mesembryanthemums, aptenia still remains a special star. Hardy and unpretentious, but at the same time similar to a beautifully flowering star, it is rapidly gaining popularity.

Hello everyone! If any of you are considering how to cook pork belly, ask me 🙂. In heartbreaking details, I’ll tell you how to bake brisket in foil in the oven, cook with onion husks, and steam in foil in a multicooker. The choice is yours. If someone else is in thought, is it worth it to mess with the preparation of pork belly, I answer - most certainly. At least in order to replace the chemical sausage on your sandwich with a natural product of your own preparation. Moreover, a good brisket is really tasty, and if you have a little bite with onion ringlets, with horseradish, or mustard, or ketchup - mmm ... Well, I am announcing simple recipes for making brisket one at a time.

How to cook pork belly in foil in the oven:

Total cooking time: 1.5 - 2 hours.

To bake the brisket in the oven, we need:

  • 1 kg of pork belly
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of salt (without top)
  • 2 teaspoons pepper mixture (without top)
  • 4-6 cloves of garlic
  • 8-10 leaves of lavrushka (optional - I personally don’t use lavrushka with this method, the smell is too harsh)

How to bake pork belly in foil:

  1. Cut the breast into long strips 4-5 cm wide.
  2. Grate the resulting narrow slices of pork belly with a mixture of salt and pepper.
  3. Put strips of brisket on sheets of foil of a suitable size (I put two strips on one sheet of foil)
  4. Cover the slices of the brisket with chopped garlic and broken bay leaves in half (if you still decide to use them).
  5. Wrap the foil around the slices of the brisket so that a small narrow gap remains on top.
  6. Put the pork belly in foil on a baking sheet and send it warmed up to 200-220 degrees for 1.5 - 2 hours, depending on the thickness of the sternum strips and the total number of brisket. Periodically check readiness with a long knife, slightly turning the edge of the foil. Hot brisket should pierce very easily, without wet crunch.

The pork belly baked in foil is tasty both hot and cold. I freeze chunks of baked brisket after cooling in store in the freezer. They help me out a lot when you need something to quickly and tasty to eat or bake.

How to cook pork belly in onion peel:

Cooking time: 1.5 hours

To cook pork belly in onion peel, we need:

  • 1 kg of pork belly
  • A handful of onion peels
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons of salt
  • 1.h spoon of black pepper peas
  • 6-8 cloves of garlic in a peel
  • 5-6 leaves of parsley
  • 1 liter of water

How to cook pork belly in onion peel:

  1. Cut the breast into pieces 4-5 cm wide and of arbitrary length so that they fit comfortably in the pan.
  2. Put the brisket in a deep pan tightly so that it rests in pieces against each other and on the walls of the pan and does not think of breaking out.
  3. Pour salt, pepper, bay leaf, put a handful of washed onion husks and pour water. Ideally, the brisket is folded in the pan so tightly that water covers it from above as it should, and the pieces do not float.
  4. Put the pot on the stove and cook the brisket after boiling for an hour over medium heat with a slightly open lid.
  5. This recipe is good in that a lot of fat is dissolved in the broth and the brisket is more lean than when baked. This brisket is also perfectly stored in the freezer.

How to cook pork belly in foil in a slow cooker:

Cooking time: 1.5 - 2 hours, in direct proportion to the multicooker model and brisket volume.

  • To prepare the brisket in a slow cooker, we need the same ingredients in the same proportions as for the oven. The only difference is that each strip of brisket must be wrapped individually and tightly in foil, and placed on a wire rack for steaming with gaps between the pieces for the penetration of steam.
  • Put the slow cooker on steaming and pour water according to your instructions for the slow cooker, taking into account the fact that the preparation time of the brisket in the slow cooker in foil is 1.5 - 2 hours, or even more, based on the power of the appliance.
  • Install the grill with the brisket in the slow cooker, close the lid and wait for the set time. Readiness to check with a knife, and, if necessary, add more hot water to the cartoon and let it steam for another half an hour.

How to cook pork belly, you are now in the know. Of course, with seasonings, variations are possible at your discretion, most importantly, do not get carried away with salt. Perfect for pork belly

In the oven it is not very difficult, but in order to make it juicy, tasty and fragrant, it is recommended to pre-soak it in the marinade. Also, meat on the bone is best done in the sleeve, otherwise it will be too fried.

Oven baked brisket: photo and recipe

Essential Ingredients:

  • paprika - 1 small pinch;
  • medium fat mayonnaise - 3 large spoons;
  • whole pork belly - 2-3 kg (less or more possible);
  • large garlic - 2 cloves;
  • lemon - half;
  • fresh greens - a small bunch;
  • table salt - half a spoon;
  • hot ketchup - 1 large spoon;
  • seasonings for meat - to taste and desire.

The process of processing a meat product

Before it should be carefully processed. To do this, rinse the meat in cool water, and then remove from it all unnecessary elements in the form of various wreaths, films and veins. After this, the product can be cut into portioned pieces by bone. However, most housewives still prefer to bake the whole breast in the oven. This will allow serving it to the festive table along with vegetables on a large common dish.

Marinade process

As mentioned above, the brisket is much juicier and more aromatic if it is pre-soaked in sauce. To prepare the marinade, you need to take a small bowl, put there medium-fat mayonnaise, tomato paste, shredded greens, grated garlic, seasoning for meat, paprika, and squeeze half a lemon. After this, all products should be mixed, immediately coat them with previously processed pork belly.

It is worth noting that there is no need to wait until the meat is saturated with marinade, because we will bake it in the sleeve, which means that the product will be prepared in its own juice.

Dish formation

To bake the brisket in the oven, it should be carefully placed in the cooking sleeve. Then the bag must be tightly tied and put on a baking sheet or any other dishes. At the same time, it is recommended to make small punctures on the upper part of the sleeve with a fork or knife so that it does not swell during the heat treatment.

How to bake brisket in the oven

Such a simple but very tasty dish is made within 50-55 minutes. But this is provided that you put the sleeve with the meat in a preheated oven. Over time, the pork belly in the sleeve should be removed, and then a small incision made on its surface, through which it will be possible to try the dish not only for taste, but also for preparedness. If the meat is soft, then it needs to be removed and put on a dish.

Proper serving

The pork belly made in the oven should be served for dinner only in a hot condition and together with a side dish. To do this, you can make mashed potatoes, stewed vegetables, boiled rice and pasta. It is also worth noting that the broth, which gathered in the sleeve, can be used as aromatic gravy.

The baked brisket cooked in the oven will certainly cause appetite: both hot and cold. The roll of it perfectly replaces the store sausage on sandwiches. Quite a bit of effort - and they will be rewarded with compliments for the skilled chef.

How to bake brisket

When compiling a menu for a festive table at home, there is no doubt whether it is worth baking the brisket in the oven. It will be successful regardless of which meat is chosen: pork, beef, chicken. There are many detailed recipes with visual photos. You can always choose the option: first boil the meat, and then bake, use a sleeve, foil or baking sheet, limit yourself to garlic or let it soak in the aroma of herbs - the choice of the hostess.

Roast brisket

Roasting brisket is used for different dishes: soups, roast, but its taste is best manifested when baking. The meat acquires a flavor and juiciness, and to achieve this, you need to make a little effort. The main question is how to choose the brisket so that its freshness is not in doubt, that it should be with small layers, moderately oily. If you want to cook a meal in large pieces, meat on the bone is suitable, if the roll is boneless. Harsh can be repelled and moistened with lemon juice.

Oven brisket recipe

Almost any recipe for making brisket in the oven is good because it does not require special products for meat from the hostess. It is tasty and healthy, even with a minimum of additives, even heat bakes it evenly, excess fat is melted, and the crust that forms is much safer than that that appears when frying in a pan. In short, nutritionists advise baking, not frying. It is worth familiarizing yourself with the recipes for delicious meat.


The pork belly in the oven is cooked simply and quickly, because it is a tender, juicy product. When buying meat, you need to pay attention to the color: it should be pink, not dark and old, otherwise the dish will turn out tough. You can not spare onions and garlic, because they give a special aroma to the baked delicacy. Fans of meat dishes eat such yummy with potatoes, another side dish, fresh salad, just bread.


  • pork - 500 g;
  • onion, garlic - 1 head each;
  • salt, spices, pepper, bay leaf.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare a spicy mixture of salt, spices, pepper.
  2. Grate the meat with an aromatic seasoning mixture.
  3. Grease the bottom of the pan with oil, lay the finely chopped onions, and on it - the meat, lined with bay leaves.
  4. Fill cruciform punctures made with a thin knife with slices of garlic.
  5. Pour half a glass of water on a baking sheet and send everything to bake in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for 1 hour 30 minutes.
  6. You can cover the baking dish with a lid - then you get a brisket without a crust.

Baked in foil

How to bake pork belly in the oven? Foil is always a win-win option, baked meat is tasty, fragrant, tender. How to cook brisket in the oven in foil? First of all, buy a good piece of meat, food foil, spices, get acquainted with recipes, step by step photos and get to work.


  • pork - 700-800 g;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • spices: pepper, ginger, chili powder - 1/3 tsp;
  • paprika, hops-suneli, coriander, salt, sugar - 0.5 tsp each;
  • bay leaf - 5-6 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Dry the washed brisket, stuff with finely chopped garlic.
  2. With a mixture of salt, sugar, spices, grate the meat, let it lie down a little.
  3. Put on a sheet of foil, folded in half, cover with laurel leaves.
  4. Wrap with foil so that there are no gaps.
  5. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees, bake for 20 minutes, then reduce the heat to 170 degrees, cook another half hour.
  6. Turn off the oven, hold the meat for another 20 minutes. After that, remove and serve.

Baked chicken breast

In the oven, chicken breast can be cooked with various vegetables, fruits, herbs. The most dietary part of the chicken - the breast goes well with broccoli, oranges, apples, tarragon, cream, honey, wine, cheese. The main thing is to achieve a golden crust on top and juiciness inside. You can marinate it in advance or prepare a special sauce that soaks delicate pieces of meat. There are many options, the main thing is to maintain the indicated temperature and not to dry the chicken.


  • breast - 2 pcs.;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • soy sauce - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • ready mustard - 3 tsp;
  • mustard seeds - 1 tsp;
  • provencal herbs - 1 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • ground black pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix liquid honey, sauce, oil, lemon juice with seasonings and spices.
  2. Wash the breast, remove films and veins, if any, divide into parts, remove excess moisture.
  3. Pour the marinade so that each piece is saturated with it. Put the pickled product in the cold for 2-3 hours.
  4. Put in the form, preheat the oven to 180-190 degrees and cook for 1 hour.
  5. It is necessary to water the chicken with the juice formed on the baking sheet.
  6. The dish is served hot, best with mashed potatoes.

Pork in the sleeve

The baked dishes from a piece of pork with a layer are very delicious. The pork belly in the sleeve in the oven becomes juicy, aromatic. If you add other products and seasonings to it, you can decorate the table with a real delicacy. Vegetables are especially good together with pork: they are typed by the smell of herbs, soaked in juice. This is the best side dish for baked meat. The process is time-consuming, but a couple of times a month can be allowed to treat your family to such yummy


  • pork meat - 700-900 g;
  • onions - 4-5 pcs.;
  • carrots - 3-4 pcs.;
  • dried apricots - a handful;
  • garlic - 8 cloves;
  • salt, ground pepper
  • adjika dry:
  • ready mustard - 1 tsp;
  • mustard seeds - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. l

Cooking method:

  1. Mix oil, mustard, spices, salt, chopped garlic, grate the brisket with this mixture.
  2. Leave for 1-2 hours in a cold place.
  3. Coarse the peeled carrots.
  4. Bulbs cut into 4 parts.
  5. Rinse, dry the dried apricots.
  6. Put the breast into the sleeve, send the onion, carrots, dried apricots there, tie the sleeve, make punctures in it.
  7. Cook in the oven for 1 hour.
  8. Cut the bag, pour meat over juice and continue baking for 20 minutes until browning.
  9. Put the delicacy on a dish, decorate with vegetables and herbs.

With potato

A wonderful lunch will turn out if you bake the brisket with potatoes in the oven. First, you can try to cook it with a minimum of ingredients, and when the process is fully mastered, it is worth practicing in the use of marinades, soy sauce, honey, cheese, tomatoes. You can bake in a large piece, but portioned slices also look good. Here is one of the recipes with a photo.


  • potatoes - 400-500 g;
  • pork belly - 0.5 kg;
  • onions - 3 pcs.;
  • chicken broth - a glass;
  • salt, black pepper, seasonings - to taste;
  • greenery.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the breast into large pieces. Salt, sprinkle with spices, pepper, mix.
  2. Cut the peeled potatoes into large slices, put on a baking sheet, pour the broth.
  3. Put onion rings on the potatoes, salt.
  4. Place the meat onion.
  5. Cover the form with foil and bake at 170-180 degrees for 2-3 hours.
  6. 30 minutes before the readiness to remove the foil to form a fried crust.


Is the beef brisket good in the oven? Someone will certainly reject this idea: they say that meat is tough, fibrous, it takes a lot of time. And, nevertheless, it is often cooked, the brisket in the oven turns out delicious. So, it is important to choose the right product, prepare it for baking, withstand the required temperature and the set time.


  • pulp - 1.5 kg
  • onion - 5 pcs.;
  • carrot - 5 pcs.;
  • garlic - 8 cloves.
  • semi-dry red wine - 3-4 tbsp. l
  • vegetable oil - 8 tbsp. l
  • tomatoes for sauce - 500 g.
  • marjoram, oregano - 0.5 tsp each.
  • salt, allspice.

Cooking method:

  1. Finely chop and fry the onion, one carrot. Add tomatoes, bring to a boil, add spices, garlic salt, boil everything, then beat with a blender.
  2. Grate the brisket with black pepper and other seasonings.
  3. Fry the meat in a pan until golden brown, then thickly coat it with sauce.
  4. Cut onions into rings, fry. Put meat, vegetables on it, sprinkle with garlic.
  5. Keep the frypot covered with foil for an hour and a half at 170 degrees.
  6. Cut the cooled brisket across the fibers, lay in the roasting pan again, bake for another hour and a half.

Baked beef brisket

There are not many recipes for cooking a dish such as beef brisket on the bone, baked in the oven, because beef is much tougher meat than pork or chicken. Bake it for a long time, over low heat. It will help to maintain the juiciness of a dense foil bag or sleeve. They bake meat as expected. So you should be patient and pamper your family.


  • beef - 1.5 kg;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • red wine or dark beer - 50-100 ml;
  • spices, pepper, salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the meat, cut the veins, excess fat.
  2. Grate with a mixture of your favorite spices and salt.
  3. Stuff the brisket with a piece of garlic.
  4. Vegetables - onions, chop carrots, chop garlic.
  5. Place the meat with the bone down in the baking bag, cover with onions, garlic, carrots.
  6. Pour in wine or beer.
  7. Bake at 140 degrees, 1 hour.
  8. After an hour, carefully pierce the bag to release steam. Bake another one and a half to two hours. The meat will lag behind the bone, become soft, aromatic.

The brisket roll in the oven is soft, juicy, aromatic, piquant. A piece of meat should not be chosen thick so that it is convenient to roll it into a roll. You can cut along the thickness, not reaching the end, and deploy. Get a long layer. It is from it that it is worth preparing this dish with high palatability. Very tasty with spicy mustard, burning horseradish, adjika. So, the roll recipe is offered.


  • pork belly - 1.5 kg;
  • chicken fillet - 205 g;
  • garlic - 10 g;
  • kernels of nuts - 60 g;
  • spice;
  • dry aromatic herbs.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash and dry pork. Use a knife to make deep cuts along the entire length of the piece.
  2. Mix aromatic spices and herbs, grate meat on both sides.
  3. Put the garlic in the cuts.
  4. Wrap with cling film and keep the day in the cold.
  5. Finely chopped chicken fillet fill the incisions.
  6. Sprinkle the prepared meat with walnuts.
  7. Roll up, tie, wrap with foil, lay on a baking sheet, bake for an hour and a half.
  8. Free the cooled roll from foil, thread and cut.

Cooking brisket in the oven requires quality products and time. It is worth listening to the advice of experienced chefs. It is better to buy fresh or chilled meat, a frozen product is much less juicy and resilient, especially with repeated freezing. To make the brisket juicy and beautiful, you need to bake a thick or medium piece, where there is not much fat. It is best to take a cut weighing 1-3 kg. You can use meat with skin and bone, and when serving, remove them.

Salt and black pepper are an indispensable set of spices for meat. To give a special aroma, tarragon, paprika, thyme, bay leaf, Provence herbs should be used. Garlic makes the brisket fragrant and spicy. If the meat is old, hard, it can be pre-pickled with lemon juice, wine, vinegar or beaten, cut into pieces across the fibers. Cooking time ranges from 1 to 4 hours, it depends on the weight and size of the piece and the characteristics of the recipe.


Pork brisket in the oven is a variant of a very tasty and satisfying dinner, including a festive one. This piece of pork is the perfect meat for baking. Why? Because a thin layer of fat melts in the oven and is absorbed into the tender brisket, which becomes juicy and very tasty. The only thing you need to do with meat to improve the taste is to properly marinate and bake. This is not so difficult, in addition, it does not require much effort. While the meat is being prepared, you can cook the rest of the dishes. All in all, it's perfect for hot! Now we will tell the proven recipes for the preparation of fragrant and juicy pork.

Pork with mustard

Baked pork recipes differ mainly in marinades. In this cooking option there will be pork that will add a spicy taste to the meat. So, we need:

Pour the spices into a shallow bowl, fill them with mustard. Then peel the garlic and grind it with a press or a fine grater. We also add it to spices and mustard. If desired, add crumbled bay leaves. Fill the mixture with oil and mix thoroughly. It remains to add salt, otherwise the meat may turn out to be fresh. Again we interfere.

As a seasoning for meat, you can use a mixture of the following spices: curry, black pepper, coriander, paprika, turmeric, thyme, rosemary, red pepper. This is a kind of traditional formula with which one can and should experiment.

Breast with running water, then remove excess water with paper towels. Then carefully and very generously lubricate it with sauce. We do not throw out the remains of the marinade, but put it with the meat in the refrigerator. After at least 5 hours, pork can be baked. We spread it on a form covered with parchment, and pour over the remaining sauce. The oven should be heated to 170-180 degrees, not more. This will allow the meat to bake well and evenly inside and not burn from the outside. Bake it for about an hour. Pork is ready!

It is best to cut the pork across, with thin plastics after it has cooled. Serve best with some hot sauce, such as horseradish. Garnish can be anything. When cold, the dish can be used as a snack.

Pork in foil

The pork belly baked in the oven in foil is even easier to prepare, because the foil will help the meat to bake completely. In addition, the fuss with washing dishes will be much less. No wonder the mistresses fell in love with the foil! Ingredients for the preparation of aromatic, delicious and delicate meat:

Wash the meat and wipe it with paper towels. Then, over the entire surface, we make shallow cuts about a centimeter long. We clean the garlic, cut into thin slices and put them into cuts. In a bowl, mix all the loose ingredients. They carefully rub a piece of meat.

Do not regret spices, do not be afraid to go too far! Pork will take exactly as much as necessary - no more, no less.

We fold a large piece of foil in half and put our billet on its center. Spread bay leaf on top for a fragrant aroma. We wrap all this carefully so that the juice and fat do not leak. We heat the oven to 200 degrees. After 20 minutes of baking, lower the temperature to 170 degrees and bake another hour and a half. When ready, do not rush to get the dish, let it stand for another 15 minutes. The brisket in the oven in the foil is very tender and soft, as it is cooked in its own juice. In addition, no oil is used in the preparation, which makes the dish less harmful.

You can serve the dish both hot and cold. On, and from sauces - horseradish and mustard.

Good appetite!