How to measure 200 grams of flour without weights. How to measure flour without weights

22.08.2019 Dishes for children

Often, for the preparation of a dish, you need to observe harsh proportions of the ingredients, exclusively for baking. One just has to sprinkle a little or not enough flour - and the result is closer to what was expected. However, even if you do not have a kitchen scale, it is permissible to measure flour with the help of improvised means.

You will need

  • wheat flour;
  • faceted glass;
  • tablespoon;
  • tea spoon;
  • measuring cup.

Instruction manual

1.   It is more convenient for everyone to determine the weight of flour using an ordinary faceted glass, the one that has been kept by many since Soviet times. Stuffed to the brim, it holds approximately 160 g of premium wheat flour. If you fill a faceted glass to the upper risk (at this point its volume is 200 ml), then the flour in the glass will be about 130 grams.

2.   If you do not have a glass of the required volume, measure the flour with a tablespoon. This process will take a lot more time, but probably it will be even more true. In a standard tablespoon (the length of the scooping capacity is 7 cm), filled with a “slide”, 15 g of flour is contained, without a “slide” - 10 g. As usual, if the recipe suggests measuring flour with tablespoons, then it means just the volume with a "pea", unless otherwise specified. It is allowed to determine the weight of flour and a five-centimeter spoon. In this case, without a “slide” in a spoon will fit 7 g, and with a “slide” - 12 g.

3.   Occasionally, it is required to measure a very small number of flour - 5, 10, 15 g. In this case, it is comfortable to use a teaspoon. Filling it to the brim, you will get 4 grams of flour, and if you also leave the "hill" - then 5 g.

4.   It often happens that there is no ordinary glass, but there is a transparent container with divisions for determining the volume. Let's say it can be a glass from a slow cooker or a bread machine. In this case, you can weigh the flour, based on the fact that 100 ml of flour contains about 65 grams. This method is inconvenient in that you can easily miss the divisions applied to the glass. Say, it is easy to calculate that 100 g of flour is approximately equal to 153 ml, but it is unlikely that you will be able to detect a container with such a mark. Thus, this method is unsatisfactory accurate.

5. And finally, the most unreliable, but fast-moving method. All you need is flour in the packaging in which it was sold, and an excellent eye. Let's say you have a kilogram pack of flour, and according to the recipe you need to measure 500 g. It is easy to think that you need to pour half the package. However, in order to avoid misunderstandings, use the method of weighing "by eye" only in extreme cases, when on the contrary, either the proportions are not so significant.

The perfect option is to have electronic scales at home. If they are not, then in order to take the required number of flour, you need to know how much flour in grams is placed in a faceted glass.

You will need

  • Faceted glass
  • Tablespoon
  • Teaspoon

Instruction manual

1.   Take a faceted glass and scoop up the flour with a slide, then with a knife remove the slide evenly. In a glass you will have 145-155 grams.

2.   If less flour is needed, then it is allowed to scoop it with a hill with a tablespoon, it will fit 17-19 grams. And finally, about 8 grams of flour is placed in a teaspoon with a slide.

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Helpful advice
  It is also allowed to buy a measuring cup, a very comfortable thing in the kitchen, it has a graduation in both milliliters and grams for all the main bulk products.

Many housewives periodically encounter situations when they do everything exactly according to the recipe, but baking does not work. The dough turns out to be excessively thick or too liquid, as a result of which the product is not baked and is sent directly from the oven to the bin. The hostess is perplexed, she took tea as much flour as required. An acceptable reason for failure may be the fact that the number of flour in the recipe was abnormally measured.

You will need

  • - flour
  • - Measured tanks
  • - Sieve

Instruction manual

1.   Flour is a bulk product whose properties vary from grade to grade. And even the same variety, made in different regions, can have different humidity. It is consequently in the recipes that the consistency of the test is indicated, which you need to focus on when mixing the ingredients.

2.   But, nevertheless, it is precisely the errors of measuring out the necessary number of flour that play an inevitable role in the manufacture of baking. The most common quantities found in recipes are grams, spoons, cups and glasses. Read each recipe invariably before starting work. Say, when sifting, flour grows much in volume, therefore, one cup of cake and one cup of sifted flour will weigh in different ways.

3. Tanks for flour have a certain volume. One cup contains 240 ml, 1 teaspoon - 5 ml, 1 tablespoon - 15 ml and 1 cup - 200 ml. If the flour is measured in cups in a recipe, fill the cup with flour, but do not ram it. Swipe the knife with a knife to remove the flour hill. The slide in cups and glasses must always be removed if the recipe does not say anything on this topic separately.

4.   1 cup of wheat flour of the first standard moisture contains 140 gr. And in 1 cup of premium flour each 120 g of product will be contained. A faceted glass filled to the edge will contain 120 and 110 grams of flour, respectively.

5.   Measuring out flour  spoon, scoop up the product from the bag and lightly tap on the spoon in order to shake off large peaks. You should have a neat, tiny little pea equal to about the size of a spoon. As a result, you will have 8 grams of flour in a teaspoon, about 18-20 grams in the dining room.

6.   If you positively measure flour  , strictly followed the recipe, you should succeed, and you will be able to gloriously put fresh pastries on the dining table.

Helpful advice
  If you do not have a sieve, sifting flour is allowed through a regular colander

Instruction manual

1.   Mass (weight) is the product of the density of a substance by its volume. The density of some substances is given in the table

2.   Estimate by eye how much your object occupies. Express the volume in cubic meters. Let's say a tablespoon holds 0.000025 cubic meters, a glass - 0.00025 cubic meters, a liter can - 0.001 cubic meters, a bucket - from 0.007 to 0.01 cubic meters. m depending on its size. Well, a cubic capacity with a side of 1 meter has a volume of 1 cubic meter, respectively.

3.   Multiply the density value of your substance, recognizing it from the table, by the volume in cubic meters, and get the weight in kilograms. Let's say a glass of honey weighs 1350 kg / m3 * 0.00025 m3 \u003d 0.3375 kg, which is equal to 337.5 grams.

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Helpful advice
  If the density of the substance is close to the density of water, then it is possible to assume that a tablespoon will hold 25 g, a glass - 250 g, a liter - 1 kg, a bucket - 7 kg.

Not every housewife has scales in her kitchen. Products are often measured "by eye". But in some recipes it is significantly true to observe proportions. A confectionery masterpiece can be hopelessly ruined if there is too much flour, or too little. How to avoid mistakes and weigh correctly flour  without weights  ? Here are some tips from experienced chefs.

Instruction manual

1.   As weights it is allowed to use traditional kitchen utensils: spoons, cans, glasses, pans. However, you should remember the difference between the volume and weight of the products. Weighing without weights  it will become much easier if you use a special measuring cup, on the sides of which are marked with the weight of different products.

2.   Weighing with spoons. Scoop up flour  spoon (dining room or tea). Carefully hit that excess flour has crumbled. On a spoon, a neat “pea” is obtained. In a teaspoon with a "slide" is placed 10 g of flour, in the dining room - 25 g.

3.   Weighing in glasses. Instead of each, use an ordinary faceted glass with a rim of 250 ml. Flour must be poured into a glass with spoons. It should not be shaken and tamped, this may change the weight. A glass filled to the rim holds 160 g of flour. If poured flour  flush with the edge, the weight will increase to 180 g. A little less flour fits into a 200 ml glass - about 130 g.

4.   Weighing in pans. This tested method will help the hostess, who does not have time to measure a huge amount of flour with spoons or glasses. You need to take two pots of different sizes. An indispensable condition: a tiny saucepan must completely enter the large. In a smaller bowl, a product is placed whose weight is correctly reported. It is best to use a sealed kilogram package of sugar or cereal. Further, the pan with the cargo is put into the empty. Water is poured neatly into huge dishes to the very edges. Now the load from the tiny pan is allowed to be removed and slowly filled with flour. As soon as the water in a large bowl rises again to the brim, a kilogram of flour is weighed.

  Flour does not need to be sifted before weighing.

Often, in cooking recipes, you need to take 100 grams of a product, but few people have a kitchen scale in order to make the necessary measurements. For this reason, housewives are zealous not to use such recipes for cooking. But in order to prepare your favorite dish, it is not at all rigorously weigh all the ingredients with the support of the scales. The weight of many food products is allowed to find out using different containers that are found in the whole house.

You will need

  • faceted glass
  • tablespoon
  • liter can
  • measuring cup

Instruction manual

1. In order to measure 100 grams of milk or water for the preparation of any dish, take an ordinary faceted glass and fill it with liquid, without adding a little to half. For more accurate weight compliance, pour 5 and a half tablespoons of water and 5 tablespoons of milk.

2.   If you fill 2/3 of a faceted glass with flour or ground nuts, then its weight of these products will be approximately 100 grams. To get more exact weight is allowed by taking 10 tablespoons of flour and 10 tablespoons of chopped nuts.

3.   Having poured half an ordinary glass of semolina or powdered sugar, you will get 100 grams of this ingredient.

4.   In order to take 100 grams of sugar, rice or salt, fill the glass a little more than half.

5.   An apple, potato, onion, carrot or medium-sized tomato weighs approximately 100 grams. To purchase 100 grams of eggplant or zucchini, cut a medium-sized fruit in half.

6.   In order to take 100 grams of eggs, take two medium-sized eggs.

7.   To determine 100 grams of strawberries or raspberries, fill a liter jar of these berries in a fifth of the volume. Blueberries, currants or cranberries will weigh the same if they fill about 6 of the jar.

8.   Also find out the weight of food will help a special measuring cup. Usually such a cup is made of transparent plastic and on its walls contains scales for measuring various liquids, cereals, sugar, salt. The entire line is signed by the type of product and has numerical designations for this particular ingredient.

9.   In order to measure the weight in grams with the help of this cup, place inside it the required number of cereals, salt, sugar, milk, water, etc. After that, find the scale for measuring the weight of this particular product and, correlating the divisions on the walls of the cup with the tier of filling the tank, find out how much it is necessary to fill the cup in order to get 100 grams of the ingredient.

Flour is the basis for the preparation of the most diverse dishes. The recipe requires the exact weight of the ingredients, from the fact that excess or deficiency of a product can irreparably ruin the food. Measure flour  at home, several methods are allowed.

You will need

  • - kitchen scales;
  • - beaker;
  • - a tablespoon;
  • - faceted glass.

Instruction manual

1. The fastest and surest way to measure weight is to weigh with a kitchen scale. They can be mechanical and electronic. The final version is more accurate and allows you to determine the weight of the product right up to 0.1 grams. From the fact that the flour leaves white traces later on, it is necessary to weigh it in a plastic bag or in a container, without forgetting to subtract its mass from the total weight.

2.   Another famous method for measuring bulk products is the use of special measuring cups. They are transparent containers marked with the weight of different products. Should not be sieved flour  before you determine its mass with the support of a measuring cup or kitchen utensil. Sifted flour takes up a much larger volume, and the data obtained will be inaccurate.

3.   If there is no kitchen scale or measuring cup at hand, it is allowed to weigh flour  with the help of traditional dishes. Small lobes are comfortable to measure with spoons. For this, scoop up flour  a tablespoon and gently shake it so that only a small “slide” remains. A standard tablespoon holds 25 g. A teaspoon contains 10 g of flour.

4.   Larger significant amounts of flour are easier to measure with the support of a glass. Take an ordinary faceted glass and fill it with flour. It is more fun to pour flour with a tablespoon, so it will not be compacted and evenly distributed over each container. A glass of 250 ml, filled to the top rim, holds 160 g of flour. If you pour it flush with the edges - the mass will be 180 g.

5.   It is also possible to determine the weight of a large number of flour, using a further method. When you need to get half a kilogram of flour, you divide “by eye” a standard 2-kilogram pack into two equal parts. And later, divide one more part into halves. Of course, this method is quite approximate, and it is appropriate to use it to measure only huge portions of flour.

Continuing the topic of how to measure an ingredient when there are no weights or a measuring cup, we’ll talk today about how to measure flour in such a situation. In baking recipes, the amount of flour in grams is often indicated. Experienced housewives, already reading the recipe, can determine which dough will turn out, how much flour is needed. But what about young people who are just beginning to grasp the basics of culinary art? Do not be upset. Flour, as well as sugar, can be measured with a glass or spoon. And vice versa, if you specify how many glasses you need, you can translate into grams. Usually when talking about a glass, a faceted glass is meant. We use it more often and this measure of measure has got to us from our grandmothers.

How to measure flour without scales with a glass

A faceted glass happens with a rim and without it. A glass with a rim includes 250 ml of liquid. And in a glass without a rim - 200 ml. From this we will proceed.

If you pour flour into a faceted glass with a rim to the very edge, then ordinary wheat flour of the highest grade will contain 160 grams.

In a glass without a rim of the same flour there will be only 130 grams, or more precisely - 128 grams.

The same amount, i.e. 130 grams will be if you pour flour into a glass on the rim.

When baking pies or rolls, it is certainly more convenient to use a glass from measuring flour. In such recipes, flour is usually required from 400 or more grams. What to do if there is no faceted glass? But there’s still some kind of glass in the house or a cup for tea.

Let's say you have a glass of 180 ml. To calculate how much flour will be in such a glass, you need 180x160 / 250, where 180 is the volume of our glass. 160 - the weight of the flour in a faceted glass with a rim and 250 - the volume of the faceted glass. It can be calculated based on the volume of a faceted glass without a rim.

How to measure flour without weights with a spoon

Spoon measure the flour for the pie much longer. But this method is quite acceptable. I have a special sieve in the form of a mug for sifting flour. It’s just more convenient for me to sprinkle flour with a spoon.

In a tablespoon (deep, not flat) of flour there will be approximately 20 grams. Why approximately? If you scoop up here with such a slide, as in the photo, then 20 grams.

If the hill is higher, and the flour is not sugar and does not pour from a spoon, then flour can be scooped up from about 25 to 40 grams.

With the same small slide in a teaspoon of flour there will be about 10 grams. But with a teaspoon, flour is usually required to be measured only if for a face mask and then oat or potato.

Now many have crock-pots or bread machines. Usually a measuring cup comes with them. Usually they are small. I have a 100 ml glass for a multicooker. They can also measure flour, knowing that 64 grams of flour will interfere in 100 ml.

Wheat flour of the second grade, from which bread is usually baked, practically does not differ in weight. Therefore, it can be measured using these methods.

  The Internet today is simply overflowing with all kinds of recipes, including various pastries. In many of them, the amount of necessary products is given in grams, which for some inexperienced chefs and pastry chefs presents some difficulties. Of course, it would be nice for such cases to have electronic scales, which are characterized by high accuracy and the ability to determine the mass of even a very small amount of matter - up to several grams. But if they are not and there is no possibility to get it? How then to measure the right amount of ingredients? In fact, there is nothing easier. It is enough just to know the capacity of some cutlery, spoons, glasses, etc. Here are a few recommendations on this.

Of course, the easiest way is to measure the product by eye. Many experienced housewives do just that. To do this, you need to have a good eye, and also know the capacity of the pack. But there is one catch. If at your disposal there is a package weighing 1 kg, then measuring half a kilogram will not be difficult. Although in any case, the result will not be the most accurate. It will be much more difficult to cope with such a task when it is required to separate 275 g of flour from a pack weighing 1.5 kg. Here, no eye can help. In such cases, it is recommended to resort to more accurate measurement methods.

Baking recipes are usually characterized by the use of large quantities of flour. In such cases, the most common faceted glass will be the ideal measuring tool. Before use, it should be washed and then thoroughly wiped with a dry towel from a cloth that absorbs water well. If this is not done, then the flour will adhere to the walls and this will create certain difficulties. So, with a prepared glass, scoop up the flour so that it fills the container with a slide. Then, using a knife, carefully remove the slide. After all the manipulations are done, about 150 g of flour will remain in the glass. The error of this measurement method is very small - plus or minus 5 g, which in comparison with the volumes required for baking is simply an insignificant difference.

The disadvantage of this method is that they can only measure volumes of round values \u200b\u200bin increments of 150 g, that is, 150, 300, 450, etc. A small space for maneuver opens when there are risks on the glass, that is, a special horizontal line.

If you fill a glass with liquid up to this mark, you get exactly 200 ml, but if you measure flour - 130 g. However, using these two values \u200b\u200b- 150 and 130 g, it is unlikely that you can measure, for example, 250 g or 110 g. Therefore, the most accurate a way to purchase a special measuring cup, on the transparent wall of which there are divisions, allowing very accurately determine the amount of products poured into it. Today, such products in a large assortment are present in hardware stores. Moreover, they can be used to measure not only flour, but also any loose or liquid products.

Sometimes only one type of graduation is applied to measuring glasses, designed to determine the volume of liquid. Of course, flour can be measured using such containers. To do this, it is enough to know the density of the substance, which when multiplied by the volume gives mass. The density of the flour is such that 1 ml of volume contains 0.65 g. Thus, 100 ml is 65 g of flour. This method has two significant drawbacks.

Firstly, calculations are required, albeit very simple, but still.

Secondly, on measuring cups there are mainly divisions corresponding to round numbers. For example, if you need to measure 75 g of flour, then it will be 115 ml. It is unlikely that you will find the corresponding division on the scale.

Also, flour is used not only for baking, but also in other recipes. For example, for breading or giving a mixture of liquid products the desired density and viscosity. In such cases, the amount of flour given in the recipes is limited to a small mass - from 10 to 50 g, so it is better to use spoons for measuring out - a tablespoon or a teaspoon.

In the first case, you will first have to pick up a spoon whose dimensions meet generally accepted standards, because today every manufacturer strives to develop his own original design. As a result, the volume of tablespoons can vary greatly. At the same time, there is a certain standard for such products, and when a tablespoon is mentioned in recipes as a measure of weight and volume, it should be remembered that we mean generally accepted sizes. For us it is not necessary to know all the proportions, it is enough that the scooping capacity should be 7 cm in length. Such a tablespoon, filled with a slide, holds 15 g. If the volume of flour is aligned with the knife along the edges, that is, remove the mountain, then 10 g of flour will remain in the spoon. Another important detail, if in the recipe the necessary amount of flour is indicated immediately in tablespoons, then it means the spoons with slides.

If you want to measure out a very small amount of flour, then a teaspoon will be the best assistant - the length of the scoop portion is 5 cm. If you fill in such a cutlery with flour, then you get 12 g. Without a slide, the teaspoon holds 7 g. Although the slides can be different ...

In order to find out a fairly accurate measure of the weight of bulk products, fruits, vegetables, nuts or spices, take a tea glass of standard volume (250 ml) or an old Soviet faceted glass (200 ml), a tablespoon (18 ml) or a teaspoon (5 ml) and pour the required amount of ingredients, the weight in grams of which can be found by following the instructions on the cooking table.
So, how to weigh without weights? Very simple ... Product Glass (250ml) Glass (200ml) Tablespoon (18ml) Tsp (5ml)
Water 250 200 18 5
Sugar 200 180 25 8
Powdered sugar 190 160 25 10
Salt 325 260 15 10
Drinking soda - - 28 12
Citric acid - - 25 7
Vegetable oil 245 190 20 5
Liquid honey 415 330 30 9
Powdered gelatin - - 15 5
Cocoa Powder - - 25 9
Ground coffee - - 20 7
Poppy - 135 18 5
Liquor - - 20 7
Melted margarine 230 180 15 4
Condensed milk - - 30 12
Animal oil 240 185 17 5
Whole milk 255 204 18 5
Wheat flour 160 130 30 10
Egg powder 100 80 25 10
Starch 180 150 30 10
Sour cream 250 210 25 10
Cream 250 200 14 5
Vinegar - - 15 5
Tomato Sauce 220 180 25 8
Tomato paste - - 30 10
Vegetable and fruit juices 250 200 18 5

FlakesProduct Glass (250ml) Glass (200ml) Spoon (18ml) Tsp (5ml)
Oatmeal flakes 100 80 14 4
Corn flakes 50 40 7 2

DessertProduct Glass (250ml) Glass (200ml) Spoon (18ml) Tsp (5ml)
Jam 340 280 45 20
Jam - - 40 15
Berry puree 350 300 20 7
Jam 230 185 25 12
Dried apples 70 55 - -
Raisins 165 130 25 -

BerriesProduct Glass (250ml) Glass (200ml) Spoon (18ml) Tsp (5ml)
Cherries 165 130 30 -
Lingonberry 140 110 - -
Blueberries 200 160 - -
Blackberry 190 150 40 -
Strawberry 150 120 25 -
Cranberry 145 115 - -
Gooseberry 210 165 40 -
Raspberry 180 145 20 -
Black currant 155 125 30 -
Red currant 175 140 35 -
Blueberries 200 160 - -
Mulberry 195 155 40 -
Rosehip dry - - 20 6

Vegetables and fruits
Product (medium size) \u003e\u003e\u003e 1 pc (g)
Potato \u003e\u003e\u003e 100
Onions \u003e\u003e\u003e 75
Carrots \u003e\u003e\u003e 75
Parsley root \u003e\u003e\u003e 50
Cabbage \u003e\u003e\u003e 1200-1500
Cucumber \u003e\u003e\u003e 100
Tomatoes \u003e\u003e\u003e 75-115
Apricot \u003e\u003e\u003e 26
Banana \u003e\u003e\u003e 72
Orange \u003e\u003e\u003e 100-150
Lemon \u003e\u003e\u003e 60
Pear \u003e\u003e\u003e 125
Apples \u003e\u003e\u003e 90-200
Fig \u003e\u003e\u003e 40
Plum \u003e\u003e\u003e 30
NutsProduct Glass (250ml) Glass (200ml) Spoon (18ml) Tsp (5ml)
Peeled Peanuts 175 140 25 8
Almonds 160 130 30 10
Hazelnuts 170 130 30 10
Crushed nuts 120 90 20 7

Spices, spices (g) Product St.spoon (18ml) Ch.spoon (5ml)
Carnation - 3
Ground cloves - 4
Ginger - 2
Ground cinnamon 25 8
Pepper cr. ground 3 1
Soul pepper. ground - 4.5
Dry mustard - 2-4

Spices, spices (pcs)
Clove (12 pcs) \u003e\u003e\u003e 1 g
Bay leaf (7pcs) \u003e\u003e\u003e 1 g
Peppercorn pepper (30pcs) \u003e\u003e\u003e 1g

For the preparation of any baking, a strictly defined amount of flour is required. If it is more or less than required, the dish may not live up to expectations.

To measure the necessary amount of flour quickly and precisely will help kitchen scales. Instead, you can also use a measuring cup with special divisions for various bulk products. In the absence of a measuring container, pour the required amount of flour with the help of improvised means.

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Glass use

In order to measure flour without weights with a glass, you must:

  • Sifting flour is not required.
  • It is necessary to fill the product freely, without clapping, without shaking and not tamping.
  • Scooping flour with a glass is undesirable: it is impossible to achieve the exact amount. Pour it with a tablespoon.

Using a glass, you can measure:

  • 160 grams - a glass with a slide.
  • 140-145 grams - flour flush with the edges of the glass.
  • 100 grams - one and a half rim below the edge.
  • 190-210 grams - a tamped glass.


The amount of flour in a standard tablespoon depends on the result of scooping up the slide and can be:

  • 45 grams is a big slide.
  • 25 grams is an average slide.
  • 15 grams is a small slide.
  • 6 grams - without a slide.

A tablespoon with a medium slide is best for measuring an even amount of flour: to get 100 grams of the product, you need only 4. Measuring flour with a teaspoon is not very convenient: it is useful if you need to add a little product. Depending on the slide, a teaspoon contains from 2 to 13 grams. To get exactly 10 grams, you need to scoop up the maximum amount of flour and blow the resulting slide, making 2-3 gentle exhalations.


Pour the necessary amount of flour using an unusual method, which is considered mathematically accurate. This will require:

  • Draw a 20x10 cm rectangle on a piece of paper.
  • Measure on large sides 2 cm and draw a line so that you get 2 rectangles 10x2 and 10x18 cm in size.
  • Pour a kilogram of flour onto a sheet, trying to get it inside a large rectangle.
  • Spread the flour evenly within the rectangle.
  • Separate the portion of the flour that occupies the smaller rectangle. The weight of the separated part will be 100 grams

This method is accurate, but it is considered difficult and inconvenient: the flour crumbles outside the sheet, and it is tiresome to collect the excess product in a bag or jar. Therefore, to measure the flour, it is recommended to use a glass or spoon or purchase a measuring container.