Recipe for whole apple jam for the winter. A real sweet delicacy: transparent jam from paradise apples with ponytails

22.08.2019 The drinks

Ingredients for making apple jam:

  • Apples (small ranetki varieties "Uralka") - 1 kg,
  • Sugar - 800 grams,
  • Water - 100 ml

How to make jam from whole apples? A step-by-step recipe is given below.

Select small ruletki or apples, in my case these are Uralka apples, by autumn they will fully ripen and become very sweet, so I reduced the amount of sugar from 1 kilogram to 800 grams. Do not remove the stalks, they will give even more sophistication to your jam.

  Pour the selected and washed apples with granulated sugar (400 grams), pour in water and close the container with a lid, gently shake or simply mix with a wooden spoon. Leave the apples in sugar for 5 to 6 hours.

  After 6 hours, the sugar will completely dissolve, and the apples will already begin to be saturated with syrup.

  Put the pan on a small fire and cook the apples in syrup until boiling, boil for 8 - 10 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and leave to insist, or you can even say saturate with syrup for at least 10 hours.

  After pouring the rest of the granulated sugar, mix and put again on a slow fire, cook until boiling. After boiling, cook for 15 to 20 minutes over the smallest fire.

  Ready apples will become soft, some may burst, but most will retain their shape.

  Arrange the jam in clean, sterilized jars and roll it up with clean lids. Leave the cans to cool completely in the room, and then store them in a cool room. We hope you get the perfect jam from whole apples. A step-by-step recipe with pictures for every housewife will come in handy.

Do not be afraid to try new recipes, create, go for it and you will succeed!
  Enjoy your meal!

Apple jam is one of the most popular jam. It has a pleasant apple flavor; the apples themselves become transparent during cooking and acquire an amber color. In this jam, you can add various spices, for example, cinnamon, cloves, saffron or ginger. It also turns out to be a delicious combination of apples with oranges and lemon or with their zest. Today I will write immediately 7 recipes for various jam from apples. And you write in the comments which recipe you liked the most.

Do you know the difference between jam, jam and jam? The jam should have whole slices of fruit or whole berries in a clear syrup. Therefore, jam is not cooked for long, often in several stages, in order to maintain shape. Jam is also cooked from pieces, but they are not preserved whole. That is, small pieces of fruit will be found in the jam. And the jam is made from fruit puree. It should be uniform and dense.

In this article I will write how to cook jam from apples so that whole slices remain in it. I’ll also tell you the secrets of making thick apple jam.

Apple jam cannot be boiled in an enamel bowl, because the jam will stick and burn. Also, from any jam, you must definitely remove the foam during cooking. If this is not done, the jam may ferment during storage.

Apple jam should be poured hot into sterilized jars. Cans can be sterilized over steam. For example, type in a wide pot of water, place a grate on it. Put clean cans on the wire rack, washed with a new sponge with soda, upside down. Steam the cans for 15 minutes until the glass is clear. Also, banks can be sterilized in the oven for 15 minutes at a temperature of 140-150 degrees. But you need to put the cans in a cold oven so that they do not burst. The lids need to be boiled for 5 minutes.

For conservation, banks that are no more than 5 years old are suitable. Year of release, look at the bottom of the can.

With jam segments you need to tinker more than with jam. It is due to the fact that a lot of time will be spent on slicing fruits. But in the jam, where whole pieces were preserved, there will be more useful substances that were in fresh fruits. In a good apple jam, slices of fruit and syrup should be transparent, beautiful amber color. In addition to refreshments for tea, such a treat can be used as a filling for pies and other pastries.

Ingredients (net weight):

  • pumpkin - 500 gr.
  • apples - 500 gr.
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • citric acid - 0.5 tsp or lemon juice - 1 tbsp. (for soaking)

Cooking method:

1. Make acidic water by dissolving in a liter of water half a teaspoon of citric acid. Acid can be replaced with natural lemon juice. Cut washed apples into cubes or straws and put in prepared acidic water. Thus, the fruit will not darken and the jam will be a beautiful color.

2. Cut the pumpkin into a cube. Drain the apples and add the fruit to the pumpkin. Sprinkle with sugar, mix and leave for 1-2 hours to make juice.

3.Now you can start cooking jam. Put it on the stove, bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Set aside the jam from the fire and let it brew for several hours, maybe a day. The next day, put the jam to cook a second time. After boiling, cook again for 20 minutes and immediately put it in hot form on sterilized jars and roll it up.

Such jam can be closed with nylon covers. In this case, it can be stored for no more than 2 months.

4. Wrap jam with a blanket is not necessary, just let it cool at room temperature. It turns out delicious and bright!

Transparent Whole Apple Jam

Before that, I wrote recipes for apple jam with slices. But you can make jam from whole apples. In this case, use not paradise (small) apples, but ordinary ones. This jam will look unusual on a plate. Although the apples will be whole, they will be soft. Therefore, eating them is not difficult. Of course, this jam is not suitable for filling in baked goods, but tea will be just right.

In the same way, you can cook jam by cutting apples into slices.


  • green apples - 2 kg
  • sugar - 2 kg

How to cook apple jam:

1. Apples take solid, but ripe. Wash them and core. It is convenient to use a special kitchen device for apples. Put the apples in a pan and sprinkle them with sugar. Leave it as such overnight or for 12 hours, so that the apples let juice.

2. If apples are not juicy and juice is not enough for 12 hours, add 100 ml of water so that apples do not burn during cooking.

3. Put jam to simmer on low heat. Gradually the sugar will dissolve, apples will give even more juice. Bring the syrup to a boil and turn off the heat. All the time while the jam is boiling, periodically turn the apples over. The side that will be in syrup will cook faster. Therefore, the fruit must be turned over. When heated, the apples will change color, become golden.

4. After boiling, cover the jam with a plate and put oppression, weighing about 1-1.5 kg. Oppression is needed so that all apples are immersed in syrup, and not float on top. Now put the pan off the heat and let the jam cool completely.

5.Put the apples to boil a second time. Likewise, bring the syrup to a boil over low heat. Remove the foam. Boil for 2-3 minutes and remove from heat. Put oppression and let it cool again.

6. For the third time, cook the jam after boiling for 10-12 minutes. In hot form, lay in sterile jars, pouring apples in syrup. Roll up the lids and allow the preservation to cool. It turns out a very beautiful and delicious apple jam. The syrup will be thick enough, so you do not need to cook jam for too long, boiling it.

Jam with apples and oranges

This is a delicious jam, uniform in structure, with the aroma of an orange. For him, it is necessary to take only green sour apples, such as a seed.

Ingredients (fruit weight unpeeled):

  • semerenko apples - 1 kg
  • oranges - 1 kg
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.
  • sugar - 800 gr.
  • cinnamon stick - 1 pc.

Jam from apples and oranges - how to cook:

1.Wash apples, peel, cut into 4 parts, cut the core. Cut apples into random medium slices. Slicing does not matter, as the jam will be chopped a little later.

2. Wash the lemon and one orange well with a brush. From an orange and half a lemon, grate the zest on a fine grater. It is important to wash only the top bright layer, not reaching the white layer of fruit (the white part of the peel will be bitter). Squeeze juice out of half a lemon into apples and mix. Sour juice will help maintain color. Lemon seeds should not fall into the jam.

3. In the zest of lemon and orange, you can optionally add 1 teaspoon of Imereti saffron, if any. Saffron will add color brightness to the jam, but you can do without it. Pour the zest to the apples.

4. Peel all oranges, removing all white residues. Cut the pulp into pieces and put in apples. Sprinkle everything with sugar and mix. Leave the fruit in sugar for a few hours to let the juice flow. When the juice appears, you can start cooking jam.

5. Bring the jam to a boil and cook for 3-4 minutes, stirring occasionally. Turn off the heat and leave to cool completely. Next, put the jam for the second time. Bring to a boil again and boil for 3 minutes. Allow to cool.

6. Grind the cooled jam with a blender. It is acceptable that small pieces of fruit remain in the jam. Put the jam to cook already chopped. Add the cinnamon stick in the puree, which will give a special aroma. Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat, stirring, simmer for another 5 minutes. Take out the cinnamon stick, it has already given off its smell.

7.Pour hot jam into sterilized jars and roll up. Such a treat will smell deliciously like orange and cinnamon. Enjoy your tea party!

Microwave Apple Ginger Jam - A Simple Recipe

Ginger is added to this jam, which makes the taste of the usual jam is not quite ordinary. This jam is cooked in the microwave.


  • apples - 500 gr.
  • sugar - 500 gr.
  • fresh ginger root - 20 gr.
  • cinnamon - 10 gr.
  • citric acid - 3 gr.

How to cook apple jam with ginger:

1.Wash and peel the apples. In this recipe, the peel is not used, you can cook compote from it. Cut the apples into small cubes or thin slices. Weigh in the sliced \u200b\u200bform and take the same amount of sugar.

2. Peel and chop the ginger finely and finely. You can first cut the peeler into thin slices, and then chop them even more.

3. Add ginger to apples, sprinkle everything with sugar and mix.

4. Put the apples in sugar in the microwave for 9 minutes. Power set 700 watts. You do not need to set the maximum power so that the jam does not boil too much and does not spatter. Remove the jam after the allotted time. Sugar should dissolve, and apples will float in syrup.

5. Add cinnamon to the jam, mix. And put in the microwave for another 9 minutes. Add citric acid to the prepared jam, stir, put in the microwave for another 30 seconds. After this, jam should be poured into sterilized jars and rolled up. That's all.

Different varieties of apples can cook at different times. Look at your apples - they should become transparent.

Thick apple jam - cooking secrets

There are some mistakes that mistresses make in making jam. Due to these errors, the jam may burn, it may not be thick enough. I’ll tell you how to cook tasty and thick jam from apples.

For jam, it is important to choose the right apples. Take acidic varieties (they have more pectin, which means that the jam thickens faster) - Antonovka, Semerenko, Granny Smith, Gloucester. If there are only sweet apples, you will need to add something with a lot of pectin - quince, peaches, plums, citrus zest, pumpkin.


  • green sour apples - 2 kg
  • sugar - 1.2 kg
  • water - 300 ml
  • lemon juice - 4 tablespoons

Cooking method:

1.Wash and peel the apples. Do not throw away skins, they will still come in handy. It is in the peel that there are twice as much pectin as in the pulp of an apple. Therefore, these cleanings will be boiled with jam so that it thickens faster. Put the skins in gauze and tie in a knot, leave the long tails of gauze. For these ends, then remove the peel from the pan.

2. Cut the peeled apples into 4 parts and cut the core. Weigh the apples in peeled form. For 1 kg of peeled apples, take 150 ml of water. Pour water into a stainless steel pan. Put apple peelings in the bottom of the water, pour the quarters of apples on top.

3.Put a pot over high heat and bring to a boil under a closed lid. After boiling make medium heat and cook apples for 15-20 minutes.

Do not fill the pan more than 3/4. Otherwise, the foam will climb out through the top.

4. Check the apples with a skewer - they should be soft. If so, remove the cheesecloth with cleanings and wring out its pan. No more skins needed. Cooked apples need to be mashed. First, throw them on a sieve so that the glass is excess liquid. It does not need to be added to the jam. Next, grind the apple slices through a sieve or use a hand blender.

5. In the applesauce you need to add sugar and lemon juice. For an ideal jam, 600 grams of sugar per 1 kg of peeled apples is taken. Such an amount will help the jam to stand for a long time and not to ferment, but at the same time, the jam will not be cloying. Lemon juice will prevent apples from becoming too dark. Stir the mashed potatoes with sugar and juice.

6.To make jam thick, it can be boiled over low heat. But this will take a very long time. To reduce the time by three, it is necessary to bake jam! To do this, preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Pour applesauce with sugar on a baking sheet and smooth the layer. The layer thickness should be no more than 3 cm. The thinner - the faster the liquid evaporates. You do not need to cover and grease a baking sheet.

7.When you put the jam in an oven preheated to 200 degrees, reduce the heat to 150 degrees and bake it for 1 hour. In the meantime, sterilize the jars and lids.

8. Check the readiness of jam. It should decrease in volume by about half. Put some jam on a saucer and turn it over. If it does not fall (how), then it is ready.

9. Hot jam should be quickly laid out in hot sterilized jars. Banks are sterilized over steam for about 15 minutes, until transparent. Therefore, 15 minutes before the jam is ready, put the jars on sterilization, 5 minutes before the readiness - boil the lids. Jam needs to be put on the “marusin girdle” - this is the place of the can where it begins to narrow (shoulders).

Do not forget to rinse the ladle in boiling water with which you will pour the jam.

10.To preserve the jam, pour sugar on top. The sugar layer should be about 5-10 mm. This is the so-called sugar lock or sugar cork. Condensation from the lid will not fall on the jam, but on sugar. And immediately roll up the hot lid, which you need to get out of boiling water and shake off all the water. Turn the jar over and check that the lid is seated tightly and that there are no leaks.

11. On this jam is ready. After cooling, remove it to a dark, dry place where it can be stored for up to 3 years. When the jam stands a little, it will become even thicker, almost like marmalade. Use it as a filling for bagels, pies and just for tea.

I think from these 7 recipes you can choose a recipe that will become a favorite in your family. See recipes for other jams.

Step-by-step recipes of paradise apple jam with ponytails: transparent, with citruses, nuts

2018-06-10 Marina Vykhodtseva





In 100 grams of the finished dish

0 gr

0 gr


   38 gr

153 kcal.

Option 1: A quick recipe for transparent jam from paradise apples with ponytails

A fairly quick transparent jam formulation with citric acid. Paradise apples do not need to stand for a long time with sugar, they are boiled in syrup in two doses, but it is important to do this on low heat.


  • 1.2 kg of paradise apples;
  • kilogram of sugar;
  • 0.4 l of water;
  • 0.5 tsp lemons;
  • cinnamon (1 stick).

How to quickly make clear paradise jam

Immediately put the syrup on the stove to cook. We mix sugar with water and begin to heat over a small fire. At the same time, we carefully wash the apples under running water, cut the tails, leaving a twig no more than two centimeters.

So that the apple does not burst, it must be chopped. We do this with all the ranets. Pour into boiled syrup. We make the maximum fire and quickly bring to a boil. We collect the foam, turn off the jam in a minute. Cooling down.

After complete cooling, put the jam on the stove again, add citric acid and a stick of cinnamon. Quickly bring to a boil, then reduce the fire to a minimum. We warm up for about half an hour, but no longer let it simmer.

We lay out the transparent jam with apples of paradise in sterile jars, roll up, after cooling, you can lower it to the basement or put it in a cool pantry.

When cooking syrup, it is important not to rush so that all the sugar is dissolved before boiling. You also need to stir it regularly from the bottom and around the edges so that small particles do not burn out, otherwise the jam will have a dark color.

Option 2: Classic Paradise Apple Jam with Ponytails (Transparent)

From a whole runet is not quite a simple jam. It is very beautiful, fragrant and looks really impressive if you leave tails. Here is one of the most popular recipes. Miniature apples in a clear syrup will be perfectly preserved not only until the next harvest and are ready to cheer up at any time. Additionally, for this jam you will need granulated sugar.


  • 2 kg of ranetki;
  • 0.4 l of water;
  • 1.5 kg of sugar.

Step-by-step recipe for a classic transparent jam with apples

As in the case of cooking any other jam, we begin with the preparation of the main ingredient. Thoroughly rinse paradise apples, rinse out all inaccessible places. Then we take the scissors and shorten the tail by a third or half, completely do not need to tear off the twig. After that, we pierce each apple with a thick needle. Someone does this in one place, sometimes they pierce several holes. In any case, it is important to do so that the skin does not burst and the juice comes out.

Now you can start cooking syrup. Combine sugar with clean water, send to heat. After boiling, boil for a minute. Pour paradise apples, put oppression so that they are completely immersed in liquid. If this did not happen immediately, then juice will appear very soon, everything will drown. Cool, leave for a day in a cool place.

Now we put the apples on the plate, we remove the oppression. Bring the future jam to a boil. Turn off immediately. We remove the foam. You do not need to cook anything, otherwise a transparent syrup will not work. Cool for five hours, you can hold longer. Repeat this three times. If the apples are not very small, there are different varieties, then bring to a boil four times.

We do control boiling, lay the workpiece in sterile jars. Roll up immediately and put on the lid until it cools completely.

In the recesses of the apples accumulates a lot of dust and dirt, which is convenient to clean with a small brush. It is important to thoroughly rinse these places so that the paradise jam does not turn sour.

Option 3: Jam from paradise apples with ponytails (transparent with lemon)

Apples (and not only) are often combined with lemon in jam. Citrus gives a very pleasant aroma, and is often added in a minimal amount. For 2 kg of paradise apples, one small lemon is enough. Another simple recipe for treats in clear syrup.


  • 2 kg of paradise apples;
  • 1.3 kg of sugar;
  • 500 ml of water;
  • 1 lemon.

How to cook

Rinse apples and prick with a toothpick or needle. In general, metal objects are not advised to do this, but many housewives even use a plug and see nothing wrong with that. Ponytails are shortened to two centimeters so that they look beautiful in jam. Put the apples in a bowl.

We boil water or take boiling water from a teapot, measure out the prescription amount. Pour apples on top, cover, leave for half an hour. Then pour the liquid into the pan.

Add sugar, let the syrup boil and pour previously blanched apples. Leave for ten hours or overnight. Then we express the syrup again into the pan, add the chopped zest, squeeze the lemon juice. Bring to a boil again.

Add paradise apples to the syrup with lemon, with a weak (barely noticeable) boil, cook for 20 minutes. After that, we pack the delicacy in jars and send it for storage. We use sterile dishes and processed lids.

With orange, paradise jam is also excellent. It is important to remove seeds from citrus fruits, otherwise bitterness will come out during the process of cooking and storage in the jam, the taste of goodies will upset.

Option 4: Jam from paradise apples with ponytails (transparent with nuts)

Another recipe with lemon, but the highlight of this jam will be the kernels of walnut (walnut). It turns out really heavenly or even royal treat. It is advisable to use pieces of walnuts, not dust.


  • 1 kg of runet;
  • 200 g of nuts;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • 0.5 lemons;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • cinnamon optionally.

Step by Step Recipe

Scalp citrus, remove zest, chop finely, squeeze juice out of half. Add sugar and water here. We put on the fire and start to melt. Bring the syrup to a boil.

We prepare apples in the usual way. Be sure to prick. We fall asleep in boiling syrup. Let it boil and turn it off immediately. We insist ten hours. Then add the kernels of nuts and again let it boil and immediately turn it off. After complete cooling, repeat this heating two more times.

After bringing paradise jam with nuts to a boil for the last time, immediately put it in sterile jars, seal, put on the lid and leave to cool completely.

Jam from paradise apples is easy to cook in a slow cooker, the appliance is adapted for this, and a bowl with a coating will not allow the treat to burn.

Option 5: Paradise Apple Jam with Ponytails (transparent in the oven)

This jam is not quite ordinary, as it is cooked in the oven. The result is a honey treat with an amazing aroma and taste. To languish, you need a clay pot or other similar utensils with a lid, you can use heat-resistant glass. If desired, add cinnamon or zest for the flavor, but even without them you will get a very aromatic jam with syrup, which is really very similar to honey.


  • 400 grams of sugar;
  • 1.2 kg of runet;
  • 0.5 tbsp. drinking water.

How to cook

We wash the paradise apples, cut the ponytails so that they are not so long, do not get confused with each other. We make one puncture in each apple. You can immediately put it in a pot.

Cook sugar and water syrup. You can squeeze a lemon into it or add dry acid if the apples are sweet and have no pronounced taste. Pour the ranetki in a pot, put in the oven, heat to 170 degrees.

As soon as the temperature reaches, immediately reduce to 80-100 degrees and leave the jam to simmer for 4 hours. Previously kept all night in a Russian oven. After that, we get a pot of honey treats, put it in dry and sterile jars, roll it up.

All recipes of paradise jam indicate that the tails are left, you just need to cut them. In fact, a complete removal is allowed, this will not affect the taste of goodies. But it is with the tails that the original and unusual jam is obtained, in addition, such marmalade apples will be a wonderful decoration for desserts, with twigs they look very cute.

Option 6. Classic recipe for paradise apple jam

Jam from paradise apples is an amazing sweet treat that can be served as a dessert in the afternoon or on the festive table. Making it, although it requires a lot of effort, the result is worth it - unforgettably tasty, fragrant, with a beautiful color and texture of jam. There are many dessert recipes, but the most common is the classic version, where apples in sugar syrup are cooked whole.


  • 20 medium paradise apples;
  • sugar - 1.3 kg;
  • filtered water - 400 ml.

Step by step recipe

Apples are sorted, washed, with the help of a toothpick make several punctures on their surface.

Syrup is prepared: sugar is poured into a saucepan, water is poured, placed on a stove with medium heat, brought to a boil, stirring constantly. The syrup is removed from the stove, cooled.

Prepared syrup pour the prepared apples, leave at room temperature for 24 hours.

The liquid released from apples is poured into a deep container, again placed on a stove with medium heat, allowed to boil and poured hot into apples again, left to stand for another 1 day.

After another day of infusion, put the contents of the container on the stove and cook the jam until the fruit softens.

When the jam is slightly thickened, check for readiness in this way: half a tablespoon of jam is poured onto a flat plate, slightly tilted, if not spreading, then it’s ready, if necessary, a few more minutes are cooked.

Ready jam, completely cooled, laid out in sterilized jars and stored in the cellar or in any cool room.

Optionally, apples can be cut out and apples can be cooked directly with it and its tail, and then used as decoration for cakes or pastries.

Option 7. A quick recipe for paradise apple jam with lemon

The following recipe does not provide for a long infusion of fruit in syrup, it is enough to withstand several hours, which speeds up the cooking process, but at the same time does not affect the taste negatively.


  • 35 paradise ranetki;
  • sugar - a little more than 1.5 kilograms;
  • 610 ml of water passed through a filter;
  • 1 lemon.

How to make paradise apple jam

Small apples are sorted, washed, pierced with a toothpick.

Scalp the fruit with hot water, allow to cool on a paper towel.

Pour sugar into a saucepan, combine with water and bring to a slightly thick consistency over a quiet fire, stirring constantly.

The syrup is slightly cooled and immersed in it, the ranetki are allowed to soak for 4 hours.

A bowl with apples and syrup is placed on the stove, setting medium heat, boil after boiling for 5 minutes.

Leave the jam on the table for a few more hours.

Boil another 5 minutes.

The jam is removed from the heat, the juice of the lemon is poured, it is allowed to cool slightly and laid out on the banks, rolled up with metal lids.

During the insisting of apples and boiling, do not interfere with the jam, just shake the container slightly. Instead of lemon juice, it is permissible to add citric acid, then insist dessert will need 1 day.

Option 8. Paradise apple jam with walnuts and cinnamon

The original version of the dessert. It differs from the rest in unsurpassed aroma and unusual consistency.


  • a little more than one kilogram of paradise ranetki;
  • 900 g of sugar;
  • 4 handfuls of peeled walnuts;
  • 45 g ground cinnamon;
  • 1 lemon;
  • water - 255 ml.

Step by step recipe

Peel the lemon peel, grind in a blender, squeeze the juice from the pulp.

In a pan, sugar is mixed with water and lemon juice, zest, boil over low heat after boiling for 3 minutes.

They wash apples of paradise, cut out the core, cut into slices and put in syrup along with chopped nuts and cinnamon in a blender, mix thoroughly.

Boil the jam on a quiet fire for 15 minutes.

Remove from heat, insist a little and again send to the stove, boil the same time.

The same procedure is repeated one more time and spread the jam on the jars in hot form.

Equally interesting and unusual is the jam with almond kernels.

Option 9. Amber jam from paradise apples

According to the ingredients included in the composition, the next version of jam from paradise apples is similar to the classic recipe, but in the method of preparation it differs slightly from it in that the apples are blanched before cooking and then insisted in cold water for 1 day.


  • 1.5 kg of paradise apples;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • 250 ml of purified water through a filter.

How to cook

In washed, dried apples, a core is cut out, they are pricked in several places with a wooden stick.

Pour apples with hot water, hold for 3 minutes.

Apples are removed using a slotted spoon from water, lowered into another container with cold water and kept for 1 day.

After a day, syrup based on sugar and water is boiled.

The apples are immersed in slightly cooled syrup, allowed to cool completely and again put on the stove, cook for 15 minutes.

The jam is slightly cooled and laid out in a sterilized container, used as a dessert for tea or as an impregnation and decoration of various cakes.

According to this recipe, the jam will be even tastier if you take freshly squeezed or store apple juice instead of water.

Option 10. Paradise apple jam in the oven

Jam cooked in the oven turns out to be especially tasty, insistent. The undoubted advantage of this recipe is that the apples after the heat treatment remain intact, without the slightest damage, because during the cooking process there is no need to interfere with the jam. The composition also has walnuts and lemon, which make it very fragrant and unusual in taste.


  • 30 small paradise apples;
  • half a kilogram of sugar;
  • 250 ml of purified water;
  • 60 g of walnuts;
  • 1 lemon.

Step by step recipe

They wash the apples, pierce with a stick in several places, chop the nuts with a rolling pin, and release the lemon from the peel.

Combine water with sugar and boil the syrup in a small flame of fire.

Pre-heat the oven up to 250 degrees.

Syrup is poured into a deep container, apples, nuts are laid, lemon juice is poured, boiled in a hot oven for 12 minutes.

The jam is transferred to the pots and, having adjusted the temperature to 100 degrees, boil for 3 hours.

Open the oven, check the readiness: if the consistency of jam is like thick honey, then it is ready.

Be sure to place the apples in the syrup in a red-hot oven, otherwise, until it warms up, they will be filled with syrup, and their finished texture will not be so thick.

Option 11. Royal jam from paradise apples

And this option of jam from paradise apples is the longest and most laborious. But it turns out so delicious and beautiful that it is definitely worth cooking. Any housewife will cope with the task, strictly following the specified technology and standards.


  • 3 kg of paradise ranetki;
  • 250 ml of freshly squeezed apple juice;
  • 250 ml of freshly squeezed orange juice;
  • cranberry juice - 250 ml;
  • sugar - 2.5 kg.

How to cook

The washed apples are pierced with a stick and immediately crushed in sugar, kept on a sheet to dry.

A clean frying sheet is covered with foil and apples are placed on it, sent to a red-hot oven, kept for about half an hour.

Apple, orange, cranberry juices are poured into a saucepan, placed on a stove with a medium flame of fire, brought to a boil.

Slowly pour sugar (leave a little to roll apples), mix thoroughly and bring to a boil again.

Caramelized apples are immersed in fruit and berry syrup, boil over the same fire for half an hour.

The apples are removed from the syrup, rolled in sugar and placed in the oven for another 15 minutes.

Once again immersed in syrup, boil 10 minutes.

They are laid out in jars and rolled up, stored in a cellar or a cool place.

You can replace cranberry juice with any other berry drink.

Everyone knows that fruits contain a lot of vitamins and are good for eating. Apples can be attributed to one of the most healthy fruits. They contain iron, phosphorus, iodine, calcium and many other useful substances. There are several ways to preserve fruit for the winter. You can cook stewed fruit, grind with sugar, freeze in the freezer, and you can also cook jam. The jam prepared on a season will provide all family with necessary vitamins throughout the year.

Transparent apple jam

You can take any apples, the variety does not matter.

Essential Ingredients:

  • Apples - two kilograms.
  • Sugar - three kilograms.

Cooking transparent jam

Rinse each apple well under the tap. Drain water. Cut the cores, put in a large bowl and cover with sugar. Jam from whole apples will become transparent if you leave them with sugar for eleven to twelve hours. Apples will start juice, sugar will melt and syrup will form. Put a bowl of apples in syrup on a fire. Boil on the smallest fire until boiling.

Boil for ten minutes and turn it off, allow to cool and turn on the fire again. Repeat this process three to four times. This is one of the secrets of making transparent jam from whole apples. After the last boiling, put the prepared jam in previously washed and sterilized, and most importantly, dry jars and roll up the lids. The clear jam made from whole apples prepared in this way is similar to honey. It is very tasty and healthy.

Whole Apple Jam

Making whole apple preserves is one of the common ways to preserve fresh fruit. It is in this recipe for whole Chinese cooked jam that preserves the largest amount of vitamins. In winter, eating fruit is most necessary. And the shortage of vitamins prepared in the fall will help to fill the lack of vitamins. Cooked transparent jam from whole apples, as well as from raspberries, has healing properties.

What products will be needed:

  • Sugar - two kilograms.
  • Apples - one and a half kilograms.
  • Water - two glasses.

Cooking Jam

To make jam, you must choose Kitayka apples. They should be small and possibly about the same size. Rinse the fruits under the tap, let them dry. Poke all the apples in several places. Now you need to boil the syrup. Pour sugar into a saucepan of the appropriate size, pour water and stir.

Put it on fire and bring to a boil. Then put all the apples in the syrup. Boil apples in syrup for no more than ten minutes and remove from heat. When the pan cools down, cover it with a lid or plate and put any load on top. Apples should be completely immersed in syrup. Leave the pan with the load for nine to ten hours. After the necessary time has passed, return the pan to the fire and cook for another twenty minutes from the moment of boiling.

Then remove from heat, cool, cover and press down with weight. Repeat this procedure three times. Apples should acquire a brown tint and turn transparent, and the syrup should become like jelly. Jam from the whole Chinese apple cooked, ready. In hot form, immediately distribute it on previously prepared cans and tighten the lids. Allow the banks to cool and place them in a place where there is no access to light.

Paradise Jam

Apple jam is the most common homemade treat. For the preparation, neither the variety, nor the size, nor the color matters, all fruits are suitable. Among all this diversity in a special place is jam from small apples. Despite their size, such apples contain vitamins and minerals in much larger quantities than large varieties. In addition, jam from such small apples with ponytails looks very beautiful and unusual.

The right ingredients:

  • Apples - two and a half kilograms.
  • Cinnamon - two sticks.
  • Water - one and a half glasses.
  • Sugar - two and a half kilograms.

Making Apple Jam

Select apples, spoiled and rotten fruits set aside. Wash all the rest well, tails need not be torn off. All apples must be punctured several times. Next, you need to take a voluminous pan, pour water into it, pour out sugar, stir well and put on fire. When the syrup boils, turn off the heat and put all the prepared apples in it. In order for the fruit to start juice, it is necessary to leave them in syrup for five hours.

After the apples give juice and soaked in syrup, turn on the heat again and cook for ten minutes. Then turn off the fire again and wait for it to cool completely. Then put cinnamon in the pan and light a fire. Bring to a boil and cook for ten minutes. Thanks to this cooking method, a clear jam is made from whole apples. Repeat the process one more time, fill the previously prepared jars with jam and roll up the lids. Tasty, delicate, slightly tart, aromatic jam from small apples with ponytails is ready.

Transparent Apple Jam with Orange

Transparent apple jam with the addition of orange peel has an unusual taste and aroma, as well as its amber-golden color.

To prepare, you will need:

  • Apples - two kilograms.
  • Oranges - four pieces.
  • Brown sugar - one kilogram.
  • Water - five hundred milliliters.

Making jam

Apples for transparent jam should be selected small, as they will be cooked whole. The fruits must be whole. Rinse the apples well, put them on a towel and let them dry. Pierce the skin three to four times in different places and put in a large pan. Separately, in another bowl, you need to prepare the syrup. To do this, pour sugar into it, add water, stir and put the pan on the fire. When the syrup boils, you need to lower into it the chopped zest of oranges.

Pour the hot syrup with zest into a pan with apples and let it brew for about fifteen hours. Then put the pot on the fire. How much to cook clear jam from whole apples is indicated in the recipe. From the moment of boiling, the fruits need to be boiled for ten minutes and removed from the heat. Leave to cool completely. Repeat this procedure twice more. Before filling cans with prescription jam from whole apples, remove the zest of orange from it. Close the banks with lids, cover with a blanket and leave for a day. Then you can shift to another place.

Apple jam with orange, cloves and cinnamon

Essential Ingredients:

  • Sugar - one and a half kilograms.
  • Apples - one and a half kilograms.
  • Cinnamon - two sticks.
  • Orange zest - one hundred grams.
  • Carnation - eight flowers.

Making jam

It is advisable to choose small apples for jam. Wash well, leave to dry. Put in a deep pan with a thick bottom and sprinkle with sugar. Apples must let the juice go, so the pan must be closed with a lid and set aside for one hour. When the sugar has completely melted, put the pan on the smallest fire. As soon as the apples boil, immediately remove from heat. The jam cools for five hours. Put the pan on the fire again and pour the grated orange zest, cloves and cinnamon to the apples. As soon as the jam boils, turn off the heat. After cooling, boil one more time, remove the cinnamon and cloves. In the hot state, fill the prepared jars and close the lids. Delicious transparent apple jam with oranges and cloves is ready.

Fruits and berries


Whole Apple Jam  will appeal to both adults and children. It turns out very tasty, and apples take a consistency very similar to jelly or marmalade. Especially fragrant and original in taste, your jam will turn out if you find apples of certain varieties. Chinese apples or cinnamon apples are best suited for such a treat.  They differ in rich red color, and also have a subtle, barely perceptible cinnamon aroma. Using such fruits when cooking jam, you will receive a truly delicious treat, from which it will be impossible to tear yourself away!

You can cook such jam in a slow cooker or in a pan. In this case, the stem is not necessary to tear off, as it adds a twist to this delicacy.  Close the whole apples with a tail for the winter, and when you want to feast on such a treat, you will not regret that you left the stalk. It is also not necessary to cut the core, as apple seeds during cooking provide the fruit with a special aroma and give them piquancy.

Transparent apples as a whole look very appetizing in jam.   You can use its liquid part to prepare delicious desserts, and the marmalade fruits themselves - as a decoration for your baking, or you can even serve them to the table as an independent treat.

When choosing apples for making jam, carefully inspect the fruits. In order to make them look appetizing in refreshments, they should in no case be defective, black dots, rotting zones and wormholes. An apple should be resilient on all sides, and its peel should have a rich red-green or red-yellow color.