How to cook okra. Okra - useful properties and recipes

22.08.2019 Dishes for children

The stem of the acre is thick, covered with hard sparse villi, woody. It has a branch at the basal part, can have from 3 to seven stems. The leaves are painted in dark or light green color, grow on long petioles, five or seven lobed, rather large, pubescent. It has large flowers that are located singly, the color is yellow-cream.

Pyramidal fruits, multi-seeded capsules, similar in appearance to pepper pods, covered with hairs on top, can grow up to 25 cm.

Plant biology

Okra grows in tropical Africa, in vivo it can be found on the Antilles. It is widely used in Africa, Asia, Southern Europe, as well as in America. It prefers moist, well-drained soils, it requires a lot of heat. It does not tolerate temperature drops. The optimum temperature for growing 25 ... 35 ° C. Harvesting is carried out repeatedly, after 3 ... 5 days, picking young green fruits. The varieties "Dwarf green", "Green velvet", "White velvet" are widely known.

Okra, okra, okra, gombo, ladies' fingers - these wonderful plants are known under such names in different parts of our planet. The popularity of okra in Russia is growing every year, as evidenced by its presence in an increasing number of suburban areas.

Chemical composition

Okra fruits contain many beneficial substances. It contains many vitamins and minerals. By the content of vitamin C, the fruits of this plant approach citrus fruits. Okra seeds contain up to 20% oil, which in its composition is similar to olive. In the pods there are many mucous substances, plant proteins, organic acids, carbohydrates, various mineral salts and vitamins.

Okra contains:

  • vegetable protein, which is important for vegetarian nutrition;
  • vitamins A and C, vitamins of group B;
  • mineral salts of potassium and magnesium;
  • copper, zinc, iron, vanadium;
  • mucous substances;
  • cellulose.

Okra is a godsend for those suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Mucous substances protect the stomach from irritation with ulcers and gastritis. Plant fibers are useful for normalizing digestion.

Dishes with okra are a good prevention of atherosclerosis and vascular strengthening.

Okra is a godsend for those who are on a diet. It is a low-calorie product, not more than 40 calories per 100g.

In the homeland, okra has long been used as a means of combating lung diseases, tonsillitis and colds, making decoctions and infusions from plant boxes.

Due to the large number of mucous substances, acre fruits are used for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is proved that eating food prepared from this plant helps to restore strength after illness and intense physical labor. Also, the fruits of acres have a beneficial effect on sexual potency. Dishes or decoction of frozen or fresh fruits are used to treat pulmonary diseases.

In the Balkans, okra (aka okra) is considered a strong aphrodisiac!
   When you buy it in the market, you will hear some serious and comic comments and advice on how to “apply” it to your husband in order to act better ...)))

Plant application

Acre fruits are widely used in the preparation of various dishes. To their taste, the pods resemble asparagus and eggplant. It is not recommended to store fruits for a long time, as they become strongly fibrous. Soups and salads are prepared from the fruits, they are dried, canned and frozen. It is served as a side dish for a variety of meat and fish dishes. It is combined with garlic, tomatoes, capsicum and other vegetables and spices. From ripened dried seeds, a drink is made that resembles coffee to its taste.

Okra in the USA

In the South and Midwest of the United States, okru are often baked in an egg, cornmeal and deep-fried or just in a pan. In Louisiana, okra is the most important ingredient in jambalaya, the super-popular rice dish of Kajun cuisine. In the southern states of the USA and in the Caribbean islands with okra, a rich gambo soup-stew is being prepared, and the sea is the choice for its preparation.

Young pickled okra rolled up in jars is very popular - it tastes somewhat like pickled gherkins.

Not only the fruits of okra are involved. Okra leaves are prepared like the tops of young beets, or served fresh in a green salad.

During the American Civil War, okra was even used as a coffee substitute. The South was then in an economic and military blockade by the North and the supply of coffee from Brazil was interrupted. From the dry overcooked seeds of okra, southerners prepared a drink reminiscent of the color and taste of coffee. Caffeine-free, of course.

Okra Worldwide

For several centuries, okra has taken a strong place in the cuisine of different nations. In Egypt, Greece, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, Yemen, okra is the most important ingredient in thick boiled and stewed dishes of meat and vegetables, such as European stews and sautés.

In Indian cuisine, okru is often added to various gravy sauces for meat and fish dishes. In Brazil, the frango com quiabo dish is very popular -

Okra (Okra) with chicken

Ingredients for Okra with Chicken
  • Okra (young, small) - 1 kg
  • Chicken (medium) - 1 kg
  • Onions - 0.5 kg
  • Tomatoes - 1 kg
  • vinegar (wine) - 1 stack.
  • olive oil - 1 stack.
  • salt (to taste)
  • black pepper (to taste)
Recipe "Okra (Okra) with Chicken"

The dish is served hot. Preferably with a piece of feta. You can also garnish with olives and colored peppers.

By the end of the 20th century, okra became very popular in Japan, where local chefs willingly add it to tempura or serve grilled okra with soy sauce.

Ocra selection and cooking

Okra is a tropical plant and grows best in warm climates. Fruits usually ripen by July - August, and nature does not give much time for harvesting - only four or five days.

It should be bought when it is young, tender and firm to the touch. Fresh fruits can be stored in a paper bag at a temperature of at least 5 degrees, otherwise the okra quickly deteriorates. Unfortunately, in a fresh - unfrozen - form, this vegetable can be stored for only two to three days.

The okra should not be too large: fruits over 12 cm are hard and tasteless. Usually this vegetable should be a juicy green color, although occasionally red varieties come across.

Okra is a rather sticky vegetable, even “sticky”. To avoid excessive “snotty” of the finished dish, it should be washed immediately before cooking, and cut into fairly large pieces.

In India, okru are stewed and baked, cooked in pots with meat, stuffed and pickled. She is an essential part of Vedic cuisine.

Here is the most simple recipe .

Okra-okra pods are washed and immediately wiped so that they are not covered with mucus. Cut, boiled in salted water for 5-8 minutes. Okra broth can be used for soups and broths.

Boiled okru is seasoned with ghee - melted butter, dill, salt, pepper.

You can still cook fried okru.

In ghee or butter, fry the spices. Their set may be different, but in the average case they take ajvayn, cloves, curry leaves, chili, turmeric, coriander, sambar masala.

Add okru chopped in slices, fry everything together, if it sticks, add a little water and cover with a lid. Frying takes a little over 5 minutes.

Salad with okra

- 0.5 kg of fresh okra pods,
   - olive oil for dressing,
   - half a lemon,
   - salt, freshly ground black pepper,
   - greens (parsley),
   - small tomatoes for decoration.

Okra pods with a soft cloth or glove to clear of pubescence, carefully cut off the sharp tip and the stalk. Dip in boiling salted water for 5-7 minutes. Fold blanched pods in a colander. After the water drains, put in a salad bowl or a deep plate. Separately squeeze the juice from half a lemon, mix it with olive oil and pour okra with this mixture. Pepper to taste, cover with chopped herbs, garnish with tomato slices.

Cabbage soup with okra and sorrel

- 200 grams of okra pods (fresh or frozen),
   - 1 bunch of sorrel,
   - 2 small potatoes,
   - 1 medium carrot,
   - green onions and herbs (to your taste),
   - 1 tbsp olive oil,
   - 1 clove of garlic,
   - 1 boiled egg per serving of cabbage soup,
   - lemon juice and sour cream (to your taste)

Throw chopped potatoes and carrots into boiling salted water (approximately 1.5 L). Okra pods cut into not very small pieces or halves. If you use frozen okra, it must first be thawed. Sorrel, green onions and herbs are finely chopped. 15 minutes after the vegetables, add all the greens, okra and olive oil. Simmer for another 5 minutes, add crushed or finely chopped garlic and lemon juice.
   When serving, add boiled egg, diced into cubes, to the cabbage soup, season the cabbage soup with sour cream.

Okra Dessert

- small okra pods,
   - refined vegetable oil,
   - sugar syrup,
   - icing sugar

Fried okra pods thoroughly washed and free from pubescence should be deep-fried using refined vegetable oil. Tilt the fried pods into a colander or net, drain excess oil. For 3-5 minutes, lower the pods in sugar syrup, dry and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Okra Chicken Breast Recipe

A dry chicken breast can be transformed using a tender or spicy okra sauce. To do this, cook the fried chicken pieces for a few minutes with one of the gravy options:

  • fry onions, carrots, peeled tomato slices, sweet pepper, add pieces of okra and cayenne pepper to taste, cook for 10-15 minutes without stirring, add finely chopped garlic 1-2 minutes before being ready;
  • stew okra until soft in white wine, adding Provencal herbs.

Okra recipe with meat in a pot

To make the dish less greasy, you do not need to fry the ingredients before laying them in a pot.

Take beef or pork, cut into small pieces.

Cut the okra into slices.

Choose a style of dressing:

  • mediterranean - tomato juice, basil, thyme, oregano, garlic;
  • eastern - soy sauce, garlic, ginger.

Lay out part of the okra at the bottom of the refractory dishes, then the meat, and the remaining vegetables upstairs. Fill one of the options for refueling and bring in the oven until ready. Loose rice is suitable for garnish.

Okra with beans

Okra, fruits: 500 grams
   Zarna young beans: 1 cup
   Butter: 2 tablespoons
   Dill, parsley
   Cucumbers, Tomatoes
   Salt to taste

Boil okra fruits in salted water. Boil grains of young beans until tender. Mix boiled vegetables, season with butter and chopped garlic, slightly diluted bean broth. When serving, garnish the dish with parsley or dill, slices of cucumbers and tomatoes.

Okra baked with egg

Okra, fruits: 750 grams
   Onions: 2 pieces
   Eggs: 3 pieces
   Milk: 0.5 cups

Peel okra fruits, boil in salted and acidified vinegar water. Drain the water. Put half of the boiled amount of vegetables on a greased baking sheet. Put rings of fried onions on top, cover it with the remaining okra fruits and pour in a mixture of beaten eggs and milk. Bake in a hot oven until golden brown. Serve sprinkled with herbs.

Okra Tortillas

Boil 300 g of okra fruits, pass through a meat grinder, add 3 tablespoons of oatmeal soaked in water, 1 egg, 1 chopped onion, salt and mix everything. From the resulting mass to form balls, which by pressure turn into cakes. Breast them in breadcrumbs and fry until light brown. Serve with sour cream to the table.

Thick okra soup

1 kg. okra, 500 grams of meat (beef or lamb), head of garlic,

3 tomatoes, 1 onion, 4 - 5 tablespoons of tomato paste,

a teaspoon of coriander, salt, seasonings for meat.

Cut the meat into pieces, pour a small amount of water and let it boil. Drain the water, rinse the meat again and again set to cook. Add the onion, black peas, salt, bay leaf to the broth and cook until the meat is ready.
   Wipe the okra with a towel to remove hairs, rinse, allow water to drain. Carefully cut the stem to prevent damage to the pod. Heat the vegetable oil well and put okra in it, fry for 5 minutes. Okra will turn bright green and dry slightly. Okra must be fried so that it releases less mucus into the soup and does not fall apart when cooking.

Strain the meat broth, put in it grated tomatoes, tomato paste, meat and okra. Grind a few cloves of garlic, put the rest whole in the broth, add coriander. Let the soup boil and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. The soup should be very thick, about like a stew. Can be served with a side dish of crisp white rice.
   4 pounds of fresh okra (1.8 kg is a lot, a big bag. You need to take a quarter of the calculation for a jar or two). It is better to choose small pods, with the little finger.
   1 pound of fresh jalapeño or serrano (sharpened) thinly sliced
   4 cups (1 L) table 6% vinegar
   4 cups of water
   1/2 cup coarse salt. Brine (vinegar-water-salt) is best done with a margin.
   10-12 large cloves, finely chopped
   a dozen or two twigs or umbrellas of dill, to your taste and size
   a quarter cup (4 tbsp) whole mustard seeds

Wash the okra pods by cutting off the ends and stems, leaving about a centimeter of the stalk so that it is convenient to eat with your hands. Pack vertically in jars. Chop the pepper and put in jars on top of the okra. Put the rest of the spices in the brine and bring to a boil, immediately pour into banks, twist.

Okra is a southern vegetable, also known as "ladies' fingers", abelmosh, okra. In appearance, its pods are similar to chili peppers. It is still a little-known culture in our country and is grown in small quantities. Therefore, many people simply do not know what okra is, how to cook it properly and what you can do with it.

This vegetable comes from Africa. Traditionally grown in the Caribbean, it is present in Creole, Kanjun, Indian cuisine.

Let it be underestimated and unknown for now, but having the opportunity to buy or grow it is definitely worth a try.

Okra has a soft and delicate taste, reminiscent of the taste of eggplant. It should be added to its low calorie content that it is a good source of vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, folic acid, and fiber.

Inside the pod there are many seeds that secrete mucous fluid. This mucus can be used as a natural thickener for sauces, soups and other dishes. Many do not like it because of the presence of this mucus. But there are many ways to avoid this and make the pods tasty and not slimy.

Okra Preparation

How slippery it is depends on this stage. Remember some basic rules.

Never wash okra before you cook it. Water will only increase the secretion of mucus.

Let the pods lie down at room temperature for a while before starting to cook.

Mucus stands out more when you cut it. Therefore, try to choose recipes with whole pods.

If you are going to cook whole, choose small pods.

When a vegetable is required for a recipe, cut it into as large pieces as possible, rather than thin slices.

You can reduce the amount of mucus in the finished dish by cutting out the stem of the pod and draining part of the mucus.

Soaking whole pods in acidified water for half an hour to an hour also reduces the amount of mucous fluid secreted.

Frozen okra can be cut without defrosting. It will also help avoid excessive mucus secretion.

You can cook okra at a very high temperature on the grill, fry in a pan, and blanch.

How to cook okra

Important for the taste is the preparation of okra. As mentioned above, cooking at high temperatures eliminates part of the mucous fluid.

Before cooking, wash the pods and let them dry completely or wipe them with paper towels.

Okra can be cooked on the grill or grill, heating the pan as much as possible, throwing a few leaves of any spicy herbs and adding a little oil. Then bake for about 10 minutes, turning on all sides.

Tasty fried okra. Roll the chopped pod in flour or corn starch and fry in butter until crisp.

Deep-fried is another popular way to cook this vegetable. First, you need to pickle it to remove as much mucus as possible. Then quickly fry. Do not put many pods at once, otherwise they may turn out not fried, but steamed.

This roasting gives the okre a fragrant nutty flavor with a slightly grassy flavor.

Small pods can be fried whole. Large ones are best cut into several parts.

Here is an approximate cooking time:

Whole pods or sliced \u200b\u200b- fry for 6 to 12 minutes;

For a couple - 5 minutes;

On the grill or grill - 2-3 minutes on each side.

It is added to soups, stews, meat.

What does okra go with?

The taste of okra is soft and slightly grassy. It is often cooked with onions and tomatoes. The acid of tomatoes also reduces the amount of mucus.

Adding lemon or lime juice during cooking will also help reduce mucus production.

Okra goes well with spicy and strongly smelling spices such as cayenne pepper, caraway seeds and chili.

If you had an unsuccessful experience in cooking okra or if you simply did not dare to try it, it's time to do it. When cooked properly, okra is a delicious and healthy food suitable for vegetarians and meat-eaters.

How to choose and store okra

There are three types of okra: green, red and purple. The most common green.

Its season, depending on the region, begins approximately from June to September.

When buying, choose small pods with clear edges. Do not buy very large, dry on both ends. They may be fibrous and not tasty.

Keep it in the refrigerator by placing it in a bag or wrapping it in paper in the vegetable compartment. It retains freshness from 3 to 4 days.

You can buy frozen okru. It will be as tasty as fresh when cooking.

And so, today I brought a recipe for preparing a side dish from okra with step-by-step photos of the process. Fans of doing everything easily and quickly can replace a traditional frying pan with a traditional multicooker.

This vegetable, of course, cannot be called yours for our latitudes. Okra, she is okra, she is ladies' fingers, you will often find in eastern cuisine. It is eaten in India, Israel, many African countries and even Japan, which is natural, because it grows there like our weeds. Okru is stewed, fried, eaten raw, baked in the oven, grains are used as coffee and even make dry preparations. In general, it would seem, revered and moved on. Where to get such exotic in the harsh squash and potato reality?

And immediately the good news: today, okra can be found on the shelves of all major retail chains in the freezing section at a very reasonable price. And especially the perverted gardeners, whose Argon ardor knows no bounds, began to grow ladies' fingers on their plots. Why not replace it with some commonplace pumpkin, well, at least occasionally?

Moreover, it is:

  1. Tasty by default
  2. Useful   - okra contains unsaturated omega-6 fats and a lot of beta-carotene, it is ideal for people with diabetes, and is included in the list of vegetables allowed to nursing mothers
  3. Dietary   - only 31 calories in 100 grams (hey, losing weight, where are you there)
  4. A good reason to diversify the boring everyday menu

  Okra - garnish recipes, ingredients

  1. 300-400 g of fresh or frozen okra
  2. 3 tomatoes
  3. 4 large cloves of garlic
  4. 1 onion
  5. 1 carrot
  6. Half beam cilantro
  7. Frying oil


  1. ½ tsp cumin, she's a zira
  2. ½ tsp curry
  3. ½ tsp sweet paprika
  4. Feels like salt and black pepper


Step 1:

Finely chop the garlic, carrots and onions. Carrots can be grated.

Step 2:

Blanch the tomatoes. To do this, make incisions on the top of the head crosswise and pour enough boiling water over it, then remove the peel and finely chop it.

I deal with them in a more sophisticated way - I put the tomatoes in a pot of water, bring to a boil, then remove from the stove and pour cold. The skin is removed, as in the summer, skin from burnt shoulders.

Step 3:

Fry onion, garlic and carrots until golden, add tomatoes and simmer for another five minutes.

Step 4:

If the okra is fresh, wash it thoroughly, cut the ponytails and send to the pan.If frozen, send to the pan without ceremony.Pour spices, salt.

Step 5:

Stew over low heat, stirring occasionally, 10-15 minutes, until the vegetables are softer.

Step 6:

Add finely chopped greens and let it cook until tender.

Agree, it’s easier not to come up with a recipe. Braised okra is the perfect side dish for any meal. In my case, it was a fried mullet.

Enjoy your meal!

Utility from Pate:   if you suddenly grow okra on your seven hundredths, try it. To do this, boil the vegetable in boiling water for a minute, remove the skin, let it dry and safely send it to the freezer for permanent residence.

Finally, keep another cool recipe for stewed okra:

I would like to start acquaintance with this plant with the fact that it has many names. However, the most famous are gombo and okra. It is also often called ladies' fingers, which is quite logical, given the oblong shape of this plant.

Therefore, after hearing any of these names, know that we are talking about okra. It is a family of malvaceous, with a large number of useful properties.

A characteristic description of the okra plant

So far, it has not been possible to obtain reliable data on the homeland of this vegetable. However, more often it can be found in Africa and North America, in India, as well as tropical and hot latitudes.

In search of an answer to this question, scientists cited as one of the probable places of origin of okra West Africa and the Indian expanses. They were prompted by this idea that it is in these places that the vegetable is represented in the greatest quantity. However, okra can be found in European countries.

Arabs contributed to its spread in this region, thanks to the efforts of which the plant got here. Given that in recent years the climate in our country has become warmer, each gardener has the opportunity grow okra in a summer cottage.

Many residents of Ukraine have already been able to get the first experience of growing this plant. She feels especially well in the southern regions of the country. All these facts only clearly show that interest in okra is only increasing.

Features and type of okra plant

Okra is a classic annual, which can grow up to 40 cm. However, there are larger specimens, the height of which can reach two meters. In the course of its development, okra forms a thick and branched stem.

It is decorated with green, light green leaves, which are located downward and directed to the ground. Usually okra large leaves grow   heptagonal shape, but there are also varieties in which the leaves have a pentagonal shape.

This plant is transformed when it enters the flowering phase: at this time yellow or cream flowers open. They grow at the junction of the leaf with the stem.

Then, after flowering, fruits begin to form, presented in the form of boxes with seeds. Moreover, they can differ greatly in shape: it can be four and octagonal.

Okra is accustomed to a warm climate, so only with a stable positive temperature will it grow well. The most suitable place for cultivating okra is southern regions of the country. However, in colder regions, you can cultivate it if you build greenhouses.

  A photo of a plant can cause a strong desire for many to try it. If you want to buy fruits of good quality, the first thing you need to pay attention on their appearance.

The fact is that you will acquire an exotic plant that has traveled many kilometers, so it is possible to grow it using special means.

  1. When examining a plant, you need to pay attention to its pods, which should have a length of about 10 cm. They grow in such conditions under natural conditions. For planting, it is best to choose shorter fruits of bright green color, which should not have external damage.
  2. Make sure that there are no mold spots or dried patches on the surface of the fetus.
  3. If you are looking for the most delicious fruits, it is recommended to choose young copies. They not only have a delicate taste, but also have a pleasant texture. It will be easier for you to identify them if you look at the peel, which should be dense.
  4. It is also useful to pick them up before buying: holding juicy fruits, you will feel their roughness. Although in some cases you may be offered on the market less common varieties that may have a different color. The flower may be darker with a reddish tint.
  5. If you come across stiff and too fibrous fruits, then you are offered overripe fruits. In no case is it recommended to buy them, since you will only spoil the taste of the dish in which you are going to add them.

The composition and useful properties of okra

  Useful properties and contraindications were known to man at the beginning of the last century. In those days, this vegetable was grown almost everywhere. Among the bright personalities who were familiar with this vegetable, it is worth highlighting Anton Pavlovich Chekhov.

Information available at that time described okra as a vegetable that possessed not only beneficial properties. Already then she was recognized low calorie diet product. This is confirmed by the following data: per 100 grams of this vegetable accounts for 31 kcal, 2 grams of protein, 0.1 grams of fat, 3.8 grams of carbohydrates, 0.7 grams of ash, 90.1 grams of water.

This proves once again that it is no coincidence that people who try to keep themselves in good shape regularly use okra.

In addition to this, the vegetable is rich in many valuable vitamins and minerals. And today he has few worthy competitors in composition.

Most of us are probably not aware that okra has another name - "the dream of a vegetarian." It is explained very simply. The plant contains many beneficial and nutrient:

  • Iron.
  • Protein.
  • Vitamins C, A, K, B6.
  • Calcium.

Okra Health Benefits

  Okru, according to doctors, must be included in your diet pregnant women. The fact is that the product is very rich in folic acid, which is necessary for the proper formation of the nervous system of the embryo in the first weeks of pregnancy.

With regular use of fruits, you can restore blood sugar. The plant mucus and dietary fiber present in it are an excellent nutrient medium for the human body.

This plant is of most interest to people who are concerned about diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This is explained by the fact that the vegetable is perfectly absorbed by the body, removes toxins from it   and harmful deposits and is absorbed without residue by the small intestine.

Okra will appeal to those who try various diets. Being a low-calorie product, this plant in a positive way   affects health, helping the body quickly cope with tonsillitis, depression and chronic fatigue.

There is evidence that the vegetable is effective in the treatment of asthma attacks, the prevention of atherosclerosis, strengthening capillary walls. Fruits quite effectively remove harmful substances from the body:

  • cholesterol;
  • toxins;
  • other negative elements.

Its healing properties make valuable okra, because thanks to it it is possible to avoid such unpleasant phenomena as bloating, constipation and cure a stomach ulcer.

The results of studies conducted with okra are encouraging: as it turned out, eating fruits allows avoid cancer   rectum.

Okra in large quantities contains special substances that can reduce the risk of developing cataracts and diabetes. This vegetable can help men who have difficulty with potency. Often the fruits of okra doctors recommend   for prevention, as well as after complex operations.

Who is undesirable to use okra

Even against the background of all its positive qualities, okra can harm certain categories of people. Usually, troubles with the use of this vegetable arise due to individual intolerance to the bodyas well as allergic reactions that are found in a small number of people.

Often, okra pods contain patches that may appear to seem very sharp. However, you can avoid such unpleasant sensations if the fruits of okra are subjected to heat treatment.

Otherwise, a person may have complaints about itchy skin   and skin surface irritation. Because of this, the heat treatment of the fruits of this plant is required to use rubber gloves.

Before you start preparing the fruits of the okra for use, you must clean them from hairsthat are present on the fruits of okra. If you leave them, then nothing will save you from an allergic reaction of the body.

How to cook okra

  If you decide to cook the fruits of this vegetable, then keep in mind that during heat treatment, the formation of a large amount of slippery substance is possible. Do not worry about this mucus if you are making soup.

However, if you decide to put out the fruits, then too much liquid will be undesirable. Therefore, before stewing the vegetable, it is necessary to add the lemon or tomato juice to the container where it will be fried.

Often okra seeds serve as a substitute for coffee. To do this, you need to thoroughly fry them - then they get the same taste and aroma as a traditional invigorating drink.

You can also make butterThinning pleasant aroma. For this, the prepared seeds are added to the device for squeezing the oil and the raw materials are squeezed.

Okra is one of those exotic plants that only a few have heard of. However, despite the fact that even experienced gardeners can not say about okra, that it is, getting to know it better will not hurt.

This vegetable is very useful, therefore, it will interest many who monitor their weight. From it you can cook dishes incredible in their taste. However, before using this product for cooking, it is necessary to understand that it may be contraindicated for some people.

Usually this is due to individual intolerance and allergic reactions that can occur not only with the use of this vegetable, but also with its preparation.

Okra (okra) is a green pointed pod of conical shape, distributed in warm climatic conditions (homeland is the area around the Nile in North Africa and the Middle East, more precisely - Ethiopia). It can be grown in cooler areas using special cultivation methods. Okra is a relative of hibiscus, cotton and cocoa.

During World War II, coffee shortages forced Asian and African people to use okra seeds instead of coffee. This phenomenon is called "okra fever." Since then, in the local markets, okru can be found at any time of the year.

Today, this delicious vegetable is known and loved by gourmets from Texas to Timbuktu itself.

Fresh okra pods contain many nutrients: vitamins A, C, K, B6, as well as calcium, iron, thiamine, folate, potassium. This vegetable boasts high protein and dietary fiber. In a word, okra is a vegetarian's dream.

Eating okru is extremely useful for pregnant women because of the high concentration of folic acid, which is involved in the formation of the neural tube of the embryo in the first 4-12 weeks of pregnancy.

Plant mucus and dietary fiber of okra fruits regulate blood sugar by absorbing it in the small intestine. In general, okra is recommended for people with gastrointestinal disorders.

Okra promotes the secondary absorption of water, leaches excess cholesterol, metabolic toxins and excess bile from the body, prevents constipation and bloating, and heals stomach ulcers. Okra promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria in the small intestine called probiotics and helps in the synthesis of vitamin B.

This is an ideal vegetable for those who dream of losing weight without harm to health (in 100 g of pods no more than 40 calories), as well as for people suffering from depression and chronic fatigue, it will help in the fight against pneumonia and tonsillitis, maintain joint mobility, reduce asthma attacks in asthmatics (due to the high concentration of antioxidants). Okra strengthens the walls of the capillaries, is good in the diet of patients with atherosclerosis.

A number of scientific studies have confirmed that okra successfully prevents certain types of cancer (colon cancer), reduces the risk of cataracts and diabetes.

Such a wide range of useful properties of okra led to the fact that scientists began comprehensive studies of this vegetable, and already today a series of successful experiments are carried out to replace blood plasma with active components isolated from bright green mucous pods.

Cosmetic properties

Historians say that many famous beauties of antiquity, Cleopatra from Egypt and Young Guifey from China loved to eat okra. Meanwhile, these green pods can be used for purely cosmetic purposes.

For example, to strengthen the hair, giving it a bright shine, you need to cut them into strips, boil so that the brew becomes as mucous as possible. Then the mixture needs to be cooled, add a few drops of lemon juice and use as a hair balm. The extract, added to the cosmetic cream, prevents the skin from acne and bumps.

How to choose and cook pods

To lose weight by summer, add okra to your diet.

When choosing, pay attention to the appearance of the pods. They should be 7.5-10 cm in length, bright green in color, without moldy spots and dry patches.

They should be stored in a plastic bag in the refrigerator and only 2-3 days. Before use, each pod should be washed thoroughly with running water, and the tips removed.

Harmful properties and side effects

Large pods can have tiny burning spots on the skin that soften after heat treatment, but when raw, can cause significant skin itching. Stock up on gloves!

Do not cook in copper and cast-iron dishes - a chemical reaction will occur that will degrade the appearance of the dish. The pods will become an unpleasant dark brown hue.

There is a lot of mucus in okra, so a drop of vinegar and other acidic components, such as tomatoes, should be added to dishes with its participation. These bright pods are good in salted and fried, deep-fried, they are added to rice dishes, curries and South Asian soups (for example, Gumbo soup).

Okra can be an excellent alternative even in such a delicious dish as ratatouille. Of seasonings, it is compatible with Provencal oil and lemon juice, as well as curry, marjoram, thyme and cayenne pepper.

In general, if you meet okra in the supermarket, be sure to buy it.