Measure the flour with a spoon. Ways to measure flour without weights at the expense of other containers

22.08.2019 Lean dishes

Culinary recipes almost always contain such combinations as: 140 g flour, 150 g sugar, 5 g salt. The solution of the question, how many grams in a glass of each product, allows you to measure its amount in the absence of weights.

Cooking is an art that requires precision in the proportions of the components. Based on experience, the measurement of the volume of products can be carried out using tea, dessert, tablespoons or glasses. And then you can safely cook a pie, pizza or cake according to a new recipe.

Unit Capacity

To measure during the preparation of dishes how many grams are in a glass, use 2 types of these containers:

  1. Faceted with a strip - known since the time of Peter I. Today, such glasses are widely used in public canteens and trains. Due to their faceted structure, they are much stronger than the rest. The capacity of water in a classic faceted glass is 250 ml, and up to the rim - 200 ml.
  2. Measured - used to measure products or liquids during cooking. Most often includes 200 ml of water.

Another measure of weight that is usually used for cooking is a tablespoon, dessert and teaspoon. It should be noted that the water capacity in a tablespoon is 18 ml, in a dessert spoon - 10 ml, and in a teaspoon - 5 ml.

How to find out the weight of bulk products

A precisely defined amount of ingredients is very important for cooking. For example, if the ratio of water to flour is incorrect during the baking process, the dough will most likely fail or it will not taste good at all.

Typically, products weighing more than 100 g are measured in glasses. Let's determine how much sugar is in a glass.

Sugar is quite heavy due to its chemical structure of molecules. But in a glass it is less than liquid, due to the physical arrangement of particles.

To determine how many grams are in a glass of sugar, you need to know the density of the product and the volume. Up to the rim, 200 cm3 can be accommodated in this container. Sugar density - 0.8 g / cm3. To calculate the weight, multiply the density by volume: 0.8 x 200 \u003d 160 g. In total, 160 g of sugar is contained in a glass to the rim.

Now let's calculate how much sugar in a glass of 250 ml. Multiply the density of 0.8 g / cm3 by the volume of 250 cm3. The result is 200 g of sugar.

Back to the question, how many grams of flour are in a glass? The density of flour is 0.65 g / cm3. Volume of a measuring cup is 200 cm3. We make a simple calculation of 200 x 0.65 \u003d 130. And we see that the measuring cup holds 130 g of product.

In the same way, we calculate how much flour is in a faceted glass of 250 ml: 0.65 x 250 \u003d 162.5 g.

Regarding spoons, it is important not to forget that a small loose product will form a slide, the height of which can be 5-6 cm.

For this reason, 1 tablespoon may contain different flour weights:

  • without a hill - 20 g;
  • small slide - 25 g;
  • big slide - 30 g.

A teaspoon with a slight elevation holds 10 g of flour. Based on the size of the elevation, the weight can vary between 9 - 13 g.

Sometimes a jar is used as a measure of weight. Most often it is a half-liter or liter capacity. Used for large volumes of cooking.

To determine the mass of bulk ingredients, you can use a special table. And then you will understand how much flour is in a glass, spoon and jar. And also find out the weight of other products.

If 200 grams of flour is written in the recipe - how much? We look at the table: in 1 cup of 200 cm3 contains 130 g of flour. The missing 70 grams is almost half a glass. Therefore, to measure 200 g, you need to use 1.5 cups of the product.

In the absence of a glass, the weight of the ingredients can be measured with spoons.

For example, 200 grams of sugar - how many tablespoons? The plate indicates that a tablespoon contains 25 g of sugar. Therefore, we divide 200 by 25 and get the result of 8 tablespoons.

If there is no glass in the household, but there is a kitchen scale. And according to the recipe you need to take 1 cup of flour - how much is this in grams? We look at the plate, where it is indicated that a glass of 200 ml contains 130 g of product. And weighed the required amount on the scales.

Spice & Additive Measurement

Spices are commonly used to make hot dishes, cold dishes, salads, or pastries. However, if you add even 1 extra gram of this product, you can irreparably ruin the dish. Therefore, you need to accurately measure the amount of additives using a measure of the weight of the products.

Spices are coarse and finely ground. 1 teaspoon contains about 5-10 g of finely ground spices. Coarse grinding has slightly different indicators - 3-8 g. The table of measures and weight of products contains the main indicators of commonly used spices and additives for a teaspoon, dessert and tablespoon. Having this knowledge, you will not spoil the dish and you can surprise the household or guests with new culinary delights.

This practice will improve your “own eye” and help prepare dishes with the optimal amount of spices or other additives.

How much liquid is in a glass

Now let's find out how many grams of liquid are in a faceted glass. Most often, the amount of liquid in a glass corresponds to its volume. In other words, 200 g of liquid is contained in a faceted glass to the rim, and if it is filled to the top, then 250 g.

In recipes you can find different amounts of all kinds of liquids. Therefore, to save your time, we provide ready-made calculations of measures and weights in spoons and glasses.

When measuring, the liquid must be poured to the top of the tank.

How to measure viscous products

This type of product has a wide scope. Therefore, it is necessary to understand how to measure their weight parameters with the help of spoons, glasses and cans, so that the correct dosage is obtained. Below is a table of measures for ingredients with a viscous consistency.

For a more accurate measurement, viscous products must be placed in a container with a slide.

If it is written in the recipe, 100 ml of sour cream is how many grams? According to the table in a measuring cup contains 210 g of sour cream. Divide this number by 2 and find out that 100 g contains 105 g of the product.

Determination of the mass of solid products

In recipes, the required amount of solid foods is usually written in grams, but some of them can be measured with spoons, glasses and jars. For convenience, you can use the following table of measures and weights of products in grams.

With a change in humidity and condition of the product, its mass in the same volume also changes. For example, fermented sour cream is easier than fresh. Flour, sugar and salt with a high moisture content weigh more than normal.

Experienced housewives rarely use on a measuring glass or kitchen scale, since everything is done by eye. However, some complex dishes require perfect proportions, such as pastries and desserts. In this case, you can use an ordinary glass or spoon, as our mothers and grandmothers once did. And, by the way, they made the finest lace pancakes, ruddy pies, crumbly cookies and perfectly baked tender biscuits that were eaten very quickly. Measures for measuring weight at home are simple - a thin and faceted glass, a teaspoon and a tablespoon. Let's talk about how many products fit in these containers.

Measuring products in a glass

The measure of weight in a glass depends on which glass you use - thin or faceted, because they differ from each other. A faceted glass has a volume of 200 ml, several faces and a rounded rim. A thin glass is absolutely smooth and is designed for 250 ml. Liquids (water, wine, milk, juice, cream) are easy to measure, and bulk products with the same volume have different weights, which greatly complicates the measurement process. It is for this that you need a table of measures of the weight of products - you will never be mistaken with it and measure out exactly as much sugar and flour as is required for a cake or cookie.

Comparing products, we will indicate the amount in faceted (the first digit) and a thin glass (second digit). For example, one glass holds 140–175 g of wheat flour, 180–220 g of granulated sugar, 190–230 g of vegetable oil, 185–240 g of melted butter, 250–300 g of condensed milk, and 270–330 g of jam. As for cereals, you can pour 70–90 g of oatmeal, 170–210 g of buckwheat, 150–200 g of semolina, 190–230 g of rice, peas, beans, millet, pearl barley, barley groats and small pasta into a glass. 130–140 g of crushed nuts, 130–160 g of whole almonds and hazelnuts, 265–325 g of honey, 210–250 g of sour cream, 250–300 g of tomato paste and 100–125 g of ground crackers will fit here.

A bit about weight measures in a tablespoon and a teaspoon

It is hard to imagine how you can measure five glasses of flour or a liter of milk with a spoon, so these cutlery is suitable for measuring a small amount of food. For example, if you need very little flour for making air pastries, bechamel sauce, vegetables, meat or fish cutlets, you can use a teaspoon or a tablespoon.

One tablespoon is 18 g of liquid, 25 g of oats, sugar, semolina, buckwheat, barley, millet and rice. You can fully expect that 17 g of vegetable or melted butter, 30 g of flour, salt and ground nuts, 25 g of sour cream and cocoa powder, 20 g of milk powder, 30 g of starch and honey will fit in a spoon. Ground crackers will turn out only 15 g, but a tablespoon can scoop up 50 g of jam. With a miniature teaspoon, you will be able to measure 10 g of sugar, starch and sour cream, 8 g of flour, 9 g of cocoa, 7 g of honey, 5 g of vegetable oil and milk. A teaspoon also contains 10 g of nut kernels, 17 g of jam, about 5 g of cereals and peas, 2–4 g of cereal flakes.

Accuracy - the politeness of kings

To measure the weight of products without weights, you need to follow some rules that will help you strictly follow the recipe. For the preparation of snacks, soups, main dishes and side dishes this is not so critical. However, in some cases, such as when baking bread, the wrong ratio of liquid and flour can slow down the fermentation. With a lack of moisture, the dough does not rise well, and the bread has a dry, crumbling texture. If, on the contrary, there is too much moisture, the baking turns out to be heavy, blurry, with a moist and sticky crumb.

We measure products correctly

How to use home weight measures? Liquid products should be filled to the limit, that is, to the very edges. It is more convenient to put viscous and thick mixtures (honey, jam, sour cream) with a spoon, making sure that the glass is completely filled. Fill containers with loose and viscous products with a slide, and do not scoop up flour and starch directly from the bag or bag, and sprinkle with a spoon so that voids do not form. No need to shake, loosen and ram the food, and if you need to sift the flour, do it after the measurements. The fact is that when sifting the flour becomes more voluminous, which means that its weight will also change. For comparison: a thin glass contains 160 g of flour when properly filled, 210 g of rammed flour and 125 g of sifted flour. Changing the characteristics of products also affects their weight - for example, increasing humidity makes salt, sugar and flour harder, and fermented sour cream easier to fresh.

How to replace

If you don’t have a tea and faceted glass, take any container, measure its volume with the help of precise ones and mark the line where the volume will be 200 or 250 ml. For culinary purposes, you can use standard plastic cups with a capacity of 200 ml. Usually in recipes instead of the phrase “tea glass” they simply write “glass” or “cup”, which means 250 ml. If a faceted glass serves as a measure of weights, then in the recipe this will certainly be indicated.

Culinary arithmetic

There is no need to keep in mind dozens of numbers to prepare a delicious dish and not go crazy with mathematical calculations. It’s enough to have a weight table in the kitchen in spoons and glasses. If you see an instruction in the recipe to take half or a quarter cup of a product, such as sugar, then having a table, you can easily transfer this amount to other measures. For example, a quarter of a faceted glass contains 45 g of sugar, and this is 2 tbsp. l sugar without a hill or 5.5 tsp. Interestingly, 1 tbsp. l corresponds to 3 tsp., and a dessert spoon is 2 tsp. One thin glass holds 16 tbsp. l liquid, thick and loose products.

Foreign weight measures

If you like to cook according to recipes of foreign cuisine, then you may encounter unfamiliar weight measures, so this information will come in handy in the kitchen. An American cup is our thin glass, that is, 250 g, and an English cup corresponds to 280 g. A pint is 470 g, an ounce is 30 g, and a quart "weighs" 950 g.

It is said that the secret of culinary excellence is inspiration and accuracy, so the correct dosage of ingredients is half the success. If you want to make your life easier and minimize complex arithmetic, buy a universal 500 ml measuring cup with divisions for liquid and bulk products. Delight loved ones with delicious food and enjoy yourself!

For the preparation of any baking, a strictly defined amount of flour is required. If it is more or less than required, the dish may not live up to expectations.

To measure the necessary amount of flour quickly and precisely will help kitchen scales. Instead, you can also use a measuring cup with special divisions for various bulk products. In the absence of a measuring container, pour the required amount of flour with the help of improvised means.

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Glass use

In order to measure flour without weights with a glass, you must:

  • Sifting flour is not required.
  • It is necessary to fill the product freely, without clapping, without shaking and not tamping.
  • Scooping flour with a glass is undesirable: it is impossible to achieve the exact amount. Pour it with a tablespoon.

Using a glass, you can measure:

  • 160 grams - a glass with a slide.
  • 140-145 grams - flour flush with the edges of the glass.
  • 100 grams - one and a half rim below the edge.
  • 190-210 grams - a tamped glass.


The amount of flour in a standard tablespoon depends on the result of scooping up the slide and can be:

  • 45 grams is a big slide.
  • 25 grams is an average slide.
  • 15 grams is a small slide.
  • 6 grams - without a slide.

A tablespoon with a medium slide is best for measuring an even amount of flour: to get 100 grams of the product, you need only 4. Measuring flour with a teaspoon is not very convenient: it is useful if you need to add a little product. Depending on the slide, a teaspoon contains from 2 to 13 grams. To get exactly 10 grams, you need to scoop up the maximum amount of flour and blow the resulting slide, making 2-3 gentle exhalations.


Pour the necessary amount of flour using an unusual method, which is considered mathematically accurate. This will require:

  • Draw a 20x10 cm rectangle on a piece of paper.
  • Measure on large sides 2 cm and draw a line so that you get 2 rectangles 10x2 and 10x18 cm in size.
  • Pour a kilogram of flour onto a sheet, trying to get it inside a large rectangle.
  • Spread the flour evenly within the rectangle.
  • Separate the portion of the flour that occupies the smaller rectangle. The weight of the separated part will be 100 grams

This method is accurate, but it is considered difficult and inconvenient: the flour crumbles outside the sheet, and it is tiresome to collect excess product in a bag or jar. Therefore, to measure the flour, it is recommended to use a glass or spoon or purchase a measuring container.

If you keep your weight under control - you have to get up on the scales daily. But sometimes they are not nearby or they have broken, and the weighing procedure is very necessary. Do not despair, you can even know your weight without weights. Alternative weighting methods will correct the situation.

  Learn weight without weights - measuring your wrist and height

A change in body weight is immediately reflected in the limbs. Did you notice that you have to make another hole in the watch strap? Most likely, you have lost weight. Measure your height with a centimeter. Maybe you already know him. Wrap the thumb and forefinger of one hand on the wrist of the other. If your fingers join in the ring freely, you are an asthenic with a thin physique. Find out the weight in this case:

  • calculate 10% of your height. For example, height 170 cm. The desired number will be 17;
  • subtract this number from the last two digits of the growth indicator. Your result: 70-17 \u003d 53 kg. This is your approximate weight.

If you cannot grab your wrist with your fingers, you are a hypersthenic. This is a man with a massive physique. Find out the weight by another formula:

  • calculate 10% of growth;
  • add this number to the last two digits of the growth indicator. For example, height - 160 cm. 60 + 16 \u003d 76 kg. This is your weight.

There is another interesting way. Measure your wrist with a centimeter and multiply the resulting number by four. The result will show your weight.

  We find out the weight without weights - minus five centimeters from the waist

Without weights, you will know about your kilograms with this method for sure. Measure your waist with a measuring tape 2 cm above your belly button. Subtract five from the result, and the indicator will indicate your weight.

  We learn weight without weights according to the law of Archimedes

To calculate body weight with this method you have to work hard. But the result will be the most accurate. The human body is 80% water. It is believed that the density of the body is almost equal to the density of the liquid. Therefore, suppose that 1 kg is 1 liter. First way:

  • fill the bath with water;
  • climb and plunge into the water with your head;
  • mark the bathtub at water level. Ask a relative to do this; it will be uncomfortable for you;
  • get out, take a liter jar and pour water into the bath until it reaches the mark. Count how many cans you pour.

And the weight is calculated simply: it will be equal to the number of liter cans poured into the bath. If 55 cans are poured - such is the weight.

The second way to calculate body weight, use the pool at the cottage. Prepare a large plastic barrel so that you fit there. Further your actions are as follows:

  • put a barrel in a water-filled pool;
  • climb into the barrel and mark with a marker the level at which the container has sunk;
  • fill the barrel with water until it sinks into the water to the marked mark. Use a liter can and read the amount of water poured.

Weight equals the number of liters poured into the barrel.

Learn weight without weights on a swing

This method is not very accurate, but simple. Invite two or three girlfriends to ride with you on the playground on a swing. But they must know exactly how much they weigh. Without this, the method will not work. Sit down with each girlfriend in turn on a swing on which they ride together. Whose side outweighs - that is harder. But you should also know at least approximately your weight.

All of the above methods of a kind of "weighing" will help to find out approximately body weight, with an error of 1-3 kg. For daily weighing, buy a scale. They will show the most accurate result.

To make your dish tasty and aromatic, you need to know which spices are suitable for certain dishes:

For meat:  red, black, allspice or cloves, marjoram, thyme, cumin, turmeric, onion, oregano.

For a bird:  thyme, marjoram, rosemary, sage, thyme, basil.

  For fish:  bay leaf, white pepper, ginger, allspice, onion, coriander, chili pepper, mustard, dill, thyme.

For grill:red pepper, allspice, cardamom, thyme, marjoram, nutmeg and nutmeg, cumin, ginger, chili.

For game:thyme, oregano, allspice, red pepper, juniper.

For stews:red pepper, ginger, turmeric, coriander, mustard, cardamom, caraway seeds, black pepper, allspice, nutmeg, cloves.

  For cabbage:  coriander, fennel, cumin, black mustard seed.

  For potatoes: coriander, turmeric and asafoetida.

  For beans:  cumin, asafoetida, ginger, pepper, lavender mint and coriander.

  For marinades: bay leaf, juniper (berries are added to marinades when cooking game meat and fish), dill branches with buds, flowers or seeds.

  For fruits, juices, compotes:  cinnamon, cloves, ginger, star anise, cardamom.

  For pastes:  white pepper, cinnamon, ginger, bay leaf, cloves, cinnamon, star anise, ginger, cardamom. For baking: cloves, cinnamon, star anise, ginger, cardamom, allspice, orange zest, anise, sesame, poppy seeds, vanilla.

  For hot milk:cinnamon, cardamom, saffron.

How to weigh products without weights

On New Year's holidays, many of us cook various dishes, but not everyone has scales that are suitable for weighing a particular product, or they do not exist at all, but you must agree that the proportions in cooking are very important. So, in this article I will share with you some methods of weighing ingredients without using weights.

Instruction manual

Difficulty Level: Easy

1 step

1 tablespoon is equal to: 15 g of poppy, 20 g of cocoa, 25 g of rice, 20 g of wheat flour, 30 g of starch, 25 g of buckwheat, 15 g of oatmeal, 25 g of semolina, 30 g of salt, 20 g of sugar, 20 g of milk, 25 g of sour cream, 25 g of millet, 20 g of ghee, 20 g of honey, 50 g of butter, 20 g of vegetable oil, 15 g of vinegar, 20 g of tomato juice, 9 g of ground pepper.

2 step

1 teaspoon is equal to: 5 g of poppy seeds, 8 g of wheat flour, 10 g of starch, 5 g of oatmeal, 8 g of semolina, 10 g of salt, 10 g of sour cream, 5 g of ghee, 30 g of butter, 5 g of vegetable oil, 5 g of vinegar, 8 g of tomato puree, 3 g of citric acid 5g ground black pepper.

3 step

1 glass, the volume of which is 250 ml, is equal to: 155 g of poppy, 160 g of wheat flour, 200 g of starch, 100 g of oatmeal, 200 g of semolina, 230 g of rice, 220 g of millet, 100 g of pasta, 220 g of beans, 230 g of peas, 200 g of sugar, 325 g of salt, 250 g of milk, 250 g sour cream, 245 g ghee, 325 g honey, 210 g butter, 240 vegetable oil, 330 g jam, 250 g vinegar, 220 g tomato puree, 170 g hazelnuts, 160 g almonds, 175 g peeled peanuts, 200 g blueberries, 175 g red currants, 155 g black currants, 180 g raspberries, 190 g powdered sugar, 250 g cream, 50 g corn flakes, 165 g raisins, 70 g dried apples, 230 g marmalade, 340 g berry puree, 165 g cherries, 140 g lingonberries, 200 g blueberries, 190 g blackberries, 150 g strawberries, 145 g cranberries, 210 g gooseberries, 195 g mulberries.

How to weigh without scales?

Probably, not every housewife always has special kitchen scales at hand, but to find out the exact weight of certainof products  often enough. Therefore, the question arises: How to measure without weights or how to weigh without weights?  Of course, a kitchen scale is not an essential item, but cups, glasses, spoons can be found in every kitchen.

In order to find out the exact enoughmeasure of weight of bulk products  , fruits, vegetablestake nuts or spices tea cup standard volume (250 ml)  or old Soviet faceted glass (200 ml), a tablespoon (18 ml) or a teaspoon (5 ml)  and pour the required amount of ingredients, the weight in grams of which can be found by following the instructions on the cooking table.

So how to weigh without weights? Very simple…

   Product    Glass (250ml)    Glass (200ml)    Tablespoon (18ml)    Teaspoon (5ml)
Water 250 200 18 5
Granulated sugar 200 180 25 8
Powdered sugar 190 160 25 10
Salt 325 260 15 10
Drinking soda - - 28 12
Citric Acid - - 25 7
Vegetable oil 245 190 20 5
Liquid honey 415 330 30 9
Gelatin powder - - 15 5
Cocoa powder - - 25 9
Ground coffee - - 20 7
Poppy - 135 18 5
Liquor - - 20 7
Melted margarine 230 180 15 4
Condensed milk - - 30 12
Animal oil 240 185 17 5
Whole milk 255 204 18 5
Wheat flour 160 130 30 10
Egg powder 100 80 25 10
Starch 180 150 30 10
Sour cream 250 210 25 10
Cream 250 200 14 5
Vinegar - - 15 5
Tomato sauce 220 180 25 8
Tomato paste - - 30 10
Fruit and vegetable juices 250 200 18 5




   Product    Glass (250ml)    Glass (200ml)    Tablespoon (18ml)    Teaspoon (5ml)
Cherries 165 130 30 -
Lingonberry 140 110 - -
Blueberry 200 160 - -
Blackberry 190 150 40 -
Strawberry 150 120 25 -
Cranberry 145 115 - -
Gooseberry 210 165 40 -
Raspberries 180 145 20 -
Black currant 155 125 30 -
Red currants 175 140 35 -
Blueberries 200 160 - -
Mulberry 195 155 40 -
Rosehip dry - - 20 6

Vegetables and fruits

  • Product (medium size) \u003e\u003e\u003e 1 pc (g)
  • Potatoes >>> 100
  • Onion >>> 75
  • Carrot >>> 75
  • Parsley root >>> 50
  • Cabbage >>> 1200-1500
  • Cucumber >>> 100
  • Tomatoes (Tomatoes) >>> 75-115
  • Apricot >>> 26
  • Banana >>> 72
  • Orange >>> 100-150
  • Lemon >>> 60
  • Pear >>> 125
  • The apples >>> 90-200
  • Figs >>> 40
  • Plum >>> 30


Spices, spices (g)

Spices, spices (pcs)

  • Carnation (12 pcs)  \u003e\u003e\u003e 1 g
  • Bay leaf (7pcs)  \u003e\u003e\u003e 1 g
  • Peppercorn Pepper (30pcs)  \u003e\u003e\u003e 1g