Balyk from venison recipe. How to cook a real balyk of meat at home

22.08.2019 The drinks

Balyk, he is jerky, it’s difficult to buy in the store, especially a really high-quality and natural product. And the price will not be small.

At home, you can cook no less tasty pork balyk, the technology is quite simple.

Most recipes do not require scarce ingredients. One minus - you will have to be patient, as quickly making a tasty jerky meat does not work.

Pork balyk at home - general cooking principles

The most important thing in cooking a balyk is high-quality meat, it is desirable that he was no more than a day. Otherwise, it will be difficult to save it for several days. Typically, a tenderloin is used for a clipping. This part is quite tender, salt and spices penetrate well, and the shape of the piece is very convenient. If you need to reduce the cooking time, then you can cut the tenderloin into several elongated pieces along the fibers. Get a kind of sausage.

What else will you need:

Coarse salt; sea food is suitable;

Different types of pepper;

Cognac (not in all recipes);

Spices, dry herbs.

The essence of technology is drying. But before you send the pork to the air, you need to draw water out of the piece as much as possible. For this, salt is used. She dries a piece, gives the meat a taste. After a day, marinating in salt, pork will decrease in size, and liquid will form at the bottom of the vessel. It can not be poured to the very end, otherwise the concentration of salt in the meat may be small, it simply starts to rot inside. You can periodically turn the piece over.

Salted pork is wiped, seasoned with spices, if not done from the very beginning, and then sent to dry. Usually the meat is wrapped in linen cloth and suspended in the air, but under the roof. Sunlight should not fall on the product.

Pork balyk at home in 10 days

The recipe for natural pork balyk at home, which is prepared in a classic way. A tenderloin is used, one kilogram is enough. Additionally, you need cloth towels or pieces of gauze.


Tenderloin 1 kg;

0.5 cups of sea salt;

Paprika, black pepper, red, coriander.


1. We wash the tenderloin, remove all films and veins, wipe dry with napkins.

2. We take a vessel suitable in size. It is convenient to use plastic pans with a lid. Pour half the salt into the bottom, level.

3. Put a piece of tenderloin and sprinkle with salt on top, rub the sides.

4. Close the container. We send it to the refrigerator for three days. You can periodically turn it over the other side so that the meat is better salted.

5. After 3 days we take out the tenderloin, shake off the drops and wipe it dry with a napkin.

6. Mix different types of pepper, crushed coriander seeds and rub a piece on all sides, not afraid to overdo it.

7. We take a piece of gauze, turn it into 4 layers, put the meat, wrap it and dress it with thread. We hang in a ventilated room.

8. We check in a day. If suddenly the meat continues to release moisture, the fabric is wet, you can replace the gauze.

9. We withstand a total of 5-7 days. Then the balyk can be removed, chopped and tasted. If necessary, leave for a few more days.

Fast pork balyk at home with cognac

Cognac is often used to make pork balyk at home. This drink inhibits the growth of bacteria, gives the meat a special taste and an unusually delicate aroma. He also speeds up the process great and you can taste the meat in 3-4 days.


1 kg tenderloin;

3 tablespoons black peppercorns;

50 ml of brandy;

0.5 cups coarse salt;

2 tsp ground red pepper;

3 tablespoons of sugar;

2 tablespoons thyme.


1. Grind black pepper in a mortar with peas. You can add a little red dry pod to it.

2. Rinse and prepare the pork tenderloin, dry the piece with a towel.

3. Combine the salt with sugar, put the crushed black pepper in the mortar. Stir the dry mixture, then add cognac.

4. Pour half the prepared mixture into the container. Put the meat. Sprinkle the sides, top with the second part of salt and sugar.

5. Close the vessels, send to the refrigerator for two days. Periodically turn the meat so that it is marinated on all sides. We ensure that salt is also on the sides.

6. After two days of pickling meat, you can get it. We rinse it with cold water and wipe it.

7. Thyme is mixed with red pepper, you can add sweet paprika or use black pepper. Rub the tenderloin with a sharp mixture.

8. Wrap the pork in a linen napkin, put it in the refrigerator. You can try it in a day. If necessary, increase the time.

Roasted pork balyk at home with liquid smoke

Another recipe for pork balyk at home with cognac, but liquid smoke is additionally added. It gives the meat a smoked flavor.


1 tenderloin (about 1-1.2 kg);

1 tablespoon of sugar;

7 tablespoons of rock salt;

3 tablespoons of liquid smoke;

4 tablespoons of cognac;

3 tablespoons of liquid smoke;

Hot peppers to taste.


1. Salt mixed with granulated sugar, add a little hot or black pepper if desired.

2. Sprinkle the prepared pork with this mixture, close the sudok and leave for 2 days in the refrigerator. If the piece is not thick or cut lengthwise, you can leave it for one day.

3. Then rinse and dry the meat.

4. Mix cognac with liquid smoke, grate pork on all sides. Leave in the refrigerator for another 10 hours, you can for a day. We turn over several times during this time.

5. We take out the meat, take paper towels or napkins, remove excess moisture.

6. We wrap the tenderloin in gauze, hang it for 5-7 days, it is possible indoors, but the humidity should not be high.

7. If desired, rub the finished balk on top with red ground pepper.

Oven baked pork balyk in the oven at home

Of course, this recipe has nothing to do with the classic jerky balyk, but it is also very interesting and will help out if there is no desire to wait a few days.


1 kg of pork;

1 tablespoon of salt;

4 cloves of garlic;

1.5 tsp ground black pepper;

1 tsp sweet paprika.

In addition, you need one package for baking.


1. Mix the salt with all other spices in a bowl.

2. Grate the washed and wiped dry piece with this mixture. Wrap in a bag or transfer to a container. Put in the refrigerator for a day or at least at night.

3. Peel the garlic, cut the cloves into several pieces.

4. We take out the pork from the refrigerator, make punctures with a knife, insert the garlic.

5. Hands rub the remaining spices on the meat.

6. We shift the future balyk into a bag for baking.

7. We heat the oven to 250 degrees.

8. We send the meat, remove the temperature to 200. Cook for an hour. Then keep the meat in the oven until the oven cools down.

Pork balyk at home with garlic and vodka

Cognac is not needed to make this balyk, but some vodka is needed. Garlic is used plain fresh.


5 tablespoons of salt;

800-1000 g of pork;

5 cloves of garlic;

30 ml of vodka;

2 tablespoons of sugar;

1 tsp red pepper.


1. Chop the garlic cloves very finely, mix with salt and sugar, you can add other spices.

2. Wash the meat, wipe it, then rub it with vodka, put it in a plastic bag, leave for two hours.

3. We get the pork, sprinkle with spices. Pour everything that remains on top of a piece. We shift it to the container or again to the bag, stand for 24 hours.

4. We wash the meat, dry it.

5. Wrap a piece in gauze, put it in the refrigerator for a day. Then we hang in the same gauze in a draft, wait another 2-3 days and you can try. If necessary, add time.

Pork balyk at home with boyar slices

A recipe for a boyar balyk, which is prepared in slices and much faster than from a large tenderloin. On average, this meat can be cooked in two days, which is considered pretty fast. We select seasonings to your taste.


1 kg tenderloin;

1 tsp hot pepper;

120 g of salt;

50 g of sugar;

1 tsp sweet paprika;

70 ml of brandy.


1. We wash the tenderloin, cut into pieces across the fibers of 1.5-2 centimeters. Get a kind of chops.

2. Mix salt and sugar.

3. Spray meat abundantly with cognac, grind, then pour heavily with salt. Cover, leave at least 15 hours.

4. Rinse the pieces of spices. Dry wipe.

5. Turn on the oven, set the minimum. We heat to 70-80 degrees.

6. Put the pieces of pork on the wire rack, dry in the oven for 10-15 minutes. Then turn it off and leave it for an hour. We turn on the oven again and dry the meat again at a minimum temperature. We repeat one more time.

7. Lubricate pieces of balyk with a drop of oil or cognac. Mix sweet paprika with hot pepper, chopped garlic can be added to them. Grate pieces of meat and put in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours, so that the pork is soaked in spices. Then you can cut it and try it.

It is undesirable to dry the balyk on the street in the hot season, the likelihood of meat rotting increases several times. It is also important to ensure that flies do not pick up the piece.

Ready meat can be grated with any spices, garlic, herbs. And so that they stay on the surface, it is lubricated with a few drops of oil.

Keep the balyk in the refrigerator by wrapping it in cloth or paper. Periodically air the meat so that it does not become damp. In the old days, pieces were sprinkled with coarse salt, which absorbs excess moisture, and kept in the cellar.

Balyk   can be cooked from pork, beef and even chicken breast. The preparation of this recipe does not require special appliances or skills.

Pork neck is suitable for cooking a balyk, sliced \u200b\u200bfrom it will be with small fatty veins, from the tenderloin you will get jerky with a perfect cut, without fatty layers and with pearlescent overflow.

Besides, homemade balyk, can serve as an alternative to buying sausages, as has the following advantages:

1.100% natural composition;

2. guaranteed fresh product;

3. the ability to select herbs and spices according to their taste preferences;

4. The price of a good quality tenderloin is lower than the cost of dried sausages.

For the recipe for cooking a balyk you need:

1 kg pork tenderloin;

100 g of cognac or tincture on herbs;

Ground Nutmeg;

Black and red ground pepper;

Stage 1. We mix the salt with spices and herbs, tear the bay leaf into small pieces, add alcohol and mix well again.

2 stage. We cover the meat from all sides with the obtained slurry from salt, set it in the refrigerator for 14 hours, during which time the meat will evenly salt and give juice. After time, the tenderloin should be washed with water from salt and herbs, dried with a towel.

3 stage. Salted tenderloin can already be eaten, but for a more saturated taste and dense texture, you need to make a curing, i.e. disposal of liquid residues in meat. The balyk should be hung in a warm and ventilated place for 3-4 days, the longer it hangs, the denser it will become (if you cook the balyk in the summer, it must be wrapped in 2 layers of gauze).

The dried and chilled balyk acquires a pearly cut and elastic texture.

By analogy, you can cook a balyk of beef tenderloin or chicken breast, for a breast 11-12 hours of salting are enough.

This may look like slicing a balyk of two kinds of meat, the first is chicken breast, the second is pork pulp, cheese is laid out in the background (as we served for guests).

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How many meat delicacies can be found on supermarket shelves today! But unfortunately, beautiful packaging often hides products whose quality is poor. And their cost is quite high. An excellent alternative to shop delicacies will be pork balyk at home. Simple, tasty and high quality!

To get a tasty and juicy balyk, you need to choose the "right" meat. A frozen product does not suit us, but fresh or chilled pork pulp without a film and streaks is what you need. An equally important step is the choice of spices. In principle, you can use any seasonings for meat, but we will focus on Provencal herbs, dried dill and paprika.


  • 1 kg of pork;
  • 1 kg of table salt;
  • 150 g of fructose;
  • 5 tbsp. l spice mixtures.


Smoked Balyk - a savory snack

And now we offer to cook smoked pork balyk at home. True, for this we need a smokehouse. Take your time and try making a savory snack with this recipe.


  • 1 kg of pork tenderloin;
  • 3 tbsp. l salt;
  • 3 tbsp. l ground black pepper.


Baked balyk to the festive table

What is pork balyk? Many will answer that this is jerky with spices. Let's expand our culinary horizons and cook the pork balyk in the oven. Believe me, it will turn out an incredibly tasty dish.


  • 0.8 kg of pork;
  • carrot;
  • 2-3 garlic cloves;
  • salt;
  • seasoning blend;
  • 240 ml of dry white wine.


Belarusian polendvitsa in a new way

Balyk baked according to this recipe will not leave indifferent any gourmet. To cook it, we need a long piece of pork, as we will form a roll of it. Prunes and pomegranate juice will help us to give the dish truly refined taste notes.


  • 0.5 kg of pork;
  • 100 g of prunes;
  • 100 ml of pomegranate juice;
  • 1 tbsp. l refined sunflower oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l olive oil;
  • 2 sprigs of rosemary;
  • ground black pepper;
  • paprika;
  • salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l lemon juice.


Pork in mustard and honey sauce

Consider another way of baking a pork balyk in an oven. Despite the fact that it is quite simple and fast, the result will impress you. By the way, instead of mustard, you can add grated horseradish to the marinade, and then the dish will sparkle with new spicy taste notes.


  • 1 kg of pork;
  • 1 tbsp. l honey;
  • 2 tbsp. l mustard;
  • 4-5 garlic cloves;
  • salt;
  • a blend of spices.


  1. Wash and dry the pork. Rub the meat with honey, salt and a mixture of spices.
  2. We’ll cover the dishes with meat and put in the refrigerator. We are waiting for 3-4 hours.
  3. We clean, grind and combine garlic cloves with mustard. Rub the resulting pork mixture and wrap it with foil.
  4. We bake the balyk in the oven at a temperature mark of 180-190 degrees for an hour.
  5. 15 minutes before the end of the cooking process, carefully open the foil so that the pork is browned.
  6. We cool and serve the balyk to the table.

To your attention - a classic step-by-step recipe with a photo of making a dried pork balyk at home. Of course, you will have to have a little patience, but the final result will exceed all expectations! Video recipe.

Meat balyk is a delicacy that has a delicate texture, a specific taste and a pleasant aroma. By balyk is meant salted and then jerky. It is possible to cook a dried balyk at home from any meat: pork, beef, chicken, duck, turkey ... An excellent balyk from pork tenderloin is excellent. The result of the balyk in its appearance is as similar as possible to a finished industrial product, which is a real meat and expensive delicacy. And cooking it at home significantly reduces the cost of a snack. Moreover, to do this is not at all difficult, the main thing is patience, because the recipe requires a fair amount of time, or even days. It turns out the meat is very tender, beautiful color and with a wonderful aroma.

In addition, a dry-cured pork balyk prepared at home - 100% certainty that the product is natural and of high quality. Since the whole cooking process is personally controlled by the cook! For the recipe, you do not have to choose a pork tenderloin. If you want to get the delicacy more juicy, then take the flesh or neck with a small layer of fat. Cutting from them will be fatty streaks, and from the tenderloin with a perfect cut, without fatty layers and with pearly overflow. I note that according to this recipe it is possible to cook not only meat, but also the backs of large fish, like beluga, chum, pink salmon, etc.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 95 kcal.
  • Servings Per Container - during drying, the meat will dry by 25-30% of the original weight
  • Cooking time - 10-15 days


  • Pork tenderloin - 500 g
  • Salt - 500 g
  • Ground black pepper - 1 tbsp.

  Step-by-step preparation of dry-dried pork balyk at home, recipe with photo:

1. Pour half a serving of salt into the salting dish and smooth it with an even layer.

2. Wash the meat and dry well with a paper towel. Put it in a container of salt and sprinkle with the remaining salt so that the piece is evenly coated on all sides.

3. Cover the pan with a lid and put the pork in the refrigerator for 12-15 hours. During this time, their juice will stand out, and the piece itself will become denser and tougher.

4. Wash the meat under running water, washing off all the salt well.

5. Dry thoroughly with a paper towel.

6. Leave it to lie down a little in the fresh air so that it dries well. Then lightly coat the meat with black ground pepper. You can also wipe pork with any spices to taste: coriander, nutmeg.

7. Wrap the pork with a cotton cloth, such as gauze or linen.

The familiar word “balyk”, which is usually used to denote a meat delicacy, originally had a completely different origin. This is the name of the backs of valuable fish species, which were salted, and then dried.

Meat balyk - polendvitsa, is a traditional dish of Polish and Belarusian cuisine. Now this appetizer is prepared from different varieties of meat and poultry, and you can buy it at any supermarket.

But there is no need to overpay. In addition, by preparing a dish at home, you can be completely sure that it does not contain any preservatives or harmful additives. And how to do this, we will tell you.

Original delicacy

Most often, pork is used for balyk. If you want to get beautiful marble pieces, choose a neck with streaks of fat, and for those who prefer a product with a drier consistency, it is worth buying a tenderloin. The finished dish in this case will have a smooth structure and a beautiful mother-of-pearl cut.

For it you will need the following products:

  • pork - 1 kg;
  • salt - 600 g;
  • spices: ground black pepper, marjoram, paprika, mustard seeds.

First of all, you need to prepare a mixture in which the meat will be pickled. To do this, mix seasonings with salt. If you want the dish to be more juicy, you can pour a little cognac.

Rinse the meat thoroughly and pat dry with paper towels.

Grate the tenderloin with the prepared mixture, wrap in parchment and put in the refrigerator for a day. During this time, a certain amount of juice should be allocated, which will need to be removed.

Pork balyk will be cooked very quickly. Already after 14-15 hours the product will be suitable for use. If you notice that there is still a lot of moisture in it, you can thread a rope and hang a tasty piece for several days in a ventilated room. So he will get a little hooked and dry.

Pork in foil

If you prefer thermally processed meat, then the following recipe will come to your aid. For him, in addition to pork tenderloin, you will need:

  • mustard - 1 tbsp;
  • honey - 1 tbsp;
  • garlic - 3-4 teeth .;
  • seasonings.

Lubricate washed and dried meat evenly with honey and spices, and leave to marinate for 5-6 hours. After that, rub it with plenty of mustard and, garlic crushed with a rolling pin, wrap in foil. Bake in the oven for an hour. A few minutes before the end, open the foil so that a delicious crust appears.

As a result, you will get a great dish that can be served both hot and cold.


You can also cook balyk from beef. But it is worth considering that this will take more time. To make the meat as soft as possible, it is better to choose sirloin, rumps or rump. They have the least connective tissue, which makes it stiff.

In Italy, dried ham is called "bresaola". It is useful in that it contains a small amount of calories, as well as useful substances such as zinc and iron. Such a product is great even for diet food. It is quite possible to cook a similar dish yourself, adhering to the timing of aging (ripening) of meat.


  • beef - 1.5 kg;
  • salt - 1 kg;
  • ginger, paprika - ½ tsp;
  • garlic - 4-5 tooth.

Sprinkle the washed piece of beef with salt, put in a deep container and refrigerate for 4-5 days. The juice that will be released during this period needs to be drained. Do not forget to periodically turn the piece over. After 5 days, remove the beef and wash thoroughly from salt.

Wrap a clean piece of gauze, put in a pan under the press and send in the refrigerator for another 2 days. After that, roll the semi-finished product in seasonings and garlic, thread the thread and hang it for another few days.

Tender jerky beef tenderloin can be served as a snack with olive oil and lemon, make original rolls from it, thinly sliced, and also used for pizza and salads.

From the bird

A more budget option is a chicken balyk. But the low price is not its only plus. The poultry meat literally melts in the mouth as a result of cooking. Let’s find out how to make such an appetizer. You will need:

  • chicken fillet - 500-600 g;
  • coarse sea salt - 200 g;
  • spices;
  • a mixture of peppers;
  • bay leaf;
  • cognac or vodka - 50 g.

Mix salt with herbs, a mixture of peppers and bay leaves. Add vodka or brandy. Wash and dry the fillet. Pour a layer of spices at the bottom of the container, lay the fillet and sprinkle it abundantly on top. Close with a tight lid and put in the refrigerator for 12 hours. After that, take it out, rinse thoroughly, wrap it in parchment or gauze, and keep it in the cold for another 12-24 hours.

Meat and poultry can can be stored for quite some time. And if you are going to use it to prepare other dishes, then you can put it in the freezer. So the product does not deteriorate, and it will be easier to cut into thin slices.

And now we offer you two simple recipes that will help diversify your daily menu and will become a decoration of the festive table.

Carpaccio with sauce

Do not be afraid of the "overseas" name. In fact, under it lies the usual thin slicing of a fresh piece of beef, which is seasoned with an original sauce. And you can make a similar delicacy with your own hand, but from a dried product.

You will need:

  • dried beef fillet - 200 g;
  • parmesan - 100 g;
  • arugula.

For refueling:

  • lemon juice - 3 tbsp;
  • balsamic vinegar - 2 tbsp;
  • olive oil - 5 tbsp;
  • mustard - ¼ tsp

Cut the balyk and parmesan into thin slices. Place the meat on a plate with an overlap, spread the slices of cheese on top and pour the sauce. For it, mix lemon juice with vinegar, oil and mustard, and mix thoroughly. Serve immediately after cooking.

Italian temptation

This salad will appeal to lovers of light snacks. It goes well with main dishes and does not leave behind a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

It will require such products:

  • beef balyk - 150 g;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs. (cherry - 5 pcs.);
  • feta cheese - 100 g;
  • arugula;
  • iceberg lettuce;
  • lemon;
  • olive oil;
  • rosemary.

Break the iceberg into small pieces and put in a salad bowl. Grind rosemary in the same way, salt, add a little oil and lemon juice, crush, add to the iceberg.

Cut the tomatoes into large slices or into halves, if it is cherry. Put in a salad bowl, add thinly sliced \u200b\u200bbeef slices, diced feta cheese and arugula. Drizzle with a little oil, add a pinch of salt and mix.

Tender, salted meat is a great alternative to the usual sausages and a wonderful product for slicing to the festive table. And after drying it a little more during the preparation process, you will get an excellent home-made beer snack for gatherings with friends. Enjoy your meal!