An annual okra plant (okra or gombo). Okra - useful properties and recipes

22.08.2019 Snacks

Okra is an amazing exotic plant that produces green oblong pods similar to peppers. The culture has many names - gombo, ladies' fingers, abelmosh, okra. In fact, it is a vegetable that has a specific taste. Someone compares okra with beans, to someone, the taste seems like eggplant, zucchini and even asparagus. Okra is widespread in Africa, southern Europe, Asia, America. In Russia, okra can be found in the Stavropol and Krasnodar Territories, there are small plantations where vegetables disperse throughout the country. The gentle taste of okra allows you to use it in various culinary masterpieces - stew the vegetable and serve as a side dish for meat or fish. Okra can be cooked with cereals or other vegetables, pods are often pickled and added to salads.

Okra grows very quickly, the grown pods should be cut off in a timely manner, otherwise they will mature, become sinewy and stiff. At the same time, fresh okra is not stored for long, only a few days. For this reason, people try to keep the pods for a long time - they canned or frozen vegetables. This is done in order to enjoy the delicate taste of the green pod in winter and receive from it only the most valuable and useful. After all, the composition of okra is amazing - it contains a huge amount of ascorbic acid and other vitamins. Okra is rich in proteins, carbohydrates, organic acids, and mineral salts. The seeds have a special oil that makes the product look like olives. Okra has a peculiar slimy structure - this mucus envelops the walls of the stomach and allows you to cope with many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. What else is useful okra, try to figure it out.

Useful properties of okra for humans

In the literature there is a mention of okra. In one of his works, the famous science fiction writer Harry Harrison talked about a spaceship, all of whose team members were fed exclusively by okra. This allowed the heroes to survive and maintain health. Indeed, okra is unique, it has many useful substances that have a positive effect on the human body, especially with regular use of the product.

  1. During pregnancy. The composition of okra is folic acid - this is one of the most important vitamins for a pregnant woman. When the future mother finds out about her situation, she must certainly drink folic acid separately or introduce foods rich in this substance into her diet. Folic acid helps the fetus to form properly, reduces the risk of developing pathologies of the baby’s nervous system.
  2. With diabetes.  The mucus, which is rich in okra pods, is a natural regulator of blood sugar. Okra is certainly recommended for diabetics.
  3. For the digestive tract.  As noted, the mucus in the composition of the pod, getting on the walls of the stomach, gently envelops the mucous membrane, relieves inflammation, soothes, relieves pain. Okra has a similar effect with a decoction of oatmeal. Such dishes are very effective for diseases of the stomach - they do not irritate the mucous membrane. And okra is useful for the intestines - enter the vegetable in the diet and you will forget what constipation and bloating are, okra provides an increase in the number of beneficial bacteria.
  4. When losing weight.  Okra is not just a useful medicine, but also an incredibly tasty vegetable that has a soft and delicate structure. Moreover, its calorific value is very small - only 25-30 calories and per 100 grams of product. Okra allows you to get enough of a small amount of food, it gives the body vitamins and minerals, which are so lacking with limited nutrition. And okra has a mild diuretic effect, which means that you can get rid of excess water in the body, swelling on the legs and arms, bags under the eyes will gradually disappear. Okra cleanses the body of toxins and toxins, removes excess bile. This purification is especially important at the first stage of losing weight, so that the body gets rid of extra pounds without problems.
  5. For potency.  The tribes of Africa were necessarily introduced into the diet of okra for young men, as the best way to improve potency. Okra is an obligatory attribute at wedding celebrations, as a symbol of man’s fertility. Eat okra to gain masculine strength and sexual stamina.
  6. To restore vitality.  And also okra is an excellent immunostimulant that can be used both during an illness and after it to restore strength. And if you take okra constantly - this is an excellent prevention of colds. Okra must be given to children after infections, the elderly, women after childbirth and during lactation. Vegetable protects the body from diseases, gives vitality and tone.
  7. Against cough. Okra pods and seeds have an excellent expectorant effect, one should prepare a decoction and drink it as often as possible. This dilutes sputum, removes it from the lungs, and allows you to quickly get rid of a cough of any nature. Regular consumption of okra will help reduce the number of asthmatic attacks and make them less intense and dangerous.
  8. For vessels and capillaries.  According to statistics, people whose diet is rich in okra are much less likely to suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system. Regular consumption of a vegetable strengthens the walls of blood vessels, makes them more elastic and mobile, lowers blood cholesterol, and fights against atherosclerosis.

In addition, okra reduces the risk of cancer, especially colon cancer. A vegetable is so diverse that you should not think about its beneficial properties - there are a lot of them. But is okra so safe?

  Having learned about the incredible benefits of the product, many people begin to consume it in large quantities, making a mistake. An overabundance of many healthy vegetables and fruits can lead to unpleasant consequences. But not with okra! You can eat green pods as much as you want; there is no harm in vegetables. The only thing you need to know about the method of preparation of the product. On the surface of the okra there are small hairs that can be aggressive to the stomach and skin. Therefore, during the preparation of the vegetable, all small fibers should be brushed off with a hard sponge or just a clean cloth. Processing is best done with gloves, hairs that get on the skin often cause itching, redness and burning. And further. If you consume okra for the first time, start with small portions - watch the body. Like any other product, okra can cause an allergic reaction.

How to cook okra?

If you got this amazing vegetable in your hands, wrap it in a newspaper or food paper and place it in the refrigerator - so you can save the pods for several days. And it’s better to immediately cook okra - there can be many options for dishes from the product.

  1. Garnish. Pour a little oil into a dry frying pan, fry the onions and garlic. Okra needs to be prepared - cut the stalk so that the seeds do not open. Be sure to rinse the pods and clean them from lint. Pure okra is sent to the pan to the onion and garlic. The product does not stew for long - about 15 minutes. So that the okra does not boil and break, try not to interfere with the dish too often. Before cooking, garnish should be salt and pepper, if necessary, add chopped tomato and lemon juice. Serve cold or hot - this is the perfect combination to any meat or fish product.
  2. Pickled okra.  Marinating okra is not difficult - just like cucumbers. At the bottom of the can, greens are laid out to taste, garlic, a couple of peas of black pepper, the okra pods are laid out tightly on top. Pour boiling water, leave to sterilize for 5 minutes, repeat the procedure twice. For the third time, sugar, salt and vinegar are added to the water. About a dessert spoon of salt, a teaspoon of sugar and the same amount of vinegar per liter of water. To make the okra crispy, you can add a little alcohol or vodka to the brine. When the brine boils, for the third time, the banks are poured and rolled up with sterilized lids. Such a delicacy will surprise your guests.
  3. Okra with meat.  The meat should be cut into pieces, fry in a pan. If the meat is tough, it is additionally poured with water and stewed for about half an hour. Okra should be prepared and washed. Usually stewed vegetables in whole, too large pods can be cut in half. Okra has a special slime. If you want the dish to be viscous, add okra directly to the meat and simmer for another 20-30 minutes. If you want to get the dish in slices, put out the pods separately to get rid of the slimy mass, and only then mix the ingredients. Before cooking, add garlic, spices, tomato pulp, parsley to the dish.

They also freeze okra - prepared pods are laid out on a flat surface, and after freezing they are put in bags or containers. In winter, you can add the right amount of vegetable to your meals. Overripe okra fruits become dark, hard and fibrous - they are rarely eaten. But coffee is made from the overripe pod beans - the grains are dried, roasted and brewed into a fragrant drink.

Okra is a beautiful plant, which is characterized by high productivity. In a warm climate, pods need to be collected every 3-5 days. Okra shrubs are very unpretentious, although they can not tolerate cold and frost. If you live in a warm strip, be sure to plant okra in the summer cottage - this is the personification of health and well-being!

Video: beneficial properties and growing okra

If you are interested in exotic vegetables, then in this article you will find a lot of useful and very interesting information.

Many will probably hear for the first time about such a miracle - a vegetable like okra. It has a special not only name but also appearance. Okra has a few more names: okra, ladies' fingers, gombo.

In appearance, the vegetable is similar to a pointed green pod that has a conical shape. It grows only in countries with a warm climate. The Middle East is considered his homeland, and more specifically, it is Ethiopia.

Okru is also grown in countries with colder climates, but special cultivation methods must be followed. Okra has a kinship with crops such as cotton, cocoa and hibiscus.

But did you know that during the Second World War, the inhabitants of Africa and Asian countries felt an acute shortage of coffee, and they had to use the fruits of okra instead? Since then, many gourmets prefer this particular vegetable with a delicious taste.

A huge number of plant varieties and species is known not only in West Africa, but also in India.

Residents of European countries met with okra in the 18th century. The Arabs brought the vegetable to Europe for the first time, and it found its application in the cuisines of many peoples. In Russia, okra appeared relatively recently.

In our country, it is cultivated only in the Stavropol and Krasnodar Territories. Craftsmen - gardeners are very successfully trying to grow okru in the regions of the Moscow Region. Lovers of exotic plants grow okra in the south of Ukraine. But, unfortunately, there are few such enthusiasts.

Unopened green pod and young leaves are consumed.. Every 4 to 5 days, new pods are formed on the plant, which must be picked before they are overripe. The taste of okra is surprisingly similar to asparagus or eggplant. These products even have an identical cooking method.

Okra can be fried, stewed, used for the preparation of salads in raw form. A curious gastronomic product is the seeds of this vegetable. After roasting, they resemble coffee to taste. Oil is also squeezed from the seeds, which has a pleasant and delicate aroma.

On the shelves of our stores in recent years, you can find okra in both frozen and fresh.

When buying a vegetable, one should not forget to pay attention to its appearance. The maximum length of the pods should not exceed 10 cm. The smaller the fruits, the better they are. Color - bright green, without visible damage, dry patches and moldy spots.

You need to buy young and delicate fruits, tight to the touch. In an overripe fetus, the membrane becomes leathery. Such a vegetable is not suitable for consumption, its taste is much worse than a young fruit.

Beneficial features

The possibility of useful qualities of okra is so wide that scientists began to conduct the first experiments on replacing blood plasma with active components that are in bright green pods.

The composition of the pods includes fiber in the form of mucus, which has an amazing tendency to dissolve. In seeds - up to 40% of oil. The vegetable contains vitamins: A, C, B6 and minerals: magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, zinc, manganese and iron.

Nutritional value and calorie content

Calorie baths are not high - 33 calories. Therefore, it is used in diet food.

Composition per 100 grams of product:

  • 20.17% are proteins;
  • 1.99% - fats;
  • 77.85% carbohydrates.

As can be seen from the indicators, at a fairly low calorie content, the carbohydrate content is high.

Harm and contraindications

Okra has no particular contraindications for use, but it is still worth considering that some people may have an individual intolerance to the product.

Do not neglect the fact that large pods can have small burning spots on the surface of the skin. After heat treatment, they soften. If you touch such areas without gloves, itching and other manifestations of an allergic reaction may appear on the skin.

Dishes from the bath should not be cooked in dishes made of copper or cast iron, because in this case a chemical reaction will occur during which the appearance of the dish will significantly deteriorate. The pods will acquire a nondescript dark brown hue.

If you do not have personal intolerance to the components that make up this vegetable, include it in your diet. Okra is not only healthy, but also very tasty.

The use of okra in large quantities at a time (more than 400 - 500 grams) can harm the body: it is not excluded the digestive tract, diarrhea or vice versa - constipation.

Methods of application in traditional medicine

Cooking Recipes:

    for colds and coughs. We prepare a decoction from the roots: take 2 tablespoons of the crushed roots of the plant and fill them with warm boiled water (500 ml), insist for one hour, filter, add a little sugar, and preferably honey. We take one tablespoon from 6 to 8 times a day for coughing, hoarseness of the voice and inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are treated with a decoction prepared from the fruits of the plant.
  • with diabetes. By regularly eating this vegetable, you can change the activity of genes that are responsible for the emergence and development of this dangerous ailment.
  • Okra is very useful for men's health. It is also called Viagra for men. Representatives of the strong half of humanity who eat okra dishes can boast that they are good lovers.
  • The obvious benefits of okra for pregnant and lactating mothers. If you want to give birth to a healthy and strong baby, be sure to include this vegetable in your diet. Do not forget that green "boxes" are prepared quickly, so they need to be added to the main dish at the very end of cooking. Expectant mothers need vitamins, so it is best to eat raw okra in salads.
  • The seeds of the plant contain vegetable protein and omega three unsaturated fatty acids, which is good prevention of cholesterol disease  and various metabolic disorders.
  • Application in cosmetology. In order for your hair to become heavier and shiny in appearance, you need to prepare a solution for rinsing your hair. It is done as follows: pour the pods with water, into which we add a little lemon juice. Then we put the container on the stove and cook over low heat until a thick substance is obtained, which is used to improve the structure of the hair.
  • Gel okra, prepared by the above method, apply for treating digestive upsetwith diarrhea and constipation.
  • Using the gel that is added to the foot baths, you can soften corns and moisturize feetand also get rid of fungal infection.

Do not forget that any recipes used in traditional medicine are not able to completely replace the traditional treatment.

In order for useful properties to be preserved in okra as long as possible, it must be properly stored. It should be stored in containers with ventilation openings. The room should be moderately warm or cool.

Many housewives use an ordinary refrigerator to store vegetables. Okra can spend several days on the kitchen table. Dried vegetables do not need a refrigerator. Wet cellar is not a place for preservation of the environment.

If your region does not grow okra, then it can be purchased in supermarkets, in the department of exotic vegetables. The price of products is high, but this is offset by its healing properties.

All new products that you have not previously used, this also applies to vegetables, you need to enter into your diet in small portions. Only in this case they will be of more benefit than harm.

If in a supermarket you will come across an unprecedented product called okra, buy it. You will enjoy dishes based on this wonderful delicacy.

Okra (in another way - okra, gombo, ladies fingers) is a little-known product in Russia. Our okra is mainly sold in frozen form. Although the history of the domestic garden economy, there are cases of cultivation of okra in central Russia. For example, it is known that at the dawn of our century, okra was successfully cultivated in the Moscow region (Melikhovo) by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. Today, in Russia and in our south, summer cottagers began to grow okra.

Usually unripe (three-six-day) fruit ovaries are eaten as soon as they reach 4-6 cm in length. Cut okra with scissors, every 2-3 days, because overripe fruits are not tasty and lose their dietary properties. Okra is not stored for a long time, it can be kept in the refrigerator for no more than 3-4 days and needs to be cooked quickly.

Okra cooking recipe

Okra is not only very useful, but also has a very unusual taste. Of course, the very concept of “Afghan cuisine” itself prepares us for surprises.

I’ll tell you how to cook an okra according to the recipe. In order to cook okra, you will need the following foods.

  1. Frozen okra - 1 pack, approximately 0.5 kg;
  2. Onion - 1 large onion;
  3. Garlic - 3 medium cloves;
  4. Tomatoes - 3 medium pcs;
  5. Water - 1.5 cups;
  6. Coriander - 2 teaspoons;
  7. Hot pepper - 2 teaspoons;
  8. Salt to taste.

How to cook okra - recipe

  1. First, in order to cook okra, it is necessary to peel and finely chop onions, fry it in vegetable oil until a golden hue.
  2. Then cut fresh tomatoes finely peeled from the skin, add them to the fried onion. Cook min 5-10 until the water evaporates and appears yellow, often stirring.
  3. After that, add finely chopped garlic and fry until aromatic.
  4. When the frying pan for okra is ready, put the okra into a pan, cut into pieces 1-1.5 cm. And mix.
  5. Now you need to add spices for okra: coriander and hot dried pepper.
  6. Salt and pour 1 cup of water. Cover the pan and cook for about 20 minutes, sometimes stirring gently so that the okra does not burn. If the water has evaporated and the okra began to burn, you can add another half a glass of water.

In its finished form, the form of okra does not change, it retains its original form. Ready okra is served on small plates with rice or meat.

Okra is ideal as a side dish for lamb, fish. It is rich in beneficial substances, including ascorbic acid and other vitamins. Its seeds contain up to 20% olive oil. It is noticed that okra helps to restore the depleted forces of the body. Due to the fact that okra pods are rich in mucous substances, they are of value for patients with peptic ulcer disease, as well as for those suffering from gastritis. A decoction of okra is used for bronchitis.

Okra, okra, gombo, ladies' fingers - all these are the names of the same vegetable. Okra is a rather valuable vegetable crop of the Malvaceae family. Little is known about the homeland of this plant. Okra is common in India, Africa, North America and the tropical regions. Some indicate West Africa as its place of origin, others do not doubt that the plant first appeared in India. A very large number of varieties of okra are known, therefore the ideas about it are different. Okra grows in Europe, but it got there from Asia. This vegetable is growing in both Russia and Ukraine, which became possible after some warming of the climate. But there are very few people who want to grow Okra.

Okra is an annual herbaceous plant. In height, it reaches 40 cm, and its record height was 2 meters. Okra is a thick and branched plant. Light green leaves are tilted down. The leaves are large and formed from seven blades, although sometimes up to five blades are also included in their composition. Inflorescences are large, yellowish-cream in color, located on the pedicels in the bosom of the leaves. It is in this place that the fruit growth point is located. Among the people, the fruits of okra were called "boxes", since they differ in a four- or octagonal shape. And inside the fruit contains seeds. Okra, like eggplant, loves heat very much. Therefore, it is easier to grow in the southern regions. It has always been this way until amateur gardeners adapted to grow this plant in countries far to the north.

Increasingly, okra can be bought fresh and frozen. Sell \u200b\u200bit on the market. Gathering the fruits of okra, starting in August and ending in November.

Buying a vegetable

When choosing okra, study its appearance. The length of the pods should be about 10 cm (maximum size), but it is better to buy a shorter okra. Ripe fruits are bright green in color; they should not be damaged, moldy, soft or dry. Get fruits young, tender and dense. Okra is found a little reddish in color. To determine if the fetus is overripe, you need to examine it for the presence of a leathery surface. At the same time, the vegetable becomes stiff and fibrous, it is not suitable for eating, they can only spoil the dish.

Okra Storage

Okra is a perishable product. It is stored no longer than three days. To store okra in the refrigerator, place it first in a paper bag. Okra is the embodiment of the desires of a vegetarian, as they say about it, given the high content of useful elements in it. Okra is rich in iron, protein, potassium, calcium, vitamins A, B6, C, K.

Healing properties

The presence of a large percentage of folic acid in okra makes this vegetable indispensable in the diet of pregnant women. Folic acid is involved in the formation of the fetus in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Okra normalizes blood sugar. Vegetable mucus of the okra with its dietary fiber is absorbed in the small intestine. People suffering from an intestinal upset are very useful dishes with okra in the composition.

Okra is considered an ideal vegetable for weight loss and a great helper in the fight against depression, tonsillitis, chronic fatigue.Okra is the best treatment for asthma. Vegetable is highly recommended in the diet of patients with atherosclerosis. In addition, trace elements contained in okra help strengthen blood vessels.

Thanks to okra, excess cholesterol and wastes are eliminated from the body. The vegetable prevents bloating, constipation, helps in the healing of gastric ulcers.

As a result of studies conducted on okra, it was proved that this vegetable is able to prevent colon cancer. Thanks to okra, the likelihood of cataracts and diabetes is reduced.

Vegetable copes with problems that cause potency disorders. Doctors often recommend okra to patients after surgery. Okra contains only 31 calories, so in dietary nutrition it is of no small importance.

In the field of cooking

Okra is very popular in cooking. Young leaves are also used for cooking. The taste of okra has some similarities with asparagus and eggplant. Therefore, recipes for cooking okra have much in common with eggplant recipes.

Okra is prepared in different ways: boiled, stewed, canned, used as part of salads, put in first courses, added to vegetable and meat dishes. It is ideal as a side dish for meat or poultry.

During heat treatment, the vegetable secretes a large amount of mucus. This is very handy if you are preparing the first dish, but if such a quantity of sauce is not prescribed for the recipe, first fry the okra on high heat with the addition of acid, such as lemon or tomato juice.

Okra seeds are also important, which, after frying, can be used to make a fragrant drink. Seeds can be squeezed to obtain an oil that also has a pleasant aroma.

Okra Meat Platter

  • Okra - 1 kg;
  • Ground beef or mutton - 0.5 kg;
  • Garlic - 5 cloves;
  • Tomato juice - 400 ml;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Spices - optional.

Preparation: fry okra. Add chopped garlic to the minced meat. Put okra and minced meat in pots, alternating them in layers. Put okra on top. Pour the pots with tomato juice and spices and continue to cook in the oven over moderate heat until the juice is completely absorbed. When the dish is cooked, serve on serving plates.

Okra with vegetables

  • Okra in fresh-frozen form - 1.2 kg (two packs);
  • Onions - 3 pieces (medium size);
  • Bell pepper - 2 pieces;
  • Tomatoes (medium) - 5 pieces;
  • Carrots - 3 pieces;
  • Wine vinegar - 2 tablespoons;
  • Olive oil - 80 ml;
  • Vegetable oil - 80 ml;
  • Hot green pepper (medium) - 0.5 pieces
  • Garlic - 5 cloves
  • Tomato paste - 2 tablespoons;
  • Parsley, dill, cilantro.

Preparation: two separate cauldrons (pans) are required. Thaw okra completely, pour cold water for 10-15 minutes, adding a little wine vinegar. Tilt the vegetables in a colander to glass the water.

In the first cauldron, heat vegetable oil, put onions, chopped in half rings, fry until golden brown, put coarsely grated carrots and continue to fry for about 15 minutes, after which add Bulgarian pepper and hot pepper. Stew vegetables until the bell peppers are soft.

Put another pot on the fire, heat olive oil, put chopped tomatoes, add 2 tablespoons of tomato paste. Simmer, cover for about 15 minutes, then put okra and continue cooking vegetables, stirring, for about 20 minutes. 5 minutes before the okra is ready, add chopped garlic to the dish.

In conclusion, mix the contents of two cauldrons, add ready-made vegetables with fresh herbs, add salt and pepper to taste, and then let the dish stand on fire for about 5 minutes.

Okra with lemon

  • Okra - 250 g;
  • Lemon (you can take a spoonful of vinegar instead) - 1 pc.;
  • Sugar - a teaspoon;
  • Vegetable oil - 1 dessert spoon;
  • Salt.

Cooking. Boil okra until soft in salt water, then drain the water, dry the vegetables, cut into small pieces (2.5 cm). Pour the dish with lemon juice or vinegar, add sugar, oil. Mix everything and leave to soak before serving.

Okra stew

  • Okra - 600 g;
  • Onion - 2 pieces;
  • Vegetable oil - 5 tablespoons;
  • Red pepper - 1 teaspoon;
  • Tomato - 3 spoons;
  • Lemon - 0.5 pieces;
  • Salt.

Preparation: peel the fruits, immerse in water with the addition of vinegar. Fry chopped onion in vegetable oil, add ground red pepper, put the prepared okra pods, add salt. Put tomatoes, sliced, lemon slices. Cook vegetables on a quiet fire without water, without stirring. Before removing from heat, add chopped parsley.

Okra Blanched

  • Dried okra - 800 g;
  • Onion - 200 g;
  • Vegetable oil - 80 ml;
  • White wine - 120 ml;
  • Tomatoes - 200 g;
  • Mushrooms - 200 g;
  • Ground black pepper, parsley, salt.

Preparation: Blanch okra in water with acid. Pour the peeled onion with cold water, boil, add to blanched okra. Peel the tomatoes, free from seeds, cut mushrooms, season everything with wine, oil. Add parsley, pepper, salt. Place the vegetables in a clay container, close tightly, cook over low heat for about 40 minutes. Serve cold.

2014 -8-11 10:15

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And so, today I brought a recipe for preparing a side dish from okra with step-by-step photos of the process. Fans of doing everything easily and quickly can replace a traditional frying pan with a traditional multicooker.

This vegetable, of course, cannot be called yours for our latitudes. Okra, she is okra, she is ladies' fingers, you will often find in eastern cuisine. It is eaten in India, Israel, many African countries and even Japan, which is natural, because it grows there like our weeds. Okru is stewed, fried, eaten raw, baked in the oven, grains are used as coffee and even make dry preparations. In general, it would seem, revered and moved on. Where to get such exotic in the harsh squash and potato reality?

And immediately the good news: today, okra can be found on the shelves of all major retail chains in the freezing section at a very reasonable price. And especially the perverted gardeners, whose Argon ardor knows no bounds, began to grow ladies' fingers on their plots. Why not replace it with some commonplace pumpkin, well, at least occasionally?

Moreover, this is:

  1. Tasty by default
  2. Useful  - okra contains unsaturated omega-6 fats and a lot of beta-carotene, it is ideal for people with diabetes, and is included in the list of vegetables allowed to nursing mothers
  3. Dietary  - only 31 calories in 100 grams (hey, losing weight, where are you there)
  4. A good reason to diversify the boring everyday menu

  Okra - garnish recipes, ingredients

  1. 300-400 g of fresh or frozen okra
  2. 3 tomatoes
  3. 4 large cloves of garlic
  4. 1 onion
  5. 1 carrot
  6. Half beam cilantro
  7. Frying oil


  1. ½ tsp cumin, she's a zira
  2. ½ tsp curry
  3. ½ tsp sweet paprika
  4. Feels like salt and black pepper


Step 1:

Finely chop the garlic, carrots and onions. Carrots can be grated.

Step 2:

Blanch the tomatoes. To do this, make incisions on the top of the head crosswise and pour enough boiling water over it, then remove the peel and finely chop it.

I deal with them in a more sophisticated way - I put the tomatoes in a pot of water, bring to a boil, then remove from the stove and pour cold. The skin is removed, as in the summer, skin from burnt shoulders.

Step 3:

Fry onion, garlic and carrots until golden, add tomatoes and simmer for another five minutes.

Step 4:

If the okra is fresh, wash it thoroughly, cut the ponytails and send to the pan.If frozen, send to the pan without ceremony.Pour spices, salt.

Step 5:

Stew over low heat, stirring occasionally, 10-15 minutes, until the vegetables are softer.

Step 6:

Add finely chopped greens and let it cook until tender.

Agree, it’s easier not to come up with a recipe. Braised okra is the perfect side dish for any meal. In my case, it was a fried mullet.

Enjoy your meal!

Utility from Pate:   if you suddenly grow okra on your seven hundredths, try it. To do this, boil the vegetable in boiling water for a minute, remove the skin, let it dry and safely send it to the freezer for permanent residence.

Finally, keep another cool recipe for stewed okra: