Harvesting corn for the winter. Canned Corn Recipes

24.07.2019 Desserts and Cakes


Stocking up homemade canned corn for the winter, you are guaranteed to provide yourself with a variety of delicious salads and side dishes. After all, every hostess knows how much a jar of favorite canned grains costs in the store in the winter. So why spend extra money, if such conservation is quite simple to cook at home with minimal budget expenditures? In addition, variations of recipes on this subject abound.

In order for canned corn to delight you with its taste, you should pay special attention to the degree of its maturity. We carry out checks with the help of a nail, pressing them on a grain in the middle of the corn. If the liquid from the kernel has completely drained out and nothing is left under it, it means that you have caught corn of the milky degree of maturity.

Cooked corn cobs

And if the milk has not completely flowed out, and the flesh remains under the skin of the grain, you are holding a cob with a milky-wax degree of maturity. Such varieties are suitable for preservation and will not spoil its taste.

However, there are two other options that need special attention. For example, when the nail completely enters the pulp of the grain, and the liquid from it absolutely does not follow. This means that corn is too old, and it is not suitable for canning. The most deplorable option when the nail is absolutely not included in the grain. The only thing that can be advised to do with such a cob is to soak it in water and wait for the sprouts to appear so that they can be sown next year.

So, in order for canned corn cooked at home for the winter to be no worse than a shop counterpart, sugar dairy varieties should be chosen. Otherwise, the preservation will be very hard and not fit for human consumption. Preparation begin with the preparation of the sole and main ingredient - corn. To make it softer and better to separate from the cob, it should be blanched in boiling water. For juicy young corn, just 5 minutes will be enough. However, if the corn is ripe, then the blanching time can be increased to 10-25 minutes.

Canned corn in jars

After cooking, we do not pour out the liquid in which the ears boil, and cool the corn in cool water. Now the grains can be easily separated by hand or knife. We shift the grains in sterilized jars, leaving about 2 cm at the neck of the jar not filled. This is necessary in order for the brine to completely cover the corn, while still having about 1 cm of free space. It is best for such preservation to choose a container with a volume of 0.5 liters. When all the grains are tamped, it's time to start preparing the brine.

Here we will need cornflower broth, in which the ears were pre-cooked. Based on 1 l of brine add 1 tbsp. l nine percent table vinegar, salt and 4 tbsp. l Sahara. Bring the liquid to a boil, not forgetting to constantly stir it, and turn off the stove. With the ready marinade we pour in our preservation and lightly cover it with lids, having previously thoroughly doused them with boiling water. At the final stage, it remains to sterilize the jars with the contents for 40 minutes, after which they hermetically roll them up and leave to cool in an inverted form, wrapped with a prepared blanket.

The previous recipe is more like an analogue of sweet corn from the store, which cannot be said about the recipe for corn on the cob for the winter. In order for this workout to please you, give preference to young sugar cobs of dairy ripeness not more than 18 cm long. And if you are lucky to find small, not too large cobs about 7-10 cm long - it will be great. They must be removed from the leaves and carefully remove all the hairs, for this purpose you can use a brush with medium hardness. If the cobs are too young, you can not even boil them, they are already quite soft.

Young corn cobs

However, if the corn is already ripe, you can boil it at will for 10-15 minutes. To cob tightly in the bank, cut the tips so that they create a flat stable plane, then lay them vertically in sterilized three-liter cans. If the container remains empty, fill it with smaller cobs or cut the larger ones into several pieces.

We prepare brine at the rate of 1 tbsp. l salt and sugar per liter of liquid, and for the marinade you can also use water in which you pre-cooked corn. We bring the hot marinade to a boil and pour it into jars with corn cobs, cover the container with loosely sterilized lids. This recipe differs from the previous one in that it does not use vinegar. Therefore, jars with preservation will have to be sterilized in hot water for a long time - 2.5-3 hours. After that, roll the jars tightly, turn them upside down and wrap them well.

Slightly vary the recipe for corn on the cob for the winter will help add fragrant spices. Moreover, this option is suitable for fans of canned vinegar in large quantities. To prepare, we use corn of milky ripeness, which must be cleaned of leaves and fibers, and then thoroughly washed and boiled in water for about 10 minutes. In the meantime, thoroughly wash the soda cans and sterilize them.

Corn and Spices

Put the young ears into the prepared container for preservation, then prepare the marinade. For 1 l of brine, take 1 tbsp. l salt, 2 tbsp. l sugar, 12 tbsp. l vinegar (better than apple), a few peas of black pepper and a couple of leaves of bay leaf. Simmer the marinade over low heat until boiling. Then pour it into sterilized jars with a vegetable blank and cover it with loose clean, previously scalded boiling water, lids. Sterilize the finished billet in hot water for an hour, roll the jars tightly and wrap them well before cooling.

Surely many people know the taste of sweet canned corn with various vegetables. Pleasure is certainly pleasant, but not cheap. But at home such a statement would not be appropriate. After all, you can cook much more jars with a delicious billet at the same price, and maybe even cheaper. Plus, such preservation is a hundred times tastier and healthier. We start cooking with cooking young sweet corn. It is not necessary to cook it for too long, otherwise it will become tough, 10-15 minutes will be quite enough. Then the corn must be cooled, cut off the grains and put them in a bowl.

Cooking Corn Cobs

Now let's do cutting other vegetables that will be combined with corn. Take one large, zucchini and carrots, thoroughly clean them from the peel and seeds, wash and cut into cubes. It is desirable that their size coincides with the grains of corn. Mix the chopped vegetables and corn in equal proportions, put the mixture in sterilized jars. Marinade prepared at the rate of 1.5 Art. l salt, 2 tbsp. l sugar, 2 tbsp. l apple cider vinegar in 1.5 liters of water. Brine bring to a boil and give bulk ingredients dissolve well.

Pour the fragrant blanks with hot marinade, add a few peas of allspice to the jars and lightly cover them with clean lids. We carry out sterilization of jars with preservation for 40 minutes, then hermetically roll them up.

This recipe is somewhat different from previous ones with its unusual serving. After all, here the corn is served not in grains or is preserved whole, the cobs are cut into flat washers. Such preservation is very convenient to take hands. It perfectly serves as a side dish or savory snack to the main dishes. For this recipe, take a container of about 0.7 liters. Thoroughly sterilize it with covers. At the bottom of a clean jar, place a few sprigs of dill, parsley and currant leaves to give an extraordinary flavor.

Canned corn snack

Boil the corn for 20 minutes, and then cut the cobs into flat circles, about 3 cm thick, place them tightly in jars and add black peppercorns to each several peas. It remains to cook the marinade. At 1.5 liters of water (you can use the liquid after cooking corn) add 2 tbsp. l sugar and salt, 1.5 tbsp. l apple cider vinegar. We bring the marinade to a boil, and then pour the crispy corn slices with hot pickle and cover them with a lid. Sterilize the glass container with the contents on low heat for 40 minutes, after which we roll up tightly and wrap everything up to complete cooling.

How to keep fresh with freezing?

In addition to canned corn, you can also make a freeze for the winter. The freshness of such corn after defrosting will delight you. It can be added to stews, casseroles, pizza and served as a side dish, while enjoying the corn in any season of the year. Choose juicy sugar cobs, boil them in water until ready, and then cool using ice for this purpose.

Remove corn from cooled corn and disperse them into plastic bags or trays. In order for such a semi-finished product, cooked at home, really looked advantageous in the dishes, you can freeze the corn with fresh peas, sliced ​​carrots, bell peppers and other favorite vegetables.

The season of homework for the winter is not over yet, despite the fact that it is already October outside. In the bins of the hoarder hostesses there is most likely still a mass of all kinds of vegetables, fruits and other fruits. And today I offer a recipe for homemade canned corn, which we prepare for the winter.

What is the most common way to cook with this product? Well, of course a variety of salads with canned corn! They are tasty and nourishing, and juicy, the main thing is to choose high-quality canned corn.

That is why, when preparing canned corn at home, it is necessary to carefully select raw materials. In other words, if you want the grains to be tender and soft, take young ears of sweetcorn.


Preparation of dishes step by step with a photo:

So, we preserve corn for the winter! To do this, we take the ears of young sweetcorn (I have 5 medium), water, salt and granulated sugar. I give proportions for a jar with a capacity of 500 milliliters, in which exactly 350 grams of pips fit.

Corn cobs need to be cleaned from the outer leaves and stigmas (these are the hairs). Cut off the extra stem and the very top of the cob, if there are no seeds.

Wash the corn cob and put in a large saucepan. Fill with cold water to cover the corn and set it on fire.

Corn preparation time can vary greatly. It all depends on the degree of its maturity. But there are hardly any fans of hard grains that are difficult to chew. Pleasure from this is not enough, agree? My corn was boiled after boiling for about 30 minutes, it was enough for her. You look at the softness of the seeds. Drain the water and let the cobs cool down a bit so that you can continue to work with them.

We put the grain in a pre-prepared jar. I like to sterilize the jars in the microwave: wash them in soda solution, rinse and pour about 100 milliliters of cold water into each. Steamed in the microwave at the highest power for 5-7 minutes each. Lids just boil for about 5 minutes.

Cooking marinade for canned corn. Put in a saucepan a teaspoon of salt and sugar, pour 200 milliliters of cold water. Put on the fire and bring to a boil. Boil a couple of minutes to dissolve the crystals.

Now it will be necessary to sterilize our vegetable preparation for the winter. To do this, we take a large saucepan, put a cloth on the bottom so that the bank will not burst during the process. Put a jar of corn and marinade, cover with a sterile cap. After boiling we give the billet to be sterilized for about an hour with an average gurgling of water.

How to harvest corn for the winter

Corn for the winter - it is canned or frozen billet, which you can cook without the hassle at home. Grains are added to salads, sauces, first and second courses.

Corn on the cob for the winter

After freezing, the grains retain their flavor and aroma.

Source: Depositphotos

Corn cobs are perfectly stored all winter in the freezer.


  • corn - 6 cobs;
  • water - 1 l.
  1. Dip the corn in boiling water and cook for 5 minutes.
  2. Put the cobs in ice water, then dry them with paper towels.
  3. Put the blanks in bags for freezing, remove air from the package. Send the cob to the freezer.

Use blanks as needed.

Marinated corn for the winter at home

Prepare an unusual snack with a sweet and sour taste according to our recipe.


  • young corn - 6 cobs;
  • water - 2.5 l;
  • salt - 90 g;
  • sugar - 70 g;
  • vinegar - 30 ml;
  • bell pepper - 4 pcs .;
  • carnation - 3 pcs .;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  1. Cut the cobs into 3 parts, lower them into boiling water and cook for 30 minutes.
  2. Dissolve salt and sugar in 2.5 liters of water. Boil the marinade, add the pepper, cloves and bay leaf. Lie it for 5 minutes.
  3. Put the corn in sterilized jars, fill it with boiling marinade.

Close the dishes with capron lids and cool. Keep the workpiece in the refrigerator or cellar.

Canned corn for the winter with tomatoes

Sweet corn grains harvested at home, do not differ in taste from those that are sold in the store. Tomatoes you can submit separately, add them to the salad or soup.


  • tomatoes - 10 pcs .;
  • corn - 2 pcs .;
  • water - 2 l;
  • sugar - 120 g;
  • salt - 60 g;
  • vinegar - 45 g;
  • currant litas - 5 pcs .;
  • bell pepper - 4 pcs .;
  • dill - 3 sprigs;
  • basil - 2 sprigs.
  1. Put greens and peppers on the bottom of a sterilized three-liter jar. If you wish, you can add dill umbrellas, cherry leaves or grapes.
  2. Cut the cobs into 2–3 cm thick pieces. Place the blanks in a jar, alternating with tomatoes.
  3. Fill the products with boiling water, cover them with a lid. After 5 min, pour the infusion into the pan and boil it again. Repeat this operation 2 more times.
  4. Add to the broth salt and sugar, bring it to a boil.
  5. Pour the vinegar and marinade into the jar, cover the dishes with a lid.

Turn the workpiece upside down and cool. Send the blank to the cellar or storeroom for storage.

Grains of canned or frozen corn before use is removed from the stem with a knife. They can be immediately added to a hot dish or salad.

Young cobs for conservation must be taken milky white.

Usually they are not very long - 15-17 centimeters. You can take larger corn and cut the cob into several pieces - gently break them off or cut them with a knife in order not to damage the grains. We clean the cobs of leaves and hairs - they are suitable for decoction, but it is better not to use them for preservation.

Prepared cobs fold in an enamel bowl or saucepan, pour water and bring to a boil. Cook the young cobs in this way for about five minutes.

Fill the cobs with boiling water, they will be prepared faster and retain all their beneficial properties. Boil the cobs until cooked - they should be soft and not have a taste of starch. Prepared cobs need to cool - lay them in a colander and pour cold water.

After the cobs are well cooled, they must be dried - to do this, lay them on a towel. To make our blanks not only tasty, but also practical, disassemble the cobs by size - so we will save the number of cans used for preservation.

I usually use one-liter cans - this amount is enough for one time. The number of products also cite per liter cans.

In each jar, add two tablespoons of table vinegar, one bay leaf and two three peppercorns - to your taste.

Prepared on the cob corn cooked in marinade:

Marinade, which we will pour prepared cobs, is prepared very simply. You will need two tablespoons of salt and sugar - this proportion is calculated for one liter of water. Marinade boil for two or three minutes, then immediately pour hot cobs in jars. Take care in advance of the dishes in which you will sterilize the finished jars. We sterilize each jar for at least an hour - we begin to count the time after boiling water in the pot in which the jars stand.

We roll up the prepared jars and turn them upside down. After the banks have cooled down, they can be put in storage. Use half liter jars or liter, such canned food is easier to cook and they will stand longer. If you have a convection oven, you can sterilize the jars in it - then we count the time from boiling the marinade in the jars. Milk corn cobs will be the best decoration on your table.

Corn contains a lot of useful vitamins and minerals. Even when it is canned, it remains as healthy and tasty. Proper preparation will help to keep the maximum amount of vitamins and trace elements. Canning corn in grains at home is simple. It is important to stick to the recipe to make it tasty.

How to choose corn for preservation

Culinary possibilities of this herbaceous plant are great. Corn is used in salads, added to soups or in main dishes. For a longer or cob herb canned. However, it is necessary to choose the right corn so that it does not deteriorate.

There are two types of this herbaceous plant:

  1. Feed - corn, which is often fed by animals. A person can use it, but there are very few vitamins. Therefore, it is not suitable for the human body.
  2. Sugar - corn, in which a lot of vitamins and minerals. It is this herb that can and should be used both for food and for preservation.

Corn maturity is different. For use more suitable dairy. However, for the conservation of more acceptable milky-wax. In order to determine maturity, it is necessary to take a head of corn and a fingernail to press the middle of any grain.

If you see splashes of milk and there is no pulp under the grain, this means that corn is milky. It can be cooked and consumed in salads or soups. If the milk splashed when pressed, but the pulp from the grain was formed - this is milky-wax ripeness. It is better to preserve. If the milk is not released, and the grain pieces remain on the nail, then the corn is not suitable for eating or for preservation. It is old, without useful elements.

Canning corn in grains at home

You will learn how to cook tasty and retain useful properties if you stick to the recipe. Winter corn canning is quick and easy. To prepare, you must have the products:

  • Corn kernels - 850 g.
  • Sugar - 30 g
  • Water - 1000 ml.
  • Salt to taste (about 1 tablespoon.).

First, separate the grains from the heads and wash them. Then you need to blanch them. To do this, place the grains in a colander and hold in boiling water for no more than 3 minutes.

Now make a syrup. To do this, boil water, pour sugar and salt according to the recipe. While the water is boiling, sterilize the jars. When they are cold, fill them with corn at 2/3. Fill the jars with hot syrup so that all the grains are covered with liquid.

Cover the container with lids and sterilize for at least an hour. After this, roll up the jars, turn them over to cool. Canning corn in grains at home is over. If you prepare everything according to the recipe, then your preparations will stand for a long time.

Canned sweet and sour corn in grains

For a richer and more savory taste, try cooking with this recipe. Take 850 g of corn kernels, wash them and put in boiling water for 5 minutes. Prepare the marinade: boil 1 liter of water and pour 15 g of salt into it.

To save precious time, sterilize one-liter jars. In them, put on 1 bay leaf. In each jar pour 1 tsp. vinegar. Top with corn 2/3 and pour the marinade so that the grains are covered.

Filled jars must be sterilized for at least an hour. Roll up immediately hot. Canning corn for the winter in this way gives a dish with a rich taste and a pleasant aroma. However, children are not recommended billet, which includes vinegar.

Corn on the cob

For this method it is better to take three-liter jars. This includes 8 small cobs. In the extreme case, they can be cut to the desired size.

Put them in a saucepan, cover with cold water and cook until ready. Young cobs cooked no more than 15 minutes. Water does not salt, so hard corn does not turn out.

Meanwhile, make the marinade: boil water (1 liter) and add salt to taste. As a rule, you need about 20 g. Then the brine and cobs must be cooled. Spread the corn in jars and fill it with cold marinade.

Sterilize the jars for at least 2 hours. Now roll up and set to cool. Corn on the cob is noteworthy. This does not include vinegar, and children will be happy to use it in the winter.

Harvesting corn for the winter without sterilization

We offer you a great recipe. Canning corn without sterilization is suitable for housewives who do not have time to fiddle with the blanks for a long time. In winter, grains can be used in salads or added to main dishes.

For cooking, you need about 20 pieces of corn. Boil it no more than 5 minutes and cool. Separate the kernels from the cobs. Take a half-liter jars and sterilize them.

Put the corn in the container very tightly and fill it with boiling water. When 15 minutes have passed, pour the water into the pan, boil and again pour into the same jars. Now corn should stand for 10 minutes.

In the meantime, cook the marinade. Boil 1 liter of water and pour in salt (15 g) and sugar (30 g). Remove from heat and pour 2 tbsp. l vinegar. Drain the water from the corn and cover with ready hot marinade. Immediately roll up, wrap a blanket until cool. Canning corn in grains at home is finished. Now you can enjoy the summer product in the winter.

To separate the grains without any problems from the head of fire, lower the cob into boiling water for 5 minutes. Then immediately immerse in cold water. Now you quickly separate the grain from the head.

To preserve your preservation for a long time, it is necessary to thoroughly wash container and products before cooking. Of great importance and sterilization.

Salt try to use only coarse grinding. This is a preservative, thanks to which the workpiece is stored for a long time. Various spices and spices add spice and pleasant flavor to the blanks. Therefore, experiment to find your recipe for home canning corn.

Pour vinegar into the marinade only when the liquid has been removed from the heat. Then he will act better. Take only 9% of vinegar. It will help you save conservation longer.

In the cellar blanks can be stored no more than 24 months. If your conservation is at home, then it should be consumed within 7 months. It cannot be kept warm for long. If you listen to the advice of experienced chefs, then you will get tasty and fragrant preparations.