The recipe for a delicious marinade for pork kebab. Turkey Barbecue - Marinade

24.07.2019 Salads

In order to fry a real and really tasty kebab should be responsible approach to the choice of meat. What kind of meat is ideal for cooking this dish? Here you need to rely on your guests' own taste and preferences. After all, the kebab of lamb, pork, and any other meat can be juicy and soft.

Meat preparation

We will focus on pork. When taking the flesh out, make sure it is fresh. Best suited non fatty parts of pork. For example, the pulp from the neck. However, remember that the meat that passes along the neck is not suitable for us.

It is distinguished by a pinkish color. Such meat is not deformed during pickling, and will not be able to reveal the rich taste after frying. To taste the kebab from such pulp will resemble chicken breast - dry and homogeneous. If possible, get mutton. Lamb skewers marinated with this recipe will certainly impress both you and your guests.

When choosing meat, always pay attention to its color. It should be bright. If you are offered flesh faded color, then it is not the first freshness. If you did not find fresh meat or were forced to freeze it beforehand, then remember one main rule. Before cooking the skewers, defrost the flesh and wait until it warms up and all the blood water from it is drained.

Take the meat. First rinse the pulp under running water and dry it properly. You can use paper towels. After all, in order to marinate meat for barbecue, you must first get rid of excess moisture. How to get juicy pork kebab? Take fresh pulp to cook it in the morning. By evening, you can safely fry it on the grill.

Wait for the meat to dry properly. Now it should be divided into transverse pieces with a thickness of about 3 centimeters. Then we will tear each piece of meat along the transversal seams and cut it into pieces of the same size, removing the film and tendons beforehand. Completely remove the fat is not necessary. It will give the finished dish juiciness and tenderness. Those who love lamb kebabs usually lay fat on the skewers between the pieces.

Size matters. However, those who like to boast and cut the meat into large chunks should be remembered, it will take a lot of time and patience to fry. The same Georgians who are famous for their love for the “big size” put out large pieces in a cauldron. In addition, it must be periodically cut.

We cut the optimal pieces that can be sent to the mouth without sharing.

Begin to Marinate Meat

So, we proceed to the main thing. How correct? What is the main secret of this dish? Of course in the ingredients. In order to properly marinate the kebabs, it is necessary not only to know what ingredients are needed for this, but also in what sequence to use them. Let us dwell on this in more detail.

The taste and color, as they say there are no comrades. The optimal amount of salt per 4 kilograms of pulp will be 4 tsp. Of course, you can put salt and more, and less. But it is worth remembering that, firstly, an excess of salt is very harmful to humans. And secondly, unsalted product will bring a little joy. Salt should be in moderation.

Therefore, we treat adequately the “size” of teaspoons. Why is it necessary to put salt in the first place? Because this seasoning is responsible for the first phase of cooking. Without it, the marinade for kebabs, and the dish itself will be “not the same”. So, sprinkle the meat evenly with salt and mix well, so that the salt is distributed over each piece of pulp.

2. Onions.

Onions for the correct shish kebab from pork, beef or any other meat is prepared in two ways. Some cut onions in large chunks, others prefer to squeeze the juice out of it. It all depends on personal preference. But it is more practical, of course, to use onion juice. To do this, just skip it through a meat grinder and squeeze the scrolled mass through gauze. In this case, do not have to mess with onion rings and choose them from the meat.

Whatever way you choose, do not forget about the right proportions. Some believe that the most appropriate proportions of onion and meat are one to one. Again, if you use onion juice, then two to three medium sized onions will be enough for your eyes. Pass them through the juicer, and the resulting juice pour the sliced ​​pieces.

It is necessary to understand that only onion juice is needed for the marinade. Therefore, if you use chopped onions, you will need to wait until he gives up his juice and the pulp is soaked with it. If we take onion juice as a basis, then it will take much less time to feed them the flesh.

In addition, you do not have to knead it, mix with chopped pulp and remove from the pieces during stringing on skewers. As an alternative, you can chop the onion into rings, salt and wait until he gives the juice. Then just squeeze it and pour it over the meat.

To note, in order to cook the marinade, onion press is absolutely not needed.

3. Black pepper.

In the marinade for kebabs, you must use the ground pepper. Small black pepper can be added to the soup, but not to the kebab. Take peppercorns and interpret it in a mortar, but not in the dust. Alternatively, you can crush the pepper with the back of a knife, and then chop a little bit with the tip.

How many peppers to take? 20 - 25 peas will be quite appropriate. If you prefer spicy foods, take a little more. Black pepper is good for health and will definitely not be harmed. But do not overdo it, you should keep a balance in everything.

If you think that the key to a delicious kebab is only a combination of onion, salt and pepper, then you are deeply mistaken. There is a lot of seasoning that can emphasize the taste, add spice to it. But of course, this does not mean that you should take a bunch of spices and pickle their meat. Each seasoning has its place. Some are suitable for baking, others for vegetables, and others for meat. At last we dwell in more detail.

4. Coriander (cilantro).

Answering the question about the required quantity, it is worth noting that 20 peas is enough. To begin with, lightly fry it without oil, and then crush it in a mortar. You can use ground coriander, but you should not shift here. Half a teaspoon would be enough. With this seasoning it is better not to overdo it, otherwise the taste will be very specific.

5. Basil.

Needless to say, basil is not for nothing considered to be the king of seasonings. By the way, this spice is sold in almost every store, both dry and fresh. If we talk about the quantity needed to cook the marinade for shish kebab, then you should focus on the same ratio as for coriander. You can put a little more than half a teaspoon. Indeed, despite the fact that this seasoning has a sharp aroma, it will not spoil the taste of meat.

6. Thyme (Thyme).

This Asian seasoning is most often used in dry form. Thyme perfectly complements salads, vegetable and meat dishes. In ancient Greece, it was added to the water while swimming in order to absorb courage and bravery. As for the present, then for one kilogram of flesh two or three pinches of this spice will be enough. Thyme should be slightly rubbed with fingers before use.

7. Zira (zra / cumin).

This spice is used in cooking for more than five thousand years, which undoubtedly characterizes it only from the positive side. Previously, it was worth its weight in gold and was stored more than any jewel in the Egyptian pyramids. Today, not everyone is “in person” with this seasoning. Zira should not be confused with cumin or dill. Believe me, this is not the same thing. Moreover, these seasonings cannot replace each other.

How much to put? To marinate the meat for a kebab, take a little less than half a teaspoon and interpret it in a mortar. This spice has a very specific taste, it should not get carried away.

8. Red pepper (Paprika).

Ground red pepper is used everywhere. It gives a beautiful color when frying and emphasizes the taste of meat dishes. You can put a full teaspoon, but without a slide. Want to add more spice and expression to the dish? You should not shift the paprika, because it can give and bitter taste.

If you really want, you can add one clove of garlic or a pod of hot pepper. However, it should be understood that such spices are able to completely kill the natural taste of meat.

9. Peppermint.

Peppermint is used in cooking, in medicine, and in the production of candy. But rarely, who uses it to marinate meat for kebabs. And in vain. Do not be so biased to treat this seasoning. They will give the dish spice, emphasize its flavor. But do not be afraid that mint, will kill the taste and aroma of meat, because you will not cook from it compote. Feel free to put half a teaspoon of dry herb.

10. Bay leaf.

This seasoning needs no introduction, and without it, cooking kebabs is simply unforgivable. Put a couple of leaves a few hours before frying. You can even break it slightly. Bay leaves will create a harmony of taste, complement a bouquet of spices. Without it, there will be something missing. Do not believe? You can see this from your own experience.

11. Sunflower oil.

Surely you often wondered how to pickle meat for kebabs? Add 5 - 6 tablespoons of sunflower oil to the marinade. It is sunflower, not olive. Then gently mix the meat. It is necessary that each of its pieces covered with oil. Stir very gently, even gently.

What is sunflower oil necessary for? It will not allow the kebab to burn during frying. However, you should not go over the top with him, otherwise those who will eat kebab may have an emetic reflex the next morning. No matter how trite it sounds.

It is worth remembering about the correct sequence of actions. Add oil after all seasonings. And only after all the spices are mixed and evenly distributed into pieces of meat.

How to marinate meat for kebabs and get juicy kebab from pork, chicken or any other meat? Well, of course, add lemon to marinade. And do not be surprised.

So, let’s put the whole list of spices and spices into the meat, mix everything up and leave it to “drown” until the morning. Put the load on the meat and put it in some cool place. You can simply remove under the table. In the morning, mix all this smelling mass and add the juice of half a lemon. At the same time, the juice must be squeezed out gradually, without ceasing to stir the kebab. If the pure lemon juice falls on the "uncovered" meat, the result will be deplorable. Meat instantly "get a stake." As, however, and in case you add vinegar.

Remember that vinegar can be watered already grilled shish kebab. In the marinade it should not be added. Although this is a matter of taste for everyone.

13. Pomegranate.

Well, the final chord of our marinade will be natural pomegranate juice. He will certainly add grace, taste and piquancy to fried meat. It will become the secret ingredient of your recipe and perfectly complement the meat.

Of course, in summer you may not find fresh pomegranates in the store. But with the purchase of pomegranate juice you should have no problems. It should be noted that in most so-called “juices” there is not even a gram of a real pomegranate. Therefore, we recommend that this experiment be reserved for autumn. But this is the choice of everyone.

How much time to pickle meat

Well, now you know how to pickle pork, or chicken. Type of meat does not matter, the main thing is to stick to the specified sequence of actions. The only way you can cook the real kebab.

So, once again we mix everything delicately and cover tightly. To do this, take a plate that fits in diameter, put the load on top. Remember that in no case can you pickle kebabs in an aluminum pan or cover it with a plate of the same material. Especially for such cases, you can make a "wooden" plate and constantly use it. And in order that it does not absorb extraneous odors, and does not deteriorate over time, we remove it in a plastic bag. After everything has been marinated, just pull it out of the bag and remove it for storage until the next time.

Keep the meat under load for another couple of hours. You do not need to put it in the fridge, you can just leave it on the table. Wait until all the ingredients finish their work.

However, remember that if the meat is used fresh, then one day would be enough for pickling. How to understand that the meat is seasoned? When you put the pieces on the skewer, you will notice how easily they pierce and what flavor they emanate from. These signs will confirm readiness for frying.

In addition, soft and proper meat is always easy to distinguish from the bad and inappropriate. Remember, chickens should not swim in any water or solution, and even more so in mayonnaise. Forget about such methods forever

The main secret of a tasty shashlik is fresh meat and the right technology of pickling. Remember this always, and you do not have to drown out the “smell” of meat with mayonnaise and other “liquid” ingredients.

Separately, I want to tell you again about the bow. Aesthetic culture should be present in the process of eating. How to eat kebabs? It is necessary to bite juicy onion rings. And not stubs, and not waste. And beautifully cut rings. Take the onion ring, a slice of black bread and skewers. There is no tasty food in the whole world.

Do not like fresh onions? Sprinkle it lightly with vinegar, sprinkle with pepper to taste. We ate a lot of bitterness in onions, then wash the sliced ​​rings under running cold water and pat them dry with a towel. Ice water will not only wash away all the poisonous bitterness, but also give the bow a pleasant sweetness.

How to prepare a grill

Now we turn to the brazier. It must meet certain parameters. First of all, the brazier should be made of iron or stainless steel. It should be quite thick walls. After all, only in this case will the heat accumulate and, and most importantly, will it remain. Accordingly, the more perfect will be the fried extreme pieces.

Of course, frying on bricks, basins or hanging chains will come down in an extreme case. But we are talking about a real, seasoned barbecue that does not tolerate haste and similar absurdity. Here it is.

Its length is about 60 cm, width is about 25, the height from the grill is 15. The main mistake of many improvised barbecues is a leaky bottom. There should not be a large number of holes on the grid. If yours looks that way, then before frying, put aluminum foil on its bottom, and place the coals on top. Then poke holes through the edges and you will understand how a real brazier should look like.

Ideally, only one fourth of the bottom of the barbecue should look like a grill. And the rest of the bottom should be solid and have holes only on the sides. Then the meat in the frying process will not burn. It will grill and roast evenly. Only in this case the kebab will be insured against flashing under fire and will not be covered with a burnt black crust. Meat on the fire will be heated and roasted. Juice will flow from it and drip during the whole frying process, giving a special flavor to the whole process.

Do not try to water the shish kebab with mineral water. Of course, if you do not want to get soaked meat. Excess moisture is absolutely nothing. It just seems like something is missing. Suppress the desire to experiment and, having removed the first piece on the sample, you will understand how juicy pork kebab you have turned out.

If you constantly use small for nature trips or get-togethers in small companies, then in this case pay attention to the "refinement" of its bottom. If there are no side holes on its integral bottom, then this moment should be corrected without fail. Otherwise, your dish will not be 100% perfect to fry. Make holes every five centimeters. We emphasize once again - this is necessary, no matter what size you have a brazier.

How and how much to fry kebabs

Now about frying. Shampura should be laid out only when there is a good heat. They must be periodically turned over. Constantly make sure that the fire does not flare up, and do not pour pieces. Wait for the coals to burn properly, shake off the ashes from them and only then proceed to this true art - frying. If you fry kebabs on the grill, which is made with the correct holes, then when the meat will drip juice on the coals, it will not break out. Roasted and ruddy meat melts in your mouth, you will understand this when you fry your shish kebab on the correct grill and after proper preparation.

Let's talk about lamb. You know how to. But that is not all. Be extremely careful when frying it. It is easy to dry on fire. A juicy dish can instantly turn into a dry and rough ball. Fresh lamb skewers are cooked very quickly. Enough 5 - 10 minutes of good heat. Many people confuse roasted meat juice with blood, and they want to fry everything well, although the meat on the skewer is ready. Observe in all measure. If in doubt, remove another piece of the sample.

There is such a tradition. When the coals ignite, they fry a single stick, so to speak “on trial”. This allows you to assess the quality of the kebab, and record the time of its roasting. In addition, in this way, many tease their guests, so that they burn with impatience and anticipation of each subsequent party.

Surprise your guests, offer them a kebab for this recipe and you will see from your own experience that he, and you will forget forever, how to marinate in tomatoes, mayonnaise and other experimental foods.


Now all the focus on skewers. Choose short, with a total length of up to 37 centimeters. If you use meter skewers, then your guests will eat a cold dish. After all, until they get at least half of the wand, everything is cool. In addition, it is inconvenient to handle him, constantly have to follow, so as not to hurt the person sitting next to him. Let you have short skewers, just take them in larger quantities.

The thickness of the skewers should be about 2 mm, and their width should not exceed 7. Take a word, if you take the skewer with the parameters of 3 to 8 mm, respectively, then the pieces will be poorly removed. And if 1.5 to 6 mm, then the skewer will be too flexible, and the pieces will scroll during frying.

Of great importance is their number. So, if you have only 20 skewers, then there is no point in inviting friends to yourself. The optimal amount comes to a hundred. As noted above, aesthetics should be present in everything. Of course, many believe that the meat should be strung on the nature near the barbecue. But where, then put the flies and other insects? In addition, you will not pull out the sticks from the hands of their guests to strung more?

Skewers should be marinated and strung at home. This should be done patiently and slowly. After all, the pieces should not scroll during frying. And even more so - hang down to the coals. Make a rule of yourself - put on meat in advance and take it with you to the nature on skewers. One more thing. If you cut the pieces correctly, as described above, then it will be easy to put on. Here, even the most inexperienced can handle.

Food culture implies that barbecue is eaten with skewers. Therefore, you should not string more than five to six pieces on it. After all, it is much more pleasant to enjoy a fresh and hot kebab, which is only from the heat of the heat, than to eat already cooled and leeward. In addition, everyone eats differently. Your guest may be ashamed to take another wand, since he will not be sure that he will be able to eat all the meat.

And finally, another important point. Do not place the grill far from the table. Otherwise, you will constantly be distracted by communication and can set fire to the dish. Around the barbecue should not walk and mark the guests. Seat them at the table, and begin to fry themselves. So you and the company will be able to catch the moment when you should start to fry a new batch. After all, the main rule of kebab - it should be, there is only taken from the heat.

Many people prefer to fry everything at once, and then lay them on the table in a slide. In this case, the bottom row will noticeably cool until it is reached. If you invite your guests to a shish kebab, then it should be the main course, and not the secondary one. It should be served only hot and juicy.

Of course, no snacks can not do. But do not get carried away by them much. Cut onions, black bread, pickles and tomatoes, sweet peppers, olives and olives and, of course, high-quality alcohol. This is what should be on the table that day. Forget once and for all about manti and plov, and even more so about casseroles and pies. On this day, the first place should be a kebab and a dot.

Please your relatives and friends with a shashlyk cooked according to this recipe, and believe me, no one else will marinate meat with all sorts of wonderful solutions based on mayonnaise, mineral water and other things. Once having tasted a dish with the above seasonings and spices, you will forget about other ways of cooking it forever.

Of course, to do everything right and achieve excellent results, practice is needed. And even if something you and will not work the first time, then in the future everything will become better and better.

In conclusion, it does not hurt to see how Stalik Khankishiyev shares his secrets of cooking this amazing dish.

You can marinate shashlyk in vinegar, in kefir, in tomato and pomegranate juice, in wine, in lemon with basil, with apples, cherry plums and red currants ... In general, everything that has a high acidity is used.

General information

  • Beef and lamb are cut into small cubes, pork can be cut larger, it takes the marinade well.
  • Mutton is the most difficult to cook; it has a specific smell. It is not easy to choose good meat and marinate so that it is tasty.
  • Onions and herbs for the marinade must be wrung slightly with hands, so that all this gives juice.
  • Marinated meat in enamel, glass or ceramic dishes.
  • When layers of meat are laid, they need to cover the plate and put the load (you can put a jar of water).
  • The amount of necessary ingredients is usually determined by taste and by eye.

Kebir Kebab



  • 1 kg ;
  • 1 l of kefir;
  • 2–3 medium bulbs;
  • salt, pepper, cilantro - to taste.


We put in a bowl a layer of meat, onions, cilantro, salt, pepper, pour kefir. Then again a layer of meat, a layer of onions, and so on. Mariner day in a cold place.

The meat will be very tender, so this method of preparation is suitable if you go on nature with children.

Shish kebab marinated in lemon and ragana (basil)

svry /

And Regan is two names for one fragrant herb, which is great for making salads, as well as for pickling kebabs, although not everyone will like its sharp taste and smell.


  • 1 kg of tenderloin;
  • 1 lemon;
  • basil, onion, salt, pepper - to taste.


Lay out a layer of meat, a layer of onions, a layer of basil in a saucepan, add salt and pepper. We take one lemon, squeeze the juice out of it, we also throw the lemon into the meat. Then the next layer: meat, onion, basil, lemon. We put in the fridge for eight hours. If you store such meat for more than a day, a keen kebab will have a pronounced lemon flavor that not everyone will like.

Shashlik in Tomato Juice

Artur Potosi /


  • 1 kg ;
  • 2–3 medium bulbs;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • tomato juice (in such quantities as to slightly cover the meat).


Put meat and onions in a saucepan, add salt and pepper. We mix everything with our hands, pour tomato juice on it, put the load on top and send it for 6–8 hours in the fridge.

Pork in White Wine

Val D’Aquila /


  • 1 kg of tenderloin;
  • 2–3 medium bulbs;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • ½ cup white dry wine.


We put all the products in the pan, mix them thoroughly with our hands, pour them (the cheaper it is, by the way, the better). We put under the load in the refrigerator for four hours.

Beef in red wine

boB Rudis /


  • 1 kg of tenderloin;
  • 2–3 medium bulbs;
  • garlic;
  • salt, red pepper - to taste;
  • ½ cup red dry wine.


Fold the meat into the pan, add the onion, chopped into rings, and chopped garlic, add salt, pepper, pour over the wine. Leave for 3-5 hours in the fridge.

Caucasian kebab (lamb)

robynmac / Depositphotos


  • 1 kg of lamb loin;
  • 2–3 medium bulbs;
  • garlic;
  • salt, black and red pepper - to taste.


Put the meat in a saucepan, add salt and pepper, mix with grated onions and chopped garlic, pour over lemon juice. We put in the fridge for 6-8 hours.

Chicken shashlik in grape vinegar

tycoon / Depositphotos


  • 500 g salmon;
  • 2 lemons;
  • vegetable oil;
  • fresh ginger
  • salt, sugar, black pepper - to taste.


First, prepare the marinade: mix lemon juice, a little lemon zest, pepper, salt, chopped ginger, sugar, water.

On wooden skewers we string pieces of fish and cherry tomatoes, put them in marinade for two hours. Fry such kebabs on the grill, grill or roasting pan.

When frying kebabs, sprinkle it with marinade, half diluted with water. So the meat will be very juicy.

Pork shashlik is one of the most popular dishes of Caucasian cuisine. He gained special popularity due to his juiciness and tenderness. How to marinate pork shashlik so that the dish meets all your expectations? It is only necessary to know a number of secrets. Most of them concern the preparation of marinades.

At its core, marinade is a mixture in which the meat is soaked. This mixture consists of acid (wine, vinegar, fruit juices, mayonnaise, kvass), spices, spices, onions and salt. The task of all these ingredients is to give the meat a delicate texture and aroma. However, before you cook the marinade, you should choose the right meat. To learn how to make a real Caucasian shashlik, note a few marinade recipes.

How to choose meat for pork shish kebab

A fresh, fresh, boneless meat with a moderate amount of fat will be ideal for cooking. Freshness of pork is determined by a pleasant smell, and in the cut - pink, uniform color.

When choosing part of the pig carcass, preference should be given to the pulp from the neck, brisket, brisket and lumbar region. Ham, scapula or ribs are not suitable for this purpose. It is undeniable that the pork kebab is the most delicious, juicy and fragrant, but the alternative is beef, lamb or chicken breasts.
  In the absence of fresh pork, it is acceptable to use chilled and frozen product. The main secret of cooking a delicious dish of frozen product is its proper preparation and how long it will be in the marinade. To do this, you need to defrost the meat, best of all, if it happens on the lower shelf of the refrigerator. Such a defrosting option will preserve the taste and nutritional properties of the product. Some cooks advise to pickle frozen meat and leave for a couple of hours in the refrigerator. Repeated freezing is not recommended, so juiciness is lost. The photo shows what kind of fresh pork has.

What kind of dishes to marinate kebabs

For marinating it is better to use an enamel, glass or ceramic pan. Aluminum and plastic containers are not recommended for this purpose, as in the process of marinating the meat can absorb the harmful substances released by the dishes.

The composition of the marinade

What products and spices you need depends on the pickle recipe you choose. So for a classic recipe you will need onions, dried paprika, coriander, dried basil, ground allspice, savory, dried chili, turmeric, kari, adjika, salt and vinegar. However, this is not a final list, it may be added, or some ingredients may be replaced by other products. Use ready-made recipes, performing step-by-step cooking process.

For this recipe you will need:

  • 2 kg of pork;
  • 300 g onions;
  • 1 pack store kebab seasoning;
  • 250 ml of vinegar 6%;
  • salt to taste.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We cut the pork into cubes of medium size, approximately like 4 matchboxes, folded into a cube.
  2. Cut the onion into half rings. We place it in a pan for pickling and slightly compress it, wait until the juice begins to stand out.
  3. Put the meat in the onion and mix everything.
  4. Sprinkle seasoning, mix.
  5. Add vinegar and mix again.
  6. Leave to marinate for two hours until cooked. Some cooks believe that it is better if the meat stays in the vinegar a little longer - about 5 hours.
  7. Before you start stringing on skewers, you need to salt the meat.
  8. Fry, having skewers over hot coals.
  9. The finished dish is served with ketchup or homemade tomato sauce.

Tomato Sauce


  • 200 grams of tomato;
  • 4 garlic cloves;
  • parsley

Cooking Instructions:

Put all ingredients in a blender and grind for two minutes at full capacity. The sauce is ready.

Tip: choosing spices, you can buy ready-made store seasonings or use the mixture to your liking. Try not to overdo it with a variety of spices. In all you need to have a sense of proportion.

Many cooks are ardent opponents of vinegar, believing that it only spoils the taste of the dish. In their recipes, they propose to replace it with other products, such as kefir, mayonnaise, sour cream, mustard powder, lingonberries, pomegranate juice and tomatoes.

Lemon juice is a good alternative to vinegar.


  • 1.5 kg of pork;
  • 5-6 large onions;
  • 10 g of spices;
  • 2 lemons;
  • a mixture of peppers to taste;
  • salt.

Kebabs made with lemon juice are equally popular. The process of its preparation is not much different from the version using vinegar. The main difference is the use of lemon. To do this, take lemons, cut in half and squeeze all the juice into sliced ​​pieces of pork. Pour the meat with juice, mix it thoroughly. Pickling time - no longer than 3 hours.

The success of this recipe depends largely on the well-chosen amount of lemon juice. If you overdo it with juice, the dish will get an unpleasantly sour taste.

How to marinate pork kebab on yogurt

The following ingredients are required for cooking:

  • 1.5 kg of steam pork;
  • 15 g sugar
  • 0.5 l of kefir with a fat content of 3.2%;
  • 6 medium sized bulbs;
  • pepper, salt.

This recipe is not much different from the previous one. Its main difference is that the marinade on kefir has a softer effect. For this reason, the meat must infuse for a longer time - about 12 hours, better - a day. Marinade on kefir does not contain a large amount of spices.

In the process of cooking it is necessary that the kefir gradually soaked the meat. To do this, in the usual way prepared onions and meat pour kefir and mix. Add sugar and mix again. Let the meat stand for one hour at room temperature. Then put in the fridge, leave to soak for 10-11 hours.

To prepare this recipe you will need:

  • 1 kg of pork;
  • 300 g of mayonnaise;
  • 3 large onions;
  • spices to taste;
  • salt.

Meat, cut into pieces, pour mayonnaise. In the mixture add spices and onions, chopped into half rings. All mix, leave for 1 hour. In the meantime, we are preparing a brazier, kindling coal.

One of the most original marinade options is wine. In it the role of the main component is assigned to the wine (dry white or dry red). Meat is poured with wine and left to marinate for 2 hours. (For such a recipe per 1 kg of meat it will take 2 cups of wine.) After 2 hours, spices are added to it and they are left to marinate for another two hours, if the wine is absorbed, it is necessary to periodically top up. Salt, as usual, before frying.

Marinated pork shashlik with cream

This recipe will require the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg of pork loin;
  • 500 g of 20% cream or plain natural yogurt;
  • 5 grams of dried basil;
  • 2 large onions;
  • 3 garlic cloves;
  • a mixture of red and black peppers to taste;
  • salt.


  1. After peeling garlic and onion, finely chop them by hand with a knife or use a blender.
  2. The resulting mass is mixed with chopped basil and pepper.
  3. Meat cut into pieces.
  4. Rub each piece with onion-garlic-basil sauce.
  5. We put the meat in a deep dish, pour in the remains of creamy garlic and onion sauce and pour it with cream.
  6. We put in a cool place for 6 hours.
  7. Before frying, pickle the marinade.
  8. This recipe will be relevant for cooking on the grill.

How to Marinate Pork Kebabs in Marinade on Mineral Water

This recipe differs from previous ones in its unusual and creative approach.


  • 2.5 kg of pork;
  • 1 l of any mineral water;
  • 6 medium sized onions;
  • 50 ml of vegetable oil;
  • spices and salt to taste.


The cooking process remains the same, except that the role of the acidic ingredient takes mineral water. Marinated - no more than three hours. Half an hour before frying, vegetable oil is added to the marinade. You can add champignons to raw meat and pre-fry them with onions in a pan.

You can prepare a delicious dish using ready-made marinades. Their range is amazing. On the counters of shops there are marinades with mustard, on pomegranate juice, marinades with pieces of fruits and vegetables, classic marinades. Their advantage is a quicker marinating process.

Little tricks in cooking kebabs

  • If the kebab is cooked in the summer, then the meat should be cut into larger pieces. So it will be more juicy.
  • If the meat has been frozen, mustard will help preserve its juiciness. In the finished marinade enough to add mustard, slice sliced ​​meat and leave for an hour or two hours. At the end of this period, the meat is marinated to your liking.
  • The marinating process is very important: the taste of the future dish depends on how successful the marinade is.
  • To make a fire for cooking meat, it is advisable to use wood, and not ready-made coals. Thus, the pork will be more fragrant and soft.
  • So that the meat does not dry on the coals during frying, it is sprinkled with house wine, water or beer.
  • The coals in the grill should not burn, they should smolder. If during frying the fire flashes or the coals smoke strongly, it is either lightly poured with water or knocked down with a special spatula.

In order for everyone to enjoy a good barbecue at a picnic, we suggest you learn all the secrets of cooking from this video.

And do not talk to us, dear and beloved, about the dish of all times and peoples - barbecue? Speech turnover about the past days and the people who tried this dish, in this case was not used for the sake of a word-witty - really, try to think when a person first cooked a kebab? Surely our primitive relative, roasting the carcass on a fire with his own hand killed by a spear of a hairy beast, could not even imagine that several thousand years later his followers would also bake meat on a fire, while calling their dinner a tasty word "shish kebab".

However, we will not delve into the story, let's talk heart to heart about how to cook tasty meat on the grill. Surely you have a couple of family secrets in your family that you will never tell anyone about. And if the "Magic Food" will share their knowledge, you will give out your secrets? We will not tell anyone else, honest word!

15 tips for those who want to learn how to cook the perfect kebab

1. How to choose meat for kebabs

Not all that kebab that smells delicious.

It's no secret that if you do everything correctly, traditionally and traditionally, then for cooking kebabs need to take lamb. However, firstly, this type of meat has a rather strong specific smell, which is not to everyone’s liking, and secondly, it is not so easy to find high-quality lamb cutting in our stores and markets, therefore another almost traditional option has long been adopted. pork shashlik.

When choosing meat, pay attention to its fat content: too lean a piece will be dry and hard after cooking, too fat will remain unpleasantly fat. Here, as in no other case, the golden mean is important. When it comes to pork, usually buy a neck. Less often - a spatula or ham. Loin not taken at all  - in spite of the fact that it is the most beautiful part of the pork carcass, it does not fit the kebab categorically.

In addition to pork, for cooking kebabs can be used. veal (high quality beef), chicken, turkey meat. In addition, shish kebabs are prepared from some breeds of fish - catfish, salmon, sturgeon.

Sharing family secrets of delicious kebab, most people tell marinade recipes. So, do not believe it! The pledge of the perfect kebab is just the right choice of meat. From cheap, stale, old pork it is impossible to cook a juicy, soft, appetizing kebab, you can not even try. And vice versa: it is very difficult to spoil fresh, high-quality meat, it is amazing and beautiful in itself, therefore, the kebab from it is very likely to be perfect.

2. How to make the perfect cutting of meat

Barbecue female hands does not tolerate.
  K / f "Moscow does not believe in tears"

To make the kebab tasty and juicy, it is important to correctly approach the issue of cutting meat. The key can be called two points.

The first is size, oddly enough it sounds, of course, it matters: too small pieces of meat will simply dry on the fire, becoming dry, hard “chips”, and large chunks will not have time to fry, burn them from above, they will remain raw inside. Again - the golden mean: not big and not small, even and neat and important! - everything is about the same size, otherwise a part of the meat will be overdone, a part will remain under prepared

Second - the meat must be cut across the fibers. A simple truth that rarely follows, trying to chop the meat as it will - instead of doing the right thing. And in the end it turns out, naturally, in different ways, but more often - it is hard, dry and little appetizing.

3. How to calculate the product

Do so that neither the kebab nor the skewer is not burned.

Kebabs should be a lot! This is an immutable truth, law and just an axiom that does not require any reasonable evidence. There should be so many shashlyk so that it always stays (by the way, have you ever tried to stew potatoes on a shish kebab, cook pea soup or make pilaf? No? Oh-oh-oh-oh-so!). Meat is usually bought at the rate of 300-400 g per person. More - it is possible, less - not worth it. Do not forget that in the process of cooking this product is sure to lose weight.

4. The best marinade for kebabs

The shish kebab was not eaten, but blind from the smoke.

About the best way to marinate shish kebab, ask real professionals - those who cook this dish constantly and regularly, who were born and raised in a country for which shish kebab has long been an element of culture, who fries it, no longer seeking to improve perfection. In many Caucasian countries, meat for shish kebabs is marinated in its own juice, adding only salt, black pepper and onions to the sliced ​​pieces. This minimalism has a special meaning, each ingredient is dictated by experience and common sense.

However, if you want to find another, special recipe for a marinade for kebabs and each time preparing to fry meat on the fire, try a new way, do not forget that in most cases it takes time for the meat to marinate properly. Ideally, it is about 10-12 hours, in a minimum format - at least 4-5 hours.

5. Salt or not salt?

Don't part with the lamb - stay without a kebab.

What a question, you ask, of course, salt! Ok, salt, but when? Before frying or after? There is a widespread opinion that salt "pulls out" juices from meat, so you should not add it to the marinade, just salt just before frying or after it.

Believe me (and if you do not believe - arm yourself with weights, a notebook and a clever view and check experimentally!), The pre-salting of meat at the stage of marinating does not in any way affect the dehydration of the product. Salt is ready barbecue quite problematic: salt does not penetrate through the dense meat crust, will remain on the surface and will be felt only on the upper layers of the meat piece.

If to be completely fair, it is worth noting that the cooking time affects the dryness of the kebab much more (if the heat is not intense enough, you will have to “marinate” the meat over the coals, long and tedious, that will naturally dry it much more than supposedly make salt) and the size of a piece of meat (this was already mentioned above). Therefore, salt it without thinking, because, like unsalted meat, it is a horror, product transfer and nonsense in general.

6. Seasoning: to be or not to be? That is the question!

Life is easy when you eat kebabs.

In recent years, supermarket shelves sag under the weight of all sorts of seasonings - for chicken, pork, lamb, just universal meat, grilled meat, kebabs and other trinkets. At the bazaar, it is impossible to calmly walk past oriental spices and spices filled with beautiful slides - you will be offered anything you want, and you will not even have time to look back when you get one-time sachets of ingredients mixed from obscure spices for you.

If you approach the issue wisely and discreetly, it is certainly tasty. However, be very confident in your rationality and restraint, because otherwise you risk getting something meat instead of kebab, but poorly identifiable behind a thick crust of all kinds of spices.

And do not forget that everything in the meat stands, sticks out and hangs down, sure to burn. Herbs and spices are easy to burn - do you want to eat coals in large quantities?

7. Skewer or grill?

The house is not built on the seven winds, the kebab on seven coals does not go up.

Traditionally, kebabs are fried on skewers, beautifully and confidently turning them over the coals. However, if you prefer to put the meat on the grill, then lay out! Why not? Of course, this is not a classic of the genre, but, let's say, pancake pans did not always exist either - this is not a reason to fry pancakes on a hot stone until now.

By the way. If you decide to roast meat on skewers, try before sticking meat on them, heating them well on the grill - so you will not only disinfect the metal (it is important for some), but also ensure the coagulation of proteins inside the meat piece, which will allow the juice not to flow out from shish kebab or flow out to a much smaller extent.

8. A bit of fantasy - for beauty and fragrance.

Only a ram can refuse a kebab.

Kebab - this is a creative thing, it does not need precise proportions, adjusted to a gram of ingredients, strict adherence to the recipe, and it's great! You can always improvise, try your options, realize your own fantasies. Try playing with the marinade - who knows, maybe you will be able to discover a new component, thanks to which your kebab will become famous throughout the city?

Another theme for creativity - stringing meat on a skewer in turn with additional products. Most often it is, of course, talking about onion rings, however, feel free to try all that comes into your head. It looks absolutely incredible chicken kebab, which is put on a skewer interspersed with large berries of grapes. Zucchini and zucchini cooked over charcoal are deliciously delicious - maybe you should try cooking them together with meat? Bulgarian pepper, pieces of bacon, pumpkin, tomatoes, eggplants, peaches, apples, and all that you can think of. Try it!

9. Bonfire and coals

Do you like kebab, love and grill grill.

Connoisseurs claim that the most delicious kebab comes out on fruit wood. The most suitable is considered to be cherry, pear, plum, while it should be understood that a rare expert, having tried a kebab, prepared, for example, on cherry wood, will distinguish it from a kebab, cooked on oak branches.

In general, you can use any deciduous trees - linden, birch, poplar. It should be remembered: in no case can you take resinous (coniferous) wood for cooking kebabs. Resins will give the meat a characteristic taste and aroma, which will spoil the meat.

10. Grilling shashlik

Kebab from the kebab not far fried.

It would seem, what could be easier? Strung meat, put the skewer on the grill and cool it until the shish kebab becomes appetizing, and everyone passing by will not come running to the smell. However, the kebab requires a careful approach, with a run-up and without experience, you are unlikely to cook tasty meat, and even a pile of diverse theoretical knowledge will still be small, until you yourself fry it at least one dozen times.

The first thing to remember is the kebab being prepared over the coals. A banal, uninteresting truth that many people neglect. In a hurry to quickly bring the meat to the table, the mountain chefs lose their patience and begin to grill the skewers on the wood that is not completely burned out. The end result is a tough, burnt crust and a damp, non-curable middle.

Another common mistake is the neglect of flames, which sometimes appear on the coals. If fat or any other easily combustible ingredient gets on the burned-out firewood, the coals instantly react - harmful and very aggressive lights come up, and they strive to spoil your picnic. Always ready (yes, always, even if you are sure that this will not happen to you) there should be a bottle of water. For convenience, make a few holes in the lid - this will allow you to gently spray water over those areas that require your intervention, and will help not to fill in the remaining coals.

11. Barbecue check

Communication in Russia is so important that external circumstances no longer matter. Several times I happened to fry kebabs in the cold and in the rain - if we decided to go to the park for shish kebabs, we do so, regardless of the vagaries of the weather.
  Anna-Lena Lauren, "They have something with their heads, these Russians"

The kebab is checked for readiness very simply: a knife is cut into the thickest piece of meat until the skewer is lightly pressed. If the extracted juice is colorless, the kebab is ready. If blood is visible at the cut, wait a little longer.

12. Shashlik serving

Lamb shish kebab is not invited.

Beautiful, of course, if the skewers are removed from the heat and immediately spread on the table right on the skewers - in some restaurants, real shows are created from this simple action. In general, yes, spectacular and amazing, but ... very uncomfortable. First, skewers immediately occupy an irrational huge space on the table. Secondly, eating meat from the "skewer" is, of course, primitively great, but hardly pleasant: even the ears get dirty.

The choice is yours - entertainment and theatricality or simplicity and comfort.

13. A little secret before the kebab gets on the table.

At one beard was burning, and the other on it was grilled kebabs.

After you have removed the meat from the coals, it’s not bad enough to give it a little “reach.” You already do it - usually this is exactly the time it takes for the guests to hear the signal “kebab ready!” To wash their hands, move to the table, fill their glasses and say the first toast. Ideally, the meat should be under the lid or wrapped in foil - this is how the “steam effect” is provided, which helps the kebab to relax a little, release the juices, finally soften completely and irreversibly.

For a special "highlight" try sprinkling the finished meat with a small amount of pomegranate juice (amazing!) Or dry wine (juicy!). If desired, add fresh herbs and chopped onion rings to the bowl - after 15 minutes the shish kebab will acquire a special aroma and taste.

14. Kebab accompaniment

The arba broke - lazy firewood, the bull died - the shashlik loafer.

In our tradition, for some reason, kebabs are necessarily associated with vodka or beer. Nobody calls you to sobriety, however, think somehow at your leisure, if the comrades mentioned are really the best friends of the kebab.

Again, we make a mental reference to Caucasian traditions and remember that most often at a Caucasian festive table is a jug of wine, we draw conclusions and try to serve red dry wine, tart and thick, to the kebab.

Well, and do not forget about fresh vegetables and herbs. The more juicy cilantro, bright parsley, tender dill, spicy basil, sweet cucumbers, sugar tomatoes appear on the table along with the meat, the more delicious the kebab will be.

By the way, you can also hold the bread that you give slightly over the coals - it will become fragrant and crunchy. If there are a couple of sheets of pita in the house lying around, wrap cheese, tomatoes, greens in it and fry over coals - it will be unreal tasty!

15. Sense of Measure

Turkey also thought, until the shish kebab hit.
  C / f "Cards, money and two trunks"

Barbecue - an event, of course, very exciting and creative, however, in their creative impulses, try to observe a sense of proportion. Do not throw all the tips and secrets suggested above into one huge bowl of meat. A hundred ingredients for the marinade is unlikely to make the kebab tastier - trying to implement their recipes, think about moderation. If you want to strung together additional components with meat, do not mix lard with grapes and strawberries with fish in one pile. If you water the meat with wine during the frying process, you probably should not sprinkle it with lemon juice when serving. A sense of proportion, dear, a sense of proportion in everything!

Marinade for shish kebab - top 10 best recipes

1. Kebab in red wine

In the process of preparing a couple of alcohol, as in many other recipes using wine, brandy or other strong drinks, evaporate, leaving only a subtle delicate fruity flavor and an incredibly rich, beautiful color.

For 1 kg of meat will need:
  300 ml of dry red wine;
  3-4 onions;
  5 cloves of garlic;

My meat, obsushivaem, cut into portions. We spread in a saucepan, salt, pepper, squeeze garlic, mix everything thoroughly, add onion sliced ​​in circles, pour in wine. Again, stir, then cover with a plate or lid, smaller in diameter than the diameter of the pan, put a jar of water on top or another load. Leave for 6-7 hours.

2. Skewers in kefir

At first glance, a very strange combination will surprise you and as a result of cooking kebabs: the meat will be delicate, the taste will be slightly creamy.

For 1 kg of meat will need:
  200 ml of kefir;
  3 onions;
  salt, freshly ground black pepper to taste.

My meat, cut into portions, salt, pepper, pour kefir. We spread onions, mix well, remove to cold for at least 5 hours.

3. Skewers in mineral water

Fans to marinate shashlik in mineral water claim that it is one of the fastest ways to pre-prepare meat for cooking on a fire. By itself, this marinade is quite neutral, so in order to give the kebab a “zest”, try adding suitable spices to mineral water - spicy ground pepper, paprika, coriander.

For 1 kg of meat will need:
  250 ml of mineral water;
  2-3 bulbs;
  salt, freshly ground black pepper to taste.

My meat, dried, cut into portions. We shift layers with chopped onion rings, in parallel with salt, pepper. Fill with mineral water, leave in a cool place for 1-3 hours.

4. Kebab with Kiwi

And this is exactly the fastest of all possible marinades! Due to organic acids, which are part of the green exotic berries, collagen in meat protein is destroyed, so that the meat becomes very, very soft. However, be careful: just overdo it - and instead of a kebab, you get minced meat: Kiwi has a fairly quick effect on meat. The method is very useful in those cases where you chose the unlucky meat - tough and stringy.

For 1 kg of meat will need:
  5 Kiwis;
  5 cloves of garlic;
  salt, freshly ground black pepper to taste.

Fill kiwi and garlic, mix with washed, dried, chopped, salted meat. Cover with a lid and leave for 40-60 minutes, periodically checking the condition of the meat and testing it for softness by simply piercing it with a knife.

5. Kebabs in onion-tomato marinade

Spicy and fragrant. Meat, pickled in a tomato-onion dressing, will be juicy and unbanal.

For 1 kg of meat will need:
  3 ripe tomatoes;
  1 large onion;
  1 tsp hops-suneli;
  salt, freshly ground black pepper to taste.

Grate the tomatoes. Onions cut into rings.
My meat, dried, cut into pieces. We salt, we add pepper, hop-suneli. Mix with tomato puree, shift onion rings. Leave for 8-10 hours.

6. Oriental pork or meat in honey

Marinade, frankly, an amateur, however, if you are a fan of Eastern trends in cooking, you will surely enjoy the sharp-sweet taste that comes from the kebab thanks to this marinade.

For 1 kg of meat will need:
  3 tbsp. l honey;
  2 tbsp. l soy sauce;
  2 tbsp. l mustard beans;
  1 tsp dry ground ginger;
  1 tsp hot pepper;
  salt, freshly ground black pepper to taste.

My meat, dried, cut into pieces.
  Mix with honey, soy sauce, hot and black peppers, ginger, mustard, salt. Leave for 5-8 hours.

7. Kebabs in vinegar

Many lovers of kebabs believe that vinegar makes the meat more rough and tough, however, there is another opinion: thanks to this additive, the meat becomes spicy, spicy and very tasty. To understand in whose camp you are, you should at least once try to cook kebab marinated in vinegar.

For 1 kg of meat will need:
  4 tbsp. l table vinegar (9%);
  10 art. l water;
  3-4 onions;
  salt, freshly ground black pepper to taste.

Wash my meat, dry with disposable towels, cut into portions. We salt, we pepper. Mix the water and vinegar, pour the meat. We mix, we shift onions, we leave in a cool place for 3-4 hours.

8. Skewers in mayonnaise

Yes, yes, mayonnaise is a cold sauce, yes, of course, when heated, it breaks up into a mountain of harmful substances, of course, it is generally moveton - to use it in cooking meat. But once you can, right? And if you really like it, then sometimes, just a couple of times a year? Quietly - so that no one knows?

For 1 kg of meat will need:
  200 g of mayonnaise;
  4 onions;
  salt, freshly ground black pepper to taste.

My meat, dried, divided into pieces. We salt, we pepper. Stirring, gradually add mayonnaise. Shifting layers, alternating with onion rings. Leave for 5-10 hours.

9. Skewers in pomegranate juice

Gentle, juicy, bright, fragrant, berry - what else to add so that you understand that this marinade is worth trying at least once in your life!

For 1 kg of meat will need:
  250 ml of fresh pomegranate juice;
  4 onions;
  salt, freshly ground black pepper to taste.

We wash the meat, cut off the excess, dry it, divide it into portions. Salt, add pepper and pomegranate juice, how to knead, shift onion rings, leave in a cool place for 8-10 hours.

10. “Quick” onion marinade

This marinade is very ... very, shall we say, an amateur, because in the process of cooking kebab the onion mass quickly burns, if you do not clean it off from the meat beforehand, however, the significant juiciness that the onion juice gives to meat and the breathtaking smell that peculiar to kebabs cooked with onions. Try definitely worth it!

For 1 kg of meat will need:
  0.5 kg of onions;
  salt, freshly ground black pepper to taste.

Grate the onion or grind it in a blender. Wash my meat, dry, chop, mix with salt, pepper and onion mass. We put under pressure for 5-8 hours. Before stringing meat on a skewer, we clean the meat from onions as much as possible.

Well, what, theory theory, is it time to start practicing? We wish you many, many sunny days, wonderful occasions for picnics, excellent companies and, of course, delicious barbecues. And yes, “Magic Food” has fulfilled its part of the contract, told about secrets - now it's your turn to reveal family secrets.

The summer season with picnic trips starts in early spring. As soon as the snow melts, the first sun will warm, the first weekend will happen, and summer will begin. And in this joke there is a fair share of truth. For most Russians, the first departure for a picnic is most often timed to the May holidays. And of course, no picnic is complete without a kebab. Quiet embers, light smoke over the brazier and a lot of fragrant, juicy, stupidly tasty meat with a crispy, well-toasted crust. What else is needed in order to consider the rest in nature successful?

If you are a happy owner of a piece of the most delicate neck from a young animal that has just been slaughtered, then all you need to do to make a kebab is to chop meat and string it on skewers, only lightly sprinkling with lemon juice and sprinkling it with the minimum amount of spices. But what about those who are not so sure about the quality of the chosen meat, poultry or fish? It is in this case that help us and marinades come. Harsh and tender, sharp and soft, but always spicy, fragrant and bright, the marinades help us make the meat more juicy, soft and tasty. So, how to cook marinade for shish kebab?

Marinades are used for soaking, marinating meat at the very beginning of the kebab. As the basis for most marinades, edible acids (vinegar, citric acid, wine) or vegetable oils rich in softening enzymes are used, for example, olive oil. But the main taste and flavor of the marinade, and hence the kebab, give spicy vegetables, herbs, spices and sauces. Onions and garlic, tender leaves of fresh young parsley, basil, cilantro, bright oriental spices, your favorite sauces, adjika and mustard, all these products will help to give your kebab the most incredible shades of taste and aroma.

There are an infinite variety of recipes on how to cook a marinade for kebabs, but there is no need to stick them too strictly. Give vent to your imagination, invent and try new tastes, do not be afraid to experiment, your experience and taste will always prompt you the right decision.

For those who cook kebabs for the first time or want to try a new, interesting taste, but are wary of independent experiments, “Culinary Eden” prepared today a selection of successful and proven marinades that will surely help you cook a tasty, juicy and very fragrant kebab.

1. An excellent marinade for any not too hard meat is simple onion juice. Thanks to the special enzymes contained in onions, onion juice perfectly softens the meat, making it more juicy and fragrant. White bitter onions are best suited. Just cut it into slices, sprinkle with coarse salt and your favorite spices, and then carefully knead with your hands before extracting the juice. Mix well onion with meat and, pressing firmly with your fingers, mash everything together. It is important to knead the meat with onion juice as carefully as possible, so that the juice completely soaks your kebab.

2. Use extra vinegar when preparing the marinade. An excessive amount of vinegar, as well as insufficient meat aging time, can make your kebab dry and tough. It is best not to use ordinary table vinegar at all, but to replace it with good fruit or wine vinegar. If you are right think that the sharp aroma of vinegar only prevents you from enjoying the taste of the meat, then just replace vinegar with lemon juice, its acid and enzymes will perfectly soften any meat, and a light, delicate aroma will only emphasize the taste of your kebab.

3. The most simple marinade is made from lemon and onion. This marinade is perfect for pork. Cut three large onions into rings, mash lightly with coarse salt and mix with the meat. In a glass squeeze ½ lemon and add water to the top. Add your favorite spices, mix well, pour in meat with onions and remember everything with your hands. Leave to marinate for 5 to 10 hours.

4. For pork or veal, you can make honey marinade, which will give your kebab a bright oriental flavor. Slightly heat in a water bath 1 tbsp. a spoon of honey. When honey becomes liquid, add to it 3 tbsp. spoons of soy sauce, 1 tsp of sesame oil, 1 tsp of fresh or dry ginger, ½ tsp of cumin seeds, 2 mashed garlic cloves, red pepper to taste. Marinate meat for 5 to 8 hours.

5. For hard meat (beef on, game) marinade based on red wine is perfect. Mix one glass of dry red wine with 2 tbsp. tablespoons of lemon juice, add ¼ tsp. of dry mustard and sugar to taste. Cut the onion head into rings, fold into deep dishes, cover with the prepared mixture and add your favorite spices, such as cloves, bay leaf and rosemary. Bring the marinade to a boil and cool. Marinate meat 10 - 12 hours.

6. In order to quickly soften even the toughest meat, you will need a marinade with kiwi. Peel half of ripe kiwi, and mash the flesh to obtain a smooth mashed potatoes. Mix kiwi puree with one cup of vegetable oil, add ½ tsp ground cumin, 1 tsp ground coriander and 20 g. finely chopped parsley. Marinate meat 1 - 3 hours in a cool place. Do not pickle meat in such a marinade for more than 3 hours!

7. Save the full juiciness of your meat will help the original marinade with starch. Grate two large tomatoes or chop them in a blender. Using gauze squeeze the clear juice from the tomato mass. Add 5 tbsp. spoons of soy sauce, 1s. a spoonful of honey, 1 tsp. starch, 1 tsp. ground paprika, 1h. A spoonful of sesame oil, salt and red pepper to taste. Finely chop 50 grams. leek and 4 cloves of garlic. Add vegetables to the marinade and mix thoroughly. Marinate meat for 5-6 hours. Be careful when frying, such marinade quickly burns.

8. Fish and chicken fillet will enjoy marinade with greens. Cut two onions into rings, sprinkle with coarse salt and crush carefully. Finely chop 50 gr. green mint and cilantro. Crush one clove of garlic. Mix all ingredients, add 150 ml. olive oil and 2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice. Pickling time in such a marinade is 2 - 4 hours.

9. Another excellent marinade for fish kebabs is prepared on the basis of yogurt. Three tablespoons of natural yogurt mix with 3 tbsp. spoons of tomato paste, add 1 tbsp. spoon of soy sauce, 1st. a spoonful of olive oil, 4 minced garlic cloves, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of grated fresh ginger, ½ tsp of ground cardamom, 1 tsp of ground paprika, salt and red pepper to taste. Mix everything thoroughly. Coat the fish with a thick layer of marinade and marinate for 4-6 hours in a cool place.

10. For the kebab of vegetables useful oil marinade. 4 tbsp. spoons of olive oil, combine with 1 finely chopped onion, 2 minced garlic cloves, 1 tbsp. spoon any finely chopped greens. Add some of your favorite spices and mix thoroughly. Water the vegetables in such a marinade during roasting on skewers and before serving.

We sincerely hope that our today's tips on how to cook will help you to please your friends and loved ones with such an excitingly tasty and fragrant dish, like a properly pickled shish kebab. And “Culinary Eden” on its pages is always happy to offer you many new and interesting ideas on the preparation of various dishes.

Zhalnin Dmitry