Marinated kebabs for the best marinade recipes. Making onion marinade for pork

24.07.2019 Seafood Dishes
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When you are going to nature, you probably think about how to quickly marinate the meat on a kebab, so that the meat is fragrant, juicy and very tasty. There are not just a lot of answers to this question, but a lot. Therefore, we will talk about several ways.

Marinade first

It is suitable for those cases when meat needs to be prepared in several hours. Pieces of pork will pickle for three to four hours, lamb or veal should be kept longer, about six to eight hours. You can use chicken, it marinates as much time as pork, but is a more dietary product suitable for baby food.

So, chop the meat into pieces weighing forty to fifty grams, onions - thin rings. Lay in layers in a deep pan and sprinkle profusely with ground pepper (black, red, allspice). Also, do not forget to add salt to taste, lemon juice (or lime), vinegar.

Marinade Two: Caucasian

Someone who, and the inhabitants of the Caucasus region perfectly know on cooking kebabs. Therefore, following their advice, you will get an amazing dish with a special taste. Cut the meat into portions and put in a container for marinating. Clean onion and squeeze juice out of it. Highlanders basically do not use vinegar, replacing it with lemon or lime juice. You can also sprinkle the meat with garlic juice or sprinkle it with a squash of savory cloves. For seasoning, take bay leaf, red and black pepper.

Some more tips

You do not know how to quickly marinate the meat on the kebab to get the original dish? Replace table vinegar with pomegranate juice, ordinary dry wine, wine vinegar, kefir, beer, a mixture of vodka and wine. Some kebab masters add fresh beet juice or vegetable slices to the meat in the marinade. This will give the dish an unusual color and interesting flavor. Residents of Kyrgyzstan soak pieces of meat in the juice of sea buckthorn.

Sometimes the idea of ​​getting out into nature appears spontaneously. There is no time for preparation, and one would like to eat a delicious fragrant kebab cooked on a fire! How to quickly pickle pork shashlik? For such a case - simple marinade “quick” recipes!

Before you begin to marinate pork "quick", remember:no marinade will save the taste, if you do not know the basic rules for cooking kebabs. All nuances are important - from the choice of meat to the subtleties of frying!

  1. For cooking kebabs choose the neck (neck) of fresh pork.  You can also cook the tenderloin, in such a kebab there will be no excess fat. Actually.
  2. Cut the meat into large pieces across the grain.  A piece of meat for stringing on a skewer should be about 4-5 cm square. Too small pieces of meat are usually too dry.
  3. For marinating meat  Do not use aluminum or other metal containers, this is harmful. Glass, enamel, or special food containers are your allies. In the end, put several one-on-one plastic bags for strength and marinate. Quick and convenient!
  4. In the process of marinating meat, use ground spices, dry spices.  You can marinate, in principle, in anything, but it is important that large pieces of seasoning remain on the meat during frying (they tend to burn, giving an unpleasant taste). Exception - onion rings. If they are strung on a skewer, they should be thicker.
  5. Do not grill the skewers on an open fire.  The top layer of meat can be charred (it will become bitter in taste), and inside it can remain raw. Contrary to the well-known saying that hot is not raw, it is better not to risk eating raw pork.
  6. Do not overcook the kebab.  Chunks correctly, coarsely chopped meat is enough to turn over 1 time per minute. If the coals periodically inflame before the fire, pour them with a small amount of water. At the end of cooking, kebabs for juiciness can be poured slightly with wine, beer, champagne or coca-cola (especially if there are children in the company).

How to quickly pickle kebab? Top 5 delicious marinades for pork!

I offer simple recipes for marinating pork - the preparation of meat takes up to an hour. As soon as the wood burns through, the kebab can already be fried!

Recipe number 1: a classic and a great result.

Cooking marinade:

Add 1 tablespoon of salt and a mixture of ground peppers (red, black, white), 2-3 bay leaves to the sliced ​​meat (per 1 kg). If desired, you can add any dry seasoning - thyme, fenugreek, curry - in a word, who prefers what. Who does not really like spicy, focus on paprika or turmeric (they will give a beautiful color kebab).

Thoroughly mix the meat with spices and salt with your hands, and then pour it with cool clean water so that it lightly covers the meat. While the coals ignite, and this is 30-40 minutes, the meat will become juicy and seasoned. Nothing superfluous, and a great classic kebab is guaranteed!

Recipe number 2: quick marinade with mayonnaise

Cooking marinade:

In sliced ​​meat (per 1 kg), add 2 tablespoons of medium-fat mayonnaise (30-50%). It is not necessary to add the store, you can make mayonnaise with a homemade recipe. But since we need to quickly marinate the meat, it is advisable to have mayonnaise available in advance.

No need to assume that mayonnaise is not enough, we just need to slightly soak the meat with spices. For excellent taste, add a mixture of peppers, Italian or Provencal dry seasonings, in a word, who likes what! Salt is a pinch!

Mix the meat well with the spices, mayonnaise and salt in your hands. About half an hour is enough that it is soaked before hot kebabs.

Recipe number 3: marinade with lemon juice

Cooking marinade:

In sliced ​​meat (per 1 kg), add fresh juice of one medium-sized lemon or large lime. Many tend to use vinegar in the marinade, but I recommend to focus on a more useful, natural version. It can be lemon, lime, kiwi or orange. These exotic fruits contain the necessary acidity in different proportions - choose what you like. Moreover, if the company of children - orange flavor and a minimum of hot pepper!

Squeeze the fresh juice without pulp into the meat, add 2 tablespoons of olive or other vegetable refined oil, a pinch of salt and a little dry seasoning to taste. Mix the meat well with seasoning. It goes well with such marinade basil, dried mint and oregano. Spicy - to taste, use a mixture of peppers.

Recipe number 4: delicious fast tomato marinade

Cooking marinade:

In a chopped meat (per 1 kg), add a glass of tomato juice. It can be made from fresh tomatoes (scroll through a meat grinder or blender 2-3 juicy large tomatoes). Ordinary tomato juice from the store is also suitable for marinade, pay attention to the label - the more its concentration, the better. For a quick tomato marinade, you can simply dilute 50 -70 grams of tomato paste (at least 25%) in a glass of cool plain water.

Mix the meat well with the tomato, add a pinch of salt and seasoning to taste and spice. Onion juice is welcome (just juice!). Crush a couple of onions and squeeze the juice, without pulp. Add to the marinade from tomatoes. Onion pulp is good to use for a longer marinade time, when you have the opportunity to leave the meat overnight, about 10 hours. But when time is short, and you just need a quick way to pickle the meat, the onion pulp does not have time to soak, but only gives an unpleasant bitter taste .

Recipe number 5: the original marinade of soy sauce and Coca-Cola.

Cooking marinade:

This, at first glance, an unusual combination of ingredients, recently used with might and main in cooking. And since we are considering fast ways of marinating meat for kebabs, this marinade has time to “penetrate” into the meat in 30-40 minutes!

For 1 kg of meat we will need 1.5 -2 cups of Coca-Cola, 3 tablespoons of classic soy sauce and 1 tablespoon of odorless vegetable oil. Do not salt the meat, because there is enough salt in soy sauce! Squeeze also a couple of garlic cloves, and add a teaspoon of ground pepper (allspice or chili, you decide!). From seasonings to such marinade dry thyme or oregano is well suited. Mix everything well and in half an hour you can fry the meat.

Note these simple recipes for quick marinating pork on skewers  and try them in nature! Of course, do not forget about the quality of meat and proper frying. With these marinades, a delicious kebab without any hassle is provided to you! Enjoy your meal!

Often the meat is hard, the hostess blames the seller and her bad choice. However, in reality the situation is different. Steak can be soft and juicy, if you pre-hold certain manipulations. Culinary experts advise to look at the products that will make the meat juicy without additional difficulties.

Method number 1. Smoothing meat with alcohol

  1. Pork, lamb or beef-based skewers are often processed with alcoholic beverages before roasting. We recommend giving preference to beer or wine.
  2. In such an uncomplicated way, you will make the meat not only appetizing and soft, but also juicy. This is what all people expect from kebabs.
  3. Do not worry that alcohol will spoil the dish. In the process of roasting, he soaked, you can safely get behind the wheel or go on important matters.
  4. To soften the meat and give it juiciness, prepare a saucepan or plastic bag. Chop the pork into slices, soak in beer, leave to marinate for 1-1.5 hours. Do not rinse, immediately puncture the skewer.

Method number 2. Softening the meat with mustard

  1. Mustard is often used as the main ingredient in meat dishes. It gives the pork some flavor and gives the meat flavor. However, not all people are aware that mustard acts as a good softener.
  2. For such purposes, we recommend using the composition in a different way than you are used to. Take table mustard, chop the meat into pieces and brush with seasoning. Send in a plastic bag and wait 45 minutes.
  3. Before cooking the pork, rinse the meat with purified water and dry. In addition, the steak will be tasty and soft, it will also acquire the desired juiciness.
  4. Very often mustard is used in the process of cooking chops. In this case, you first need to chop the pork slices, then repel, coat and insist. Before roasting, it is not necessary to wash the meat.

Method number 3. Meat softening with onions

  1. Onions are often added to the marinade for barbecue, and this is not surprising. Juicy vegetable softens pork or beef meat without any problems.
  2. If you do not know how to give the desired steak juiciness, chop the onions into circles. Onion juice works in the same way. You can get it with a combine, float or blender, then wrap it in cheesecloth and squeeze.
  3. For manipulations, pre-wash and dry the meat, save it from the veins and all parts that are not useful in cooking. Straighten in a saucepan, add juice or onion rings here, wait 1.5 hours.

Method number 4. Smooth meat with lemon juice

  1. Many people mistakenly pickle kebabs in vinegar, as a result of which it loses all the juice and becomes hard. If you still use this method, discard it.
  2. Replace the vinegar solution with a cheaper and more effective natural analogue - lemon juice. Mix it with carbonated mineral water (for 1 l. Of mineral water there is 100 ml. Fresh citrus).
  3. Soak the pieces of meat in this mass for several hours. It is not necessary to rinse the product before cooking. Tomato juice from fresh tomatoes is similarly affected.

Soft pieces of pork baked in the oven

  • pork pulp - 1 kg.
  • onion - 3 pcs.
  • mustard - 30 gr.
  • garlic - 3 teeth
  • pepper, favorite spices and salt - to taste
  1. Cut the pork into large pieces. Prepare as described above so that the meat has the desired softness and juiciness. Cut with a knife.
  2. Chop the garlic, and chop the onion with ringlets or half-molars. Spread meat with mustard in combination with spices, salt and seasonings. You can add mayonnaise to this mixture (optional).
  3. Leave the pork in the pickling bowl for 3.5 hours. After this period, cover the baking sheet with foil, spread out the pieces, cover the top. Send to oven for baking until done.

Roast in sweet and sour sauce

  • pork tenderloin - 500 gr.
  • canned pineapple - 0.3 kg.
  • chicken egg yolk - 1 pc.
  • pure water - 50 ml.
  • potato starch - 35 gr.
  • bulgarian pepper - 100 gr.
  • soy sauce - 35 ml.
  • ketchup - 60 ml.
  • vinegar - 25 ml.
  • sugar - 65 g.
  1. Prepare a bowl for pickling. Send in her pork, chopped into pieces. Pour in soy sauce, add raw yolk, water, starch. Salt, mix everything and wait for 3.5 hours.
  2. Chop the pepper into bars, chop canned pineapple. Pour the butter into the pan, heat it, send the pickled pork inside. Fire to a crust, move to a clean dish.
  3. Similarly, fry the peppers, after 3 minutes, enter the pineapple pieces. Soak components under cover for 5 minutes. Be engaged in the preparation of additional sauce.
  4. To do this, mix the ketchup with sugar and vinegar, add this mixture to the pepper with pineapple. Tomit under the lid to dissolve the sand, then enter the pork and simmer until tender.

  • low-fat kefir - 500 ml.
  • garlic - 6 teeth
  • pork pulp - 950 gr.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • spices - to taste
  1. To achieve the desired result, you must first marinate the meat. As a result, you get a juicy and soft steak. Take a container of the right size, pour kefir into it, place the pieces of pork meat into the fermented milk product.
  2. At the same time, peel and chop garlic and onion in half rings. Send the vegetable to a common pot, season the meat with spices and salt to taste. Consider, in order to achieve maximum softness and juiciness from a steak, you must beat off it beforehand.
  3. Place the prepared food in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours. After the allotted time, heat the vegetable oil in a pan, put the pieces of meat in a bowl. Fry the pork on both sides until golden brown. The procedure is best carried out on medium heat.
  4. After you have achieved the crust, reduce the flame to a minimum, finish the dish. Roasted meat can keep juiciness and softness. Serve the steak with garnish and garlic sauce. Do not forget about fresh greens and vegetables.

Soft pork with apples

  • onion - 1 pc.
  • flour - 45 gr.
  • fat - 55 gr.
  • cumin - 5 gr.
  • pork - 670 gr.
  • apples - 2 pcs.
  • salt - to taste
  1. Before preparing the meat, rinse it thoroughly with running water. Salt the pork, roll in spices and flour. Heat the pan, heat the vegetable fat in it.
  2. Put a piece of meat in a fireproof container. Fry the pork from all sides until golden. After that, transfer the steak with the fat to the duck. After that, pour the cumin into the dishes and pour in hot water of about 3/4 of the container.
  3. Set utyatnitsa on the stove, turn on the slow flame. Stew pork, if necessary add water. In parallel, peel and chop the apples into slices. Before the end of cooking meat, add fruit.
  4. As soon as the pork is ready, remove it from the duck. In the remaining broth, add flour diluted with water. Boil apple sauce for about 8 minutes over medium heat. After the meat has cooled, cut it into pieces. Pour the prepared sauce, sprinkle with fresh herbs.

Juicy pork in French

  • cheese - 240 gr.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • oil - in fact
  • mayonnaise - 220 gr.
  • pork - 530 gr.
  • salt - to taste
  1. Prepare the pork properly, chop the meat into small pieces. Carefully beat off the meat, process with salt and pepper on both sides. Next, rub the cheese on a fine grater. Peel and chop the onion rings.
  2. Choose a suitable fireproof dish, lubricate it with vegetable oil. Place pieces of pork on the bottom of the tank. Put the prepared onion on top of the meat, add mayonnaise to the food. Sprinkle with cheese.
  3. Send the meat to bake in a preheated oven. Tomite pork until full readiness. Before serving, it is recommended to decorate the dish with olives and fresh herbs. Eat meat hot.

To cook juicy and tender pork, you must take the animal tenderloin. Such meat is the softest. If it is properly cooked, the dish will literally melt in your mouth. It is also important to properly marinate the pork, it should brew for a while in the sauce. Mineral water with gas, mustard mixture, lemon juice or onions will fit in the marinade.

Video: how to soften the meat

The kebab is a proven marinade for pork, chicken, beef, which will soften the meat in 30 minutes. It happens that a picnic is organized spontaneously, but I do not want to deny myself fried meat on a fire. There are many available ways to enjoy the nature of the softest fragrant homemade kebabs.

It is tempting, pleasant, tasty to cook and eat in the fresh air. Positive mood and the joy of communicating in a good company will not replace anything. Therefore, it is not worth refusing tasty quick shish kebabs or carrying them for tomorrow due to “no pickled meat”. Knowing the secrets of some ingredients and the subtleties of their combination, it is possible for half an hour to give any kind of meat the necessary softness.

May holidays are rapidly approaching. People build grandiose plans for attacks on nature from gassed megalopolises. In supermarkets, meat semi-finished products and charcoal are bought up. If the choice of coal is not to forget it, then everything is more difficult with meat.

How to choose meat for a quick kebab?


  • For marinating suitable blade, tenderloin, neck. More often, for cooking quick kebabs, they buy cervical meat: it is juicy, with a small amount of fat, ideal for a perfect kebab.
  • It is clear that pork should be pink, with white fat. No foreign odors should be felt.
  • The juiciest fast kebabs come from fresh meat. If you still take frozen, defrost it at room temperature or on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. In no case do not need to use a microwave.
  • The optimal size of the pieces for a quick kebab is 4 to 3 cm. This meat will remain juicy after roasting on a fire and will not have time to dry due to its small size.
  1. The fastest marinade for the juiciest shish kebab in 30 minutes

Marinades based on juice, mashed potatoes or tomato sauce not only softens the fillet, but also gives it a unique bright flavor. Shish kebab takes on a beautiful appearance. Resist the fragrant ruddy piece of fried meat is impossible.


  • pork or chicken - 1.5 kg;
  • tomato juice - 400 ml;
  • lemon - 1 pc .;
  • ready seasonings for a shish kebab - 1 pack;
  • onion - 4 pcs .;
  • garlic - 6 cloves.


Pork or chicken cut into portions. Grate each spice.

Chop a lemon with a blender or grate. Onion cut into rings, garlic - chop. Mix everything with tomato juice. Pour over the fillet mixture, mix well.


For the marinade, and tomato paste, and mashed fresh blanched tomatoes.

Cover the meat with a lid, set the oppression on top and leave to marinate for 60 minutes.

Fry a quick skewer, strung on skewers along with onions and tomato rings if fresh tomatoes were used.

  1. How to cook a quick marinade for a barbecue with wine in 30 minutes


meat - 1.5 kg;

spices - 20 g;

onion - 5 pcs .;

dry wine - 1 l;

mineral water - 1 l;

lemons - 2 pcs .;

garlic - 8 cloves.

Cooking a quick skewer with wine

Put large pieces of fillet into a suitable container. Grate each piece of spices, as if doing a massage.

Onions cut into rings. Chop garlic.

Mix wine with mineral water.

Add the zest and lemon juice.

Pour the mixture of meat, add onions and garlic. Mix everything with your hands.

Cover, set the oppression and leave to marinate for 40 minutes.

Such a kebab can hardly be offered to children, but adults will be delighted with the incredible softness and tenderness of juicy roasted meat.

  1. How to quickly pickle shashlik in mineral water in 30-50 minutes


  • meat - 1.5 kg;
  • mineral water - 2 l;
  • seasonings for barbecue - 10 g;
  • onion - 5 pcs.

Cooking quick skewers. Step by step description with photo

Acid inherent in mineral water can in a short time (min. 60 min) soften any meat. Cut the fillets into large chunks.

Onions to cook mashed potatoes, rubbed on a grated or grind blender.

Grate the meat carefully and intensively. Then add mashed onion and massage, rubbing onion gruel into the fibers. Salt is not necessary, because the finished seasoning contains the necessary amount of salt for a quick kebab.

Add mineral water to meat with onions and spices. Cover and leave to marinate at room temperature or on the shelf of the refrigerator for 60-90 minutes. It will be ideal to establish from above oppression. So all the meat will be covered with water and onion puree. The kebab will have only one way out: to fry soft, tender, juicy.


Naturally, the fast skewers should be fried on coals, constantly turning them over. When they flash with fire, water the marinade. Poured in the process of frying myasko will be more juicy than the one that was left to fend for themselves.

  1. Quick skewers on kefir marinade in 60 minutes


  • meat - 1.5 kg;
  • -4 onions;
  • favorite seasoning - 1 pack;
  • kefir - 1.5 l;
  • greens - 1 bunch.

Cooking quick skewers on kefir marinade

Clean onion, wash, chop in a blender or grate.

Cut the fillets into large pieces, rub with spices and mashed onion. Fold in a suitable container, pour kefir. Wash greens, finely chopped, add to marinade for a quick kebab. Mix everything well with your hands. Cover and leave under the yoke for 120 minutes. Kefir and onion puree will turn tough meat into a tender dish melting in your mouth, fried with your own hands on a fire.

  1. The most budget marinade for a quick kebab in 60 minutes

It turns out that pickled tomatoes are suitable not only as a snack. These products, together with brine, are able to reanimate the toughest meat in the shortest possible time.


  • meat - 1.5 kg;
  • pickled tomatoes - 6-7 pcs .;
  • tomato pickle - 500 ml;
  • sunflower oil - 30 ml;
  • spices - 1 pack.

Cooking budget marinade for a quick shish kebab

Cut the meat into slices of 3-4 cm. Sow the skin with canned tomatoes and mash them in any way. Grate the pieces with spices, then - mashed tomatoes. Mix sunflower oil with brine, pour over myasco mixture, cover, and leave under pressure for 50 minutes.

Quick skewers fry on skewers or lattice.

Tricks kebabs for cooking the most delicious kebabs in a quick way

If the marinade is too sour, add some sugar or honey (1-2 tbsp. L)

For a greater fusion of ingredients with meat, sunflower oil is added to the marinades for quick kebabs.

If you marinated the meat in tomato products, you can add a beaten chicken egg before frying. It will protect the quick skewers from drying out.

The best marinade is obtained in glass or enamel pot. You can not marinate the meat in a bowl of aluminum, plastic, wood.

Never add vinegar or mayonnaise to the marinade. The meat will be harsh, and there is no naturalness in such ingredients.

Instead of vinegar use citric acid, juice and pulp of lemon, onion, pomegranate juice, kiwi pulp, pineapple.

If necessary, salt is added to the marinade 15 minutes before frying quick shish kebabs.

Firewood for kebabs should be from species of fruit trees. Pine trees should be avoided, and an apple, cherry or pear tree should be preferred.

We hope that our notes will help to prepare the most juicy, tasty and tender kebabs in the fresh air in the good company of old friends. Time spent in nature will be a real rest for a positive attitude.

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As it is known barbecue is a dish from the distant past with a rather entertaining history. In the long past past, fearless knights, going on long hikes, took with them pieces of raw meat. In order not to spoil their food, they put it in leather knapsacks with wine, and in moments of rest and snack they roasted meat on their spears or various bayonets and branches. Due to this, many people believe that the term “kebab” bears the origins of the Turkic “shish” - meat and “bayonet” - spear. Apparently, it was from that time that the custom of pickling pieces of meat was wound up.

Today, there are many ideas about how to marinate meat for kebabs, and the wealth of spices and seasonings will help transform this dish and give it sophistication and extra flavor. Many connoisseurs of this delicacy believe that soaking meat is completely optional. Stop spilling it with spices and salt.

It is possible to agree with this opinion if the meat prepared by this method is fresh and homemade. But this method is a matter of taste. There are such lovers of roasted meat on the fire, who believe that marinating is a rather amusing process and many men take it upon themselves with pleasure, considering it as a male vocation.

Marinade is a combination of natural acid (wine, fruit or vegetable juice, vinegar), salt, herbs, spices, sugar, vegetable oil, all kinds of seasonings, and so on.

This composition is soaked with raw meat, poultry and many varieties of fish. These marinade recipes for kebabs allow you to make meat spicy, juicy, fragrant, with a pleasant sourness and delicate aftertaste.

Spicy Chinese cuisine lovers can soak meat in a mixture of soy sauce, a drop of honey, pepper, ginger, dry wine or rice vinegar. Well-soaked meat is fried on the grill, barbecue or grill, brushing lightly with sunflower oil. In order to deliciously marinate shashlik, it is kept in the prepared mixture for 1-2 days..

The best marinade recipes for kebabs

In order for the kebab to turn out to be really tasty, it is necessary to choose the best marinade for meat, and also to marinate it correctly. We want to present you the best marinades for kebabs, the recipes of which you will see below.

Marinade for pork kebab

Pork, one of the most respected and accessible types of meat for cooking on coals. For the execution of this yummy, as a rule, the pork neck is taken, because it is this part that has a juicy flesh, with thin veins of fat, which allows you to make the dish soft, literally melting in your mouth. But try to take the meat of the first freshness, because, as frozen, it can be dry afterwards and it is rather difficult to determine its freshness after defrosting.

To properly marinate pork skewers, you will need:

  • kilo neck;
  • mayonnaise (95 ml);
  • bay leaf;
  • onion bulb (330 grams);
  • lemon (1 pc.);
  • collection of spices and hops-suneli spices;
  • mustard (45 grams);
  • salt.

How to pickle:

Cut the meat into mini pieces, 3-5 cm in diameter, cut the onion, giving it the shape of rings, and squeeze the juice of a lemon. Throw everything thoroughly in a glass or enamelled container and leave for 22-33 minutes. In the meantime, prepare the solution for marinating. Mix mayonnaise, spicy mixture and mustard, move your sauce to the meat with onion and sprinkle with salt. Marinated pork skewers need about 2-3 hours.

Marinade for pork kebab with vinegar

Many believe that a quick marinade for pork kebab is a recipe with vinegar. Thanks to this element, which is inherent in acid, the meat is quite tender and juicy.

Therefore, if you want to quickly marinate pork kebab, then take the following products:

  • kilogram of pork;
  • water 100 ml;
  • vinegar 9% (100 ml);
  • onions (3 pcs.);
  • condiments and spices (by eye);
  • salt.

How to pickle:

Split the meat into slices or cubes, depending on the method you use to fry it. If on skewers, it will be more convenient and more correct to string the cubes, the size of two matchboxes. If it is a grid, then try to cut it into slices. So, salt the prepared meat pieces, pour vinegar, diluted in half with water. Add the shredded onions to the rings, and then add seasonings and fragrant spices.

Put your marinade with meat in a warm place for an hour. After, move the container with the skewers to cold, but not to subzero temperature. You can marinate your treat from 2-3 hours to 2-3 days.

Delicious pork kebab on kefir

The difference between the marinade, which is based on kefir, is that yogurt has a more delicate effect than vinegar, so for complete meat readiness takes a little more time (10 to 24 hours).

To learn how to pickle kebab pork with kefir and enjoy unsurpassed taste, take these products:

  • kilogram of pork;
  • kefir of any fat content (450 ml);
  • sugar (12 grams);
  • onions (5 pcs.);
  • salt, spices (coriander, pepper, cumin, basil).

How to pickle:

The marinade recipe for pork shashlik based on yogurt is not much different from the one presented above. The only difference is kefir instead of vinegar. Therefore, in the same sequence, place all the components and fill all with fermented milk liquid. Soak the composition for about an hour in room conditions, and then clean in the cold from 3 to 24 hours.

Marinade for barbecue on mineral water

Many connoisseurs of meat on the fire, who have tried many different versions of cooking this snack, believe that the best marinade for pork kebab is brine on mineral water. Thanks to this boiling ingredient, your meat, saturated with oxygen, will be incredibly soft and tasty. In addition, this method does not require many auxiliary ingredients.

To cook shish kebab on mineral water stock up on such components:

  • kilogram of young ham or collar;
  • onions (430 grams);
  • mineral water (1 l);
  • zira and black pepper;
  • salt.

How to pickle:

The meat is divided into small slices, but try to have a little more matchbox. Chop the onion with the halves of the rings, place in a container for shish kebab (it is good if it is enameled or glass), mash well before the juice appears and place a layer of chopped pork on top. Crumble spices on top and fill with mineral water.

Try salt at the end, right before cooking meat. This will preserve the juiciness, because salt draws all the juices from the meat. Put your snack in the cold from 3 to 12 hours, depending on the time you have.

Marinade for chicken kebab

Chicken kebab, like pork, is no less in demand and popularity. Chicken, unlike pork, beef and lamb, urinates and cooks much faster. Perhaps that is why many appreciated the advantages of this wonderful dish, because not always people have the extra 12 hours to wait for such a delicacy. A kebab wanted right now.

Therefore, in order to pickle chicken for kebab, take:

  • kilo chicken fillet;
  • juice of two lemons;
  • bulgarian pepper of different colors 1 piece each;
  • honey (2 tbsp.);
  • fresh tomatoes of small size (5 pcs.);
  • oil from olives (55 ml);
  • black pepper, basil, salt, turmeric (on a pinch);
  • garlic (2 teeth).

How to pickle:

Cut the chicken into medium pieces and sprinkle with salt. Combine honey, lemon juice, spices, oil from olives and garlic in a bowl. Bulgarian pepper cut into slices, and tomatoes into rings. Meat and vegetables cover with a skillful marinade for chicken kebabs and send in the cold, having stood for about half an hour. After, take the metal grate and distribute the kebab with vegetables and bake on the coals. Watch your embers smolder rather than burn.

This recipe for marinade chicken kebab came to taste by many who tried it. The chicken turns juicy thanks to vegetables and marinade, and in 25-35 minutes your chicken delicacy will be ready.

Marinade for beef kebab

Most people who prefer dietary beef meat, not knowing how to pickle beef kebabs, are at risk of getting burnt pieces that can be raw inside. In order to avoid such trouble you need to know some of the nuances of steeping kebab from hard beef meat.

Want something interesting?

To do this, take:

  • kilogram of beef (it is best to take a tenderloin, lower back or rump);
  • onions (3 pcs.);
  • dry wine (155 ml);
  • fresh tomatoes (550 grams);
  • garlic (3 teeth);
  • cilantro bunch;
  • salt and a handful of ground pepper.

How to pickle:

In order to properly marinate the skewers, beef must be crushed into pieces, similar to the size of a box of matches.

Then salt it, pepper and cover with chopped onion rings. Pour the beef appetizer with wine and leave for 3-4 hours, stirring occasionally. After all, string the meat mixed with tomato rings and cook over hot coals of cherry or apple. Serving a treat on the table, cover it with chopped cilantro.

Marinade for lamb shashlik

Not everyone loves lamb because of its peculiar smell. But if you approach the issue correctly and prepare this product, tweaking with several subtleties, you can get an amazingly appetizing and tender meat dish. To marinate lamb on skewers, select the meat of a young animal, not exceeding the age of one year. For snacks on the wood is perfect front shoulder, ham or entrecote, which can be depicted on the bone.

To learn how to marinate lamb skewers and amaze friends and relatives with your dish, stock up on the following products:

  • kilogram of young lamb;
  • half a cup of tkemali sour sauce;
  • onion bulb (3-5 pcs.);
  • zira and dried barberries;
  • tomatoes (5 pieces)
  • chopped cilantro and dill.
  • salt and pepper.

How to pickle:

Lamb cut into slices about 4-5 centimeters. Detail onions in a blender and send to the meat. Tomatoes should be freed from the skin, immersing them for a minute in boiling water, and then get rid of it without much effort. Then chop red garden fruits and also enrich your meat with them. Pour all the tkemali sauce and sprinkle with spices, chopped herbs and salt. Leave in a cushy place for 2-3 hours and can start frying on coals. When the meat is ready, you can serve it with plum sauce and greens.

Rabbit Shashlik Marinade Recipe

Many believe that rabbit meat is quite dietary in its composition and is certainly not suitable for cooking kebabs. But those who nevertheless decided on this experiment did not regret it at all. After all, rabbit meat, made on the coals of fruit trees, is a truly unusual and excellent delicacy for lovers of dietary goodies.

To quickly marinate rabbit meat skewers you need to take:

  • a kilogram of a young rabbit;
  • tomato, zucchini and Bulgarian pepper (1 pc.);
  • sour cream (435 ml);
  • coriander, cumin and pepper;
  • onions (3-4 heads);
  • salt.

How to pickle:

Prepare marinade and vegetables before marinating the meat for the skewers. Mix yogurt with all spices and salt, and tomatoes, zucchini, onions and pepper chop the same and even ringlets. Divide the meat into pieces, place the sliced ​​garden fruits on top and fill the whole with a sour white sauce. Leave your marinade in the cold for 3-7 hours. Then fill the skewer in turn with meat, all vegetables, including onions and beat everything down tightly. Fry on a smoldering fire and enjoy the incredible taste.

Marinated Salmon Skewers

Agree that it can be tastier and more original than the kebab of all the adored salmon, soaked in a bouquet of fragrant marinade. Considering that the salmon itself is very tender and does not require long cooking processes, it will not take long to pickle it. And the result will surely surpass everything, even unimaginable expectations.

So, you will need:

  • salmon fillet (200-300 grams);
  • one lemon;
  • salt and allspice;
  • green olive oil (33 ml);
  • fresh greens (parsley, celery, cilantro).

How to pickle:

Since, as the proverb says, “all ingenious is simple”, here it is most welcome. Salmon meat should be sprinkled with lemon, lightly wiped with salt and spices, and a little Greek olive oil should be dripped on top. Forget about it for half an hour in the cold, and your pickled salmon for barbecue is ready, you can proceed to roasting. When serving, sprinkle lightly with assorted greens and sprinkle with lemon juice.

Recipe for marinated onions and kebabs

To complement the taste, we offer you a marinated onion with shish kebab, which is brilliantly suited to any kind of meat. To make your side dish appetizing and rich, you must use a red Crimean onion. It is notable for its special sweetness and juiciness, but if there is none, then any bulb will do.

So, to pickle onions for kebab, take:

  • onions (500 grams);
  • vinegar 9% (15 ml);
  • salt and a pinch of sugar;
  • olive oil or sunflower fruit oil (15 ml);
  • fresh dill (bunch).

Cut the onion into rings, sprinkle with vinegar and oil. Salt and sugar. Add dill and add to onion rings. Mix everything carefully and forget about it for 10-15 minutes. While the kebab is grilling, your onion will be ready. By the way, such a garnish will get acclimatized with herring, lard, mushrooms, potatoes, etc.

Recipe for a delicious kebab sauce

In addition to the onions marinated for shashlik, the taste of meat is remarkably complemented by a spicy sauce.

For its execution take:

  • ketchup or tomato sauce;
  • green herbs;
  • sugar;
  • bunch of green onions;
  • salt.

If you chose tomato sauce, then it needs to be slightly diluted with hot water, for 415 grams of sauce you need to take 75 ml of water. Chop greens in the same pieces, add to the sauce, then salt. If desired, add a touch of red pepper or pressed garlic.

Take a look at some superfluous recommendations on the correct and successful cooking of meat on coals and take note of yourself:

  1. If you cut the meat very finely, then your kebab runs the risk of being dry, because juiciness is more easily preserved in larger pieces;
  2. For frying meat, use firewood fruit trees, and not ready-made embers. This will enrich your delicacy with an extra flavor;
  3. If the meat was attached to freezing, then only mustard can increase its juiciness. For this you need to cover the chopped pieces with plenty of it before marinating;
  4. The coals in your brazier should not burn with a flame, but smolder quietly. If they get too hot, pour them with beer or water. You can sprinkle with salt;
  5. Hard meat will help soften the kiwi or pineapple slice added to the marinade. These fruits have the finest property to soften protein.

Guided by these simple recipes, you will quickly learn how to cook kebabs from all sorts of meats. Enjoy your meal.