Cooking broccoli cream soup. Cream of broccoli soup - cooking recipes

24.07.2019 Buffet table

Broccoli has spread in Ukraine relatively recently. 3 years ago, when I was buying broccoli on the market, an elegantly dressed woman approached me and asked me with interest, and what will you do with it? (By the way, when I buy something that is not quite normal for the Ukrainian table, I am often asked this question) Now you will not surprise anyone with this useful vegetable. And broccoli is from the Mediterranean, which was prepared during the times of the Roman Empire, and is popular with us. And with the trend of a "healthy lifestyle", it becomes even more desirable on the table. By the way, even Thomas Jefferson was keen on growing this vegetable. Yes, that same US president, one of the "founding fathers" of this powerful state, carved out of a stone on Mount Rushmore, along with other 3 equally important presidents. Especially for him brought the seeds of broccoli from Italy. Maybe because it is so popular there, and I personally associate broccoli more with American cuisine than Mediterranean. After all, you do not even need to remember how popular broccoli is in the States. Various salads are prepared from it (which I have already accumulated on my website too), soups and served as a side dish, just blanched or baked. Since childhood, they are trying to teach children to her, for she somehow is almost synonymous with healthy eating. So, this recipe for cream soup with broccoli in the American style, one that is most often cooked there, across the ocean. It is very simple to prepare and incredibly tasty.

   In general, the cooking technique used to make this broccoli cream soup is French. First, the so-called velute sauce is prepared, which is primarily different from using broth instead of milk. And then vegetables and cream are added. And soups, cooked on the basis of velute, often have such a prefix in the name, which, by the way, is used unnecessarily often in our country. Anyway, if you want to kitsch or just hit those for whom you are cooking, you can say that they did not cook broccoli cream soup (this will surprise only a few people now), but rye broccoli with croutons, based on golden ru: - )). ("Ru", then this zazharka from flour :-)). And most cream soups in the USA are prepared in this way. They borrowed this technique from French cuisine. And I, as an active observer, have long had the impression that in the States a culinary inferiority complex reigns in relation to French cuisine. There everything connected with French cuisine is considered to be outstanding and refined and immediately delicious :-). I do not at all detract from the role of French cuisine in world gastronomy as such, there is something to borrow, but American cuisine does not lag behind interest either.

   So, returning to the cream soup with broccoli, it is simple both in preparation and in ingredients. And as in the case of any simple soup, the taste must be extracted by the technique. Namely: gently simmer the onions to full softness, until it starts to turn golden, redden the flour that is added to the onions, because it will give a pleasant nutty tinge of taste to this soup. And also, choosing between broth and water, which is technically possible, choose, of course, . Well and, it is desirable to wipe it through a not too fine sieve. The pleasure of consuming will be much greater, and the soup will be uniform and velvety. And this is especially necessary if you want to call this broccoli cream soup pompous velutte :-).

6 servings:


  • 1 large onion, cut into cubes
  • 60 grams butter
  • 50 grams of flour
  • 1 l
  • 2 medium broccoli heads, trim dried edges, cut into large pieces along with the stem (about 900 grams of already sliced ​​broccoli)
  • 250 ml of cream 20-30%
  • Salt and black pepper to taste
  •    Pinch of sugar

1) Heat the butter in a 3 liter saucepan. Add onions, a little salt and add sugar. Simmer over medium heat, stirring often, until the onion softens completely.

2) Add flour and fry until flour becomes slightly golden.

Step-by-step recipes for broccoli cream soup with cream and mushrooms, chicken fillet and various vegetables

2018-03-14 Marina Vykhodtseva





100 grams of ready meals

2 gr.

5 gr.


4 gr.

66 kcal.

Option 1: Classic broccoli cream soup with cream

In the classic version, cream soup with cream and broccoli is prepared with the addition of water. You can use some not very fat broth, the amount of liquid in this case does not change. Mandatory ingredient is nutmeg. Although it is added in a small amount, the taste changes significantly for the better.


  • 400 g broccoli;
  • 180 ml of cream 15%;
  • 270 ml of water;
  • 1 g of nutmeg;
  • 25 g butter;
  • 75 g onions.

Step-by-step recipe for classic broccoli cream soup

We take butter for cooking vegetables, put it in a saucepan, heat it. Peel the small onion bulb. You can replace it with leek, but use only the white part of the stem. Crumble with any pieces, in butter, prepare a weak browning.

While onions are fried, broccoli florets should be washed and finely smashed. Add to the pot. Immediately measure the boiling water. If not simple water is used, but broth, then it is heated. Pour broccoli and be sure to cover the saucepan. Cooking until soft inflorescences.

Chopped boiled vegetables, salt and add nutmeg. Fill with warm cream, stir. Re-send the cream soup on the stove, bring to a boil.

In addition to onions, you can make a broccoli cream soup with carrots, bell peppers, but you need to take into account the cooking time.

Option 2: A quick recipe for broccoli cream soup with potatoes

Not only a quick cream soup with broccoli, but also a fairly substantial dish. You can make it in 15 minutes. The advantage is the lack of reheating. If the soup remains, then in this case it is desirable to boil it.


  • 3 potatoes;
  • 350 g broccoli;
  • water;
  • 100 g onions;
  • carrot;
  • 30 g of oil;
  • greens, garlic.

How to quickly make cream soup

We clean and crumble small potatoes, onions and carrots. You can simply chop the combine, too, everything will turn out perfectly. We shift into the pot, pour 700 ml of boiling water and boil for five minutes.

Add broccoli. When using frozen inflorescences, nothing needs to be separately heated or thawed, but the cooking time of the soup will be slightly delayed. We salt vegetables, we bring to softness.

Melt butter, add chopped garlic. The number is any, you can limit one tooth or add 4-5 stuff, it all depends on personal taste. Fry for a minute, send to the vegetables.

Once all the ingredients are soft, you can grind the soup to the state of the cream. After grinding, spread out in portions, sprinkle with herbs.

Cream in this soup can also be added, but it is better when serving to the table. In this embodiment, they can not even be heated. You can also use non-sour sour cream for dressing.

Option 3: Cream of broccoli cream and cauliflower

One of the most delicate options of broccoli cream soup. Additionally, you need cauliflower. When using frozen vegetables, it is desirable to slightly reduce the amount of water or pour the broth before chopping, then adjust the consistency.


  • 200 g broccoli;
  • 200 g of cauliflower;
  • 80 g onions;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • 0.5 bunch of dill;
  • 500 ml of water (broth);
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 40 g of oil;
  • 160 g of cream.

How to cook

You can take the soup for olive or butter. Melt, pour the onion to it, fry for a couple of minutes. We clean a couple of cloves of garlic, cut arbitrarily, do not need to be ground, pour out to the onions, warm up for another two minutes.

Peel the potatoes, cut into small cubes, pour out to the vegetables. Immediately lay washed inflorescences. If the cabbage is frozen, then you can not do this, we throw it right away. Fill with prescription water, cover and cook for a quarter of an hour. The exact time depends on the potato, but rather its variety and the size of the pieces.

Grind vegetables to a creamy consistency, add hot cream and salt. Stir and heat the dish on low heat for about five minutes, no need to boil for a long time.

Chop finely dill, pour into the soup, stir. When serving, you can additionally enter fresh garlic or sprinkle with grated cheese.

Cream soups are ideally combined with crackers of any kind. But it is best to cook the croutons on your own from sliced ​​bread or loaf.

Option 4: Broccoli cream cheese soup

Very fast and easy to prepare version of the cream dish with melted cheese curds. You can do it on ordinary water or use chicken broth. It is advisable to use cheese without flavoring, as they drown out the flavor of vegetables. This recipe is without adding cream.


  • 400 g broccoli;
  • 120 g of processed cheese;
  • 100 g carrots;
  • large onion;
  • greens, spices;
  • 4 tbsp. l oils;
  • 200 grams of potatoes.

Step by step recipe

We start with onions and carrots. They can be chopped or cut in any way. Melt the butter in a saucepan, add these vegetables and fry a little. Next put on the stove kettle. When using broth, it is also desirable to heat it.

Chop the potatoes. Pour into a saucepan, pour boiling water, add about 700 ml, start to cook. After five minutes of boiling, add salt and broccoli. Bring to readiness, grind.

Check the consistency of the soup. You can pour a little more broth or water if you want to get a thinner soup. Return to the plate.

After boiling add cheese, stir and cook until dissolved. As soon as the lumps disperse, you can turn off the stove, bring it to the table.

You can cook this soup without potatoes or add zucchini or ordinary zucchini, some cauliflower or white cabbage instead.

Option 5: Cream soup of broccoli with cream and mushrooms

Recipe for creamy broccoli soup and mushrooms. The dish is incredibly aromatic, tasty, perfectly satisfies hunger and satiates, but it is not very high-calorie and does not harm the figure.


  • 4 champignons;
  • 350 g broccoli;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • 100 ml of cream 10%;
  • 3 tbsp. l oils;
  • 1 onion;
  • broth or water.

How to cook

Send cut potatoes to pot, pour 800 ml of water, start to cook.

Fry chopped onion with chopped champignons in olive oil. As soon as they are reddened, we shift 2/3 of the pot to the potato, immediately add the broccoli, salt and prepare everything together for about a quarter of an hour.

The remaining mushrooms in the pan a little more fry until beautiful color, they will be used for serving.

Remove the soup from the stove, pour a little broth, grind products, bring to the desired consistency. Add cream, warm up for a couple of minutes.

Pour cream soup in portions, put slices of fried mushrooms with onions in each.

This soup with chanterelles is very beautiful and bright, but you can use any other mushrooms.

Option 6: Broccoli cream soup with chicken

You can cook this soup from a full-fledged chicken carcass using legs, wings and other parts. But there will be a simplified version of the breast, you will need one fillet. Additionally, you will need some hard or semi-hard cheese.


  • 1 fillet;
  • 300 g broccoli;
  • 200 g zucchini (you can use potatoes);
  • 1 onion;
  • 30 ml of oil;
  • 30 grams of cheese;
  • 700 ml of water;
  • greens, garlic optional.

How to cook

Cut fillet, throw in the water, begin to cook. The white foam, which will soon appear on the surface, is carefully caught and removed.

We give the fillet to boil for literally three minutes, after which we toss the sliced ​​zucchini, inject the broccoli, broken into florets, and salt. We continue to cook.

Onions cut. Heat the oil. Lightly fried vegetables in butter. We shift it to the saucepan with other ingredients at any stage and boil it all together.

Remove the finished ingredients from the plate, grind. Spread the cream soup with chicken in portions, sprinkle with grated cheese on top. To taste we fill the dish with garlic, fresh herbs.

Not every blender can twist boiled chicken meat. If the model has a small capacity, it is better to remove the bird from the broth, cut it and add to the plates when serving. Even more appetizing the dish will turn out if the fillet is lightly fried in butter or ghee.

Broccoli cream soup is a healthy dish that takes minimum time to prepare.

In order for broccoli or asparagus cabbage to preserve vitamins and other beneficial substances (beta-carotene, vitamin C, PP, U, etc.), boil the vegetable for no more than 5-7 minutes. Quick-frozen cabbage is cooked a little longer - 10-12 minutes. After heat treatment, broccoli should remain fresh green and be crispy.

Broccoli is a great base for cream soups. Such a first dish will be useful to children from the very beginning of lure and adults as an example of a healthy diet.

You can diversify and enrich the taste of broccoli with the help of other ingredients that make up cream soups with this vegetable. Among them: chicken, bacon, cream, other vegetables, croutons, spices.

How to make broccoli cream soup - 15 varieties

This soup can be cooked in less than 1 hour. This dish is light and healthy, so you can eat it at any meal.


  • broccoli - 400 g;
  • onion - 1 pc .;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs .;
  • milk or cream - 200 ml;
  • flour;
  • butter - 2 tbsp;
  • water or broth - 600 ml;
  • salt and pepper to taste


Boil water, lower the chopped potatoes and cook for 10 minutes.

Onion cut into half rings, then fry in butter until transparent vegetable. Add to the bow a few tbsp. flour, stir and cook another 3 minutes. Pour the milk into the pan, stir again, cook for 4 minutes. After the ingredients are thickened, pour them into the pot with potatoes, add broccoli, divided into florets, cook for 10 minutes. Salt and add pepper to the soup. After the broccoli is ready, turn off the soup and beat. Return the soup to the pan and boil for 2 minutes. Serve hot.

Cooking this soup takes 15 minutes.

This soup is perfect for children.


  • broccoli - 500 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc .;
  • onion - 1 pc .;
  • cream Cheese - 100g;
  • vegetable oil or cream - 1 tbsp.
  • cream;
  • crackers;
  • salt - to taste


Onions and carrots cut into cubes, salt and fry in butter.

Put broccoli in boiling water, cook for about 10 minutes. Add to broccoli fried and cream cheese. Stir slightly cooled soup with a blender. When serving, add croutons to soup plates, decorate each portion with cream and a sprig of parsley.

Nutritious soup with a variety of ingredients suitable for lunch as a first course.


  • broccoli - 800 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc .;
  • onion - 1 pc .;
  • loaf - 1 pc .;
  • cream (15%) - 100 ml;
  • butter - 3 tbsp .;
  • olive oil - to taste;
  • flour - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • dried chili - 1/4 tsp;
  • salt;
  • pepper - to taste
  • broth - 1 l;


Cook the broth, chicken or vegetable. Onions and carrots cut into large pieces. Parse broccoli florets. Heat sauce in a skillet and fry onion and carrot in it. Add broccoli, then flour. Fry 1 min. Fill the products with broth, cook until broccoli is ready, then add salt, pepper, pour cream.

Grind the blender, pour the soup into plates, sprinkle with croutons.

With a loaf cut the crusts, cut into cubes, sprinkle with pepper and salt, add the dried chili, sprinkle with olive oil. Cook the croutons in the oven, sprinkle them with portions of soup.

Light soup with lots of vegetables


  • broccoli - 1 head;
  • spinach - 1 bunch;
  • onion - 1 pc .;
  • potatoes - 2-3 pcs .;
  • celery (root) - 1/4 pcs .;
  • cream of 20% - 150 ml;
  • salt;
  • pepper - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - for frying;
  • water - 700 ml


Dice celery root and onion, fry them in a frying pan. We put the potato cubes into the pan, add the frying, pour water, cook over low heat. Cut the spinach, divide the broccoli into inflorescences. We put broccoli in the soup when the potatoes are tender.

Cook for 5 minutes, then lay the spinach. We bring the soup to another boil and cook for no more than 2 minutes. Beat the soup with a blender, heat the cream, pour them into the soup and beat again. We warm up a little, salt and pepper. Serve hot, you can with crackers.

Nutritious full first course in meat broth. Cooking time - about 40 minutes.


  • broccoli - 1 kg;
  • onion - 1 pc .;
  • chicken broth - 1 l;
  • cream 25% - 100 ml;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • pepper - to taste


Grind and fry onion with garlic until soft, drop broccoli florets, add salt and pepper, simmer on low heat.

Heat the broth and pour into a saucepan, bring to a boil. Beat the soup with a blender, heat it up.

Do not boil the soup, otherwise the dish will lose many vitamins and nutrients.

Heat the cream, pour in the soup, mix.

Delicate cream soup based on broccoli


  • broccoli - 500 g;
  • celery root - 200 g;
  • onion - 1 pc .;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • cream 35% - 200 ml


Cooking fried: onion + garlic until soft. Cut the celery root into cubes, salt it and add the pepper, send it to the pan. Simmer for 10 minutes, pour in 100 g of cream, simmer another 20 minutes. under the lid. Put boiled celery in boiling water. After boiling, boil for 10 minutes, then, lower the broccoli pieces, boil and cook for another 5 minutes. Cool the soup a little, whip it with a blender, add salt and pepper. Return the dish to the fire, add 100 ml of cream and bring to a boil.

Gourmet soup is cooked in 50 minutes. The basis of the dish is broccoli asparagus cabbage and spicy blue cheese.


  • broccoli - 1 head;
  • blue cheese - 100 g;
  • milk - 750 ml;
  • cream - 250 ml;
  • butter - 20 g;
  • onion - 2 pcs .;
  • garlic - 1 head


Melt butter, fry chopped onion in it, after 1 min. add chopped garlic, fry for another 1 min. Separate broccoli florets and add to vegetables. Pour in milk, stew for 1/2 h. Next, add slices of blue cheese (part), pour in cream (also, only a part). Salt and pepper soup. Cook for another 10 minutes, then whisk with a blender. When serving, pour the finished dish with cream, put a few slices of cheese.

Vitamin cream soup. The basis of the dish is made up of products that are harmoniously combined with each other. This - broccoli, blue cheese, milk and cream.


  • broccoli - 200 g;
  • onions - 500 g;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • potatoes - 300 g;
  • blue cheese - 100 g;
  • milk - 400 ml;
  • drinking cream - 6 tbsp. l .;
  • water - 400 ml;
  • salt;
  • pepper - to taste;
  • parsley - to taste


Grind onions and garlic. In a skillet, melt the butter, simmer the vegetables until soft. Coarsely chop the potatoes and broccoli, add to the saucepan, mix.

Pour in water and milk, bring to a boil, add salt and pepper. Cook the soup until cooked vegetables over low heat. Beat the dish with a blender. Return the soup to the skillet, sprinkle with chopped cheese. We are waiting for the cheese to melt. Pour cream portions of the soup, decorate with parsley sprigs.

The original combination of broccoli with sea fish and fresh notes of mint and cloves.


  • broccoli - 300 g;
  • salted salmon - 100 g;
  • onion - 1.5 pcs .;
  • milk - 200 ml;
  • fresh mint - 100 g;
  • flour - 70 g;
  • butter - 70 g;
  • clove - 10 g


Cook the mint version of the bechamel sauce: melt the butter in a saucepan, add the flour, fry until golden brown. In a bulb we stick a carnation. 50 g mint bundled in a bundle. Return the stewpan to the stove, add the milk, onions, and mint. Stir constantly until the mass begins to thicken. The rest of the mint is dropped in 1.5 liters. water.

Preparing the basis of cream soup: fry chopped onion to translucency, add broccoli, and fry. Fill with mint broth, cook for 15 minutes, then whisk with a blender. Add 3 tbsp. peppermint bechamel, beat again.

Finely chop the salmon and lay it in the center of each plate. Fill the fish with soup. Decorate the dish with mint leaves.

Dietary soup with chicken. You can prepare such a dish in 1 hour.


  • broccoli - 300 g;
  • chicken - 350 g;
  • potatoes - 3 pcs .;
  • carrots - 2 pcs .;
  • onion - 1 pc .;
  • cream - 200 ml;
  • toast;
  • olive oil;
  • parmesan grated - to taste


Cook chicken 40 min. in 1.5 liters of water. Finely chop the onion, grate the carrot and fry in olive oil. Add salt and pepper. We take the meat out of the pan, drop the broth into sliced ​​potatoes and broccoli, fry. Cook for 15 minutes, add salt and pepper soup. Chicken cut into pieces. Meat can be lightly roasted. Ready soup whip blender. Return the soup to the fire, add the cream and cook, stirring for another 7 minutes. Pour cream soup on plates, lay out chicken pieces, sprinkle with parmesan, add croutons.

Vitamin cream soup based on chicken broth with broccoli.


  • frozen broccoli 270 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc .;
  • onion - 1 pc .;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs .;
  • chicken broth - 850 ml;
  • milk - 70 ml;
  • salt;
  • spring onions;
  • toasts - to taste


Cut carrots and onions and potatoes. Fry the onions and carrots, and then add the potatoes, simmer until ready, pour the broth (leave a little). Cook the soup for 10 minutes, salt. Put broccoli in the pan and cook for another 10 minutes. Grind the soup with a blender, pour in the milk, beat it again. Decorate portions of soup with green onions and sprinkle with croutons.

Vegan cream soup with a minimum of ingredients


  • broccoli - 1.5 heads;
  • soy cream - 250 ml
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • chili pepper - 1/2 pcs .;
  • sesame seeds;
  • himalayan salt;
  • pepper - to taste


We divide broccoli into inflorescences, set to cook (no more than 10 minutes), cut garlic and chili pepper. Grind broccoli, then add spices to the blender bowl and pour in the cream, salt and pepper. We drink the soup into the pot and warm it up a little. Pour the dish into a plate, again a little salt and pepper, sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Soup with broccoli and soft cheese.


  • broccoli - 1 head;
  • soft cheese - 50 g;
  • walnut - 1 pc .;
  • salt;
  • pepper - to taste


Split broccoli into inflorescences. Boil water, slightly salt. Cook for 5 minutes. Cut off a few slices of soft cheese. Beat broccoli with a blender. Put the walnut pieces into the plate, soft cheese, sprinkled with ground pepper, pour over the soup.

Healthy Vegetable Cream Soup


  • broccoli - 1 head;
  • zucchini - 1 pc .;
  • onion - 1 pc .;
  • cream of 10% - 100 ml;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • flour;
  • any greens;
  • olive oil - to taste


Boil zucchini and broccoli (7 min.), Chop the onion, simmer it in butter for 3 min., Pour the flour in, mix, pour a little broth from the zucchini, stir. Add sliced ​​zucchini and broccoli, cook for 5 minutes. Beat the soup in a blender, put the cream on the fire until boiling. Return the soup to the pan, pour the cream, stir, heat. Ready soup can be decorated with greens.

The main quality of cream - broccoli soup lies in its consistency.

Light mass in the form of vegetable puree, complemented by a fan of spices and decorated with decorative ingredients, is capable of to surprise  a variety of recipes.

This dish takes a little time to create, some of them generally cook for 15 - 20 minutes, and the output is excellent soup.

The uniqueness of broccoli in its ability to instantly transform into absolutely new recipe: This product is equally good with meat additives, sea (or river) fish, forest mushrooms or a variety of seafood.

Broccoli cream soup: basic cooking rules

There are a great many suggestions for cooking broccoli cream soups. They can be thickened like mashed potatoes or liquid like whipped sour cream, but general principles  cooking any cabbage are the same.

Inflorescences of adult broccoli have a porous structure, they are easily heat-treated, well boiling soft in boiling water.

Therefore, cooking time traditionally does not take longer than ten minutes.

In this short time, cabbage acquires the desired softness, it can be easily twisted in a meat grinder or passed through a sieve.

Without the use of coloring herbal supplements, broccoli gives the soup a rich green color. Make a recipe carrot  or a little bit kariand in front of you is a wonderful creamy ensemble of a beige or golden hue.

Broccoli Cream Soup Vegetarian

This light soup can be made lean if you replace the milk with cabbage broth. Then it will be broccoli vegetable cream soup. Its storage time at low temperature (in the refrigerator or cellar) will increase to 48 hours.


Fresh broccoli 500-600 gr .;

Low-fat milk 200 ml (one glass);

Flour of the highest (or first) grade 2 tablespoons;

Butter 15-20 gr. (Big spoon);

Cold boiling water 1 liter;

Sesame seeds 1 tsp;

A pinch of cardamom.

Cooking method

Before cooking, wash the cabbage in running water, fold it for a while in a colander or place it on a paper towel where excess water will drain. To cream broccoli soup turned out more gently, remove the thick stems, and the remaining inflorescences divided into multiple small parts. Leave five or six buds to decorate the dish. Boil broccoli in salted water for no longer than ten minutes. This will prevent nutrients from decomposing into its constituent parts.

Unplug inflorescences take out skimmer, lay in a blender. Add 200 milliliters of broth and crush. Cabbage puree to move to the pan, make the soup milk, flour, soft butter and spices (except sesame). To dry flour does not clump, dilute it in warm water or in a portion of milk. Stir the cream soup intensively, then add broth to the dish to the state of liquid sour cream.

Now you should put the soup on a small fire and warm it well to almost boil. The finished dish is served for dinner in soup plates. Sprinkle with a pinch of sesame seeds and report a few boiled cabbage buds.

Broccoli cream soup with bacon

Broccoli cream soup quite harmoniously blends flavors with smoked meat products. The soup is made with a light aroma of smoke, as if cooked on a fire.


Broccoli 400 grams;

One potato the size of a fist;

Carrot palm-length bright orange;

Two bulbs the size of a potato;

Raw smoked brisket (bacon) 100 grams;

Low-fat fresh cream 125 ml .;

Butter-50 gr. (a tablespoon with a cap);

Flour of the highest (possible first) grade 2 tablespoons;

One raw egg yolk;

Pepper milled and salt.

Cooking method

Peel potatoes and carrots with one onion. Put vegetables together with broccoli in a saucepan, then pour water over, so that everything disappears, put on the stove. After ten minutes of good boiling, remove with the help of a skimmer a few beautiful pieces of cabbage (they will be used when serving on the table), cook the remaining vegetables until the end.

While cooking, heat the butter in a frying pan or saucepan. In it to lay flour. All pass until it becomes golden. Seasoning add to boiled vegetables. From the soup to make puree using a blender, manual (or electric) meat grinder, you can resort to using a strainer.

Mix the cream and extracted yolk, add the mixture in the puree, season the whole mass with spices. Stir the whole soup vigorously, warming to the first boiling bubbles on the fire. While the composition is warming, chop the cubes into bacon, chop the second onion with a knife. Fry them in a skillet to the gilded sides.

Serve broccoli cream soup in half-half plates for first courses, decorating the contents with boiled inflorescences, with the addition of a couple of tablespoons of toasted bacon.

Cream of broccoli with trout

Broccoli fish cream soup will be richer if fresh trout are put into the pan. Frozen will also be tasty, but then the flavor will be more neutral.


Fresh or frozen broccoli 200 gr.;

Spinach (can also be frozen) 200 gr .;

One good bulb;

Soy sauce 3 tablespoons;

A slice of ginger the size of an ordinary nut;

Sugar - a tablespoon without a cap;

A glass of low-fat cream;

Trout fillet 250 gr .;

5 soup spoons of olive oil;

Sesame oil - 5 ml. (1 teaspoon);

Pepper milled and salt.

Cooking method

We send broccoli, spinach, onion (after burning it on three tablespoons of olive oil), rubbed ginger, add sugar to the pan, add soy sauce, set on fire, boil with boiling for 15 minutes.

Trout cut into equal cubes. Fry them in sesame oil with the remaining two spoons of olive. Salt the fish during frying.

Remove boiled vegetables from heat, add cream, roll in a blender. Add salt and pepper to the mashed potatoes and heat on the stove without boiling.

For dinner, serve hot, adding a few cubes of fish per serving. Soup will give grace a few drops of olive oil, carelessly sprinkled on the surface.

Broccoli cream soup with shrimps

Completely new sensations gives cream soup from broccoli with shrimps. Here, the main thing is to keep boiled shrimps warm before dinner. Cover them with a towel or keep in a slow cooker on the heating.

Ingredients for soup:

750 g broccoli;

Vegetable broth or water 1 liter;

Large healthy onion;

8 largest shrimp;

A glass of low-fat cream;

A pinch of nutmeg (grated);

Clove of fragrant garlic;

Salt and a mixture of peppers (better ground).

For croutons:

The flesh of four pieces of white (wheat) bread;

Favorite vegetable oil 2 soup spoons;

Two - three cloves of garlic.

Cooking method

Broccoli florets disassembled into smaller pieces, cook in boiling water with salt for 4 minutes. Tilt the cabbage into a colander, immediately pour over ice water. Leave six pieces of nice pieces to add on the plates. Put the cabbage in the soup pot, pour half the broth or water. Add onion, browned in oil, with minced garlic. Simmer all the vegetables on the fire for about 10 minutes. After cooking, mix everything with a blender.

Cook the shrimp in water with salt. Free from shells, remove unwanted heads. Store the shrimp before serving in a warm place under the lid.

In the puree, add the rest of the broth, cream, all fill with salt and milled pepper, put on an intense fire for strong warming.

Cook Croutons:Grate the bread with the halves of the juice, cut into cubes, the size of the traditional croutons, fry in hot oil for a couple of minutes.

Serve the soup hot, adding warm shrimp and a small broccoli infusion to the serving. Croutons can be poured into a plate, or guests can be served in a separate vase.

Broccoli cream soup with mushrooms

Mushrooms are always in perfect harmony with the cabbage. Broccoli cream soup can be cooked not only with champignons. Even dry forest mushrooms will do; just before cooking, soak them for ten minutes in boiling water.


Broccoli 400 grams;

Champignons (can be wild mushrooms) 250 grams;

Half a 200 gram cup of light cream;

Pinch of favorite basil;

Salt and ground pepper;

Cooking method

Fry the mushrooms, cut into plates. Broccoli, basil and half of the selected mushrooms cook in a soup pot. Drain half of the pan from the pan, grind the remaining blender into the puree.

To dilute the whipped gruel with the second part of the liquid to the consistency of the heated cream, pour in the cream, lay the second half of the mushrooms. Cook soup until resistant to boiling. Season with salt and ground pepper.

Serve this dish can be hot or cold. In both cases, the soup has an excellent taste picture.

Broccoli cream soup with duck egg

This list of products is designed for 4 servings. Additional advice: it will be better if the duck eggs are at room temperature and not cooled from the refrigerator.


Duck eggs 4 pcs .;

Fresh goat cheese 250 gr .;

Low-fat cream - one and a half glasses;

4 tablespoons of olive oil;

Parmesan cheese - 80 gr .;

2 soup spoons of vinegar;

700 grams of broccoli.

Cooking method

Boil broccoli in saline until soft. Dilute with your own broth until gruel is obtained. Beat cream with soft goat cheese, and parmesan grind on a metal grater. Faded cheese decomposed into four equal parts. Each of the parts alternately poured into a hot frying pan, there fry it, you get four cheese chips.

Now, one by one, we prepare four duck eggs: boil water in a small container, add vinegar to it, stir vigorously until a whirlpool is obtained. Pour an egg into the funnel. Reduce the heat of the cooker and cook the poured egg until ready, then remove it with a slotted spoon. Here, cook the rest of the eggs one by one.

Serve the soup to the table in warmed plates as follows: pour the soup, put an egg in it, arrange the goat cheese with cream on top, decorate the whole composition with cheese chips, put on the edge.

Preparing a great broccoli cream soup is not at all difficult. However, it is worth considering some useful secrets that can make your first meals unique:

Use broccoli with unopened buds. Bright light green closed buds give color and taste a lot of bright colors;

To add tenderness to the soup, add half of the melted curd cheese grated on a fine grater;

Cream soup perfectly merges broccoli flavors with all kinds of basil. A great variety of flavors of this spice can create an infinite number of first course options;

Soups, which include perishable dairy products (milk, cream, sour cream, cheese), have a pleasant structure of delicate cream, but they are stored in a modern refrigerator for no more than a day;

Frozen broccoli, and indeed all vegetables are best thawed naturally. It will take more time, but all the useful gamma in cabbage will remain

Fans of healthy food can cook broccoli cream soup with the addition of cereals and without the use of dairy products. Cereals add prescription ability to strengthen and maintain health.

Creamy soups and cream soups appeared in France, and for a long time were considered a dish of noble grandees. Cooking cream - soup requires knowledge, experience and fine artistic taste. There are basic rules of cooking, following which, you can cook almost a masterpiece of culinary art.

Take for example. When cooking it is necessary to remember that classic French cream soup has a beautiful natural color of broccoli, which can be preserved by proper preparation. Many recipes offer to start cooking broccoli cream soup with roasting onions and broccoli in butter. The fact is that after such processing the natural color and taste of broccoli will be lost. The introduction of flour in the cream soup is quite possible, but it is often difficult to evenly distribute it in the soup. In this case, the best option would be to abandon the use of flour in the cream soup.

The use of milk or cream is more appropriate for vegetables that are ideally combined with these products, for example, with potatoes.

It is completely undesirable to use meat broth for cooking cream soup for the same reason as using butter.

Cream soup of broccoli (recipe): Broccoli is taken from the calculation: 200-400g. for one portion, carrots -50gr., potatoes -50g., white onion or green young onion - 50gr., celery stem - 20-30gr.

Salt, pepper - to taste. Leaves of basil and parsley.

Cut vegetables into small pieces filled with water, which only slightly covers the products. Water is better to use purified or natural mineral without gas. This is very important, since the composition of such water allows you to save the natural taste of the products.

Vegetables are simmered after boiling for about 15 minutes until soft. However, it is important to note that vegetables after cooking retain their original color and firmness.

1 minute before the readiness, salt is added (according to taste). Those interested can add finely ground pepper. It is better to use peas, which is ground immediately before being introduced into the soup. Also a minute before the readiness, 1-2 leaves of fresh basil and \\ or 2 parsley leaves are added. Basil will be a more suitable combination for broccoli, however, it is appropriate to use only parsley or parsley with basil.

For lovers of cream soup with a light aroma of garlic, you can add a half-grated grated in 1-2 minutes.

It is advisable to leave the vegetables for 10-15 minutes in the pan after cooking. After that, the vegetables are separated from the broth and crushed in a blender. Next, the vegetable puree is combined with a small amount of broth and evenly stirred. Use the whole broth or only part of it depends on the preferences of each. Usually used whole Boil again vegetable broth with chopped vegetables should not be.

Served with broccoli cream soup in deep bowls or in ordinary portioned soup plates. On top of the cream soup poured a thin stream of olive oil, which forms a swirling spiral on the surface of the soup. The soup is decorated with 2 leaves of basil or parsley and is often served with croutons or crackers.

For broccoli cream soup to retain its natural flavor for longer, it is recommended that bowls or soup plates be heated in hot water before serving.

Quite often, instead of potatoes, when cooking soup, rice is used, which is boiled separately and after being cooked is carefully ground in a blender. With this option, you will need one tablespoon of rice.

Both variants of cream soup (with potatoes or rice) are vegetarian dishes, and can also be recommended for diet.

A special taste has broccoli and cheese soup, which is also prepared according to the above recipe. Cheese for cream soup, it is better to use processed natural without additives or soft varieties of cheese. The crushed cheese (50-100gr.) Is combined with a small amount of broth and brought to a creamy state by a blender. Next, add the rest of the broth and chopped vegetables.

Cooking cream soup is a fascinating process, which, of course, will appeal to both adults and children! Such a dish is usually served at lunchtime, although many people like to indulge themselves with such delicacy at dinner, during the evening they carried a walking meal.