How to quickly cook a large beet in a saucepan. Tasty, juicy and beautiful: the secrets of quick-cooked boiled beets for various dishes

04.04.2019 Grill menu

We all love beets for its unique, unlike anything taste and a lot of useful properties. Most of all, it is valued for the prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, as well as anemia: beets are rich in substances such as iron, potassium and magnesium, which have a beneficial effect on blood formation in the body.

Unfortunately, we are accustomed to think that cooking beets is long and tiring: indeed, if you just put it in a pan with cold water, it will cook for 2 to 3 hours, which cannot repel everyone who values ​​their time from this product .

We decided to collect the most effective tips on how to cook beets as quickly as possible and at the same time preserve all its unique beneficial properties.

Temperature drops

This method is ideal for those who decide to quickly cook the beets whole in the pan.

If you urgently need boiled beets for cooking, we advise you to act like a professional chef: leave it in boiling water for half an hour, drain the water and immediately put it under a stream of ice water.

Leave the beets to cool under water for 10–15 minutes: such a sharp temperature difference will bring it to readiness.

Boiling water

Bring the water to a boil and, placing the beets in the pan, boil for about 40 minutes, supporting a large fire. Pour water with a reserve, because of the high temperature, it will boil very quickly.

Big fire

To quickly cook the beets on the stove, you need a big fire and 20 minutes of free time.

It is very important to pour more water: the roots should be covered with about ten centimeters of boiling water. Otherwise, the water will boil out long before the beets have time to boil. Do not cover the pan with a lid and cook for 15–20 minutes, then place the roots under the ice-cold water for 5 minutes. Beet is ready.

The only drawback of this rapid method is that nothing remains of the beneficial vitamin C in the product.

Roasting in the oven

Try to quickly cook the beets in the oven using a baking bag. This method is as fast as cooking, and, most importantly, the same (if not more) tasty: baked beets are sweeter than boiled, which can be successfully used in cooking, for example, vinaigrette.

Washed unpeeled beets put into the bag (you can also use foil) and place in the oven, preheated to 180-200 degrees. Small young roots will be ready in half an hour, and large and matured ones in 40–50 minutes.

In the microwave

If you want to quickly and tasty cook beets in the microwave, you will need about 20 minutes.

Untreated washed beets put in a special container for microwave ovens or a plastic bag, not tying, but folded it. Set the microwave to medium power and set to cook for 7–10 minutes. Check the readiness and put the beets for another 5-10 minutes, if it is still half-baked.

In the multicooker

In the slow cooker, you too can cook beets quickly and easily. The easiest and “speedy” option is to cook roughly the same-sized vegetables in their skins as a whole.

On the program "Steam" (which can be easily replaced with the programs "Soup" or "Cooking"), beets should be fully filled with water and set to boil for 40 minutes. After the end of the program, check the readiness and, if necessary, add another 10 minutes.

Never cut off the tail and do not peel the beets (unless, of course, you are planning to extinguish it for your dish). It will be enough to wash it thoroughly with a sponge and send it to a stew in this form: this way it will retain its beautiful rich color.

By the way, about the color: add to the water after boiling half a teaspoon of vinegar or lemon juice - so it will become even brighter.

If you are cooking beetroot for a vinaigrette or for another salad and do not want it to color the rest of the vegetables, pour it with vegetable oil after cutting and then mix it with other ingredients.

Beet for cooking should be of medium size (not more than 10 cm in diameter), with a thin dark-red skin, without damage and rot. One of the best is considered to be the Bordeaux variety.

Regardless of the method of preparation, the beets need to be thoroughly washed, cut the tops (if any) and shorten the tail slightly.

Beets before cooking do not clean.

If you remove the peel, juice will flow out of the beets. The vegetable will become pale and tasteless.

Method 1. Classic

Time for preparing: 2 hours.

Put the beets in the pan and cover with cold water. Water should completely cover the vegetables. No need to salt water. Sodium will make the beets harder and slow down the already slow cooking process.

Put a pot of beets on medium heat. When the water boils, reduce the heat, cover the pan with a lid and leave for a couple of hours.

To keep the beets bright red, you can add lemon juice to the water: ½ teaspoon per liter.

Readiness can be checked with a fork. If the beets are easily pierced, you can drain and cool.

Beets are not cleaned before cooking, water is not salted

Method 2. Express cooking

Time for preparing: 45–60 minutes.

To speed up the process, some hostesses launch beets into boiling water and do not reduce the fire to a minimum. And to the water temperature was even higher, add 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

When the beet leaves for about 30–35 minutes, it is removed from the heat and sent under a stream of cold water for another 15–25 minutes. The temperature difference brings the vegetable to readiness and cools at the same time.

Method 1. In the mode of "Steaming"

Time for preparing: about 40 minutes depending on the multicooker model.

Wash the beets and place them on a special steaming grid. Pour a glass of water to the bottom of the bowl. Close the device, set the steamer mode, and you can go about your business for 40 minutes.

  At the bottom of the bowl you need to pour water

Note: for this method to work, the beets should not be dry. If the root crop is flat, it is better to soak it for a few hours in cold water. When the beets again absorb moisture, it can be boiled. But better on the stove or in the following way.

Method 2. In the mode of "Quenching" or "Cooking"

Time for preparing: 60–80 minutes depending on the multicooker model.

Everything, as in the classical method, just do not need to regulate the fire. Just put the washed beetroot in the multicooker bowl, cover with water and turn on the mode of “Quenching” or “Cooking” (sometimes it is called “Soup”) for 60 minutes.

An hour later, check the readiness of the beet with a fork. If still stiff, turn on the same mode for another 20-30 minutes.

Method 3. In the "Baking"

Time for preparing: 60 minutes depending on the model of multicooker.

This method is good for young vegetables when they are tender and juicy. Beets need to be washed, dried with a paper towel and wrap in greased oiled foil (each root vegetable separately).

Then put it in the crock-pot and cook in the Baking mode for about an hour.

Time for preparing:  20-25 minutes.

In the same way as in the previous method, wrap each root vegetable in foil and bake at 190 ° C.

In the oven, beets are convenient to cook when you need a lot. For example, immediately for a salad and herring under a fur coat.

  Do not forget to grease the inside of the foil with vegetable oil.

By the way, for making beetroot salads there is a small life hack. If you want to not paint other ingredients, cut it and sprinkle with vegetable oil, and only then combine it with other products.

In my family they cook beets exactly in. This is the easiest and fastest way.

Time for preparing: from 8 to 20 minutes.

The time depends on two factors: the size of the beets and the power of the microwave. In microwaves with a capacity of 1,000 watts or more, beets are cooked in 8–10 minutes. If you have a less powerful model, double the time.

Beets need to wash (do not clean!) And put in a glass dish. At the edges try to put large roots, and in the center - the smallest. At the bottom of the tank need to pour 3 tablespoons of water, and on top - cover with glass or a special cover for the microwave.

To reduce cooking time in a low-power microwave, put the beets in a plastic bag for baking and tie it tightly. In this case, the cover is no longer needed.

  This method not only saves time, but also leaves the dishes clean.

It is not necessary to pierce or cut the beets: it will not explode. Interrupting the process and turning it from side to side is not necessary. Also, do not pour vegetables after cooking with cold water. It is better to let cool at room temperature.

The taste of beets from the microwave turns out exactly the same as with ordinary cooking in a saucepan.

Ready beets can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days.

Hello, dear readers! Did you know that the correct heat treatment of the product improves the usefulness and taste of the product?

And this, above all, concerns vegetables. If you think that heat treatment destroys all the beneficial vitamins in foods, then this is not always the case. Boiled beets are used for many healthy food dishes.

In a saucepan, the beets are cooked on moderate heat for 2–2.5 hours after boiling. But there are other recipes that speed up the process.

In appetizers and salads most often also used is boiled root vegetable. With proper cooking, it retains a significant amount of useful components.

Today’s my review is about how much to cook beets in a saucepan and how to make it cook quickly and not lose its color.

From the beet you can cook a large number of different dishes. Borsch, vinaigrette or herring under a fur coat is especially popular.

This root vegetable contains organic acids, sugars, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium,.

It stimulates metabolic processes and blood flow. Raw beet juice is effective for hypertension and during recovery from serious illnesses.

And the boiled fruit is a wonderful laxative and diuretic.
  Interestingly, most of the beneficial components of beets do not respond to heat.

How to choose a quality root vegetable

Cooking time will vary depending on the size of the root. The more it is, the longer it will have to cook it.

Since the fruit is strongly colored, it must be prepared separately from others.

Choose whole and healthy-looking root vegetables of medium size. Too large roots can not boil.

In extreme cases, a large vegetable can be cut into several pieces. Root crops should have a thin crust and even dark color.

On the surface should not be bluish or greenish spots.
  It is necessary to cook the young beets of elongated shape, which has a pleasant taste. In any case, before cooking products should be washed with a sponge for washing or brushing.

How to cook beets in the pan

For cooking, you need to choose enameled dishes with a thick bottom. Fruits must be filled with liquid.

At the same time it is necessary to ensure that the water does not evaporate. It should cover products by a few centimeters.

If necessary, water should be poured. It is not recommended to clean the tops, and boil the beets whole.
  Root vegetables need to bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and add lemon juice so that the beets do not lose their color.

  How long the vegetables should be cooked in a pan depends on the age and size of the root vegetables. Most often you need to wait around 45 minutes.

Readiness should be checked with a fork. If the vegetable is hardly punctured with a fork, then the process should be extended for another 10 minutes.

Beets should be completely boiled.
  There is also an interesting way to cook root vegetables. A sharp temperature difference accelerates the softening of the plant fibers.

Here is what you need:

  • put medium root vegetables in a saucepan and pour boiling water over them and put on a strong fire;
  • water should cover the fruit with a layer of at least 8 cm;
  • after 15 minutes of boiling water should be drained and put the vegetables under a stream of cold water. In ice water, roots should be held for 5-10 minutes.

You can use ice cubes.

In this way, you can cook and carrots. Always when cooking root vegetables, use the method with a temperature difference.

Cooked foods can be stored for up to 3 days in the refrigerator, and they can be stored in the freezer for up to six months.

How to cook in a slow cooker

There are several ways to cook a vegetable in a slow cooker. To beets preserved all the useful properties, it must be steamed using a bowl with holes.

Vegetable can be cooked in the "" mode.
Here's how to cook a root vegetable:

  1. To preserve the beneficial properties of the vegetable, you should cook in the mode "Steamer".
  2. To do this, fill the bowl with water by a third. Large-sized fruits should be cut into 4 pieces and put in the insert bowl, cut up. This is to ensure that the juice does not flow out.
  3. Place the dishes with holes over the bowl with water and turn on the steam mode for 45-50 minutes.
  4. For the soup mode, you must put the vegetables in a container with water and turn on the device for an hour.

How to cook a vegetable in a pressure cooker

Now let's learn how to cook a vegetable in a pressure cooker.

Here are the basic stages of cooking:

  1. Rinse the root vegetable well. To do this, you can use a brush.
  2. If the root is too large, then it must be cut in half.
  3. Put a clean vegetable on the pressure cooker grate.
  4. Fill it with the required amount of water. You can immediately cook the product with garlic, which is laid with water.
  5. Then turn on the program Steamer, Pressure Cooker or Legumes. The mode name depends on the hardware model.
  6. Set the timer. If the beets will be cooked completely, then it will take half an hour to cook it until cooked, and if in slices, then 20 minutes.

Cooking in the microwave

There are two options for cooking in the microwave. At the same time, the vegetable is cooked whole or in slices.

It is worth considering two ways.
Cooking option consists entirely of the following steps:

  1. Beets should be thoroughly rinsed with a brush or sponge.
  2. Root the skin of a root with a toothpick around the perimeter. This will avoid its destruction in the microwave equipment.
  3. Then place the vegetable in a bag and tie it up.
  4. Put the bag in the microwave dish.
  5. Set the timer for 15-20 minutes.

Also consider the option of cooking the product in a crushed form.

Here is how it is done:

  1. Wash the washed vegetable into small pieces.
  2. Pour the chopped mixture into a sleeve or polyethylene.
  3. Put the bag in a microwave container.
  4. By the time this option will be prepared as much as the root crop in the whole state.

Cooking time for vinaigrette

For salad, you must use red beets. At the same time it should be properly cooked. Popular vinaigrette.

For the vegetable to have aesthetic qualities, it is prepared as follows:

  1. Fruits need to be washed and wrapped in foil.
  2. Then heat the oven to 200 degrees and place the beetroot on a baking sheet.
  3. Leave him to bake for 20-25 minutes. Time depends on the size of vegetables.
  4. Then the oven should be turned off and left to cool.

In order for the beets not to paint the other components in, cut the pieces to sprinkle with vegetable oil.
  If there is no time, the vegetable can be cooled with cold water. In this way, you can cook the root crop for the fur coat and for the herring.

And for borscht you need to choose fresh beets.

So let's summarize.

Beets can stew from 20 minutes to 3 hours. The time depends on the size and method of preparation.
  If you put the root vegetable in the pan and put it on the stove, the cooking time can be 2-3 hours.

At the same time it will not be possible to cook the vegetable quickly, but they will remain.
  In boiling water, vegetables can boil for an hour.
  You can cook the product and for   15-25 minutes. To do this, it should be put in a saucepan, add water and cook over high heat.

Cover the container with a lid is not necessary. After 15 minutes, the vegetables should be placed in ice water at 5-10 minutes.
  If at the end of cooking to dip the vegetable in cold water, it will not only quickly come, but also easy to clean.

The secrets of cooking beets

Now I suggest to familiarize with several secrets for the best preparation of a product.

Here they are:

  1. The cooking procedure should be completed with cold water. This will make it easier to peel.
  2. During cooking, beets should not be salted, as it may turn out to be more rigid and not so juicy. In addition, salt will increase the cooking time.
  3. You should not clean the beets before cooking, as it will lose a rich shade. It is better to simply wash it and clean it before use in another dish.
  4. To root kept the brightness of the light, it is recommended to add a teaspoon of lemon juice or vinegar to the water. Especially it is necessary to do this if the vegetable has been cleaned before cooking.
  5. To neutralize the smell of boiled beets, it is necessary to put a crust of bread in boiling water.
  6. The readiness of the vegetable can be checked with a toothpick or fork. But do not poke the vegetable too often, so it will quickly cease to be juicy.
  7. Do not keep a peeled vegetable in the air for a long time, since vitamin C is intensively destroyed.
  8. After cooking, beetroot remains an excellent decoction, which can be used as a diuretic or laxative. You can add a little lemon juice, or cinnamon.

And you know that beetroot contains a huge amount of vitamins, much more than a root vegetable.

Therefore, add tops in beetroot and borscht. But the food is only fresh and young tops, and dry and old does not have such beneficial properties.

Well, if you know some interesting ways to quickly cook a vegetable, share them in the comments. Today I have everything.

See you soon, dear readers!

Beet salad, vinaigrette, borscht, herring under a fur coat - not a complete list of dishes where beets are used. They have become traditional for most families in Eastern European countries. The answer to the question “how much to cook beets?” Depends on how the process will be carried out. It can be done in a conventional pan, in a slow cooker, in a pressure cooker or in a microwave. Modern advances in kitchen appliances allow you to spend quite a bit of time preparing a healthy root vegetable.

The process of heat treatment directly depends on how many useful substances remain in the product. Properly cooked beets retain their taste and bright color, which is extremely important for cooking dishes from this root in boiled form.

Beetroot is one of the most healthy root vegetables. It is rich in folic acid and potassium. The most valuable are the roots of this plant, which have a rounded or oblong shape. Red root varieties are used for food, which contain useful ingredients that make the chemical composition of this product unique.

This root vegetable contains:

  • vitamins P, C, B;
  • amino acids arginine, lysine, betaine, valine;
  • acids;
  • micro and macronutrients;
  • bioflavonoids;
  • crotinoids.

It is very important to know how to cook beets. Salad from it has a high content of the following acids: malic, oxalic, citric, folic, pantothenic. However, the product is extremely rich in minerals.

Beet salad satisfies the body's daily need for calcium, iron, iodine, zinc, copper, magnesium, sulfur.

Thus, it can be noted that the root crop should occupy one of the main places in the diet of each person. True, it is very important to weld it correctly in order to preserve useful components.

Scientists believe that the use of such a product reduces the risk of cancer and prolongs the youth of the body. This root is a wonderful prevention of diseases of the hematopoietic system, such as leukemia and anemia. In addition to these substances, beet salad contains quartz, which strengthens the bone tissue and the walls of blood vessels. The product has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. It lowers blood pressure and removes excess moisture from the body.

Beets improve brain activity, cleanse the body of toxins and stimulate memory. Due to such properties, the product must be consumed by children and the elderly. Pectins, which are rich in beet salad, protect the body from radioactive radiation. Exposure to heavy metals, which pose a major health risk, is also minimized by the use of products containing pectin. Other useful properties include protecting the intestines from harmful microorganisms, cleansing from cholesterol and strengthening the nervous system.

Salad or fresh beet juice should be used with caution for people suffering from diseases of the stomach and intestines. The fact is that the product is forbidden to eat at high acidity. Otherwise, it can aggravate the condition, cause heartburn, nausea and cause unpleasant symptoms.

How to cook beets in different ways?

The most common method is cooking beets in a saucepan. To cook a root vegetable in such a way is possible for any, even the most inexperienced hostess. To salad or any other dish turned out delicious, it is important to adhere to certain rules. The main thing - the cooking process should be started in cold water over low heat. Root vegetables should be thoroughly washed and trimmed tails. Preparation usually takes 30 to 40 minutes. The time depends on the amount of beets and the power of the plate on which cooking is performed.

Any modern housewife should know how to cook beets in the microwave. This technique is already available in almost every kitchen, which greatly simplifies the process of cooking and heating many dishes. To cook a root vegetable in this way, special dishes are needed, which are made from glass, clay, and ceramics. Root vegetables should be placed in a saucepan, pour water into it and turn on the standard microwave mode. Cooking time depends on the power of the kitchen appliance.

Cooking in a slow cooker is convenient because you can not follow the cooking process. This method takes a little longer - about an hour. The water in the bowl of the multicooker should cover the whole root crop so that the temperature is evenly distributed during the cooking process. Usually the standard mode "Cooking" or "Porridge" is used.

There are general rules that indicate how to cook beets in a microwave, a slow cooker or a conventional saucepan:

  1. One of them says that salt cannot be added to water. Otherwise, the root will turn out hard and tasteless.
  2. In accordance with the second rule, tasty beets can be cooked only if you do not pre-peel. This will preserve the sweet taste and bright beet color.
  3. The third rule recommends immediately after cooking to place the beets in cold water until it is completely cooled. Due to this, the skin of boiled beets will be easily and quickly cleaned.

Since some do not know how to cook beets, they prefer to buy ready-made semi-finished product. Today in the supermarkets you can find ready-made boiled product, which is sold in vacuum packaging. This product also retains almost all the useful properties, but, of course, it is better to boil the beets yourself to get confidence that the salad or any other dish is made from the highest quality product. It is especially important to adhere to this rule in baby food.

Delicious beet dishes


There are many delicious, healthy beet dishes. You can prepare a salad that will enrich the body with vitamins and protect against respiratory diseases. To do this, boil the root and grate it on a fine grater. After that, to 500 grams of the product should be added 100 grams of dried and chopped walnuts. The dish will turn out very tasty if you put in it 200 grams of grated hard cheese. The following varieties are best suited: Russian, sour cream, Dutch.

After that, 2 - 3 cloves of garlic are added to the salad. You can fill the dish with mayonnaise or olive oil. In the second case, the appetizer is low-calorie and very healthy.

The preparation of the most popular beetroot salad - vinaigrette takes a little longer than the first recipe. For such a meal should be boiled in a ratio of 1: 1: 1 by the number of products: beets, carrots, potatoes. After that, they should be cooled and peeled. All ingredients in a vinaigrette are usually ground into small cubes.

After the beets, potatoes and carrots were cut, pickled cucumbers and canned green peas are added to the salad. Some varieties include the replacement of pickled cucumbers with sauerkraut. Such a component can make the taste of the dish quite specific. Dressed with vinaigrette vegetable oil. Some housewives use mayonnaise. It is believed that refined sunflower oil is best combined with such a meal.

Side dishes

Beets can be served at the table in the form of sliced ​​slices or in a shredded grated form. A tasty root vegetable has a pleasant sweetish taste, which allows it to be used as an excellent side dish for meat dishes and cereals. You can add to it a little vegetable oil and salt, which will emphasize the taste. Beets are combined with rice, buckwheat porridge, mashed potatoes. Among the meat dishes can be distinguished patties, meatballs, schnitzel, goulash.

Experienced housewives know how to cook beets in the microwave, multi-cooker, pressure cooker or regular pan. The process takes approximately 40 to 60 minutes to complete. This root is extremely useful because it has a unique chemical composition, rich in vitamins, acids, trace elements, amino acids.

It is believed that eating beets every day is an excellent prevention of cancer, cardiovascular, mental and other disorders of the body.

If you cook it in accordance with all the rules, the beets will turn out to be sweetish in taste. Because of this, it is used in many dishes of Eastern European cuisine.

Nobody doubts the usefulness of beets, and therefore you should try to eat them as often as possible. Better every day.
  Well, of course, do not chew raw beets (by the way, it’s not recommended to eat it raw, it threatens stomach spasms), but to cook it in a saucepan and cook some delicious salad from a boiled one :) But beginners have a lot of questions about this : How to cook beets? How much time to cook the beets? How to cook it? All questions will be answered in this recipe.


  • beet,
  • lemon or citric acid.

How to cook and how much beets

  1. Pour water into the pan so that the beet drowns in it. Put on the fire and bring to a boil.
  2. Beetroot well washed with a brush. It is not necessary to clean it and cut off the tail, otherwise it will lose color when cooked.
  3. And to preserve color, add 1 lemon juice to 3 liters of water or 1/2 teaspoon of citric acid in water.
  4. We send beets to boiling water, cover the pot with a lid, reduce the heat to a minimum, but make the water boil. Salt is not necessary.
  5. Now the most interesting thing is how much time to cook beets. Cooked beets the size of a large lemon for 30 minutes, beets with a female fist - 40 minutes, with a male fist - 50-60 minutes. When cooking, make sure that the water completely covers the beets, and if necessary add water. The water will darken, this is normal.
  6. Check the readiness of beets, pierced with a fork. If the fork does not fit well in the pulp, cook for another 10 minutes and check readiness again.
  7. Remove the prepared beets from the water and leave to cool, or cool with cold water.
  8. After cooling, you can peel and chop.

  PS: Yes, and do not believe the nonsense about the fact that if you boil the beets for a few minutes and dip them in ice water, it will quickly boil. Some even argue that if cooked on high heat, cooked faster. They, apparently, did not study well at school: water boils at 100 degrees C (+ - depending on purity) and its temperature cannot rise above. It is not physically possible. But in the double boiler really come out faster, a maximum of 30 minutes, because the temperature of water vapor under pressure is much higher.