How to cook quickly red currant jelly. How to make red currant jelly for the winter: a classic simple recipe and dessert options with an original taste

29.04.2019 Salads

How nice in a cold winter evening to open a jar of redcurrant jelly and at least temporarily return to summer! The smell of the sun and ripe berries uplifting, light sour tickles pleasantly tongue. In addition, it is also a storehouse of vitamins, which are so lacking in winter. Vitamin C in red currant contains almost as much as in lemon, there are vitamins A and P, and a wide range of essential vitamins of group B. What makes jelly from these berries not only a delicious dessert, but also a valuable healing tool.

To bring such joy to yourself and your loved ones, you need to be able to cook properly the red currant jelly. Therefore, without proven recipes can not do.

Types of jelly and storage methods

Jelly can be prepared cold and hot. This will determine how to store the finished product.

Table of the ratio of ingredients and capping for various methods of preparation

There are many recipes for red currant jelly. The ratio of berries and sugar depends on the method of preparation, cooking time and taste of the hostess. Since redcurrant contains vitamin C, which is a preservative, jelly can be prepared with less sugar than that given in the table.

Jelly can be cooked in a cold and hot way.   The amount of sugar in the jelly depends on the method of preparation and taste of the hostess   Stored jelly in the refrigerator or in a cool place.

Cold-cooked jelly without cooking should be stored in the refrigerator.  Banks closed with parchment paper cannot be stored in the basement due to high humidity.

Step-by-step recipes of red currant jelly for winter

Red currant - tender berries, but has one drawback. Under the thin skin hides hard grains. That is why it is customary to squeeze the juice from this type of berries, and then prepare jelly and jams from it. This contributes to the composition of the berries. Some varieties may contain up to 11% pectin.  If there is not enough pectin, pectin or gelatin is added.

Pectin is an adhesive and gelling agent of plant origin. Contained in some berries, fruits and vegetables. Gelatin is a gelling agent of animal origin.

Jelly recipes are many, but the process of preparing the berries is the same for everyone.

Berry preparation instructions

Carefully, in order not to damage, we tear off the berries from the stalks, in the process getting rid of litter, leaves and garden insects. Put the berries in a colander or strainer, stir in a bowl with clean water. We remove the litter and wash the berries.

We take out a colander or a sieve from the dishes and let the water drain.

After that, we press the berries by pushing, skip through a meat grinder, grind with a blender or another method and squeeze the juice through a sieve or cheesecloth. Or just skip through the juicer. From 1 kg of berries about 0.5 kg of juice are obtained.

So, we got the juice of red currant. It is from it that we will prepare jelly, depending on the recipe.

Cool way

Since the berries are not cooked, all the vitamins are stored in the jelly. With this method it turns out the most useful jelly.

Per 1 kg of juice 1.2-1.25 kg of sugar.

In a bowl with the juice pour sugar and stir until it is completely dissolved. To speed up the process, the juice with sugar can be slightly heated.

We pour the juice with sugar in sterilized jars, cover the jars with plastic covers or parchment and put them in the refrigerator.

After a day, the juice is gelled.

A wonderful delicacy! I just love it, I did it myself more than once, yummy - and sour and sweet.

The most interesting thing is that it itself is gelled without gelatin.


Hot way

On 1 kg of berries 1 kg of sugar and 200 ml of water

Washed berry is heated with the addition of 1 cup of water until the moment the peel breaks.

Mass wipe through a sieve, add sugar and cook over low heat for 20-30 minutes. During this time, some of the moisture will evaporate and the jelly will turn thick. The finished product is poured hot in sterilized cans and rolled up with lids.

Hot cooking video recipe

Prepared in this way jelly can be stored in the basement or pantry.

It happens that the jelly does not freeze immediately or does not freeze at all. It depends on the content of pectin in the berries. Experienced housewives are advised to leave the product poured in cans for a day without lids, then the jelly will harden.

Jelly-five minutes

1 liter of juice 1.3 kg of sugar

Juice mixed with sugar and put the dishes on the fire. While stirring, bring to a boil and immediately turn off the heat. We spill on sterilized cans and roll them up with iron lids.

Cooking instruction

If you like honey, then sugar in jelly can be replaced by them.

With honey

For 1 liter of juice 0.8 liters of honey

Honey take light, without a strong smell.

Mix the juice with honey and bring to a boil while stirring over low heat. Boil for 10 minutes, stirring and removing the foam.

Pour hot on sterilized cans, roll up the lids, turn. You can store without a refrigerator.

With the addition of pectin, agar-agar, gelatin

If the berries are low in pectin, pectin, agar-agar or gelatin is added for better gelation. You can buy them in the store.

For 1 kg of berries add 5-15 grams of pectin

On 1 liter of juice 9-13 gr agar-agar

On 1 kg of juice 20-30 gr gelatin

Sugar is added according to the recipe, but not less than 700-800 grams per 1 liter of juice.

Gelling agents, as a rule, are dissolved in water and added to the mass 5 minutes before readiness.

Home appliances greatly facilitate our lives, especially during the harvesting period for the winter. Jelly with the addition of quittin (analogue of pectin) is easy to prepare in the bread maker.

In bread maker

On 1.4 kg of berries 0.7 kg of sugar, 30 grams of quittin

In a bowl of the bread machine mix berry juice with sugar. Pour quittin over the resulting mass, do not mix.

Close the lid of the bread machine, install the program “Jam”. About an hour later, the jelly is ready, it remains only to lay it out on sterilized jars and roll up the lids.

If you have a slow cooker, use it.

In the multicooker

1 liter of juice 1 kg of sugar

Load the prepared berries into the bowl and turn on the "quenching" mode. Berries should crack and put the juice. When this happens, turn off the device, wipe the berries through a sieve or squeeze the juice in another way.

Pour the juice into the bowl, add sugar, mix. Set quenching mode and bring mass to a boil, removing the foam.

Ready jelly spread on the banks and roll up or close the plastic covers.

Tip! If you are not closing the jars tightly, put a circle of alcohol-soaked paper under the lid or just pour 1 teaspoon of alcohol into each jar. Jelly will be stored longer and on its surface does not form mold.

Video cooking jelly "for the lazy" with bones

Such jelly is prepared as usual, but after chopping the berries, the juice is not squeezed out of them, but is prepared together with the pits and skin.

Ready-made jelly is not only a dessert for tea, but also a filling for pies and cakes, an addition to ice cream and even a sauce for meat.

The time and efforts spent on cooking jelly in the fall are offset by the vitamin product in the winter and the gratitude of the household.

Red currant is a bright berry with a whole “bunch” of healthy substances that are preserved even during heat treatment. Therefore, in the berry season, it is worth stocking up for the winter with delicious currant preservation, for example, cook tender jelly from red berries. In currants increased pectin content. Thanks to its gelling properties, the currant delicacy perfectly thickens without the addition of gelatin.

Prepared according to all the rules of homemade preparations, red currant jelly will be stored for a year. The truth will have to work hard - to subject berries and jars to thorough heat treatment. But there are also simpler solutions - quick recipes “in 5 minutes”, methods that do not require sterilization and even cooking berries. For variety, raspberries and even juicy orange are added to the berries of red currant.

How to prepare berries and jars

Proper preparation of berries and cans for winter preservation is necessary to obtain high-quality household product for long-term storage:

  • They take ripe red currants, removing all rotten and damaged fruits.
  • The berries are cleaned from leaves, twigs, small debris. In a colander washed several times under the faucet, allowed to drain. To currants dried, it spread on fabric or paper kitchen towels.
  • It is also obligatory for covers to which conservation for the winter is poured, otherwise the product will quickly deteriorate. Sterilized jars with heat - in the oven (120-130 degrees), boiling water (or steam). Heat treatment time should be at least 10 minutes. Before sterilization, cans and lids are cleaned.

Boil plastic lids, and the more so put in the oven, you can not - they spoil. For processing, a cleanly washed cap is clamped with forceps and placed in boiling water. Heat exposure time - no more than 20 seconds.

Simple tips will help to properly prepare and preserve a tasty currant jelly from red berries:

  • It is best to boil berry preservation for the winter in the pelvis. In a high saucepan, the heating of the sugar-sugar mass will be uneven - more intense from the bottom, slower from the top.
  • To get jelly without skins and bones, the berry mass is passed through a fine sieve. To do this, the portions of the berries are unloaded into a sieve, gently pushing the mass in a circular motion using a wooden spoon or spatula (this process is also called wiping). Cake and bones clean.
  • Berry preservation is cooled in a special way. Banks, rolled up with covers, are turned over "on the head", and from above they are wrapped up with a warm blanket, woolen scarf or blanket. First, the tightness of the lid is checked. Secondly, prolonged heat increases the sterilization of products, which is necessary for its preservation throughout the winter.

Currant jelly made from sour-sweet red berries, cooked according to the rules of heat treatment, is stored for up to a year in a usual dark cabinet at room temperature. “Fast” conservation options should be eaten within a month and stored in a refrigerator.

The best recipes for currant jelly

To keep the currant jelly long and it was enough for the whole winter, use the recommendations of the classic recipe.

Classic recipe

How to cook red currant jelly? For 3 liters of dessert you will need:

  • berries - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • water - 0.4 l.

Berry poured into a bowl of water. Slow heat on the stove. Boil until the currant gives up all the juice. Strain the berry juice in a separate container. The remaining berries should be wiped through a sieve (skins should not fall into the liquid).

Add sugar to ready juice. Pour syrup into the cooking pot. Boil at low heating temperature, constantly stirring, until thickening (one third of the volume of liquid boils away after about a quarter of an hour).

The finished currant mass poured into jars, sealed with lids. A day later, after complete cooling, remove to a place of permanent storage.

Unused skins from the berries (cake) do not necessarily throw. They are prepared currant juice or boiled stewed fruit.

To taste and desire, spices are added to the berries (at the cooking stage): lemon peel, mint, star anise, cardamom or cinnamon. Fragrant spices give flavors to the finished dish, but should not drown out the main flavor, so they are used sparingly.

Currant mix

In this recipe mix 2-3 grades of currant: red, black and white. For currant mix you will need:

  • red berry - 0.5 kg;
  • black - 0.5 kg;
  • white - 0.5 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 0.3 l.

The cooking technology is the same as in the classic recipe. If you use 2 varieties of berries (and not three), then they take a total of 1.5 kg. It is admissible to change the proportions of berries at one’s discretion, the main thing is to keep the total volume. For example, take on 1 kg of red berries of 250 g of black and white.

Five minutes

Currants and sugar are required in equal shares:

  • berries - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg.

Prepared berries put in the bowl, evenly sprinkled with sugar, mix. For an hour, the berries are left in the pelvis, so that they let out a thick juice. Put the basin on the stove, set the intense heat. Cooking with constant stirring. Wait for boiling. Boil for 5 minutes, then take off. Hot jelly pass through a sieve, pour into banks and roll up.

This is a product of quick use, store jelly - "five minutes" of currants in the refrigerator.

Jelly without cooking berries

Red currant jelly without cooking should be eaten for a maximum of 10 days, it is a perishable product. Therefore, it is prepared in small portions.

To make red currant jelly without cooking you will need:

  • berries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg.

Prepared berries chop blender or meat grinder. Ready berry mass pass through a sieve. Pour sugar into a container with juice, stir until it turns into syrup without residue. Berry jelly roll up in banks, and when completely cool - put in the fridge.

On a note!  Grated jelly tolerates frost well. Therefore, for long-term storage of the finished product laid out in food containers with tight lids and sent to the freezer. In the freezer the currant jelly from the red berry will last for the whole winter.

Currant raspberry with gelatin

Most of the options for making red currant jelly are given without gelatin (the gelling properties of the berry itself are quite enough). Since the amount of currant in the recipe with raspberries is less than in the others, gelatin is used for good thickening. Jelly will thicken without it, but with gelatin it will turn out more dense and dense.

For red currant jelly with gelatin, you must:

  • currants - 1 kg;
  • raspberry - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;

Raspberries are very fond of small bugs (they are called - crimson). To free the berries from them, raspberries are poured into slightly salted water and gently stirred in a circle with your hand. Floated bugs and small debris removed with a spoon or strainer. After that, raspberries are washed 2 more times in plain water to remove the salt. Otherwise, it is prepared for cooking just like red currants.

Prepared berries pour into the bowl, evenly sprinkled half the sugar. Leave for a few hours (the berry should put the juice). Set a low heating temperature of the stove, stirring, boil the berries until boiling, boil for a quarter of an hour.

Rub the boiled berries through a sieve. Then send them back to the pelvis for boiling, fill up with the second half of the sugar and cook at a low heating temperature for another half hour (in this phase they do not allow the boiling of the sugar-berry mixture).

Dissolve gelatin (according to the instructions on the package) to a liquid state. Gelatin should not be poured into the hot (so it will lose its properties), but into the warm sugar and sugar mass. Therefore, when the future jelly is half cooled, gelatin is added to it. Berry juice with sugar and gelatin is thoroughly mixed for several minutes. Then poured over the banks, roll covers.

On the page you can learn about the advantages and disadvantages of a vertical clothes dryer.

With oranges

By analogy with the currant-raspberry jelly prepare the "orange" version. Required components:

  • berries - 1 kg;
  • oranges (without skins) - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • gelatin, 20 gram bag - 1 pc.

Peeled oranges free from white veins and seeds as much as possible, minced with a meat grinder or blender. The rest of the dish is prepared in the same way as in the recipe “currant-raspberry jelly”.

Without sterilization

Jelly, which is supposed to eat in the near future, is not necessary to lay out on sterilized banks. It is poured immediately into cups or creamers.

For cooking will need:

  • currants - 0.7 kg;
  • sugar - 0.7 kg.

Prepared berry pour sugar, leave for an hour or two, until the berry does not let abundant juice. At low heating temperature, wait for boiling, cook for a quarter of an hour, stirring. Currant mass pass through a sieve and pour into the bowl. Put the cooled jelly in the fridge.

The finished jelly is decorated with whipped cream, berries and fruit pieces.

Currant jelly made from sweet and sour elegant red berries is an exquisite delicacy, a dessert for tea, a decoration for a typical dinner and a festive feast. Currant is not only tasty, but also very useful, as its vitamin and mineral composition is preserved even after cooking. In winter, the red sorceress will help preserve the tone, the body's defenses, increase resistance to colds and viruses.

Video - recipe for making fragrant red currant jelly:

This year, red currant bushes pleased with a big harvest. From favorite berries it was conceived to make a lot of different blanks for the winter. One of the most beloved currant delicacies, of course, is jam - jelly.

Homemade red currant jelly is an incredible combination of sweet-sour taste with a bright hint of berry flavor and thick jelly structure, everyone in our family loves. If you also have a sweet tooth, be sure to use my simple and step-by-step recipe with a photo and prepare for the winter such a tasty, useful and beautiful red currant billet.

We need:

  • red currant 0.5 kg;
  • sugar 0.5 kg (to taste);
  • water 50 ml.

How to make red currant jelly

Collect red currant berries with your own hands or buy. The berries must be ripe, bright red, free from defects. Red currants are not well separated from the twigs, but this will not be a problem. For this recipe suitable berries on a branch.

Rinse currants, remove the leaves, if any. Pour red currant berries in a convenient container, add water, send to the fire.

With constant stirring, bring to a boil over very low heat. The berries should be soft, and the skin to burst.

Rub the berries through a sieve. For jam, there will be juice with pulp, and pelts and stones will be an excellent basis for compote. Cake can be divided into parts and put in bags in the freezer.

Pour the juice with pulp and sugar, and mix. Send to fire. Cook over low heat for 7 minutes.

In the prepared jars pour jam - red currant jelly. When it cools down, it will immediately begin to thicken and gellify.

Roll the jars with a special key. Turn over. Cover with a warm towel. After cooling, remove the quick jam - red currant jelly for storage in a dark and cool place.

Captivating aroma, bright color, jelly structure, magical taste - relatives and guests will be delighted. Delicious thick red currant jelly is a delicacy, certainly worthy of becoming a favorite and a frequent guest at each table. The usefulness of this blank rolls over, therefore, you need to prepare such a jelly more for the period of winter cold.

We continue to make reserves for the future. Fresh red currants can be enjoyed at the height of summer. And in order to enjoy the taste of these berries all year round, one should not only freeze them, but also cook them by boiling with sugar. Thus, you get wonderful desserts in the form of jam, jam, jam, jelly.

In combination with any cream currant jelly can be a filler for cakes, pastries, a layer for pies and sour cream.
  Currant berries contain vitamin C, it is ascorbic acid, which is necessary for the normal functioning of many organs and body systems. It allows you to strengthen the immune system and increase the protective forces. Enough to eat a couple of spoons a day to avoid colds.

Red currant jelly recipe for winter

  Red currant - 1 kg
  Water - enough to cover the currants
  Sugar - 2 kg (twice the currant puree)

  Berries sort out, wash, remove the stem.

  Fill the berries with water and bring to a boil.

  Rub hot berries through a strainer.

  Mix the currant puree with sugar. The proportions of berries and sugar are approximate. Remember that sugar will need twice the currant puree. For this it is convenient to use a glass, measuring the amount of mashed potatoes and sugar until the sugar crystals dissolve.

  The resulting jelly spread on sterilized jars, let cool. Cover and store in a dark, cool place.
  It is possible to use this jelly as for preparation of pastries, and ice cream, yoghurts and drinks. Yes, and with a cup of tea currant jelly is very fragrant! Help yourself!

Red currant jelly for the winter without cooking

Do you like the harvest of red currants? When it is very much, you can make jelly without cooking from this wonderful berry. Want to find out a quick recipe for this piece? Then meet him.
  200 g of red currant juice (from 510 g of berries)
  250 g of sugar or powdered sugar
  Mix the juice with sugar until it is completely dissolved (about 2-3 minutes), leave it and after 12 hours you get a great jelly.

Enjoy your meal!

Red currant and watermelon jelly for winter

  Watermelon - 1 kg
  Red currant - 1 kg
  Sugar - as much as glasses of red currant

  Currant bust, crush with sugar, add the pulp of watermelon, cut into pieces and mix.
  Bring to a boil and cook for 35-40 minutes.

  Hot mass wipe through a sieve. Cool and spread on the banks. Close nylon covers.
  The aroma and taste of watermelon do not interrupt the taste of red currants, you get only a light watermelon hue. The taste is unusual. Try it and you will like it!

  According to the same recipe, you can make jelly with bananas. Replace the watermelon flesh 5 bananas. The result is a delicate taste with a banana flavor. Enjoy your meal!

On a note
Do not use aluminum containers, as during oxidation, harmful substances are released.

Red currant jelly with vanilla for winter

Jelly is a great addition to pancakes, pancakes. It is good to use for layer cakes and pastries. And you can just dilute with water and drink.
  1 kg of sugar
  1 kg of red currant
  0.5 liters of water
  1 vanilla pod


  Red currant berries to sort, separating them from the twigs. Rinse, put in a dish for cooking jam, pour berries with cold water, put on medium heat. Bring the mass to a boil and immediately turn it off until it starts to boil.

  Strain the solution, throwing the berries on a sieve. Grind the berries with a wooden spoon. Hold a sieve over the filtered solution so that all the juice flows into it. Cake put in gauze, folded in three or four layers, and carefully squeeze.

When the resulting liquid has cooled, strain it again through several layers of gauze. After that, add sugar, and put the pan on the fire. Bring the mass to a boil over medium heat, add the pod and vanilla seeds cut in half. And cook the jelly on a small fire with a slightly noticeable boil for about 30 minutes, stirring.

  Remove the vanilla pod and pour hot jelly into prepared sterilized jars. Seal the jars with sterile caps.

Turn the jars upside down for 5-10 minutes, then put them lids up. Wrap and leave the jars to cool.
  Store in a cool dry place.

Jelly turns out very fragrant, the maximum of useful substances remains, thickens and has pleasant sourness. This method is suitable for all fruits and berries that are rich in pectin: cranberries, currants, gooseberries, peaches, plums, etc. Bon appetit!

On a note
To jelly did not run away, it is recommended to grease the edges of the container with vegetable oil.

Red currant jelly five minutes

  Berries 1 kilogram
  Purified water 1.5 cups
  Sugar 1.7 kilograms
  In the pre-cooked syrup fall asleep sorted and washed currants. Boil in syrup for five minutes. Remove from the stove and pack up the hot liquid in banks and place in storage.

Enjoy your meal!

Red currant jelly for the winter without cooking video recipe

Enjoy your meal!

Black currant jelly five minutes

  1 l fresh juice
  1 kg of sugar
Wash berries in cool water, dry them, sprinkling a thin layer on paper or a clean cloth. Grind in a wooden bowl with a wooden spatula. Squeeze the mixture through gauze. Juice combine with sugar. Place in the refrigerator for three hours. Grind (preferably in pottery) with a wooden spatula until thick.

Put the mixture in jars, close the lids. Enjoy your meal!

On a note
  The cake remaining from the berry will be used well. Put it on a baking tray and dry it, then store it in a glass jar. In winter, it makes an excellent aromatic tea.

Since redcurrant is sour for normal consumption, it is better to preserve it in the form of compote, jam, jam or jelly. Such a treat will be eaten with pleasure not only by adults, but also by toddlers.

Redcurrant Jam Jelly

  Red currant - 1 kg
  Water - 1 cup
  Sugar - 1 kg

How to cook red currant jelly


  Rinse the berries, peel the roots and pour into a deep enameled pan. Add a glass of water to the currant.
  Bring the mixture to a boil and cook over moderate heat for another 3-5 minutes. During cooking, a sufficient amount of juice is formed.

  Remove the currant jam from the heat, chop it in a blender or grind through a sieve. In the second embodiment, the finished product will be devoid of small bones and remnants of skins. Return the mass back to the pan, add sugar and cook for another 30-40 minutes.

Sterilization of cans

Sterilize clean half-liter jars in any convenient way. If a special device is missing, you can use the old grandmother's method: install a container over boiling water on the objects at hand (wooden shovels).

  Spread the hot gelatinated jam over the cans and seal with metal lids using a sealer key.

  As it cools, the jam will thicken and freeze. Label the finished preservation label with the date of preparation and hide before the winter in a dark cool place.

  Knowing how to make red currant jelly, you will not only start feeding your family with a tasty and useful delicacy for tea, but also be able to use such preservation in preparing various types of desserts and pastries. Enjoy your meal!

Red currant jelly for winter simple recipe

  Red Currant Berries
  Sugar (1.5 kg per 1 liter of juice)

  Berries are placed in an enamel basin, put on fire and heat until a pair. Warm up the berries in a hot state rubbed through a sieve with a wooden spoon.

Add sugar to the ground mass (1.5 kg of sugar per 1 liter of juice). Put on the fire, bring to a strong boil. Remove from heat for 15-20 minutes, remove the foam.

Put on the fire again. Give a strong boil and set aside for 20 minutes.

After which we put the basin on the fire and boil until no more foam is released.

  Hot jelly poured into hot jars and leave open for 24 hours. After which they are hermetically sealed with heated caps or covered with parchment paper and tied.

  Such jelly is kept in a cool place. Enjoy your meal!

For lovers of savory dishes, I suggest the following recipe.

Red Currant Jelly and Hot Green Peppers

  Green jalapeno pepper - 2 pcs.
  Red currant puree - 200 g
  Water - 175 ml
  Sugar - 50 g
  Lemon - 1/2 pcs.
  Green food dye - 4 drops (or chlorophyll complex, water soluble)
  Agar-Agar - 1/2 tsp.


  Warm red currants in a microwave oven at maximum power for 4-5 minutes.

  Wipe it thoroughly through a sieve.

  Pour sugar, put on the stove. And boil after boiling, stirring until the sugar has dissolved, minutes 3.

  Set the bank obliquely and pour currant jelly into it. Leave in the cold for a day, currants will heal and without gelling substances.

The next day, prepare jalapeno jelly. Remove peppers, partitions and seeds from peppers, chop very finely.

Add lemon juice and sugar to water, boil for 5 minutes.

  Before laying the pepper, it is imperative to tint the water with a green food dye or a water-soluble chlorophilipt. Otherwise, the hot pepper will lose its color and then even the dye will not help. So, first tint the syrup, then add the pepper and boil for 2-3 minutes.

  Pour the agar-agar, mix and cook again for 3-5 minutes. Remove from heat.
  Let the pepper jelly cool down a bit - until it starts to thicken a little. And pour a thin layer on top of the red currant. Thin, because if you pour everything at once, the layers can mix. We remove in the freezer for 5 minutes, so that the jelly grabs faster.

  We take out and add now all the remaining green jelly, cool. Always keep in the fridge!

Such an original blank is useful both for the New Year's table and as a gift.

Save the jar on the New Year's table, for hot and cold cold meats. Enjoy your meal!

As you can see, it is very easy to make a delicious and healthy currant dessert. Try using one of the cooking options. Enjoy your meal!

Also for home collection of blanks for the winter

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Red currant jelly, simple recipe with gelatin

As you know, in the summer is not particularly hungry. But it is hard to refuse anything tasty even in the heat. A wonderful treat for both adults and children in the summer can be jelly from red currant with gelatin. Currant itself is pretty tasty berry. But if you make a cool jelly out of it, then this dessert becomes especially attractive. Naturally, now some will be able to argue to me that ice cream is still the favorite in the summer. And this is hard to argue. And yet, to diversify the diet, many with great pleasure regale themselves on red currant jelly. Mistress hostess will be especially happy with a simple recipe for red currant jelly, which will be a real find for them. After all, it is not necessary to stand for a long time by the hot plate in the heat, it is not necessary to bake anything. Everything is very simple to prepare. Moreover, in such a simple and at the same time fascinating business, children will be happy to help you. Can you imagine how they will be interested in the process of turning currant juice into bright and tasty jelly? Adults will also be fans of berry jelly. After all, dessert does not burden the body and is very refreshing.

From the given amount of ingredients, a very gentle, light jelly is obtained. If you are afraid that the jelly may not harden or you want it to be firm and elastic, you can use 30-40 g of gelatin. Before you start cooking dessert, I recommend to read the instructions on the back of the bag with gelatin.


  • 500 g of red currant;
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 700 ml of cold boiled water;
  • 20 g (2 tbsp) gelatin;

How to cook red currant jelly with gelatin

1. Before starting the preparation of dessert, it is necessary to soak gelatin in water. Take 200 ml of cold boiled water, add gelatin and leave for 20 minutes before swelling.

3. And now currants need to be mashed. We will do this with the help of potato masher. We grind the berries immediately with sugar - it is much easier, and sugar dissolves a little in the juice. And from the sweet cake after it will be possible to cook compote.

4. The obtained red currant puree should now be separated from small bones and skins. For this we will pass it through gauze, folded in two layers. The process, of course, laborious, but necessary.

5. Spread mashed potatoes in small portions and squeeze. Do not throw out the remaining cake. From it you can also cook vitamin compote.

6. When all mashed potatoes are pressed, you can return to the gelatin, which by this time swelled. Now it is necessary to heat it in a water bath until the grains are completely dissolved. It is important to ensure that the gelatin does not boil, otherwise it may lose its gelling properties.

7. Pour 500 ml of warm boiled water to the juice. Remove the foam so that our future jelly looks clean and transparent. Next, we send warm gelatine and a few drops of vanilla extract to the slightly cooled juice. Vanilla is perfectly combined with currant juice, giving the jelly a unique flavor and transforming a simple dessert beyond recognition. Thanks to vanilla, many will not even guess what jelly is made from, so unusual is its taste.

8. Stir.

9. Pour the mixture into the bowls, glasses or any other suitable dishes. Let her stand until she reaches room temperature. Next, we send the containers to the fridge until they freeze. Ideally, do it at night.

Red currant jelly with gelatin is ready! Cooking such a delicious dessert is simple, well, and if the children helped, then for them it is also exciting, pleasant. And it is very useful. Enjoy your meal!