How to reanimate a green salad. Greens: secrets of long-term storage

16.04.2019 Salads

Once upon a time there was a goat, she loved to chew all grass, especially green salad. She used to buy lettuce for the future, and she doesn’t have time to chew it. Here lies a salad quietly in the refrigerator, and it even stays up. It stays up to that, well, naturally - a rag. and don’t tear it normally and don’t crunch. Well, in general, trouble.

Perhaps this does not happen with good housewives, because they know how to store it correctly, or simply they do not lie down for a long time ...
  and with this goat this is not uncommon. Goat - what to take from her?

In one of the first cases of such misfortune, the Toad came to Koz and said: “I’m strangling you now”, she grabbed you by the throat and began to strangle her, “is this the case? The transfer of food and money. And not in favor, but in a bucket "You’re not the mistress, Goat! Not the mistress!"

Well, Kose, it is clear - I did not like it, it became a shame. "Not the souls of me, Toad. I’ll eat the whole salad, and it’s made, and not crispy, and tasteless. Come tomorrow, make sure." ...

She poured water into a bowl, plucked the leaves there, washed, rinsed.

I shook off excess water, dried it a little on a napkin.

Without waiting until completely dryi began to eat, so that I could have time before tomorrow. Yes, I could not eat everything - it did not fit. “Okay,” he thinks, “we’ll finish tomorrow so that the Toad does not come ...”

She took it and put the leaves, still a little wet, in a bag of magical cellophane. and put it in the refrigerator.

Next day,  the Goat sees, the Toad goes to her, she rushed to eat her salad, looks, and the leaves are not so sluggish... And as if freshened up ... He thinks, “Let them still lie down, look what will happen?”, And his toad shouts, “Wait a minute,” he says, “strangle me. Be patient until tomorrow.”

The goat waited for fidelity another daygets his magic bag out. Look, and the leaves in it are very fresh, strong, juicy, crunch!

The goat, in the joys of fresh salads with vegetables, sandwiches and sandwiches, made, called guests to a feast, and did not forget about the Toad. Honey, beer drank, salads crunched, already popping behind the ears ...

Since then, Toad Kozu for a salad does not choke ...

Total: if the green salad turned into a rag, then:
  0. if there are leaves that creep in the hands - we wikid the damn grandmother.
  1. wash all other leaves, keep a little in cold water
2. Remove from water, shake, put on a napkin, drain a little bit of water, but do not dry completely.
  3. Wet leaves (as if in dew) are sent to the package and to the refrigerator for 1-1.5 days.
  4. we get again a fresh salad, and send our toad to choke someone else))))

    To refresh greens such as dill, parsley or salad, you need to put it in water then it will have a fresh look.

    Usually, after picking greenery in the garden, people for sale put it in the refrigerator, and put it on the counter in the water, then again in the refrigerator and again in the water, so the greenery can be fresh for more than a week.

    Well, if this has already happened, you can hardly save it, and I don’t advise using it. And to prevent it when you buy and bring home, do not rush to put it in the refrigerator. Wash thoroughly, clean from unnecessary and put it on a newspaper or film, put it in a glass with water.

    Greens is a plant, but like any plant, it refreshes and tidies, immersion in cool water.

    Moreover, as it is considered by scientific prescription, it is necessary to rinse it before this immersion, with water, just above room temperature.

    On my countertop almost everywhere there is a beautiful mug with a bunch of parsley and dill.

    It is beautiful and the greens are fresh.

    Even greens slightly subsided, but once in a mug of water, it immediately rises, becomes fresh and juicy.

    Very comfortably.

    Like this.

    In addition, I read that you can refresh the greens if you drop one into the water a drop of vinegar. And just put a bunch.

    But, it didn’t reach me. I did not try.

    If your greenfinchot; just a little instilled, then it can be easily saved, which will take about 10 minutes. We wash it in warm water, and then immerse it in a bowl of cold water. After such events, the greenery will regain its original peppy look.

    If dill, parsley and other herbs already bent down their earsquot ;, then we undertake the following. It is necessary to dilute vinegar or freshly squeezed lemon juice with water in a bowl, and add a little bit of acid. Dip the greenfinch into this acidic water and leave it for about one hour. After this procedure, the appearance of parsley or dill will improve significantly.

    Sprinkle with water and cover with something, you can film, but so that air flows.

    And it’s better to just put it in water, if the slices at the petioles are dried, then update.

    But here it all depends on what exactly is sluggish and to what extent. Parsley, dill, onions will depart, but salad, for example, is not always. And you won’t put it in the water.

    It is better to make it a rule to immediately put in a bouquet. And if you have to carry for a long time, then you can take a cloth with you, or a piece of a terry towel. Wet them with water, wrap petioles of greenery and put this structure in a bag.

    If the green has not yet turned into a herbarium, you can reanimate her: put in a bowl of cold water, let it swim for about an hour. Then remove, shake (do not dry), wrap in a dry towel, and a towel in a bag. Send to the refrigerator.

    Each type of greenery is separate.

    You can sprinkle with water if it blew quite a bit. They never paid attention to how the grandmothers in the market, who sell greens on stools, spray greens in bunches from an ordinary spray bottle with ordinary water, and she does not have time to fade, everything is for sale. If parsley is quite under tired then put it in cold water for about 15 minutes. In general, if the greens remain after cooking, then I wash it and put it carefully in a liter jar, dill and parsley are stored for a long time and do not fade, you can even decorate the dish on the table. Green onions wilt faster ((

It should be remembered that the main enemy of the vitamins contained in greens is light and heat. Under the influence of sunlight in the vitamin Vitamin C is lost more quickly - for this a few hours are enough.
  Therefore, you need to store green vegetables only in the refrigerator, best of all - in a tightly closed bag or container. There are several ways to store greens, choose any.

Rinse greens with cold water. It is advisable not to wash under running water, but to draw in a deep saucepan of water and immerse greens in water. And then rinse completely under the tap. Then we lay out the greens washed and shaken from water on paper kitchen towels. We need to dry the greens as best as possible.

Blot large drops of water and spread the greens on the table, let it dry for about fifteen minutes. Next, pack in a spacious container with a tight-fitting lid (vacuum is even better).
  If there is no container, then we take a clean dry liter jar, put greens in it and close the jar with a clean plastic lid. That's all. Keep refrigerated. In this form, the greens calmly stand for a month and do not deteriorate or even turn yellow.

Tip 2. In order to keep greens and leafy vegetables fresh for several days, they should be carefully sorted (discarded spoiled), rinsed, allowed to drain water and placed in a plastic bag. Then open wide so that it accumulates the maximum amount of air, and tie tightly. Keep in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf.

Tip 3.  Greens can be stored for 2-3 weeks, if it is rinsed well before storage, drained with water, blotted with a towel, wrapped in paper (not waxed). Kraft paper or a thick paper towel is well suited for this method, the main thing is that the paper does not creep away from moisture. Wrap pure spicy grass in a towel completely. Spray on the paper with water from a flower spray or dampen under a tap. Put the parcel in a plastic bag and refrigerate.
  Do not use newsprint - ink is harmful to the body.

Tip 4.  For long-term storage of greens, it should be sorted, but not washed. Then put in a plastic bag along with 1-2 unpeeled and cut into four parts onions and tie. Keep in a cool place. Every 4–5 days, take out everything, wipe the bag dry and put greens in it again, replacing the onions with fresh ones.

Tip 5.  If there is no time, then you can simply wrap fresh herbs immediately after the purchase with a waffle towel, and put in the refrigerator.

Tip 6.  Chives, celery, lettuce, spinach, parsley, dill can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time if they are dry. Before laying, such greens do not need to be washed - it is enough to sort it out, dry it on paper and put it in a plastic bag, making a few holes for ventilation in it with a fork. Celery greens in a plastic bag can remain fresh in appearance for 5-6 weeks, a head of lettuce cut with a cob - 1-1.5 months, spinach - almost all winter.

Tip 7.  Parsley and dill can be stored like flowers by placing them in a glass of water: cut the roots of fresh herbs, lower the bunch of herbs in a jar or a glass of water, cover the green leaves with a bag of polyethylene (or wrap the leaves with wet gauze or another clean rag), change water once every two days

Tip 8.  Lettuce leaves remain crisp and fresh all week if you place them on a plate, put a paper towel on top and cover with foil.

Tip 9. Green onions can be kept fresh for two to three weeks, if you sort it out, moisten the roots with cold water and leave the feathers dry. Then, with a wet rag, wrap the roots with the onion, and wrap the roots with the onion over the rags with paper, tie them with twine at the base of the feathers, place in a plastic bag and put in the refrigerator.

How to refresh wilted greens!

If the greens have withered, then to restore its freshness it is enough to hold it for an hour in cold water, slightly acidified with vinegar (1 teaspoon in half a glass of water). If the parsley is rinsed not in cold, but in warm water, it will become more aromatic. Withered lettuce leaves can be freshened by rinsing them or holding them for 15 minutes in warm water.

How to refresh wilted greens - parsley, dill, lettuce. Useful tips on how to add freshness and aroma to wilted greens.

  • Withered lettuce leaves can be freshened by rinsing them in warm water.
  • Withered greens of dill, parsley and celery can be freshened by putting it for an hour in cold water, seasoned with vinegar (1 teaspoon in half a glass of water).
  • Dill and parsley must be stored in a large and dry pan, tightly covered with a lid, then it will retain its freshness for a long time.
  • If you rinse the parsley not in cold water, but in warm water, it will become more aromatic.
  • For long-term storage, lettuce leaves must be thoroughly rinsed, put into water, and rinsed again before use. Leaves of salad are recommended to be torn by hands, but not cut with a knife.
  • Withered greens of vegetables will again become fresh if it is dipped first in hot and then in cold water.
  • You can preserve the freshness of greens for longer by immersing the stems in water. Store greens in the refrigerator.
  • When buying greens, remember that it quickly loses its freshness and fades, therefore, when buying greens, try to use it in the near future. If greens are plentiful, prepare them for the winter.

How to prepare greens for the winter

Greens can be prepared for future use, salt. Washed in cold water parsley, celery, onions or leek chop. Mix with salt, decompose separately in glass jars (for 1 kg of greens 300 g of salt). Store this mixture at room temperature for a year.

You can chop fresh herbs (dill and parsley), put into bags and freeze.

Drying is the most convenient way. Each type of greenery is dried separately in the oven for 2.5 hours on average at a temperature of 40 degrees, put the dried greenery in jars, glass or tin. Store in a dry place.

You can dry the greens in the fresh air, but not in the sun. Tie in bundles, hang in the shade, dry in the oven.

Today, rarely what summer dish is prepared without the use of fresh herbs. It is included in many recipes, it is decorated with dishes or simply put on the dining table - for gourmets.

   One trouble, fresh greens are not stored for long, in addition, after a couple of days, starting to lose its presentation - a few days, and she becomes lethargic and unappetizing.

And every time the housewives have the problem of storing greens, in particular green onions, dill, parsley, lettuce, spinach, sorrel.

To always have really fresh greens on the table, use the following tips:

Secrets of long-term storage of greens

It should be remembered that the main enemy of the vitamins contained in greens is light and heat. Under the influence of sunlight in the vitamin Vitamin C is lost more quickly - for this a few hours are enough.

Therefore, you need to store green vegetables only in the refrigerator, best of all - in a tightly closed bag or container. There are several ways to store greens, choose any.

Tip 1.  The easiest way. Rinse greens with cold water. It is advisable not to wash under running water, but to draw in a deep saucepan of water and immerse greens in water. And then rinse completely under the tap.
   Then we lay out the greens washed and shaken from water on paper kitchen towels. We need to dry the greens as best as possible. Blot large drops of water and spread the greens on the table, let it dry for about fifteen minutes.
   Next, pack in a spacious container with a tight-fitting lid (vacuum is even better).

If there is no container, then we take a clean dry liter jar, put greens in it and close the jar with a clean plastic lid. That's all.
   Keep refrigerated. In this form, the greens calmly stand for a month and do not deteriorate or even turn yellow.

Tip 2.  In order to keep greens and leafy vegetables fresh for several days, they should be carefully sorted (discarded spoiled), rinse, allow water to drain and place in a plastic bag.  Then open wide so that it accumulates the maximum amount of air, and tie tightly. Keep in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf.

Tip 3. Greens can be stored for 2-3 weeks, if it is rinsed well before storage, allowed to drain water, dab with a towel, wrap in paper (not waxed).Kraft paper or a thick paper towel is well suited for this method, the main thing is that the paper does not creep away from moisture. Wrap pure spicy grass in a towel completely. Spray on the paper with water from a flower spray or dampen under a tap. Put the parcel in a plastic bag and refrigerate.

Do not use newsprint - ink is harmful to the body.

Tip 4.  For long-term storage of greens, it should be sorted, but not washed. Then put in a plastic bag along with 1-2 unpeeled and cut into four parts onions and tie. Keep in a cool place. Take out every 4-5 days, wipe the bag dry and put greens in it again, replacing the onions with fresh ones.

Tip 5. If you don’t have time, you can simply wrap fresh greens immediately after purchase waffle towel, and put in the refrigerator.

Tip 6.Chives, celery, head of lettuce, spinach, parsley, dill  can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time if they are dry. Before laying, such greens do not need to be washed - it is enough to sort it out, dry it on paper and put it in a plastic bag, making a few holes for ventilation in it with a fork. Celery greens in a plastic bag can remain fresh in appearance for 5-6 weeks, a head of lettuce cut with a cob - 1-1.5 months, spinach - almost all winter.

Tip 7. Parsley and dill can be stored like flowers by placing in a glass with water:  cut the roots of fresh herbs, lower the bunch of herbs with stems in a jar or a glass of water, cover the green leaves with a bag of polyethylene (or wrap the leaves with wet gauze or another clean rag), change the water once every two days

Tip 8. Lettuce  will remain fresh and crispy all week if you place them on a plate, put a paper towel on top and cover with a film.

Tip 9. Chivescan be kept fresh for two to three weeks, if you sort it out, moisten the roots with cold water and leave the feathers dry. Then, with a wet rag, wrap the roots with the onion, and wrap the roots with the onion over the rags with paper, tie them with twine at the base of the feathers, place in a plastic bag and put in the refrigerator.

Freezing greens as a storage method

For longer storage of greens, it should be frozen.

  • To do this, fresh greens need to be washed, wait for it to dry out from moisture, cut off its stems, and discard the rotten parts. Then, place the green leaves in bags or in airtight containers in the freezer of the refrigerator.
  • To rinse greens properly  in large amounts of water, it is recommended not to drain the water after washing the greens, but to get the greens out of it so that the sand remains at the bottom of the dishes, and not on the greens themselves.
  • Classic. Cut greens, put in a plastic bag and put in the freezer

  • Parsley, sage and thyme  it is recommended to cut, and it is better to freeze in tightly closed plastic containers
  • Dill, mint  it is recommended to freeze in small portions wrapped in foil: divide the dill and mint greens into portions. Wrap each piece in food foil and place in the freezer.

Previously, each type of greens can be signed with a marker on the foil (for example, mint - m, dill - y), for a quicker and more convenient search in the freezer. This method is quite effective in terms of storing greens all year round and you can freeze a fairly large amount of greens.

  • Basil leaves and rosemary  it is recommended to sprinkle with salt on top and freeze also in tightly closed plastic containers, remove salt before use.
  • Keep chopped green onions  in a freezer in plastic bottles. Just make sure the onion is completely dry before you pour it into the bottle.
  • And another, in my opinion, an interesting way freezing fresh herbs: Wash a mixture of herbs (anything: basil, cilantro, dill, parsley, etc.), dry with a towel and lay on a layer of plastic film in the form of a thick sausage. Wrap the "sausage" very tightly and for fidelity tie a thread along the entire length (you can use a rubber band).

Do not use salt! Put in the freezer. In the freezer, I have such a wood with greens allocated a place on the side. I do not sign, you can sign using masking tape. If necessary, remove, peel back the polyethylene and plan as much as necessary with a knife directly into the bowl of soup. Or remove the film and cut - the greens are very well cut and do not lose flavor !

  • There is another original way - freezing fresh herbs in ice cubes. To do this, finely chop the leaves of fresh herbs and place them in the ice tins attached to the refrigerator, fill the tins with greens with water and place them in the freezer. Store finished cubes in a bag or box in the freezer. It is very convenient to throw such a cube in a pot with soup (or another dish) when the soup is already cooked.
  • Alternatively, greens can be frozen this way: Fill greens in ice tins, pour olive or melted butter  - and to the freezer. Then it will be possible to add to salads or to potatoes!

These simple tips will help you for some time to keep fresh greens collected from the garden or bought on the market fresh and to keep nutrients and vitamins in it as much as possible.

Do not neglect the tips, even if they seem too simple for you to be effective: o) Thanks to them, greens are stored for a very long time, and you can safely buy them for a week in advance.
   Based on materials from,

PS. How to refresh wilted greens

  • If the greens have withered, then to restore its freshness it is enough to hold it for an hour in cold water, slightly acidified with vinegar (1 teaspoon in half a glass of water).
  • If the parsley is rinsed not in cold, but in warm water, it will become more aromatic.
  • Withered lettuce leaves can be freshened by rinsing them or holding them for 15 minutes in warm water.
  • Withered greens of vegetables will again become fresh if you dip it first in hot, then in cold water.