Beets pour cold water. How to cook beets? Tips experienced housewives

22.04.2019 Buffet table

A huge number of dishes of classic Russian cuisine can not do without beets. An example of this is borscht, vinaigrette, herring under a fur coat, beetroot soup and many others. Also appreciated the red root and modern chefs, continuing to invent more and more new recipes and dishes with him.

One can talk endlessly about the benefits of beets. It is rich in "bulk" of vitamins. Proteins, healthy fats, fiber are also in it. Beet juice restores metabolism and makes it possible to lose weight. Carrots in combination with our miraculous root crop, if you insist on vodka with honey, will give you “Spartan” immunity and help you forget about colds and SARS.

And here, it would seem pitiful to destroy all the beneficial properties of beets, throwing it into the pan to cook. But you should not worry, beet after heat treatment becomes even more useful. While a raw root vegetable is still contraindicated for some people with diabetes or stomach ailments.

But the beet cooked properly in water has no contraindications and gains additional benefits, enriched with iron, phosphorus, iodine, vitamin U, etc. It is important to understand what are the ways to cook beets correctly and quickly, because in normal mode it cooks for 40 minutes and if you start to cook in cold water - then all 2 hours.

The most important thing in any way is to remember that it is better to cook the beets, like potatoes, “in uniform”, after washing them thoroughly. 2 hours of cooking does not suit us, so we will consider only those   ways that will help us cook it quickly and tasty.

  1. How to quickly cook the beets in the pan? For this it is better to pick small or medium-sized fruits, because they cook faster. And we boil it in an extreme way, which, instead of the set hour, will help bring our vegetable to readiness in 15 minutes. To do this, lower the fruits into boiling water so that they are under water, about 8 cm. We do not cover the lid. Then after 15-20 minutes, immerse the fruit under cold water. Everything, beet is ready for salad.
  2. You can also cook beets in the microwave. It will be a little longer - 25-30 minutes, but no less tasty. Although the cooking process in the microwave oven will rather resemble baking the product. Everything is simple here: put the beets in a bag for baking, put on a microwave oven 200 degrees and leave for 20-30 minutes, depending on the size of the fruit.
  3. The following method is identical to the previous one. By the same principle, you can bake beets in the oven, after wrapping it in foil. It turns out very tasty.
  4. There are a lot of very interesting and appetizing videos on the Internet on how to cook beets in a slow cooker. This is perhaps the most ideal way to preserve all the beneficial properties of raw beets, and saving time on cooking.

Cook in a multivariate

Consider options for how to cook beets in the Redmond multicooker, because it is this model that has many manual modes and programs.

First way  - boil beets for a vinaigrette, for example, in the “Cooking” mode. To do this, choose healthy fruits, cut tails, wash thoroughly with water. Then lay out on the grid and pour water at 1.5 cm, leave for 40-60 minutes.

Next way  - mode "Steamer". We all have repeatedly heard about the dietary benefits of steamed products - the same goes for beets.

It is impossible to digest it with steam at 80-100 degrees, and it’s even wrong to make a mistake if you cook it correctly. This method is slightly faster than the previous one (40 minutes on average), but it can also be accelerated by cutting the beets into pieces, then putting them on the grid.

I repeat, the processed and even chopped beets will not lose their properties, and at the end of cooking you will be surprised how delicate and tasty it has become, soaked up with water vapor.

How best to cook?

Above, we looked at how to cook beets. And now we give examples of how to choose the right beetroot and what should be done so that the beet does not lose its color or does not boil soft.

  • Most people prefer the Bordeaux variety. It is these small and flattened varieties that are the most delicious and cook quickly enough.
  • We do not clean it before cooking, as we have already figured out above, just mine well.
  • In the process of cooking the beets are not salt, because this will increase the cooking time and make the vegetable firm, although here you already like it.
  • The readiness of the beets is checked in the same way as the readiness of boiled potatoes - with a knife or fork.
  • Those who do not like the smell of boiled beets, can throw some bread into the pan with the beets.
  • If the beets are still cleaned and you are afraid that it will lose its color, add a little lemon juice or a spoonful of sugar at the time of cooking.
  • You can store the already boiled root vegetable in the refrigerator for up to 3 days, and in the freezer for up to six months and even here all the useful properties will be preserved. Why not tell about the taste ...
  • Regardless of the method chosen, after boiling the beets, always rinse them under cold water, so the skin peels more easily.

We hope our advice will help you to cook beets quickly and without problems, and someone will discover this sweet and tasty product at all and include it in a regular diet.

Before you cook the beets, you need to prepare for this process.

Immediately before cooking, beets should be washed well under cold running water, cut off the roots. It is impossible to peel the beets from the peel, thanks to which the beets will retain their color and valuable trace elements.

How to cook beets?

Beets put in a saucepan and pour cold water. It is advisable to take a larger pot, as it will boil for a long time and the water will boil away. Water needs to be poured so much that it covers all the beets, and there is still some water above it at a glance up to 7-10 cm.

In general, beets cooked for about 2 hours, depending on size: small roots - 1 hour, medium - 1.5 hours, large - 2 hours. But it is better to use beets of small sizes. Time we begin to count from the moment of boiling water. Cook over low heat. Water is not salt. Cook under the lid - it reduces the processing time and reduces the loss of vitamins. To make sure that the beets have already cooked, you need to stick a fork or a knife into it. If it comes in gently, then the beet is ready.

How to peel the beets?

After cooking the water from the beets drain, cool and peel, and to clear it quickly and easily, the beets should be left in cold water for a while. After 10 minutes you can drain the water and clean the boiled beets. After such a procedure with cold water, the skin of the beets just “flies” right in the hands, sometimes even the knife is not needed.

The use of boiled beets:

Boiled beets served warm or cold. In salads or as a separate dish.

Enjoy your meal!

Boiled beets, as a component, are part of a variety of different dishes (, salads,), so many are interested in how to cook beets. If you don’t cook it, it will be inconvenient to chew, digest - some of the nutrients will collapse, taste will deteriorate, and, again, chewing on the digested root vegetables is not too pleasant.

To make dishes that include boiled beets in their composition, get tasty and healthy, choose fruits that are not too large and preferably - not forage varieties (that is, dark), young root vegetables are best. In principle, forage varieties are completely edible, but with they are not so tasty. In addition, the standards for the introduction of chemical fertilizers for forage crops differ somewhat from the standards used for feeding food crops. That is, in the fodder beet may contain more unhealthy substances.

How to cook beets?

Consider ways to properly and quickly cook beets. Some advise to cook beets up to 2 or even up to 3 hours. Of course, the usefulness of the product after heat treatment for such an amount of time can no longer be thought. How much to cook beets in time, depends on the variety and the size of the roots. Professional chefs cook medium-sized beets for 20-40 minutes, without cutting the tail, in the peel, then pour it with cold water and after 15 minutes the beets are ready, precisely due to the temperature contrast of the procedures. It remains only to clean it and chop or grate. Let it not seem to you that the beets will turn out to be too hard - we have our teeth just to chew, besides, more vitamins will remain.


Choose the fruit of approximately the same size and thoroughly wash. Pour the beets in a saucepan with cold water, bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce the fire. When cooking, the water should completely cover the fruit. Cooking is best on low or medium low heat. This method of heat treatment is optimal. If the roots are large, they can, of course, be peeled and cut into pieces, but it is better to just boil a little longer, I think, 40-60 minutes will be quite enough.

To improve the taste when cooking beets, you can add a little fennel seeds and fennel (about 1 teaspoonful per 2 liters of water). This technique not only improves the taste of the finished product, but also contributes to the absorption of vitamins and other nutrients.

How much to cook peeled beets, again, depends on the type and size of the fruit. Peeled middle-sized beets are cooked for 20-30 minutes, no more, this is quite enough, especially if the beets are young. So that when cooking the purified beets do not lose their characteristic bright burgundy color, you can add 1-2 teaspoons of vinegar to 1 liter of water.

To determine how much to cook beets for salad, you need to decide whether you boil the whole fruit or chop it beforehand. In general, beets for salad are boiled for as much time as for cooking the rest of the dishes.

How to cook young beets?

For cooking young root vegetables, boil them for 20 minutes. Then cool the beets in cold water for 10 minutes, peel, and you can use: chop, grate, punch with a blender.

Many are interested in how to cook beets in the package. Some cook beets in plastic bags and even plastic. It seems that this method is not too healthy, however, cellophane can be used somehow still acceptable, but when it is heated, polyethylene will definitely add unhealthy substances to beets. Put the beets in the bag, make a toothpick a few holes, put it in a pot of boiling water and cook as usual. It is better, however, to build a foil bag, place the beets in it and bake in the oven at an average temperature of 40-60 minutes. This method is a great alternative to cooking.

The calorie content of cooked beets is approximately 44 calories per 100 g of product.

Vegetables are useful when they contain vitamins. Therefore, it is important to prepare them correctly. How to cook red beets so that it retains its rich color and maximum benefit? There are ways, we will tell about them in this article.

Cook red beets correctly

At first glance, it seems that cooking vegetables for a side dish or salad is not at all difficult. Throw them in the water and bring to readiness. But this rule does not apply to all products. Beetroot, or, as it is also called, beet, is quite capricious. May under-cook, whiten, lose taste.

To avoid this, follow simple rules:

  • To preserve the maximum benefits and beauty of the vegetable, beets are cooked whole.
  • Before cooking, the vegetable should be thoroughly washed with a brush, while neither the top of the head, nor the tail is not cut.
  • The root crop is put in cold water, which should be quite a lot, bring to a boil, then boil over low heat for about an hour.
  • How much time to cook red beets will depend on the variety, size and age of the fruit. The larger and older, the longer, up to 3 hours. With prolonged heat treatment, do not forget to pour hot water into the pot.
  • To speed up the preparation of large root vegetables, it is necessary 30 minutes after boiling, immerse them in ice water. Heat will flow from the edges to the center, and the vegetable will be cooked quickly.
  • To prevent the beet from becoming discolored during cooking, add a little table vinegar or lemon juice to the water.

Boiled beets - an excellent side dish and a component of salads. So that it does not stain other foods, you can slightly smear the sliced ​​root vegetable with vegetable oil.

Ways to make red beets

In addition to the standard cooking in the pan, there are other ways of heat treatment of beets. If desired, you can use kitchen appliances or an oven.

  1. In order not to soil the pan, the red root vegetable is cooked in a baking bag. This method is no different from the one described above.
  2. You can cook root vegetables in a slow cooker. Beforehand, they should be pierced through in several places with a cooking needle or a thin knife. Cooking time - 30 minutes at maximum power.
  3. Very tasty if buryak bake in the oven. Fruits should be thoroughly washed and wrapped in foil, then put in the oven for 40-50 minutes. Do not unfold while the foil is hot.
  4. It is good to cook medium-sized root vegetables for a couple, otherwise it will take too much time.

You can choose any method of heat treatment. With each taste of the finished product will be slightly different.

For those who are tired of tediously long cooking of beets, we will tell you how to reduce the time of its cooking in a saucepan, using the little tricks that many housewives successfully use in their kitchen.

How to quickly cook the beets whole?

There is a fairly common quick way to cook beets. Initially, well-washed root-crop is placed in cold water and set on the stove. After boiling completely, we reduce the intensity of the fire to the minimum and cook medium-sized beets - thirty minutes, medium - forty minutes, and root vegetables - one hour. Then we drain the water and immediately substitute a bowl of hot vegetable under a stream of cold water for about fifteen minutes. It creates a temperature differential, which brings the beets to readiness.

Some housewives prefer to use the method of temperature difference somewhat differently. A pot of slightly larger volume than is actually necessary in order to boil a certain amount of vegetable is put along with it on the stove. Pre-pour water so that it barely covered the contents. After boiling, we pour a little ice-cold water into the pot, and each time we give it again to boil well. Thus, the beets are brewed as much as in the case of the previous recommendations, according to the size of the root crop.

How to quickly and tasty cook red beets in the pan for a vinaigrette?

As you know, it is better to bake beets in the microwave or in the oven, and then all the taste of the vegetable will be at the highest possible level. Its flesh will remain sweet, juicy and extremely rich in vitamins and various elements. But if there is no desire or opportunity to use the oven or, then the same effect can be achieved simply in the pan. It will be completely easy to do.

So, thoroughly washed the soil and dirt from the soil are placed in a sealed tight plastic bag and firmly tied it in order to prevent air and moisture from getting inside. Place the billet in a saucepan with cold water and place on the stove. After boiling, boil the beets in a package with a moderate boil for one to two hours, depending on the size. Time, of course, will need more than we would like, but the taste of the vegetable will remain at its best, and with vitamins there will be complete order.

Note that this variant of cooking beets in the pan is preferable not only for reasons of preserving the taste properties of the vegetable. It is important that the pan after the process of its preparation remains completely clean, in contrast to the effects of traditional cooking.

How to cook large beets?

We will not offer barbaric methods of cooking large beets, which simply involve cutting the vegetable into several pieces. Indeed, even to an inexperienced cook, it is clear that in this way the vegetable is in many ways   will lose both in taste, and in appearance, and will remain without an impressive portion of nutritious and useful properties.

So how to be in this case? The method of temperature difference may not work here because of the impressive thickness of the fetus. In the center of the vegetable flesh can remain raw. But there is another effective method by which you can significantly speed up the process of boiling large beets. At the initial stage, add a few tablespoons of vegetable oil to the water along with the vegetable. As is known, the boiling point of an oil is higher than water. Thus, adding oil to the water, we will increase the average temperature of the medium in which the beets will boil, which will contribute to its more rapid preparation.