Winter okroshka recipe. Winter okroshka

03.04.2019 Vegetable dishes

Recipe for making dressing for okroshka for the winter. Perhaps there is no such person who would not like okroshka. As a rule, with the onset of the season, the hostesses try to cook this delicious first dish as often as possible. Why don't we prepare a universal, fragrant dressing for okroshka for the winter right now, in the summer, while all the products are in the juice itself. The dressing is considered universal, because it can be added not only to okroshka, but also to fresh vegetable salads, it goes especially well with fresh cabbage salad. If you add a spoon spicy dressing in sour cream, then this sauce is perfect for jellied meat, aspic and even potatoes.

This article describes two of the most popular and easy ways preparation of dressing for okroshka for the winter - the first method with a small addition of salt and with sterilization, and the second without heat treatment, but with high content salt. If desired, such a mixture can be distributed in bags and frozen (you yourself know how to do this), and in winter you can get one portion, defrost it and also use it in cooking.

The basic composition in both variants is practically the same: fresh cucumbers, fresh root horseradish and dill - the most aromatic ingredient... Moreover, greenhouse dill and young growth will not work for such a preparation, they do not have this rich taste and the aroma that ripe twigs contain, so take only ripe garden dill.

The first way is with sterilization.


  • 400 g of cucumbers;
  • 2 horseradish roots;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salted salt;
  • 1 tsp vinegar essence.

Step by step cooking:

First, prepare the horseradish root. Rinse the root in warm water and clean. Then the horseradish root must be chopped. It can be done different ways, for convenience, I used a mixer, but first it needs to be cut into smaller pieces. Many housewives prefer to twist horseradish in a meat grinder, immediately into a plastic bag.
Rinse the cucumbers and grate on coarse grater or cut with a knife into small cubes (pieces), there is no difference.
Rinse garden dill, dry, chop with a knife.
Next, put chopped cucumbers, horseradish, dill in a cup and salt.
Stir the mixture until smooth and fill a pre-washed and boiled jar. If you are using a jar with a metal screw cap, boil it too.
Tamp the workpiece, add a spoonful of vinegar essence, it will protect the workpiece from mold.
Then the blank for okroshka must be sterilized. Pour warm water in a saucepan, put a cloth napkin and put a jar, cover it with a lid. Bring water to a boil, simmer over low heat for another 5 - 6 minutes.
Close the hot workpiece tightly with a lid, if you use a screw lid, then screw it as tightly as possible, turn it over to make sure it is reliable.
The sterilized okroshka blank is ready. Such a jar is stored only in the refrigerator. From this number of products, a little more than half a liter of workpiece was eventually obtained.

The second option is without sterilization


  • 400 gr. cucumbers;
  • two horseradish roots (about 50 - 60 grams);
  • a bunch of dill;
  • 150 g pickled salt.

Step by step cooking:

The products for this blank are prepared in the same way as in the first variant. Grate the washed cucumbers on a coarse grater and place in a deep container.
Rinse fresh dill in cold water and dry. Chop the dill finely with a knife and place in the cucumbers.
Rinse horseradish root, peel, chop in any convenient way. Add horseradish to the cup with the rest of the ingredients.
Pour salt into the okroshka dressing and mix the mixture thoroughly.
Prepare a jar for refueling in advance.

Rinse and sterilize containers in any convenient way, do not forget to boil the metal lid. Be sure to make sure that the container is completely dry before filling.
Fill the jar tightly with the blank to the very top, release the air bubbles and refill the container.
Screw the lid back on as tightly as possible and refrigerate for future storage.
Dressings for okroshka for the winter are ready. I think you know how to use them further, but do not forget that such blanks already contain salt. To determine if additional salting is required for okroshka, add the dressing, wait 5 minutes, and then remove the sample.



Harvesting okroshka for the winter will provide you with delicious fresh vegetables at any time of the year. This method has a number of undoubted advantages. So, for example, in winter, cucumbers that are sold in stores are incredibly far from natural and fresh. They are not juicy at all, and still do not crunch like in summer and they have practically no aroma. But exactly fresh vegetables make okroshka to taste exactly what it should be. The same applies to radish, which is practically impossible to find in winter, but the very essence of okroshka is in its refreshing effect, and it is achieved precisely thanks to young and juicy products.

It is the freezing of products that allows them to preserve their almost pristine freshness, taste and smell. Of course, in order for everything to work out as it should, it is necessary to follow some freezing rules. Details of all the details are as follows winter harvesting we will talk to step by step photo recipe for making okroshka for the winter. The most important thing is to collect all the young and juicy ingredients in season, then they need to be frozen. We will not freeze each ingredient separately, but all together. That is why it is important to select in advance containers for storing this workpiece. It is desirable that they be small but roomy. Each portion should be designed for one okroshka cooking process. It is not recommended to re-freeze any food. Let's start harvesting cucumbers, radishes and greens for okroshka for the winter.



    First, let's put together on work surface all the ingredients we need to create the blank. All of them can be grown independently and assembled in your own garden. Of course, only such a preparation will be as useful and natural as possible. You can also purchase all products, but before further processing, they must be thoroughly washed, and it is better to leave them in cold water for a while.

    Pour the dill greens into a colander and rinse thoroughly in cold water, sorting out the branches with your hands so that they are all well washed. We leave the dill in the same colander until it dries completely, you can also decompose the greens in a dry and clean kitchen towel: this way it dries much faster. Grind dry and clean dill as shown in the photo. For okroshka, it is advisable to use only the thinnest branches, it is better to remove the stems.

    Cucumbers can be immersed in cold water for a while, changing it periodically. This process will make the vegetables even firmer and crisper. Washed cucumbers must be dried or simply rubbed paper towel... Next, you need to cut off the dense ends of each fruit, and also cut the cucumbers into small cubes.

    We also wash the ripe young radish in cold water, remove the tails and dense tops, then cut the fruits into small cubes to match the cucumbers.

    Onion feathers can be simply wiped off with a damp, clean cloth, then it must also be chopped finely enough into rings. In a deep bowl, combine all the chopped foods and mix them so that the pieces of ingredients are evenly distributed in the workpiece.

    Choose to store the workpieces clean, dry and preferably new. plastic bags, spread the prepared vegetables with herbs over them, remove the air and close carefully. On top of the bag, you can place a plate with an inscription about the composition of the freeze and the time of its creation..

    We send packages to the freezer, where they will be stored until use. Use frozen vegetables very simple: just pour boiling water over them for a while before starting cooking. Harvesting okroshka for the winter at home is completed.

    Bon Appetit!

Calorie content: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

They write about okroshka on the site from year to year, describing in detail all possible options for its preparation. But, despite the huge experience gained during all this time, the intransigence of okroshka fans still impresses us, discovering more and more new options for its preparation.
If earlier okroshka was cooked only in the summer period, now this one began to appear more and more often on cold days. But in order to save finances on cooking okroshka in winter period time and not wasted on expensive fresh cucumbers, wise housewives freeze their fruits for future use. It is this version of winter okroshka that I will tell you how to cook. After all, a frozen summer cucumber is still better than its tasteless greenhouse cousin, grown on what is unknown.
In addition, I want to note that for the preparation of such okroshka, you can use both frozen radish, and green onions and dill and parsley. If you have such products, then you can safely use them for this dish.

- boiled potatoes in uniforms - 5 pcs.,
- boiled chicken eggs- 5-6 pcs.,
- smoked chicken leg- 1 PC.,
- doctor's sausage- 300 grams,
- frozen fresh cucumbers - 5 pcs.,
- green onions - a bunch,
- frozen dill - 3 tablespoons,
- sour cream - 500 ml,
- mustard - 3 tablespoons,
- citric acid - to taste,
- salt to taste.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Cut the doctor's sausage into cubes of about 7-8 mm.

Wash the smoked chicken leg under running water and dry. Then remove the peel, it is not needed in the dish, separate the meat from the bones and cut it into small pieces. Do not throw away the remaining bones; you can cook broth from them, which can be used for stewing vegetables or cooking soup.

Peel and dice the chilled boiled chicken eggs.

Peel the chilled boiled potatoes and also cut into cubes. Cut all food to approximately the same size 7-8 mm.

Wash green onions, dry and chop finely.

Place all food in a 5 L saucepan. Add frozen fresh cucumbers and dill there, which you can not first defrost, they will thaw themselves in okroshka. Also add sour cream and mustard.

Pour all the food with drinking boiled chilled water, season the dish with salt and citric acid... Mix everything well and place in the refrigerator to cool for half an hour.

Then you can serve it to the table. But if you want to consume it immediately after cooking, you can put a few ice cubes in a plate for cooling.

The universal seasoning "Okroshka for the winter" is used not only for its intended purpose. Aromatic mixture can be added to salads and even sauces.

To prepare okroshka seasoning for the winter, you will need:

  • Cucumbers (you can also use overgrown vegetables) - 350-400g.
  • Horseradish - 200g.
  • Dill (not young, since the harder adult stems in the blanks are more aromatic) - 300g.
  • Salt - 150g.

Not all housewives know how to choose horseradish on the market. Choose a root crop that is clean, without signs of damage: spots, cut out damaged areas. Horseradish should be firm, but not dry, with a smooth, light surface and white flesh. The optimal length of ripe horseradish is 20-25 cm.

You can cook okroshka for the winter like this:

Peel and seed cucumbers if using overgrowths. Grate the pulp (coarse).

Grind horseradish root with a meat grinder. Many are afraid of a pungent smell. This can be easily avoided. At the outlet in the meat grinder, you need to put on a new, whole plastic bag. Fix the bag with a tight elastic band so that the smell does not spread. When the rhizome is twisted, you just have to remove the package with vigorous contents.

Horseradish in the workpiece is not only sharpness. It contains more vitamin C than lemon and kiwi. Grated horseradish in winter okroshka is an excellent natural remedy for the prevention of influenza and other viral infections. Naturopaths claim that just one spoonful a day grated horseradish- effective protection against harmful bacteria.

Chop the dill finely. In preparation for the winter fragrant greens will share his essential oils with horseradish and cucumbers.

Mix all okroshche components well and add salt. Store the seasoning in the refrigerator. In the preparation of okroshka or other dishes, you do not need to use salt, since the salinity of the mixture is sufficient. In winter, all you have to do is cut potatoes, eggs, meat or sausage, pour over everything with kvass, and add seasoning to taste.

Let the ready-made cold soup stand for 10 minutes, so that all the components contact with the kvass.

Delicious ideas

The union of horseradish, dill and cucumbers is a unique company. Add kvass - get the okroshka base, mix with tomato sauce- you get a spicy sauce for meat. Jellied piglet is ideally combined with such spiciness,