Minced meat for the doctor's sausage. Doctor's sausage recipe according to GOST

03.05.2020 Healthy eating

Well, we are ripe for the classics. Should we not aim at GOSTs? After some deliberation, I realized that you can still risk an ancient food processor and try to break the usual recipe of the Doctor's GOST 1946 on 2 knives of the combine.
In general, it turned out well. Surprisingly - very tasty! And organoleptic - very close to the original. I set a solid 4 for myself for this recipe.It can be finished by 5, but here you need equipment (cutter or emulsifier), which I do not have at home.
In general, I think so that making homemade Doctor's boiled sausage is successful - it's like an initiation into real sausages.

Top grade beef (back without veins) - 0.5 kg, minced meat on a wire rack 3 mm;
Low-fat pork (without veins) - 1.5 kg, minced meat on a wire rack 3 mm;
Fat pork (flank, brisket) - 1.2 kg, minced meat on a wire rack 3 mm;
Ice water - 0.3 l;
Nitrine salt - 65 g;
Sugar - 10 gr;
Ground allspice - 6 gr. Precisely fragrant, because it opens up to 4 notes in the sausage. According to GOST - cardamom or nutmeg is put. but I didn't have them at hand.

Scroll all 3 types of meat in a meat grinder through a 3 mm grill.

First, beat the beef with half of all the water and salt in a blender until a thin suspension. Then, add lean and fatty pork, sugar and spices, and the rest of the ice water. Beat until smooth. We take into account that the minced meat will thicken in 1-2 minutes after grinding, so we pause for 30-40 seconds in work to allow the weak blender engine to cool down.

Minced meat - in the photo. It can be seen that some of the veins were not broken with knives, but this is not critical, because we have a home "Doktorskaya".

Next, we knock out the stuffing mass into a polyamide casing. The most convenient way to stuff sausages is to use a special attachment for a meat grinder (available in the assortment among the products "Em Sausages").
We tie the ends with sausage chapagat (there are 2 types of “Em Sausages” products - jute and cotton), trying to maximally compact the “loaf” of sausage.
We put the "loaves" in hot water (35-40 0 С) for 15 minutes for uniform heating, this measure is to reduce the number of pores in the finished product.
Cook the sausage at 80 0 С for 40 minutes. Ready! The pores (small holes) on the cut of the loaf will be visible - this is a given, it is almost impossible to avoid this at home. The pores in the industry are removed with a special vacuum filler during filling.

I knitted it with ordinary sausage loops. A little later I will post a video on knitting sausage. You can simply tie knots at the ends, only tighten the loaf harder when knitting. The polyamide casing is the most durable, in production the usual way to test the strength of clips is when a clipped loaf is placed on the floor and an adult stands on it.

We live in a time when natural materials are dwindling. Unfortunately, this also applies to food.

Industrial production is so fond of a variety of additives, dyes and substitutes that it absolutely does not hurt to learn how to prepare some of your favorite products at home, for example, doctor's sausage. At first glance, this may seem too complicated. But modern kitchen appliances will help here. It is powerful enough and equipped with a variety of devices that will simplify and speed up the technological process. Therefore, cooking doctor's homemade sausage in time and complexity does not differ from working on other homemade dishes.

Such a product is guaranteed to contain only high-quality meat, and not its waste.

In the doctor's homemade sausage, there are no various flavor enhancers, impurities, dyes. It lives up to its name, because it is perfectly absorbed by the body and supplies it with the necessary proteins and fills it with energy.

Homemade doctor's sausage - general cooking principles

Cooking doctor's homemade sausages begins with the choice of meat. It must be completely fresh or chilled.

Young meat is best suited. Therefore, do not choose pieces that are too dark in color. This is probably the meat of an elderly animal. But an overly light shade should also protect you from buying, since it may be the result of the use of hormonal drugs.

The composition of the doctor's homemade sausage includes pork and beef.

Choose bold pork. Neck and underwings will do.

The fat content of pork should be about 40%. If the meat is bought in a store, then this indicator is written on the label.

The beef is selected without fat. It should be the pulp.

Chill the meat immediately before cooking the sausage. Then it is easier to cut and mince it. The meat should be not just chilled, but slightly frozen. Its optimum temperature is from 0 to -2 degrees.

Cardamom, nutmeg, salt and sugar are added to the doctor's homemade sausage. As a rule, it consists of 99% meat and 1% spices. Compulsory components of sausages should be milk (fresh or dry) and eggs. But since the product is homemade, you can dream up with spices and other ingredients. The main thing is to have more real and high-quality meat.

In addition to food you will need:

large-volume dishes, for example, five liters;

sausage casing.

The process of making a doctor's homemade sausage consists of several stages.

1. Cooking minced meat. The meat must be minced twice or three times, choosing the grill with the smallest holes.

2. Formation of the meat mixture. All spices, eggs, milk or ice are added to the minced meat. Everything is processed with a blender until a pasty mass is obtained. Then it is left in the refrigerator for an hour.

3. Preparing sausage casings. The most commonly used are of two types:

  • artificial: collagen, protein shell. It is sold in the form of 15 m long sleeves. You need to rewind the required amount (30-35 cm), cut off, soak in warm salted water (a tablespoon of salt per liter of water). Hold for a couple of minutes and rinse. Put on the sausage stuffer.
  • natural - pork casings. They need to be rinsed very well in brine and dried before filling.

The end of the shell must be tightly tied with cotton twine, stepping back from the edge by two centimeters.

In some recipes, the shell can be:

Baking bag;

Baking and food paper;

Foil and plastic bags.

4. Stuffing sausages. The sausage casings are carefully filled and secured with twine on the other side. The resulting loaf can be tied in two more places.

5. Cooking the doctor's homemade sausage. This process takes place in a saucepan, the diameter of which should be greater than the length of the sausage loaf. The water heats up to 70-75 degrees. It is impossible to cook the sausage in hotter water, since the meat protein curls up at 45-50 degrees, and then the product is pasteurized. The most important thing in technology is the state of the protein. If it overheats, then the product will not work.

The cooking time is about an hour.

6. Cooling the sausage loaf. A hot loaf of sausage is dipped under cold water for a few seconds. It is then cooled to room temperature and sent to the refrigerator for at least six hours.

You can make sandwiches from homemade doctor's sausage, fry it, add it to salads.

1. Homemade Doctor's Sausage Original

The cooked product is soft and delicate in taste. Quality meat ensures the health and satiety of a sausage sandwich.

0.700 kg of semi-fat pork meat.

0.250 kg of beef pulp.

0.200 liters of cold milk.

One teaspoon of sugar.

20 grams of table salt.

... ½ teaspoon of ground cardamom.

Three tbsp. tablespoons of beet juice.

Turn the chopped pieces of meat into minced meat. Transfer it to a blender. Add sugar, salt and cardamom. Pour in almost a glass of cold milk and beat in an egg.

Turn on the blender and emulsify the mixture. It will take about three to four minutes.

Add beet juice for color.

Stuff the pork casings with emulsion. To do this, you can use a special attachment on the meat grinder.

Tie the prepared semi-finished product with twine along and tie on both sides.

Cook in water heated to 70 degrees for about an hour.

2. Doctor's homemade sausage for sandwiches

A delicious and appetizing sandwich is prepared from the sausage. You just need to put a small piece of it on fresh bread, and put a ring of tomato and cucumber on top.

700 grams of pork neck.

250 grams of beef.

One teaspoon of sugar.

20 grams of kitchen salt.

1/2 teaspoon of nutmeg.

A pinch of coriander.

Four ice cubes.

We pass the meat pieces through a meat grinder three times. Salt, add sugar and beat in an egg. Rub the nutmeg. Add ice, sprinkle with coriander. Stir until the ice dissolves. We leave for an hour.

We turn the minced meat into a pasty mass using a blender.

We spread it on parchment and form a sausage. We press the paper to the minced meat so that the excess air leaves. For this, you can hit the sausage blank on the table. We wrap and twist the edges of the paper.

We wrap the sausage blank with food wrap five or six times so that water does not penetrate inside. We tie it with twine. We cook for an hour in water of 70 degrees.

We leave in a cold place to cool the sausage completely.

3. Doctoral homemade sausage in Argentinean style

The recipe contains saltpeter, which preserves the pink color of the sausage. But thanks to the premium meat, aromatic spices and seasonings, the finished product is aromatic and tasty.

1100 grams of bold pork.

400 grams of beef pulp.

One teaspoon of sugar.

30 grams of kitchen salt.

0.5 teaspoon of cardamom.

Three garlic cloves.

4 grams of Chilean nitrate.

Two tbsp. spoons of milk powder and seasoning for sausages.

Two teaspoons of black pepper.

Seven ice cubes.

Grind the meat twice, cut into small pieces. Bring to a pasty state in a blender.

Season with salt, add sugar, saltpeter, chopped garlic and an egg. Sprinkle with sausage seasoning and black pepper.

Pour grated nutmeg on top.

Place pieces of ice on the minced meat.

Add milk powder. Stir everything well until the ice melts and the minced meat turns into a paste.

Put the resulting mass in the refrigerator for an hour.

Prepare the collagen casing for the sausages and fill it with meat paste. Tie with twine on both sides.

Pierce the finished sausage blank in several places with a needle so that air bubbles come out.

Cook in the usual way in hot water.

The sausage should cool down, and then lie in the refrigerator for eight hours.

4. Homemade doctor's sausage with cream

The cream gives the sausage an airy and delicate taste. Instead of the usual spices, pepper was added to the product, which made it moderately spicy.

350 grams of bold pork.

150 grams of beef pulp.

Clove of garlic.

200 ml of cream.

30 ml of beet juice.

Two pinches of pepper and salt mixture.

Grind pieces of pork and beef in a blender. Add the protein of two eggs and continue beating.

Pour in the cream and squeeze out the garlic. Add beet juice. Pepper and salt. Beat for another two minutes.

Put the finished meat paste on the foil folded in half and wrap it up. We twist and cut off the excess on the sides. In appearance, the sausage blank looks like a big candy.

We tie it with twine in two places and put it first in one plastic bag, then in the second. We press to release the air, and we send to cook.

Cool the finished sausage and send it to the refrigerator for six hours.

5. Doctoral homemade Scottish sausage

The whiskey present in the sausage did not affect its strength, but only retained the delicate pink color of the meat.

0.200 kg of the highest grade of beef.

0.500 kg of lean pork.

0.200 kg of fatty pork.

0.150 kg of ice water.

Art. a spoonful of sea salt.

One teaspoon of sugar sand.

Two pinches of black pepper.

30 grams of whiskey.

We prepare minced meat separately from each type of meat. We place it in different vessels.

We put the beef in a blender, add half of the water, salt and turn into a suspension.

Then we put in all the pork, both fatty and low-fat. Add sugar, pepper, ice and the rest of the water. Pour in whiskey. Beat until a paste-like and homogeneous mass is obtained.

We cool it down and we can make sandwiches.

  • Beet juice tarnishes during cooking, no matter how much you add it. Therefore, in order for the sausage to be pink, you can pour two tablespoons of vodka or high-quality cognac into the minced meat.
  • The casing should not be stuffed very tightly so that it does not burst during the cooking process.
  • The temperature of the minced meat during cooking should not rise above 12 degrees. To maintain this temperature, ice cubes or cold milk are added.
  • The taste of the finished product depends on the quality of the minced meat. The more tender, homogeneous and fluffy it is, the tastier, juicier and softer the sausage will be.
  • In order not to overheat the water for cooking the sausage, you need to watch out: when it heats up to the required 70-75 degrees, the first bubbles begin to rise from the bottom of the pan.
  • You can do it differently: boil water and turn off the stove. Load the sausage in a minute and wait half a minute. Then start the stove and set the fire to minimum.
  • Doctor's homemade sausage should be stored at a temperature of less than eight degrees and no more than two days.
  • The thicker the sausage loaf, the longer it will take to cook. Therefore, its optimal diameter is 40-42 cm.
  • The difference between homemade doctor's sausage and store sausage is that it contains only natural meat and 0% chemical additives.

In just less than an hour, you can cook delicious, aromatic, and most importantly really high-quality and healthy doctor's sausage at home. It includes only natural products and spices. You can be sure that it is free of all flavor enhancers, dyes and impurities. After preparing such a sausage, it can be used for sandwiches, pizza, scrambled eggs, salads and many other dishes.

The main secret of a doctor's sausage recipe at home is to make tender minced meat. To do this, it must be passed through a meat grinder several times, and then chopped with a blender. Then the sausage will be homogeneous, and the taste is softer and better.

Doctor's sausage by state standards

In fact, according to GOST, the doctor's sausage is a very high-quality and healthy product, the main ingredients of which are meat and spices. But nowadays, most manufacturers are trying to reduce production costs while reducing quality. From this, in the products previously respected and loved by the people, all sorts of not too tasty and healthy additives appear. We invite you to return to the good old traditions.

For cooking we need:

  • bold pork - 650 g;
  • beef - 250 g;
  • intestines - 50 g;
  • milk - 200 ml;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • salt - 2 g;
  • sugar - 2 g;
  • ground cardamom - 1 g

Milk can be substituted for 100 g of cream. We also recommend adding one teaspoon of ground black pepper or coriander to the minced meat in addition to cardamom, this will add brightness to the taste.

Step-by-step recipe for boiled sausage at home

We prepare minced meat for homemade sausage:

  1. We wash the meat under running water. Grind pork first, and then beef through a meat grinder.
  2. Stir the meat and twist it again through a fine grate in a meat grinder.
  3. Now add salt and sugar and mix thoroughly.
  4. We break the egg and knead it into the minced meat.
  5. Sprinkle with cardamom and black pepper.
  6. Add milk or cream as you wish. Cream will make the doctor's sausage more tender. Mix the minced meat with your hands.
  7. Beat the resulting mass thoroughly with a blender or food processor until completely homogeneous.
  8. We put the resulting mixture in the refrigerator for an hour.


Don't worry about the color of the sausage, it will turn out differently from the store. This is because you don't use dyes. But if you still want to give the sausage a pink color, you can add 2 tablespoons of high quality vodka or cognac to the minced meat.

Stuffing doctor's sausage at home

When the minced meat is ready, you can start preparing the shell and filling it:

  1. You can take a 30 cm wide baking sleeve.If you want to use a natural casing for the doctor's sausage, it must be cut into equal pieces 25-30 cm long.
  2. After that, we rinse it in warm, slightly salted water, or even soak it for a short time so that it softens.
  3. On one side, stepping back a couple of centimeters from the edge, we tie the shell with cotton thread.
  4. We put on a special attachment on the meat grinder and use it to fill the shell with minced meat. We press the sausages tightly with our hands and do not stuff it too tightly so that they do not burst during cooking.
  5. When the shell is completely filled, we also tie a knot on the other side.
  6. Thus, you can make the number of sausages you need.

Making homemade boiled sausages:

  1. Cook the sausage in salted water for about an hour. The water should be on the verge of boiling, 80-85 degrees.
  2. Immediately after cooking, it must be cooled under cold water for a few seconds.
  3. Then it cools down a little more at room temperature, after which we put the sausages in the refrigerator for several hours to fully cook.
  4. You can store your homemade doctor's sausage for three days.

Alternative version of the doctor's sausage

This recipe uses only pork and more spices.

List of required ingredients:

  • pork - 1 kg;
  • onion - 1 pc .;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • gelatin - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • ground black pepper - 0.5 tsp;
  • nutmeg - 1 tbsp l .;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • semolina - 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. We wash the meat and cut off the films and veins. Cut into pieces.
  2. Peel the onion, rinse and cut into cubes, chop the garlic.
  3. Grind in a blender with onions and garlic until smooth.
  4. Then we drive in an egg and mix. Sprinkle with seasonings, semolina and add sunflower oil with gelatin.
  5. Beat again with a blender.
  6. Put the resulting minced meat in a bag or baking sleeve and roll it up. Tie the edges with a cotton rope.
  7. Cook for two hours over low heat after boiling.
  8. Cool it in the refrigerator - you can eat the sausage.

Bon Appetit!

Doctor's sausage recipe from 1936 and to this day remains a favorite delicacy for many. Diet sausage contains vitamins and minerals necessary for a healthy and fulfilling life.


  • Premium beef without veins - 250 g;
  • Semi-fat pork shoulder - 750 g;
  • Table salt - 10 g;
  • Whole cow's milk - 200 ml;
  • Sugar - 1 g;
  • Seasoning for boiled sausage Doctor's - 3 g or spices: ground nutmeg - 1 g, ground cardamom - 0.5 g;
  • Collagen casing of 65 mm caliber or collagen casing of any other caliber;


  • Meat grinder attachment or sausage syringe

Set for Doctor's Sausage


1. Pass the meat through a fine wire rack 2 times, do not allow the minced meat to heat above 12 ° C (cooling in refrigerators after each time).

2. Mix all the spices, sugar and add to the minced meat. Mix the minced meat thoroughly, then put it in the refrigerator for 6-12 hours.

3. Beat the minced meat with a blender until sticky, adding ice milk, not allowing the minced meat to heat up.

4. Soak the collagen casing (caliber 45, 55, 65, 80, 100 mm) in warm water (37-40 ° С) for 5-10 minutes. For Doctor's sausage, other casings can be used as desired.

5. Fill the loaves with the prepared minced meat using a sausage syringe or a meat grinder attachment and you can proceed to heat treatment.

6. Heat treatment:

6.1. Fry in the oven at 90 ° C for 20-30 minutes.

6.2. In a saucepan, heat the water to 80 ° C and dip the sausage bars into the pan, the water should not boil. Insert a thermometer into one of the sausage loaves. Cook until the temperature inside the loaf reaches 69-70ºС. As soon as the temperature inside the loaf is reached, take it out and cool it with cold water.

7. After cooling, put in the refrigerator for 12 hours to ripen.

Cooked sausage "Doctor's" at home

Sausage "Doktorskaya" is probably the most popular cooked sausage in the USSR and in the post-Soviet space. This sausage was loved by people of all social and age categories. The food industry of the USSR is closely related to the name of Anastas Mikoyan. Since 1926, he was appointed People's Commissar (People's Commissar) of foreign and domestic trade of the USSR, then in 1930 the People's Commissariat was divided into the People's Commissariat for Foreign Trade and the People's Commissariat for Supply. In 1934, the People's Commissariat for Supply was divided into the People's Commissariat for Internal Trade and the People's Commissariat for the Food Industry, the latter being headed by A. Mikoyan. In this position in 1936, he visited the United States to learn about the latest technology in the food industry. As a result of A. Mikoyan's activity at the post of People's Commissar, in 1931, the First Moscow Sausage Factory Meat Processing Plant was laid down and launched on December 31, 1933. A year later, the meat-packing plant was named after the People's Commissar Mikoyan. Now it is ZAO Mikoyanovsky Meat Processing Plant.

In parallel with the work on establishing the food industry in the USSR, work was actively carried out to create recipes and technological documentation for the production of Soviet sausages. This was the responsibility of the All-Russian Research Institute of the Meat Industry, founded in 1930. One of the first was the boiled sausage "Doktorskaya". The first documentary publication of the recipe for "Doctor's" sausage was in the illustrated album "Sausages and Smoked Meat", Pishchepromizdat, Moscow-Leningrad, 1938, compiled by A.G. Konnikov. This album was intended for the engineering and technical staff of sausage enterprises and shops selling sausages and meat smoked meats. It was this album that formed the basis for GOST 3324-46 “Boiled sausages. Technical conditions ”, and GOST 3324-46 became the state standard for the production of cooked sausages. The Doktorskaya sausage recipe was developed as a recipe for a dietary food with a low fat content. This sausage was intended as a dietary (therapeutic) food for patients with somatic signs of the consequences of prolonged starvation (specifically - "... patients with compromised health as a result of the Civil War"). The production of Doktorskaya sausage began in 1936 at the Moscow Meat Processing Plant named after A. I. Mikoyan ".

To this day, "Doctor's" sausage is popular and loved. But over time, the old, time-tested, still Soviet GOSTs were simplified and replaced by new ones, in which, under the influence of modern economic conditions, production technologies changed, and not always for the better. The quality of the favorite sausage was falling, and at one "fine" moment the understanding came to the buyers that this was far from the sausage loved since childhood. Good sausage is still being produced, but not everyone can distinguish it from cheap "analogs", and the point is not even the price of the sausage.

But if there is a desire, then a good and even excellent boiled sausage can be made at home. I will not say that it is quite simple, but it is quite possible. In this article we will tell you how to cook boiled "Doctor's" sausage using the simplest tools that every home cook probably has (meat grinder, refrigerator, gas (or electric) stove with oven, mixer, double boiler). Perhaps you even have a sausage syringe (you will need it), but if not, then the issue is solved with a very small amount of money (500-600 rubles) and the purchase of a simple plastic one. Despite its toy-like appearance, it is a very handy tool for the home sausage maker. Easy to use (one person can handle stuffing sausages without any problems), especially good for stuffing lamb and thin pork belly, easy to clean after use, takes up very little space when disassembled. As Dr. Bykov (TV series "Interns") said, "Not a patient, but just a souvenir!"

You will also need a sausage casing. There is a wide choice here - from natural casings (beef bladders, pork bladders) to synthetic (collagen, polyamide, polymer, etc.). I prefer pork bladders most of all. Sufficiently capacious - 800-1500 g, very strong (collagen casings can burst during cooking), a neat round shape of the finished sausage - a kind of almost regular-shaped balls. By the way, in the same Soviet ever-memorable GOST 3324-46, pork bladders are recommended as casings, and in the Sausages and Smoked Meat album, only they are mentioned as casings.

Also, of course, you need meat (beef and pork). The meat should be good, preferably with a minimum of veins and any cartilage and connective tissue, not windy. Good natural color, no unpleasant odor. The best, of course, is a farm one, but it is also quite suitable in a vacuum package.

And, of course, spices and condiments. You can collect everything you need yourself - nitrite salt, sugar, ground cardamom (or nutmeg), eggs and milk. Or you don't have to "take a steam bath" and buy a ready-made mixture. When making homemade boiled sausages, in addition to nitrite salt, it is also recommended to use phosphates. Around these two components are incessant disputes between supporters and opponents. A certain part of sausages believes that homemade sausages should not contain these chemical compounds (and, by the way, others - dextrose / glucose, maltodextrin, dry egg melange, milk powder, ascorbic acid), since home production using "all kinds of E-additives" loses its meaning. It's easier to buy in a store and not get your hands and dishes dirty. Supporters, on the other hand, perceive "chemistry" quite loyally and with understanding. Well, to begin with, dextrose / glucose, maltodextrin, dry melange, milk powder and ascorbic acid are natural products. Dry melange and milk are freeze-dried products made from natural raw materials. Dextrose (aka glucose) and maltodextrin, despite their “chemical” and “pharmacy” names, are also natural products, except that they are a product of sugar processing. Well, ascorbic acid - and so it is clear, however, it can be synthesized artificially. Nitrite salt and phosphates remained. It is really possible not to use nitrite salt in boiled sausages, since its main purpose is antimicrobial action against microorganisms of botulism, salmonella, staphylococcus and partial suppression of the development of toxigenic molds. But since the sausage undergoes heat treatment, the boiled sausage is a lot from nitrite salt - it is its ability to give the finished meat products a pink "meat" color and a "ham" taste. If you do not use nitrite salt, then boiled sausage (or sausages / wieners) will not have pink color on the cut, but gray, which, in my opinion, is at least not appetizing. Opponents of "chemistry" color their homemade sausages with fermented red rice or beetroot juice. Well, there were phosphates. In my opinion, this is a necessary substance for a modern home sausage maker. Of course, this point of view is not the ultimate truth, everyone makes their own choice. This chemical compound is primarily a moisture- and fat-binding agent and is necessary to prevent the formation of broth-fat edema during sausage cooking. Even experienced sausages are not immune from this incident (if they do not use phosphates), since this phenomenon depends on many components - starting from the experience of sausage, as well as a number of meat properties that are not visible to the eye, which negatively affect the quality of the sausage, until compliance, albeit not very complex technological processes. The edema does not affect the taste of the finished sausage, except that the sausage will turn out drier, and the liquid will ooze if the sausage casing is broken, and the presentable appearance of such a sausage is extremely low. With the use of phosphates, you can hardly worry about swelling, sausages (sausages, small sausages) will turn out juicy, tender, with good color and aroma. And finally, phosphates prevent microbial growth and oxidative processes during the storage of finished products. In general, everything is good in moderation.
By the way, the shelf life of cooked sausages in accordance with GOST 23670-79 was only 72 hours. And finally - homemade boiled sausages are really not stored for a long time, literally 5-7 days, so there is no need to cook such sausages "in reserve".
We will assume that everything we need is available.

We need(for about 1100 g of cooked sausage):

  • lean beef (trimmed) - 250 g,
  • semi-fat pork (no more than 30% fat, trimmed) - 700 g (or lean pork (ham) 500 g + spine fat 200 g),
  • (as an option, a mixture of nitrite salt and sodium chloride 50% x50%) - 21 g,
  • - 1 package (32 g),
  • dried pork bladder with a capacity of up to 1.5 kg - 1 pc.,
  • ice (very cold) water or crushed ice - 200-250 ml.

By the way, more recently, household cutters have become available for sale at a cost of approximately 3,500-4,000 rubles. together with delivery. Of course, our Chinese friends offered this device to the market, and this tool can be purchased on the well-known Chinese resource with delivery to Russia. In terms of its functionality, it can replace a cutter and a stirrer (planetary mixer).
I repeat, this recipe is for making boiled Doktorskaya sausage at home using improvised means (an ordinary meat grinder, stove with oven, mixer), i.e. without cutter, tabletop planetary mixer and other devices. I cannot call the finished result GOST sausage, and not because it turned out worse. The sausage is very tasty, the color and smell match, the texture is elastic. But, nevertheless, there are, of course, differences, albeit minor ones. But I think this article will be of interest to novice sausages, and primarily to those who have not yet had time to spend 50,000 or even more rubles on equipment for cooking their favorite sausages at home.

Meat for minced meat is first veined (remove veins, cartilages, etc.).

Using a sharp knife, carefully cut the veins out of the pieces of meat. Pry the edge of the vein with a knife and, keeping the knife blade parallel to the vein, make short back and forth movements with the knife blade, like a saw, and separate the meat from the vein. Cut off pork fat too.

Then place the trimmed meat and lard in the freezer for freezing. The meat should be very cool, but not freeze into a "stone". Cut the frozen meat into small pieces, in this form it will be convenient to pass it through a meat grinder.

Next, grind the chilled meat through a meat grinder on a grid with the largest cell, most likely it will be a standard cell of 5-6 mm. Fold the minced meat into a container of a suitable size and add the curing mixture (nitrite salt or a mixture of nitrite salt and sodium chloride 50% x50%).

Stir the minced meat until a more or less homogeneous mass is obtained and the salt is evenly distributed. Cover the container with a lid or cling film and put it in the refrigerator to ripen the minced meat at a temperature of 2-4 ° C for 48-72 hours. This temperature is given by refrigerators in the "zero zone".

After the allotted time, the minced meat is "ripe" and is ready for further processing. Above, it darkened, but inside it became redder.

We pass the marinated minced meat through a meat grinder, you can a couple of times. Only, the main thing is not to get carried away, the temperature of the minced meat should not rise more than + 14⁰С. Minced meat after running through a meat grinder can be placed in the freezer for now.

Now it's the turn of the lard. We take out the bacon from the refrigerator and drive it through a meat grinder.

And now comes the most difficult moment - the formation of minced meat for the sausage. We take the minced meat out of the freezer, drive it together with the bacon through the meat grinder again. Then we shift the minced meat into a high, suitable for the volume container, add the FSBN seasoning for boiled sausage “Doktorskaya” (1 package is designed for 1 kg of minced meat). This seasoning already contains all the necessary components for boiled Doktorskaya sausage - dry egg melange, milk powder, natural spices and a phosphate composition, and the FSBN abbreviation indicates that this particular functional mixture contains no nitrite salt. Next, we begin to mix the minced meat with the seasoning (functional mixture) until it dissolves in the minced meat, first with our hands. Although the minced meat is cold, the seasoning will quickly mix with the minced meat, literally in 1 minute of stirring. Then we begin to add ice (very cold) water or crushed ice to the minced meat in parts, according to the recipe it is 200-250 ml. Mix the minced meat with water with a mixer, first with spiral nozzles for thick dough until all the water is completely absorbed. Then we change the nozzles on the mixer to the nozzles for beating and continue to mix the mass at low speed, while monitoring the temperature of the minced meat. You should get a pasty sticky mass of pale pink color. This is probably the most difficult process in the preparation of "Doctor's" sausage without the use of a cutter and tabletop planetary mixer. During mixing, you need to ensure that the temperature of the minced meat does not exceed + 14⁰С. If this does happen, you need to place the container with minced meat in the freezer for 30 minutes.

Since we decided to use a pork bladder to prepare boiled "Doctor's" sausage (and it is supplied in dried form), it must be soaked in advance, for 2 hours or more, changing the water every 30 minutes. The dried bladder will soak, regain its former elasticity and firmness, and at the same time get rid of the characteristic odor. After all, it's a bladder. So, the prepared bubble remains to be filled with minced meat. And this is where we need a sausage syringe. Whoever has it - we take it and use it according to the instructions. But whoever does not have it - it would be nice to worry in advance and buy. As I said above, a great help for a home sausage maker is a mini-syringe, cheap and cheerful, and also convenient. A great thing, unless, of course, you are engaged in the production of sausages in excess of your home needs. You do not need to fill the bubble with minced meat to the top. It is necessary to leave a place for tying the neck so that there is little space left inside. When cooking sausages, the minced meat will increase in volume.

We tie the neck of the bubble tightly with twine and make a loop so that you can hang the filled bubble.

We hang the bubble on the sediment by the loop at a temperature of + 2-4 ° C for 16-24 hours. I have a refrigerator for this. I had to make room.

And finally, heat treatment. First, roast. Modern stoves with electric ovens are perfect for this. In many ovens, the heating regulator starts from + 50⁰C - that's what you need. Also, if you have a mini electric oven at home. They, however, have a heating regulator starting from + 100⁰С. Well, that's not a problem either. We set the heating to a minimum and slightly open the door. You need to fry the filled bubble for 90-100 minutes at a temperature inside the oven of 90-100⁰С. The temperature inside the bubble should be 40-50⁰С (when the temperature inside the bubble reaches this level, the heat treatment in the oven can be considered complete). How to measure the temperature inside? Meat thermometer. Don't have a thermometer? You may not need to measure it, but this is not the whole heat treatment. The main task of frying is to form the top layer of the future sausage, and not to bring the meat to full readiness. At this stage, coagulation of minced meat proteins occurs and the formation of a "protein skin" or crust. The fried bubble should have a completely dry, reddened surface.

Well, and the final stage of heat treatment is cooking sausage. I solved the problem of cooking very simply - I boiled the bubble in an electric cooker. A great option. Place the bubble in the container of a double boiler, cover with a lid, set for 1 hour and 20 minutes and that's it. During this time, the temperature inside the bubble reaches the required 68-70⁰С, and this fact indicates that the sausage is ready, i.e. cooked. What we need. Turn off the double boiler, open the lid and let the ball cool slightly.

Then for 10 minutes we bathe the ball in very cold running water from the tap, after that we catch the ball out of the water, carefully wipe it dry with a towel and leave it to dry for 2 hours at room temperature. Then we put it in the refrigerator overnight at a temperature of + 2-4 ° C. And the next day ……. Let's try.