How to remove bones from a chicken without cutting. How to remove bones from chicken

01.11.2019 Fish dishes

The good thing is that now it takes less time to cut, the pieces have become neater, the breast is obtained as a separate whole piece, much less physical effort when cutting.

So I decided to write an article with detailed instructions for beginners, so that they start right away right away and don't have to relearn later 😉, and not only for beginners. Probably a lot of housewives butcher the chicken as they are used to, do not think about how to make this process more convenient and faster.

What is required

  • whole chicken
  • sharp knife
  • cutting board


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How to properly cut a chicken step by step photo

1. By butchering the chicken in this way, we get 8 pieces. The first step, of course, is to wash it thoroughly, dry it slightly with a towel.

2. First we get the chicken legs. Put the carcass on the board, back down, take it by the leg and pull it in the opposite direction from the carcass, cut the skin.

3 We hold on to the leg and thigh with one hand - the other - for the carcass. We begin to separate, for this, we tear the thigh from the carcass, turning it slightly upward. The joints should separate - the femur should come out of the joint.

4. The joints are no longer connected, so now you can easily cut off the leg with the thigh, make an incision, twisting the thigh and turning the carcass on the back, breast up. We finish separating the leg, cut to the tail.

5. Cut off the second leg in the same way. Now we will separate the wings. We determine by touch where the shoulder joint is located, which connects the wing to the carcass, cut along the joint.

6. It remains to separate the breast from the back. Take a close look at the photo, it shows the direction in which you should cut.

The direction can be determined by the white fat line, they are connected by ribs and cartilage, it is easy to cut them. We cut strictly in the indicated direction in order to divide correctly.

7. We cut off the breast only on one side, we cut on the other.

8. This was the most difficult moment for me. But he is already over, we are glad if everything worked out well for us and we are not upset, if not very much. ;-). Everyone knows that in any business you need to fill your hand, the next time it will turn out for sure!

In the middle of the breast, along its entire length, there is a cartilage on the bone, you need to take it out. Slightly cut the upper part of the breast, where there are two bones, cut just between these bones until we come across a bone from the cartilage, which has a dark color.

9. To pull out a bone with cartilage, you need to pry on this bone with your thumbs, for this we begin to break the breast into two parts, making slight efforts, push the bone up and push our fingers under it.

11. We got the cartilage from chicken meat almost completely, it is kept only on the bone and a little in the middle. We take hold of the cartilaginous bone and carefully, but with an effort, pull it, after it the cartilage will be removed.

12. We removed the cartilage bone and the cartilage itself.

01.01.2018 1 024 0 ElishevaAdmin

Meat and poultry dishes

There is a technology for cutting chicken that has been proven over the years, that is, separating the chicken from the bones. There are also options there, which vary depending on what kind of dish is supposed to be prepared.

But here's a new approach to the question: butcher the chicken in such a way that it retains its original shape, while losing most of the bones.

Or all of them - then you can make a roll out of it, simply by rolling it entirely. You can cook a dish from such a boneless chicken using the chicken-tobacco method, it will turn out just great. Or cook in a vacuum, sous-vide, or any other way. Whichever method of cooking you choose, the dish will turn out to be much tastier and more interesting if the bones are removed.

So, let's try to butcher the chicken, leaving a minimum of bones in it. For work you need a knife, small but sharp. This is the main tool of labor, fingers will help it. At some moments you will have to use a hatchet or a heavy knife.

We prepare tools, a cutting board and a plate where we will put the bones. Then you can cook broth from them or make a sauce.

1. Put the chicken carcass on a cutting board upside down, take a sharp knife and make cuts along the spine, on both sides. Use our fingers to remove it, cut it off at the ends, and transfer it to a plate.

2. Turn the carcass over on its back, put our fingers inside and feel for the Y-shaped bone. It is called the thymus and connects the chicken shoulders to the sternum, that is, the upper part of the wings. The fork bone must be cut with a knife at the ends and removed.

3. Again we put the carcass with its back up, turning it over, and we begin to get close to the sternum. First of all, we cut the ribs on both sides of the carcass, then we separate the keel. It divides the breast in the middle and stows away relatively easily. There are no problems with ribs either.

4. Trim the meat around the sternum, wielding a small knife, and bend the sternum itself up. Cartilage is held at the junction with the bones of the shoulders. This cartilage needs to be cut, and a heavy knife will come in handy here.

5. When the role of cartilage is neutralized, the sternum is held only by the meat, where it has not yet been trimmed. We cut it, and the sternum goes on a plate to the spine.

6. Bones remained only in the limbs - wings and legs. Let's work on the hips and feel the thigh bone with our fingers. It is attached to the spine, short and rather thin in size - the lower leg is much larger.

7. Using our fingers, try to move the meat off the bone so that it remains within the frame of the carcass, and cut out the thigh bone with a sharp knife - one, then the second.

8. We simply cut off the ends of the wings, this can be done at any time of cutting, even now, at the end, even at the very beginning.

Now let's look at what happened: the bones of the lower leg remain in the legs, the upper parts of the wings are the bones of the humerus, radius and ulnar. And that's all.

If you prepare a chicken carcass for a roll, then you should remove them as well. But you can just spread the chicken along the bottom of the pan and fry it. The meat will be almost one layer everywhere, it will be fried evenly, and then, when it is cooked, it will be easy to cut into portions.

9. The carcass is just ready to be roasted in the style of a tobacco chicken, as it was said at the beginning. It will turn out just wonderful!

Photo source: Alexey Onegin, site


For myself, I divide the separation of the skeleton in a chicken into two ways: open and closed.

Closed for stuffing a poultry carcass.

Open for making rolls, and also for stuffing.

Open way

You can cut the skin along the breast and back. But I advise on the back.

If you start separating from the breast, there is a risk of tearing the skin when separating from the back bone. It is too close there to the vertebral bone.

Using a knife, carefully begin to separate the meat and skin from the skeleton. We start from the bottom (tail). Expose one side to the junction of the femur with the skeleton.

With our hands we break off (if necessary, helping ourselves with a knife) the femur and ischial bone. And we continue to cut the meat from the costal part to the end. Having reached the wings, we also break them off. This is how the chicken should look like after these steps.

Now we will deal with the leg and thigh. Cutting the meat and veins in a circle, we release the thigh bone.

Without breaking off the femur, we continue to peel the meat from the bone of the leg up to the joint.

We gradually remove the meat with the skin in a "stocking". Having reached the lower joint, we cut it.

We turn the leg out and repeat all the above steps on the other side.

Having finished with the help of scissors, cut off the ribs. It remains for us to remove the keel part of the skeleton and the fork-shaped bone.

By pruning, we release the fillet from the keel. We also do the fork-shaped bone.

Removing the bones from the wings is quite time consuming and inconvenient. If the carcass will be used for a roll, just cut out the wings.
As a result, we get the following result.

This video shows another view of the separation of the skeleton.

Closed way

We start from the place of evisceration. We cut the tail at the joints (do not cut it off), and by cutting the meat we expose the ischial bone.

We continue to trim and gently twisting the skin and meat until we reach the junction of the thigh with the skeleton. Using a knife, separate the legs at the junction.

Cutting the meat and veins in a circle, we begin to separate the meat from the thigh bone. Break off the thigh bone at the junction with the leg. We will deal with the leg itself later.

We repeat all the same with the thigh on the other side. Now, cutting with a knife, turn the carcass out, exposing the costal part and neck.

We pull out this part with our hands.

Cutting with a knife, separate the fillet from the keel. Break off the wings at the junction. We remove the fork-shaped bone.

Now let's take care of the leg. Also, peeling off the bone of the leg in a circle, chop it off in front of the joint.

And in the end we get the following result.

Chicken dishes are very popular, they are tasty and healthy. If, for example, you cook chicken in the oven whole, but without bones, then the meat will be baked more evenly and will be tastier. Today we will learn how to remove bones from chicken and how to cook stuffed chicken in the oven, I will give some good recipes.

In order to remove bones from a whole chicken, you need a sharp knife and a little skill, but when you learn how to do this, the stuffed or boneless chicken you served for the festive table will surely make a splash!

I will not post step-by-step photos of how to remove bones from a chicken, because Looking through such step-by-step recipes, I honestly did not understand anything in them, everything merges and it is not clear what needs to be done. Therefore, I offer you a video of the famous French chef Jean Pepin and his master class on how to remove bones from chicken. Jean Pepen masterfully copes with this task, I did not find anyone better on the Internet, and it is pleasant to look at him.

How to get bones from a chicken video

Stuffed chicken in the oven without bones is a great and tasty dish! I learned how to remove bones from chicken literally the first time, but I watched the video how to do it at least 5-7 times)

Choose toppings for stuffing boneless chicken:

1. Boiled rice, apples, raisins, butter.

2. Fried mushrooms with onions and bell peppers.

3. Fresh herbs (parsley, cilantro, etc. to taste), garlic, lemon zest.

4.Canned corn, wig, walnuts.

5. Champignons, prunes, butter, mayonnaise.

6. Ready chicken hearts, fried mushrooms with onions, boiled quail eggs.

7 apples, prunes, almonds

8.Pineapple, butternut squash, boiled rice, boiled egg

9. Fry mushrooms and onions in a pan, add sauerkraut to them, simmer together for 7-10 minutes, and then add potatoes. Mix everything, stuff the chicken with this.

10.Ready buckwheat, minced pork, cheese, onion, raw egg. Put half of the minced meat, boiled whole eggs on top of it and put the second part of the minced meat on them.

Naturally, it is necessary to add salt and seasonings to the fillings I proposed for stuffing boneless chicken, but there is no need to talk about this with an experienced hostess. Traditionally, before baking, the chicken is coated with a mixture with the addition of seasonings to taste and:

Lemon juice, mustard and honey

Orange juice, honey

Mayonnaise and mustard

Vegetable oil, mustard and honey

Olive oil, honey, herbs.

I am sure that the proposed chicken recipes will find their admirers!

Oven baked, it is considered to be one of the most delicious dishes. But with all the obvious advantages, this dish has one small drawback - then the finished poultry carcass should be cut.
And here comes the most unpleasant moment - your work of culinary art with such an appetizing and crispy crust turns into a shapeless heap in the blink of an eye. To avoid this embarrassment, it is advisable to remove the skeleton of the bird. How to do it? Not very difficult, even a beginner can handle it.

  • We take a plucked and washed carcass of a bird. This can be chicken or any other poultry.
  • Superfood experts, in the best sense of the word, advise starting the process of removing the chicken bone from the sternum, then the wings, cervical vertebrae, and so on until the tail. This is a theory, but from practice I can say that it is much faster and easier to remove bones through the lower hole. If you do not need an excellent mark for correct bone retrieval, then use the second, easier method.
  • So, first we cut the tail with a sharp knife. Then we carefully begin to separate the chicken from the skeleton.
  • The hardest part to do this is along the back along the ridge, since there is practically no meat there. To avoid damaging the skin, keep the knife as close to the spine as possible.
  • When the knife reaches the leg, we turn it out of the articular bag, cut the ligament connecting the leg bone and the thigh bone.
  • Then cut the meat in a circle on all sides of the bone.
  • We remove the freed bone, while leaving the kultyshka untouched. We repeat this operation for the second leg. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that we specially leave the bones of the kultysh and wings. This is done so that after cooking, the bird retains its natural appearance.
  • After removing the legs, we put the bird vertically (booty up). Cutting the meat as close to the bones as possible, we continue to expose the skeleton from all sides.
  • When we reach the wings, pull back one winglet to expose the tendon that connects the winglet bone with the cervical vertebrae and shoulder bones.
  • Cut the tendon.
  • Separate the meat from the wing bones. In this case, we release the wings only up to the second joint.
  • We do the same with the other wing.
  • We remove the breast bone and release the cervical vertebrae.
  • When the whole chicken carcass has separated from the bones, we turn it skin out. The bird now looks like a shapeless bag, but don't worry, when you stuff it, it will take shape again.
  • And this is the remaining skeleton. As you can see, it's not that hard to remove this skeleton from the chicken.
  • We read further, which one can