Vegetable stew useful properties. Useful properties of vegetable stew

01.05.2019 Vegetable dishes

An integral part of our daily nutrition are vegetables. Vegetable stew is the most common dish made from them. This dish can have a variety of composition and tastes.

Vegetable stew is a good product for those who are on a diet. This is due to the rather low calorie content of the dish. As a rule, the composition of vegetable stew is determined by the season of the year, that is, it depends on which vegetables are available. However, now any vegetable can be found on store shelves at almost any time of the year.

The energy value of vegetable stew makes it possible to attribute it to dietary dishes, which means that it is quite small. The composition of vegetable stew may vary, but there are some names of vegetables that are, one might say, its main components. A variety of ingredients gives vegetable stew many vitamins and trace elements that are beneficial to human health.

Calorie content and beneficial properties of vegetables included in the stew

  • eggplant are among the most common ingredients in a dish. It is very important to keep track of the fruits of what maturity you use. The fact is that overripe eggplant fruits are not suitable for food. This is explained by the fact that eggplant contains solanine. Solanine is a poison that is quite dangerous for the human body, which is produced by plants of the nightshade family. The amount of this poison in vegetables increases if they are not properly watered in hot weather or if the fruit is overripe. When eaten at the right maturity, eggplant has many beneficial properties. The biological activity of the substances that make up eggplants has positive influence on the state of many organs and systems of our body. Eggplants have the ability to quickly saturate the body, while having low calorie . This leads to the fact that nutritionists often recommend a vegetable to people suffering from overweight.

  • No less useful component of vegetable stew is zucchini This is rare healthy vegetable. About 90% of its composition is water. The remaining 10% falls on the solid residue, which contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals. The composition of the zucchini includes various fatty acid(saturated and unsaturated), vitamins of group B, as well as vitamins A, E, C and PP. Minerals are also found inside the zucchini: phosphorus, calcium, iron, magnesium and sodium. The vegetable contains sugars and beta-carotene. Zucchini is easily digested and has a diuretic effect, which gives the vegetable the ability to excrete extra salt and water. That is why its use is recommended to combat edema and obesity. Zucchini is one of the most famous and common dietary products. First of all, this is due to its record low calorie content among vegetables.

  • Tomatoes you can do without rare recipe vegetable stew, are also incredibly useful and in demand when using diets for weight loss. This berry (which we consider to be a vegetable) has gained popularity among losing weight women due to its low calorie content and the ability to dull the feeling of hunger. All this is given to tomatoes along with the ability to regulate metabolic processes and repair their violations. Many tomatoes cannot be eaten at one time, as they contain a large amount of “latent fluid”. Besides the fact that they contribute to weight loss, tomatoes are useful for liver diseases, gastrointestinal tract, of cardio-vascular system. The tomato is often called the remedy for all diseases.

  • Another one of a kind useful product as part of vegetable stew - garlic. Thanks to a huge number medicinal properties garlic is considered medicinal plant. It is probably easier to list those parts of our body that garlic does not affect. Garlic is very low in calories.. in one head this product contains only about 4 kcal. In addition, garlic does not contain any fats or carbohydrates at all. However, be careful! Reception a large number garlic can adversely affect digestive system. You can not eat the product during an exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases.

  • Carrots can also be a component of vegetable stews.With a relatively low calorie content (33 kcal / 100g), carrots have many useful properties.. Its main advantage is that it is this vegetable that contains a lot of carotene (more only in sea buckthorn). In addition, carrots are a cheap and available vegetable at any time of the year. Therefore, it makes sense to include it in your vegetable stew.

  • Vegetable stew calories may increase due to its content bell pepper, at the same time, the nutritional value of the dish will also increase. However, before giving up pepper as part of this dish, think about how much benefit it can bring to your body. After all, it contains vitamins of group B, vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin PP. Besides, bell pepper will increase the concentration of phosphorus, sodium, iron, zinc, magnesium and iodine in your body. The essential fiber it contains helps stimulate the intestines.

Vegetable stew - excellent diet dish, which, in addition, has a huge set of useful substances. This is easily explained by the fact that it includes many items. various vegetables. Moreover, you can use exactly the set of ingredients that is closest to you and not be afraid for your figure, because the vegetables that make up the stew are low in calories.


Name a dish that is quite simple to prepare, and at the same time has wonderful palatability and nutritional properties. So, dear reader, this is vegetable stew. The calorie content of this dish is of interest to many, and this is no coincidence. Vegetables are an essential part of any weight loss diet. And we should not forget about their benefits for our health.

Vegetable stew, can be used as an independent dish, as well as great side dish. But it would be better to give preference to the first option, especially if you are on a diet. From this, the benefits of vegetable stew will be greater.

In the preparation of vegetable stew, almost any vegetable can be used.

However, the most common set of them includes potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, tomatoes, peppers and green peas.

Dietary properties:

Vegetables are a rich source useful substances, thanks to which our body receives the much necessary for its successful functioning minerals like iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and so on. In addition, vegetables contain a wide range of vitamins, organic acids and alimentary fiber.

However, this is not all that vegetable stew can be useful for. The calorie content of vegetables, as you know, is quite small, so it will ideal option medical nutrition for those who want to get rid of extra pounds. There is one more important feature, which determines the benefits of vegetables, in addition to their rich vitamin and mineral composition. So, for example, zucchini, tomatoes and cabbage contain very few carbohydrates, so they are recommended for people with diabetes.

Let us now consider what nutritional value has vegetable stew. Its calorie content is determined by many products that make up its composition.

For convenience, we will take following products: eggplant - 53.75 kcal per 100 gr. product; pepper - 36.25 kcal; zucchini - 117 kcal; cabbage - 183.4 kcal; carrots - 56.54 kcal; onion- 15.64 kcal; green beans- 32 kcal; tomatoes - 41.31 kcal; sunflower oil - 270 kcal; soy beef strog. - 75.21 kcal per 100 gr. As a result of a simple calculation, we get 881 kcal. in 2450 grams of a dish such as vegetable stew.

Well, what, specifically, does vegetable stew have calories? But this one:

The calorie content of vegetable stew is only 24 kcal per 100 g. product

So, we can conclude that no diet can do without vegetables.

And what is the calorie content of vegetable stew cooked different ways? But this one:

Vegetable stew calorie table, per 100 grams of product:

BUT the nutritional value vegetable stew cooked in different ways, like this:

Table of nutritional value of vegetable stew (BJU), per 100 grams of product:

Product Squirrels, c. Fats, gr. Carbohydrates, gr.
vegetable stew 0,7 0,3 4,8
with potatoes 2,0 1,0 10,0
with chicken 7,0 4,0 5,0
with beef 7,6 7,3 4,0
with mushrooms 1,0 0,8 5,0
with rice 1,5 2,6 8,4

Can this dish be cooked at home? Of course you can! Here is one of the recipes:

Vegetable stew:


  • Potato - 1kg.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Blue eggplant - 1 pc.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs.
  • Tomato juice
  • Sunflower oil
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves
  • Salt and spices - to taste

Potatoes are cut into cubes and lightly fried over high heat. They put it in a pot. Onions are cut into half rings. Carrots chopped into coarse grater. Onions and carrots are fried in a deep frying pan until golden brown. Pour in a glass tomato juice and stew for another 10 minutes. Pour the potatoes in a pot (so that the potatoes are covered. You can add a little boiled water). Bring everything to a boil, simmer for 20 minutes.

Eggplant cut into cubes and a little salt. Let the bitterness drain. After 10-15 minutes, lightly fry in a pan. Combine with potatoes. Stew over low heat for about 15 minutes. Cut the pepper into slices and mix with the stew for 7 minutes before the end. Together with pepper, you can put a little finely chopped garlic and spices. You can add greenery too. And that's it! Eat healthy, and low-calorie vegetable stew will not add extra pounds to you.

Vegetables and fruits are in any way and always useful products for you. And I think you know why, because these are B vitamins. pure form. Therefore, taking them as often as possible is a guarantee of health.

Personally, I am not a supporter of meat eating, and therefore my entire diet is based only on vegetables and fruits. But lately, I’ve been cooking vegetable stew for myself almost every day, I really like it. And of course, it’s not complete without knowing the calorie content of this dish, because, like most girls, I try to keep myself in shape.

Today I will just take the time to tell you in more detail about such a dish as vegetable stew. I will say that his calorie content is simply nonsense and you can eat them as much as you like.

Ingredients and calorie content of the recipe

(the calorie and bju data are calculated approximately, excluding uvarki and uzharki)

Product Measure Weight, gr Proteins, gr Fat, gr Carbohydrates, gr Calories, kcal
vegetable marrow 2 pcs 2000 12 6 92 480
eggplant 1 PC 130 1.56 0.13 5.85 31.2
tomato 250 gr 250 1.5 0.5 10.5 50
carrot 80 gr 80 1.04 0.08 5.52 25.6
onion 80 gr 80 1.12 0 8.32 32.8
dill 30 gr 30 0.75 0.15 1.89 11.4
Total 2570 18 6.9 124.1 631
Total for 1 serving 171 1.2 0.5 8.3 42.1
Total per 100 grams

Material source:

How to cook vegetable stew?

To prepare a classic stew, we need fresh vegetables(potato, carrot, zucchini, eggplant, onion and tomato), which we carefully cut and fry separately in vegetable or olive oil.

You can also fry vegetables in stages, adding them to the pan gradually, one after another.

After frying, the vegetables should be put in a deep saucepan, add a little water, salt, add spices and simmer over low heat.

If you are not on a diet and do not want to calculate how many calories are in vegetable stew at all, then you can safely add fried chopped meat to vegetables. This dish will become not only very tasty, satisfying and juicy, but will also acquire a characteristic meat flavor.

If the calorie content of the stew is of fundamental importance, then in the cooking process, the stage of frying vegetables can be excluded.

This will not only reduce consumption vegetable fats oil, but also significantly reduce the cooking time, as well as reduce total calories stew.

Useful properties of vegetable stew

Stew made from vegetables is not only tasty, but also healthy dish, primarily for the stomach and intestines. This dish is easily absorbed by the body, and the zucchini, which it contains, allows you to control the proper functioning of the intestines, and is useful for constipation and gastritis.

By themselves, vegetables have a beneficial effect on our body, supplying the necessary vitamins, dietary fiber, organic acids and minerals, such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, etc. In addition, the low calorie content of the stew allows you to use it in the evening, without worrying about extra calories.

It is because of this that stew is also used for therapeutic nutrition of overweight and obese people. The stew will be simply indispensable for you if you suffer diabetes, because it contains zucchini and tomatoes, which have a rather low level of carbohydrates and sugars.

Material source:

Delicious stewed vegetable stew - a frequent guest on the table modern man. Vegetable stew is prepared by vegetarians and vegans, it can serve as a side dish for some meat supplement. The main advantages of this dish are that you can cook it with almost anything, but it will turn out tasty, inexpensive and not harmful.

Calorie vegetable stew

The calorie content of vegetable stew will be calculated depending on the components ready meal per 100 gr. Not only calories count raw vegetables, but also how much higher it becomes when cooking some kind of food. Even with simple cooking of the product without salt, it will still slightly increase its calorie content.

When preparing a classic stew of vegetables from zucchini with eggplant, onions and tomatoes, the approximate nutritional value and number of kcal will be as follows per 100 g:

  • 24-25 kcal.
  • 0.7 g of protein.
  • 0.3 grams of fat.
  • 4.8 grams of carbohydrates.

The energy value and calorie content may vary depending on how the stew was prepared. If the vegetables have been overcooked before vegetable oil(or it was added to the dish itself), the calorie content will be much higher than in a simple lean and absolutely light dish.

Calories shown per 100 grams finished product, but in one average serving per adult, usually 170-200 grams. The nutritional value per serving is doubled, but how many kcal will be contained is still acceptable for a dietary and simply healthy diet.

Ragout with potatoes

The number of kcal in a dish cooked with potatoes will be twice as much as that cooked without it. So there are about 57 kcal per 100 grams. Such a vegetable stew can be satiated faster, it can be used as independent dish for lunch or dinner.

In order to cook, you will need to take:

  • white cabbage;
  • potato;
  • onions and carrots;
  • tomato paste;
  • seasonings and spices (herbs, black pepper, lavrushka);
  • frying pan with high walls for stewing.

Onions, together with grated carrots on a coarse grater, are fried on sunflower oil until soft golden. Potatoes with cabbage are cut, added to carrots and onions. After 5-10 minutes add tomato paste(two tablespoons are enough), and with it water. The fire is reduced to a small one, the mass is covered with a lid and stewed for 40-45 minutes until cooked. In the process of stewing, spices and salt are added. After the mixture is ready, it should stand a little longer under the lid. After 5-10 minutes it will be ready to serve.

How much to add by weight or quantity is a matter of personal preference. Someone will like the mixture with large quantity potatoes, but some do not. Cooking time is also optional, you can just periodically check the degree of readiness. It will be the potatoes that will stew the longest, therefore it is recommended to check on it.

Ragout zucchini

It is impossible to unequivocally indicate the calorie content of the stew - there are too many recipes for this dish with different ingredients. As a rule, vegetables in a stew are mixed with some high-protein product: meat, fish or legumes. But there are also dietary options for weight loss recipes.

Nutritional value of the method of preparation

The usual way cooking stew - sequential frying different ingredients. First - onions, then carrots are added to it, etc. The first ingredient is fried, the subsequent ones are stewed. You don't need to add water, it's enough isolated from the vegetables themselves.

Stew without meat

"Pure" vegetable stew, without the addition of meat, fish or beans, has the lowest calorie content. However, it can vary quite a lot depending on the recipe.

The main contribution to the number of calories in this case is made by potatoes - this starchy product in terms of nutritional value it is not inferior to porridge and is several times superior to other vegetables. Oil, of course, can still greater influence, but its content is usually small and fairly easy to dose.

  • Calorie stew from zucchini - 40 kcal per 100 grams (the composition includes only zucchini, carrots, onions, cabbage and oil).
  • Calorie stew of zucchini and potatoes - 60 kcal per 100 grams.
  • Calorie stew with beans - 85 kcal per 100 grams.

If in pure squash variant carbohydrates make up about two-thirds nutrients, then when adding potatoes - already about three quarters. For most diets, this is too much.

However, it should be remembered that in young potatoes calories are 2-3 times less than in mature ones (young potatoes are similar to most other vegetables in this respect).

But in any case, it should be remembered that this dish is "porridge from an ax." Initially, it was made according to the method “put everything that is in the house into the cauldron” (and if some ingredient is not found, it does not matter: against the general background, it will turn out to be almost imperceptible).

Basically, he just doesn't have standard recipe. Rather, there are so many of them that it is more reliable to count the calorie content in each case separately.

Vegetable stew with meat

As for the “meat” option, a lot depends on the calorie content of the meat used. Fatty pork gives a completely different result than lean beef. Usually, if the meat is taken especially fatty, the amount of vegetables also increases to “dilute” not enough dietary product.

When fatty meat calorie content can be at the level of 100-110 kcal per 100 grams, and with lean meat- 70-80 kcal.

A chicken dish usually turns out to be even less high-calorie, but a lot depends on which parts chicken carcass used in the recipe. If you take a “whole” chicken carcass, the nutritional value will be at the level of 75-85 kcal, approximately the same as in the case of lean meat.

However, if you remove the skin (this is one of the fattest parts of the carcass), then the number of calories will immediately decrease.

Most diet option- use only chicken breasts: then the calorie content of the product is at the level of 50-60 kcal. Approximately the same will happen in the case of stew with fish.

How to lower the calorie content of stew?

The ingredient in the stew, whose calories most strongly affect the nutritional value of the entire dish, is butter. In this regard, it is noted that usually with an increase in the number of ingredients average calorie content product is reduced.

This rule is valid only under otherwise equal conditions: if you compare a purely vegetable stew with a pure vegetable, meat - with meat, etc. The fact is that, as already mentioned, the first product is fried, and the rest are practically stewed in their own juice.

Naturally, a product fried in oil has more calories than a stew. The greater part of the mass of the dish is stewed, and not fried, the lower the calorie content.