Can boiled carrots be frozen? What can be frozen for the winter

16.05.2019 Soups

There are many ways to preserve the harvest for future use. The first, the simplest, is long-lasting. storage of vegetables and fruits v fresh... But it is applicable to a rather narrow list of fruits and vegetables. Therefore, people have come up with other methods of preservation, in which the food is subjected to some processing, but thereby extending the possible shelf life. These include pickling, salting, drying, and freezing.

Of all the options listed, freezing is the best way to preserve nutritional value products. Most often, housewives and amateur gardeners freeze fruits that cannot be purchased outside the harvest season, or the cost of these products is too high at this time. These are, first of all, various berries, as well as fruits that cannot be kept fresh for a long time - tomatoes, eggplants, Bell pepper etc.

And vegetables that are easy to buy in stores all year round usually not frozen. And in vain, since this method of storage is very practical and convenient because you will spend a little time on preparation, but then it will pay off with interest, so during the preparation of the next dish you just have to get the finished semi-finished product from the freezer, which you just need to subject to thermal processing.

One of these foods is carrots. It would seem that this root crop is perfectly stored in the cellar, and you can buy it at a low price at any time of the year. We can conclude that it is not worth freezing it. but experienced housewives who value their time know very well that if you spend half an hour once peeling and slicing carrots, you can free yourself from these rather troublesome procedures in the future.

And if there are guests on the doorstep, then you will undoubtedly appreciate in full the charm of this one, because all that remains is to take a packet of chopped frozen carrots and toss it into a cooking dish. So, what needs to be done in order to freeze carrots for future use. And nothing special - everything is as usual.

Freezing carrots for the winter - recipe

Take carrots, don't forget to check for sick damaged vegetables.

Peel off with a vegetable peeler upper layer with carrots.

Now think about what dishes you will need this carrot for in the future. If for cooking frying, then grate the root vegetables (large or small depends only on your preferences).

When the right amount carrots are prepared, take plastic bags (most convenient with a zip lock). Choose the size of the bags so that one serving of carrots fits into it, which is necessary for preparing the future dish.

If you plan to cook soups, then it is better to cut the carrots into small cubes, which will then look very nice in the broth.

Again, about one carrot in one bag, usually this amount is enough.

If you have a desire to cook vegetable stew then it would be great to cut the carrots into strips.

Vegetable blanks save time when preparing food. They are made in season when the fruits are fresh and contain a lot of vitamins. Store-bought root vegetables in winter are less healthy and nutritious. Therefore, the crop can be frozen and used until spring. Any type of carrot will do. Vegetables are used to prepare the first and second courses, sauces, mashed potatoes, pastries, pancakes. The shape of the pieces can be different, at the request of the hostess.

How can I freeze sliced ​​carrots?

Not all housewives have the opportunity to store the harvest of root crops in the cellar. When stored for a long time, even in a cold place, mold and rot appear, the product ages, loses vitamins. If you bring the carrot into a warm room, it will wither after a while. Modern technologists allow you to freeze vegetables, fruits and berries. Freezing in the freezer will save minutes and hours at the stove, as well as money, save everything useful material and vitamins.

Carrots can be frozen different ways: chopped, grated or mashed. Freezers and dry freezers are ideal. Vegetables freeze faster in them.

Product preparation

An important stage that will allow you to keep the vegetable for a long time. It is recommended to freeze root vegetables immediately after harvest or purchase. If there is no time, they are placed in the refrigerator so as not to fade. To freeze carrots for the winter, you need to choose high-quality fresh vegetables.

  1. 1. It is necessary to take beautiful strong roots without damage, rot, stains.
  2. 2. They are washed well to remove dirt and sand.
  3. 3. The skin is removed. If the vegetable is young and the surface is smooth, you do not need to peel it.
  4. 4. Before chopping the carrots, cut a slice and taste them. Some specimens may taste bitter. It is better to remove the green top, it has a herbal flavor.


So that the fruit does not change color and taste, it must be lightly scalded in boiling water for 2-5 minutes (this depends on the size of the vegetable). The product is cut into convenient pieces, the shape depends on the dish for which the freeze will be used (cubes, straws, cubes, circles). Small ones can be doused whole.

  1. 1. For blanching, you need a saucepan of boiling water and a container with cold water and ice cubes.
  2. 2. The vegetable is boiled in small batches.
  3. 3. The cooked pieces are placed in ice water to maintain a bright color.
  4. 4. Carrots must be removed from moisture by laying on a dry towel. If this is not done, a lot of ice will form in the freezer container.

Some housewives first boil the carrots and then cut them. Then the cooking time must be increased: preparation will take 7-10 minutes. It is important not to overexpose the vegetable in water, as it will still cook in the dish.


The prepared pieces are placed in special vacuum bags for freezing with locks or plastic containers. If there are a lot of blanks, it will be correct to sign the package. Glass containers are not used, they can burst from low temperatures, and thin bags can break.

The prepackaged carrots are placed in the freezer or freezer. To prevent the pieces from freezing, they need to be shaken several times when they freeze.

It is best to divide vegetables into portions suitable for cooking. Root crops are stored at a temperature of -18 - 23 ° C for 6-10 months. With this t, all bacteria die, and the product becomes completely safe. You can make several blanks for dishes according to different recipes.

Grated carrots and mashed potatoes - what are the nuances of storage?

Grated carrots are frozen fresh, without scalding. It is suitable for making soups, baking.

  • The washed and peeled vegetable is grated.
  • Divide into portions and put into bags.
  • It is better to give the package a flat shape (2-3 cm), it is easier to store this way.

The third method of freezing a vegetable is used by mothers. Carrot puree prepared for young children. They take young carrots: they are tastier and sweeter. It is washed, peeled, cut into pieces and cooked until tender for 30 minutes. The boiled root vegetable is ground in a blender. The mass must be cooled, divided into portions and placed in containers with lids.

You can freeze puree in ice trays. After freezing, the cubes are transferred to a convenient storage container.

There is also a fourth method - you can fry carrots with onions. The food is washed, cut into suitable pieces and fried on vegetable oil until half ready. The workpiece is cooled, laid out in small portions in containers or bags, and tightly closed. Home-fried products are used for first and second courses.

How best to use blanks - 3 rules

Pre-frozen food cooks faster than fresh food.

  1. 1. Housewives put unfrozen carrots in the dishes.
  2. 2. Blanched vegetables are added at the very end, raw must be boiled until tender.
  3. 3. Carrot puree is heated in microwave oven or on the stove in a saucepan. If necessary, you can add oil, spices, salt, and other vegetables.

It is not recommended to defrost the workpieces several times. At the same time, the taste and shape of the pieces are lost, and bitterness appears. All freezing methods are suitable for all seasonal root crops (carrots, beets, parsley root, parsnips, turnips, celery root). You can freeze them separately or cook them vegetable mixes: they add bell peppers, onions, herbs.

There are several ways to freeze carrots for the winter. But to keep everything valuable properties product, you need to know how to do it correctly. You should prepare the vegetables themselves and the necessary equipment.

Many people ask the question whether it is possible to freeze carrots and whether beneficial substances are stored in it? If you follow all the rules, then all the vitamins are preserved, and the product crushed on a grater can be easily added to any dish without wasting time.

Reasons why many housewives choose to store vegetables in the freezer.

  1. Saving money. In winter, vegetables are much more expensive, it is much more pleasant to take an already prepared product from the refrigerator without leaving home.
  2. It is not known in what conditions the product is stored in shop conditions... Besides, winter vegetables on the shelves often pass additional processing for better storage and flavoring. Therefore, taking out your carrots from the freezer, you can be sure of its environmental friendliness.
  3. Saving time. When you start cooking, you don't need to waste time peeling and chopping the vegetable. Is everything ready!
  4. It happens that there is nowhere to store vegetables from your garden. In this case, the freezer comes to the rescue. Not everyone has spacious cellars and basements (in addition, in these rooms, it is also necessary to maintain the correct conditions).

A small root crop is suitable for freezing, dense structure, sweetish taste... Carrots can be stored both whole and chopped on a grater.

It is not necessary to buy a freezer for storage, many refrigerators have a freezer in which you should store long time any vegetables, including carrots. Transfer to the normal refrigerator compartment is only necessary if a gradual defrosting of the product is required.

Preparation rules

Freezing carrots for the winter at home should be done according to all the rules, then all vitamins will remain intact.

Vegetables must be carefully selected. Do not freeze old, rotten roots, eaten by pests. After selection, you need to wash the carrots, clean them of dirt and dust, cut off the ends.

The next step is blanching. Prepare two containers of water. In one you need to boil water, pour into the other ice water. Big size root vegetables are dipped in boiling water for 4 minutes, small enough to hold for two minutes. After that, vegetables are immediately sent to ice water. Thanks to cold water, the vegetable will not cook completely, it will remain fresh and crispy.

Root vegetables are spread on a towel and left to dry completely. Cut clean, dry carrots in any way: cubes, rings and strips. Can be grinded with a grater. It all depends on what kind of dish the slicing is intended for.

So that the pieces of vegetables do not freeze to each other, you need to lay them on an ordinary wooden board and send them to the freezer for 1.5 hours. Then collect in one pile. After this procedure vegetable mix will be stored without sticking.

For freezing, it is better not to choose plastic bags and glass dishes. The first option may tear, and the second may crack due to the low temperature.

The most the best choice will become plastic containers. They fill the product without reaching the edge of 1 cm. You can use vacuum bags, which are fixed with paper clips, adhesive tape or special clips.

It is recommended to indicate on each package or container the date and time when the product was packaged. Plastic cups, containers for storing ice can also serve as containers for freezing the product.

It is best to keep the storage temperature in the vegetable preparation freezer below -18 degrees. The higher the temperature, the less the frozen food will be stored. So, for example, at a temperature of -8 degrees, carrots can be stored for no more than three months.

Freezing methods

There are several basic and popular ways to freeze carrots in the freezer for the winter.

The most common option is to freeze freshly chopped carrots:

  • you can put all the crushed mass in one bag and roll it up into a block, cut off as necessary required amount carrots;
  • you can simply put the cooked carrots in a large bag, but after two hours in the freezer, shake the bag so that the chopped strips do not freeze to each other;
  • you can decompose the vegetable mass in portions.

Option with preparatory stage blanching:

  • carrots are cut into separate pieces in any shape, but of the same size;
  • all chopped slices are dipped in boiling water for two minutes;
  • then the vegetables need to be cooled by placing them in ice water for three minutes;
  • spread the pieces on a towel and let them dry;
  • vegetables are ready to be frozen.

Carrot puree (ideal for those with small children):

  • peel and cut carrots into slices;
  • chopped vegetables are poured with water and after boiling, cook for about 40 minutes;
  • cooked root vegetables are kneaded with a fork or chopped with a blender;
  • the resulting puree mass is laid out in ice molds or any other small plastic container after the final cooling (so that the puree cools faster and does not darken, you need to immerse the container with the contents in cold water);
  • at a temperature of -18 degrees, the contents of the molds are frozen within three hours;
  • then the vegetable cubes are removed from the molds and put into bags.

In winter, this puree can be given to small children or added during cooking to various cereals and soups. They dissolve easily and give the dish a pleasant taste.

Roasting with onions (other vegetables can be added):

  • peeled and chopped carrots;
  • cut the onion into small slices;
  • chopped vegetables are sent to a pan with butter and stewed for about 35 minutes;
  • as soon as the vegetables have cooled down, you can start freezing.

After the slices are distributed over the containers, they must be tightly closed so that the carrots do not absorb neighboring odors.

Frozen carrot dish, subject to the preparation technology, can be stored for about a year. After this time, it is best to prepare fresh vegetables again.

Defrosting rules

Frozen fresh or boiled carrots no need to defrost. Take enough vegetable from the freezer and add to the dish for the last stage cooking.

If carrots are not supposed to be added to a hot dish, then you need to follow some rules in order to preserve valuable components:

  • from freezer the vegetable is moved to a regular refrigerator compartment so that the product thaws a little;
  • after that, you can start defrosting at room temperature;
  • you cannot use a microwave for this purpose, since all nutrients disappear.

Before use, it is enough to warm up carrot puree or add it frozen, for example, to mashed potatoes or soup.

Winter is winter, and nobody canceled borscht. We have already written a lot about how to freeze the most different vegetables, berries and fruits. And they almost forgot about the most important thing. Correcting!

Jokes aside, beets and carrots can be counted even in winter. These root vegetables tolerate storage well and are available fresh until the next harvest. But do they remain so useful? Freezing will save not only fiber and water in beets and carrots, but also a little more vitamins, minerals and other useful substances. Well, it will save a little time.

Freezing beets

Freezing carrots: circles

For soup, stew or any other dish in which orange circles can appear not only with all the benefits, but also in all their glory. For the convenience of subsequent cooking, it is important to cut the carrots into slices of the same thickness, ideally 2-3 mm. To make cooking even easier, it is better to blanch the vegetable. And the color will be brighter.

1. Slice the washed carrots.

2. V large saucepan boil water. Pour cold water into another container, add ice if possible.

3. Dip the carrots in boiling water and blanch for 2-3 minutes. Then remove and immediately immerse in cold water. Let cool completely.

4. Remove carrots from cold water, place on paper towel, let dry completely. Arrange in bags or containers, place in the freezer for storage.

Freezing grated carrots

A general tip for freezing any vegetables and fruits is to do it in portions. Grated carrots, which will make excellent ones in winter, or maybe an exception. If you put it in a bag for freezing so that the layer thickness is 2-3 cm, it will be easy to break off a piece of the required size from such a "briquette".

You can cheat a little and press the grooves on the packed blank with the edge of your palm, dividing it into several parts. Then it will be even easier to break off, and this is important: the less the bag with carrots stays outside the freezer, the better. Re-freezing such products is contraindicated, this is one of the main ones. By the way, you can freeze grated beets in the same way.

1. Grate the washed carrots on a medium grater.

2. Arrange in bags and send to the freezer for storage.

Sometimes it is very convenient when you have grated vegetables at hand, which are needed for cooking. various dishes... However, the products will not be able to long time stored in the refrigerator, and therefore you should choose the best option for storing grated vegetables. For this, a freezer is better suited, in which the products will maintain their quality for as long as possible, taste characteristics and aroma. To save time, it will be useful to know how to properly freeze carrots for the winter.

Most vegetables tolerate freezing well and stay fresh for a long time with this storage method. However, will they be useful? Freezing allows you to preserve valuable fiber in carrots and other useful elements and minerals.

The main thing - correct preparation and freezing. And after that, it remains only to remove from the freezer, add to any cooking masterpiece and save a lot of time.

And there are also good reasons why you need to give preference to storing vegetables in the freezer:

  1. Root vegetables such as carrots and beets can be considered seasonal. Indeed, in winter in stores, prices for these products are much higher, and the quality is not always satisfactory. Therefore, to save money, it is easier to get the ready-made stock from the freezer.
  2. Often, vegetables are subjected to various treatments in the winter season to preserve their presentation and better taste... But if the freezer contains its own own carrots, then you won't have to worry about the environmental friendliness of the product.
  3. Fast and simple. During cooking, you do not need to spend effort on cleaning and shredding vegetables. It is enough to withdraw already finished product and add to the dish.

Also, sometimes there is not enough space to store a large stock of vegetables from your garden.

Selection and preparation of root crops

For placing in the freezer, medium-sized and dense root vegetables are suitable. Overgrown fruits do not taste sweet and are often too hard. Young roots sometimes taste bitter. The vegetable can be kept chopped, sliced, or whole. A root vegetable that was only recently harvested from the garden is better suited.

There should be no rotten or spoiled blotches on vegetables. They can be boiled or frozen raw.

Before freezing, the root crop is thoroughly washed, cleaned of dirt and other residues. The ends should be cut off, the skin should be peeled off with a thin layer. Rinse again under water and dry. Can be cut into cubes, rings, strips, grind in a blender. To avoid sticking in the freezer, place the sliced ​​food on a plate and send it to the chamber for an hour and a half. At this time, you can prepare necessary utensils for freezing.

Required container

For storing vegetables in the freezer, it is not recommended to choose regular bags or glassware... The bag can break easily and the glass often cracks due to the low temperature. Most the best option plastic containers are considered. Also, vacuum bags are often used, which even better preserve everything taste qualities product.

It is advisable to indicate on each container the time when the product was sealed. As suitable dishes plastic cups or ice freezers can be used.

Ways to freeze carrots for the winter

There are several of the most common ways to freeze carrots at home. You can grind the product using various kitchen tools. But it is also allowed and simple slicing vegetable. The preparation method largely depends on the further purpose of using the finished product.


If you freeze fresh carrots that have not been subjected to heat treatment, you can save valuable and useful substances, including the necessary vitamin A.

How to freeze:

  1. The root vegetable can be grated, rolled up into strips and frozen. A small portion is cut off as needed and added to the dish.
  2. Cooked carrot pieces are put into a suitable container and placed in the freezer. After an hour, you should mix them well - so the carrots will not stick together, and it will be convenient to get them out.
  3. The cleaned product is placed in a container in small portions.
  4. Send ready-made carrots for freezing.


Often, it is blanched carrots that are stored in the freezer, since this way you can extend the shelf life. healthy vegetable... How to freeze:

  1. Cut the root vegetable into separate cubes. The shape can be any, but the size is about the same.
  2. Place the chopped pieces in boiling water for a couple of minutes.
  3. Then boiled product should be cooled and thrown into cold water for a couple of minutes.
  4. Transfer to a board or plate and allow to dry.
  5. Send to refrigerator compartment for freezing.


This method is also considered to be the simplest and most affordable. Heat treatment is not required, so the product will be fresh and healthy. How to prepare:

  1. Grate the peeled carrots with a grater.
  2. Place tightly in bags, fill and flatten.
  3. The thickness of the bags, as a rule, does not exceed 4 centimeters - this way the root crop will freeze faster, and it is also more convenient to store containers of this shape, since they take up less space and can easily fit even in a small freezer.
  4. It is not recommended to constantly take out, slightly defrost vegetables and break off the required amount. It is better to send for freezing in portions.


Carrot puree is very easy to use after freezing. It will be enough to warm it up or add it to a boiling soup. Such a preparation is extremely rarely used for cooking, but for small children it is perfect option harvesting a healthy vegetable. How to make a blank:

  1. Peel the vegetable, chop it in any convenient way: cubes or circles.
  2. Place in boiling water and cook until soft. It will take no more than 20 minutes.
  3. Pass the chopped vegetables through a blender or food processor.
  4. Cool the resulting puree and pack in suitable containers. Cover tightly and place in the freezer.

Freezing fried carrots with onions

A similar preparation method is perfect for cooking aromatic soups, since they often add frying and onions and carrots. So you don't have to peel and shred vegetables separately. It is enough to remove from the freezer vegetable preparation and prepare the dish. How to make a blank:

  1. Wash the root crop thoroughly, clean it from dirt. Cut off the tops.
  2. Grind the prepared vegetable with a grater.
  3. Peel the onion, cut into small pieces.
  4. Place prepared vegetables in a preheated pan, add sunflower oil and put out for half an hour.
  5. Allow time to cool down, place in suitable containers and send it to freeze.

After packaging in special containers, you will need to tightly cover the workpiece with a lid. Otherwise, it may absorb other odors.