Canned nectarines in syrup for the winter. Peaches in syrup

29.07.2019 Soups

Peach fruits of any variety, filled with vitamins and other useful trace elements- a real find for lovers of delicious. But you won’t indulge in them for a long time, since the sales season for such fruits is short, but there is another solution - to make canned peaches and enjoy them in winter. Learn how to harvest these fruits the best recipes, one of which corresponds to the Soviet GOST, to feast on sunny fruits in winter.


  • Peach fruits - 3 kg
  • Sugar - 28 tablespoons

We take sugar at the rate of 7 tbsp. for a 0.5 liter jar. We use only ripe fruit with dense pulp.

How to preserve peaches

Many people like juicy peach pulp with unique taste and aroma: from it and breathes the warmth of the sun! If you want to remember your childhood and prepare fruits according to the traditional Soviet recipe, follow the step-by-step culinary instructions:

  • We place the peaches in a basin, fill with cold water and leave for an hour. After rinsing the fruits with clean water.
  • Without removing the peel, we make one longitudinal section on the fruit, divide it into halves and take out the seeds.
  • Cut the peaches as you like (you can leave as is).
  • Pour 0.5 liter jars with boiling water.
  • We fall asleep in scalded containers of 1 tbsp. granulated sugar, add a layer of peaches, then sugar and peaches again, and so on - to the neck.
  • We take a wide pan, put a towel on the bottom, put part of the jars on it.
  • Pour water into the container so that it covers the shoulders of the cans, and put on fire. When it boils, sterilize the jars for 15 minutes. During sterilization, a sugar-peach syrup is formed.
  • We take out the banks, immediately roll up and turn over.

When the blanks have cooled, we store them in a cellar or other cool place.


  • Peach fruits - 3 kg;
  • Water - 3.4 l;

  • Sugar - 0.4 kg;
  • Citric acid - 2 tsp

For this preparation, ripe fruits of medium size are suitable, the main thing is that they are not soft. For canning peaches, it is better to use jars with a volume of 0.7-1 l, otherwise the fruits will flatten out under their own weight and syrupy weight.

How to preserve peaches at home

It is desirable to harvest peaches in the winter without pits. Such fruits retain their characteristic peach taste longer, do not soften and are well stored. We can preserve fruits in syrup using the following technology:

  • We wash and dry the peach fruits: as little villi as possible should remain on their skin. The skin remains in place, since the bulk of valuable trace elements are located in it.
  • We remove the stalks, cut the fruit into halves and remove the drupes. If the peaches are very large, and the half does not fit into the jar, cut the fruits into quarters.
  • We pierce the skin with a toothpick in different places: the syrup is better absorbed into the fetus.
  • We put peach slices into sterile jars, without pressing on them, otherwise they will crumple and lose their attractive appearance.
  • We boil water, pour it into a container with fruit, cover and hold for 30 minutes so that juice appears.
  • Pour the water into a saucepan and prepare the syrup: mix some water with citric acid and sugar, put on the stove and bring to a boil. Sugar should dissolve.
  • We fill containers with fruits with hot syrup, cork, turn over, wrap and wait for natural cooling.

Peaches canned in sugar syrup are ready to eat after three days, when they are well soaked in it.

canned peaches - favorite treat especially for those who grew up in Soviet times. They can be eaten on their own or added to cake layers and decorations, to ice cream and raw salads from fruits. peach syrup - excellent foundation for jellies and mousses.

Peaches, recipes for the winter: compotes, jams, jellies, whole canning

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The peach blossom in China is a symbol of spring, renewal and longevity. It is considered a healing product because of the organic acids, vitamins, pectin contained in it. Unfortunately, keep the fruit in fresh it doesn’t last long, but canned peaches for the winter will be no less healthy, even more fragrant and tasty thanks to our recipes. Once I tried this vitamin product in the form of compotes, jams, jams, you will definitely leave these recipes in your culinary notebook.

Peach compote in a three-liter jar

Required ingredients: 1 kg of peaches, 1.5 liters of water, 3-4 clove buds or a sprig of mint, 400 g of sugar.

  1. Prepare fruits: wash, blanch for 2-3 minutes. in boiling water and place in a sterilized jar.
  2. Pour 1.5 liters of water into a saucepan, bring to a boil, add 400 g of sugar, add cloves and mint, and pour boiling syrup into a jar, put a knife or other metal object under the bottom beforehand.
  3. Roll up with a metal lid, turn upside down and wrap until completely cool.

Peach jam for the winter slices

flavor and amber peach jam in the middle of winter - this is the best antidepressant. It can be used with tea, as a filling in a pie and for pies. In all forms, this jam - exquisite product, and cooked at home is also much more economical than bought in a supermarket.

To make jam you will need: 1.3 kg of sugar, 1 kg of peaches, a glass of water, juice of 1 lemon, 2 tablespoons of orange zest.

  1. Wash fruits well.
  2. Prepare 2 pots of water, put one on the fire, bring to a boil.
  3. Dip each fruit in boiling water for 10 seconds, then in cold water.
  4. Drain the water, peel the fruit, cut into slices, remove the seeds.
  5. Make syrup from 1 cup water and sugar.
  6. When the sugar is completely dissolved, gently lower the slices into the syrup, bring to a boil and set aside for 6 hours so that the fruits are saturated with syrup.
  7. Then cook over low heat for another 30 minutes. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add lemon juice and orange zest.

Let the jam cool down a little and put it in a sterilized dish, roll up metal lids. To store in the refrigerator, cool the jam and close with plastic lids.

Jam with almonds

Few people know that it is undesirable to cook jam in a copper vessel - vitamin C leaks.

Ingredients: 1 kg of pitted peaches; 1.2 kg of sugar; 70 g walnuts or almonds.

  1. Prepare the syrup, dip the fruit into it, bring to a boil, remove from heat and let it brew for six hours.
  2. Peel the nuts from the skin, after scalding them with boiling water.
  3. Put the jam back on the fire, bring to a boil, pour the almonds, boil for 15 minutes over low heat, pour into sterile jars and roll up.

Peaches in syrup

Required: 3.5 kg of peaches, 700 g of sugar, 1.2 liters of water, a small lemon.

For this recipe, it is desirable to choose firm fruits, without cracks and damage.

  1. Bring 4-5 liters of water to a boil, fruit for 2 minutes, then pour over cold water and peel, first dividing them into and removing the bone.
  2. So that in the future the fruits do not lose their shape, they must be soaked in a solution: 3 teaspoons of soda for 5 liters of cold water, hold for 5 minutes, drain the water. The pulp became more elastic to the touch after such a procedure.
  3. To prepare the syrup, boil water, add sugar, lemon juice and zest (do not add lemon pomace, otherwise the syrup will be bitter). Cook for 5-7 minutes and pour over the fruit.
  4. 10 minutes of slow boiling and can be poured into sterilized dishes. Seal tightly, turn over and let cool.

Peaches in own juice without sugar

Wash and clean the peaches from tails and stones, cut into halves and place in sterile jars.

Pour boiling water to completely cover the fruit, roll up with metal lids and place in a container with water heated to 55-60 degrees. Remember to line the bottom of the pot with a towel so that the jars do not touch the bottom of the pot during the sterilization process.

Boil jars: 0.5 l - 9 minutes; 1 liter - 10 minutes.

Be sure to wrap it in a warm blanket until it cools completely. Peaches are ready for winter!

Confiture with gelatin

To prepare it, you need: 600 g of peaches, 300 g of sugar, juice of 1 small lemon, several sprigs of rosemary, 10 g of gelatin.

Peach Jam with Gelfix

Soft, overripe peaches can be used for this preservation. In addition, if you pass them through a juicer, you get excellent juice with pulp, and the so-called cake is an excellent preparation for jam. The quality will not suffer from this, on the contrary, the jam will be tender and thick.

If you don’t know what to replace gelfix with, try pectin, because this is its main ingredient.

Required products: 2.5 kg of peaches (weight with a stone), 1 kg of sugar, 2 packets of gelfix.

  1. Grind the pulp of fruits in a blender, having previously cleared the skin and seeds.
  2. Add 4 tablespoons of gelfix sugar to the puree, mix well.
  3. Boil 3 minutes. over medium heat, stirring constantly. Then pour the rest of the sugar, bring to a boil and cook for another 3 minutes.

Pour the jam into dry, sterile jars, roll up hermetically, store in a dark, cool place.

Canning Whole Peaches

This is the easiest way to cook flavored drink and a beautiful berry, tasty, retaining all the vitamins for consumption in the winter.

Prepare 1 kg of fruits, 800 g of sugar, add spices to taste: cinnamon, vanillin, nasturtium flower petals.

Pierce the fruits in several places with a fork so that they do not crack and are well fed with syrup.

Cut the stalk and put the fruit in a sterile jar.

syrup cook in the usual way, but be sure to collect the foam. The syrup should be viscous, but not very thick, easy to pour out.

Pour syrup over peaches and pasteurize for 30 minutes. in boiling water (do not forget to cover the bottom of the dish in which you put the jar). Roll up hot. Store in a cool place.

The peach is a southern fruit. Fortunately, it is not exotic, since for many years it has been grown not only in the south, but also in the eastern and even northern regions. Therefore, harvesting compotes of jams and preserves will be inexpensive, but the benefits of them in winter are truly invaluable.

Delicate sweet slices of peaches will bring real pleasure in the cold season! This preparation is similar to canned peaches, which are sold in stores and supermarkets. Cooking peaches in syrup for the winter at home is not difficult. The recipe is simple and clear. by the most important point in this responsible event will, perhaps, right choice peaches. Fragrant fruits should be ripe, with a well-separating stone. Choose whole, not crushed peaches, with no rot or spots. It is good if the peaches are approximately the same size.

Prepare products based on:

  • 1 kg peaches
  • 200 g granulated sugar
  • 1 liter pure water for syrup
  • you will also need 1 tsp. lemon juice or a small pinch of citric acid

How to cook peaches in syrup for the winter

Let's start by preparing the peaches themselves. We need to remove the bone and carefully remove the skin.

Let's take care of the skin first. Rinse the peaches and place them in a heatproof dish. Pour the fruits completely with boiling water and leave them completely immersed in boiling water for 1 minute. Then drain the water, and rinse the peaches themselves with cold water. You can simply take the peaches out of the water with a tablespoon and put them in a bowl prepared in advance and standing next to it. ice water. This technique will stop the further heating of the peaches.

Now, with a small knife, try to carefully begin to separate the skin from the pulp, it should easily separate. Thus, you need to peel all the fruits from a thin peel.

Let's take the bones. Again, with a small knife, make an incision around the circumference of each peach, cutting right down to the pit. With a knife inserted into the slot, make one or two pushing movements and the peach should easily split into two halves. One will be “clean”, and from the second you will have to pry off with a knife and carefully remove the remaining bone. Slices for further cooking are ready! Set them aside and prepare the sugar syrup.

Combine water and sugar in a saucepan or ladle, add a little lemon juice or citric acid. Bring everything together to a boil. Dip the peach slices into the boiling syrup.

As soon as the syrup boils with the peaches, boil it for literally 30-40 seconds and immediately place the slices in sterile jars and pour the still boiling syrup. Seal the jars carefully, check the tightness by turning them upside down. Now you can leave the jars under a warm cover until they cool completely.

It remains only to sign the jars and store until winter in the home pantry.

In a hot, busy season, every housewife tries to prepare more appetizing preservation, the purpose of which is not only to decorate family dinner or dinner, but also to remind you of summer days in winter. Of course, it is best not to cope with such a role. fragrant cucumbers or tomatoes, but bright sweet fruits or berries. Preparation of compotes or preservation in own juice- a simple, but rather boring task, because most housewives use only the most simple recipes. But you can try to cook something unusual and original: peaches canned in halves. They used to be considered rare fruits, and now in the gardens there are more and more trees with huge fragrant fruits that can be sent to jars to pamper your family in a few months delicious delicacy.

Peaches Sunny: a delicious recipe for the winter

Canned fruits according to this recipe really resemble the sun with an orange warm tint. You can even take unripe fruits - in compote they will retain their shape better, which will allow them to be used to prepare your favorite desserts.


  • 2 kg 800 g peaches;
  • 530 gr of granulated sugar;
  • 1 l 500 ml of water;
  • 80 g lemon.


  1. Rinse the peaches well, remove excess liquid with a towel.
  2. Cut the fruit in half, removing the pit.
  3. Put sugar and squeezed juice from a lemon into a cooking container. Put on fire, after dissolving sugar crystals, add peach halves.
  4. After boiling the fruit in syrup, arrange them in glass containers, pour sweet syrup and immediately cork with tin lids.

After turning upside down, be sure to wrap.

Canned Peaches in Halves: A Step by Step Recipe

Sometimes housewives are reluctant to take up canning peaches for the winter, because they do not like the thick skin with a kind of fluff. They will certainly like this recipe, because pre-peeled fruits will not cause any inconvenience.

It is important that the fruits are firm, without soft areas, such places should be cut out immediately.


  • 980 ml of water;
  • 2 kg 900 g peaches;
  • 640 g of sugar sand.


  1. Send washed whole fruits with a stone to a container and immediately pour boiling water over it. After a few minutes, drain the hot liquid, pour the cold one. Peaches peel very easily.
  2. You can try to remove the skin from the fruit with a sharp knife, but then the finished compote will take on a cloudy, unappetizing look.
  3. Divide each fruit into two parts, immediately removing the stone.
  4. Fill a glass container halfway.
  5. Dissolve sugar in water, boil, stirring.
  6. Pour the fruits with boiling sweet liquid.
  7. Having previously covered with lids, sterilize the containers for 25 minutes. After the sterilization process, wrap up, pre-rolling.

"Fantasy": a recipe for assorted peaches without sterilization

Especially delicious canning It turns out if you add a few other fruits to the peaches, which will emphasize the taste and complement the aroma. Fragrant fruits will make many containers of bright delicious compote(8 cans of 3 l).


  • 900 g of peaches;
  • 510 g blackberries;
  • 820 g pears;
  • 950 g plums;
  • 1 kg 800 g of granulated sugar;
  • 70 g of citric acid;
  • water.


  1. Rinse all fruits under cool running water. It is easy to do this procedure with a colander.
  2. Cut the fruit into halves, fill the container halfway, add blackberries.
  3. Pour citric acid and sugar into each container.
  4. Put water in a large saucepan on the stove, immediately after boiling, pour into containers with fruits up to the shoulders.
  5. Cork immediately, be sure to place upside down under a blanket or a warm blanket.

With wine

Amazing conservation that can be offered as a New Year's festive snack guests. Some housewives even manage to cook salads with peaches instead of canned pineapple. It turns out no worse, even tastier.

For harvesting, choose firm, unripe fruits.


  • 1 kg 450 g peaches;
  • 520 g of sugar sand;
  • 300 ml of water;
  • 150 ml of wine (natural white);
  • 25 g of lemon juice;
  • 5 g ground ginger and cinnamon;
  • 10 g of cloves.


  1. Pour boiling water completely over the fruit for a few minutes. Drain the liquid, peel the fruit from the skin.
  2. Cut the peaches in half, discard the pits.
  3. Press a clove into each half.
  4. Boil syrup by combining sugar, cinnamon, ginger and water. Put the peaches in the liquid, leave on the stove until they boil. Remove, leave for 5 hours.
  5. Put back on the stove, pour in the lemon juice and wine. Cook, stirring gently, until fully prepared.
  6. Arrange the boiling fruit along with the liquid in a glass container, seal immediately. Cool down with lids. Wrap with a blanket is not necessary, the shelf life is long.

vanilla peaches

A delicious dessert that kids love. Canned fruits can also be served with ice cream, used as a filling for pies or bagels. You can send whole fruits to jars, but then you will have to extend the sterilization process a little.


  • 960 ml of water;
  • 400 g cane sugar;
  • 10 g vanillin;
  • 800 ml of water.


  1. After thoroughly washing the peaches, remove the pits and cut the fruit in half. Send to a container with boiling water for a minute, after which it is easy to remove the skin.
  2. Place in a glass container (necessarily cut down) to the very shoulders.
  3. Boiled for two minutes with syrup (water, vanillin, sugar), pour containers with peach halves.
  4. Send a container of fruit for sterilization by placing a special grill on the bottom of the pan or laying a thick cloth.
  5. After sterilizing the containers (small jars - a quarter of an hour, large ones - half an hour), cork and send to cool under a blanket, not forgetting to put the lids down first.

Such blanks are stored for a long time, provided proper storage(in a cool room).

with apples

A wonderful compote, the preparation of which at home will be a simple and enjoyable process. Apples for such harvesting should be taken of sour varieties, hard and large.


  • 760 g of apples;
  • water;
  • 650 g of sugar sand;
  • 760 g peaches.


  1. Wash the peaches, cut in half, removing the pit at the same time.
  2. Apples get rid of the core, you can also remove the peel if it is too hard. Cut into large slices.
  3. Send fruits in glass containers. The container should not be filled to the very top, the ideal ratio is 1 part fruit and 2 parts liquid.
  4. In each filled container, put a few leaves of lemon balm or mint.
  5. Pour sugar and top up to the very top with cold unboiled water.
  6. Sterilize such fruit preparation need about 20 minutes.
  7. After removing the containers with compote from a pot of boiling water, be sure to immediately roll up, checking the quality of the closure.
  8. Prepare a blanket in advance, put the preservation after capping down with lids under a warm shelter.

During the day, do not remove the blanket. Take the finished peach-apple blanks to the basement.

Peaches canned in halves for the winter without sterilization

Many housewives love to pamper their loved ones. fragrant pastries with sweet peaches. But, unfortunately, the season of these delicious fruits is short, and in store canned food a lot from the store chemical additives. There is only one way out - to preserve the peaches yourself, especially since it is very simple.

For preservation you will need:

  • peach fruits (it is better to choose slightly unripe ones) - two kilograms;
  • white fine sugar - one and a half kilograms;
  • cold pure water(not chlorinated) - one and a half liters;
  • citric acid (can be replaced with lemon juice) - a teaspoon.

Preservation method:

  1. Wash fruits thoroughly in cool water, changing it several times.
  2. To make it easier to pull out the stone without damaging the fruit itself, you need to make an incision all over the peach with a sharp knife, and then carefully turn the two halves of the fruit in opposite directions. One part will turn out without a bone, and cut the bone from the second half with a knife.
  3. For sugar syrup combine sugar with clean water, add citric acid or pour a spoonful of lemon juice and put on slow fire for boiling.
  4. Pour the halves of the fruit into the syrup and, after the filling with the peaches boils, boil them for about ten to twelve minutes.
  5. In dry, pre-sterilized jars, put the halves of the peaches, but not tightly. Bring the filling back to a boil and then pour it into the jars so that it completely covers all the fruits. Immediately tighten the preservation with boiled metal lids.

In order for canned peaches to last longer and stand without problems all winter, it is advisable to place them in a dark place where there is no access to the sun's rays.

Whole canned peaches with pits

Peaches are usually canned in halves or slices. But you can prepare these fruits as a whole, this is especially true if the peaches are a little overripe and it is difficult to select a bone from them without damaging the fruit.

For preservation you will need:

  • soft ripe peaches - three kilograms;
  • white fine sugar - two and a half kilograms;
  • clean (non-chlorinated water) - two liters;
  • a teaspoon of citric acid;
  • pinch by pinch ground cinnamon and vanilla sugar.

Preservation method:

  1. Wash the fruits and carefully remove the skin from them. Put them in clean, dry jars, preferably with a capacity of two liters, so they will fit more.
  2. For sweet syrup, combine water with sugar, citric acid and spices, boil, then boil for ten to fifteen minutes.
  3. Pour the syrup into jars of peaches, cover with metal lids and place in the oven to sterilize. Sterilize for at least twenty minutes. After that, immediately roll up.

Whole peaches cannot be stored for a long time, as their pit contains harmful substances, which at long-term storage just accumulate. The shelf life of such a blank is no more than two to three months.

Natural canned peaches in halves (video)

You should certainly use such recipes, because there is no need to a large number time, not a huge list the right ingredients. A little advice- peaches for each recipe can be taken half with nectarine, you get a completely different taste. The degree of ripeness of the fruit affects the amount of sugar - if they are unripe, you will have to add a little more sweet ingredient. Such simple tips will help you prepare the perfect canning for the winter, which will certainly turn into a family delicious dessert for the winter.

Summer brings us an incredible amount of berries and fruits. But after all, even then you want delicious and healthy treats. And so that you can treat yourself to fruits in the winter, you need to make preparations in the summer. Now we will tell you how to cook peaches in syrup. It turns out incredible delicious product. Peaches themselves can be added to a variety of desserts or just eat. And the syrup is great for. In general, prepare, you will not regret it!

Peaches in syrup recipe


  • fresh peaches - 1.5 kg;
  • citric acid - 1 teaspoon;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • water - 1.8 l.


  1. Wash the peaches thoroughly and pat dry.
  2. We divide them into halves, remove the bone. We fill the prepared jars with halves.
  3. Pour boiling water over the peaches and leave for 25-30 minutes.
  4. Then pour the water into a saucepan, add sugar and citric acid bring the liquid to a boil.
  5. Pour the resulting syrup over the peaches and immediately roll up.
  6. We turn the jars upside down and wrap them with a blanket. Leave it like this until it cools down completely.
  7. You can store such peaches simply in the pantry.


  • peaches - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 700 g.


Whole washed peaches are immersed in boiling water for 3 minutes, then removed, poured with cold water also for 3 minutes, and then transferred to a colander to glass the liquid. And now we easily peel off the skin from the peaches. We put the peaches in jars, sprinkling them with sugar. Pour boiling water "up to the shoulders" of the jars and cover them with lids. We set the jars in a wide pan, at the bottom of which a napkin or towel is laid. The level of the pot in the water should be the same as in the jars. We sterilize liter jars for 15 minutes. During sterilization, the sugar in the jars will dissolve, and you will get peaches in syrup. After the required time has elapsed, we remove the jars from the pan and immediately roll them up, turn them upside down, wrap them up and leave them for 10 hours.


  • peaches - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 500 g;
  • water - 1.5 l;
  • lemon - half.


  1. Divide the peaches in half and remove the pits from them.
  2. To do this, cut the peach along the edge of the stone, and then scroll the halves in opposite directions to each other.
  3. Peaches can be covered with or without the skin. It's purely a matter of taste.
  4. Pour water into a saucepan, add lemon juice and sugar to it. Put on fire until sugar dissolves.
  5. When the syrup becomes homogeneous, put the halves of the peaches into it, cover the pan with a lid and let the peaches boil.
  6. We spread them in sterile jars, fill them with syrup and close the lids.
  7. Set to cool, after turning the jars upside down.


  • peaches - 4 kg;
  • water;
  • Sugar (1 cup sugar to 2 cups water)


  1. We peel the peaches, for this we first dip the peaches in boiling water for half a minute, and then immediately dip them in cold water. After this procedure, the skin is removed very easily.
  2. Cut the peaches in half and remove the pit.
  3. We tightly pack the prepared halves of peaches into sterile jars.
  4. From this number of peaches, 7 liter jars come out.

Preparing syrup:

  1. Pour 3 cups of sugar with 6 cups of water.
  2. Bring the syrup to a boil and pour over the peaches without adding about 2 cm to the edge.
  3. We cover the jars with lids, set them on water bath 30 minutes, and then roll up.
  4. We turn over the jars of peaches in syrup and leave to cool, wrapping them in a blanket or a large terry towel.

Delicious, and most importantly, natural fruits are provided to you in winter!