Recipe for peach jam for the winter with slices. Peach jam wedges

02.09.2019 Soups

Any housewife can cook a delicate treat with a pleasant taste. Properly prepared peach jam will become a real culinary masterpiece. It will definitely be appreciated by your friends and relatives, as well as unexpected guests who ran into the light.

Peach jam with lemon and orange

This sweet dessert made from fresh fruits will be loved by children and adults. Serve it with hot drinks, or use it to make fluffy homemade buns.


  • pitted peaches - two kilograms;
  • Orange;
  • sugar - three kilograms.

After you master the recipe for peach jam, try changing its composition. For example, replace the main ingredient with other ripe fruits or berries. For this purpose, cherries, apricots or currants are perfect. As a result, you will get wonderful desserts with original tastes and aromas.

The recipe for "Pyatiminutka" peach jam is very simple. The dessert got its name for an unusual and simple way of processing products.

First you need to prepare the fruit. Put the orange and lemon in a deep cup and cover with boiling water. After half an hour, cut them into pieces, simultaneously removing all the bones. If you omit the last step, then the jam will turn out to be bitter and tasteless.
Wash the peaches and cut them in half. Of course, we don't need bones either.

Grind the prepared fruits with a meat grinder, mix them with sugar and boil over medium heat for five minutes. After that, the fruit mass must be cooled at room temperature and sent to the refrigerator for a day. The next day, the puree should be brought to a boil again, then the heat should be reduced and cooked for another five minutes.

You just have to put the dessert in jars and roll it up. Store it along with other winter blanks in a dark and cool place.

Peach jam with cognac

The unusual taste of this delicacy will quickly become popular with your friends and family. Jam can be safely offered to children, since alcohol evaporates even at the cooking stage. If you want to use the recipe for peach wedge jam, then prepare the following ingredients in advance:

  • ripe soft fruits - one kilogram;
  • sugar - 800 grams;
  • cognac - half a glass;
  • ground cinnamon - one pinch.

We described the recipe for jam with peaches and cognac in detail below. Be sure to follow all of the recommendations as they will ensure you get an excellent result.

Wash the fruit well, peel it. Free the pulp from the seeds and cut it into large wedges.

Peaches can also be boiled with their peels. Just be sure to rub them with a hard towel to get rid of the prickly lint.

Add sugar to the fruit wedges and let them rest (this step will take you one to three hours). When the fruits are juiced, send them to the stove and light the fire.

If you come across hard peaches, they will release very little juice. Therefore, you can add another 50 ml of water to the pot.

When the fruit mass boils, remove the foam from the surface, add cinnamon and pour in the cognac.
Cook the peaches for one hour, then immediately pour the hot dessert into sterilized jars and close the lids. Next, the blanks need to be turned upside down and wrapped in a warm blanket. The next day, when the jam has cooled, transfer it to the pantry and leave until the right moment. And if you don't want to wait too long, then open one jar and try the treat immediately.

The finished dessert turns out to be very sweet and juicy. Fruit pieces can be used to decorate homemade cakes and pastries.

Cooking jam in a slow cooker

Modern kitchen appliances help the hostesses prepare hearty lunches and dinners every day. But we suggest using it during the harvest season, when it’s time to make preparations for the winter. Jam with peaches and cinnamon will decorate a family tea party and cheer up a party even on the coldest evening.

Required products:

  • 1200 grams of whole peaches;
  • one kilogram of sugar;
  • cinnamon stick.

Cooking peach jam in a slow cooker will not take much of your time.

Rinse the fruit under running water and peel it off.

You will greatly simplify your task if you first dip the fruits in boiling water for a minute, and then transfer them to cold water.

Cut the fruit in half, remove the seeds. Cut the pulp into slices, transfer them to the multicooker bowl and cover with sugar. When enough juice is released from the peaches, you can start cooking.

After a couple of hours, turn on the device, set the "Porridge" or "Parboiled rice" mode. Bring the fruit mixture to a boil without lidding the bowl. Skim off the foam and cook the dessert for seven minutes. Cool the jam.

When four hours have passed, the multicooker must be turned on again. Boil the jam again and cool. In the third step, add a cinnamon stick to the bowl and cook the dessert for another seven minutes. We no longer need cinnamon, so we need to get it out and put it aside.

Peach jam for the winter is ready. Prepare small jars, wash them with any detergent, and then scrub well with baking soda. Rinse the dishes several times and sterilize them in any convenient way. Dip the tin lids in boiling water for a few minutes. Divide the hot jam into the jars and roll up with a key. Remember to place the dishes upside down and cover them with a few blankets.

The very next day you can serve a sweet dessert with tea or any other hot drinks. Store the rest of the jars in a dark and cool place.

Sweet aromatic peach jam can be prepared with any aromatic additives and spices. If you like culinary experiments, surprise your family with the original taste of this sweet dessert. And if you love baking pies and puff pastries, then this treat will be your best helper. Delicious aromatic fillings and beautiful decorations are obtained from it.

Microwave Peach Jam Video Recipe

Amazing jam recipes - video

Peaches don't need advertising. Like diamonds. A fruit that can develop normally only in an ecologically clean environment (and a peach is just that!); containing vitamins A, C, B1 and B2, as well as rare P; useful trace elements with compounds of sulfur, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium will be in demand by definition. Especially among adherents of a healthy diet.

Are you a food lover? The peach contains substances that contribute to the accelerated digestion of food and the effective breakdown of fats.

And the skin with a soft fluff, similar to suede, also makes you want to eat the fruit with your fingers.

And the fact that the season for eating fresh peaches is not long, only from about July to September - it doesn't matter. There are many ways to prepare this delicacy for the winter, and we will share five of them in this article.

  • The "correct" peach for jam should be moderately firm and ripe enough. Ripeness is determined simply: it is enough to lightly squeeze the fruit in your hand. Unripe will not leave fingerprints, and, moreover, it does not have a strong characteristic peach aroma.
  • Overripe peaches, as an exception, can be used when making jam, which will be discussed in another material.
  • If hard peaches are chosen for the jam, they first blanch: the fruits are placed in boiling water for 5 minutes, and then immediately cooled with cold water. The peel with a delicate fluff, so as not to burst, is pierced in several places with a toothpick (in cases where the peel is a mandatory attribute of the jam). Scalding also helps to remove the skin when it is, in most cases, necessary.
  • In this fruit, the bone grows tightly with the pulp. To extract it, it is better to use a tablespoon with a sharply sharpened nose and one of the edges. Or use these peaches for pitted jam - it will be in our recipes and such.
  • Peaches are sweet on their own, so be careful not to get a sugary product with sugar. Therefore, the amount of sugar is most often taken less in weight than the weight of peaches. Or, to prevent the jam from becoming sugared, lemon juice is added to it during cooking.

Seedless peach jam for the winter

  • Peaches - 1 kg
  • Water - 250 ml
  • Juice of one medium lemon or 4 g of citric acid
  • Sugar - 1.2 kg


Rinse the peaches well, pour boiling water over for 5 minutes, so that the fruits are completely drowned.

Cool in cold water, peel off. Remove pits

Cut the pitted peach into quarters or eighths.

Cover the slices with sugar in layers: a layer of peach - a layer of sugar, again a layer of peach, etc. (without stirring!)

Squeeze lemon juice there. In addition to preserving properties, it also prevents browning of the fruit.

Pour over water, put on low heat, cook until foam appears. After boiling and removing the foam, remove from heat, cool completely.

Then repeat this operation two more times, bringing the number of brews to three. Heat and bring to a boil only over low heat!

Chilled jam is poured into a jar sterilized in the oven, its edges are wiped for a tighter fit of the lid, the lid is twisted all the way

A simple recipe for peach jam with wedges

According to this recipe, there is no need to cook three times - a low heat is left under the jam brought to a boil and the foam is regularly removed. In addition, it does not use third-party water - the jam is cooked in its own juice. And poured into cans hot.

For this, jars are not cooled after the oven where they were sterilized; they must also be hot to avoid cracking the glass. At the final stage of cooking, you can also add 1 natural vanilla pod to the jam.


  • 1 kg of peaches
  • 800 gr sugar
  • Half lemon wedge
  • 1 vanilla pod (optional)


Take dense peaches, not overripe. If, after cutting, the bone has grown tightly with the pulp, but you have not acquired a special tool (see above), and the aesthetics of the slices in the finished product are not important, just cut the pulp from the bone, shaving it off.

Rinse the peaches, dry them

Separate from seeds, cut into slices

Sprinkle the slices in layers with sugar, without stirring, wait two hours for the peaches to give juice, put on fire, bring to a boil, reduce heat to low.

Peach is very sensitive to metals during cooking, so it should be cooked either in copper or in enamel dishes. And choose a wooden spoon or spatula for stirring.

Cook for another 20-30 minutes, often skimming off the froth with a clean spoon. At the end of cooking, if necessary, add a vanilla pod to the jam.

The jam, removed from the fire, is immediately, hot, poured into preheated jars.

Filled cans are tightly twisted with a lid through a cloth or with gloves put on - the temperature of the syrup just removed from the fire in the jam is more than 100⁰С, be careful! - then the jar is turned upside down with a lid, covered with a blanket or towel and left so for 5-6 hours, until it cools.

Cooling down, the jam shrinks, and the lid is tightly "sucked" to the jar, which will serve as an additional guarantee of tightness.

Cooking peach jam with seeds

The peculiarity of this jam is not only that peaches are not cut for it, and the stone is not removed from them. It also lies in the fact that the skin is not removed, which means that the entire aroma of the fruit remains inside, exploding with the taste already in the process of use.

This is a truly luxurious, royal dessert. The fruits for him are taken, of course, of small size and medium ripeness.

It will require:

  • Peaches - 1 kg
  • Baking soda - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Water - further in the recipe
  • Sugar - 1.2 kg

What is soda for? Using unripe fruits, because they have a denser skin, is not the best option: the jam will be too dense and sour. If you take normal ripe fruits, but soak them for 25-30 minutes in a soda solution before cooking, the skin will become stronger.

The soda treatment will not affect the taste of the jam if you carefully rinse the fruits in a colander, without stirring, but only slightly shaking them.

In addition, this recipe provides for an excess of the proportion of sugar over the fruits, which will serve as an additional guarantee of high-quality preservation.


1. Wash the peaches . Pour the washed peaches with cold water so that only their tops peep out of the water. This amount of water will be needed for the syrup.

2. Pour the water into a container in which the jam will be prepared, pour the cooked sugar into it. Heat over medium heat, bringing to a boil and stirring constantly so that the syrup does not burn, gently lower the peaches one by one there, first piercing the skin with a toothpick so that it does not burst.

3. Cook until boiling, reduce heat to low and cook for another 5 minutes, removing the foam with a wooden spoon.

4. Completely cool the peaches, visually assess the readiness: if they have decreased in size and become translucent, so that the bone is visible through the boiled pulp - the jam is completely ready. Then you need to put them in jars, and bring the syrup to a boil again and pour the peaches laid out in jars with it.

"Five minutes" of peaches for the winter

The trick of "Five Minutes" is that even peaches cut into slices will retain the maximum aroma inherent in this fruit - due to the fact that heat treatment is minimal. And overripe ones will not boil up into jam, having lost their presentation.

For jam take:

  • One and a half kilograms of sugar
  • a kilogram of peaches (already pitted),
  • 200 grams of water.


Place the halves or quarters of the peaches in a suitable container.

Pour sugar over with water, and bring to a boil with constant stirring.

Pour the boiling syrup over the fruit

Stir gently, pour the syrup into the container where it was cooked, bring to a boil again, removing the foam

Pour the peaches a second time.

For the third time, pour the syrup into a saucepan, bring to a boil, removing the froth - and pour the peaches for the third time.

Quickly pour the jam into jars, cork tightly with lids and leave to cool, covering with a blanket or a towel.

Jam recipe with the addition of oranges

For such a jam, very ripe peaches are needed so that there is no dissonance with the orange pulp.


  • Peaches - 1 kg 200 gr
  • 2 medium oranges
  • 1 kg 200 gr. Sahara

Making jam step by step:

Rinse the peaches thoroughly

Grate the orange zest on a fine grater, turning it on all sides.

Divide the remaining pulp into slices, remove the white membranes between them and the seeds from the inside

Remove the peel from the peaches and remove the seeds, cut into wedges

Put slices of orange, peach and grated zest into a cooking container. Cover with sugar and leave for two hours

Put on fire, bring to a boil, cook for half an hour over low heat, constantly removing the foam.

Pour hot jam into sterile dry jars, wrap the lids tightly. Cooling down will better provide slow, under a thick blanket, for 10-12 hours.

Video on how to make cinnamon jam

Finally, I want to offer you another option for harvesting for the winter in video format. Happy viewing!

Properly cooked peach jam has an amber color (with all its shades and gradations), a distinct aroma and taste of ripe peach and is a real storehouse of vitamins, so necessary in the cold winter of Russia. Spend quite a bit of time and the amount of money that an average family can handle - and your family tea-drinking will turn into a small celebration.

Peach jam "Pyatiminutka", the recipes of which will be described below, is a very tasty and healthy delicacy. Making such a dessert is not difficult. Therefore, it is very popular among modern chefs.

The finished product has a pleasant delicate texture and unsurpassed taste.

How to choose the main component?

To cook five-minute peach jam, you must first choose the right fruit, and then process them thoroughly.

It is advisable to purchase peaches for such a delicacy in late August - early September. It is at this time of the year that fruits are sold in almost all stores at a very reasonable price.

To make the “Five Minute” peach jam tasty, the main component should not be too soft. However, it is also undesirable to use hard fruits. Ideally, you should take peaches, which, when pressed, leave clear dents on them. It is such a product that will contribute to the production of tasty and not loose jam.

Fruit pre-processing

Before the "Pyatiminutka" peaches, they should be carefully processed. The fruits are thoroughly washed in hot water, removing the existing stalks. Next, cuts are made on the peaches, break in half (preferably with your hands, turning the halves in different directions) and take out the drupe. After that, the remaining pulp is chopped into slices. If you purchased medium-sized fruits, then they can be used in the form of halves.

By the way, some housewives cook five-minute peach jam only after the main component has been peeled. However, we do not recommend doing this. This is due to the fact that the hairy part of peaches contains a large amount of vitamins. What's more, it allows the fruit pieces to maintain their shape and not convert the jam into jam.

It should also be noted that some cooks make "Pyatiminutka" peach jam with drupe kernels. With them, the dessert turns out to be much tastier and more aromatic.

Making a simple and quick peach jam "Pyatiminutka"

If you do not like to stand at the stove for a long time, then this recipe for making a peach dessert will suit you best. To implement it, we need:

  • small beet sugar - about 1.5 kg;
  • peaches, processed, cut into slices - 1 kg;
  • drinking water - 250 ml.

Cooking process

To make such a treat at home, you will need a large saucepan or enamel bowl. It is necessary to put all the processed peaches in it, and then add sugar and mix thoroughly with a large spoon.

In order for the fruits to begin to secrete their juice, the filled basin should be covered with a newspaper and left warm for 20-25 minutes. Over time, the peaches stir again from the bottom and put on a very slow fire. At the same time, drinking water is poured into them.

After re-mixing the components, they are brought to a boil. In this case, the jam should gradually become covered with a sweet foam. Some housewives clean it with a slotted spoon. We do not recommend doing this.

After the peach jam has boiled, time is counted. From this moment on, a delicious and delicate delicacy is boiled for exactly 5 minutes.

Where to store it?

After the specified time has passed, the peach jam should be completely cooked. It is laid out in small sterilized jars and covered with plastic lids. In this form, the containers are left at room temperature until they cool completely.

Due to the fact that the jam we are considering was prepared using gentle heat treatment, it should be stored only in the refrigerator. Moreover, it is advisable to use such a delicacy within 2-3 months.

Cooking peach jam for the winter

"Five Minute" ... A dessert with this name can be prepared for several minutes or several days. If you decide to prepare this jam for the winter, then you will have to use a different recipe. To implement it, you need to purchase:

  • small beet sugar - about 1.7 kg;
  • peaches, processed, cut into halves - 1 kg;
  • drupe kernels - 150 g;
  • citric acid - 3 g;
  • drinking water - 200 ml.

Cooking method

As in the previous recipe, to make peach jam at home, you will need a large enamel bowl or deep saucepan. Put all the halves of the fruit in it and immediately cover them with granulated sugar.

Leaving the peaches under the newspaper for 1.5 hours, they are put on the stove, pour in water and stir the pretty one. After the contents of the dishes boil, the jam is cooked for exactly 5 minutes. Over time, it is removed from the fire and again left under the newspaper for 5-6 hours. Such actions should be carried out 5 times. In other words, the "Pyatiminutka" jam must be cooked for exactly 25 minutes. Moreover, on the 4th boil, drupe kernels should be added to it, and on the 5th - citric acid.

Such processing will contribute to obtaining a dark and thick jam, which can be stored in the cellar for quite a long time (up to six months).

Seaming process and storage method

As soon as the peach jam is boiled for the fifth time, it is immediately laid out in small sterilized jars, which are rolled up with tin lids. In this form, the amber dessert is covered with a blanket and kept in it until it cools completely. In the future, peach jam is sent to a dark and cool room (for example, a pantry, cellar, underground, etc.), where it is stored for no more than six months.

How and with what to use?

You can use ready-made peach jam, prepared according to any of the above recipes, immediately after the end of heat treatment. But it will be better if such a delicacy is previously kept in the refrigerator. In this case, it will become thicker and more tasty.

You can use this delicacy with tea or any other drink. Many housewives make sweet sandwiches out of it. For this, thick peach jam is spread on crispy toast and immediately served.

Aromatic homemade peach jam is a wonderful sweet preparation for the winter that the whole family will love. If you do not remove the peel, the finished dessert will turn out as in the picture, and without it the jam will have a rich amber color. Elastic peach slices in thick sugar syrup are perfectly set off by the slight sourness of lemon: such a dessert is not a shame to serve even to guests at the festive table!

There is nothing complicated in the recipe for peach jam for the winter, but there are some nuances. For example, for this fragrant preparation, it is necessary to take not fully ripened and dense fruits, since otherwise the slices will simply boil up and turn into mashed potatoes. I just had such peaches: a very cheap batch was brought to the store, so I already knew what exactly I would cook from them.

In addition, depending on the ripeness and juiciness of the fruit, it can take different times to convert the sugar into syrup. It is important not to rush and then your expectation will pay off with interest. The thickness of the peach syrup itself can be easily adjusted due to a longer boil. In any case, I am sure that you will definitely make the most delicious and aromatic peach jam for your family!


Cooking a dish step by step with a photo:

Wash and dry the peaches, then cut the pulp into slices. It all depends on the maturity and juiciness of the fruit! I had very dense and crunchy (like apples) peaches, so I didn't want to leave the flesh from the stones - I just had to cut it off with a knife. It is up to you to remove the velvety skin or not (it does not bother me at all in the jam). I indicate the mass of peaches (1 kilogram) in the ingredients in an already prepared form, that is, without seeds. We put the slices in a bowl in which we will cook the jam.

Fill the peaches with granulated sugar - you need 1 kilogram. It may seem like a lot, but soon it will turn into syrup. Shake the pan or stir everything with your hands (if the peaches are dense like mine) so that the sugar evenly covers all the slices. In this state, peaches with sugar should be left at room temperature for several hours, periodically stirring the contents. As a rule, I keep hard fruits for quite a long time - I fall asleep with sugar in the evening and leave everything until morning.

In the morning (or after a few hours), all the sugar will turn into syrup (it may remain a little at the bottom) - it's time to move on to the next stage of making peach jam for the winter. We put the dishes on a quiet fire and let the sugar and juice completely turn into syrup. You can cover the bowl (saucepan) with a lid for this time.

Thus, bring the contents of the dishes to a boil and cook over medium heat for about 5 minutes. Do not forget to remove the foam without fail - there will be quite a lot of it. After 5 minutes of boiling, turn off the heat and let the future peach jam cool COMPLETELY at room temperature. There is absolutely no need to rush here, so you can leave the treat to rest for at least 5 or even 12 hours.

Now you need to carefully remove the peach slices from the syrup. It's not very long, don't worry. We do this in order to properly boil the syrup.

Then pour 50 ml of lemon juice, which will help the syrup stay clear and not cloudy. In addition, lemon will add sourness to a decently sweet jam. Cook at medium boil for another 10-15 minutes. A soft-soft ball serves as a check for the readiness of the syrup: if you drop quite a bit of syrup on a chilled saucer, the droplet does not spread, but keeps its shape.

Put peach slices in boiling syrup, boil everything together for another 10 minutes over low heat after boiling again. Homemade peach jam is ready - we close it for the winter.

Velvety golden skin, juicy pulp and sweet and sour taste - that is why all people, without exception, love peaches. It turns out that the delicate aroma of a delicious fruit can be felt not only in summer, but also in winter. To pamper your loved ones with peaches at any time of the year, you just need to cook the jam in advance.

peach slices?

Now we will look at one of the simplest recipes for this unsurpassed dessert. 1.5 kilograms of peaches will require slightly less than a kilogram of granulated sugar. You also need to take the juice of one lemon and a few cinnamon sticks. They will add spice to the dish.

Wash the peaches and cut into wedges. Place in a large bowl and sprinkle with granulated sugar. Leave the fruit overnight. During this time, they must start up the juice. In the morning, the jam should be put on the stove. Bring it to a boil over low heat and only then add lemon juice and spices.

Now we remove the pan from the stove. Cool down the sweet mass. The procedure for bringing to a boil must be carried out several times. The consistency of the jam should become viscous. The peaches will take on a transparent golden color. When cooking is complete, remove the cinnamon stick. Delicious peach jam in slices is ready!

with additives

Often, the hostesses add berries, fruits and even nuts to the peaches. The choice depends on the individual preferences of the person. At the same time, I would like to note that each of the recipes is delicious in its own way.

Peach and apricot jam

To prepare this amazing dessert, we need the following ingredients:

  • peaches - 1.5 kg;
  • apricots - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • lemon.

First, wash the fruit thoroughly under running cool water. Then we dry them. Cut the peaches into slices, the apricots are just enough to cut into halves. Peel and chop the lemon. It should be noted that peaches and apricots must be placed in separate containers. Then the fruit should be sprinkled with sugar for half a kilogram. After they let the juice go, you can proceed to cooking.

We begin to cook apricots over low heat. After 5 minutes add peaches to them. Gently mix the fruits and leave to cook for another 5 minutes. The pot can now be removed from the stove.

As soon as the peach jam has cooled in slices, it must be put back on the stove and brought to a boil over low heat. The foam that appears should be removed. Cook again for 5 minutes and let the dessert cool. Now add lemon to the jam and cook to the desired consistency. We lay out on sterilized jars and roll up.

Fragrant peach and orange jam

Many people like this jam for its unusual piquant taste. How to cook peach jam with citrus slices? Very simple! If you want to surprise your family and friends, then use this simple recipe. To make a serving of jam, we need:

  • three peaches;
  • two oranges;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • vanilla.

The fruit must be washed and dried. Cut into wedges. The oranges need to be peeled and cut into half rings. Mix all ingredients in a saucepan and sprinkle with granulated sugar. Boil the fruit over low heat for 20 minutes. If desired, you can add a little vanilla to the sweetness. With this wonderful jam, you can make cakes and rolls. It is also served with tea with pancakes and pancakes.

Jam with blanched peach wedges

This delicious dessert is also made with peaches. For one kilogram of peaches, you need to take 1.5 glasses of water and 1.2 kilograms of granulated sugar. The fruit is best cut into quarters and pitted. Prepared fruits are placed in a mesh container, and then in a saucepan with boiling water. Blanch them for a minute and then quickly immerse them in cold water.

The dessert is brewed in three stages, as described in the previous recipes. The result is a clear jam made from whole pieces of nectar fruit. It needs to be poured into small sterile jars and rolled up. Wonderful fruits, thanks to sugar syrup, get the most delicate consistency, but do not lose their shape and wonderful aroma.

The benefits of peaches

Peaches are 39 kcal per 100 grams of fruit. However, despite the low energy value of the product, it is very healthy. Peaches contain ascorbic acid, B vitamins, vitamins A and D, fiber, iron, calcium and magnesium.

The inclusion of peaches in the diet allows:

  • strengthen the immune system;
  • increase hemoglobin;
  • increase efficiency;
  • improve the general condition;
  • improve metabolism;
  • relieve stress after stress;
  • prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Slices will help us become a little healthier.

Peach jam with almonds

This recipe is useful for those who are already pretty fed up with traditional desserts. Peach jam in slices in royal nut syrup will diversify the most sophisticated table.

To make this jam, we need:

  • peaches - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • almonds - 70 gr;
  • cherry juice - 70 ml;
  • lemon acid;
  • water.

Cooking a dessert with a sophisticated bitter aroma can be conditionally divided into 2 stages:

  1. Boil the syrup and soak the peaches in it. We leave for 6 hours.
  2. Bring the syrup to a boil, cook for 40 minutes. Then add the peeled almonds. We boil for 15 minutes. Pour in and add a small pinch of citric acid.

How to make peach jam in a slow cooker?

This recipe will appeal to those who do not have time to cook peach jam in slices in the traditional way, but still want to try a fragrant peach dessert. Take peaches and sugar in a 1: 1 ratio. These are all the ingredients in our jam. It should be noted that no water needs to be added.

We turn on the multicooker for the "Soup" or "Stew" mode. From time to time you need to open the lid and stir the contents. Also, do not forget to remove the foam from the jam. In about an hour, our dessert will be ready. Now you know how to make peach jam in slices in a slow cooker.

Five-minute jam according to grandma's recipe

This sweet preparation claims to be the most useful of those that were considered earlier. The dessert retains all the useful vitamins and elements, due to the fact that the heat treatment of the fruit lasts only a few minutes.

For this jam, you can choose peaches of absolutely any ripeness, however, preference is still given to unripe fruits. For 1 kg of fruit, we need 6 glasses of granulated sugar and one glass of clean water.

A quick and healthy recipe for jam

We start by washing the peaches thoroughly under running water. Then you need to remove the bones. Cut the fruit in half and use a knife to get it out. Now you can cut the peaches into small pieces.

In the container that we took for cooking the dessert, you need to put the fruit and add five glasses of granulated sugar. Stir the fruits until they let out juice. We left one glass of sugar in order to prepare the syrup. Pour sugar into the water heated in a saucepan. Then bring to a boil until it is completely dissolved. Pour the prepared syrup into a container with peaches. Stir the fruits and leave them to simmer for several hours.

Now the peaches have given as much juice as we need to make the jam. Put the container with fruits on low heat and bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. Cook for five minutes. We lay out our ready-made dessert in pre-sterilized jars. We roll up the covers. Turn the jars over and wrap them in a warm blanket. When they are completely cool, they can be transferred to the closet or cellar. Bon Appetit!

  1. To cook peach jam in slices, it is recommended to use slightly unripe peaches. Alternatively, you can use
  2. It is better to add additional ingredients to the peach dessert. These can be citrus pieces, apricots, or nuts. These products will add spicy peculiar notes to the jam.
  3. The dessert will turn out to be more tender if you first remove the skin from the peaches. To do this easily, it is enough to pour boiling water over the fruit.

We have reviewed with you the most popular and healthy recipes for peach jam. As you can see, making fruit sweetness is not at all difficult. This fragrant dessert will be a great addition to any tea party. You can make peach jam in slices for the winter. Its unsurpassed sweetness will appeal to all your household members.