Zucchini as mushrooms cooking recipe. Zucchini marinated like milk mushrooms: recipe

08.04.2019 Snacks

Zucchini - amazing product. Their flavor is so neutral that they go well with everything from chicken and red fish to feta and tomatoes. And with the help of spices, they can be changed so much. that you will not immediately understand that the dish is made from zucchini. A vivid example of this - or an orange.

This blank has long gained popularity among many owners. But there is another one wonderful recipe- zucchini for milk mushrooms for the winter. Yes, yes, as a result of pickling and canning, zucchini become similar to mushrooms in taste and density. Such a preparation turns out to be very budgetary and affordable, if it speaks of finance, but very tasty and beautiful, if we evaluate its quality.

Canned zucchini like milk mushrooms you can put on the table as festive snack or how vegetable garnish to meat - chops, cutlets, etc. Cooking them is quite simple, I will be happy to share with you how to pickle zucchini like milk mushrooms.


  • 1.5 kg of zucchini;
  • 1 tablespoon of salt;
  • 0.5 tablespoons of ground black pepper;
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 0.5 cups of vegetable oil;
  • 1 bunch of dill;
  • 0.5 cup 9% vinegar;
  • 4-5 cloves of garlic.

* From the indicated amount of ingredients, approximately 2 liters of preservation are obtained.

How to pickle zucchini like milk mushrooms:

You can use any variety of zucchini for this recipe. The main thing is that they must be fresh. In this recipe, not all zucchini are used, but only their dense part. The soft loose part (even if the zucchini is young, with underdeveloped seeds) is removed. Without this, the effect of mushrooms will not work. Therefore, we will weigh the zucchini after they are cleaned and the inner loose part is removed. Wash the zucchini with cold running water. Trim both ends and peel off the skin. Cut the zucchini lengthwise into 4 - 6 parts and cut out the inner loose part. Cut the zucchini into small slices - as if cutting mushrooms. The main thing is that the slices do not differ much in size (this will worsen appearance snacks).

We clean the garlic from the husk, wash and chop with a knife. We wash the dill, dry it and also chop finely.

In a bowl, put the prepared zucchini, garlic and dill. Add salt, sugar, black ground pepper, vegetable oil and vinegar. Mix thoroughly.

Cover the bowl with zucchini with a lid or cling film and set aside for 3 hours. During this time, the zucchini will be saturated with the aromas of the filling, let the juice go.

We wash the jars in advance in water with soda and sterilize in any convenient way. Boil the lids for 4-5 minutes. We lay out the zucchini in dry sterilized jars, shake the jar several times so that the zucchini lie more tightly. Pour the zucchini with the resulting juice.

We cover the jars with lids and prepare for sterilization. We line the bottom of a wide pan with a napkin (so that the jars do not crack during sterilization). We put the jars in a saucepan and pour warm water(water should reach the shoulders of the jars). We put the pot on fire. Bring the water to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat so that it does not boil too violently. We sterilize half-liter jars for 10 minutes. For liter cans the sterilization time is increased to 15 minutes.

Sterilized jars of zucchini are carefully removed from the pan (it is convenient to do this using special tongs) and immediately sealed tightly.

Turn jars of zucchini upside down.

Step by step recipe with photo and video

To prepare zucchini as milk mushrooms for the winter, take these ingredients.

Young zucchini will do, you can zucchini or another variety. If using mature vegetables, remove the seeds and skins. In young vegetables, the skin is tender, it can not be removed. Rinse, cut off the ponytails. cut arbitrarily large pieces. Place in a large basin.

Rinse a large bunch of parsley and dill. Slice and add to zucchini.

Add salt, sugar, ground black pepper, table vinegar, sunflower oil, chopped garlic. Mix all products well. Leave at room temperature for 3-4 hours. Stir occasionally so that all the zucchini marinate well.

Place the salad mass in clean sterile jars. First, lay out the solid mass, then pour the resulting juice. Cover with sterile lids. Send to be sterilized for 10-15 minutes from the moment of boiling.

Remove jars from boiling water and roll up with a key. Turn over and wrap well until cool.

Zucchini are ready for the winter. Delicious preparations for you!

Closed. And then I got the idea to pickle zucchini for the winter, which taste like milk mushrooms.

When you try them for the first time, you don’t immediately understand that they are zucchini. To taste and smell - mushrooms, but only some of them are unfamiliar, not quite the usual consistency, or something, more tender.

And knowing some rules, you can also make them crispy, well, just lick your fingers. The most suitable for this recipe will be young elastic zucchini, with a crust that has not yet coarsened and milk seeds.

But, if you don’t have them, then you can take already overripe fruits and soft zucchini. All you need to do is sterilize them. different time. For example, zucchini is very tender and they are easily boiled into porridge, but we want to get a pulp similar to mushroom. An old vegetable, on the contrary, needs to be boiled longer so that it has time to absorb the marinade and become softer. I will write about the sterilization time of each option below.

Dill gives a specific aroma, it is better to use stems and umbrellas. Therefore, it cannot be replaced. You can diversify with parsley, but you can’t do without dill at all.

I will also say that I am very pleased that new fresh and not yet boring recipes have begun to appear in our Russian cuisine.

Zucchini like milk mushrooms: recipe "Lick your fingers" for the winter - fast and tasty

If you want to get the mushroom flavor of zucchini, then it is important that they are infused for at least two weeks. Only after this period, the spices give their smell to the marinade and nourish the vegetables.

I consider this recipe the most complete and correct, so I give it in the first place.

The number of ingredients per 1.5 kg of peeled fruits:

  • 25 g green dill
  • garlic head
  • vinegar 9% - 130 ml
  • sunflower oil - 130 ml
  • salt (not iodized) - 1 tsp
  • 0.5 tbsp ground pepper
  • 2 tbsp granulated sugar
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 2 dill umbrellas
  • 3 black peppercorns

1. First of all, we pick the fruits of the zucchini. We do not clean the young ones, but we remove the peel from the old ones and remove the seeds.

It is better to peel the fruits with a vegetable peeler, then the removed layer is thin and neat.

We cut the pulp into cubes of about 2-2.5 cm. Why this size? So that they are easily packaged in jars, even with a narrow bottom.

2. We weigh the chopped zucchini to accurately calculate the volume of the marinade.

3. My dill and dry well. Then finely chop.

In these recipes, dill greens have essential role, his essential oils give that same mushroom note.

4. We use a whole head of garlic. We clean it from the husk and coarsely cut each clove.

But it's important not to overdo it. After all, an extra amount of garlic will give the zucchini unnecessary softness, and we need them crispy, like milk mushrooms.

5. Now it's the turn of the liquid ingredients. Pour vegetables with vinegar. Add half a mug (250 ml) sunflower oil.

Let's talk a little about salt. Only the usual large cookery, and not iodized, goes into spins. Pour sugar and pepper to it.

6. Mix the filling and vegetables and close the mixture with a lid for 3 hours. Vegetables will wilt, release juice and marinate a little. If there is no young crop, and only overripe fruits remain, then leave them overnight in the marinade. And in the case when you sit down soft varieties, like zucchini, then you will have up to 3 hours of time.

7. During this time, cleanly wash the jars and set or in any other way.

We put dill umbrellas at the bottom of our container, they also give a mushroom smell. Pour three balls of black pepper and a couple of bay leaves into each container.

9. And fill with slices of zucchini. They have already marinated, they taste like Korean salad and they smell intoxicating. You will definitely want to taste them, but they still do not resemble mushrooms, because they need to be marinated for at least 14 days.

11. Lay the slices tightly, pressing down with a spoon. We compact the zucchini well, because excess air harms preservation.

12. Cover the jars with lids. And we begin the cooking process.

13. We choose a wide saucepan, line a towel inside and expose the jars.

Liters give time for sterilization 15 minutes, 2 liters - 20-25 minutes.

14. Pour water almost to the neck, leaving 1 cm from the very edge so that all the zucchini boil, but nothing gets inside.

15. After boiling, sterilize for 15 minutes, if you have half-liter or 700 gram jars, then 10 minutes is enough.

Zucchinis are not very suitable for this recipe because they are very tender and soft and can turn into porridge when sterilized. But, if you only have such soft varieties, then you need to sterilize them for only 5 minutes, no more, so that it does not puree.

If you have found only old overripe fruits, then it is advisable to sterilize them for longer than 5-7 minutes.
We twist the containers with lids and check for leaks.

16. We put them upside down and wrap them with blankets and towels until they cool naturally for 12-24 hours.

Step-by-step recipe for zucchini with carrots and parsley with sterilization

Another favorite recipe. It is diluted with carrots and parsley sprigs.


  • 3.5 kg zucchini fruit
  • 700 g carrots
  • garlic - 300 g
  • 2.5 tbsp salt
  • 7 tablespoons granulated sugar
  • sunflower oil - 200 ml
  • 380 ml 9% vinegar
  • 250 ml water
  • 1 tbsp ground black pepper
  • bunch of dill and parsley

1. We select milk zucchini, this will save time and we will not have to peel. Cut the fruit in half, then into slices, at least 2 centimeters long.

2. Grind bunches of parsley and dill. We send them to vegetables. Peel the carrots and also cut into slices or circles.

3. Extrude garlic cloves through the press. We also add liquid ingredients there: sunflower oil, 380 ml of vinegar and a mug of water. And pour out the flavor enhancers: a spoonful of salt, pepper and sugar.

4. Mix the whole mass and leave it for 3 hours to marinate.

5. In order for the slices of zucchini to be evenly saturated with the marinade, they need to be turned over with a wooden spoon every half an hour.

6. Then tightly put the vegetables in jars and fill with juice to the top. Since we will sterilize the salad, it is enough to simply rinse the jars thoroughly with a clean sponge with soda.

7. We take a wide saucepan, cover the bottom with a rag cut. We expose the liters and cover them with lids.

8. You need to fill in water so that there are five centimeters left to the neck and turn on the gas. After the water has bubbled, boil the jars for 12 minutes.

9. Then we immediately tighten the lids (if your salad is very stewed, then spread the mass from one jar over the rest so that there is no air space. In extreme cases, use water, fill it almost to the very top).

We remove the container under a fur coat, where it will gradually cool down.

Pickling with nutmeg and citric acid (without vinegar)

Not everyone loves vinegar, some can't, and some consider it harmful. Therefore, housewives come up with recipes without using it. Most often it is replaced with lemon and sugar. Nutmeg adds spice and flavor ready meal. Already ground nuts are sold in stores, it is not at all expensive.


  • zucchini - 2 kg
  • dill - 40 g
  • parsley - 30 g
  • 5 cloves of garlic
  • 5 g ground black pepper
  • 8 g ground nutmeg
  • 35 g large table salt
  • 70 g granulated sugar
  • 180 ml - unrefined vegetable oil
  • 10 g lemon

1. Thoroughly wash and wipe the fruits of zucchini. When they are no longer dairy, then we cut off the skin from them and clean the soft center with seeds.

2. Cut into slices and pour into an enameled bowl.

3. Rinse and dry the greens. We chop it, capturing the stems.

4. Peel the garlic and cut each clove into three parts. Add to the zucchini with herbs in a saucepan.

5. Now it's time for additives: pour salt, pepper, nuts and sugar to vegetables and pour it all with vegetable oil. citric acid add at this stage.

6. Marinate for 4 hours, turning the mass every 30 minutes. A lot of juice will come out and soak the pulp.

7. We wash the jars with soda and a clean sponge. We put slices of zucchini in them, pouring marinade.

8. Then we put the container in a container for sterilization. We line the bottom with a cloth, then the glass will not crack when heated. And fill up with warm water. As soon as we saw that it was boiling, we detect 10 minutes before the end of sterilization.

9. We take out the jars, immediately roll them up with lids and turn them over, checking if the marinade flows out.

After 2 weeks, they will acquire a characteristic mushroom aroma.

Russian cuisine recipe: zucchini like milk mushrooms with mushroom seasoning

how else to add mushroom flavor to banks? Add to them mushroom seasoning, it contains all the necessary herbs that enhance the smell. Just don't choose a supplement with chemical composition, stores are full of bags of natural dried herbs.

We will need:

  • 1.5 kg zucchini fruits
  • 1 tbsp salt
  • 1 tsp ground black pepper
  • 3 tbsp granulated sugar
  • 1 tsp seasonings for mushrooms
  • 0.5 cup unscented sunflower oil
  • bunch of dill
  • 0.5 cup 9% vinegar
  • 1 tbsp garlic passed through a press

1. Cut the zucchini into cubes, then finely chop the greens. Garlic can not be cut, but passed through a press.

2. In a large enameled container, combine vegetables, herbs and garlic. Pour salt, pepper, sugar and mushroom seasoning.
Fill the mass with vinegar and oil. Stir so that each slice is in the marinade.

3. Leave this salad to infuse for 3 hours. Once an hour, stirring the mass.

During this time, rinse the jars well and put the zucchini in them, pouring the marinade over them.

4. We send vegetables to be sterilized. Put a tissue paper in the pot to glass container didn't burst.
We expose the jars covered with lids, pour warm water and turn on the heat.

5. We wait 15 minutes after the water boils and immediately twist the cans.

6. We remove them "under a fur coat" for a day.

A delicious step-by-step recipe for harvesting for the winter with mustard

Mustard has an unusual flavor, and is also suitable for this recipe because it colors the zucchini yellowish. As a result, vegetables in jars look like chopped milk mushrooms. In general, we are with you and achieve the effect of maximum similarity with them. And this means that the use of mustard is only to our advantage.

Ingredients per liter jar:

  • 2 zucchini
  • 1 st. spoon of salt
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar
  • 50 ml 9% vinegar,
  • 1 tsp mustard,
  • dill umbrella,
  • garlic clove,
  • allspice - 2 peas,
  • 3-5 black peppercorns
  • bunch of dill

1. Let's start the cooking process with the preparation of jars, we will immediately put seasonings in them. At the bottom lay dill umbrellas, three peas of black pepper.

2. Cut the garlic in half and also lower it into jars. Approximately 1 clove per liter.

3. We clean the washed zucchini from the peel and seeds, cut off the tips and stalks. And immediately, lowering into jars, cut them into rings.

4. Then we put 3 liters of water on the fire to warm the vegetables with boiling water.

5. Pour 50 ml of vinegar into each jar, sprinkle with salt, sugar and mustard. It is better to take it not a grated dining room, but a John one.

6. Pour boiling water up to the neck and put the container to be sterilized.

7. Line a towel at the bottom of the pan. We put the jars tightly and cover them with clean lids.

8. Pour warm water into the pan and note 10 minutes from the moment of boiling.

We roll up the salting with lids and take it out for storage.

At the time of cooking, as soon as the pieces of vegetable have darkened, then they are ready.

Marinated zucchini in a cold way without sterilization (fast food)

Most fast way cooking does not involve sterilization. We just warm the contents with boiling water several times, and then pour boiling brine. Due to the speed of zucchini, they do not have a pronounced mushroom smell, but it can always be enhanced with a special seasoning.

For 3 cans of 1 liter:

  • 1.8 kg zucchini
  • dill greens
  • 9 garlic cloves
  • 9 cloves
  • 3 laurels
  • Pepper (peas)

For filling:

  • 1.5 liters of clean water
  • 190 g granulated sugar
  • 5 tbsp salt
  • 0.5 cup vinegar

1. Cut vegetables, removing seeds and damage to the peel, if you notice them.

2. Put dill in a jar, three peas of black pepper and a clove of garlic (it can be cut). Add 3 carnation florets. Put a bay leaf in each container.

2. Pack the zucchini slices tightly and scald them with boiling water.

3. Let the vegetables warm up for 10 minutes, then drain the liquid.

4. Once again, fill with boiling water a second time and leave, but for now we begin to cook the marinade.

5. Add salt, sugar and vinegar to the water and turn on the gas. We are waiting for the brine to boil and the sugar crystals to dissolve completely.

6. Pour the liquid from the vegetable chopsticks. And we do not stop, but fill them with boiling marinade.

7. We close the lids and send them “under a fur coat”. Natural sterilization will continue there and the jars will not swell.

I want to remind you that in order to get zucchini with the taste of mushrooms, you must definitely use greens and dill umbrellas.

You can take any zucchini themselves, but the cooking or sterilization time varies greatly from their age and softness, because we love to feast on crispy vegetables and mushrooms.

This is how you can cheat taste buds by simply preparing the salting and marinade correctly. Happy cooking and new discoveries in cooking!

Prepare products for cooking zucchini for the winter, reminiscent of the taste of milk mushrooms. If the carrots are medium in size, you can take two carrots. Pepper is better to take with peas and grind it with a grinder, so the color of the brine will be more beautiful, and the flavor will be better.

Wash the zucchini and cut into sticks. You can cut the zucchini into cubes, just do not need to grind, let the zucchini be medium in size. Zucchini is better to take young with thin and soft sandpaper. Place chopped zucchini in large saucepan.

Peel the carrots and cut into medium cubes, as in the photo. Add carrots to the pot with the zucchini.

Wash and dry greens. Finely chop the herbs and add to the vegetables.

Wash jars for blanks well and sterilize. Then arrange the zucchini in jars and pour the resulting marinade. My marinade did not completely cover the zucchini. From this amount, I got 4 jars with a volume of 900 ml.

Carefully remove the jars, screw on the lids and turn upside down, wrap in a blanket and leave to cool completely. Zucchini cooked for the winter according to this recipe are very appetizing and taste like milk mushrooms. Store jars in a dark and cool place, such as a pantry or cellar.

Bon Appetit!

The zucchini is universal. It is even called "chameleon" for the ability to accept any taste. Let's try to create a little culinary magic and turn ordinary vegetables into savory snack, which tastes like pickled milk mushrooms. The dish will turn out to be low-calorie - only 90 kcal per 100 g, so it is suitable for diet food.

Zucchini as milk mushrooms for the winter - step by step photo recipe

If you like mushrooms, but don’t have time to go into the forest, then you can cook zucchini, which will taste like pickled milk mushrooms.

Cooking time: 4 hours 0 minutes

Quantity: 4 servings


  • Zucchini: 3 kg
  • Garlic: 2 cloves
  • Salt: 2 tablespoons
  • Sugar: 6 tbsp. l.
  • Black pepper: 1 tbsp. l.
  • Greens: bunch
  • Vinegar 9%: 1 tbsp.

Cooking instructions

Recipe for "You'll lick your fingers"

Zucchini cooked according to this simple, but gourmet recipe can be stored without refrigeration.

Suitable fruits of all varieties, sizes and degrees of maturity.

We will need:

  • 3 kg of any fresh zucchini;
  • one bunch of parsley and dill (about a glass each);
  • 2 heads of garlic;
  • 9-10 Art. l. refined and deodorized oil (sunflower, olive);
  • 6 art. l. granulated sugar;
  • 1 st. l. black ground allspice;
  • 2 tbsp. l. table salt coarse grinding;
  • 9-10 Art. l. 9% table vinegar.

How to prepare:

  1. First, wash the zucchini thoroughly. Ripe fruits are peeled and seeds are removed.
  2. The peeled ones are cut lengthwise into 4 parts, and then across - medium-sized bars (about 2 cm).
  3. The greens are also washed in running water and cut not very finely, then added to the container for the zucchini.
  4. The heads of garlic are divided into cloves, washed and passed through a special press or chopped with a knife.
  5. Salt, sugar, garlic, pepper, vegetable oil and vinegar are added to vegetables and herbs.
  6. All ingredients are mixed and marinated for 3-4 hours at room temperature. As a result, 3.5-3.8 liters of pickled zucchini are obtained. They are already ready - you can try.
  7. The finished snack is laid out in dry sterilized jars (compact containers are convenient - 0.5 and 0.75 l). It is not necessary to tamp, the vegetables should not be located very tightly.
  8. After filling, the liquid that was released during pickling (juice) is carefully poured on top.
  9. The filled container is placed in a large saucepan and poured hot water(not to the top). Sterilize 10-12 minutes after boiling over low heat.
  10. Hot jars with contents are rolled up, turned over and placed in a cool place to cool.

Important! If you cover them with a warm blanket on top, the appetizer will turn out to be softer in texture.

Variation without sterilization

Pickled zucchini with the taste of milk mushrooms can be prepared without sterilization. This method is very simple and affordable, even a novice hostess can handle it.


  • 1.5 kg of any zucchini;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • 100 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 100 ml of 9% table vinegar;
  • 3 art. l. granulated sugar;
  • 0.5 st. l. ground black allspice;
  • 1 st. l. coarse coarse salt (you can use iodized salt).

What they do:

  1. Zucchini is washed, peeled, cut in much the same way as mushrooms (into pieces 1.5-2 cm in size). Dill is rinsed in cold water and finely chopped.
  2. Garlic cloves are peeled and chopped in any convenient way (press, grater, knife).
  3. Prepared zucchini, herbs are placed in a container, spices, oil are added and mixed thoroughly.
  4. Vegetables are left to marinate in a warm place for 3 hours. Juice is released during the process.
  5. The finished snack is laid out in sterilized jars and closed with lids.

Marinated zucchini without sterilization is well stored in the refrigerator.

blank from ordinary zucchini, but with exotic mushroom flavor You can make it incredibly tasty if you follow simple recommendations:

  • If you add peeled and sliced ​​\u200b\u200bcarrots to zucchini, the appetizer will turn out to be more spicy.
  • Larger jars are sterilized longer (liter - about 15 minutes).
  • Vinegar during preservation can be replaced with natural citric acid.
  • Store the snack in a cool dark place, otherwise the contents will take on an unpleasant gray tint.

Ready-made zucchini with the taste of milk mushrooms will suit anyone meat dish, boiled or fried potatoes, porridge or pasta. Eat to your health!