What a tasty cook from mushrooms. Mushroom Dishes

14.05.2019 Restaurant notes

Perhaps, in no country in the world do they like mushrooms so much, as in Russia. At the end of the summer and during the autumn, avid mushroom pickers go on a "silent hunt" for the gifts of the forest. Any dish of mushrooms, even the simplest one, is almost a delicacy. Mushroom dishes can be very different: these are mushroom soups, goulash and roasts, juliens, casseroles, dumplings and dumplings, pancakes, pies, pizza - you can't name them all.

In the preparation of dishes from mushrooms, as in any business, has its own characteristics, tricks and rules.

Fresh mushrooms should preferably be consumed within 1-2 days, not more.

Freshly picked mushrooms  rinse thoroughly, cut out damaged and wormed areas and cut into pieces. Then rinse the mushrooms with cool water and recline in a colander. After this, the mushrooms boiling water twice and start cooking.

. To ensure that mushroom dishes do not lose their taste and flavor, they should not be cooked on too strong or too slow fire. If you boil mushrooms, you need to set the heating temperature so that the broth boils slightly.

To preserve the flavor in the mushroom dishes should not put too much salt and bright spices.

The best spices for dressing mushroom dishes  traditionally considered onions, parsley, garlic, dill.

If vinegar is present in the recipe, it is best to take some sour juice (lemon, apple, etc.).

Mushrooms can be used to make appetizers, first and second courses, as well as sauces that emphasize the taste of meat or fish dishes. We have selected for you several recipes from fresh mushroomsbecause the mushroom season is just around the corner!

  500 g fresh mushrooms,
  100 grams of cheese
  100 g sour cream,
  50 g butter,
  salt, greens - to taste.

  Sort through the mushrooms, rinse and boil in salted water. Drain the water and put the mushrooms in the pan with butter  and fry until golden brown. Put ready-made mushrooms on a serving plate in a heap, pour sour cream, sprinkle with grated cheese and greens.

  400 g fresh mushrooms,
  400 g white cabbage,
  3-4 potatoes
  2-3 bulbs,
  1-2 cloves of garlic,
  vegetable oil, salt - to taste.

Mushrooms sort, wash and slice. Put in a frying pan with vegetable oil, add chopped cabbage, potatoes, chopped into cubes, chopped onion, salt, add a little water and simmer under a lid over medium heat until cooked. Put on a dish, sprinkle with crushed garlic.

  200 g oyster,
  1 onion,
  1 carrot,
  1 parsley root,
  1 liter of water or chicken broth,
  1 tbsp. butter,
  50-70 grams of noodles (better homemade)
  salt, greens - to taste.

  Boil in a broth or water onions, carrots and parsley root, cut into slices. When the vegetables are almost ready, add the mushrooms cut in small pieces and boil on low heat for 10-15 minutes. Cook noodles separately. In each plate, place a portion of noodles, cover with broth with mushrooms and vegetables, salt and sprinkle with herbs.

  500 g fresh boletus or champignons,
  1-2 onions,
  4 tbsp. butter,
  2 tbsp. flour,
  1 liter of chicken broth,
  3 yolks,
  1 stack cream
  parsley and celery, salt - to taste.

  Chop the onions and save in butter until transparent, add the washed and chopped mushrooms and fry for 5-10 minutes, stirring constantly. Without removing from the heat, add flour, mix thoroughly and fry a little, stirring occasionally. Pour broth, stir to avoid lumps, and cook for 40-50 minutes on low heat. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, put the greens tied in a bunch. Strain the broth, discard the greens, chop the mushrooms with a blender. Combine the mushrooms with the broth. Egg yolks  whip with cream and pour into the soup in a thin stream, stirring constantly. Salt, heat the soup in a water bath to 70 ° C, not higher, otherwise the yolks will fold.

  500 g of champignons,
  2 tbsp. butter,
  1 tbsp. flour,
  1 l broth,
  1 stack cream
  2 boiled eggs,
  1 tbsp. crushed greens

  Rinse the fresh champignons and mince with the onions, put the resulting mass into the pan with butter and simmer for 10 minutes over low heat. Add flour, stir, add broth and bring to a boil. Put the greens, pour in the cream and remove from the heat. Serve, sprinkled with chopped eggs.


  300 g fresh champignons,
  300 g cabbage,
  1 onion,
  3 tbsp. chopped green onions,
  1 tbsp. chopped parsley,
  ½ lemon,
  4 tbsp. sour cream or mayonnaise,

Rinse the champignons, dry with a napkin and cut into thin slices. Squeeze the juice out of half a lemon and sprinkle them with sliced ​​mushrooms. Cabbage and onions cut into very thin straws, salt, pepper, mix. Connect with mushrooms and green onions, season with sour cream or mayonnaise and sprinkle with parsley.

  800 g of fresh mushrooms (mokhoviki, milk mushrooms, mushrooms),
  1.5 liters of water
  100 g flour,
  550 g butter,
  2 stack sour cream
  50 g of rusks,
  salt, pepper - to taste.

  Prepared mushrooms dip in salted water and bring to a boil. Wash them in a colander roll in flour and fry in butter. Pour sour cream, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and put for 5-20 minutes in hot oven.

  1 kg of any fresh mushrooms,
  100-150 g of flour,
  50 g butter,
  1-2 onions,
  2-3 stack beef broth,
  1 stack sour cream
  2 bay leaves
  3 black peppercorns,
  3-4 cardamom grains
  1-2 tablespoons parsley
  salt, red pepper - to taste.

  Peel fresh mushrooms, rinse, dry, roll in flour and fold into a deep frying pan with a lid. Put the stew on medium heat until the mushrooms do not let the juice. Drain juice and add butter to mushrooms, browned onions, parsley, salt, red pepper, cardamom, bay leaf  and black pepper peas. Pour in the broth and sour cream, stir and simmer until the sauce thickens. Serve, sprinkle with herbs.

  800 g fresh mushrooms,
  1.5 stacks cream
  50 g butter,
  4 eggs,
  2 bulbs,
  1 dry white bun,
  6 salty pips,
  salt, black pepper, nutmeg  - taste.

  Scald, dry, and shred the prepared mushrooms. Bake onions in a dry frying pan or in the oven. Peel and chop salty sprats. Dry bread rubbed on a grater. Combine all the ingredients, knead the mince, make cutlets and fry them in butter.

  500 g of any fresh mushrooms,
  2 bulbs,
  2 tomatoes,
  1 sweet green pepper,
  30 grams of smoked bacon,
  1 tsp ground paprika,
  1 tsp thyme,
  100 g sour cream,
  salt, black pepper - to taste.

  Fry the chopped brisket, add onion, chopped mushrooms and bell peppersliced ​​straws. Extinguish 2 minutes. Meanwhile, scald the tomatoes, peel and remove the seeds. Add the tomatoes to the mushrooms, put the remaining ingredients and simmer for 15 minutes. Serve sprinkled with parsley.

  1 kg of honey agaric,
  100 grams of cheese
  3 potatoes,
  1 onion,
  2 cloves of garlic,
  3 tomatoes,
  1 sweet pepper,
  100 g of mayonnaise or sour cream,
  salt, greens.

Cut potatoes into slices. Tomatoes, onions, garlic and sweet pepper cut into cubes. Cheese rub on a large grater. Fry mushrooms in vegetable oil. Combine all the products and place them on a baking sheet. Pepper and salt, cover with sour cream and sprinkle with cheese. Put in a hot oven for 15-20 minutes.

  300 g fresh mushrooms,
  1 onion,
  1 carrot,
  3 stack rice,
  1 stack sour cream
  salt pepper.

  Fry onions, carrots and mushrooms individually. Combine the fried foods in a pan, cover with sour cream (or milk), stew, add salt, pepper, bay leaf and bring to the ready over low heat. Cook loose riceMix it with butter and place it in a baking dish with a hole in the center, sealing it so that the rice holds the shape. Flip on a flat dish. If there is no such form, then simply lay out the rice on the dish around the glass, compact it and carefully remove the glass. Pour the mushrooms into the hole along with the sauce and serve, decorating with greens.

  For pancakes:
  1.5 stacks flour,
  2 eggs,
  1 tsp Sahara,
  1 stack milk
  1 stack water,
  2-3 tablespoons vegetable oil,
  500 g fresh mushrooms,
  5 eggs
  1 tbsp. greenery
  salt pepper.
  1 tbsp. butter,
  1 tbsp. flour,
  1 stack milk
  2 tbsp. tomato paste.

  Bake thin pancakes. Cooked mushrooms boil, chop and combine with chopped boiled eggs. Pound flour and butter in a pan into a homogeneous mass, pour in milk, salt, put tomato paste  and boil until thick, stirring. Put the mushrooms and eggs in the sauce, bring to a boil, salt, pepper, add the greens and cool. On each pancake put 1 tbsp. fillings, wrap in an envelope and fry in melted butter.

  1 kg of fresh mushrooms,
  4 tbsp. butter,
  ½ stack dry white wine
  2 stack sour cream
  100-150 grams of hard cheese
  salt, black and red pepper - to taste.

  Finely chop the prepared mushrooms and fry them in butter for 5 minutes. Pour in the wine, extinguish for 2 minutes on high heat, then reduce the fire. Pour in sour cream, add on grated cheese, salt, pepper and then over low heat until thick.

Vegetable stew with mushrooms


  500 g fresh mushrooms,
  3-4 potatoes
  2 carrots,
  500 g of cauliflower,
  2 tbsp. green peas,
  2 tbsp. tomato paste,
1 processed cheese,
  1 stack milk
  500 ml of broth.

  In the broth, boil potatoes, carrots and cauliflowerdivided into inflorescences. At the end of cooking, add green pea  and tomato paste. Cover and stew over low heat. Meanwhile, chop the mushrooms and fry in butter, add onions into rings, stew and pour in the milk. Bring to a boil and add the processed cheese. Ready vegetables fold in a colander, combine with mushrooms, salt and pepper. Serve, sprinkle with herbs.

  500 g of champignons,
  300 g white mushrooms,
  1-2 onions,
  30 ml of vegetable oil,
  20 ml of lemon juice,
  1-2 cloves of garlic,
  salt pepper.

  Peeled mushrooms, cut large and put on a preheated frying pan with vegetable oil. Put on medium heat and cook for 10-15 minutes until most of the moisture evaporates. Separately, save crushed onions to transparency. Fold the mushrooms and onions in a blender, add the rest of the ingredients and grind to a smooth consistency.

  5-7 champignons,
  2 eggs,
  2 tbsp. vegetable oil.

  Cut the champignons large and fry in vegetable oil. Fill with loose eggs, salt, pepper and cover with a lid. Scrambled eggs can be sprinkled with grated cheese.

  1 kg of mushrooms,
  500 g onions,
  200-300 g cheese,
  salt, pepper, garlic - to taste.

  1 stack sour cream
  4 large onions,
  1-2 carrots,
  2 tbsp. flour,
  1.5 stacks water,
  3 tbsp. butter,
  3 tbsp. vegetable oil
  4-5 cloves of garlic,
  salt pepper.
  For the test:
  1 stack water,
  2 tbsp. vegetable oil
  a pinch of salt,

  Prepare the dough for dumplings. Leave it for an hour in a warm place. Finely chop the mushrooms and extinguish without oil until the liquid evaporates. Separately, save the onion in vegetable oil, mix with the mushrooms, salt, pepper and stew for 10 minutes. Cool, add garlic and grated cheese. make dumplings and boil in salted water. For the sauce, chopped onion slices, fry in a mixture of butter and vegetable oils, add grated carrot  and put out 5-7 minutes. Add flour, mix, pour in sour cream, then water, salt, bring to a boil. Add crushed garlic before serving.

This, of course, not all dishes from mushrooms. There are no well-known snacks, for example, stuffed caps of champignons or tomatoes with mushrooms, aspic mushrooms or mushrooms in pots - but on the pages of our website you can always find these recipes. We collected simple recipesthat can be used not only during the mushroom season, but also year roundusing champignons, oyster mushrooms or frozen forest mushrooms.

Enjoy your meal!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Mushroom champignon goulash with peppers and delicious gravy. Ingredients: champignons - 300-400 grams, onion - 1-2 pcs, bell pepper ..

Champignon, Bulgarian Pepper

Julien's recipe from forest mushroomsextinguished in sour cream. Ingredients: forest mushrooms (white, aspen, or others) - 500 g, sour cream - 150-200 g, onions ..

Ceps, Sour Cream

Mushroom julienne, baked in the oven with seafood (mussels, shrimp) under the cheese. Ingredients: champignons - 200 g, mussels - 100 g, ..

Shrimp, Champignons, In the oven

Oven baked stuffed mushrooms  and bell pepper eggplant. Ingredients: Eggplant - 2 pcs, Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs ..

Eggplant, Champignons, In the oven

Zrazy from minced chicken  stuffed with champignon caps baked in the oven. Ingredients: 2 Chicken breasts  boneless Champignon hats ..

Chicken, Champignons, Onions

This delicious and nutritious mushroom casserole with pasta can be eaten even for pregnant and lactating mothers. Ingredients: Grated Cheddar Cheese ..

Champignons, Macaroni, Cheese, Pregnant

Pasta (macaroni) is well combined not only with meat, but also with mushrooms, and the cheese flavor from parmesan makes it even tastier. Ingredients: Pasta ..

Macaroni, Cheese

A vegetarian version of pilaf with mushrooms instead of meat, tasty and beautiful in appearance. Ingredients: Mushrooms (fresh champignons) - 20-30 pieces.

Rice, Champignons, Vegetarian

Pearl barley porridge with mushrooms, carrots and onions. Ingredients: Grain (pearl barley) - 250-300 grams Mushrooms (fresh champignons or oyster mushrooms) - ..

Pearl Barley, Champignons, Carrots

Champignons baked in sour cream are very tender and tasty. Instead of an oven for baking mushrooms, you can use a microwave ..

Sour cream, Champignons, In the oven

Who said that goulash must be meat? The mushroom goulash made according to this recipe is no less tasty and satisfying. Ingredients:..

Porcini Mushrooms, Bulgarian Pepper, Carrots, Onions

The recipe is classic zraz of mashed potatoes  with mushroom stuffing Ingredients Potatoes - 600 g Onion - 1 pc Oil of Champignon - ..

Potatoes, Champignons

Recipe for roast beef from beef, baked in the oven with onions and mushrooms. Ingredients: Pepper, salt - to taste Cuts (beef) - 1 kg Onion ..

Beef, Onions, Champignons

Crisp pieces chicken meat, baked together with mushrooms in sour cream under a foil in an oven. Ingredients: Chicken - 1 pc Sour cream ..

Chicken, Champignons, Sour Cream, Simple

Juicy, baked in the oven with mushrooms and cheese pieces of pork meat. Ingredients: Pork - 4 pieces of Mushrooms - 200 gr. Tomato - 1 pc. Cheese.

Pork, Tomatoes, Cheese, Champignons

Oven baked chicken puff pastry  with mushrooms and onions. Ingredients: Puff pastry  Mushrooms - 100 g Onion - 1 pc Pepper, salt ..

Chicken, Onion, Wine, Cheese, Champignons

Recipe potato casserole with mushrooms (champignons) and two types of cheese. This casserole is perfect as a second hot dish ..

Potatoes, Onions, Cheese, Eggs, Mushrooms, Cream

Stir Fry means when vegetables and meat are not stewed, but fried and have a crisp crust. Ingredients: Carrots - 2 pcs. Pork - 300 ..

Pork, Champignons, Carrots, Bulgarian Pepper, Fried

A hearty chicken roast with mushrooms, baked in the oven, is perfect as a main dish. Of course in working ..

Chicken, Onion, Cheese, Sour Cream, Champignons, Cream, In the oven

If you like mushrooms, but your imagination has dried up - this selection is what you need. Here you will find no complex recipesthat you can use every day. Now you will not think about what can be cooked from mushrooms! Moreover, mushrooms are a worthy substitute for meat.

What you will find in this article

Pickled white mushrooms

Pickled white mushrooms are very useful to you in the winter, when you want a salad or something salty. AT this recipe  is used classic sauce, so that the tender, primitive taste of forest mushrooms can be preserved to the maximum.


  • white mushrooms 400 grams
  • water 300 milliliters
  • sugar 12 grams
  • allspice peas
  • black pepper peas
  • bay leaf
  • carnation
  • vinegar 40 milliliters

Cooking method

  1. Cut mushrooms. Cook in boiling water for seven minutes.
  2. Cooking marinade. Pour 300 milliliters of water into the pot. Add sugar, 1/3 tablespoon of salt, 6 peas allspice, 8 peas black pepper, bay leaf and 5 pieces of cloves.
  3. Bring to a boil.
  4. We throw back the mushrooms on a sieve. Add the mushrooms in the marinade. Boil for about two minutes. Add 9% vinegar.
  5. We shift the mushrooms in the jar. Close the jar. We put pasteurized in convection oven for 15 minutes at a temperature of 150 degrees.
  6. You can also put the jar in boiling water, putting a rag on the bottom of the pan. Give cool.
  7. Store the billet for up to one year in the refrigerator or at room temperature.

The recipe is borrowed from Youtube channel “Just tasty”

Deep fried champignons

If there are mushrooms in the fridge, but the fried and stewed ones are really very bored, then the deep fried mushrooms will pleasantly surprise you! it great snack  to garnish or strong drinks.
For the preparation of such a delicacy we need:

  • Champignons 200 g,
  • eggs 2 pieces,
  • milk 100 ml,
  • flour 4 tbsp. spoons
  • 4 grated bread crumbs spoons
  • vegetable oil for frying, salt, pepper.

Salad with raw champignons and tomatoes

Are you a raw food guy? Vegetarian? Maybe keep a fast or diet? Anyway, a salad with raw champignons  and tomatoes you will love it! Is it possible to eat raw mushrooms? Yes you can! If it is right and tasty to cook them.
For salad it is necessary:

  • raw champignons - 10 pcs.
  • bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.
  • red onion - half onion
  • sun-dried tomatoes - 5-10 pcs. depending on their size
  • half lemon
  • greens - 1 bunch

Video from detailed description  recipe you can see. Try so easy delicious salad  and share your impressions!

Mushroom soup with cabbage

If you thought about the first dish, then you are completely mistaken. Our hodgepodge is a second dish in which, if desired, you can add broth.

  • White cabbage - 600 g
  • Mushrooms - 400 g. I have oyster mushrooms, but any other mushrooms that you have are suitable: mushrooms, forest mushrooms, etc.
  • Carrot - 150 g.
  • Onion - 110 g
  • Tomato paste - 1.5 tablespoons.
  • Pickled or salted cucumbers  - 150 g.
  • Vegetable oil - 2-3 tablespoons.
  • Dill or parsley dried
  • Dried or fresh garlic
  • Salt, pepper to taste.

To make the dish tasty, you should not experiment on your own. Learn better detailed recipe  looking in - so reliable and tastier!

Very simple soup with barley and mushrooms

On cold, cold days, did you want a hot, warm and fragrant soup? Try a very simple soup with barley and mushrooms - simple foodbut tastes better! Useful, satisfying, great!
For cooking soup you will need

  • Perlovka - 100 g
  • Potato - 300 g (3 pieces)
  • Carrots - 100 g (1 piece)
  • Onions - 70 g (1 piece)
  • Tomatoes - 120 g (2 pieces). Instead fresh tomatoes  You can use dried, if not tomato paste.
  • Dried bay leaves - 2 pieces.
  • Dried parsley - 2 teaspoons.
  • Few peas hot pepper. I have a mixture of different peppers.
  • Mushrooms - 130 g (6 fresh champignons). You can use any mushrooms that you have. Dried also fit, then they need to soak and boil beforehand.
  • Salt, vegetable oil.
  • Water - 1.5 liters.

Mushroom julienne or mushrooms in sour cream

This is a versatile dish that will decorate any table. Why universal? Because it is simple enough to serve it on a normal day, but also very beautiful - to match the holiday.
To prepare mushroom julienne  you will need:

  • forest mushrooms (white, brown cap boletus, aspen, boletus, etc.) - 500 g,
  • sour cream - 150-200 g,
  • onion - 2 pcs,
  • garlic - 1 clove (optional),
  • dill greens
  • cooking oil for frying,
  • salt,
  • freshly ground pepper

Detailed, step by step description  You can watch the cooking recipe video and we go to the next course.

Nourishing barley pilaf with mushrooms

Do not like barley? And if you tried it with mushrooms in the form of pilaf? Preparing a hearty pillow made from barley with mushrooms, you may change your mind about this cereal, because the pilaf is incredibly tasty.
Ingredients for pearl barley with mushrooms:
  - 300-320 g of pearl barley in dry form
  - 3 medium bulbs
  - 2 carrots
  - 350-400 grams of mushrooms
  - 6-7 cloves of garlic
  - juice of half a lemon
  - 1 - 1.5 tablespoons of spice mix for pilaf (in the video recipe it includes paprika, barberry, cumin, turmeric, coriander, savory, sage, bay leaf, basil, marjoram, chili)
  - 10 studs
  - 3 allspice peppers
  - 1 tablespoon of tomato paste, diluted in ½ cup of water
  - salt to taste
  - a large bunch of fresh dill and parsley
  - vegetable oil for frying
  - a small handful of raisins - optional

Looking at the composition, we can say that the dish is very spicy and rich. Is it possible to remain indifferent? If you do decide to cook such a pilaf, go and see the detailed recipe.

Stewed Potatoes with Mushrooms

What to cook from fresh mushrooms. How to cook properly and tasty fresh mushrooms.
  The huge and fertile forests of our endless homeland have always been famous for the abundance of all kinds of berries and mushrooms. With the onset of summer days, many of us take up baskets and go to the forest to collect these gifts of nature in order to enjoy fresh fragrant berries, as well as make all the necessary preparations for the winter. After all, it is so nice on a cold winter evening to get a jar tasty jam  for tea!
  Toward the end of the summer comes the mushroom season. Aspen mushrooms, boletus, honey agaric, chanterelles, milk mushrooms - what kind of mushrooms can you find at this time, and all of them are tasty in their own way. Most often, mushrooms are salted, pickled or dried for the winter. Salted mushrooms are eaten with boiled potatoes or stewed cabbage, and dry boiled soup. But nothing can compare with the freshly prepared mushrooms, which a couple of hours ago stood in a forest clearing. Mushroom aroma, spreading around the house during cooking, will not leave anyone indifferent.
  In addition to their taste, mushrooms also have a definite benefit for our body. Their composition contains a very large amount of vegetable protein, which is why dishes from mushrooms may well replace meat. This is especially true in the period orthodox posts  or for a vegetarian food system. In addition, mushrooms contain a lot of vitamin A and C, vitamins of group B, as well as folic acid, fiber and minerals.
  It is worth remembering that mushrooms are not recommended to use in large quantities  people with digestive problems, as well as young children. When collecting mushrooms, be careful that they are not rotten or wormy. Freshly harvested mushrooms must be cleaned immediately and rinsed thoroughly, and after that proceed to their preparation.
  From fresh mushrooms you can cook a huge number of various dishes. Casseroles with vegetables, juliens, mushroom soup, caviar warm salads  and many many others. Very often, mushrooms are used as a filling for pies, pizza and pancakes. But, the most popular dish has always been and remains roast potatoes  with mushrooms. Unfortunately, this common dish is not every housewife turns out as desired. We will tell you about how to fry mushrooms, so they turned out really tasty. After roasting, you can use mushrooms to make salads, snacks or hot dishes.

How to fry fresh mushrooms

As mentioned above, before frying mushrooms, they must be properly prepared. Some housewives cleaned and washed the mushrooms immediately sent to the pan, while others pre-soak them in cold water  or boiled. The first method is suitable for boletus, aspen, or white mushrooms. But chanterelles, volnushki, milk mushrooms and Russula, you must first boil, as these mushrooms can be poisoned. Traditionally prepared mushrooms are cut into small pieces or plates and sent to a hot skillet with the addition of vegetable oil. Roast mushrooms, stirring constantly, until complete evaporation of the liquid. Most often, the mushrooms are fried with the addition of onions or sour cream. Also, mushrooms can be fried in batter or breaded, which are most often used beaten eggs and flour. It turns out very tasty and original snack.

What to cook from mushrooms and how to fry them

How to fry fresh mushrooms. Useful tips  experienced chefs.
1. The most suitable for roasting are mushrooms, boletus, boletus mushrooms, mushrooms and mushrooms. Moreover, it is best to use only caps, and leave the legs for pickling or cooking soup.
  2. It is best to first spread the mushrooms in a dry frying pan. When excess liquid evaporates, you can add melted fat or vegetable oil and bring the mushrooms to readiness.
  3. Sour cream and salt are usually added at the very end of frying, otherwise the mushrooms will not be fried, but boiled.
  Next, we will share with you the most interesting recipes  dishes from fresh mushrooms, in the preparation process of which pre-fried mushrooms are often used.
  What to cook from fresh mushrooms - best recipes  cooking

Recipe number 1. Mushroom Casserole

Very satisfying and tasty casserole  from mushrooms and potatoes will be a wonderful decoration not only for everyday, but also festive table.
To prepare the mushroom casserole, you need the following ingredients:
1. Fresh mushrooms - 500 grams.
  2. Potatoes - 5 medium sized tubers.
  3. Cheese - 150 grams.
  4. Milk - 350 ml.
  5. Chicken eggs - 3 pieces.
  6. Vegetable oil for frying.
  7. Onions - 2 heads.
  8. Garlic - 3 slices.
  9. Salt, black pepper, spices and seasonings to taste.
How to cook a casserole with mushrooms:
  1. Clean fresh mushrooms, rinse under running water, dry them and cut into small pieces. Onions and garlic peel cleaned and rinsed. Onions cut into half rings, and garlic - thin slices. Heat vegetable oil in a pan, lay out chopped onion and garlic, fry until golden brown. Then we send the mushrooms into the pan, stir, salt and fry all together until the liquid is completely evaporated.
  2. Potatoes are thoroughly washed, put in a saucepan, pour cold water  and boil until done. After that, drain the water, cool the potatoes, peel and cut into slices. Grease the baking dish with butter, put the sliced ​​potatoes on the bottom, add salt, sprinkle with spices. On top of the potatoes, spread the fried mushrooms in an even layer.
  3. Break eggs into a deep bowl, add milk, salt, spices and seasonings. Thoroughly beat with a whisk or using a mixer until a homogeneous mass. Cheese rubbed on coarse grater. Egg-milk mixture pour the contents of the form. We send the form to the oven preheated to one hundred eighty degrees for fifteen minutes. Then we get, sprinkle with grated cheese and put in the oven again for five minutes.
  Finished casserole give a little cool, then cut into portions and serve to the table, garnished with finely chopped fresh herbs.
  Mushroom casserole is ready! Enjoy your meal!

Recipe number 2. Mushroom Pie

We offer you a recipe for a delicious mushroom pie that just melts in your mouth. This cake is especially tasty to eat warm with a cup of cold milk.
To make a mushroom pie, you need the following ingredients:
1. Butter - 200 grams.
  2. Sour cream with a high percentage of fat - 250 grams.
3. Wheat flour  - 3 glasses.
  4. Fresh mushrooms - 800 grams.
  5. Chicken eggs - 4 pieces.
  6. Onions - 2 medium sized heads.
  7. Baking powder for dough - 2 teaspoons.
  8. Salt - a pinch.
  9. Cheese - 200 grams.
  10. Vegetable oil for frying.
How to make a mushroom pie:
  1. Pre-remove the butter in freezerso that it is frozen. So, in a deep bowl we rub butter on a coarse grater, sift a little more than two cups of flour together with baking powder for the dough, mix it with our hands so that we get butter crumb. Then add sour cream, salt and the remaining flour, knead soft doughwhich does not stick to hands. From the resulting dough we form a ball, wrap it in food wrap  and put in the fridge for thirty minutes.
  2. While the dough is resting, we will prepare the filling for our pie. Clean fresh mushrooms, rinse under running water, dry and cut into thin slices. Onions cleaned from the husk, rinsed and cut into half rings. Heat oil in a pan. First, lay out chopped onion and fry it until golden brown. Then add the mushrooms, salt and spices, mix and fry all together until the liquid is completely evaporated, not forgetting to stir occasionally.
  3. In a separate bowl break chicken eggs, lightly whisk them with a fork or a whisk. Cheese rubbed on a coarse grater. In a bowl with eggs, send fried mushrooms and grated cheese, add salt, black pepper and mix.
4. Shape baking dish with parchment paper or grease with butter. We take dough out of the refrigerator and divide it into two unequal parts. Most of the put in the form and begin to distribute the hands on the bottom and sides so that the edges are slightly hung. Pour dough with fork and lay out mushroom stuffing. We roll the second part of the dough, cover it with stuffing, pinch the edges tightly. We send the form to an oven preheated to one hundred and eighty degrees for thirty to forty minutes.
Ready Cake  cool slightly, then gently remove from the mold, cut and serve.
  Mushroom pie is ready! Enjoy your meal!

Recipe number 3. Mushroom caviar

Wonderful fresh mushroom caviar can be served as cold snacks  or used as a filling for pies, or you can simply eat it with boiled rice or buckwheat. To cook such caviar, it is best to use chanterelles, volushki or russula.
To prepare mushroom caviar, you need the following ingredients:
  1. Fresh mushrooms - 2 kg.
  2. Onions - 5 large heads.
3. Table Vinegar  - 10 tablespoons.
  4. Tomato paste - 10 tablespoons.
  5. Carrots - 3 pieces.
  6. Sugar - 6 tablespoons.
  7. Salt, sulfur pepper to taste.
  8. Vegetable oil for frying.
How to cook caviar from mushrooms:
  1. Clean fresh mushrooms, rinse thoroughly under running water, dry and cut into medium sized pieces. AT big pot  pour the water, put on the fire and bring to a boil. We send the sliced ​​mushrooms into boiling water, reduce the heat and cook under a lid for twenty minutes. Then, using a skimmer, we get the mushrooms from the pan. Broth can be drained and cooked a delicious mushroom soup.
  2. Peel the onions from the husk, rinse and finely chop. Peel the carrot, rinse thoroughly and rub on a coarse grater. Heat vegetable oil in a pan, lay out chopped onion and fry until golden brown. Then add the grated carrots, mix and fry all together for another five minutes. Now send the mushrooms into the pan, stir and simmer over medium heat for fifteen minutes.
  3. Put the contents of the pan into the bowl of the blender, grind to obtain a homogeneous mass. This mushroom mass is transferred to the pan, add vinegar, salt, granulated sugar, spices and tomato paste. Also, if desired, you can add a little vegetable oil, if you want the caviar to be fatter. We mix everything and set the saucepan on a slow fire, simmer the eggs for thirty minutes, then put them in sterilized jars and roll them up. Banks overturn and let them cool completely. Store the eggs in the refrigerator.
Mushroom caviar  ready! Enjoy your meal!

What to cook mushrooms, said Ekaterina Novoselova