Useful tips on home economics. Housewife Tips Useful Home Economics Tips

02.05.2019 Seafood Dishes

How to care for woolen products?

In order for any thing from your wardrobe to make you happy for a long time, individual care is necessary for it, since, for example, you cannot wash woolen clothes at high temperatures, and cotton things these temperatures are not a hindrance.

A) First of all, you need to remember that wool products should be soaked for no more than 30 minutes and only in cold water.
  b) Also, do not use detergents that are poorly soluble in cold water and contain components that can damage the coat. Do not squeeze or rub the item. Choose a liquid detergent containing lanolin.
  c) Rinse a woolen item after washing should be in water of the same temperature at which the wash was performed. So that after washing the thing does not lose its shape, and the wool does not lose its pleasant luster, you can use several folk remedies for washing and rinsing:
  1. For five liters of water at room temperature, you need to pour three tablespoons of vinegar, rinse out the wool in this water and decompose and dry on a terry towel.
  2. If there is heavy pollution on wool products, before washing, soak your thing in water for 15 minutes, aspirin is dissolved in bark. On five liters two tablets, then wash with the usual means and rinse.
  3. In order for the hair to become salted, it acquires its original appearance, it is necessary to wash it in slightly warm water, not more than 30 degrees, in which the juice of half a lemon is dissolved, and after drying, iron it through a damp cloth.
  d) Store woolen items in the folded position, do not hang them on hangers, the product may be deformed.
  e) Everyone knows that wool loves such a pest as a mole, so when storing it is necessary to protect your belongings from it, this can be done by purchasing a special device in the store that fits the cupboard and will scare away the mole, or you can use simple folk tips.

1. Take things out for a short time in the sun.
2. When you eat citrus, do not rush to throw away the peels, dry them, put them in a cotton bag with small holes and hang them in the closet, or put them among woolen things.
  3. Pray really do not like the smell of geranium, if she will hear it, then not only will not be able to lay eggs, but simply will not come close to things. If there is such an opportunity, then put a pot of geranium on the cabinet or next to it, and if this is not possible, periodically place three or four geranium leaves in the cabinet.
  If you follow all the recommendations, your woolen clothes will look like new for a long time.

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How to remove the stain from the iron?

You can remove the stain from the iron with the help of onions. Wipe the burnt area of ​​the tissue with a half of the onion or onions, grated to a state of small gruel. For more
  Apply a gruel of onion to the stain for a few hours, then soak the soiled thing in a cold form, and then wash at the recommended temperature.

Not very strong iron stains are removed by soaking tissue in milk. Once the burn marks disappear, the fabric is rinsed and carefully washed. Milk and sour milk are also used to remove stains from ink, mold and wine.

Fresh stains from the hot iron are removed by rubbing them with lemon juice. This method is suitable
  not only for whites, but also for painted and black products. Lemon is a simple tool that will remove not only iron marks from the fabric, but also stains from wine, rust and a ballpoint pen.

To remove iron stains from white linen, cotton and other natural fabrics, use a mixture prepared from hydrogen peroxide (in the amount of one teaspoon) and a few drops of 10% ammonia diluted in half a cup of water. Stains wipe with gauze or cotton pad, leave moistened for several minutes, then rinsed in cold water and ironed again. Ammonia is often used to remove stains of the most diverse origin: from blood, tea and coffee, grass, fat, ink, glue and others, organic and inorganic origin.

Stains from the hot iron are removed by rubbing them with a solution of boric acid. After
  the stain will discolor; the item is washed with ordinary powder or soap in warm water.

To remove the shiny spots from black products, such as pants or blouses, take a clean gauze and soak it in a weak solution of vinegar. Put the gauze on the stain and iron well on top with a hot iron. Bite solution also removes stains from grass, sweat, glue and ink.

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4 simple ways to keep your toilet clean.

1. Five per cent vinegar with citric acid for preventive cleaning.

2. For more detailed cleaning - we sprinkle toilet bowl with soda, and sprinkle vinegar with lemon on top. Everything hisses, foams and ... becomes clean.

3. For bleaching - pour a bag of citric or ascorbic acid into the toilet. Leave overnight.

4. Another option for bleaching is to pour a bottle of Coca-Cola into the toilet. An hour later, the toilet becomes white. I think this is also a great way to get rid of addiction to such drinks.

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To protect the open tomato paste from mold, apply a little dry mustard on the lid.
  ♦ To preserve the taste, aroma and color of fresh berries when cooking jelly, juice pressed from the berries do not boil.
  Boil only pressed berries poured with water and add sugar and starch to the resulting syrup.
  Pour juice into ready jelly when it is removed from the heat.
  ♦ Beets cooked for a very long time - 3-3.5 hours.
  And you can only boil it for an hour, then remove it from the heat and set for 10 minutes under a stream of cold water. Beets will be ready.
  ♦ Carrots can be preserved for several months by spraying it with a water extract of dry onion peel.
  ♦ To pickle pickled cucumbers, add amaranth herb leaves to the jars.
  ♦ Vinaigrette will acquire a delicate and pleasant taste, if you pour into it 1 tbsp. milk and add 1 tsp Sahara.
  ♦ All products should preferably be stored in a dark place.
  Direct sun rays are especially harmful to fats - they will quickly prokorknut.
  Due to their fat content, they fear light halva, mayonnaise, chocolate.
  Under the action of light in milk and many foods vitamins are quickly destroyed.

  ♦ You can easily and easily replace mayonnaise with sour cream, adding to it pounded yolk of hard-boiled eggs and a teaspoon of mustard.
  ♦ Soaking in vinegar, kvass, sour milk, cucumber, cabbage, or beetroot brine is a reliable way to make hard meat soft.
  ♦ If you put a slice of carrot or lemon under the lid of a jar of mustard or a slice of sausage, both products will retain their freshness for a long time.
  ♦ Lemons are well preserved in dry sand.
  It is necessary to pack them so that they do not touch each other.

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Useful tips in the kitchen.

  ♦ It is impossible to boil coffee: the taste and aroma will disappear.
If you still overlooked, immediately remove the coffee pot from the fire and pour a few drops of cold water into it.
  ♦ In the water in which the rice is boiled, pour in a tablespoon of vinegar - and the rice will turn white, crumbly.
  ♦ The most delicious are dishes that use mixed beef: meat with raw potatoes, carrots, broth, canned corn, mustard.
  ♦ If you add a little milk to sour cream, it will not curdle in the gravy.
  ♦ Cabbage for the filling, chopped, first pour over boiling water, and then pour cold water for a minute.
  Thoroughly squeeze and fry in a pan.
  Then the cabbage will not lose color, will not turn brown.
  ♦ A pinch of salt added to the coffee before the end of the brew gives the drink a special taste and aroma.
  ♦ 2 pieces of sugar, previously dissolved in a small amount of vinegar, can replace white wine in a sauce.

  ♦ Gutted bird is kept longer than gutted.
  ♦ To make rice white and crumbly, pour it into boiling salted water, adding a few drops of lemon juice or citric acid dissolved in water.
  Do not cover the dishes in which rice is cooked.
  ♦ Sausages will be tastier if they are not cooked, and coated with mustard, fry in sunflower oil over low heat
  ♦ To make it easier to remove the film from the liver, dip your fingers in salt.
  ♦ Boiled meat will be more tasty and juicy, if it is lowered not into cold water, but into boiling water and cook in a large piece, and not pieces.

How to remove the salt from the shoe.

1. Coming from the street, wash the shoes with warm (but not hot) water. Then wrap soiled areas with napkins or toilet paper and leave the boots to dry.
  As soon as the shoes start to dry, there will be salt on it, which will be absorbed into the napkin. After the boots are completely dry, the shoes should be smeared with baby cream.

2. Make a strong solution of vinegar (three parts of vinegar to one part of water) and thoroughly wipe the white spots of salt with the resulting solution. Pollution will disappear.

3. Another popular way of dealing with salt stains is castor oil. When you get home, wash your boots thoroughly. After they dry, spread them with castor oil. If the white stains did not disappear, repeat the procedure several times.

4. Removing salt stains from suede shoes is much harder than leather. Put a pot of water on the stove and after boiling, hold the boots over the steam. After that, chamois should be combed with a dry brush.

5. Will help suede boots and a solution of ammonia. Wipe them dirty places, and then sprinkle them semolina. Semolina will absorb salt and your shoes will become clean again.

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10. Remove lipstick stains from clothing with hair spray. If the item is machine washable, spray the stain with hair spray, leave for 10 minutes and then wipe with a damp cloth or sponge. After that, wash as usual.

11. Aluminum foil is excellent for removing dried stains from glassware. Crumble the foil into a ball and use it instead of the usual sponge for dishes.

12. To clean silver, use ordinary soda. Wash the silver item, place it on a sheet of aluminum foil in the bottom of the pan. Then add soda solution (¼ cup soda, a few teaspoons of salt and a liter of boiling water). Leave for a few minutes. As a result of a chemical reaction, all darkness from the surface will disappear.

13. Wax for polishing cars and suitable for polishing sinks, faucets and even shower stalls, protecting the surface from stains formed by water and soap.

14. Chalk will help protect cutlery from tarnishing. Wrap a piece of moisture-absorbing chalk with gauze and place it in the box where you store the silverware.

15. The shell of hard-boiled eggs can be used to clean vases and bottles. Throw the pieces of the shell inside, drip there the same dishwashing detergent, add a little water and shake well.

16. Small stains on suede can be removed with a nail file.

17. Placed on furniture areas on the carpet can be returned to its former state by combing them with a fork.

18. Soda can be used as a laundry freshener. Put the open box in the closet where sheets and towels are stored and get rid of the smell of mustiness.

19. Eliminate clogged pipes will also help soda. Pour half a glass of soda into the drain hole of the sink, then pour half a glass of vinegar. Cover the opening with a damp cloth and wait 5 minutes. Then let the hot water.

20. Citrus peels with a small amount of salt will wipe off stains on coffee cups.

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20 little tricks for home.

1. It is convenient to unscrew a hot newly burnt light bulb with a half of an old tennis ball.

2. To protect the floor from scratches during rearrangements will help socks, worn on the legs of tables and chairs.

3. Keeping the scouring sponge dry will help the paper clip.

4. Emulsion paint stains are easily removed from hands with baby oil.

5. Remove scale stains from the iron by ironing a sheet of paper with salt sprinkled over it.

6. Get rid of the smell in the fridge by shifting vegetables to newspapers.

7. If water began to leave the sink slowly, pour into the drain hole half a cup of salt for each liter of hot water in the pipe.

8. Olive oil is convenient to clean stainless steel. Wipe the metal with a cloth moistened with oil, and then rub it with a dry paper towel to shine.

9. Brush out the chrome products to help baby oil. Just apply a little oil on a cotton cloth and wipe the chrome surface.

10. Remove lipstick stains from clothing with hair spray. If the item is machine washable, spray the stain with hair spray, leave for 10 minutes and then wipe with a damp cloth or sponge. After that, wash as usual.

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How to whiten white things? Simple grandmother's recipes.

1. In a bucket of hot water, add a few crystals of potassium permanganate (water should be slightly pinkish) and about 200 grams of laundry detergent. Put the washed clothes, mix and cover the bucket. Wait for the water to cool to room temperature and rinse the items properly.

2. White things can be bleached with hydrogen peroxide. Two liters of warm water, add a teaspoon of 3% peroxide, you can add a little soda. Put the garment in the solution for 15-20 minutes, turn it over from time to time. Rinse.

3. Things from flax and cotton can be soaked in water for several hours before washing in water with the addition of ammonia, if the contamination is strong, then add a couple of tablespoons of turpentine.

4. For guipure and tulle in a bucket of hot water add 2 tbsp. l hydrogen peroxide and a spoon of ammonia. Things are kept in the solution for 30 minutes, then washed.

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18 culinary secrets that housewives usually collect over the years!

1. To scrambled eggs was lush, you can add two tablespoons of cold water to one cup of eggs and beat well.

2. Instead of yeast in the dough, you can add a little brandy. In this case, the dough will become more aromatic, and baking is more delicious.

3. The egg white will beat up more quickly into the lush foam if it is pre-cooled and some drops of lemon juice or some citric acid are added. With the yolk do the opposite - he loves heat and sugar.

4. In order to fry or bake meat with a golden crust, it must be smeared with honey.

5. Onions will lose bitterness and will be much tastier if after cutting it put in a colander and pour over boiling water.

6. The liver will be soft if you sprinkle it with sugar before frying.

7. In order for the eggs not to burst during cooking, they must be washed before this in cold water.

8. So that the milk does not burn when cooked, rinse the pot with cold water and cook over medium heat.

9. Vegetables are peeled or washed immediately before being dipped in soup.

10. In order for a carrot to have a good taste, it must be cooked for 5-10 minutes. Carrots as well as other vegetables cooked on good fire and salted at the end of cooking.

11. For rice to be crumbly, it must be soaked in cold water for 30 minutes before cooking.

12. In order not to moisten the salt in the pot, add a few grains of rice.

13. So that the rice does not fall apart, you can fry it a little, however, it should be noted that in this case it will not increase in size very much.

14. In order for the milk not to run away, you should throw a piece of sugar there and cover, stirring every 3-4 minutes.

15. To rice was transparent, you need to immerse it in boiling water for 5 minutes.

16. To prevent rice or pasta from sticking together during cooking, add a little sunflower or olive oil to the water or pour in cold water in the colander after cooking.

17. Faded dill and parsley will become fresh again if you put them in water slightly diluted with vinegar;

18. If you want to get delicious vegetables when cooking, you need to lower them into the water after the water boils. If you want to taste the broth - you need to start cooking vegetables in cold water.

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How to care for jeans
  First of all, it must be remembered that jeans do not like the use of chemicals to them. Of course, washing powder is also chemistry, but I meant powerful drugs. Just remember that you can wash jeans in water up to 40˚ C. Of course, the best option is to wash your jeans by hand. But modern household appliances can perform such an operation rather painlessly. Of course, be prepared for the fact that after the machine wash jeans can become a size smaller, but you need to know about this even during their purchase.

Dark jeans, to prevent loss of color before the first wash should be soaked in water with the addition of salt or a small amount of vinegar.

Just remember that even high-quality jeans can shed in the process of washing. Of course, this rarely happens, so during the first wash, see if it happens to your jeans. In general, it is best to wash this fabric separately from other things.

Wash jeans need powder for colored fabrics. It is strictly forbidden to use white laundry detergents. When washing denim, we recommend using a color fixer.

Before you put the denim product in the washing machine drum, you need to fasten it on all buttons and zippers and, if possible, turn it on the wrong side. This is done in order not to lose the jeans fittings and not to scratch the washing machine drum.

Dry jeans in the same kind of turned inside out, in which you and loaded them into the washing machine. So, during drying, they will not be able to fade in the sun, in the event that you hang them outdoors.

Wearing raw jeans should not be worn. So after the evaporation of moisture, they will take the form of the body, highlighting even those features that you do not want to show.

I heard several times that jeans should not be ironed. Although you can do without this procedure, you should still iron your jeans, if only to achieve a more delicate fabric. If you do not, jeans will be rude.

The jeans are ironed after all the excess water from the glasses is used, but they are still quite wet. During ironing on the iron, you can set the steam mode at a low temperature. Stroked jeans from the seamy side.

Now there are many options for denim. In order to properly care for such products always pay attention to the label. It contains all the necessary parameters.

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Clean up the closet
  In order to have an order in the closet, you often revise it: putting everything on the shelves again, regrouping, getting rid of old things. The ideal option is to put things in order in the closet - on the eve of the winter-autumn and spring-summer season changes twice a year, when for convenience you change places on shelves or hangers for warmer things for lighter ones and vice versa. Also, make sure that the number of old things (for example, jeans that are worn from below, which can be useful for going to the cottage, to the forest, etc.) does not exceed the number of new things.

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It is curious to look at women through the eyes of family psychologists of the 60s of the twentieth century ...

“Australian Housekeeping Guide,”

published in the 60s. He taught girls in high school:

“You have to remember that by the time the husband arrives from the service, he needs to prepare daily.
  Prepare children, wash them, comb them and change clothes into clean, elegant clothes.
  They should line up and greet the father when he enters the door.
  For this occasion, put on a clean apron and try to decorate yourself - for example, tie a bow into your hair.

  Do not enter into conversations with your husband, remember how much he is tired, and what he has to do every day in the service, for you - feed him silently,
  and only after he reads the newspaper can you try to talk to him. ” And from the same place, from the part of “Councils for men”:

“After committing an intimate act with your wife, you should let her go to the bathroom, but you don’t need to follow her, let her be alone. She might want to cry. ”

* Keep dinner ready. Plan ahead, even the previous evening, to prepare delicious meals for his arrival. This will demonstrate what you think of him and your needs. Most men are hungry when they come home and the prospect of a good dinner (especially if this is his favorite dish) is a necessary part of warm homeliness.

* Prepare yourself. Rest 15 minutes to freshen up to his arrival. Straighten your clothes, weave a ribbon in your hair: be fresh and cheerful when he arrives. * Be a cheerful and interesting conversationalist. He needs to lift his spirits after a tiring day, and it is his wife’s duty to ensure this.

* Tidy up at home. Go around the room before his arrival - make sure everything is clean. * Remove textbooks, toys, newspapers. Wipe the tables from dust. * In cold months - make a fire in the fireplace. Your husband will feel that he has reached an oasis of rest and order, and will rejoice. In addition, taking care of his comfort will give you a great personal satisfaction.

* Take care of the children. Wash and wash small hands of young children, comb them and, if necessary, change their clothes. Children are a little treasure, he will be pleased to see them in the appropriate form. Keep quiet. To his arrival, turn off the washer, dryer and vacuum cleaner.

Try to convince children not to make noise.

* Be happy to see him.

  * Greet him with a warm smile and show sincere desire to please him. * Listen to him. You may have many important things to tell him, but do not do it at the moment when he returned.

Let him speak first - remember, his topics of conversation are more important than yours.

  * Make this evening it in the evening. Never complain if he came late, or had dinner and entertained without you. * Your task: to ensure that the house is a place of calm, order and peace where your husband can play up

  * Do not throw on it your complaints and problems.

* Do not complain if he is late for dinner

or did not come to sleep at all. (!!!)

  * Treat this as a trifle compared to what he suffered during the day. * Create comfort for him. Seat him in a comfortable chair or lay him on a bed. * Have a cool or warm drink ready for him.

* Correct his pad and offer to remove his shoes. Speak in a quiet, soothing and pleasant voice.

* Do not ask questions about his actions and do not doubt his judgments. Remember, he is the head of the family!

From the Czech magazine "For all"

1. Getting out of bed, try for a morning coffee look flirtatious, because unkempt woman disgusts her husband. 2. Do not enter into a conversation with your husband until he shaves and brushes his teeth. When the husband shaves, do not interfere with him: shaving for a man is an hour of thinking about what he has to do in a day. Even the most talkative man is reticent in the morning. Know how to set the table, do not forget to put an ashtray, put fresh newspapers. A man is interested in politics, and do not make a disgruntled person when he is busy with a newspaper, and not you.

4. A smart woman should be 25% more fun than there are grounds for it.

5. Do not go all day without heels, it spoils the gait and figure.

6. Be dressed in the afternoon.

7. Look forward to your husband from work, be prepared in everything. A husband should not wait for lunch or dinner. Everything should be ready.

8. If the husband returns tired from work, do not pounce on him with questions, let him come to his senses, eat.

9. Avoid having endless telephone conversations with your family or friends in the presence of your husband, this annoys him.

10. Husbands do not like tears, try to cry as little as possible in their presence.

11. Do not tell your husband what you donated for him.

12. Be an unread book for your husband, try to make your husband discover new and more attractive qualities.

13. Even once a week, let your husband feel like a bachelor, do not ask where he was or what he did. He will tell everything.

14. Do not interfere with the husband sometimes spreading the wings, i.e. flirt

This raises him in his own eyes, otherwise stealth appears.

15. Jealousy is a dangerous weapon. Use it as a last resort. But fear, if the husband finds other women attractive, it’s better to notice what he likes and consider for yourself. Be yourself impartial to other women.

16. Do not take care of your husband so that he noticed this and do not give him a lot of advice.

17. Do not put your husband on the chain, better keep it on silk threads, because It affects more durable. Learn to create for him the illusion of freedom.

18. If you want to achieve something from your husband, appeal to his pride and pride and you will be successful.

19. Respect the profession of a husband - she feeds you.

20. Do not humiliate the constancy of the husband, do not criticize his sensual and moral qualities - the man does not forget.

21. Love cannot be eternal, but between educated people it turns into an eternal friendship, which is the key to happiness.

22. Be as sick as possible, do not be late in the theater, movies - husbands do not like to wait. Do not skimp on tenderness.

  • To dumplings or dumplings do not stick together, add a little vegetable oil to the water and periodically stir them with a slotted spoon.
  • To make the meat juicy, it is salted only at the end of cooking. When cooking, meat is put into cold water, if they want to get a good broth, and boiling - if you need juicy boiled meat.
  • When frying, put the food on a preheated pan with hot oil, otherwise they stick. You can not add cold oil in the process of frying - it will quit.
  • The slower the soup is cooked and the smaller its volume, the tastier it will be. Boil the soup is better in a pot with thick walls.
  • Porridge cooked in a closed saucepan, without opening the lid and without stirring. In fact, porridge is cooked by steam.
  • All beans before cooking need to soak, otherwise they will cook for a very long time. Salt them only at the end of cooking.
  • If you make a batter with distilled water, it will be smooth and dense. Mineral water batter is loose and airy.
  • Meat is usually breaded in vegetable oil, a loaf - in milk, and black bread - in butter. Meat cutlets and fish is best breaded in flour.
  • To make the yeast dough come faster, stick some cocktail tubes into it. It will not stick to the hands if lubricated with vegetable oil.
  • Slightly burnt pastries can be saved by cooling it down, and then gently scrape the burnt area with a small float.
  • Only warm milk can be added to mashed potatoes; from cold milk, it gets an unpleasant grayish tint.
  • Peeled potatoes will cook faster and become crumbly if held under a stream of very cold water.
  • The bird will cook faster if you rub it on the outside and inside with lemon before cooking it. The same result will be obtained if, before cooking, it is kept for 2-3 hours in a mixture consisting of equal parts of water and vinegar.
  • To cook meat soup faster, chop the meat across the grain in the form of large noodles or cook meatballs from it.
  • So that the food that you are steaming cooks faster, salt the water in which the pan stands: this will raise the boiling point.
  • If you want to quickly cool any dessert or dish, put them in containers with cold salt water.
  • Raw peeled potatoes, cut into small pieces, when cooked in a pan under the lid will be ready much faster than in the open form.
  • To cook vegetables faster, you need to put 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil in water.

In a thin glass:

  • 250 g of water, milk, sour cream,
  • 200 grams of sugar, potato starch, semolina, buckwheat,
  • 160 g wheat flour, rice. beans, peas. millet, barley
  • 230 g of rolled oats,
  • 245 g of ghee
  • 210 g butter,
  • 240 grams of vegetable oil
  • 325 grams of honey
  • 330 g of jam.

In a tablespoon:

  • 20 g of water, honey, milk, ghee, vegetable oil
  • 25 g sour cream, butter, granulated sugar, flour, soda
  • 30 grams of salt, potato starch
  • 15 grams of vinegar, margarine.

In a teaspoon:

  • 7-8 g of cereals
  • 5g of water, milk, vinegar, ghee, vegetable oil, margarine
  • 10 g flour, sugar, salt, butter, sour cream.
  • To painted floors glistened, you can wash them with water and ammonia (1-2 tablespoons per bucket of water). Neither soap nor soda is added - they will make the paint dull.
  • For the carpets to serve for a long time, you need to properly care for them. Carpet is best cleaned with a vacuum cleaner 1-2 times a week. If there is no vacuum cleaner, get a separate broom for the carpet.
  • Soot got on the carpet. Sprinkle the stain with salt, and after an hour it will be easy to clean the soot with a brush.
  • In no case should dust and dirt from lacquered and polished furniture surfaces be removed with a wet rag or hot water. It is necessary to wipe the furniture with a soft, dry and clean flannel, cloth or a special “Cosiness” napkin.
  • To make the scratches on furniture less noticeable, take a small brush, moisten it with a weak iodine solution and wipe the scratches.
  • On polished tables from hot objects may be white spots. They can be removed as follows. The stain is rubbed with a piece of paraffin with wax, covered with a pass paper and pressed down with a hot iron. If the stain does not go away from the first time, this method is repeated. Then thoroughly wipe the table with a soft cloth, and the polishing will be restored.
  • To keep moth fur, soak a cotton swab in kerosene and put it in a fur hat or fur collar.
  • Wash the bath or sink after cold water immediately hot or vice versa - should not be. From the unequal expansion of the material from which these objects are made, and enamels on the enameled coating, cracks are formed, then they turn black.
  • From the wall in the bathroom a few tiles bounced. Clean them of cement, grease with white oil or any oil paint and press firmly: the tile will hold very firmly.
  • If there is a gap in the ceiling or walls, take a carpenter's liquid glue, add tooth powder or finely grated chalk. Cover this gap with this putty. A day later putty hardens.
  • When making repairs, note that the room looks higher if the wallpaper is glued without a gap to the ceiling itself.
  • The blisters on the wallpaper are eliminated if they are ironed after drying out with a slightly heated iron.
  • For washing painted floors in warm water, add ammonia 1-2 spoons to a bucket of water. Ammonia gives the paint shine. You can not wash the floor with soap and soda - from them, the oil paint fades.
  • The floors covered with linoleum are washed with warm water, without adding soda - the gloss is lost from it, the color is discolored. From time to time linoleum is useful to rub. To do this, suitable special paste "Turpentine", "Self-shine", "Emulsion".
  • To wash the mirror, you can prepare the composition: 1 glass of water, 1 tablespoon of vinegar, 20 g of chalk (tooth powder), mix everything and pro-boil. Let stand. Clean the liquid in the bottle, and if necessary, wipe the mirror with it.
  • Glasses will shine if kerosene is added to water (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water).
  • To avoid misting of windows in winter, wipe the glass with a cloth moistened with a solution of 1 part of purified glycerin and 20 parts of alcohol.
  • Wash or wipe the glass should be at least once a month. Glasses wiped with a mixture of 3 parts of water, 7 parts of glycerol and a few drops of ammonia are less dirty.
  • To make the window sparkle, wash it with water with the addition of starch. Frozen window can be cleaned with a solution of salt. Opaque glasses are washed with hot water and vinegar.
  • Defrost the refrigerator every 3 weeks. To do this, remove all products, then unplug the refrigerator, leave the doors open. Ice and snow should melt themselves, do not accelerate this process with a knife. Wash the refrigerator with a solution of baking soda (1 tablespoon of soda for 1 liter of water), wipe with a soft cloth, and when it dries out, plug it back into the net and put the food into it.
  • To prevent unpleasant odors in the refrigerator, its inside should be washed at least twice a month with warm water with the addition of baking soda (a tablespoon per 1 l of water), and then cleaned and ventilated for half an hour.
  • Rust can be removed using hydrogen peroxide mixed with 10% ammonia. Copper products are well cleaned with raw potatoes.
  • If a new broom is dipped in hot salted water or soaked in salted water for 2-3 hours, it will last you longer.
  • Broom disheveled. Hold it for a few minutes over a pan of boiling water - it will become like new.
  • To avoid unpleasant odors in the cabinets, put natural ground coffee there. You can get rid of the specific smell of the bread box by washing it with vinegar solution. To prevent an unpleasant odor in the refrigerator, it is washed with a solution of vinegar or baking soda, wiped and aired.
  • To remove carbon deposits on the burners, ignite them on high heat. Do not forget to open the window!
  • Knives, meat grinders and other metal objects, after using for cooking fish dishes, are first washed with cold water and salt, then rinsed with hot water.
  • The dishes, in which there were raw eggs, dough, jam, fish, first washed with cold water, and only then hot.
  • Aluminum dishes will be brilliant if a few drops of ammonia are added to the water during washing.
  • Porcelain dishes can not be washed with very hot water, so as not to spoil the pattern.
  • So that the dishes do not smell of fish, wipe it with dry mustard before washing.
  • Polished surfaces are cleaned with a soft cloth or sponge in warm water and soap.
  • You can not keep the knives on a hot plate and other hot items, they are blunt from this.
  • To rid the knife of the smell of fish, wipe it with potatoes or carrots. You can also use a cloth dampened with vinegar or vegetable oil. It also helps onion smell.
  • To remove stains from china, wash it with warm water and a small amount of ammonia. .
  • Stable stains from knives and forks are removed with lemon juice.
  • To remove stains from burnt milk, pour water into a saucepan, add 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda and boil for a few minutes. Then wash.
  • To clean the enameled water tank from sediment, pour salt water into it, adding vinegar to it, and let stand for several hours.
  • To remove the darkening of the enamelled container, fill it with hot water, adding soda (a teaspoon to a glass). Soak for several hours, then wipe with salt and rinse.
  • To preserve the brilliance of polished dishes can be long, if periodically cleaned with special pastes or tooth powder.
  • Spots on the hands of vegetables are removed first with pumice, and then with lemon juice.
  • After staying in the oven, brown stains may appear on the dishes; to remove them, the dishes are cleaned several times with sodium chloride in between the cleanings, it is necessary to rinse.
  • Vessels with a narrow throat are well washed off with crushed eggshells.
  • Darkening of the metal pots are removed by boiling in them cleanings of sour fruits (apples, pears).
  • To eliminate the clogging of the drain pipes, resort to mechanical cleaning methods. Your best helpers will be a rubber plunger, ruff or wire. Also for cleaning pipes, there are special tools that are available in the form of a liquid, powder or granules. Pour or pour a little in the drain hole of the sewer pipe (bathtub, sink or toilet) and leave it for a while. Then rinse thoroughly with running water.
  • Pour 1 cup of salt and 1 cup of baking soda into the drain hole of the water supply, and then pour boiling water. If the problem is only in fat residues, then it is usually usually immediately dissolved. But for more effective results do not use the drain for several hours.
  • Stains from oil paints are best removed with a mixture of gasoline, acetone and turpentine in equal parts.
  • Fresh ink stains on clothes are quickly reduced with milk.
  • Jackets, nicks, sleeves, collars near raincoats are well cleaned with ammonia.
  • Wipe stains from dampness on cloth with a cloth moistened with yogurt in serum.
  • Black velvet is brushed at first with a brush slightly moistened with kerosene, and then a dry, clean brush. Allow the dress to air out to smell the kerosene, and straighten it by holding onto the steam.
  • To clean suede shoes, they must be rubbed with a cloth moistened with water and ammonia, and then walk on them with a rubber aunt or very fine emery paper.
  • Rusty spots on the white cloth are removed with a solution of hydrosulfite (1 part to 10 parts of water).
  • For painted products hydrosulfite can not be used, as it discolors the fabric.
  • For colored fabrics use a mixture of equal parts of glycerin and shredded soap. In this mixture add a little water to obtain a homogeneous mass and cover it with a stain for a day, then wash it off with water.
  • A simple remedy for removing grass stains is a salt solution (a teaspoon of salt for 0.5 glass of water).
  • On clothing, underwear and fabrics can be fatty, ink stains from food, resin, oil paint, soot, tar, eau de cologne, etc. These stains can not always be removed during normal washing, therefore, they are cleaned with special compositions before washing.
  • How to remove stains on carpets? From coffee, cocoa, tea - cold water with glycerin (1 tablespoon of glycerin per 1 liter of water). Stains from pi-va, wine, liquor are brought out with warm water and washing powder “Bio С”. Wet a tampon with this solution and rub it in a spot, and then wash it with warm water and vinegar (1 tsp per 0.5 liter of water).
  • If the shoe polish is dry, add a few drops of milk, it will soften. At the same time the cream gives a good shine, it is better absorbed into the skin of the shoe.
  • Lock "lightning" in the shoes will last longer if it is smeared with vegetable oil or greasy hand cream.
  • When you wash winter woolen things, add a teaspoon of glycerin to the last one when rinsing. Woolen things will become softer.
  • If you are washing the car in colored clothes, add 2-3 tablespoons of plain salt to the water. Things do not shed, the colors will become brighter.
  • Clothing made of synthetic fabrics requires constant and proper care. It is necessary to wash and clean it more often than products from natural fibers. If the dress was worn 5-6 times, it should be washed. This is due to the fact that the easy electrolizability of the fabric leads to an intense attraction of dust particles, and the ability of synthetic fibers to absorb fat from the skin leads to rapid contamination of the inner surface of clothing.
  • When washing clothes from wool knitwear, put a tablespoon of baking soda into the water: it will refresh the color, the products, and eliminate the smell of sweat. Then rinse things thoroughly.
  • White socks, knee-high socks are perfectly washed, if you soak them for 1-2 hours in water, to which 1-2 tablespoons of boric acid are added.
  • So that terry towels and bathrobes are fluffy, hold them after washing in salted water and do not iron.
  • When washing tulle curtains, you can add a little milk to the blue ink solution, which makes the curtains look like new.
  • To whiten clothes during boiling, pour 1 tablespoon of ammonia per 10 liters of water.
  • Washing of small things on the road, in the hotel is most convenient to keep in a plastic bag, kneading it in your hands. This allows soaking, saves detergents and significantly reduces the risk of damaging, for example, stockings or pantyhose.
  • An unpleasant job is washing the handkerchiefs. Try this method: throw a handful of salt in a basin with warm water, soak the scarves for about two hours, then rinse.
  • Woolen or silk fabrics, as well as materials made of artificial fibers, do not moisten with ironing. Iron them on the reverse side through cotton fabric with a moderately heated iron (temperature not higher than 150 ° C).
  • In order for new jeans to retain a bright color longer, before washing for the first time, soak them for 12 hours in a strong solution of table salt. If you wash your jeans in a washing machine, turn them inside out - they will last you longer.
  • To return the original color to white socks, soak them for a couple of hours in a solution of boric acid (1-2 tablespoons of boric acid per 10 liters of water).
  • If you need to wash a down jacket in a washing machine, when washing, put a few balls for tennis in the machine drum. This is necessary to ensure that during the rinsing and wringing out the fluff does not pile up - the balls will help to evenly distribute it over the product. Down jackets wash at a temperature of 40 ° C.
  • To prevent black things from tarnishing, add a pinch of salt to the water during the last rinse. The same method works when rinsing things from bright or dark chiffon and silk - you need to add 25 g of salt per 1 liter of water when rinsing.
  • Yellow and blue color of silk perfectly refreshes a decoction of orange peels (dry or fresh). A blue and bright red color of fabrics will help to keep rinsing in water with the addition of baking soda.
  • Also, salt water will help with washing colored linen (so that it does not fade) and tulle curtains darkened by time. Only in this case, in warm salted water, it is necessary not to rinse, but soak.
  • Flannel things can not be washed with soap, just rubbing them with a piece of soap. For washing such clothes need a soap solution with the addition of glycerin (for 10 liters of water - 1 tbsp glycerin).
  • To suede gloves retain the "marketable" look, they need to be washed in warm soapy water, wearing on his hands. Thoroughly rinse the gloves, they need to get wet with a towel and smear with glycerin. Dry suede gloves need in a cool and dark place. When the gloves are dry, they need to be put on and cleaned again with a soft brush.
  • If buttons on clothes have lost their shine from frequent washes, cover them with colorless nail polish - they will shine like new again!
  • Knitted things for drying is better not to hang, and lay out so that they do not stretch and do not deform. If there is nowhere to expand the knit jacket, but it is necessary to dry it, pass the towel through the sleeves of the jacket and attach it with clothespins at the collar and cuffs.
  • If you add a pinch of salt to the starch, the starched laundry will shine better. But underwear, handkerchiefs, face starch towels are not recommended.
  • it is best to dry clothes in the open air: it dries qualitatively, without “iron” folds; ironing is nice and fast. It is better to take off linen slightly damp.
  • It is better not to press the washed men's shirts, but to dry on the shoulders; pat them in this order: back, collar, yoke, sleeves, shelves.
  • Jeans should be washed, turned inside out and zipped up, at a temperature not higher than 40 ° C. Do not twist them.
  • Sweaters with a few felted wool can return the original look by washing them in water, in which the beans were soaked for several hours.
  • To make terry bathrobes and towels fluffy, after washing, hold them slightly in salted water and do not iron.
  • When washing men's shirts, which are most contaminated with collars and cuffs, add a little hydrogen peroxide to the laundry detergent. The temperature during washing should be high - 85-90 ° С.
  • Kapron stockings and tights will last longer if they are boiled before wearing.
  • Colored items fade less if salt is added to the washing solution. Water temperature should not be higher than 60 ° С.
  • Before washing, a skirt with a large number of folds is recommended to be thrown through the folds with large loose stitches with a thin thread - then it will be easier to iron.
  • Fresh ink stains on clothes are quickly excreted with milk.
  • Woolen and half-woolen things are ironed dry, but through a damp cloth at a temperature not higher. 180 ° C. You should not iron the same place until the fabric through which it is ironed is completely dry.
  • Flax and cotton are difficult to iron. It is advisable not to overdry them. Linen is usually ironed slightly wet from the front. If it is dry, it is better to sprinkle it with hot water before ironing. Only places with embroidery, in order not to deprive it of relief, are stroked from the wrong side. In the same way you can iron clothes made of cotton or linen.
  • Velvet ironing from the inside, without strong pressure, slightly moistening. It is desirable at the same time to put something soft. If velvet things are ironed on the front side, this should be done carefully, with a warm iron, preferably on weight. Stroking it with a stiff brush, hold it against the nap to raise it.
  • Smooth knit knit through a damp cloth, without pressing, steaming slightly.
  • Silk knitwear is better not to iron. It is enough to pull the product while it is still wet in the right directions in order to return it to the correct shape.
  • Things from a boucle and embossed knit should not be ironed. If the knitwear is healed, it is not ironed, but gently steamed on the weight.
  • Lace must be ironed wet, inside out, laying on a soft blanket. Relief edge is better to attach pins to a blanket.
  • For viscose, only dry ironing is possible, otherwise stains will appear on the product.
  • Natural and artificial silk fabrics iron necessarily from the inside and not very hot iron.
  • Artificial silk can not be sprayed with water - stains will remain.
  • Velvet, suede and plush ironing is not recommended.
  • Before starting to iron, run the iron on a clean, dry cloth to make sure that the sole of the iron is clean and not overheated.
  • Large items, such as sheets, must be folded in width in half, face up. Smoothing one side, flip the sheet over and flatten the other side.
  • On small things, smooth the edges first, and only then the middle.
  • Gloss, which appeared on the suit from frequent ironing, can be removed under a stream of steam (from the tip of a boiling kettle) or wiped the covered spots with a cotton swab dipped in tea brewing.
  • The burrs with flaxen items will disappear if you soak the items in water in half with sour milk at night.
  • To remove tan, cotton things should be soaked in cold water for an hour and then wiped with a solution of 1 tsp of bleach in 1 glass of water and rinsed thoroughly.
  • If there is an iron burn on the silk fabric, you need to quickly make a slurry of soda and water and wipe the stain with it. When dry, soda should be cleaned with a brush, and rinse the thing in cold water.
  • An onion will help remove the stain of burns from any other fabric: wipe the stain with a half of the bulb and wash it with water and soap or detergent.
  • Strongly scorched places slightly dampen with hydrogen peroxide and put the thing in the sun, and after a few minutes, rinse in cold water.
  • The burrs can be removed by wetting them with lemon juice, and sprinkling them with powdered sugar on top. After some time, the powder must be rinsed with cold water.
  • Damp your hands with cold water, sprinkle with salt and expose to the sun. After some time, salt shake off, and the cloth washes in water.
  • If leather gloves are cramped, wrap them in a wet cloth for several. Hours, then put on your hands and in this form dry.
  • Leather gloves sometimes fade from the inside out and stain hands. Rub talcum powder on the wrong side and your hands will stay clean.
  • To protect the white fur from yellowing, in the summer it should be stored in a bag or blue cover.
  • Do not hang woolen clothing that has just been removed from your wardrobe. It must first be aired and dust free.
  • Wet woolen clothes should not be dried near heating. From the heat the fabric loses its natural properties.
  • Do not hang clothes on the back of a chair, from this it loses its shape. Coming from the street, immediately hang a coat or dress on the hangers, which must match the shape and size of the clothes. Short shoulders extended sleeves, long - make dents on them.
  • To dress with a large neckline does not slip from the shoulders, cover them with a cloth.
  • How to make shoes waterproof. To do this, prepare a special mass. It is done this way: they melt 1 pound of soap on the fire and half a pound of resin (1 pound = 0.40951241 kg). This not completely cooled mass is taken on a brush and smeared with her shoes. To give the shoe gloss, it is brushed and evenly rubbed with wax and turpentine, painted with soot. From this treatment, the skin becomes very durable.
  • When repairing leather products, it will be easier if you pierce the material with a needle from an old syringe, fixing an ordinary needle with a thread in its hole, which will help it to precisely get to the right place during the return stroke.
  • Great mittens for children are obtained from the old cap with earflaps. Ears are cut off from it, a hole is made in them, a finger is sewn on and carried to health.
  • Metal buttons quickly come off due to the fact that the thread frayed edges of the holes. If, before starting to sew on a button, to twist its edges with the same thread, a coil to a coil in one layer, it will last much longer.
  • The oldest way to put a woolen thread into the eye of the needle is to hold its tip, pressing it with your finger over the surface of a piece of soap.
  • A knitted knitted product is easier to dissolve if you hold it for a day in the next solution - add 3 tablespoons of ammonia and 10 tablespoons of turpentine and wine alcohol to 10 liters of soapy water, then rinse with warm vinegar (1 liter of water per tablespoon) spoon) and dry.
  • Unwrapping a used garment for dressing, wind the threads in soft and light balls.

How to avoid window fogging

To avoid this, wipe the glass with a cloth moistened with a solution of 1 part of purified glycerin and 20 parts of ordinary (denatured) alcohol. This method is one of the most effective. Approximately every two weeks the glasses are thoroughly wiped with a dry cloth and smeared with a new portion of glycerin.

How to clean glass from ice

In a warm solution of table salt or alum (for 1/2 liter of water, a handful of salt) moisten a sponge or soft brush and drive it through the frozen glass, which is why the ice quickly melts. When the ice crust disappears, you need to wipe the glass dry. Even better: rub the glass with a solution of calcium chloride - the ice melts almost instantly.

How to warm the door

1. Take old newspapers.

2. Each newspaper turns into a tube, a width slightly larger than the distance between the balcony doors.

3. Place rolls vertically between the doors close to each other, close the doors.

And if you don’t intend to use the door in winter, cover all the holes with cotton wool, and on top seal all joints between the door and the doorpost with narrow strips of fabric (you can tear the old white sheet) soaked in a strong soap solution. Where the gaps are wide, you can stick them in several layers.

Advantages: white cloths on white shoals are almost invisible; the soap solution doesn’t let through drafts, in spring everything is removed without a trace with a single movement of the hand, stretches, smoothes out and cleans up until next autumn.

There is such a sealant - tubular polyurethane foam (it seems) - such a long white sausage rope of various diameters (from 8 to 25 mm) in section, is inserted into the openings between the frame and window sashes (in the closed state) and fills all the holes. Ten minutes on the window, not blowing, it looks very decent and does not have to tear off in the spring - just pull it out and clean it until next winter.

These housewives know a lot of secrets about how to create comfort in the house! Today we will share the most useful tips to help you do housework quickly and effortlessly.

If you think that running a household is very hard work, which not everyone can do, we are in a hurry to dissuade you! You can be a good housewife, even dedicating to housework just half an hour a day ... To do this, you need to know the right ways, how quickly and easily to clean up the house or tidy clothes

Housekeeping Tips - Clothing Care

Care for clothes is often time consuming, especially if you have children. Clothes have to be washed and ironed regularly; in addition, it is important to know how to store them properly. There are a number of questions that new housewives often face: how to wash and iron clothes made of wool and silk? How to return whiteness to light fabrics? How to remove spots? For each of them we have the answer!

How to wash and iron woolen and silk products?

Of course, you need to be sure to familiarize yourself with the requirements for washing and ironing, which are often indicated on the label. But the general conditions know not hurt

If you need to remove the stain from a wool product, then soak it in cool water (up to 25 degrees) for 30 minutes and add a little more detergent powder than with a regular wash. There is another effective way: to dry the stain and gently clean it with a brush.


Whitening How to return the whiteness of the fabric?

Often white things turn yellow, become gray and faded after prolonged wear and frequent washing and require special care. How to whiten a thing if it has already lost its appeal? Our mothers and grandmothers used boiling, but what if the thing can be washed at a temperature not higher than 40 degrees C?

You can apply a folk remedy: add 1 tbsp to the water. liquid ammonia and 2 tbsp. hydrogen peroxide (3%) and wash in a typewriter (temperature depends on the type of fabric).

However, let's not forget about modern household chemicals: it is often easier and more efficient to use a reliable bleaching agent.

When choosing it you need to take into account that the bleaching agent should be:

  • Effective at low temperatures (less than 30);
  • Safe for all types of fabrics, including delicate;
  • Chlorine free;
  • Convenient to use and does not require any additional actions;
  • Suitable for both hand and machine washing.


How to remove spots?

This question can be quite complicated, and the answer to it, above all, depends on two factors: the type of fabric and the type of stain. However, here you can give general recommendations:

  • Stains are removed with a cotton swab or soft white cloth;
  • It is better to remove the stain from the inside, and to start removing the stain from the edges, gradually approaching the center;
  • Remember that many stains can be removed with ordinary water or a solution of ammonia and salt.

The process of removing the spots may be long. In addition, it is often difficult to determine the type of stain and, accordingly, the most effective way to remove it. Therefore, to save time, effort, money and nerves, we recommend using universal stain removers that will help you in different life situations. Today you can find stain removers in the form of lumpy and liquid soap, foam and gel, as well as special products for white fabrics and children's clothes.


Tips for housewives in the kitchen

One of the main premises for the real housewife is the kitchen: here she spends most of the time. This is where culinary masterpieces are created and the way to a man’s heart is sought, and therefore it is so important to keep the kitchen clean. There are women who love to cook, but do not really like to clean the kitchen, to wash the dishes and stove. For those who constantly do not have enough time for this, we can advise the following:

  1. Wash dishes and stove should be immediately after cooking and eating. The whole process takes 3-5 minutes, but then you will not need to spend time on scrubbing stains and fat. In addition, mountains of unwashed dishes with food remnants are an excellent bait for various insects, which can be very difficult to get rid of.
  2. Monitor the condition of sponges, brushes, rags and towels. Sponges and rags are updated regularly, clean and disinfect brushes, wash towels (try to always have a supply of clean towels and new sponges);
  3. In order to avoid unpleasant smells in the kitchen, dispose of garbage regularly. Monitor the condition of the trash can, wash it using a disinfectant. You can also optionally use a trash can freshener;
  4. For washing children's dishes purchase a special tool. Do not wash it with dishes for adults.


How to get rid of the smell?

  • The smell of onions: on your hands - rub with parsley or a slice of lemon, on boards and appliances - rub with dry salt;
  • The smell of garlic on your hands - use celery greens;
  • Smell fish on dishes - wipe with salt, then rinse, on hands - moisten with a weak solution of vinegar and wash thoroughly;
  • Unpleasant smell on wooden dishes - wipe with warm vodka.


How to clean dishes and stove from stains?

  • Fat stain on the stove can be pre-filled with salt;
  • Table vinegar will help to get rid of coffee or tea;
  • If the pots and kettles are dark inside, try boiling apple and pear peels in them;
  • You can get rid of scale if you boil apple peel or coca-cola in a teapot. All these methods are undoubtedly effective, however, it is much easier and more effective to use the antiscale agent.


Tips housewives on the cleanliness of the bathroom

Cleanliness in the bathroom should be given special attention, because it helps prevent the reproduction of harmful bacteria and fungi. In fact, the health of your family will depend on how carefully you keep your bathroom clean.

Here are some tips to help you keep it clean:

  1. Regularly wash and disinfect the need not only plumbing (sink, toilet and bath), but also soap dishes, taps and tiles. Dust should be wiped off the shelves and luminaires. Do not forget also about mirrors and door handles.
  2. To prevent mold and mildew, lubricate tile joints with anti-fungal agents.
  3. Bath should not be cleaned with stiff brushes and powdered means, so as not to spoil the enamel and leave no scratches.
  4. The toilet is machined with a brush. For its cleaning, it is better to use special tools that will help to handle even hard-to-reach places (for example, under the rim of a toilet bowl). Additionally, you can also use a toilet cleaner that will help get rid of lime deposits and unpleasant odors.

Start following these tips today, and you will see that they can make your household work much easier!

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Household tricks - this is what can make each person's life a little easier, and the organization of home comfort - more interesting. There are countless secrets that are surprisingly simple, but at the same time effective. Some of them are worth listing now.

Cleansing items

Spots are ugly. Any neat person, seeing them on any thing, seeks to get rid of them. Well, it can be done simply. Here are some tricks:

  • The old yellowed curtain for the bathroom will look like a new one if all its dirty and impartial parts are washed with a solution of water and hydrogen peroxide (1: 1 ratio).
  • Toothbrushes from tea and coffee stains and germs can be cleaned by soaking them in vinegar for an hour.
  • Bath to whiteness is easy to clean, spraying hydrogen peroxide over its surface. After 30 minutes, it should be washed off with warm water.
  • You can also fill the bath with soda, and in a few minutes pour vinegar. After half an hour, any dirt can be easily cleaned with a brush.
  • Unwanted yellowness from any surface can be removed with citric acid solution (1 sachet per 1 cup of water). It should be applied with a sponge for 20 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.
  • Chronic plaque is easily removed with a mixture of salt and vinegar (1: 1).
  • Stains with washcloths can be removed by soaking for 1 hour in boiling water diluted with 1: 1 vinegar.

Down with dirt from the toilet!

The toilet, to put it mildly, is not the most hygienic place. And for many, the dirt on the toilet is a problem that is difficult to handle. However, you can at times simplify your task by using one useful trick. The toilet bowl will sparkle with cleanliness if you cook and throw special “bombs” at it. Here is what you need to make them:

  • One glass of soda.
  • Half a teaspoon of vinegar.
  • A quarter cup of citric acid.
  • One tablespoon of 6% hydrogen peroxide solution.
  • 20 drops of aromatic oil (any).

Soda should be poured into a bowl and mixed with citric acid. In another vessel, vinegar must be combined with peroxide. The next step is to add the resulting liquid to the dry soda mixture. This should be done carefully - in droplets. After that, it remains only to pour aromatic oil and form large balls of the resulting mixture with a spoon. They will need to lay out on parchment and dry, which will take about 6 hours. Then the balls can be used.

By the way, the toilet can still be cleaned by applying a mixture of mustard powder, citric acid and cornstarch on it. For an hour, it should be left on the surface, and only after the time has elapsed begin to wipe.

Kitchen secrets

The place where food is prepared should always be clean. First of all, household appliances should be sterile.

No matter how frightening the appearance of the oven from soot and grease, you can return it to the old purity. It's simple. The oven must be heated to 150 ° C and turned off. Immediately, a saucepan with boiling water (1 l) is placed on the lower grid, and a pot of salt (1 cup) is placed on the top grid. The door must be closed and left until morning.

The next day, some liquid detergent and water will need to be added to salmon. The resulting solution applied to the sponge, you must wipe the oven, then rinse with water. From the fat and soot does not remain a trace.

A plate can be cleaned to shine with an eraser. The fat they remove is perfect. This trick, by the way, is practiced by the staff of professional cleaning services.

And finally, the surface. Even the dirtiest tile can be easily cleaned if you spray it with vinegar, and leave it for about 15 minutes. All that remains is to wash it with clean water and wipe the surface with a microfiber cloth.

Cleaning the bed

There are some more useful tricks related to cleaning the mattress. Change of linen, of course, is obligatory, but sooner or later it will be necessary to completely refresh the bed. This is best done with a clean nozzle for delicate surfaces. It is desirable each time before you lay new sheets.

And if you need to remove the bad smell that appears on the mattress after some time of its operation, you can simply sprinkle the soda on it, and leave it for half an hour. Then, of course, the surface will need to be vacuumed out.

For ubiquitous cleanliness

There are still some tips and tricks that are worthy of attention. Here are the ones that will certainly be useful to everyone:

  • It is easy to get rid of the scale in the kettle by boiling in it once with water with the addition of citric acid (two tablespoons is enough).
  • Pet hair from the carpet / things can be removed with packing tape. Even on its sticky side, the pellets and villi are perfectly collected.
  • Dirty glass is easily cleaned by cutting the onion in half.
  • Fat from the carpet is removed with a mixture of gasoline and laundry detergent applied to it for several hours.
  • Unpleasant smell from the dishes (from the jar, for example, or a bottle) can be removed by washing it with water with the addition of mustard powder.

Wardrobe nuances

It should be noted attention useful tips and tricks concerning clothing.

If the jeans are soaked with an unpleasant smell, then they should be put at night in the freezer.

In light leather shoes ate dirt and dust? It is necessary to mix washing powder, soda and toothpaste, and then thoroughly clean the impartial areas with a solution, causing it to brush.

But if the new shoes are too tight, then you should put each in a bottle of water, and then put the pair in the freezer for the night.

In order not to crawl “tights” on tights, it is recommended to sprinkle them with hairspray before putting them on.

Don't you like dark things to fade? Then it is worth adding ~ 100 milliliters of vinegar to the water at the end of the wash.

Sweat stains are another problem. In order to leave no trace of them, you need to sprinkle the thing with lemon juice before washing. This is especially true for products in gray. But if the thing got dirty with foundation or some other makeup - it is worth putting on it a shaving cream, and wash it off after a while. Knowing about such tricks, they will be able to make life much easier for themselves.

Spots - “no”!

How difficult it is to get rid of them is well known to every hostess. But the "household" tricks of women have no limits - a long time ago, many ways were invented by which the removal of stains becomes a simple task.

Traces of acetone, gasoline, as well as everything else that is bold, should be carefully ironed with a hot iron through three layers of a wipe cloth. Then it remains only to wash the thing. By the way, in order to avoid stains from the stain, you need to clean it from the edges and to the middle.

Fruit trails are easily removed with hot water. However, it is better to remove them by soaking the thing in hot milk.

And wine, by the way, is perfectly removed from all things with wet salt. Grass stains are also displayed. But the white thing is recommended to wash in serum or milk.

Stains from wool can be easily removed using a solution of glycerin and ammonia (2: 1 ratio).

Other details

Finally, some secrets and tricks that are elementary and useful in everyday life. They can be useful:

  • If you put a piece of soap sealed in paper in a box of linen, good fragrance will always come from things.
  • The mirror soaked up after a hot shower will return to its original look, suitable for use (shaving, brushing your teeth), if you direct air from the hair dryer to it.
  • To make the zipper on clothes not get stuck, you need to rub it with graphite (ordinary pencil).
  • You can clear the clog in the sink by pouring 100 grams of soda into the sink and the same amount of vinegar.
  • If you need to make holes in the surface for a particular thing, it is better to make a photocopy of it and fix it - you get a kind of pattern.
  • To eliminate the unpleasant smell of shoes you need to put tea bags in it.
  • At the bottom of the trash can is to put the newspaper - they absorb the liquid, one way or another drained.