Zrazy with minced chicken. Zrazy chicken with egg.

17.04.2019 Vegetable Dishes

Probably love chicken meat in every home. And today we suggest you cook chicken zrazas with eggs. This dish has a pleasant taste, delicate aroma, and yet such a dish is juicy and appetizing!


Step-by-step recipe of cooking Zrazy chicken with an egg with a photo

So let's get down to business:

Cook the minced chicken, salt, pepper and stir well.

Wash and chop the greens as small as possible. Mix eggs with herbs, salt.

Now make mince from the mince, spread the egg filling with greens in the center.

The filling should be in the center, and sprinkle the meat balls with breadcrumbs.

Next, you need to put the pan on the fire, pour in vegetable oil and heat it. Now fry the patties on each side for 10 minutes. That's all, chicken zrazy with egg is ready, this dish is served with mashed potatoes and vegetable salads!

Chicken Zrazy with egg

Chicken minced zrazy with egg

There is another recipe for making chicken minced chicken soup with an egg. This dish is also very tasty, juicy and appetizing!

So, in order to cook zrazy for this recipe you will need:

minced chicken - 1 kg;
eggs - 4 pieces;
butter - 100 grams;
potatoes - 2 pieces;
onions - 2 heads;
stale bread - 2 crusts;
milk - 200 milliliters;
salt, black ground pepper, greens.

So let's get to work:

  1. Take the mince, salt it and pepper it.
  2. Now boil eggs, peel and chop.
  3. Wash and chop the herbs.
  4. Butter, get them in the refrigerator, let them lie down in a warm place. Then the softened butter should be sent to a clean bowl, then transfer the eggs with greens, salt the ingredients, add a little thyme and mix.
  5. Now take the stuffing mass and make tortillas. In the middle of the flat cakes, lay out the stuffing from the eggs, roll the balls and make small patties.
  6. Sprinkle with breadcrumbs.
  7. Put the pan on the fire, pour in the vegetable oil and fry the patties on each side, then cover with a lid, let it stew for 3 minutes. That's all, delicious zrazy ready!
Good appetite!

Not every diet allows you to eat tasty and satisfying. And adhering to the dietary diet according to Dyukan, this is possible - the main thing is not to be lazy to cook and invent new diet recipes. You can eat juicy zrazov, starting from the first stage of the diet, bringing a variety to the recipe every time.

Zrazy chicken with mushrooms

Vegetable protein (mushrooms belong to this category) Ducan is allowed to use according to the rules of the diet from the second stage “Cruise”, but preferably on protein-vegetable days. Here is the required set of necessary products.

For stuffing will need:

  • 200-300 grams of chicken meat (it is better to take not clean breast fillet, and 2-3 pieces in combination with chicken thigh and leg meat),
  • onions (large onion can be divided in half - for minced meat and for the filling),
  • oat bran (daily amount corresponding to the stage of the diet), soaked in milk (50 g),
  • egg, salt, greens and spices.


  • mushrooms (a handful of dried or 300 g of champignons), fried in the permitted "3 drops" of oil, for beauty and make the filling bright colors you can put one boiled yolk.

Algorithm cooking

  1. Minced meat is prepared instantly with the help of a blender almost instantly - all components are put into it, except for greens (it is better to chop it finely), and grind.
  2. Filling of dried mushrooms requires preliminary preparation - it is necessary to soak the mushrooms for several hours, then boil for about an hour, “fry” with onion with almost no oil and grind in a blender. Fresh mushrooms (the same champignons) can significantly save time spent on creating the filling.
  3. Further, any zrazy prescription suggest bookmark stuffing in stuffing. On the palm of your hand, make a small tortilla of minced meat with a hollow in the middle. Put a spoonful of stuffing in a makeshift hole and wrap the edges of the zrazy, hiding the stuffing inside. You give the cutlet a shape and place it on a baking tray.
  4. When all zrazy are formed and laid (they turn out about 12-13 pieces), they are sent to the preheated oven (200 °) for 35-40 minutes. At the bottom of the dishes it is desirable to add a little water for juiciness zraz.

Chicken minced zrazyaccording to Dyukan

  Enjoy the taste of zraz with zucchini, prepared according to this recipe, from the second stage of the Ducane's Cruise diet on protein-vegetable days. You will need the following products.

For minced meat:

  • chicken breast;
  • garlic clove
  • oat bran (daily amount corresponding to the stage of the diet);
  • salt-spice.

For filling:

  • small squash (1 pc.).

Algorithm cooking

  1. All components of minced meat are ground with a meat grinder (blender).
  2. Zucchini for the filling is cut into small cubes. With a young vegetable only from the bed will be less trouble - you can fill it with zrazy raw materials. Tender pulp will have time to stew in the oven in parallel with the minced chicken. With a representative zucchini older will have to tinker. The skin of adults is hard - it is necessary to get rid of it, the core (formed seeds) must also be removed.
  3. For the filling only the pulp is useful. It will have to be subjected to additional heat treatment - stew without oil under the lid for about 10 minutes.
  4. Then zrazy are formed - the filling is laid in the hollow in the stuffing and sealed with the same stuffing.
  5. Formed burgers can be baked in the oven, stewed in a roaster and cooked in a double boiler. Each of them for reliability can be wrapped in foil - so they are guaranteed not to fall apart and retain all their juiciness.

Chicken minced zrazy with egg

  Eggs with eggs can be included in your menu immediately from the first day of the diet, starting with “Attack”. A set of necessary products.

Mincemeat ingredients:

  • meat of a breast (1/2 parts) of a shin and hip;
  • egg;
  • oat bran (2 tbsp. l.), soaked in milk (50 ml);
  • chopped greens, spices, salt.


  • boiled chopped egg (2 pcs.).

Algorithm cooking

  1. For this recipe, minced meat is prepared in the same way as in the previous version. Generally, in order not to worry, the first time cooking zrazy, you need to understand for yourself that these are regular burgers and not bother with minced meat. Since he is simply a cutlet version, but with dietary "Dyukanovsky" replacements of some components.
  2.    http://kuhnya-na-zdorove.ru/blyuda-iz-goroxa-goroxovye-oladi.html Peas Dishes: Pea Pancakes - A Recipe

    [...] Peas - the most versatile cereals. Due to its nutritional value and satiety, pea dishes have become incredibly popular all over the world. Soups, porridges, flat cakes, cutlets, porridges and even pancakes are made from peas. In almost every home, every housewife can cook at least one of these dishes. Your attention is one of the recipes for pea pancakes. They can be used as a main dish and as an addition to other dishes, mainly meat or such as, for example, chicken zrazy with mushrooms. [...]

Chicken meat has long been recognized as one of the most useful and dietary types of meat. White meat contains a minimum of fat, and in red meat - a lot of useful iron.

Chicken meat is absorbed better than pork or beef. It's all about a small amount of connective tissue. There are many vitamins and amino acids.

Chicken meat can be cooked as usual cutlets, as well as delicious zrazy or "Chicken Kiev cutlets".

Of course, chicken is most useful in boiled form, but tastier here in such chicken zrazah with egg and cheese. Cook, which will not be difficult, and the combination of tender chicken and cheese is always a win-win in any dish.

Chicken zrazy with egg and cheese


  • Minced chicken - 700 g .;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • Onion - 1 pc .;
  • Dry bun - 1 pc .;
  • Some milk.


  • Cheese - 150g .;
  • Egg - 2 pcs .;
  • Butter - 2 tbsp. L .;
  • Dill, parsley.


  1. First, prepare the stuffing. To do this, soak a dry muffin in a small amount of milk. Add the soaked bread to the minced meat, chopped onion and garlic. All mix and set aside.
  2. In the meantime, prepare the stuffing. Eggs and three cheese on a coarse grater. Add soft butter and greens to the mixture of eggs and cheese. All thoroughly mixed.
  3. Constantly wetting your hands with cold water, we form cutlets. For this, a piece of minced meat is distributed on the palm in the form of a flat cake. Top put the stuffing, molded into a sausage, and hug it with minced meat.
  4. The resulting cutlet is rolled in breadcrumbs and fry in vegetable oil, over medium heat, constantly turning.

"Chicken zrazy with cheese" are ready.

On how to cook "chicken with buckwheat" read.

Bon appetit from the spoon-Cooks !!!

   Thursday, June 2, 2016

Let's cook delicious, tender, fragrant and juicy chicken zrazy with mushrooms. This is a very simple and satisfying main dish that goes well with almost any side dish. Ruddy mushrooms, fried with onions, boiled eggs, fresh green onions and dill hid under tender chicken meat with golden and crispy crust ...

Due to the fact that chicken breast is part of this second dish, zrazy cook very quickly. A pleasant surprise, thanks to which the meat will turn out really tender and juicy, will be an apple in mincemeat. Chicken zrazy can be breaded not only in bread crumbs (they can be easily prepared at home), but also wheat flour is a matter of taste.


(650 grams) (200 grams) (3 pieces ) (3 pieces ) (1 piece ) (150 grams) (150 milliliters) (50 grams) (10 grams) (1 teaspoon) (1 pinch)

Cooking steps by step with a photo:

First of all, let's prepare the filling for future chicken dishes. To do this, we take any forest mushrooms that must be boiled in advance. Champignons can be used fresh. Pour 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil into the pan, heat it up and spread mushrooms. There we also send a pair of medium onions, which we clean and cut into small cubes. Salt and pepper to taste. We fry everything on medium heat, stirring from time to time, to a ruddy state - about 15 minutes. In parallel, set two boiled chicken eggs - 9-10 minutes after boiling.

While mushrooms are being cooked, cut the chicken fillet into medium cube. One rather large apple is clean and remove the seed pods. Even for the stuffing we need one medium onion, which also needs to be cleaned.

Now skip the chicken fillet through the meat grinder along with the peeled onion and apple pulp to make minced meat. Add one egg, salt and pepper to taste.

Since the chicken mince is very sticky and tender, I advise you to discourage it. We just shift the stuffing into the bag (or even better in two bags at once), tie and throw about 50 times on the table. Just don’t throw much so that the bag doesn’t break. Due to such manipulations, chicken mince will quickly gather into a lump, compact and be comfortable to work with. For now, send it to the fridge

Zrazy of minced meat refers to Lithuanian and Polish cuisine, where the dish is considered national. Zrazy are prepared from minced meat or mashed potatoes with various fillings. Initially, zrazy was a broken off piece of meat in which the filling was wrapped — mushrooms, cereals, vegetables, cheese, eggs, greens. Later instead of meat began to use minced meat or mashed potatoes. As a result, in modern interpretation, a pie is considered, which is based not on dough, but on minced meat or mashed potatoes, stuffed.

Cooking zraz - troublesome. Separately, minced meat is prepared, stuffing, then zrazy are formed and only after that they are fried in oil. However, housewives often cook this dish both on weekdays and for the festive table. There are several reasons for this. Zrazy economical. A small piece of meat can be tasty to feed a large family. The dish does not require a side dish, but when serving with sauces and sauces does not exclude it. The fillings are so varied that each time the zrazy can have a new taste, which means they don’t get bored.

We bring to your attention proven recipes, from which you will learn how to cook zrazy from minced meat with the most successful fillings, as well as tips that will help facilitate the process of cooking this delicious dish.

Photo zraz of minced meat with egg in the oven

Zrazy with an egg inside is an original, nourishing and easy to prepare dish. Zrazy look much more interesting than regular meatballs, and they are easier to prepare, since they are baked in the oven. This greatly simplifies the cooking process, and also allows you to make the dish as much as possible dietary. Zrazy can also be steamed. So, consider the method of cooking zraz of minced meat with an egg.

Ingredients to the recipe:

  • minced meat (beef, pork or chicken)  400 g
  • eggs 5 pcs.
  • 1 onion
  • minced spices  ½ tsp
  • vegetable oil  1-2 tbsp. spoons
  • salt, pepper to taste

How to cook zrazy from minced meat with egg:

  1. For the preparation of dietary, low-fat zraz use beef or chicken minced white meat. Juicy, fatty zrazy can be made from minced pork or a mixture of minced pork with chicken or beef.
  2. Boil eggs, peel, cut into 2 halves.
  3. Peel the onions, scroll through the meat grinder, chop in a blender or chop finely. Smash one raw eggs into mince, add onions, spices, salt and black pepper. Mix well.
  4. Divide the minced meat into 8 equal parts. Grease the form, in which you will bake zrazy, with vegetable oil. Grease your hands with vegetable oil so that the stuffing does not stick to your palms. Form a round cake from a piece of minced meat. In the center of the cake, put half an egg, connect its edges, forming a cutlet. Put ready zrazy in the form.
  5. Bake in the oven, preheated to 200 ° C, until golden brown. To get a beautiful crust, the top of the zraz can be smeared with mayonnaise or sprinkled at the very end with hard grated cheese.

Submission method: Serve with mashed potatoes, vegetable salads or greens. The dish can be eaten hot or cold, as a snack.

Photo zraz of minced chicken with cheese

Delicious, unusually aromatic and healthy dish - Zrazy from minced chicken with herbs and cheese. Cutlets are juicy and tender. Saturate the body with proteins, calcium, vitamins, well absorbed. They are happy to be eaten by adults and children, even those who cannot be forced to use cottage cheese, parsley or celery in their pure form. So, consider the method of cooking zraz of minced chicken.

Ingredients to the recipe:

  • minced chicken 500 g
  • egg 1 pc
  • cottage cheese 150 g
  • hard cheese 100 g
  • greens (dill, parsley, celery, green onions)  small bunch
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • vegetable oil  30 ml.
  • breadcrumbs  2 tbsp. spoons

Method of cooking chicken meat:

  1. Add salt and pepper to the minced chicken. Mix well.
  2. Wash greens, dry, finely chop. Add cottage cheese, grated hard cheese, salt and pepper to taste. You can use your favorite spices, but this should be done moderately so as not to drown out the aroma of natural greenery.
  3. In a bowl, break the raw egg and blab it until smooth. In a separate bowl lay out the breadcrumbs. Dampen your hands with cold water, separate a bit of minced meat, spread a round cake on your palm. In the center, put a tablespoon of filling, connect the edges, form a cutlet.
  4. Dip the cutlet in the egg, then roll in the breadcrumbs, again in the egg and breadcrumbs. Fry until golden brown in hot vegetable oil.

Submission method: Serve hot with a green salad or without a side dish at all.

Photo zraz with fried mushrooms

Zrazy with mushrooms will be a decent dish on the holiday table. Since the mushrooms are pre-fried, the filling is fat and juicy. In order to balance the fat content of the dish, we recommend using the mince of their lean types of meat - chicken breast or lean beef. The dish turns out interesting, easy and inexpensive.

Ingredients to the recipe:

  • minced meat (chicken or beef)  600
  • champignons 500g
  • onions 2 pcs.
  • eggs 2 pieces
  • breadcrumbs  2 tbsp. spoons
  • salt, pepper, ground  taste
  • dried dill ½ tsp
  • vegetable oil  150 ml.

How to cook zrazy with mushrooms:

  1. Wipe the mushrooms with a damp cloth. Peel the onions. Finely chop the onion and mushrooms. Pour 2-3 tbsp into the pan. spoons of vegetable oil. Fry the onions and mushrooms, stirring until the liquid evaporates. Salt and pepper the filling to taste. Add dried dill. You can substitute 1-2 tablespoons of fresh chopped dill, but dry has a special flavor. Cool the filling.
  2. In the mince, add the raw egg, salt and pepper. Mix thoroughly. Break a second egg into a bowl, make it loose. Place the breadcrumbs on a flat plate.
  3. Separate a piece of minced meat, form a flat cake. Place a tablespoon of mushroom filling in the center. Connect the edges, forming a patty. Roll the cutlet in the egg and in the breadcrumbs. If you want to get a dense crust, repeat the process again.
  4. Ready zrazy fry in vegetable oil under the lid until golden brown, for 5-7 minutes on each side.

Submission methodServe hot without side dish.

Potato zrazy with minced meat

Photo of potato zraz stuffed with minced meat

In potato zrazah, the role of the shell is served by mashed potatoes. The filling is made from meat, eggs, mushrooms, vegetables or cereals. Zrazy allow a rational hostess to use any remnants of products, turning them into original and tasty dishes. This feature, combined with the availability of products from which potato zrazy is made, makes the dish very popular. So, consider the method of cooking potato zraz with minced meat.

Ingredients to the recipe:

  • meat (chicken, beef)  300 g
  • potato 600 g
  • 2-3 garlic cloves
  • carrots 3 pcs.
  • onions 2 pcs.
  • parsley and dill  small bunch
  • allspice, bay leaf  taste
  • flour 2 tbsp. spoons
  • vegetable oil 100 ml (for roasting)

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the onions, carrots and potatoes. Put meat, vegetables, allspice and bay leaves, garlic, and greens into a saucepan with cold water. Put on the fire and cook 30 minutes until the meat is cooked. Vegetables during this time also cooked. 10 minutes until cooked, salt the broth to taste.
  2. Meat, boiled onions and carrots skip through the meat grinder. Ready stuffing mix well. Stuffing for potato zraz is ready.
  3. Mash boiled potatoes with tolkushki to a state of mashed potatoes. Salt it.
  4. Separate a portion of the potato mass (1-2 tbsp. Spoons). Make a plump tortilla out of it. Place a tablespoon of minced meat in the center. Close the minced mashed potatoes on all sides.
  5. The resulting pie roll in flour, fry until golden brown in hot vegetable oil.

Submission methodServe the ready-made potato zrazy with sour cream.

Cooking Tips

Cooking zrazy from minced meat or potato is not difficult. And yet the dish has its own secrets, without the knowledge of which the zrazy will not work. Use the advice of experienced housewives. Knowing how to cook zrazy from minced meat, you will easily master a new dish and it will become a frequent guest on your table:

  • Use low-fat meat for cooking zraz, especially if you are cooking a dish with mushrooms, fried vegetables and other fillings, which are fried in oil. Zrazy will be less calorie.
  • If possible, do not put egg white in the mince, use only the yolks. "Dough" will not unstuck, but will be soft.
  • For cooking potato zraz use potatoes with high starch content.
  • Be sure to mash the potatoes in mashed potatoes hot. Cooled it loses its stickiness.
  • Most often, minced zrazy are cooked with fried mushrooms, eggs, mashed potatoes. Do not be afraid to experiment with the fillings. Try zrazy with sauerkraut, with crushed nuts, prunes or dried apricots, boiled vegetables (cauliflower, broccoli, green peas, greens).
  • Useful and economical filling - porridge (buckwheat, rice, wheat), especially in combination with mushrooms, cottage cheese or cheese.