Light picnic dishes. Picnic Menu: Original Snack Recipes

11.05.2019 Salads

Fresh air, friendly company and a bonfire - this is a typical picnic. The main dish on it, of course, is barbecue.

We suggest you to diversify the menu. After all, on charcoal you can cook many delicious dishes. Soup, side dishes and even desserts!

Ready to write recipes? Fine! But first, let's repeat the materiel:


    dnaumoid /

This is a dish of oriental cuisine, which has different, but consonant names for different peoples: Shurpa, Chorba, Shorpo, Sorpa and others. But, whatever you call it, it’s a rich meat soup with vegetables. It is especially tasty if you cook it at the stake. The dish is time-consuming, but if you are outdoors all day, it will warm and energize.

Shurpa is traditionally prepared from lamb (it is better to take fresh). But you can use beef or pork. Let's look at the classics.

   1 kg of mutton (possible with bone);
   100 g fat tail fat;
   1 kg of onion;
   1 kg of potatoes;
   500 g of fresh tomatoes;
   5 medium carrots;
   5 medium bell peppers;
   5 l of water;
   salt, peppercorns and other spices;
   greens (parsley, basil, cilantro and so on).
For marinade:
   500 ml of vinegar;
   500 ml of water;
   salt and sugar to taste.


First, pickle the onion. Take half the onion (500 g), cut into rings, salt and pour in a mixture of water, vinegar, salt and sugar. Put under the press and leave for 1-2 hours.

To make shurpa, you will need a cauldron or a pan with a thick bottom. Melt the fat tail fat in it. Cut the lamb into large pieces and fry with spices (this can be zira, barberry, ground coriander to your taste). Remove the fried lamb from the cauldron for a while. In the remaining fat, fry the chopped carrots and the second half of the onion. Return the lamb to the cauldron. Add coarsely chopped tomatoes and bell pepper. Stew meat and vegetables for a few more minutes.

Then fill them with water, cover the cauldron with a lid and simmer for about two hours. When it boils, remove the foam. At the end, add coarsely chopped potatoes and peas. Season with salt and season to taste.

After another 20 minutes, you can pour the shurpa on plates. It is done like this. The broth is poured into one plate, and the meat and vegetables are put into another. Everyone will add as much lamb and vegetables as he wants. Sprinkle the broth with finely chopped greens and put pickled onions in it (required!).


ehaurylik /

Sandwiches with cutlet and vegetables are considered fast food. However, cooked with their own hands, and even in nature, they are completely different to taste. In addition, cooking hamburgers is quite simple.

   5 buns for hamburgers;
   3 medium onions;
   5 slices of cream cheese;
   lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers and other vegetables;
   mayonnaise, sauce or mustard to taste.
For cutlets:
   500 g ground beef;
   100 g breadcrumbs;
   100 g of hard cheese;
   2 medium onions;
   salt and black pepper to taste;
   olive oil;
   Worcester sauce.


The amount of ingredients depends on how many hamburgers you want to make. In this case, it is designed for five people.

First, prepare the minced meat. Pork will be too fat for him, so it’s better to use beef or turkey. Pass the meat through a meat grinder. Finely chop the onion and fry in olive oil until golden. Rub cheese on a grater. Combine all the ingredients, salt, pepper, add some Worcester sauce and form the patties. Attention! Cutlets should be proportionate to buns. Also, in the middle of each of them you need to make a recess so that when frying they do not lose shape.

It is more convenient to make cutlets at home, to freeze and bring them with you to a picnic. But it can also be molded in place. The main thing is to prepare the stuffing in advance.

Gently place the patties on the barbecue grill and fry on both sides. Cut the rolls across and dry on the grill so that they do not soften when juicy cutlets are laid on them. If desired, bacon can be fried in addition to cutlets.

renamarie /

Getting to the assembly of the burger. Nothing limits your imagination here. There are many options. For example, put lettuce leaves on the lower bun (to prevent it from getting wet), pour them with ketchup, mustard or mayonnaise (any sauce of your choice), put the patty on it, and cheese on it. Then fresh or pickled cucumbers, tomatoes and onions pickled at home. Top with the second half of the rolls. The hamburger is ready!


  CNRN /

Kebabs in the Caucasus and Central Asia are fried meat dishes. There are many varieties of this dish. Lula is a kebab made from minced meat strung on skewers and fried on the grill. According to the classic recipe, lula is made from lamb, but you can use beef, pork, and even chicken. Minced kebab mincemeat is special in that no eggs or bread are added to it. Only meat, onions and spices. However, first things first.

   1 kg of lamb pulp;
   300 g fat tail fat;
   100 g onions;
   100 g of green onions;
   salt, pepper and spices to taste.


Minced kebab can be prepared at home in advance. Then all that remains for you to do near the fire is to string it on skewers.

Rinse the lamb and pass through a meat grinder with a large grill. Separately skip the tail fat. It should be at least a quarter of the amount of meat. Cut the onion into small cubes. Do not pass it through a meat grinder or grind it with a blender, as there will be too much juice. Chives also chop finely. Combine all of these ingredients, salt, pepper and add spices and herbs to your taste.

An important point is the mixing of minced meat for the grill. More precisely, it must be repulsed. To do this, collect the resulting minced meat in a lump and throw it into a bowl with force. Repeat the process for 10 minutes. With each stroke, the stuffing will lose juice and become more plastic. So that while kneading it does not stick to your hands, moisten them in salted water. After that, put the minced meat in the refrigerator for an hour.

When the coals gain heat, the forcemeat must be strung on skewers in the form of sausages 3-4 cm wide and about 15 cm long. Wet your hands with water and, tightly pressing the forcemeat to the skewer, form the sausages on the skewer. Kebab is fried quickly, and served with adjika or other sauce, pita bread and vegetables.

Salmon steak

  indigolotos /

Also, vegetables are baked on charcoal in foil. In this recipe, the "vessel" is bell pepper.

   6 bell peppers.
For filling:
   130 ml of olive oil;
   250 g parmesan;
   2 tbsp. l ground walnuts;
   4 cloves of garlic;
   a can of canned corn;
   basil leaves.


The amount of ingredients depends on how many people will be at the picnic. In this case, it is designed for eight people: four peppers, cut in half, will give us eight servings.

Rub a portion of parmesan (200 g) on \u200b\u200ba coarse grater. Pass the garlic through the press. Combine olive oil, cheese, basil, nuts and garlic. Mix well.

   1 kg of potatoes.
For marinade:
   olive oil;
   lemon juice;


All the ingredients for the marinade are taken by eye, it all depends on taste preferences. Potatoes are used whole. It needs to be washed and boiled in its uniform. The main thing is not to digest. Let the potatoes be damp inside - get ready on the grill.

Send potatoes to the marinade for 1-2 hours. Then put on skewers and fry on charcoal until crusted.

Banana boats

There are two options for this simple recipe: peeled and without. In the first case, the peel replaces the foil. For more information on how to prepare an unpeeled banana for grilling, read and see. And we will tell you how to cook banana boats without a peel.

   bananas (according to the number of people);
   cinnamon or coconut flavors to taste.


Peel and cut the bananas along. Crumble the chocolate into small pieces; cut marshmallows if they are large. Stuff the banana with chocolate and marshmallows as shown in the photo.

It will be something like a canoe. If you like cinnamon, sprinkle it with fruit. Wrap the banana in foil and fry on a wire rack.

After 5-6 minutes it will be possible to remove from the grill, open the foil and, sprinkling with coconut, enjoy the dessert. You can take ice cream with you on a picnic and eat baked bananas with it.

Orange cupcakes

"Baking in nature" sounds like masochism. In fact, everything is very simple and aesthetically pleasing.

   4–5 oranges.
For the test:
   225 g of sugar;
   180 g flour;
   160 ml of whole milk;
   60 g butter;
   80 g sour cream;
   2 chicken eggs;
   1.5 tsp baking powder;
   0.5 tsp salts;
   1 tbsp. l vanilla extract;
   a bag of vanilla sugar.


Make dough and cupcake blanks at home.

For the dough, mix regular and vanilla sugar. In another bowl, combine flour, baking powder and salt. Beat eggs, sour cream and vanilla extract separately. Pour flour and sugar into the resulting mixture. Keep whipping. Add softened butter. Whip. Then slowly introduce milk into the dough and continue whisking at a low speed. As a result, the dough is not cool, but not liquid. You can also make dough for any cupcake recipe that you like.

Wash the oranges and cut them in half. Remove the flesh from each half with a spoon. Do not thoroughly peel the fruit, let the flesh remain on the walls of the peel. On this home cooking ends.

All that remains to be done in nature is to prepare the coals and lay the oranges in the “nests” of the foil, or you can use the old metal form for cupcakes. Three quarters fill each half with dough and send them to the coals.

The speed of baking cupcakes depends on the heat. It usually takes about 10 minutes. You can check the readiness of cupcakes with a toothpick.

Serve the cupcakes directly in the orange “cups”.

Baked apples

  magone /

Another dessert option for the May outing is baked apples.

   5 large apples;
   5 tsp honey;
   20 g cranberries;
   5 walnuts;
   cinnamon (optional).


Wash the apples and use a knife to remove the core. But not entirely - up to about half. In each apple, put one teaspoon of honey, one walnut (chopped) and a few berries. If desired, you can add cinnamon.

Wrap each apple in foil and bake on coals or wire rack until the fruit is soft.

Serve with ice cream.


Sofia Andreevna /

Of course, a picnic can not do without drinks. May, although it pleases with warmth, but the weather is often moody. Therefore, it is important that there is something warming.

Grog is an alcoholic drink invented by English sailors and named after Vice Admiral Edward Vernon, nicknamed Old Grog. It was he who came up with the goal of saving to give sailors not pure but diluted rum. So the grog recipe was born.

   tea (tea leaves);


The amount of ingredients depends on the size of the pot and the company. First make strong tea, and then add cognac and rum to it in a ratio of 1 teaspoon of tea 5 teaspoons of cognac and 5 tablespoons of rum.

When the drink begins to boil, pour it into circles and enjoy the pleasant warmth.

Camping Coffee

  Pi-Lens /

You can take a thermos with you, or you can brew a fragrant drink right on the fire.

   5 tsp instant coffee;
   1 liter of water;
   100 g of chocolate;
   sugar to taste.


On coals you can make coffee in Turkish. To do this, you need Turk and skill. A simpler option is to make coffee directly in a pot or kettle on a fire.

Pour water into the pot, bring it to a boil and pour coffee. After a couple of minutes, add the crumbled chocolate. Make sure that the drink does not run away.

When the chocolate has completely dissolved, pour the coffee into mugs. Sweeten everyone to taste.

We hope that you are inspired to diversify the menu for the May picnic.

What do you cook in nature?  We will discuss in the comments.

Fresh air, friendly company and a bonfire - this is a typical picnic. The main dish on it, of course, is barbecue.

We suggest you to diversify the menu. After all, on charcoal you can cook many delicious dishes. Soup, side dishes and even desserts!

Ready to write recipes? Fine! But first, let's repeat the materiel:


    dnaumoid /

This is a dish of oriental cuisine, which has different, but consonant names for different peoples: Shurpa, Chorba, Shorpo, Sorpa and others. But, whatever you call it, it’s a rich meat soup with vegetables. It is especially tasty if you cook it at the stake. The dish is time-consuming, but if you are outdoors all day, it will warm and energize.

Shurpa is traditionally prepared from lamb (it is better to take fresh). But you can use beef or pork. Let's look at the classics.

   1 kg of mutton (possible with bone);
   100 g fat tail fat;
   1 kg of onion;
   1 kg of potatoes;
   500 g of fresh tomatoes;
   5 medium carrots;
   5 medium bell peppers;
   5 l of water;
   salt, peppercorns and other spices;
   greens (parsley, basil, cilantro and so on).
For marinade:
   500 ml of vinegar;
   500 ml of water;
   salt and sugar to taste.


First, pickle the onion. Take half the onion (500 g), cut into rings, salt and pour in a mixture of water, vinegar, salt and sugar. Put under the press and leave for 1-2 hours.

To make shurpa, you will need a cauldron or a pan with a thick bottom. Melt the fat tail fat in it. Cut the lamb into large pieces and fry with spices (this can be zira, barberry, ground coriander to your taste). Remove the fried lamb from the cauldron for a while. In the remaining fat, fry the chopped carrots and the second half of the onion. Return the lamb to the cauldron. Add coarsely chopped tomatoes and bell pepper. Stew meat and vegetables for a few more minutes.

Then fill them with water, cover the cauldron with a lid and simmer for about two hours. When it boils, remove the foam. At the end, add coarsely chopped potatoes and peas. Season with salt and season to taste.

After another 20 minutes, you can pour the shurpa on plates. It is done like this. The broth is poured into one plate, and the meat and vegetables are put into another. Everyone will add as much lamb and vegetables as he wants. Sprinkle the broth with finely chopped greens and put pickled onions in it (required!).


ehaurylik /

Sandwiches with cutlet and vegetables are considered fast food. However, cooked with their own hands, and even in nature, they are completely different to taste. In addition, cooking hamburgers is quite simple.

   5 buns for hamburgers;
   3 medium onions;
   5 slices of cream cheese;
   lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers and other vegetables;
   mayonnaise, sauce or mustard to taste.
For cutlets:
   500 g ground beef;
   100 g breadcrumbs;
   100 g of hard cheese;
   2 medium onions;
   salt and black pepper to taste;
   olive oil;
   Worcester sauce.


The amount of ingredients depends on how many hamburgers you want to make. In this case, it is designed for five people.

First, prepare the minced meat. Pork will be too fat for him, so it’s better to use beef or turkey. Pass the meat through a meat grinder. Finely chop the onion and fry in olive oil until golden. Rub cheese on a grater. Combine all the ingredients, salt, pepper, add some Worcester sauce and form the patties. Attention! Cutlets should be proportionate to buns. Also, in the middle of each of them you need to make a recess so that when frying they do not lose shape.

It is more convenient to make cutlets at home, to freeze and bring them with you to a picnic. But it can also be molded in place. The main thing is to prepare the stuffing in advance.

Gently place the patties on the barbecue grill and fry on both sides. Cut the rolls across and dry on the grill so that they do not soften when juicy cutlets are laid on them. If desired, bacon can be fried in addition to cutlets.

renamarie /

Getting to the assembly of the burger. Nothing limits your imagination here. There are many options. For example, put lettuce leaves on the lower bun (to prevent it from getting wet), pour them with ketchup, mustard or mayonnaise (any sauce of your choice), put the patty on it, and cheese on it. Then fresh or pickled cucumbers, tomatoes and onions pickled at home. Top with the second half of the rolls. The hamburger is ready!


  CNRN /

Kebabs in the Caucasus and Central Asia are fried meat dishes. There are many varieties of this dish. Lula is a kebab made from minced meat strung on skewers and fried on the grill. According to the classic recipe, lula is made from lamb, but you can use beef, pork, and even chicken. Minced kebab mincemeat is special in that no eggs or bread are added to it. Only meat, onions and spices. However, first things first.

   1 kg of lamb pulp;
   300 g fat tail fat;
   100 g onions;
   100 g of green onions;
   salt, pepper and spices to taste.


Minced kebab can be prepared at home in advance. Then all that remains for you to do near the fire is to string it on skewers.

Rinse the lamb and pass through a meat grinder with a large grill. Separately skip the tail fat. It should be at least a quarter of the amount of meat. Cut the onion into small cubes. Do not pass it through a meat grinder or grind it with a blender, as there will be too much juice. Chives also chop finely. Combine all of these ingredients, salt, pepper and add spices and herbs to your taste.

An important point is the mixing of minced meat for the grill. More precisely, it must be repulsed. To do this, collect the resulting minced meat in a lump and throw it into a bowl with force. Repeat the process for 10 minutes. With each stroke, the stuffing will lose juice and become more plastic. So that while kneading it does not stick to your hands, moisten them in salted water. After that, put the minced meat in the refrigerator for an hour.

When the coals gain heat, the forcemeat must be strung on skewers in the form of sausages 3-4 cm wide and about 15 cm long. Wet your hands with water and, tightly pressing the forcemeat to the skewer, form the sausages on the skewer. Kebab is fried quickly, and served with adjika or other sauce, pita bread and vegetables.

Salmon steak

  indigolotos /

Also, vegetables are baked on charcoal in foil. In this recipe, the "vessel" is bell pepper.

   6 bell peppers.
For filling:
   130 ml of olive oil;
   250 g parmesan;
   2 tbsp. l ground walnuts;
   4 cloves of garlic;
   a can of canned corn;
   basil leaves.


The amount of ingredients depends on how many people will be at the picnic. In this case, it is designed for eight people: four peppers, cut in half, will give us eight servings.

Rub a portion of parmesan (200 g) on \u200b\u200ba coarse grater. Pass the garlic through the press. Combine olive oil, cheese, basil, nuts and garlic. Mix well.

   1 kg of potatoes.
For marinade:
   olive oil;
   lemon juice;


All the ingredients for the marinade are taken by eye, it all depends on taste preferences. Potatoes are used whole. It needs to be washed and boiled in its uniform. The main thing is not to digest. Let the potatoes be damp inside - get ready on the grill.

Send potatoes to the marinade for 1-2 hours. Then put on skewers and fry on charcoal until crusted.

Banana boats

There are two options for this simple recipe: peeled and without. In the first case, the peel replaces the foil. For more information on how to prepare an unpeeled banana for grilling, read and see. And we will tell you how to cook banana boats without a peel.

   bananas (according to the number of people);
   cinnamon or coconut flavors to taste.


Peel and cut the bananas along. Crumble the chocolate into small pieces; cut marshmallows if they are large. Stuff the banana with chocolate and marshmallows as shown in the photo.

It will be something like a canoe. If you like cinnamon, sprinkle it with fruit. Wrap the banana in foil and fry on a wire rack.

After 5-6 minutes it will be possible to remove from the grill, open the foil and, sprinkling with coconut, enjoy the dessert. You can take ice cream with you on a picnic and eat baked bananas with it.

Orange cupcakes

"Baking in nature" sounds like masochism. In fact, everything is very simple and aesthetically pleasing.

   4–5 oranges.
For the test:
   225 g of sugar;
   180 g flour;
   160 ml of whole milk;
   60 g butter;
   80 g sour cream;
   2 chicken eggs;
   1.5 tsp baking powder;
   0.5 tsp salts;
   1 tbsp. l vanilla extract;
   a bag of vanilla sugar.


Make dough and cupcake blanks at home.

For the dough, mix regular and vanilla sugar. In another bowl, combine flour, baking powder and salt. Beat eggs, sour cream and vanilla extract separately. Pour flour and sugar into the resulting mixture. Keep whipping. Add softened butter. Whip. Then slowly introduce milk into the dough and continue whisking at a low speed. As a result, the dough is not cool, but not liquid. You can also make dough for any cupcake recipe that you like.

Wash the oranges and cut them in half. Remove the flesh from each half with a spoon. Do not thoroughly peel the fruit, let the flesh remain on the walls of the peel. On this home cooking ends.

All that remains to be done in nature is to prepare the coals and lay the oranges in the “nests” of the foil, or you can use the old metal form for cupcakes. Three quarters fill each half with dough and send them to the coals.

The speed of baking cupcakes depends on the heat. It usually takes about 10 minutes. You can check the readiness of cupcakes with a toothpick.

Serve the cupcakes directly in the orange “cups”.

Baked apples

  magone /

Another dessert option for the May outing is baked apples.

   5 large apples;
   5 tsp honey;
   20 g cranberries;
   5 walnuts;
   cinnamon (optional).


Wash the apples and use a knife to remove the core. But not entirely - up to about half. In each apple, put one teaspoon of honey, one walnut (chopped) and a few berries. If desired, you can add cinnamon.

Wrap each apple in foil and bake on coals or wire rack until the fruit is soft.

Serve with ice cream.


Sofia Andreevna /

Of course, a picnic can not do without drinks. May, although it pleases with warmth, but the weather is often moody. Therefore, it is important that there is something warming.

Grog is an alcoholic drink invented by English sailors and named after Vice Admiral Edward Vernon, nicknamed Old Grog. It was he who came up with the goal of saving to give sailors not pure but diluted rum. So the grog recipe was born.

   tea (tea leaves);


The amount of ingredients depends on the size of the pot and the company. First make strong tea, and then add cognac and rum to it in a ratio of 1 teaspoon of tea 5 teaspoons of cognac and 5 tablespoons of rum.

When the drink begins to boil, pour it into circles and enjoy the pleasant warmth.

Camping Coffee

  Pi-Lens /

You can take a thermos with you, or you can brew a fragrant drink right on the fire.

   5 tsp instant coffee;
   1 liter of water;
   100 g of chocolate;
   sugar to taste.


On coals you can make coffee in Turkish. To do this, you need Turk and skill. A simpler option is to make coffee directly in a pot or kettle on a fire.

Pour water into the pot, bring it to a boil and pour coffee. After a couple of minutes, add the crumbled chocolate. Make sure that the drink does not run away.

When the chocolate has completely dissolved, pour the coffee into mugs. Sweeten everyone to taste.

We hope that you are inspired to diversify the menu for the May picnic.

What do you cook in nature?  We will discuss in the comments.

In nature, even ordinary food seems especially delicious! We have chosen 7 recipes that you should definitely take with you for a picnic. They will pleasantly surprise you with a variety of tastes and will help to feed even a large company without any special expenses.


This dish is prepared in literally minutes! It is convenient to take it with you to nature, not being afraid to get dirty or lose the ingredients along the way. Another indisputable advantage of pita roll is the variety of fillings. It can be cooked with meat, poultry, fish, or even made vegetarian. The main thing is to choose the right combination of ingredients. Nobody will go hungry!


Muffins can be not only sweet! Try to cook them from ... zucchini. This unusual snack will surprise your loved ones and will become the signature dish of the spring picnic. The classic cupcake recipe can be supplemented with various additives: ham, vegetables, cheese and herbs. This appetizer will appeal even to children who do not like vegetables!

Hot dogs are perfect for a picnic in nature! This dish, which is usually considered harmful junk food, at home becomes a wholesome and hearty snack. To prepare a classic hot dog, various sausages and sausages are used, but you can safely experiment with tastes and replace them with any other meat, for example, chicken or even crab!


This salad is a real kaleidoscope of colors and flavors! Tomatoes, cucumbers and bell peppers, supplemented with salted cheese, olive oil and aromatic herbs ... What could be better? This dish is prepared in minutes and is eaten just as quickly. To take a salad with you for a picnic, put it in special lunch boxes or containers.


If you are going on a picnic and don’t want to take ordinary sandwiches with you, make delicious bruschettas right in nature! Prepare a homemade chicken pate in advance and take it with you. Such an appetizer, which can be quickly spread on bread or pita bread, is perfect for a spring outing!


When it is warm outside, instead of hot tea and coffee, you want to drink something cold and refreshing. When going for a picnic, be sure to bring homemade lemonade with you! This drink is made very simple, and to taste significantly exceeds the store soda. In addition, you can choose any fruits and herbs yourself, creating unusual flavor combinations!

These vegetable tartlets from the famous chef look so elegant that they will turn an ordinary picnic into a real holiday! Take the finished dough so as not to mess with flour, and any seasonal vegetables.

A simple table to relax in the country

If you are going with friends to the cottage or just for a picnic in the countryside, the question immediately arises of what to bring with you. Indeed, in the air and away from home, I want to eat almost immediately when I arrived! Especially for men))

Example menu for a picnic in the country or outdoors

We traveled by car, so we did not care about the severity of the bags and other luggage. If you go by public transport and go on foot to the cottage or place in the forest, then measure your strength.

What is important to remember when gathering for a picnic

  • Try to take with you for a picnic only those products that are well stored in warm weather (or put perishable products in a refrigerator bag);
  • Pack all foods and dishes well, choosing non-fragile foods and containers. Use containers with lids, foil, newspapers, towels (to, for example, wrap fragile bottles) so that nothing leaks and is not crushed;
  • Choose only fresh foods to avoid poisoning;
  • Wash your hands before eating or use wet wipes. Fruits (vegetables, fruits) and greens should be washed in advance at home and dried, and then packaged so that you do not have to spend clean water that is scarce in nature;
  • Take along a large supply of clean water. This is necessary for drinking, and for cleanliness, and for washing the wounds and broken knees, if suddenly someone needs;
  • Have a first aid kit with bandages or a clean white cloth, a disinfectant (at least a green leaf), a pain reliever, a digestive medicine, activated charcoal, or another absorbent. The medicine cabinet should also have medicines for your chronic diseases. Perhaps spray or spirals from mosquitoes and other insects.
  • Dress in season, taking with you something warmer and some shelter from the rain. Shoes should be comfortable, with thick soles, in warm weather, be sure to take hats and sunglasses with you.

The rest, I think, you yourself remember.

We assume that you have a barbecue, a grill or just a grill and the ability to dig a rectangular hole and make a fire for a barbecue. If required, bring firewood and other accessories for a bonfire or barbecue (matches, for example).

Cooking on the grill at the cottage

And you can fry the kebab from pork neck marinated in wine, pomegranate sauce, table vinegar, lemon juice or kiwi. As you like best.

What to buy - product list

If you go to the country, then some vegetables, herbs and berries, fruits can be found in your garden.

For 6 people and 2 meals (lunch and dinner) so that you can eat very much (we still have food), you can take (not very expensive, but hearty set):

  • 1 large chicken - pickled at home or simply raw (or 6 legs, 12 thighs or 1.5-2 kg of chicken breast fillet);
  • Sausages or sausages for frying - 6 pieces (or a package of 10-12 sausages);
  • Smoked sausage (stick) and a piece of medium-sized cheese (you can take half a loaf of sausage cheese);
  • Mayonnaise - 1 pack;
  • Fresh vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes - 6 medium; 0.5 kg of radish). You can also take sweet pepper, onions, garlic, if they are not in the garden;
  • Raw, washed potatoes - 6 large tubers or 12 medium;
  • Zucchini - 2 pieces;
  • Fresh greens (if not in the garden) - dill, parsley, spring onions, cilantro;
  • Bread - 1 loaf of black, 1 loaf (or 2-3 Uzbek cakes or thin Armenian lavash);
  • Tea (small packaging in bags) and sugar (if there is a kettle);
  • Salt;
  • Wipes (regular and wet if there is no soap and water);
  • Toilet paper - 1 roll;
  • Tablecloth / oilcloth or paper (if you don’t eat at a clean table);
  • Drinking water - 5-10 liters (it is better to drink more, you will want to drink a lot, especially for hearty food);
  • Water for washing hands - 5 liters (preferably more) + soap;
  • Disposable tableware (plates of 6-10 pieces, 6 cups and forks each);
  • Matches
  • Drinks at your discretion;

I also suggest taking dishes or convenience foods prepared in advance at home:

  •   quick salting (I made slices), they are very well eaten, and in slices they do not end long. I salted 1.5 kg of cucumbers - rinse them, cut them in half, cut the halves into 4 slices. Spread in a container, pouring salt (how would you salt a regular salad). Add a pinch of dried basil or chopped dill and / or chopped garlic (1-3 cloves). If salt right in the country, you can first put a couple of leaves of cherry, currant, horseradish leaf (at the bottom of the container). And then cucumbers. When everything is laid out, it is necessary to firmly close the container with a lid and shake it strongly for 3 minutes. And leave it to be salted out in a warm place until lunch. I did for the night (it is possible for a day). If the upper slices suddenly do not have time to salt out, it does not matter - just salt them on top and shake.
  • Apple pie (you can make apples with the addition of other fruits). I did, very satisfying, many servings (12 large, you can cut it smaller), did not even eat (overeat).
  • Chicken Can pickle  in advance (see -). If you haven’t marinated, then just rub the pieces of meat with salt (and spices, if you want) and leave them to salt for 20-30 minutes. Either you can grease the chicken with ordinary mayonnaise (and not salt a little, salted mayonnaise), or with ready-made marinade, you can, Or pour chicken with something fruit and sour (pomegranate juice or Narsharab sauce, lemon juice).
  • Boiled potatoes  (optional) - 2 pieces per person, with it fried chicken will be tastier;
  • Boiled eggs  - 1-2 per person.

Banana apple pie, it is convenient to lay and transport slices of round pie with cloves in turn.

What to do at a picnic lunch

About 1.5-2 hours before lunch, you need to do meat - chop wood, light a fire, prepare a barbecue for meat. And when the wood burns out, fry the chicken on the wire rack.

On the table you can immediately put:

  • all chopped vegetables (all the same, they won’t eat everything, some will remain for the evening),
  • bread,
  • lightly salted cucumbers,
  • sausage, cheese (it is convenient to cut them in advance and take immediately in a container),
  • grilled chicken
  • boiled potatoes (if any),
  • boiled eggs
  • the drinks,
  • pie.

In general, this is enough to eat very tightly for all six adults. Each will get 1 piece of fried meat on a wire rack (there will be 6 large pieces in a chicken: 2 chicken legs + 2 wings with a part of the breast + 2 large pieces of breast, and chicken legs can be cut into the thigh and leg. additionally). In addition, on the table there will be vegetables, boiled eggs, salted cucumbers, cheese with sausage (you can make sandwiches). And then another pie. This is very satisfying, you will be full, and it will remain.

Finished grilled chicken, lightly salted cucumbers, fresh cucumbers, radish, pie, cheese, sausage, bread, salt

Pieces of chicken fried on the grill on the grill and fresh onion from the garden

What to serve for dinner

It is necessary to maintain a fire in the grill and 2 hours before dinner, put in order to grill sausages or sausages, and then zucchini (grated with salt and sliced \u200b\u200bin circles). When everything is ready, you can bake potatoes in the ash (we wrapped each potato in the foil left over from the packaging of the cake). I caught the readiness of the potato by the smell of baked potato that appeared, pierced the foil with a fork, it came in easily, the potato was crumbly and very tasty.

You can eat baked potatoes just with salt, or you can also with mayonnaise. It is not necessary to put it in hot ash; you can fry young washed or peeled potatoes in halves ().

As a result, on the meat table there will be fried sausages or sausages, to them - baked potatoes and grilled zucchini, leftover vegetables, sausages with cheese, bread and pie. Also very satisfying.

In nature, you can still cook a hearty and tasty dish of the army military field cuisine - (or with a brisket).

Grilled zucchini

Eat the pie!

Picnic salads

Much depends on what is at hand and in what conditions lunch will be held. If it’s just in a forest clearing or in a country house where there is no running water, then making vegetable salads seasoned with oil is probably not very convenient, you need dishes, oil drips, a lot of trouble. It's easier to take a slice of chopped vegetables or a whole radish from the table and eat.

And if you have the conditions for cutting, enough dishes, you can wash everything after, then you can cook simple vegetable salads with vegetable oil or mayonnaise from vegetables and herbs brought with you or found on the beds. But, it’s best to pickle vegetables (cook light-salted from cucumbers, tomatoes, sweet and hot peppers), then they will definitely be well preserved and will go well with grilled meat.

Also pay attention to the fact that if you dress salad with mayonnaise, you should eat it quickly, otherwise it may go bad.

And you can cut a salad from everything that you took with you (sausage, bell pepper, feta cheese and other delicious) and you get a salad (like in) that only needs bread.

It is convenient to salt cucumber slices with a dry ambassador for the night, and in the afternoon eat them in the country or at a picnic!

Picnic pizza

Recently I baked 2 pizzas right away in order to feed the company of hungry vacationers in nature. It's comfortable. Make the dough, roll the base into 2 pizzas, fill with the filling and bake. The dough is like for 40-60 minutes (and you can buy ready-made, 300-400 grams or puff - packing 400-500 g), 1 pizza is baked for 15-20 minutes. You just have to cut and wrap. I cut into portions, wrapped each piece in foil so that it could be deployed from above, opening it as it was eaten (so as not to get dirty). Each of the company was given a bag where there were 2 slices of pizza and 2 napkins.