Belev apple marshmallow. Belevskaya marshmallow - an accidental mistake or a wonderful find? Bagels with marshmallow

10.05.2019 Salads

Today we will prepare homemade Belevskaya pastille from apples. Remember Pushkin’s words “shepherd is not good without you, my soul” ... She is covered in legends, they said that earlier she was delivered to the tables of kings and kings daily. True or not, I don’t know, but it is reliably known that in Russia, before the revolution, and in Europe, dessert was a favorite treat and cost a lot of money.

In Soviet times, we only heard about her. But who tried it? Units. Yes, the residents of Belev. Now you can buy a box, which I recently did. But ... a little expensive, to be honest. So I decided that it was time to learn how to make dessert myself.

Belevskaya apple pastille at home

I spoke in great detail about the history of the pastilles,. Three centers for the production of national Russian dessert were known in Russia. And the greatest glory among them deservedly received pastille from the city of Belev, in the Tula region. The recipe for a wonderful dessert made of apples was invented and implemented in the family of the merchant and breeder Ambrosiy Pavlovich Prokhorov.

The Prokhorov family kept the tradition that three centuries ago their ancestor carried a bast from Belev to St. Petersburg. And he received for his zeal from Tsar Peter 5 thousand silver. Prokhorov used the money for the purchase of land along the banks of the Oka, and laid there a huge apple orchard for a thousand Antonovka.

For a long time, the family earned by drying apples - they sold dried fruits to the army. Perhaps this is only a legend, but the reality is this: the descendant, Ambrosiy Prokhorov, continued the work of his grandfather, he also set up the production of Belev pastille, which, like many dishes now known, was invented by chance.

In the house of Prokhorov loved. Once they were baked so much that a lot was left. And one of the households suggested wiping them, adding sugar, whipped proteins and dried in this form.

The dried apple slices were glued together with a raw mass, and such an amazing delicacy came out that a couple of years later, in 1884, named Belevsky, Prokhorovskaya marshmallow won its first medal. By the way, in Belev there is a pastila museum, in which the first dessert packaging is still preserved.

Belevsky pastila recipe

It is very unfortunate, but I did not find the specific recipe by which it was made in those old times. Perhaps because the real recipe was kept secret. In the cookbook of Elena Molokhovets, the preparation is described, and it states that for 2 cups of applesauce you need to take 1 cup of sugar.

In other old magazines I found, the proportion is the same. But the amount of protein is indicated everywhere different. Molokhovets has 2–3, but she also met 1 protein per 2 cups of sugar. I rummaged on the Internet and found a recipe that completely suited me, the amount of ingredients just fits the job in a standard mixer bowl and on a baking sheet in a modern oven, here it is:


  • , finished - 500 gr.
  • Protein - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - 200 gr.


  1. Bake the Antonovka in the oven, let the apples cool and wipe until smooth. Weigh and measure sugar by weight.
  2. Now start whipping the mashed potatoes in the mixer when the mass becomes lush, introduce protein and continue whisking until the mass doubles.
  3. In small portions, start injecting sugar, beat each portion until sugar crystals dissolve.
  4. Line a baking sheet with parchment or baking paper and evenly spread the resulting apple mass in a 1 centimeter layer. But before that, put off a couple - three large spoons in the refrigerator - they will go to gluing the plates.
  5. Dessert is dried at 70 degrees (or even less so that the process is natural), with the door slightly open. Dry until 4-6 hours until ready. Then let it stand for a while, first in the oven off, then on the table. Remove the parchment (moisten a little to make it easy to remove).
  6. Cut the formation into strips, grease them with the mashed potatoes and glue them together in pairs. And again, dry in the oven for 2 hours, but on both sides. Ready marshmallow does not stick strongly to the hands, bends well. Let her stand for a while, rub with icing sugar and roll.

I picked up a video where you will see a step-by-step recipe for the famous dessert. Be healthy, well-fed and joyful, my dears. With love ... Galina Nekrasova.

It is not difficult to prepare Belevskaya pastila at home, the recipe can be found in any cookbook, modern or old. This delicacy got its name because it was first prepared in the confectionery of the merchant Prokhorov in the city of Belev. Useful sweets immediately liked adults and children and quickly became a kind of “brand”. In Soviet times, the recipe for this sweet dish was forgotten, but now, with the revival of ancient culinary traditions, pastille has regained its fans.

From the history of fruit sweets

Nowadays, you can buy in the free sale almost any sweets, from sweets and cakes to pastille and marmalade. Industrial pastille is sold in any supermarket, however, this sweetener often includes various flavors and flavors. Also, goodies from the store quite often contain sodium benzoate - a substance that adversely affects memory and concentration. Therefore, if there are young children at home, it is best to cook healthy treats yourself. Homemade confectioners have a large selection, because you can cook such delicious dishes as:

  • Creamy fudge made of milk and sugar;
  • Homemade sweets from dried fruits and nuts;
  • Marmalades from seasonal fruits and berries;
  • Churchkhelu - Caucasian dish of nuts and thick grape juice;
  • Fruit and berry marshmallow.

In fact, pastille is the same marmalade, but with a more dense and thick consistency. For centuries, this sweet dish has been prepared in Russia in order to preserve a rich harvest of berries and fruits. Each mistress had her own branded pastille recipe. In the middle of the 19th century, when numerous private confectioneries began to open in big cities, the mass industrial production of this healthy treat began. Particularly famous was the merchant’s products by the name of Prokhorov.

In Soviet times, fruit sweets were produced at the Red October and Rot Front factories, and old home recipes were undeservedly forgotten because private production and sale of sweets were not welcome. However, now the old traditions of making treats at home have regained relevance. This is due to the fact that people have become more worried about a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition.

Cook pastille at home, undoubtedly, it is worth it, especially if in the summer cottage there was a rich harvest of apples. If you do not add egg white to the pastille, such a delicacy will certainly appeal to the sweet tooth, observing Orthodox posts.

For flavor, a little vanillin can be added to the marshmallow. However, many housewives prefer not to add anything but apples, so as not to drown out the bright fruity taste and aroma. Marshmallows by the proprietary technology of the merchant Belev can be prepared from berries.

Blue plum (only hard, not soft overripe), black currant are perfect. And in the old days this healthy treat made from mountain ash berries was very popular. But for this purpose, not any mountain ash growing in the yard or in the park is suitable, but a special variety. A great option is pastille from chokeberry. But in order to remove the characteristic astringent taste, it will be necessary to add more sugar during cooking.

The recipe for homemade Belevskaya pastila

Before you make Belevsky pastila, you need to find a simple recipe for its preparation at home. Here is one of the easiest ways to make delicious sweets:

  • Wash the apples thoroughly, cut them into halves. Cut out the core, remove the “tails” and the stalk, cut out the places darkened from mechanical damage;
  • Gently peel the skin with a thin layer using a special knife;
  • Finely chop the fruit, put in an enamel pan, pour a glass of water and cook until the apples are soft. The fire should be small so that the mass does not burn;
  • After that, the fruit mass is removed from the heat and mashed with an electric blender. Mashed potatoes should turn out homogeneous, without lumps;
  • Next, the finished apple puree is rubbed through a sieve in order to get rid of small pieces and seeds accidentally caught in a homogeneous mass. The resulting mass is the basis for the preparation of pastille;
  • Next, mashed potatoes are beaten with a mixer at an average speed of at least ten minutes, preferably fifteen. The mass should be airy;
  • Part of the sugar is whipped with protein, the other part is added in mashed potatoes. Then the protein and fruit mass are combined, then they are whipped together for 10-15 minutes. Readiness is defined as follows: the mass increases in volume and becomes so thick and viscous that it does not drain from a spoon;
  • Fruit and egg puree is evenly distributed on a baking sheet lined with parchment or special baking paper. Useful sweets are dried at a temperature not exceeding 70 degrees for eight hours.

The finished pastille is dried on parchment paper. For complete drying, it will take from one and a half to two hours, depending on the thickness of the layer. Then the product is wrapped in a plastic wrap and put away in a cool dry place for subsequent storage. The pastille must be covered, otherwise it will dry out and become very hard as a stone.

Subject to all technologies  cooking in the finished sweets preserves all the vitamins and minerals that are present in fresh apples. Children and adults can indulge in a useful product without restrictions, which in its taste is not inferior to purchased marmalades and sweets. Marshmallow with a pleasant sourness is a great option for those who are crazy about sweets, but are forced to sit on a strict diet.

Belevskaya pastille can be served in the tea table in different forms, for example:

  • In the form of round or square cakes, interconnected by a thin cream layer. Then you get a mini cake of apple sweet;
  • In the form of a thin plate, rolled into a long roll;
  • The roll can be cut into small "rolls" resembling snails, and sprinkled with cinnamon, powdered sugar, decorative dusting or coconut;
  • Another option is the original pastille sandwiches. In this case, a thin slice of healthy sweet is placed between two slices of toast bread. You can fry this building in a toaster, and then you get a traditional sandwich with apple jam in the English style.

Diabetics should not despair, because a healthy sweet can be prepared without adding sugar. But in this case, it is better to use apples of sweet varieties. Of course, you can try another option - replace sugar with fructose. But nevertheless, it is better to do without this component, since sweeteners can cause allergies, they often contain prohibited food additives.

Instead of apples  You can use hard pears, but in this case, the pastille will cook a little longer. And you need to take less sugar, since pears are still a bit sweeter than apples. It is NOT worth taking purchased “conference” pears for this purpose, as they lack the delicate aroma characteristic of pears. It is preferable to take the grade "duchess".

Bagels with marshmallow

Belevskaya apple pastilles, cooked at home, are distinguished by sufficient softness and plasticity, it is somewhat reminiscent of marmalade. Therefore, this useful sweet can not only be served on the tea table, but also used as a filling for home baking. For festive tea drinking, you can cook delicious bagels with apple marshmallows.

To do this, knead the shortbread dough according to any traditional recipe, roll it with a thin layer on a board sprinkled with flour, and cut it into squares with a sharp knife. Each square, in turn, is cut into triangles. In the middle of the triangle is placed a small, thin, square piece of Belevsky marshmallow.

After that, the triangle is folded in the form of a bagel, the cookie is placed on a baking sheet, smeared with an egg or a strong tea brew, and sent to a preheated oven. In the oven, under the influence of high temperature, the pastille melts, and it turns out tasty ruddy cookies with aromatic apple filling. A dish is baked for forty minutes, no more. To prevent the bottom of the products from burning, it is best to line the baking sheet with baking paper. These bagels can be served with tea or coffee. For New Year or Christmas, this cookie is perfect for decorating the Christmas tree. You can make not bagels, but horseshoes by bending the triangle into an arc.

Healthy sweets  - A great option for a children's sweet table, for example, for the birthday of the baby. Most importantly, apple treats do not cause allergies, so they can be given to children from one year of age or older. Belevskaya pastille is convenient in that it does not deteriorate for a long time, it can be safely taken on the road or stored in a cool dark place. But most often, this delicacy cannot be stored, because adults and children eat it with great appetite almost immediately after cooking.

Belevskaya pastila, the recipe of which we describe below, is a regional variety of Russian pastila. As you know, it began to be produced since the end of the 19th century. This happened in the Tula region, and more precisely - in the city of Belev. Hence the name of the presented goodies.

Belevskaya apple pastille, the recipe of which provides for the use of simple and affordable products, has been done for a rather long time, but not very difficult. The most popular methods of preparing such a treat are those that use several egg whites, strongly beaten together with granulated sugar, as well as the flesh of baked apples.

Step-by-step video recipe

So what kind of fruits are necessary for you to get very tasty Belevskaya pastille? The recipe for such a dessert recommends the use of Antonovka. Most often, this delicacy is made in the form of rolls. However, we recommend shaping it into a cake.

Belevskaya apple candy: a step by step recipe

It very often happens that at the end of the summer season in the orchards so many sweet apples ripen that the summer resident does not even imagine what such a huge amount of fruit can be made at home. Jam, jam, compote - many housewives know how to harvest all of these products for the winter. But what to do if you are fed up with these sweets and you want to surprise your family members with some original delicacy? In this case, we recommend that you prepare such a dessert as Belevskaya marshmallow. The recipe for this product we will present right now.

What products are needed?

So here we go. What needs to be acquired in order for you to get a gentle and very tasty Belevskaya apple marshmallow? The recipe for this treat requires the use of products such as:

  • apples are sweet and as fresh as possible (it is advisable to take the Antonovka variety) - about 3 kg;
  • icing sugar - about 200 g;
  • squirrels from large village eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • fine granulated sugar - about 400 g.

Inventory Required

What do you need? You involuntarily wonder about what equipment is useful to get such a beautiful and unusual delicacy as Belevskaya pastille? The recipe for this product requires the use of clean and dry dishes. Namely, you will need:

  • mixer, blender and meat grinder;
  • sieve;
  • large spoon;
  • the baking dish is large;
  • pan;
  • a baking sheet measuring 20 x 30 centimeters;
  • baking paper;
  • culinary shoulder;
  • the knife is sharp.

Fruit selection and processing

Now you know what needs to be prepared so that you get a real Belevsky pastille. The recipe for the presented goodies as the main product recommends the use of apples of the Antonovka variety. What is the reason for this choice? Firstly, the presented fruits are very sweet and delicious. Secondly, they are easy to heat treatment.

Thus, before cooking pastille, you need to purchase the right amount of apples. They should not be soft, have wormholes, as well as putrefactive parts. To make a delicious pastille, you need to take only ripe and fresh apples, freshly picked from the trees.

Before using this product for the preparation of pastille, it should be properly processed. For this, all purchased apples must be washed under warm water. Next, the fruit must be divided into 4 segments, and then cut the seed box from them and remove the stalk. As for the peel, it can be left. But this is only if the apples were not purchased in the store and are not covered with a wax film.

Heat treatment of apples

How is Belevskaya pastille prepared? A home recipe involves the use of affordable and simple ingredients. However, it should be noted that such a treat is done for a long time. First you need to grind all processed fruits in mashed potatoes. But before this process, they must be subjected to heat treatment.

So, the apples chopped into slices should be laid out in a deep form and placed in the oven. If you are afraid that the fruits will burn to the dishes, then you can pour a little water on them. It is recommended to bake crushed apples at a temperature of 185 degrees until their flesh becomes as loose as possible.

Chopping fruit

Are baked apples ready? Now they must be carefully removed from the oven and transferred to a deep saucepan. Next, the fruit needs to be chopped into a smoothie, using a mixer, meat grinder or blender. It is best to carry out this process with the last device.

Having implemented the plan and getting a homogeneous slurry, it should be grated through a very fine sieve. This is done so that the finished pastille is tender and tasty, and also does not include large pieces of apples.

After all the applesauce has passed through a sieve, it must be beaten again. It is desirable to carry out this process with a mixer for a long time (from 30 to 180 minutes). During this period, airy apple puree is well saturated with oxygen, becomes lush and light.

Preparation of the second part of the base

Now you know what you need to do to get a product such as Belevskaya marshmallow. The recipe for the photo of this treat is not very complicated.

Having completed the active mixing of applesauce, you should immediately proceed to the preparation of another part of the base. For this, it is necessary to separate the egg whites from the yolks in advance and place them in the refrigerator for several minutes. After the component has cooled, it should be removed and started to beat using a blender or mixer. At the same time, it is necessary to add fine sand-sugar to the product.

Actively mixing these ingredients is required until you get a strong foam with peaks.

The process of connecting parts of the dough

Such a delicacy is formed quite easily. To do this, combine both parts of the base in one pan and beat them a little. Next, the resulting mass must be divided into 2 halves. They must be placed on different baking sheets, which should be covered in advance with cooking paper.

After the implementation of this process, the raw pastille must be smoothed out with a cooking spatula so that its thickness is the same over the entire surface.

The heat treatment process in the oven

Having laid the protein-apple base on the sheets, they should immediately be placed in the oven. It is recommended to bake such products on very low heat (approximately 140-155 degrees) for several hours. In this case, the pastille should not burn, but only dry well. By the way, many experienced chefs recommend keeping the oven door slightly ajar.

Take a treat out of the oven

When the pastille loses the maximum amount of moisture, it becomes elastic and supple, it can be safely removed from the oven. You should not be upset if you notice that the product is firmly stuck to cooking paper. This is in the order of things. To carefully separate the pastille, it must be turned over, and then a little moisten the baking paper with water. Having absorbed moisture, it will move well, if you grab hold of one of the corners and pull it up slightly.

Separating the dried products from the cooking paper, they must be cut into 4 cakes. As a result, you should get 8 rectangular apple layers.

Making the filling

Cream for fastening apple marshmallows is prepared quite easily. To do this, just beat the sand sugar with the cooled egg whites. By the way, if you do not want to separately engage in this process, we recommend that you simply leave part of the sweet foam that was previously prepared for the base.

The process of forming homemade belevskiy marshmallow

After mixing and drying all the ingredients for a long time, the moment has come that you have been waiting for. Time to shape the marshmallow. To implement this process, you will need some kind of flat dishes, on which you need to place one of the prepared cakes. Its surface should be generously greased with a sweet protein cream, and then covered with another layer. As a result, you should get a kind of cake, which consists of 8 apple cakes.

Decorate a treat

In conclusion, powdered sugar should be rubbed into the cooked dessert. You heard right, the delicacy is required not to sprinkle with sweet powder, namely to rub it on all sides, including the side parts.

How to store and serve?

After the Belevsky pastille is ready, it can be immediately eaten. To do this, dessert must be cut into pieces and presented to family members along with tea. If you want to store it for a long time, then you need to wrap the finished treat in a bag and place in the refrigerator. It should be noted that in this case you will get a very gentle and soft marshmallow. If you need to make it drier and crispier, then it is recommended to store such a product at room temperature. Good appetite!

Belevskaya pastille without sugar: recipe

Those who have tried this dessert at least once know that it turns out to be very sweet and even to some extent cloying. And this is not surprising, because the recipe for this delicacy includes a large amount of sugar, as well as powdered sugar.

But what to do if you do not need high-calorie Belevskaya pastille? The Lean Marshmallow recipe is best for you. A distinctive feature of this dessert is that it does not include a single gram of granulated sugar. But in this case, it is recommended to take as sweet apples as possible.

Otherwise, the method of preparing Belevsky delicacies is practically no different from the above.

Can I do in the dryer?

It should be noted that for the preparation of such a dessert, it is not necessary to use an oven. Then how is Belevskaya pastille made? A recipe in the dryer is the most common way for those who value their time and do not like to mess around with culinary delights for a long time. Indeed, thanks to such a device, you can make this delicacy much faster than using an oven. To do this, mix a mixture of applesauce and whipped proteins on a baking paper, and then place it on an eclectic dryer. After a few hours, the tasty and soft product will be completely ready. In the future, it should be placed on a stable protein foam and rolled into a roll. In this form, the Belevsky pastille can be stored in the refrigerator, having previously wrapped it with cling film.

To summarize

It should be noted that the recipe for making delicious Belevsky pastila has not changed for several decades. That is why it is known to many experienced chefs who like to cook unusual and sweet desserts using fresh fruits. However, you can make such a treat in your own way, adding certain ingredients to it (for example, cinnamon, a little honey, food coloring, etc.).

The taste of Belevsky pastila, prepared at home from apples, is difficult to describe in words. A delicate apple-style souffle is a delicious sight in the Tula region and the pride of Russian cuisine. For a long time, in Soviet times, we only heard about the famous delicacy. He was not on sale. Therefore, many, having obtained the coveted recipe, in the apple years, when Antonovka was abundant, they harvested pastille for the winter.

The history of Belevskaya pastila

We owe the recipe for the famous pastille from the city of Belev to Ambrose Prokhorov. The breeder's family owned a huge garden, inherited by Prokhorov from his grandfather. Ambrose Pavlovich expanded the land, built a small factory where he produced dried fruits for delivery to the army.

According to family tradition, once too many apples were baked in the house. So that the baked treat does not disappear, someone suggested adding proteins, sugar, beat and bake in the oven. The dried plates were cut, glued with a wet mass. They tried and gasped how delicious the dessert turned out.

Soon, it was not only the households who admired the pastille, two years later, the Prokhorov delicacy received its first medal at an international exhibition. In the Belevsky Museum, dedicated to local celebrities, you can see the first packaging of pastille.

How to cook Belevsky pastille at home

The real, old recipe for Prokhorov’s harvest of pastila is hardly preserved, since it was kept a secret. Residents of Belev also made marshmallows at home, but there are several ways of cooking. In the old pre-revolutionary encyclopedias, the version from the cookbook by Elena Molokhovets is considered the most popular.

Now we know a recipe adapted to our realities, which I propose to use. Antonovka is ideal for making dessert. Recipes can be found in another article.

You will need:

  • Ready apple puree - 1 kg.
  • Egg white - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 400 gr.

Before the revolution, dessert cost a lot of money and was a favorite treat not only for Russians. Pastila was famous in Europe, there is reliable information that it was constantly delivered to the table of European monarchs. Belevsky delicacy glorified the country at the annual Paris sales exhibitions.

What monarchs! Our everything is A.S. Pushkin wrote to his wife: "The pastille is not so good without you, my soul."


  1. Bake the whole apples in the oven, laying them in a row on a baking sheet.
  2. Cool and mashed in any way. This is usually done through a sieve, at the same time removing the peel and core.
  3. Weigh how much mashed potato you have, count the amount of sugar. Measure out the necessary weight, but do not fall asleep in mashed potatoes.
  4. Beat the mass with a mixer until it is magnificent.
  5. Add protein. Continue to operate the mixer at high speeds. As a result, the volume of the mass should double.
  6. After that, it is time to introduce sugar. Do not rush to fall asleep all at once. Sprinkle in small portions. Beat until crystals are completely dissolved. Then put a new portion and continue to work as a gadget.
  7. Put 2–3 large spoons out of whipped apple puree; they will be needed to glue the pastilles.
  8. Place parchment on a baking sheet. Lay out the Belev mass, level it. Make the layer thin, no more than 1 cm high.
  9. Preheat the oven to 70 o C. Set to dry, opening the door a little. Note that the top of the marshmallow dries up, lower the temperature by 10-20 degrees.
  10. Drying takes 4-6 hours, naturally.
  11. After the set time, do not rush to get the pan. Let stand by turning off the fire.
  12. When cool, move from the tray to the table. It is convenient to spread on a wide board for cutting dough.
  13. If the parchment is stuck, moisten a little, then it will be easier to remove.
  14. Divide the layer across into strips, fold in pairs. Spread the space between them with freshly laid off mashed potatoes and glue.
  15. Return the marshmallows to the baking sheet. Continue drying for another 2 hours. After the first hour, flip the pairs to the other side.
  16. How to understand that the pastille is ready? It does not stick to hands, is easy to cut and bends perfectly.
  17. Remove from the oven, let cool. Sprinkle with icing sugar, roll into a roll.

Video recipe for making Belevskaya apple pastille

A video with a step-by-step recipe for making the famous pastille in Russia. Repeat the steps, you will succeed. Tasty evening tea parties in winter.

Today I will offer you a recipe for the preparation of the famous Belevsky pastila.
A bit of history. In the city of Belev, Tula province, the merchant Prokhorov lived. A very long time ago, his ancestors delivered bast in the northern capital of the Russian Empire - St. Petersburg. For this they received a good monetary reward from Tsar Peter.

The money was spent on the purchase of land in the Tula province in the city of Belev. And a huge apple orchard was laid. Apple trees planted Antonovskie. Then the family was engaged in drying apples and supplying these products for the needs of the Russian army.

There were always a lot of apples, apples were not always ideal ripened. It was necessary to figure out how to use and not lose large yields of apples. They were baked, soaked, dried. Until they came up with baked apples to cook pastille.

According to another version, once so many apples were baked that they did not know where to put them. So they decided to beat the apple whites with sugar, combine them with baked apples and dry. So it was possible to increase the shelf life of applesauce.

The resulting delicacy really liked. The recipe was finalized and the industrial production of pastilles began. Then the famous Belevsky pastila began to be delivered to Europe. In France, it was served for champagne, and in England for tea.

During the Soviet era, the pastile factory was expropriated, and the son of the merchant Prokhorov was offered the position of chief engineer of the factory. He refused and was repressed for it.

Fortunately, the recipe for the production of Belevsky pastila has been preserved.

Let's try to recreate this delicious treat at home.

I want to present you two recipes for the preparation of Belevsky pastila. Classic and modified by me.

So, we are preparing the Belevsky pastille in the classical way.


  • apples - 1.5 kg (it turns out somewhere around 500 g of applesauce);
  • sugar - 200g;
  • egg white - 2pcs.

I immediately depart from the rules of the classic recipe, since I take a different apple variety, the “Antonovka” does not grow in my country house, although I used to buy the “Antonovka” seedling. But instead of “Antonovka” another variety of apples grew. When selling, I was deceived or mistaken. But this is a different story!

Nothing wrong. But if you come across apples of the Antonovka variety, prepare a marshmallow from these wonderful apples with a unique aroma.

I used delicious Simirenko apples. She took apples that were illiquid, with specks and wormholes, which she then removed. A little bit apples and another variety. But it is not important.

I decided to change the recipe a bit. Add nuts and reduce sugar, because my apples are sweet.

So, I offer my recipe for making pastille with whipped proteins and nuts.


  • apples (per 500 g of applesauce);
  • 2 egg whites;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • a handful of toasted peanuts.


It turns out very tasty. Natural tasty sweet dessert, without dyes, preservatives, flavor and odor enhancers. A useful natural storehouse of vitamins will appeal to both adults and children.

You can store in boxes, containers, shifting with baking paper. Shelf life up to a year in a dark place. At room temperature.

I store such pastila in tin cans from under imported cookies, shifting layers of pastila with paper.

Treat your guests pastila from Belevskaya apples with tea, or you can offer this pastille to

It will be delicious!