Products for fasting recipes. Lenten Recipes

11.05.2019 Buffet table

Lenten table can and should be varied! Otherwise, the post turns not just into a rejection of animal products, but into a mockery of oneself. Lenten potato dishes, the recipes of which we have selected for you, prove that even from simple ingredients you can cook many different dishes. This is the first and second courses, and salads, and snacks - in general, there is plenty to choose from. ›

Lent in 2019 is held from March 11 to April 27, marking cardinal changes in the diet of all believers. Lent is one of the strictest fasts in the church calendar, starting seven weeks before Easter and lasting 48 days. ›

There is a post in the yard, and we, as a sin, remember pancakes, and we are asked to cook at home, and so I want to please them with delicious pancakes. And, it seems, what kind of pancakes are without eggs and milk, however, there are lean pancakes in which these important ingredients are replaced by others, as a result they turn out to be no worse than the usual and beloved pancakes. ›

The upcoming post gives our body a great opportunity to take a break from mayonnaise and other dressings based on it and eat plenty of live vitamins, so needed in the spring. ›

Almost every morning begins with the ringing of the alarm clock, and the time of Lent is no exception, we are still in a hurry to work, managing to drop into the shower, get together and even have breakfast. But if we can usually get by with an omelet or a sandwich with sausage or cheese, then during Lent, breakfast should not contain animal products. ›

Lent is not only time for the spiritual, but also for physical cleansing. Many worry that they will have to eat tasteless dishes, but this is not entirely true, because today there is simply a huge number of delicious recipes for lean dishes without oil. ›

Fasting is not the time to give up your favorite foods. Do you want cutlets? Let's cook lean cutlets, there are so many recipes that just your eyes run wide. ›

As you know, Lent brings a whole series of food restrictions to our lives. You will have to give up many familiar products, and it may seem that there is simply nothing to cook tasty dishes from. However, housewives even need to prepare lean dishes so that they please the home with excellent taste and variety. ›

During strict Lent, the only permitted animal product is fish. According to the strict monastic charter, you can eat it only two days for 7 long weeks! But we, the laity, are not expected to make such sacrifices, so we eat fish during Lent much more often. How to cook fish in such a way that it is not only tasty, but also easy for the body that is not used to heavy food? The best option is steamed fish. ›

The cuisines of the world, and especially Russian, boast a huge selection of lean dishes. However, it is not difficult to prepare delicious lean dishes, because among vegetable products there are excellent substitutes for meat and fish. ›

During Lent there are quite strict restrictions and you can’t eat products of animal origin, but nevertheless, you can eat not only healthy, but also delicious food, because today there are a fairly large number of different recipes for tasty and satisfying simple fasting dishes. ›

During a long fast, the usual dishes are so lacking. Many fasting people admit that they easily tolerate the lack of meat, but miss salads with mayonnaise. Classic mayonnaise cannot be fasted, because it is an egg-based sauce. ›

Orthodox Christ will celebrate the Resurrection of Christ in 2019 on April 28. The feast is preceded by Lent, which in 2018 begins on March 11 and will last seven weeks.

Lent is the strictest and longest of all four multi-day fasts established by the Orthodox Church. Therefore, it can be difficult to start fasting without any preparation, and it will not harm your health for long if you do not know how to eat properly.

The main goal of the fast is to achieve internal qualitative changes, as well as the desire of the Christian to follow the feat of Jesus Christ, who fasted in the desert for 40 days.

Compliance with the post is today a voluntary act and is deeply individual. In fasting, you need to devote your free time to prayers, humble your desires in food, excluding any excesses and idleness and strive for a more secluded lifestyle.

For seven weeks, you will have to abandon meat, eggs, milk, cottage cheese and other products of animal origin. At the same time, meals per day are limited.

Lenten menu

Fasting is primarily abstinence from plentiful food, and not exhaustion of the body, so the lean menu should be varied and rich in vitamins.

Lenten menu can be quite diverse - during Lent you can cook various cereals, lean pilaf, pasta, soups, meatballs, salads and so on.

Porridge - corn, buckwheat, rice, oat, millet, barley, pea, bean, pearl barley and others - can be cooked on the water. For example, rice porridge can be varied by adding pumpkin, mushrooms, raisins, dried fruits, or jam.

Any vegetables can and should be eaten - at your service are all kinds of cabbage, carrots, beets, radishes, potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, green beans and others that exist in nature.

It is important during this period to eat a lot of bell pepper and fresh herbs, as they are rich in many vitamins and minerals necessary for maintaining health.

You can also eat any fruit available this season - apples, pears, bananas, oranges and so on. You can eat preserves, dried fruits, pickles, honey, nuts and spices.

   © Sputnik / Alexander Imedashvili


According to church canons, you need to make a menu of Lenten cuisine according to the following principles - in the first and last (Holy) weeks of Lent, as well as on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays - dry eating.

These days it is allowed to eat fruits, vegetables, dried fruits, nuts, that is, the use of exclusively raw, thermally unprocessed food and lean bread. On this day, it is not recommended even to drink tea or compote.

If desired, you can cook vegetable or fruit salads, the latter can be seasoned with honey.

Exotic Salad

Put chopped cabbage in a bowl, lightly sprinkle with salt and grind with your hands so that the cabbage softens and gives juice. Juice should be drained. Rub carrots on a coarse grater and add to the cabbage. Finely chop the onion, a couple of cloves of garlic and a few sprigs of celery. Dice a fresh cucumber, apple or orange. Pour lemon juice, salt, pepper and mix all the ingredients. This unusual and piquant salad will energize you for the whole day.

Days without oil

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, you can eat hot vegetable foods without oil. These days you can treat yourself to various cereals and soups, and you can also use jams, pickles, herbs and so on.

Bean Soup with Pasta

Boil red beans, add a little pasta, finely chopped onions, garlic and a bunch of cilantro, spices and cook until cooked. Then salt, and the soup is ready.

To expand the menu these days is possible due to baked potatoes and other vegetables. You can also cook lean spaghetti - boil pasta in salt water and season them with tomato paste. These days you can drink tea and fruit drinks.

Mushrooms, potatoes, cabbage, carrot lean cutlets, in which eggs as a hardener, can easily be replaced with semolina, can also become the second dishes on the menu during fasting. On days when the use of oil is prohibited, cutlets can be steamed.

With butter

On Saturday and Sunday (except the last Saturday of Lent), food with the addition of vegetable oil is allowed. Here you can give free rein to imagination and cook various dishes - soups, salads, lean cutlets and pilafs and so on.

Mushroom soup

Fry finely chopped onions and garlic in a pan and pour boiling water over the fry. As soon as the water boils, you need to pour a handful of rice into the pan, and after 10 minutes put the mushrooms in the pan and cook a little. Then add a few cauliflower or broccoli inflorescences, grated carrots and bell peppers (preferably red), chopped cilantro, dill and cook the soup until cooked. Then salt and proceed to dinner.

Salad "Markitanka"

Boil potatoes and cut into cubes. Add slawed sauerkraut (preferably red), a jar of canned corn, chopped green onions, parsley, cilantro, dill, celery, vegetable oil, lemon juice and mix well.

Fish day

During Lent, fish are allowed to eat only two times - on the Annunciation (April 7) and Palm Sunday, which in 2017 falls on April 9. These days you can eat fish both boiled and fried, and if you are a fan of Japanese cuisine, you can treat yourself to sushi.


In a boiling salted water we put a whole onion and chopped carrots. Cook for five minutes on medium heat. Add the potatoes and cook until tender. Very carefully, one piece at a time, lay the fish (both red and white will do), without stirring, so as not to crumble. Bring to a boil over low heat, add bay leaf, allspice and finely chopped fresh herbs, and remove - the fish will be ready.

Fish baked in foil

In the foil, you can bake any fish - river, sea, both in pieces and in whole (if it is small).

Cut the fish into pieces or leave it whole, lay on a foil, pepper and salt. Greens, preferably oregano or tarragon, can be put in the abdomen of the fish, on its carcass or pieces. Then sprinkle with lemon juice, or overlay with lemon slices, fasten the edges of the foil and bake until cooked.


Of course, the main meaning of fasting is spiritual purification and refusal not only of certain foods, but also of harmful passions, evil words and deeds, bad mood and irritability. But I even want to diversity in the post.

To the delight of many fasting sweet tooths, in recent years they have produced many lean sweets. You can also eat bitter chocolate, nuts, fruit and berry jam, jams, dried fruits, halva, natural marmalade, biscuit cookies and so on. The main thing is that desserts do not contain milk and its derivatives, animal fats.

Different goodies can be prepared at home. For example, you can cook dessert salad.

Cut any fruit - apples, pears, oranges, add raisins, chopped nuts and dried apricots, and season the salad with liquid honey.

For cooking lemon ginger cookies  you will need: 100 grams of wheat flour; 100 grams of water; 40 grams of olive oil; 30 grams of fresh ginger; one lemon; one full st / l of honey; one tsp baking powder for dough.

Peel the lemon and the skin, chop the pulp with a blender. Rub ginger on a fine grater, mix honey with warm water (a little - to dissolve). Stir 100 ml of water, sifted flour, diluted honey, baking powder, olive oil, ginger and lemon - the dough should turn out to be thick, its density can be adjusted by the amount of water, or by adding flour if the dough turns out to be liquid.

Cover the dough, cover for 10-15 minutes at room temperature. Heat the oven to 150 degrees, line the baking sheet with foil, make the cookies of the desired shape from the dough and bake for 15 minutes.

Material prepared on the basis of open sources

The section contains interesting and simple fasting dishes, recipes for every day, on weekdays and weekends, salads, soups, desserts, main dishes and, of course, pastries. Lenten menu is not at all synonymous with boring. It's time to learn how to bake delicious homemade bread (on flour and water), custard potato cakes and sweet lean muffins. Try unusual mashed potato soups, cook mushroom noodles and deliciously delicious lean borscht. And, of course, make instant marinades. I would advise you to try all the recipes presented in our collection of lean recipes every day, expanding your culinary collection and enriching the culinary experience.

Lean potato patties

Is it possible to cook potato patties without eggs so that they do not fall apart, have a neat shape, excellent taste and a delicious crust? Try it, you will appreciate this lean recipe.

Lean carving with jam

One of the simplest and most affordable recipes for lean baking is gingerbread, for which you will not need honey or molasses. Knead the dough on regular jam and strong tea.

Tortillas on water and flour

An excellent option for replacing white bread in post - tortillas on water and flour. They are prepared in an elementary way. And thanks to a simple secret, they remain soft and magnificent for a long time. Tortillas are so tasty that many "sit down" on them and include this lean recipe in their daily menu.

Simple soup with Mexican vegetable mix

The simplest lean soup. The composition includes a ready-made frozen mixture of vegetables and legumes, frying from onions and carrots and cereals. Any will suit your taste. Bulgur soup is especially good.

Salad with Beans, Fried Mushrooms and Cucumbers

Hearty lean salad with an original flavor. The composition includes canned beans, fried mushrooms with onions, pickled or pickled cucumbers and a lot of fresh herbs.

Candied orange peels

An unhurried method for making candied fruit from a waste product - orange peels. A few days of soaking and cooking give an excellent taste result. Candied fruits are so bright and fragrant that they can be presented as sweet gifts during fasting.

Lenten recipe of ancient Russian cuisine - juicy, fragrant dough envelopes with mushrooms and buckwheat. They are preparing slowly, with feeling, really, with arrangement.

Barley cutlets

The recipe focus is how to make cutlets from ordinary pearl barley that look more appetizing than meat. Very tender, light, with fried onions, carrots and garlic. A recipe for those who are looking for interesting and unusual lean dishes.

Lean oatmeal cookies with honey

To make the post tasty and varied, try this wonderful lean biscuit with honey, cinnamon and other spices. Awesome aroma, crispy, crumbly structure. The recipe is very simple and suitable for beginners.

Rustic potato in the oven

Very simple and very tasty dish, which is ideal for fasting. Potatoes are poured with vegetable oil, sprinkled with spices and sent to the oven to bake until cooked.

Simple cookies on brine

Recipe - Hello from the half-starved 90s. Vegetable oil, flour, baking powder and cucumber pickle, a little raisins, nuts or candied fruits - and now the dough is ready for a wonderful loose cookies, which is called "out of nothing."

Lean apple pie

You probably already wondered how tasty, varied and rich can be a lean menu. Among lenten dishes for every day, apple pie occupies a place of honor. And not some dubious, but supposedly useful pancake. A lush, shiny yeast wicker cake.

Lean Honey Gingerbread

One of the most popular budget recipes for lean baking, which is suitable for beginners, because it is simple, understandable, and has a good composition of products. You can bake a gingerbread on water, you can use tea, or you can use apple juice.

Lean borsch with beans

A bright accent in the Lenten menu is a rich borsch with beans. The recipe contains detailed instructions on how to achieve exactly the same color as in the photo. I hope you enjoy the cooking process and the result.

Braised Cabbage with Mushrooms

Very tasty and simple fasting dish for every day. Mushrooms, onions, cabbage and tomato - that’s all you need to make a hearty, lean meal.

Armenian Bean Pate

During the fasting period it is extremely important to maintain the body with food containing protein of plant origin. Legumes and nuts are considered an ideal alternative to dairy and meat foods. Lenten bean paste in Armenian style will definitely bring variety to the diet of fasting days, as well as please with its accessibility and nutrition.

Lean stuffed cabbage with rice and mushrooms

Lean stuffed cabbage can fit perfectly into the lean menu for every day, if you go to one trick - do a lot of them and freeze part of it - this will not affect the taste of stuffed cabbage.

Classic red bean lobio

Hearty lean dish of beans, nuts and vegetables.

Lean mayonnaise

Recipe from the category of culinary wonders. Looking at the list of ingredients, you can’t believe that what you see in the picture will turn out to be tender, thick, lean mayonnaise, which can be used, for example, for dressing salads or served as a sauce for lentil patties.

Manti lenten with vegetable filling

You probably already understood how vast the menu of lean recipes for every day can be. We expand the variety with the recipe for manti with vegetable filling. Try it, maybe you will like this option more than usual.

Lentils and rice meatballs in tomato sauce

Dummy dish - lentil minced meat with rice is really difficult to distinguish from ordinary meatballs. The form holds perfectly without the addition of eggs and flour. If you steam them, you can even do without vegetable oil, which is extremely important during Lent.

Canned bean soup

Hearty, bright, cheerful bean soup whipped up - to your piggy bank of lean recipes.

Lean pancakes on mineral water

A popular lean pancake recipe. Try it - they really turn out tastier than the modest ones. And baking them is much easier.

Lean pea soup

Peas are a great product for a lean menu. He is satisfying, gives a lot of thick. Try the simple and delicious pea soup with potatoes, carrots and onions.

Indian samosas with vegetables

Samosas - a dish of Indian cuisine - fried pies from a simple lean dough with vegetable filling, the composition of which can be made at your discretion. Ideal for a lean table.

Cabbage soup

Actual for fasting recipe for delicious cabbage soup on the water, with vegetable roasting, herbs and fragrant freshly ground pepper. The recipe is shot in detail, step by step and is suitable for beginners.

Lean lasagna

During the post there is an opportunity to make sure that classic dishes can be just as tasty without the use of seemingly required ingredients. Try making juicy vegetable lasagna without cheese and lean dough.

Green Pea Puree Soup

The king of the Lenten menu is green, like March grass, making its way from the melting snowdrifts, and just as tender, is brewed from four ingredients, including water.

Buckwheat noodles with vegetables

If you have never tried buckwheat noodles, then fasting is a very suitable time for this. The noodles are extremely tasty with spicy vegetable sauce, which is made from the most common products - onions, carrots, sweet peppers and green beans.

Potato patties with peas

A very funny lean recipe is at first glance the most common meatballs, and if you bite them, you can find tender mashed potatoes and funny peas inside. Be sure to try it!

Potato in a pot

A simple fasting dish for every day, which can be found in cookbooks called "church potatoes." Unremarkable in appearance, such a potato is delicious in taste.

Classic vinaigrette recipe

A traditional dish of Russian cuisine with a French name. The composition includes boiled beets, carrots, potatoes, onions, pickles and green peas. The ideal solution for a lean table.

Mushroom noodles

Very hearty, rich, remarkably tasty soup, it is prepared simply! You can cook at least every day.

Homemade Peanut Butter

Psychologists have proved that any restrictions activate a person’s creative abilities. Fasting is the time to learn how to cook something unusual, which you would not think to do at home. For example, a hearty and tasty peanut butter on honey. I made a jar - put it in the refrigerator and eat it at least every day.

Korean beetroot

Learning how to cook homemade salads in Korean is a great way to diversify the lean menu, make it rich and interesting. Preparing such a salad is not difficult at all. Volumes can be immediately made large, because it is excellent in the refrigerator for two to three weeks.

Korean cabbage

During fasting, please your household with delicious pickled cabbage. It gains a bright golden color thanks to the addition of turmeric.

Lent is a period of spiritual and physical purification. During fasting, you must discard any dishes that contain meat, milk and eggs. However, if you know the recipes for lean dishes for every day during fasting, you can provide yourself and your family with a complete and balanced diet. In this article you will find delicious and original recipes for lean dishes with photos.

Lenten Borsch

Borsch is traditional and one of the most delicious first courses. Borsch is most often prepared on the basis of pork, but during the fasting period you can cook vegetarian borsch, which in taste will not be much different from a meat-based dish.


  • Potato - 5 pcs.
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs. or tomato juice - 1 cup.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Carrot - 200 g.
  • Beets - 2 pcs.
  • Cabbage - 300 g.
  • Sunflower oil.
  • Salt, sugar, vinegar, garlic and other spices to taste.

Peel and chop vegetables. Finely chop the cabbage. Peel the tomatoes and grind with a blender. Chop onion and garlic into small cubes.

Put potatoes in a pot, add water and put on fire. After 10 minutes add the cabbage to the potatoes.

Heat the pan, pour vegetable oil. When it warms up, put the onions in the pan, fry for 2 minutes, adding carrots. Fry until tender. At the end of cooking, add the twisted tomatoes and bring to a boil.

Grate beets, squeeze juice. Fry beets by sprinkling with lemon juice or vinegar to maintain a saturated color. Pour juice into a saucepan, add a little vinegar. This juice must be poured into the soup at the very end of preparation.

Add beets, roasting, salt, sugar and spices to the pan. Cook until tender. Turn off the borscht by adding garlic, herbs and beet juice with vinegar. Serve with brown bread, fresh onions, garlic and herbs.

Lean stuffed cabbage

If you can’t decide what to cook in fasting before Easter, recipes can be taken from the classic, only cooking them without meat. An excellent recipe during fasting is stuffed cabbage, in which vegetables should be put instead of minced meat. Lean cabbage rolls are not inferior in taste to the classic ones, however, they contain fewer calories and can be consumed even during the Great Past.


  • Large cabbage - 1 pc.
  • Rice - 150 g.
  • Onions and carrots 200 g.
  • Tomato juice - 200 ml.
  • Dill, chives - to taste.
  • Sunflower oil, garlic, sugar, spices.

Divide the cabbage into sheets, and boil until soft. For medium-sized sheets, it will take about five minutes. Boil rice until cooked and let cool. It is best to use round rice - it provides the necessary stickiness.

Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots. Fry vegetables until cooked. Combine rice, fry, chopped or dry garlic and dill. Add spices and salt.

The finished mixture must be laid out on sheets. Wrap the filling. Fry on both sides for 1-2 minutes. Transfer the cabbage rolls to the pan, pour the juice, add spices and simmer for half an hour.

Serve stuffed with green onions, dill and any lean sauce. As a side dish, boiled potatoes with dill are suitable for such a dish.

Mushroom stew

Vegetables are the basis of nutrition during Lent. A great option for lunch or dinner is mushroom stew. It consists of fresh mushrooms, vegetables, herbs and spices. The dish is tasty, nutritious and aromatic.


  • Champignons or other mushrooms - 500 g.
  • Onion and bell pepper 300 g each
  • Tomato paste - 50 ml or tomato juice - 200 ml.
  • Flour - 1 tbsp. l
  • Spice.

Mushrooms must be washed, cut into large pieces. If champignons are used, then the middle mushroom must be cut into four parts. Onions must be peeled, cut into large slices. Peel sweet peppers, cut into large cubes. Chop the garlic into slices.

Sauté garlic and onion in olive or vegetable oil. After 2-3 minutes add sweet pepper and fry for a few more minutes. Then add the mushrooms and fry for 10 minutes.

It remains only to put the tomato paste, a little flour, 300 ml kinds and bring to a boil. When the stew boils, add spices and salt. Simmer for 15 minutes over low heat. Serve with parsley, dill or other herbs to taste.

Pilaf with pumpkin, dried apricots and raisins

Words - a fragrant and satisfying dish, for the preparation of which it is not necessary to use meat. In addition, dried apricots and other dried fruits give the dish an incredible taste. This meatless dish will appeal to even those who love pilaf with meat.


  • Brown rice - 300 g.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Carrots - 300 g
  • Pumpkin - 300g.
  • Garlic - 2 heads.
  • Seasoning for pilaf and salt.
  • Raisins, dried apricots and other dried fruits - a handful.

Pumpkin and carrots should be peeled and cut into strips. Dice the onion. In turn, fry vegetables in vegetable oil. Pour into a cauldron, adding dried fruits, garlic and spices to it.

Rinse brown rice and fry in vegetable oil for several minutes. Sprinkle with the rest of the ingredients. It remains to add water or vegetable broth in such an amount that the liquid covers the components by 3 cm.

Cover and cook for 50-60 minutes. Brown rice is cooked longer than usual, so if you are going to cook pilaf from ordinary rice, the time should be reduced to 30 minutes.

Ready pilaf served with fresh herbs. As a complement to this dish, fresh salad or vegetable slices are best. Dried fruits give the dish a rich taste and aroma, so this pilaf is not inferior to a traditional dish with meat.

Barley porridge with olives and vegetables

Barley porridge is a fairly simple side dish. However, if you add vegetables, olives, bright spices and herbs to it, you can turn pearl barley into a full-fledged dish that can be consumed even during Lent.


  • Perlovka - 200 g.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 150 g.
  • Olives - 100 g.
  • Sesame - 10 g.
  • Water - 1 liter.
  • Vegetable oil - 60 ml.
  • Salt, pepper and other spices to taste.

Pearl barley should be washed, let the water drain. Fry in a dry frying pan until a pleasant aroma of pearl barley appears. Sesame for the appearance of a pleasant crunch should also be fried in a dry pan.

Cut the carrots into thin slices, and finely chop the onion or chop into large cubes. Fry.

Place fried vegetables, sesame seeds, pearl barley in a saucepan and add water. Cook until cooked by adding salt, black pepper and other spices at the end of cooking.

Olives must be cut into thin slices and added to the porridge 10-15 minutes before cooking. On average, cooking porridge takes 50 minutes. Serve porridge with fresh herbs or slices of fresh cucumbers.

Vegetarian curry

If you are looking for original Lenten dishes for every day in Lent, pay attention to vegetarian curry. This is a spicy savory dish that will be the highlight of your lean menu. An original combination of vegetables and spices will surprise your friends and acquaintances with your taste.


  • Frozen vegetable mix - 800 g.
  • Almonds - two presses.
  • Onion - 100 g.
  • Ginger Root - 20 g.
  • Coconut milk - 1 cup.
  • Garlic to taste.
  • Vegetable oil - 80 ml.
  • Coriander, hot peppers, saffron, turmeric - to taste.

To prepare this dish, you can use any set of vegetables. It may include bell peppers, potatoes, zucchini, broccoli, carrots, asparagus and peas. The most important thing in this dish is the right set of spices. For those who like spicy dishes, you can use more hot peppers.

Fry the vegetable mixture in vegetable oil, add finely chopped onions. In addition, add garlic and ginger, chopped into thin slices. Add to this mixture almonds, coriander, saffron, turmeric, chili pepper, black pepper and other spices to taste.

It remains only to add coconut milk, salt and simmer for 10-15 minutes. This dish is served hot. Additionally, you can garnish with curry dill and parsley, as well as serve with fresh vegetables.

Coleslaw, Orange and Apple Salad

Fresh salad is the best dish for those who fasting or are fond of proper nutrition. Salad based on red cabbage, apples and oranges - a delicious combination and benefit. It takes a minimum of time to cook. In addition, this salad can be both a main course, and a great addition to cereals or boiled potatoes.


  • Red cabbage - 400 g
  • Apple - 200 g.
  • Orange - 200 g.
  • Olive or sunflower oil - 30 ml.
  • Apple or grape vinegar - 30 ml.
  • Black pepper and salt to taste.

Peel apples and oranges and cut into thin slices. Chop the cabbage. Mix all the ingredients, seasoning the salad with any vegetable oil and fruit vinegar. Salt and pepper. This salad is suitable as a main meal or as a complement to other dietary dishes.

Lean cutlets

Great Lent is a test for every Orthodox person. Of course, meat cannot be replaced with vegetables, but delicious and crispy vegetarian cutlets will become a favorite during fasting.


  • Cabbage - 1 pc.
  • Semolina - 50 g.
  • Onion - 100 g.
  • Flour - 30 g.
  • Garlic - ½ head.
  • Salt, spices, dill - to taste.
  • Breadcrumbs.
  • Sunflower oil.

Boil the cabbage for 10 minutes. Remove it from the water and let it drain. Grind with a blender or meat grinder, and squeeze the liquid further.

Chop the onion and garlic with a blender or chop finely. Chop dill with a hatchet or chop. Combine all the ingredients, salt and pepper. Add semolina and flour. Let stand for 10 minutes to swell semolina.

From the resulting mass, form patties, bread in breadcrumbs and fry in vegetable oil. Serve with vegetable salad or pickles.

Lean cookies

If you are looking for delicious fasting recipes for every day, pay attention to lean cookies. It will be a wonderful dessert or snack during Lent. In addition, cookies do not contain sugar, so it can be part of a diet and children's menu.


  • Oatmeal - 200 g.
  • Rye flour - 2 tbsp. l
  • Green apples - 400 g.
  • Carrots - 60 g.
  • Walnut - 50 g.
  • Cranberries - 40 g.
  • Dates - 5 pcs.
  • Freshly squeezed carrot or apple juice - 60 ml.
  • Cinnamon and vanilla to taste.
  • Sesame - 2 tbsp. l

Grind nuts and dates. Grate carrots on a coarse grater. Grind the apple with a blender or grate. Mix all the ingredients, adding spices, juice, cranberries, oatmeal and flour.

The resulting mass must be left for 20 minutes, so that the flour and oatmeal absorb the juice. Form from the resulting mass of cookies, roll it in sesame seeds. Place on a baking sheet covered with parchment.

Bake for half an hour at medium temperature. Cookies can be eaten both hot and cold.

Okroshka is lean

Despite the fact that okroshka is considered a summer dish, it can be cooked throughout the year. During the fasting period, okroshka can be prepared with salted or pickled mushrooms. It is best to cook such dishes with salty breasts or mushrooms.


  • Fresh cucumbers - 400 g.
  • Soaked apples - 2 pcs.
  • Salted Mushrooms - 150 g.
  • Kvass - 1.5 liters.
  • Chives - 1 bunch.
  • Dill - 1 bunch.
  • Mustard, apple cider vinegar, salt - to taste.

Mushrooms must be thoroughly washed under running water and finely chopped. Peel the peel from fresh cucumbers and cut them into small cubes. Chop greens. Peel the apple from the peel and core, and also cut into small cubes.

Mix all the ingredients and fill with kvass. To give okroshka a spicy taste and aroma, add a little apple or grape vinegar, mustard and black pepper. Salt to taste. In addition, you can add boiled potatoes and fresh radish to the okroshka.

See many more delicious recipes in our section ""

Potato zrazy with mushrooms

The crusty crust of these tender potato cutlets with mushroom filling not only gives them an appetizing look, but also crunches pleasantly when you eat them. An ideal addition would be a spicy tomato or mushroom sauce.

It is necessary:
5 large red potatoes
   250 g champignon
   1 large onion
   2-3 tbsp flour
   bay leaf and black pepper peas - to taste
   a small bunch of fresh dill (can be omitted)
   a pinch of nutmeg
   salt to taste

   vegetable oil - for frying

Dishes from mushrooms. Recipes from the chef. watch the video!

How to cook:

Baked Cauliflower with Garlic

Baked Cauliflower

Crispy cauliflower baked to a golden blush with the aroma of lemon and garlic will make you take a fresh look at this seemingly unappetizing vegetable! An independent and full-fledged dish can be served for dinner, both hot and cold.

It is necessary:
1 head of medium-sized cauliflower (frozen can be used)
   3 tbsp olive oil
   1 lemon (you will need zest and juice)
   1 tsp dried oregano
   2-3 cloves of garlic
   salt to taste
   a bunch of fresh herbs (parsley, mint) - for decoration

How to cook:

Vegetable meatballs

Vegetable meatballs

The secret of these meatballs is that vegetables are cut into small pieces, preserving an integral structure. This creates a contrast of tastes, makes them more juicy and rich. Vegetable meatballs can be a great filling for sandwiches and sandwiches.

It is necessary:
2 large potatoes
   250 g broccoli (can be frozen)
   1 leek
   1 medium onion
   a small bunch of fresh dill
   0.5 tsp dried oregano
   salt, pepper - to taste
   1-2 tbsp flour
   olive oil - for frying
   breadcrumbs or flour

How to cook:

Rice with brussels sprouts and an apple in a pot

Brussels sprouts rice

In a clay pot, snow-white rice is combined with extravagant Brussels sprouts, juicy Antonov apple and cashew nuts. Soaking in the aromas of spices and vegetables, a few simple ingredients turn into an incredibly tasty dish, everyone will ask for the supplement!

It is necessary:
1 tbsp. basmati rice
   1 large green apple (preferably antonovka)
   100 g roasted cashew nuts
   300 g frozen Brussels sprouts
   3 peas of allspice
   black pepper, salt - to taste
   2 tbsp olive oil
   1.5 tbsp. hot water
   fresh parsley or dill - for decoration

How to cook:

Rice balls with baked vegetables sauce


Rice balls, or “lazy Japanese rolls” - a godsend for those who want a delicious and original dinner, spending a minimum of time and money. A gentle and light sauce from baked vegetables surprisingly complements the taste of cute balls.

It is necessary:

1 sweet bell pepper
   1 large tomato
   1-2 tbsp olive oil
   1-2 tsp Sahara
   0.5 tsp mixtures of provence herbs
   salt, pepper - to taste

2 tbsp. boiled rice
   1 tbsp. sesame seeds
   1 tbsp lemon juice
   2-3 tbsp soy sauce
   bunch of young spinach (can be replaced with lettuce leaves)
   a few feathers of green onions
   sweet paprika to taste

How to cook:

Spring rolls

Spring rolls

New-fashioned "spring rolls" - rolls of the finest rice paper, filled with juicy fresh vegetables, rice noodles and lettuce. A bright addition will be sweet-spicy nut sauce. A charge of vitamins and a riot of colors on your table!

It is necessary:

Peanut sauce:
100 g peeled roasted peanuts
   1/4 Art. very hot water
   1 tbsp honey
   1 tsp soy sauce
   1 tsp vinegar (apple, rice)
   1 tsp lemon juice
   a pinch of ground chili
   1/4 tsp salt

Spring Rolls:
12 sheets of rice paper (alternative: 12 leaves of Beijing cabbage or 3 thin pita bread, each divided into 4 parts)
   3 small carrots
   3 cucumbers
   1 ripe avocado
bunch of lettuce
   1 tbsp. finished rice noodles

How to cook:

Three layer vegetable pie

Three layer vegetable pie

A unique three-layer pie with a rich taste of eggplant fried in olive oil, tomatoes in its own juice, walnuts and garlic. The bulgur filling gives the dish a refined oriental flavor. No need to waste time on the dough, everything is extremely simple! A great weekend dinner option.

It is necessary:

Eggplant stew:
1 large eggplant
   1 medium onion
   2-3 cloves of garlic
   1 can of chopped tomatoes in its own juice (500g)
   0.5 tbsp. water
   handful of walnuts
   a bunch of fresh cilantro (can be omitted)
   salt, pepper - to taste
   olive oil - for frying

1 loaf of white bread
   4 tbsp water
   3 tbsp olive oil
   0.5 tsp dry thyme
   salt to taste

1 tbsp. finished bulgur (can be replaced with long-grain rice)

olive oil - to lubricate the mold

How to cook: