DIY cake for the little ones. We bake and decorate the birthday cake for the boy

12.05.2019 Desserts and Cakes

So one of the happiest moments in the life of parents has come - the baby is 1 year old. More recently, my mother wore it in her tummy, wrapped it in a diaper and was proud of the first aha. And now he is a birthday boy and his mother has new worries.

What kind of cake to make for your birthday. After all, it is necessary to observe traditions (to please guests, to blow out a candle, a desire to make a wish) and to please a baby.

We all know that children at this age should not eat purchased cakes, chocolate and other goodies are undesirable, so you can use this option. Buy big elegant beautiful cake  for guests.

Or bake it yourself, for example this:

Let the adults enjoy, because they also came for their birthday.

And for the baby, and possibly the same little guests, make a cake with your own hands. Recipes will not take much time, mom and so much trouble.

The first cake recipe for a child for 1 year:

The recipe is very simple. As a test - any baby cookies  (400 gr).

Instead of cream - cottage cheese (250 gr.), Whipped with sour cream (150 gr.) And sugar (0.5 cups).

We spread the cookies soaked in milk on the dish in one layer, top with cottage cheese.

And so a few layers. Between layers and for decoration, you can add fruits, such as bananas.

On top of the cake we decorate with crumbs from cookies, finely chopped apples and candied fruits. If desired, put a candle. This cake is suitable for both girls and boys for 1 year.

And here is another recipe, which is also probably suitable.

The second version of the cake recipe for a child for 1 year:

You will need one glass (250 ml) of flour and sugar, 4 eggs.

Separate the yolks from the proteins. Grind the yolks with half the norm of sugar and add the sifted flour to them.

With a mixer, knock down the proteins, slowly add sugar. When the whites have whipped into a steep foam, carefully enter into the yolk mixture with flour.

The resulting mass is poured onto a greased form and sent to the oven, which was previously heated to 180 degrees. Forget about the biscuit for 20-30 minutes. It is strictly forbidden to open the door! Otherwise, the cake will settle.

Finished cake gently cut lengthwise into two parts. The filling can be any. You can beat the whites with sugar and fruit. You can just soak the cake fruit syrup, grease or yogurt, garnish with fruit. In our case, the cake is saturated with sour cream, which is prepared as follows:

300 gr beat sour cream with a glass of sugar and introduce a pre-prepared gelling mixture of agar-agar (1 cup). Or gelatin. After 20 minutes, the mass will begin to thicken.

Spread this cream between the cakes and on top. Until sour cream  still not completely frozen to decorate the cake with peach slices (or any other fruit). Sprinkle the sides with cookie crumbs. Put the cake in a cold place for several hours. (2-3 hours will be enough). Or you can put it in the refrigerator for the night.

  The cake is ready for 1 year! The most important thing is for the baby to be safe. Only you know what fruits the birthday man does not have and whether chocolate and other temptations are possible for him. Try not to introduce new products on this day. Let the menu be familiar to him. This day should be remembered as a joyful event and you do not need colic.
  So dare, fantasize and enjoy cooking.

My Maxim is 3 years old, and as a surprise, I decided to bake my beloved boy's birthday cake and decorate it with my own hands. The main "eater" festive dishes  still small enough, and would hardly appreciate a complex dessert like or, so I settled on the simplest recipe for biscuit with custard. Design - without mastic.


For the test:
  Eggs - 3 pieces;
  Sugar - 1 cup;
  Soda - 0.5-1 teaspoon;
  Lemon juice - 1-2 teaspoons;
  Cream (can be replaced with sour cream) - 0.5 cup;
  Fragrance Toplden milk (optional) - 3-4 drops;
  Flour - 1.5 cups;
  Grease to lubricate the mold.

For cream:
  Eggs - 3 pieces;
  Sugar - 1 incomplete glass;
  Wheat flour - 2 tablespoons;
  Vanillin - 1 sachet;
  Milk - 1 cup;
  Butter - 150 grams;
  Banana - 1-2 pieces.

  Round cookies - 10 pieces;
  Chocolate - 50 grams;
  Coconut flakes, marmalade, sweets in the form of animals.

DIY baby cake photo recipe

  1. First, let's take a biscuit. For this, beat eggs with sugar.
  2. Add soda and lemon juice. The less baking soda - the better, however, if you usually can’t bake a lush porous biscuit, put it in the dough maximum amount  specified in the recipe soda and lemon juiceto be sure of an excellent result.
  3. Now put in the dough fat cream or sour cream.
  4. Drop natural flavor. If you are afraid to feed your baby with any additives, then just do not put it.
  5. Beating the dough for the biscuit, introduce the flour.
  6. Lay the baking dish with foil or parchment, grease with vegetable or butter. Lay out the dough. We will send in the oven warmed up to 200 ° C for 20-30 minutes. After the indicated time, we check for readiness with a wooden torch.
  7. Now is the custard time. Mix the eggs with sugar (determine the amount of the latter to your own taste, love the cream better - put a glass, love when everything is in moderation - half).
  8. Add flour, vanillin and milk. Mix so that there are no lumps. If necessary, you can strain through a sieve. We put on a slow fire and constantly stir. Cook custard  for the first time? Then play it safe and put the custard bowl in a steam bath to heat up.
  9. After some time, the cream will thicken. When it gets the consistency of sour cream - it's time to remove from the heat. Add to the custard mixture butter  and mix well.
  10. Let the cream cool, then beat.
  11. It remains to collect and decorate the cake for the boy with his own hands. And what do the boys love? Of course transport! Therefore, we will make our holiday dessert in the form of a train. Cut the cooled cake into rectangles.
  12. We wonder which piece will become a train, and which wagon.
  13. Soak the biscuit with any juice, compote, sugar syrup. 14. Lubricate with cream, sprinkle with chopped banana and glue the biscuit sticks together.

15. I do not have a tray with a flat surface, so I took a regular board for cutting vegetables and wrapped it in foil. Laid out the pieces sponge cake  in a semicircle. I glued cookie wheels on the sides. Sprinkled coconut flakes. Melted milk chocolate  and painted the edges of the wagons, the engine and the window. She decorated it with marmalade and put sweet “passengers” on the wagons.

Cake for children's day  birth is ready! Let’s soak the dessert for several hours and you can surprise your little son with a delicious train of his own cooking!

When it comes to such a thing as children's holiday for a one-year-old boy, vivid associations immediately arise: laughter, joy, a variety of colors and many guests. Any parent tries to make such a day for his child unforgettable and enjoyable. If we are preparing for quiet gatherings in the family circle, it will be enough to cook a couple of specialties and plan the evening so that everyone is comfortable. If it will be a party for young children, then it is important to prepare contests and entertainment for older children, add more thematic paraphernalia and think over a program for the entire event. However, for both cases, one important detail remains relevant and unchanged - a cake for a year old boy.

How to choose a cake?

Each parent seeks to give all the best to his child, and if we are talking about the first birthday for a little boy, then such an event should definitely be remembered and remain memorable for many years. When choosing a cake for a year old boy, it is important to consider many factors. And here are the main ones.

1. Calculate the number of guests at your celebration and buy a cake depending on how many people you are going to invite.

2. If you decide to make a cake for a year old for a boy with your own hands, then carefully consider such nuances as allergies to certain products, taste preferences  baby, as well as whether it is possible for him to try such pastries.

3. Pay particular attention to the decoration of your masterpiece. There are many interesting options on how to make the outside of such a sweet treat no less wonderful than the filling.

How to choose the best decoration?

Nowadays, almost any branded bakery is decorated with incredibly beautiful figures, realistic flowers and leaflets, edible beads and lace; on it you can make any inscription and create one that only the soul desires. Among all this diversity, it’s difficult to put a bullet in the head and choose one thing, but you also don’t need to make a cake that is too colorful. However, if you reread all the most popular recipes, then we can distinguish the two most basic types of cake decorating, which can be taken as a basis.

Souffle cooking

It is impossible to say unequivocally that souffle is used only for desserts. But in this case it should be sweet, and for this you will need:

2 tablespoons of gelatin;

5 egg whites

A glass of sugar.

1. Beat the protein, pour sugar into it gradually and in small portions. It should make a lush foam.

2. We breed gelatin with warm water, mix with the protein mass and put in the refrigerator so that it freezes.

It’s not so difficult to make a sweet souffle, and it’s even easier to decorate a cake for a boy a year old. Photos of such masterpieces using souffles do not give any doubt about this.

Masterpieces from mastic

Recently, mastic is gaining more and more popularity in the circles of confectioners. And that is understandable. With it, you can create the most realistic design and decorate the cake with a voluminous composition of your favorite toys and cartoon characters of the baby; make it perfectly even and smooth. And another important plus is that it is quite edible, and a cake for a year from a mastic boy will turn out to be not only very beautiful, but also delicious!


Powdered sugar;

Water (1.5-2 tablespoons);

Food coloring.

1. Pour marshmallows and water into a plate, heat it in microwave oven  about 5 minutes (depending on microwave power).

2. As soon as the marshmallow begins to melt and becomes viscous, add part of the icing sugar to it.

3. Pour constantly icing sugar  in marshmallows and mix thoroughly so that by consistency it resembles plasticine.

4. Remove finished mastic  in the refrigerator for 0.5 hours.

From this material, you can mold anything you want, because, in fact, this is an edible plasticine. You can turn on imagination and create an exclusive and beautiful cake for a year old boy. Photos of finished works from mastic inspire housewives to create something new with their own hands.

Interesting ideas or more about Candy bar

Candy bar is an original solution for a big celebration, when they make all the sweet treats for guests in one theme. For example, you decide to arrange your child’s birthday in green. To do this, you can buy him a shirt, decorate the house with balls of the desired color and think through all the nuances of green attributes. But Candy bar will help to beautifully present not only a cake for a year old to a boy, but also cakes, muffins or even cookies to fit your theme.

There is nothing complicated with this method, the main thing is to stock up on everyone the right ingredients, decorate them in one style and put on the table so that each guest chooses what he likes.

Draw conclusions

If we take into account all the nuances of the article, we can conclude that a cake for a year old boy can easily choose or make with your own hands. The main thing is to strive to please your child and make his first birthday happy.