The most delicious sponge cake. Biscuit Cakes - recipes with photos and videos.

26.04.2019 Desserts and Cakes


  • Flour - 1 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Eggs - 6 pcs. + 2 yolks.
  • Baking powder - 1.5 tsp.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l
  • Butter - 400 grams.
  • Condensed milk - 1 can.
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 pack.

For a delicious tea party

  Even the simplest sponge cake  may be called a masterpiece of confectionery. Soft sponge cake, soft sweet cream and all sorts of mouth-watering supplements in the form of berries, nuts, fruits, chocolate - together form a magic symphony of tastes, which delight all sweet-to-eat in the world.

Many recipes with photos offer to cook simple sponge cakes in a variety of variations and versions.

  Many people associate the classic sponge cake with a festive tea party, rarely without ceremonial events or friendly gatherings. Meanwhile, once upon a time the biscuit was the food of English sailors. He was taken to long voyages, as the product did not spoil for a long time and was not covered with mold, which was extremely important in conditions of constant dampness on the ship.

  On one of these trips, biscuit tasted Queen Elizabeth's court, and soon the rough sailor’s food turned into an exquisite cake worthy of aristocrats. Simple and tasty sponge cakethis cake quickly became popular outside of England, and soon became one of the most beloved desserts around the world.

  Today, a simple sponge cake everyone can cook at home. The most difficult thing is to properly bake a cake biscuit cake, you can’t call this technology simple, because not everyone can ideally divide it. egg whites  with yolks, beat them well with sugar, do not overdo it with flour, and then make sure that the dough does not fall off during the baking process.

But today there are many simple recipes that allow you to cook delicious biscuit cakes without these difficulties.

  In particular, a very simple and tasty biscuit cake can be made on the basis of the dough for a classic charlotte, the cake is high and fluffy. Sometimes starch is added to the dough to make it more plentiful, which also makes cooking easier.

  But baking cakes is only half the story, you still need to think about stuffing! Delicious cream for biscuit cake can also be simple and affordable ordinary ordinary chef. For example, you can make a simple cake with condensed milk, add nuts or dried fruits.

Also very easy to prepare. sour cream  for sponge cake, in which, besides sugar, you can add vanilla, cinnamon or combine it with fruit jam. Well, of course, you should definitely make a simple chocolate sponge cake at least once, it can be with or without cream, additionally smeared with liquid chocolate or watered with a dark icing.

  Simple sponge cake recipes are easy to put into practice at home, and everyone will be satisfied with the result. Of course, the cooking technology will be somewhat different from the classic, but this does not mean that the dessert will not be able to compete with the cake from the restaurant.

  Be sure to use one of the recipes with photos and prepare a tasty and simple sponge cake by yourself, it will surely turn out delicious!


  Very tasty and simple cake is obtained by next recipe. For baking cakes should prepare a round shape with a diameter of 24 cm (preferably collapsible). In this case, a high biscuit cake is obtained, which can be easily cut another 2 or 3. If the form is larger, then it is worthwhile to increase the number of ingredients. The cream can be made any, but in this case we offer a recipe with condensed milk.

  To make a simple sponge cake at home, you first need to make a dough.

  1. To do this, break eggs into a deep bowl, unlike classic sponge cake, it is not necessary to separate proteins with yolks.
  2. Add sugar (or powder) to the eggs, then beat with a mixer until the mixture becomes lighter and thicker.
  3. The duration of beating about 2 minutes, while should start at low speed mixer, gradually increasing the speed every 30 seconds.
  4. The mass is ready when distinct traces of a mixer remain on its surface.
  5. In the egg mixture gradually sift the flour, mixed with baking powder, gently stirring with a spoon.
  6. At the end, pour in lemon juice and mix again. Instead of baking powder and lemon juice  You can use soda with vinegar, but you need to mix them directly in the dough, and not to extinguish in a spoon so that carbon dioxide does not escape into the air.
  7. Cover the bottom of the baking dish with parchment, brushing the entire surface with a small amount of oil.
  8. Batter  Gently pour into the mold and put in an oven preheated to 180 °.

  The duration of baking depends on the height of the cake and power oven, but on average takes from 45 minutes to 1 hour. In the process of baking, you should not open the door of the oven wide or sharply reduce the heat, otherwise the cake will fall off. The finished cake should be evenly browned, it should be pierced in the middle with a toothpick, if there are no traces of dough on it, you can remove it from the oven.

  Removed from the oven cake should stand 10-15 minutes. in the form, after which you should carefully remove it, if necessary, carefully cutting the edges with a knife. Let the sponge cool when room temperature  for a couple of hours, then carefully cut it with a long, sharp knife along into three thin cakes.

  The cream for such a biscuit cake is prepared according to a very simple recipe.

  1. Butter should be softened at room temperature, add to it. vanilla sugar, mix well.
  2. Separately mix egg yolks  with a little boiled cold water  (approx. 50 ml).
  3. Add condensed milk there, mix and put on low heat, with constant stirring, bring the mixture to a thickening, then cool it.
  4. The cooled mass is added in portions to the butter, whipping until air cream is obtained.

  With the obtained cream, grease all cakes and ready-made cake from all sides, then let it stand in the refrigerator for at least 6 hours. If desired, you can decorate it with pieces of chocolate, berries, nuts, fruit slices, etc.

  For such a biscuit cake, a simpler cream with butter and condensed milk is suitable, it is enough to mix and whip these ingredients well, without adding yolks or heating.


  Among the recipes with photos, you can find other options for a simple homemade sponge cake. In particular, the dough can be prepared as follows:

  1. Separate the yolks from the whites, whip the latter with powdered sugar in a strong foam.
  2. Beat yolks with sugar using a whisk and mix with a protein mass in a spoon, mixing gently.
  3. Sift the flour into the egg mass (for 4 eggs - 1 tbsp. Flour), add vanillin and mix gently with a spoon, moving upwards.
  4. Bake the biscuit in collapsible form for about 25 minutes at 200 °.
  5. Cool the cake to cut along and fluff all the pieces with the selected cream.

  Such a biscuit cake is very simple, but it can be made more refined if you think over the stuffing.

  You can also based on this simple recipe  make a sponge cake with chocolate. To do this, add flour to cocoa flour, as well as make chocolate cream or frosting.

Very simple, but incredibly delicious sponge cake can be made according to the recipe with strawberries and bananas. To do this, you need to bake a biscuit (classic or chocolate), prepare sour cream or butter cream in advance. Cut the fruit into thin slices and lay them on the cakes, smearing with cream on top.

  Even the simplest recipe for sponge cake can be taken as the basis for creating this masterpiece. Just need to choose the right cream and other components of the filling. The dough also does not stand aside, at the cooking stage you can add lemon zest, ground nuts, and ready-made cakes  soak in rum, liqueur, brandy, etc.

April 25, 2016 724

Biscuit can be called the foundation of world confectionery art. Developed a lot of recipes for cakes, pastries and other desserts based on it. You can work with biscuit dough at home. The main thing - compliance with the dosage and technology.

Simple sponge cake

For the manufacture of the most common biscuit cake requires a minimum set of products.


  • Flour - 450 g;
  • Sugar - 2 cups;
  • Eggs - 6 pcs .;
  • Baking Powder - 1 pack;
  • Starch (regular potato) - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • Turmeric - 1 tsp;
  • Salt is a pinch;
  • Vanillin - 15 gr or 1 sachet;
  • Sunflower oil (rast.) - for lubrication;
  • Sour cream home - 0.7 l.

We analyze the recipe cooking step by step. First you need to trudge flour with baking powder.

Chilled eggs share. We interrupt the squirrels, gradually increasing the speed of rotation of the corolla. When they become a snow-white mass, gradually pour half the sugar.

You can pre-grind it into powder, then the process of dissolution will be faster.

Remove the protein mass in the fridge and proceed to the yolks. We act according to the same scheme. In a separate container, mix all bulk components. Turmeric is required so that the color of the sponge cake is more saturated, which is important if the eggs are with pale yolks.

Starch will help lift the cakes and preserve their shape.

Carefully mix the egg masses with a special spatula. Add dry ingredients and mix well.

For the cream, beat the prepared sour cream with sugar until the final splitting. If you have a sour cream shop, pre-strain the whey with it, dipping it in a sieve with gauze and crushing it with a heavy load.

We activate the baking function on the oven and set it at 180 ° С.

We take a detachable form, line the bottom with oiled vegetable tracing paper, cut off the excess in a circle. We rub the sides of the container with oil so that the biscuit does not stick during baking. But do not be too zealous, otherwise an excess of oil will not let the dough rise.

Pour out ready mass  and immerse bake for one hour. Do not look into the oven until the end of the process: the cake may fall from a sharp temperature drop. Readiness can be checked by pressing on the surface with a wooden spatula.

If the pastry has returned to its original form - it is ready. We take out, cover with a clean towel and let it cool for about 10 minutes. Cut it with a special knife into three parts, coat it with plenty of sour cream.

Biscuit cake with condensed milk

Incredible delicious pastry  obtained by adding to the composition of condensed milk, sponge cake - no exception.


  • Flour - 600 g;
  • Condensed milk - 1 bank;
  • Soda - 1 tsp;
  • Salt is a pinch;
  • Eggs - 3 pcs .;
  • Vinegar - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • Milk - 7 tbsp. l .;
  • Vanillin - bag;
  • Granulated sugar - 250 g;
  • Butter (fatty) butter - 250 g;
  • Nuts - 200 g;
  • Water - 5 tbsp. l
  • Cocoa - 3 tbsp. l

Beat cold eggs in a glass blender, in this case it is not necessary to separate the whites and yolks. The dough will rise well due to slaked soda. We pour sand. The egg mixture is doubled on the eyes.

Milk is heated, pour into the egg mixture. We continue to interrupt. If you do not like too sugary (sweet) pastries or such a cream is supposed, then the dose can be reduced by half.

Add salt, vanilla and crushed flour. The dough will turn out rarely. In a spoon we extinguish soda with vinegar and foam add to the finished mixture.

We oil a special baking dish, pour the dough into it. The surface is tightened with foil and immersed in a heated oven to 195 ° C. After 40 minutes, remove the coating and leave to bake for 10 minutes.

Soft butter cut into pieces in a glass bowl. We interrupt the combine to increase the volume and pour a thin stream of condensed milk, continuing the process of beating. Thick cream  send in the fridge.

Nuts can be used any: walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts. We clear from a shell, it is slightly crushed by a rolling pin.

In an iron bowl connect the purified water, cocoa and cold milk. Pour 2 spoons of sand and cook the icing, stirring all the time, not allowing it to boil. Cool and add some. butter.

From the form we take out the cake, cut it into equal parts by thread. Liberally coat all cakes with cream and sprinkle with nuts. Pour the uppermost layer with glaze and let it soak for two to three hours.

perfect recipe for sunday lunch.

  ice cream at home. Most delicious recipes  favorite children's treats.

You can not even imagine how many treats you can just cook at home. Do you know what candied fruits are made of? from pumpkin, watermelon, oranges or other fruits.

Chocolate Sponge Cake

Chocolate is one of the most popular products in the confectionery business. The introduction of cocoa in the dough will give it the appropriate taste and color.


  • Flour - 450 g;
  • Sugar - 200 g;
  • Eggs - 4 pcs .;
  • Cocoa - 4 tbsp. l;
  • Liquor - 100 g;
  • Baking powder - 1 pack;
  • Instant coffee - 1 stick;
  • Water - 1 cup;
  • Chocolate butter - 250 g;
  • Coconut chips - 100 g;
  • Powdered sugar - 1 pack;
  • Butter (fat) oil - for lubrication.

In the deep glassware  we make eggnog from eggs and sugar, add crushed flour with cocoa and baking powder. AT hot water  dissolve the coffee, pour into the dough and quickly mix.

Coat the baking dish with butter and pour out the dough. We send to bake for 40 minutes. Do not look into the oven.

Soft butter chop into slices in a separate container, add powdered sugar  and beat in thick air mass.

Take out the sponge cake from the oven, let it cool. Divide into two parts. All cakes soaked with liqueur (any available). We coat the cakes chocolate cream  and decorate with coconut flakes.

Sponge Cake with Fruit

When the season of fresh fruit comes, it is impossible not to seize the opportunity and not to make a delicious sponge cake for dessert.


  • Flour - 3 cups;
  • Sugar - 1 cup;
  • Cream in an aerosol - 1 bottle;
  • Eggs - 3 pcs .;
  • Starch - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • Soda - 1 tsp;
  • Turmeric - 1 tsp;
  • Kiwi - 2 pcs .;
  • Raspberries - 1 cup;
  • Strawberries - 1 glass;
  • Lemon - 1 pc .;
  • Water -1 glass;
  • Vanillin - 1 pack.

Sugar with eggs, beat with a combine at high speed, until you get a steady and dense eggnog.

Fill the flour with starch, soda, turmeric and vanilla. The mass will be pretty thick. Heat the oven to 180 ° C. Putting tracing paper, carefully lay out the dough.

The form will have to shake a little from side to side so that the mass spreads uniformly. Keep in the oven for 45 minutes.

Fruits are washed and wiped with paper kitchen towels. Shred slices.

Cut the lemon into two parts, pierce arbitrarily the pulp with a fork and squeeze out the juice. If there is a special press - it will facilitate the task.

Add water to the juice, three tablespoons of sugar and put on the hob, stir and remove after the formation of a homogeneous lemon syrup.

We take out the sponge cake from the oven, divide it into two parts. Soak in syrup, let it soak for 10 minutes. On top of each cake lay out arbitrarily fruit, pour cream. We give soak for 4 hours, and preferably - all night.

Biscuit cake in a slow cooker

In this indispensable appliance you can not only cook soups and meat dishesbut also delicious desserts.


  • Flour - 350 g;
  • Egg - 5 pcs .;
  • Soda - 1 tsp;
  • Vanillin - 1 sachet;
  • Kefir - 0.5 l .;
  • Sunflower oil (rast.) - 100 ml;
  • Milk - 0.5 l;
  • Sugar - 2 cups;
  • Butter - 150 g;
  • Chocolate - 1 tile.

At room temperature, pour kefir soda, let stand until bubbles appear. Pour in vegetable oil, egg, one cup of sugar and flour flour. We mix everything well. Activate the device for baking function. Pour the dough into a special bowl and bake for one hour.

We collect milk in an iron bowl, add the remaining eggs, sugar and set on fire. Boil until thickened, stirring occasionally, otherwise the cream will burn and it will have a bitter taste. Remove, give a little cool, add vanilla and softened butter.

Divide the biscuit into three parts, richly promazyvaem custardtightly squeezing cakes. Sprinkle with grated chocolate on top: black and white varieties can be combined.

What other creams can imbibe sponge cake: recipes

Biscuit cake cream

Cream-based cottage cheese is considered the lowest-calorie and light.


  • Low-fat cottage cheese - 600 g;
  • Sugar powder - 0.5 cup;
  • Cream - 150 ml;
  • Vanillin - 1 bag.

We skip the curd through a sieve, it can also be done in a grinder. We shift in the mixer. We pour vanilla and icing sugar. Slowly pour in the chilled cream, continuing the process of whipping. When the mass is tripled, immerse in the refrigerator for an hour.

Cream for cake based on milk jelly

Moderately sweet and fairly easy to prepare biscuit cream.


  • Starch - 4 tbsp. l .;
  • Milk - 5 glasses;
  • Sugar - 5 tbsp. l .;
  • Vanillin - 1 package;
  • Butter (not spread) - 1 pack.

Sugar boiled with 3 cups of milk. Separately, we combine the remaining milk and starch and vanilla. Stir well to avoid lumps. Pour cold liquid in hot and boil for 10 minutes, constantly stirring. Give to cool, add butter and whisk to increase in volume.

Biscuit yoghurt cream

Unusual and moderately sweet cream is obtained on the basis of natural yogurt.


  • Homemade yogurt - 1 cup;
  • Gelatin - 1 package;
  • Water - 50 ml;
  • Fatty cream - 200 ml;
  • Sugar - 150 g.

Dilute gelatin in chilled water in a small bowl. Let stand 10 minutes. We put on the gas stove, stir constantly and cook for 7 minutes. Remove, give cool. Chilled fresh cream, beat with a mixer, gradually increasing speed.

In a separate bowl, beat yogurt with sugar, pour in the cooled gelatin. Carefully add a whipped cream with a wooden spoon. All is well mixed and placed in the refrigerator.


In the preparation of biscuits is important not only the component base, but also the equipment. In a good oven with a uniform temperature distribution and the absence of "drafts" caused by a loose door, the cakes will come out high and airy.

Many people love the gentle and airy sponge cake, but not every hostess takes it. And in vain. In the preparation of such a cake is nothing complicated. If you know the main secrets of its preparation, then a wonderful dessert and compliments of the guests will be guaranteed.

Cooking sponge cake takes very little time. First, all the ingredients are whipped, and then one cake is baked in a preheated oven. The cooled cake remains cut into two or three parts, fluff cream and decorate as desired.

Classic sponge cake consists of eggs, flour and sugar. You can choose a recipe for this cake with the addition of baking powder and various additives - coconut shavings, nuts, poppy or cocoa. Cream for biscuit, you can do any. Perfect option - oil cream  with the addition of condensed milk. Sponge cakes are also combined with cottage cheese, sour cream and custard.

For the biscuit to turn out to be airy and porous, the flour for it must be sifted through a fine sieve. Eggs need to beat in a stable foam. Make sure that no water or fat gets into the bowl, otherwise the egg mass will not become fluffy and will not increase in volume.

The baking mold for the cake should be prepared in advance. It should be covered with oiled paper so that the finished sponge cake does not sink to the bottom. The dough should be sent only to the preheated oven, because the biscuit does not like the temperature difference. The most important thing during baking is not to open the oven for the first 20 minutes of cooking.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in baking biscuits. You just need to stock up necessary products, patience and desire to please your loved ones with a gentle and easy culinary masterpiece.

Friends! Today we have a small anniversary - exactly one hundred articles are posted on the site. And on this occasion, from all the prepared recipes, I chose this one - a sponge cake, a very tasty and simple recipe. The basis of the dessert is a regular sponge cake soaked in syrup. A layer of butter cream with condensed milk, and cake is decorated with biscuit crumbs and ready colored bezheskami. The decor can come up with another, more elegant. Biscuit I baked in the oven. In my opinion, the recipe sponge dough  with the addition of baking powder is very good. Cakes for cake are always lush, quickly soaked and taste great.

I made the recipe for sponge cake as detailed as possible. It is voluminous, but nothing complicated. I'll show you how to make a sponge cake and make a cream. And you can decorate the dessert to your taste.


For making homemade sponge cake you will need:

  • eggs - 4 pieces;
  • granulated sugar  - 180 g;
  • wheat flour - 150 g;
  • fine salt - 2 pinches;
  • baking powder - 1.5 tsp.
  • softened butter - 200 g;
  • powdered sugar - 2 tbsp. l;
  • fine sugar - 2 tbsp. l;
  • condensed milk - 0.5 cans;
  • syrup from jam for impregnation - 9-10 st. l

Biscuit cake - a delicious and simple recipe with photos step by step

One of the main conditions for a splendid sponge cake is well whipped yolks and whites. The more air bubbles there are, the easier the dough will turn out and the better it will rise. Before cooking, I take out eggs from the fridge, wipe with a damp sponge. I take two containers, both deep and not very wide. Carefully break the shell, separate the yolks from the proteins. Utensils with proteins put in the fridge.

Council  If you have not yet filled your hand in this matter, break the egg in your palm and skip the protein between your fingers. Place the yolks and whites in separate containers.

In a bowl with yolks I sprinkle about half the sugar. The rest will add while beating.

Gradually increasing the speed of the mixer to the maximum, beat the yolks and sugar. When the mass starts to lighten, I add some sugar and bring it to a creamy lush consistency. Mass will increase several times.

The corollas are washed, wiped dry. Squirrels get out of the fridge, throw two pinches of salt, beat up lush, snow-white foam. At the beginning of the whipping proteins will be watery, transparent, but after three minutes will begin to whiten and thicken. The result is a dense, but very gentle lush foam filled with air bubbles. If you raise the corollas, there will be bumps on the surface, “hard” peaks - that's what you need to beat up to such consistency.

For easy mixing yolks with sugar shift in a spacious bowl. Add some whipped whites in portions.

I mix with slow circular motions, picking up from below and as if turning up. The photo clearly shows what a lush, weightless basis is obtained for the biscuit dough.

I combine the flour with baking powder, sift through a fine sieve into the egg mixture.

I connect very carefully, stirring with a spoon from the bottom up until all the flour is combined with the egg mass.

Council  You cannot use the mixer at this stage - sponge dough  "Will be tightened", will badly rise in an oven.

The result will be very lush, air dough  for sponge cake. From the spoon it will slowly flow down in a wide wave, loose in structure, filled with air bubbles.

The form I use is detachable, diameter 22 cm. At the bottom I put a circle of paper for baking, I do not grease the wall. Pour the dough, scroll the shape several times to disperse from the center to the edges, otherwise a “dome” may form during baking.

I heat the oven in advance, set the temperature to 180 degrees. The form is placed on the middle level on the grill, baked for 35-40 minutes. I check the readiness with a skewer - a finished sponge cake is punctured easily, the skewer goes dry.

Council  When baking a biscuit, do not open the oven door for the first half hour. From abrupt change temperature conditions  the dough may fall off and will not rise again.

I do not immediately remove the finished biscuit from the mold, I give it 15-20 minutes to stand. Then I spend the knife along the walls, remove the bezel. I chill sponge cake on the grill for several hours. He needs to stand for some time to get stronger, dry, otherwise the cakes will crumble when sliced. Usually leave until the next day.

I cut it into three shortcakes using a sharp knife with a thin long blade (also a knife for cutting bread with teeth). A small bulge from the top of the cake cut off, from scraps make a crumb for sprinkling the top.

I prepare butter cream for sponge cake. I take out the butter in advance, it should be very soft, plastic, so that it can be easily beaten.

Mixer beat up smooth, shiny mass. Five minutes later, the oil will be more magnificent, will resemble a cream.

I add powdered sugar and sugar. In this recipe, a simple sponge cake is added a little sugar, and the sweetness of the cream can be adjusted by adding condensed milk.

Beat the butter, gradually adding condensed milk. You can add less than the recipe, if you do not like very sweet cream. In any case, it is better to try.

Butter cream for biscuit get lush, thick, homogeneous. While beating, you can add vanilla sugar for flavor or a spoonful of brandy.

For the impregnation of the biscuit, I used syrup from apricot jamby adding some water. For each cake took about three tablespoons of syrup.

Council  Soak cakes can be syrup from canned fruit, sugar or lemon syrup, sweet cherry juice.

Now you can collect biscuit cake. I put one cake on a flat plate (down comes the most unsightly). Spread a portion of the cream.

I coat it evenly, the layer turns out to be about 1-1.5 cm. It is convenient to level the cream with the flat side of a knife or a spatula.

Covering the second cake, again a layer of cream. Top cake should be smooth, without dents and tubercles. Usually it is the middle of the biscuit.

Top and sides also smear cream. I apply the cream on the walls with a spatula, top leveling with a spatula.

Since I made the simplest biscuit cake, I also decorated it in a simple way. Trimming cakes dried, crushed into crumb. Not quite in the dust, you need to come across pieces of different sizes.

Council  Instead of biscuit can crush cookies. Or any nuts: walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts.

Sprinkled cake on top and sides. It is convenient to throw crumbs on the sides using a brush, pressing against the cream. And the top just sprinkle a uniform layer.

Ideally, the sponge cake should stand for 24 hours so that the cakes are soaked and juicy. Or at least 10-12 hours. I leave it in the morning at room temperature, then I put it in the fridge. That's when it turns out amazing biscuit cake! I hope you will like this delicious and simple recipe of this dessert, I have had it for a long time in favorites. Good luck to all the pastries, delicious cakes and desserts! Your Plyushkin.

   Calorie:   Not specified
   Time for preparing:   Not specified

  Usually the culmination of any feast comes at the very end, when served holiday cake. And if it is tasteless, then, we can say, your efforts in preparing the holiday were in vain. After all, guests are unlikely to remember the delicious canapes, served at the very beginning, or your signature salad, which you decorated for two hours. They will definitely remember the tasteless shop cake with a taste of soda, cheap margarine or essence. Therefore, I propose to forget the way to the confectionery departments of the shops, and bake cakes independently. And I'll start, perhaps, with the simplest, but win-win option - let's make a biscuit cake, the recipe with photos step by step at home will show the whole baking process, and you will see that there is nothing complicated in it.


  For sponge cake:

  - white wheat flour - 130-140 g;
  - granulated sugar (fine) - 180 g;
  - chicken eggs (selected category) - 4 pcs .;
  - vanilla sugar - 10 g.

  For cream:

- butter (unsalted) - 250 g;
- Vanilla sugar - 10 g;
- filtered water - 50 ml;
- condensed milk - 380 g;
- Egg yolks - 2 pcs .;
- cocoa powder (unsweetened) - 4-5 tbsp. l

  For impregnation:

- filtered water - 400 ml;
  - sugar - 100 g;
- instant coffee  - 3 tsp;
  - cognac or amaretto (optional) - 30-50 ml.

  For chocolate coating:

- sour cream (fat content from 20% - 100 g;
  - cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. l .;
  - granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. l .;
  - butter - 50-70 g.


  1. Divide the eggs into yolks and whites and place them in deep bowls suitable for beating. I whipped the squirrels in a food processor.

  2. And the yolks - manually. But all this can be done with a mixer. Just remember that after each beating, the whips of the mixer should be thoroughly washed and wiped dry. All sugar intended for biscuit cakes, divide into 2 unequal parts - for proteins, pour out about 2/3 and leave 1/3 for the yolks. Regular sugar can be immediately mixed with vanilla.

  3. Begin to beat the whites, when a fluffy foam is formed, approximately, as in the photo, start to pour sugar in a thin “trickle”.

  4. In no case do not add all the norm at once, because the proteins will not beat up as needed for a fluffy biscuit. Sprinkle sugar with a tablespoon, without stopping the mixer.

  5. To make the cake airy and high, whites need to be whipped to soft or medium peaks. That is, when the corolla is raised, the mass will “drag” behind them, forming traces in the form of a bird's beak. They should not "stand", the tips should be lowered. Protein mass  By this moment it will become brilliant and airy, increase in volume several times, and the sugar will completely dissolve.

6. Take care of the yolks. Pour into them the remaining sugar.

  7. And whisk by hand or with a mixer until sugar is dissolved. The mass will brighten and increase in volume, it will become more dense.

  8. Take about a third or half of the proteins and add to the yolks.

  9. Gently mix by folding. That is, it is necessary to do with a spatula not circular motions, but to scoop up the mass from below and lift it up.

  10. Now add half the total flour. Do not forget to sift it. Stir again by folding.

  11. Add the remaining proteins. Stir.

  12. Pour the second half of the flour. Stir.

  13. This is how the cake dough should turn out to be airy, homogeneous, pouring.

  14. Take a suitable baking dish, grease it from the inside with vegetable or butter, sprinkle with crushed breadcrumbs or flour and pour the dough into it. Preheat the oven to 180-200 degrees, send in the form with the dough for 25-30 minutes. When choosing a form, keep in mind that the biscuit will increase in volume in half, or even more. In no case do not open the oven door while the biscuit dough is baked there, otherwise it will immediately settle down. I baked a biscuit in a multi-cooker on the oven mode for 35 minutes at a temperature of 130 degrees. And then held it for another 10 minutes on auto heating. This is how I got a biscuit - 10-12 centimeters high, no less. Cool the base of the sponge cake on the wire rack. And then cover with a towel and let it “lie down” for 5-6 hours.

  15. Using a large sharp knife, cut the sponge cake into 3-4 cakes.

  16. Take care to prepare the cream. Mix water, condensed milk and yolks.

  17. Also I added cocoa cream. But it is optional. Send the mixture to a small fire, boil until thick. It is better to use a water bath, otherwise the mixture can quickly burn, and the cream will be spoiled.

  18. Remove thickened cream from heat.

  By the way, still very tasty.

  19. In parallel, you need to remove the oil from the refrigerator so that it has time to soften. Cut it into cubes.

  20. Add vanilla sugar to it and whisk at medium speed. Add cooled mixture of condensed milk and yolks to the oil in small portions, without ceasing to work as a mixer.

  21. This is how I got the cream. Due to the characteristics of my cocoa powder, dark grains formed in it, but this did not spoil the taste. Allow the cream to cool in the fridge for 30-60 minutes so that it does not spread when forming a sponge cake.

22. In the meantime, you can prepare the impregnation. You don't have to make it like coffee in my recipe. You can just cook sugar syrup. Step by step I will not show how to do this, just do not add coffee. It will also be delicious with berry syrup, especially if the cream is without cocoa, but simply on condensed milk. Mix all the ingredients for impregnation and boil over low heat. When the liquid is less than about 20%, light coffee syrup to soak the cake can be considered ready. Remove from heat and cool slightly. As for alcohol, do not worry, in the finished cake  its taste is not felt, because all the alcohol has time to evaporate. Only a subtle scent remains.

  23. Put the first cake on the dish and pour it with plenty of impregnation.

  24. Then spread it with cream.

  25. Cover with the next cake plate. Repeat the procedure with all "floors" homemade cake. You can also smear the cake with cream from all sides and the top, and then decorate it at your discretion. But I decided to pour chocolate icing on it.

  26. Mix cocoa with sugar.

  27. Add sour cream and mix.

  28. Put the mixture on a slow fire. While stirring, bring it to the state of liquid chocolate, then remove from the stove and cool a little. Add a piece of butter and mix for the last time. It is advisable to cool the finished glaze, otherwise it will spread strongly.

  29. Apply the icing to the cake. You can try this sponge cake right away, because we made it softer with the help of soaking.

  But the next day the cake will be even tastier. Just like that, you can make a biscuit cake at home, the recipe with photos showed you the whole process step by step, so feel free to start baking!

  And I suggest you look simple, which is prepared in a slow cooker.

  Have a nice tea party!