Napoleon cake roll made of puff pastry. Roll made of puff pastry with potato filling

14.04.2019 The drinks

Puff pastry roll is a real magic wand for many modern hostesses. Especially if the guests are already on the threshold, and there is nothing to pamper them. The filling for the roll can be both sweet (for tea, for example), and meat or vegetable (as an independent dish). Moreover, even the inexperienced housewives will be able to cook both.

Purchase dough or own cooking?

One of the most burning questions of housewives is what kind of dough to use. It would seem that a puff pastry roll should be exclusively of its own preparation from beginning to end. However, not everyone has time for such a long process. Yes, and industrial puff pastry is no worse! It does not even have to be completely defrosted before use. 5 minutes to warm up in the microwave is enough. Therefore, there is no difference what product will be used. Puff pastry rolls, the recipes of which will be described below, are tasty, juicy, airy.

Yeast or yeast-free dough

The principle difference between these two types of dough is how they rise. That is, the meatloaf from puff pastry with yeast will disperse a little on the baking sheet, it will become higher and acquire a large number of layers. And this is not too good for such a filling. But the puff pastry roll (sweet or with berries) without yeast will turn out to be too flat and inconspicuous. Therefore, you need to choose, based on what the filling will be used.

Meat option

Most of all such a dish is liked by men who, in usual times, baked goods are not too favored. Meatloaf from puff pastry (purchased) is prepared very quickly, if all ingredients are prepared in advance. We will need:

  • minced meat (well, if it is from pork and beef with the addition of onions and soaked in milk loaf, so that the consistency is steep);
  • onion;
  • spice;
  • white cabbage;
  • hard cheese;
  • yeast-free puff pastry.

Step 1: Stuffing

It is easy to prepare it: mince is fried in a pan with a small amount of vegetable oil. Gradually chopped onion and cabbage twisted through a meat grinder are gradually added to it. Spices are always applied to taste. The cheese is rubbed on a fine grater and gradually introduced into the hot stuffing. For flavor you can add a pair of garlic cloves. The dough at this time is better to pull out of the freezer to thaw. Or you can defrost it in the microwave, according to the instructions.

Step 2: Dough

Of course, the product purchased in the store is much more convenient to use than to knead it independently. Puff pastry rolls, the recipes of which can be very different, are prepared on average for 20-40 minutes at a temperature of 170-200 degrees. And so that they are especially tasty, there is a little trick. So, the finished dough, which is most often sold in the form of frozen sheets, you need to roll a rolling pin in a small thin pancake, connecting the sheets together. So it will be easier then twist roll. If there is no rolling pin at hand, then a simple glass bottle can replace it. Flour dough is not necessary, it does not stick.

Step 3: Roll Twist

This is the most difficult moment in preparation, since the result of the twist depends on how the dish will turn out, how neat it will be. The puff pastry roll is twisted as follows: first, the filling is laid out on the entire surface, departing 5 mm from each of the edges, except for one. This is necessary in order to be able to pin it down well. The dough with the filling is twisted in a tight little block, with the help of a fork punctures are made all over the roll.

Step 4: Roasting

This is the simplest of all cooking. The oven is preheated to 200 degrees, parchment paper is lined on a baking sheet, which will not allow the bottom of the culinary product to burn. Meatloaf from puff pastry is laid out so that the edges do not touch the walls of the dish on which it lies. If you are using a simple flat baking sheet, the product can be put as you like. Roasting time is 30 minutes.

Sweet pastry

One of the most popular and simple recipes is the one filled with apples, cinnamon and sugar. It is not difficult to prepare it, even if there is no experience. We will need:

  • apples;
  • yeast puff pastry;
  • cinnamon (1 teaspoon with a hill);
  • sugar (3 tablespoons with a slide).

If you like baking better, the amount of granulated sugar can be increased. Puff yeast dough rolls differ from culinary products on the basis of non-yeast dough in that the first significantly increase in volume during baking. The result is airy and fluffy puffs, which consist of many thinnest layers. Stuffing for apple roll is prepared simply: apples are washed, peeled, peeled, seeds and cores, finely chopped. Sugar is mixed with cinnamon. This sweet mixture is poured on apples. The filling is ready. The dough is defrosted, rolled out to a thin rectangle. Apple stuffing spread over the entire area so that from one edge remained about 10 cm of free space, otherwise twisting the roll will not be very convenient. Twisted dough is sent to the oven for 20 minutes, provided that the temperature is about 200-220 degrees.

Curd puff roll

Children especially like this option because it is tasty, sweet and nutritious. Puff pastry roll, the filling of which consists of cottage cheese, sometimes gets a little wet inside. It does not affect the taste. The following products will be required for cooking:

  • raw chicken egg;
  • granulated sugar;
  • cottage cheese;
  • raisins or dried apricots (pre-soaked);
  • puff yeast dough;
  • powdered sugar.

Beat the egg with a mixer until it froth, then gradually add sugar, beat again. Cottage cheese is gradually added to the sweet mass. The mixer is not turned off, constantly beating the filling with it. You should get curd mass, the consistency of a thick cream. The dough is rolled to a flat pancake with a thickness of 2-3 mm. On it the filling from cottage cheese is laid out, then finely chopped raisins or dried apricots. The roll is gently twisted so that the filling does not crawl along the edges. The dough is coated on the outside with egg yolk or butter, so that the pastry is brown. The roll is baked in the oven for 20-30 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. The finished culinary product is sprinkled with powdered sugar. It is not necessary to pierce the dough with a fork before sending it to the oven.

It is noteworthy that puff pastry rolls are not recommended to cook with frozen berries. First, they spread out during baking, so the baking inside turns out to be very moist. Secondly, when cooking, they give too much juice, which simply flows. Layers from this fall, baking turns watery and fresh.

Fresh berries are well suited for puff rolls. They do not defrost in the process of cooking, do not spread. Strawberries, for example, can be finely chopped and sprinkled with sugar just before curling. But the cherry is better to take immediately seedless, letting the juice flow a little. Apricots, peaches, nectarines from the peel is better not to peel, but it is desirable to chop finely before putting on the dough. Sugar can be sprinkled already curled roll, and not the filling itself. So baking will turn out especially sweet and ruddy. Additionally, it is not necessary to lubricate anything.

Hello, my dear chefs! I am writing to you not for the first time. I like your recipes very much. Thank you very much for the great work you do. In my family, puff pastry rolls are very fond of the recipes of such rolls, I have long been collecting. I, however, have already accumulated a lot, but did not come across a puff pastry roll with apricot jam and almonds. Now my piggy bank has replenished, I will surely bake this yummy. By the way, I was already preparing sweet puff pastry rolls. The result is satisfied. It turns out not worse than the puff. Thanks again for your work - very helpful. Every day I go to your page and always find something new for myself.

Sweet puff pastry roll with apricot jam and almond nuts is cool. Just expected from you, but this ... You would think that someone does not know how to make a sweet puff pastry roll. My son is 8 years old, he does this every week. You killed me.

This is a recipe for my son, he loves such baked goods. Be sure to cook, I think that is very tasty. And it is easy to prepare, and from purchased it is possible, and with another jam. Stored well.

Hello my name is Sergey. I made puff pastry roll with apricot jam. Normally it turned out what I wanted. The dough took ready. Fast, easy, tasty. Generally, I like your lessons. Always explain everything clearly. Clearly follow the recipe and everything is fine, convenient. I love this baking.

Hello, Dear Emma Isaakovna. I am your student from 249 school. I do not know whether you remember me or not, my name is Tonya, the school name of Yakovlev. I love you so much. You taught us to be human in the first place. Of course, you taught us physics, and it was useful to me personally in life. But first of all, a personal example of intelligence and decency. When we were children, we did not understand this, and you did not get tired of showing us what real human relations are. So, on the sly, we absorbed it, and, I can say with certainty, because I personally know almost all of your students, we are first and foremost decent people and appreciate decency in people. Thank you and kowtow. Well, when I suddenly saw you on the Internet by chance, I was just stunned. Learning to cook with Emma Isaakovna - I could not even dream of such a thing. I remember how we gathered at your home as a whole class and cooked manti, sometimes dumplings, all together, then all ate together - these are unforgettable minutes. Emma Isaakovna, I am happy to have found you. All our guys send you greetings.

Cool recipe, but I would simplify everything even more. Dough and jam bought. The dough, already rolled, anointed with jam, poured the nuts, rolled and in the oven. Pulled, cooled, ate. That's the whole story. Better yet, immediately bought a roll bought and eaten. But this is so, jokes, but in general, credit, everything is as it should.
  Sweet puff pastry is great, but I don’t know if it will be baked or not. Need to try. Although on the other hand, if Grandma Emma gives a recipe, then everything will be fine. All that cooked their recipes with a bang. It is interesting, and if you make such a roll, but not with a sweet, but with a savory filling, well, for example, with cheese or fish, it will probably also be delicious. Although, I prefer sweet puff pastry rolls.

Listen, it was such a good day, sunny, spring. We walked all day in the forest, had a great time, but were a little tired. I come home, I thought the mail will check and sleep. But it was not there, there is a new recipe from Emma's grandmother - Apricot puff pastry. I looked and thought: there is puff pastry, there is jam, there are almonds, I will go to cook - tomorrow I will have something to drink with. She prepared, waited half an hour to cool, and ate with her husband, delicious. Thank you my dear for your concern.

- an excellent and fast baking option that will save you in any situation. It can be prepared with any filling, and guests will only be surprised at your speed and culinary abilities.

Meatloaf in puff pastry


  • layered yeast dough - 1 pack;
  • minced meat - 600 g;
  • onion - 0.5 pcs .;
  • cheese - 50 g;
  • spice.


In advance we get puff pastry sheets from the freezer and leave them to be defrosted. Then we fasten the sheets of dough between each other and roll out the dough in width, in one direction. Mix the minced meat with finely chopped onion and put this stuffing in a uniform layer on the dough, leaving about 10 centimeters free at the edges. Season with spices, sprinkle with grated cheese on top, roll up tightly with roll, pinching edges and making punctures with a fork. We shift everything on a baking sheet and send for 30 minutes in a hot oven. Prepare the puff pastry slightly cooled, cut into portions and sprinkle with fresh herbs.

Apple rolls


  • puff yeast dough - 500 g;
  • apples - 500 g;
  • almonds - 50 g;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • butter - 1 tbsp. spoons;
  • cinnamon - 1 tsp.


To prepare a puff of puff yeast dough, apples are washed, cleaned, remove the core, cut into cubes and stew in butter for 5-7 minutes.

This time, chop the nuts and add them to the fruit. Add sugar, cinnamon to taste, mix and cook for another 3 minutes. Finished puff pastry roll into the reservoir, lay out the stuffing, evenly distribute it and roll the roll.

Baking the paper with baking paper, or coat well with butter. We spread our roll on it and put it in a hot oven. We bake a delicacy for 35 minutes, and then carefully remove it, cool a little and slice a layer roll with nuts for portions.

Cottage Cheese Rolls


  • puff pastry - 500 g;
  • cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • egg - 2 pcs .;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • semolina - 3 tbsp. spoons.


Grind eggs with sugar and beat with a mixer until fluffy. Then lay out the cottage cheese, add a little semolina and mix. Roll out the dough and spread the stuffing on the first sheet. We cover everything with the second sheet and again cover the filling. Now wrap the dough in a roll and bake until cooked in the oven.

Puff pastry roll with poppy seeds


  • puff pastry - 500 g;
  • egg - 2 pcs .;
  • poppy - 2 tbsp .;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp .;
  • water - 0.5 st.


So, we start preparing the roll with the filling. We rinse the poppy in advance, transfer it to a deep metal bowl, fill it with water, set it on a weak fire and bring to a boil. Cook for 5 minutes, then remove from heat, cover with a lid and leave to infuse for another 10 minutes.

After that, discard the poppy on a sieve, letting the remaining water flow. Again we shift it in a bowl, we fall asleep with sugar, or we pour with honey. All thoroughly mixed and skipped 2-3 times through a meat grinder. Next, go to the formation of puff rolls. Finished dough pre-thawed, then roll it into a thin layer. Boil water in a separate saucepan, pour some sugar into it and wait for it to completely dissolve. Prepare syrup and coat the rolled dough and spread the poppy filling evenly over the entire surface with a thick layer.

Fold everything into a roll and cut into small pieces. The oven is heated to about 200 degrees. Sprinkle baking tray with cold water and spread rolls on it. Separate the yolks from proteins, whip the yolks with a fork and grease each piece. Send a baking tray in the oven and bake a treat for 30 minutes.

I offer an unusual way to make your favorite cake by Napoleon. Preparing a cake is quite simple and fast. And it turns out very unusual and tasty. As well as the size of the roll is quite impressive and this cake roll is enough for a large company.

So let's get started. Probably it is better to start with the cream, since the cream will be the brewed part, and it will take time to cool. Put starch, sugar and eggs in a saucepan.

Mix everything well. Add half of the milk and stir. Dale pour the rest of the milk, brandy (optional), mix again and put the pan on medium heat and cook the cream, stirring constantly until thick. When the cream begins to boil, reduce the heat to low, and if necessary, cook the cream for a couple more minutes.

Remove from heat. Add oil, mix. Cover with foil and cool. The cream should cool down completely.

In the meantime, the dough needs to be defrosted. Roll out the dough with a thickness of 2-3 mm. Next, cut the dough into strips with a width of 1.5-2 cm. I have got 23 strips, if not mistaken.

We bake strips in an oven preheated to 20 degrees for about 20 minutes.

Such puff sticks will turn out here. Let them cool completely. A pair of chopsticks should be put aside for crumbs, to beautify and then roll.

When the custard is cool, take cold cream and whip them with powdered sugar and vanilla sugar. Beat up to steady peaks.

Add the whipped cream in the custard and gently spoon, bottom-top, stir until smooth. The cream is more airy and creamy than just custard.

Now proceed to the assembly roll. For convenience, you can use a rectangular cupcake. But I didn’t have a big shape, so I collected a roll right on the plate. Cover plate or form with cling film. Lay out the first row of puff sticks. Then lubricate well with cream. And so layer by layer. I got 4 layers.

The last top layer does not lubricate. You need to leave a little cream in order to lubricate then roll on top from all sides. We wrap the roll in a film, we try to wrap it tightly. Gently shape the roll. Then put in the fridge and roll and cream for about 1 hour.

Two, three puff sticks that we put off earlier need to be crushed into a crumb in any way convenient for you.

An hour later, get the roll out of the fridge. Remove the film. Smear roll with all the remaining cream and sprinkle with crumb. And now again we send the cake-roll in the refrigerator for at least 5 hours, and better for the night. Layer cake roll a la Napoleon is ready! This roll smells a lot of plombir.

Unfortunately, I could not take a picture of a very beautiful section of this roll. Since this roll was preparing to work for her husband on his birthday). I also failed to try, because I was preparing this roll for the first time. I can only guess how tasty it is. Husband and colleagues really liked this Napoleon. It’s easy to cook this cake-roll, so I’ll definitely cook this roll more than once.
PS: For this wonderful recipe, thanks to Irina R. The time is indicated without waiting time for the cream to cool down and soak the roll.

Time for preparing: PT01H25M 1 h. 25 min.