How to cook a sponge cake with fruit. Biscuit cake with fruit: original dessert

26.02.2019 Desserts and Cakes

A big lush biscuit with a fruit platter will come to the rescue if guests decide to please you with their sudden visit or you suddenly decide to pamper your loved ones with something sweet in large quantities. And at the same time, you would not like to particularly bother with the preparation of a sweet dish, but bake quickly and tasty. This biscuit will serve as a wonderful treat both on holidays and on weekdays, when your family will ask for something tasty for tea. I made it completely spontaneously when my children asked me to bake something quickly for breakfast. On the table were just the fruits left over from yesterday's holiday, namely currant berries, orange and apple. And having decided to experiment, I included all these fruits in the filling. Honestly, I was very pleasantly surprised. Dessert turned out well!

Soft, gentle dough, combined with assorted fruits - it's just a delight! And who would have thought that the combination of currant and orange would give such a stunning and original taste. In addition, the biscuit rose perfectly. My family was delighted! Everyone was very grateful for such a wonderful dessert for breakfast. But you can present it in different ways. I brought it to the table, sprinkled with powdered sugar. Also, it will look good if it is decorated with fruit, after having lubricated the cake with cream of sour cream and sugar.
Well, now for the cause! Try experimenting with different fillings and you will get an unexpected and original result!

  I made a big bisquit for 8 people, if you don’t need such a big cake, you can cut the number of ingredients in half.

How to cook a lush biscuit with fruit

Orange peeled, cut into slices. Apples also need to be peeled and cut into thin slices.

We sort out the currant, separate the berries from the twigs and wash them under running water. We recline on a colander, let it drain and put it on a plate.

Now let's do the biscuit dough. Beat foam yolks with proteins.

Add a little sugar and continue to beat.

After sugar, add baking powder. Do not increase or decrease the specified rate of baking powder! Otherwise, the biscuit may not rise.

In order for the sponge cake to turn out lush, it should not be squeezed, gently add the sifted flour in small portions, mix the flour with light movements into the egg-sugar mixture. Do not add more flour than stated in the recipe. Otherwise, the biscuit will rise badly and turn out to be rude. The dough should be airy, the consistency resemble thick sour cream.

Pan grease with vegetable or butter. Top we covered with baking paper and again we coat with butter.

Now gently pour the dough.

We evenly distribute the fruit on the surface of the biscuit and put it in a preheated oven to 150 degrees.

After about 40-50 minutes, when the sponge cake turns golden, remove it, let it cool slightly. If you are preparing a sponge cake made from half the ingredients, the sponge cake may be ready 10 minutes earlier.

When our lush biscuit is almost cold, remove the paper from it.

Sprinkle the ready sponge cake with powdered sugar. Enjoy your meal!

Basis for sponge cake:

  • eggs (large) - 4 pcs.,
  • orange peel - 1 pc.,
  • vegetable oil - lubricate the form,
  • wheat flour 4-5 st. spoons (with a slide),
  • sugar - 2/3 cup.

Sour cream:

  • powdered sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • sour cream 20-30% fat - 200 grams.

Cocoa powder chocolate coating:

  • milk is 3.2% fat - ¼ cup,
  • butter  (quality) - 25 grams,
  • sugar (or powder) 2-3 tbsp. spoons
  • cocoa (powder) - 3 tbsp. spoons.


  • orange pulp - ½ pcs.,
  • banana - ½ pcs.

Cooking process:

For making biscuit you need eggs and sugar. Put these ingredients in a bowl and take the mixer. You need to beat the mass well to make it fluffy. It depends on whether the biscuit rises or not.

When the mass for biscuit becomes fluffy and turns white, turn off the mixer. Pour boiling water over orange and grate the skin. Put the rind in a bowl with egg mass.

Pour the flour gradually, kneading the dough with a fork or a whisk. It is better not to whisk the mixer, as the dough can "sink". Or then use special hooks instead of rims.

The dough for the orange sponge cake is ready. Take the form and lubricate it with any oil.

Sponge cake dough into a mold and transfer it to a preheated oven. You need to bake a biscuit for about 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 180-190 degrees. Willingness is checked with a wooden stick, if the skewer is dry, then the sponge cake is ready.

Cool the finished orange sponge cake and cut into several cake layers.

Whip sour cream with the powder and brush the first cake with cream. Lay the second cake cake on top.


If desired, you can make a cake with a layer of fruit inside. Then at this stage you need to put thin slices of any fruit (bananas, kiwi, strawberries) on top of the sour cream.

Now you need to cook the icing from cocoa. Pour the milk into the cup and add the same butter. Add sugar. Melt the butter in any way, just the milk is heated. Stir the components connected.

Pour the cocoa and stir until the mass is smooth. If it is too thick, then add a spoonful of milk and stir again.

Chocolate icing from cocoa powder is ready.

Pour icing on the cake and let it cool. You can remove the sponge cake with chocolate to cool in the fridge for several hours. It is better to decorate it before serving, so that the juice does not leak out of the fruit, and they do not become lethargic.

Peel the orange, cut into slices and place on the cake.

Banana also peel and cut into slices. Lay them on the second half of the cake.

Homemade cake with fruit and chocolate icing is ready!

If you are planning a birthday or other holiday, dessert can not do. After all, guests should leave drunk with tea and fed with sweets, so that later they will kindly and warmly thank you for the evening spent in your home. So, in order to be known as a hospitable and incredibly talented hostess, we suggest making a sponge cake with fruit. Choose one recipe (or several) from those listed below and you will not regret it - everyone will be delighted with this delicate and tasty dish!

Fruit Cake Sponge Cake

Cooking this sponge cake with fruit will take you about an hour. It may not work the first time, as the dough is very tender and demanding to be treated. But this does not mean that you need to postpone the recipe in the far corner and give up on their culinary abilities. If for the first time the dish comes out not as you would like, try to make it again in time. And you will definitely succeed!


  • four chicken eggs
  • glass of granulated sugar
  • vanilla - to taste
  • vegetable oil - for form lubrication
  • the same amount of wheat flour
  • salt and citric acid - one pinch
  • sugar - one glass
  • 500 milliliters of low-fat sour cream
  • pinch of vanilla
  • one pack of gelatin
  • half a glass of water
  • any fruit (we used kiwi, orange, banana and strawberries)

Cooking method:

Vanillin is included in the recipe of this test, but if you do not like its flavor, simply do not add the product to the dish. To begin, separate the whites from the yolks and whip each ingredient in a separate bowl with a whisk, seasoning with salt and citric acid until smooth and fluffy. Then gradually, pour sugar in small portions into the second product, continuing to stir, and then enter the flour here. After combining the yolks with the whites in one bowl, gently mix everything a few more times. As a result, you should get a white, very airy mass.

Now prepare the form: for this, cover its bottom with special paper and process the walls vegetable oil. This recipe involves the lubrication of dishes, but some experts oppose such actions, because they believe that the biscuit in such conditions will be worse to rise. But you act differently - you can try both options. Pour the dough into the mold and put the future cake in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees. Attention! Do not slam the doors or make noise in the kitchen, do not open the oven door to check the product - in such conditions the dough may not rise, and the dish will be spoiled.

After an hour, remove the form, remove the biscuit from it and cut the bottom from it, and cut the rest of the dough into medium cubes. Gelatin pour water and let it brew (it takes half an hour). Meanwhile, inside the dishes, in which you will serve the cake, put the plastic wrap and enjoy the fruit.

The recipe for this dessert includes kiwi, strawberries, orange and banana, but you can use other products: fresh berries, tangerines, prunes. Peel off the above ingredients (where necessary) and cut them into cubes, as well as thin slices, and spread them on the walls. Now whip sour cream and vanillin with a fork or whisk, and heat the gelatin, but do not bring to a boil. When it swells and cools a little, combine it with sour cream, mix well and pour out the fruit, as well as biscuit pieces. Put the resulting mass in the prepared for this dish, cover with the remaining cake on top, pressing on it a little. Cooking biscuit cake with fruit over - wrap it in a film and put in the fridge. Before serving, place the dish on a large plate, and if desired, decorate it with whipped cream.

This recipe is useful to you on the eve of the holidays, where you can pamper your child with a delicate and delicious dessert.

Sponge cake with orange and nuts

If you want to feast on a biscuit cake with fruit, you do not have to buy it in the store, because the dessert, cooked with your own hands, never compares with the product purchased in the supermarket. We will show the recipe of the dish, and all you have to do is to bring it to life.


Biscuit dough:

  • eggs - seven pieces
  • 200 grams of wheat flour
  • one spoon (table) of potato starch
  • 150 grams of sugar
  • three pinches of vanilla
  • one large orange
  • 150 grams of pitted cherries (suitable both canned and fresh)
  • 200 grams of sour cream
  • sugar - 150 grams
  • 40 grams of walnuts
  • two small kiwis

Cooking method:

Start with kneading dough: separate the egg whites from the yolks and carefully rub the last with sugar, leaving a tablespoon of this product for further preparation. To make the mass homogeneous, we recommend cooking it in a ceramic bowl, since this material provides good friction, as a result of which the sugar crystals will break to the required state. Now whip proteins into a fluffy white foam and gradually add sugar to them, which you have previously set aside. ¾ Pour the mixture into the yolks and, having mixed everything several times, pour the flour, previously sifted through a sieve and mixed with vanilla and starch, in small portions here. The last ingredient in this recipe contributes to the formation of more uniform pores in the dough, in addition, thanks to him, the biscuit holds its shape better and does not crumble. While working with a whisk from top to bottom, mix the mass and add the remaining proteins to it, then beat everything up to complete homogeneity.

Metal utensils, in which you plan to bake the product, grease with butter or vegetable oil, you can use fat. Then put ¾ of dough into it, and from above - orange sliced ​​into slices, and pour all the remaining biscuit mass. Heat the oven to 180 degrees - this is the most suitable temperature - and put in a form. Korzh will be ready in 45 minutes. However, if you want him to rise well, not donkey and get airy, observe silence and do not look into the oven. Check the readiness of the product will be possible only after half an hour, sticking a match into it. If the tree is wet, it means that the cake has not made enough baking yet.

After removing the base for the cake from the mold, let it cool. Some sources recommend putting sponge on a piece of clean cloth or a wooden surface and hold it for several hours. But it takes too much time, so you can do without such manipulations. Just cut off the cooled cake, working with a knife on its circumference, the bottom height of not less than one centimeter. Now beat the cream of sour cream and sugar until thick, and pour out the liquid from the canned cherries, squeeze them well and, if necessary, remove the bones. Then put the fruit on the bottom cake, brush with half of the resulting sour cream mass and cover with the remaining biscuit. On the sides and top of the product, apply a thick layer of cream, decorate the sliced ​​kiwi into thin mugs and sprinkle with nuts, pre-crushed and roasted in a dry frying pan. Keep in mind - in order to soak well, the cake will take about six hours!

Sponge Cake with Fresh Berries and Fruit

The recipe for this cake is much simpler than the previous ones. It prepares quickly and does not require much time to soak. We used fresh strawberries, strawberries and kiwi, but you can also take frozen berries or fruits. From this dessert will not lose its taste!


  • one and a half cups of sugar
  • olive oil - for form lubrication
  • six chicken eggs
  • flour - two glasses
  • teaspoon baking powder
  • 0.5 cup sugar
  • one large package of sour cream (you will need 500 grams)
  • 250 grams of fresh strawberries


several strawberries, one kiwi and a handful of strawberries
  Cooking method:

Whisk with a mixer chicken eggswhen foam appears, add sugar and mix well again. Of course, you can use an ordinary kitchen whisk, but by working with it, you will never achieve a perfectly homogeneous and airy mass. Now combine the flour with baking powder and, gradually pouring it into the egg mixture, knead the dough. Cover the baking dish with parchment and brush with butter, then pour all the dough into it and send to the oven for an hour. The cake is baked evenly and does not burn at a temperature of 180 degrees.

When the product has cooled, cut it with a knife into three round pieces of the same height. Then whip the cream, to do this, combine the amount of sour cream and sugar specified in the recipe. Washed strawberries and peeled kiwi cut into medium slices. Put the first product on the lowest "floor" and apply a thick layer of cream, then, covering the second cake layer, act in the same way. Treat the remaining sour cream mixture to the top and sides of the product, and then decorate it with the rest of the fruit. In two hours, when the cake is sufficiently soaked, you can serve it with hot, fragrant tea. Enjoy your meal!

Biscuit dough makes incredibly tender and light desserts. If you try at least one recipe from those offered by us, you will see for yourself! Cooking a delicious cake is not only a matter of technique, the hostess's imagination is also of great importance. Experimenting with the filling, adding some one or another fruit, put the nuts - so you will find your perfect combination. We wish you success!

On the eve of the holiday, the topic of desserts is very relevant, so I offer you a simple, but very tasty fruit cake.

For the base of the fruit cake, we take the usual biscuit cake, only not from the store, but cooked with our own hands. A proven method of making biscuit, of course, will be given below. Sponge cake  with fruit came to replace Napoleon, Ryzhik, Bears, and other cakes from our Soviet past, and managed to catch the fancy of many sweet teeth.

In order to prepare a cake with fruit, you can use any fruit, or berries, but it is important to remember the traditional combinations so that there are no unpleasant surprises. The most important thing to keep in mind when making a biscuit cake with fruit is that all fruits should be soft and not stand out against the background of a gentle biscuit dough, and butter cream.

For fruit cake, the most suitable fruits and berries are banana, kiwi, soft pear, cantaloupe, strawberries, orange and mandarin pulp (without skin, and membranes), peach, apricot, canned or fresh pineapple. It is not advisable to use apples, fresh cherries and raspberries for a sponge cake with fruit.

So, to make a truly festive fruit cake, we need the following:


for sponge cake:

  • 6 eggs
  • sugar 250 gr
  • flour 250 gr

for filling:

  • cream 30% 500ml
  • banana 200 gr
  • strawberry 100 gr
  • kiwi 200 gr
  • pineapple (fresh or canned) 200 gr
  • canned peach 450 gr (one can)
  • gelatin 1 tsp
  • sugar 250 gr



Pre-cool the eggs, otherwise they will not scramble, and make an omelet. In a separate bowl to separate the whites from the yolks. Add a pinch of salt to the proteins, and begin to beat with a mixer until a fluffy foam is formed. Then, add one spoonful of sugar, and continue to beat until sugar is dissolved. Then, add yolks one at a time, and then, one spoonful gradually in the flour. Baking powder and soda are not needed here. Biscuit 100% get lush and high. Lubricate the form of sunflower oil, and sprinkle with flour, shift the dough, and send in a preheated to 180 degrees oven for 30-45 minutes.


Dilute gelatin in 20-30 ml. hot water. When cool, see that the icing was the consistency of liquid sour cream, but without lumps, so if necessary, add more water.


Pre-cut all the fruits. In my case, strawberries will go for decoration, so we cut it lengthwise, into thin plates, and peaches are usually diced. Beat cream with sugar. If there is no shop cream, you can safely use the cream from the market.

Cool the sponge cake and cut it in two pieces to put the fruit inside. But you can do it in my picture, using the form for, it will be so much easier, and you can make two layers. Spread a little cream on the sponge cake, then fruit (banana, kiwi, pineapple) on top of the cream, again on the fruit, and top with a second biscuit. If the cream turned out to be liquid, do not despair, just hold it for a while in the refrigerator. Next, decorate the cake on top with strawberries, and peaches, and pour with transparent icing.

That’s what I’ve got, I hope you’ve got your own original and unique sponge cake with fruit.