Cooking delicious chicken. What to cook from chicken

20.04.2019 Vegetable Dishes

Chicken meat has always been popular. Firstly, at its cost, chicken is available and can replace pork, lamb, and partly beef. And secondly, white meat is considered a dietary product, a source of protein, contains less fat. Let's see what can be cooked from chicken quickly in a frantic rhythm of our life.

What can be cooked from chicken

There is a huge number of amazing recipes from chicken, we will tell you about some of them that have passed our test and are prepared without much difficulty.

What can be cooked from a whole chicken

Share the recipe for baked chicken. The recipe is very easy, and the taste and aroma of the dish is excellent!

We will need:

  • whole chicken (choose the weight yourself),
  • garlic,
  • salt, spices.

What can be cooked from a chicken, taking it entirely? Usually in stores, chicken is sold already gutted. We can only wash it and cut the breast with a sharp knife along. That is, put the chicken on the back and make a cut from the neck to the bottom. Now turn on the oven so that it starts to warm up. And at this time we only lightly grease the baking sheet with vegetable oil (some do not do this at all, since the chicken lets out a lot of its juice) and sprinkle it with salt. Put the chicken on the pan with the cut breast down, pressing the chicken so that it spreads. Rub the top of the chicken right here with salt, spices, if any. Cut the garlic into large slices, make small cuts over the entire surface of the chicken and place the garlic in them. Garlic will be very easy to penetrate into the chicken. We put in the oven at an average level (t = 200 °). The chicken will cook about 40 minutes. Throughout this time, every 7-10 minutes, water the surface of the chicken with its own juice. The aroma throughout the apartment will be amazing, and the chicken itself - juicy and ruddy.

What to cook chicken fillet

We will need:

  • chicken fillet, slightly frozen,
  • 2 eggs,
  • bread crumbs or flour.

To prepare a chicken fillet it is necessary for the chicken fillet to be slightly frost-bitten. So we will be able to cut it into 2-3 pieces lengthwise (depending on the thickness of the piece). It is enough just to discard the obtained parts of the fillet, they will become even larger in size. Salt the chicken and pepper. Now we will break 2 eggs into one plate and start to beat them with a fork, and in the other we pour breadcrumbs or flour. Now the most important thing: roll each piece of chicken in an egg and flour. Put in a pan, greased with vegetable oil. Fry on one side for 5 minutes, and on the other as much. Surely, you will get more than one griddle, and the chicken will swell from the eggs and flour (crackers). It can be cut in half before serving. Tip: the dish turns out more delicious with breadcrumbs.

What delicious cook chicken yet?

This time you yourself can choose the part of the chicken from which you will cook. The main thing is to cut it into small pieces.

We will need:

  • chicken (500 gr),
  • potatoes (1 kg),
  • mayonnaise,
  • salt, spices, greens

Cut the chicken into small pieces, and cut the potatoes into thin circles. Marinate chicken pieces and potatoes in mayonnaise and spices, leave for a couple of hours. Then we spread chicken on a baking sheet, and potatoes on top of it. Put in a preheated oven. We bake at t = 180 °. Check from time to time to see if the potatoes have become soft. Then pour potatoes with vegetable oil and squeeze garlic on it. Simmer another 10 minutes. And at the end, if desired, you can sprinkle the potatoes with greens and cheese, turn on the oven to the maximum, to form a golden crust. Enjoy your meal!

Chicken is the most popular product in the bodybuilding diet. However, this does not mean that you have to gag dry chicken breast every day! We will share 7 secrets of cooking delicious, tasty and delicious chicken meat.

If you're a fan of fitness, the chicken is most likely a frequent visitor at your dinner table, and for good reason. It is an inexpensive, versatile, non-greasy food product that is quickly cooked, rich in protein and goes well with other dishes.

What more could you ask for? The only problem is that if you eat a chicken every day, it can get bored. Barbecue seasoning brings some variety, but only to a certain extent. Therefore, we decided to collect 7 tips on how to cook a chicken and make this basis of the diet much tastier.

1. Marinate the chicken.

To get rich flavor, season with seasoning, pickle chicken meat and refrigerate for 24 hours. The longer the chicken is in the marinade, the more it is soaked with delicious flavors.

To keep your meals as healthy as possible, pickle the chicken in fruit juice or chicken broth, not oil-based marinades.

Always keep the chicken in the fridge during pickling, even if you plan to pickle the chicken for no more than 30 minutes.

2. Use bright seasonings

Use bright seasonings, such as grated lemon zest, crushed hot peppers, fresh herbs, and add vinegar to give the chicken dishes new flavors without increasing their fat content.

Use fresh chopped garlic, thyme, oregano and basil in Italian recipes. To make Indian style chicken, marinate in coriander, turmeric, cardamom and bay leaves.

In Thai style chicken try adding cilantro, lime juice, ginger, coconut milk and lemongrass. Experiment with cumin and sage, finely chop the chilli or add chilli in powder form to get the flavors of real Mexico.

Try not to buy ready-made mixtures of spices and marinades, as they often contain flavor enhancers, artificial flavors and other undesirable ingredients.

3. Choose the right dishes

Fried chicken is very appetizing, but the passion for vegetable or butter leads to fullness. We suggest to refuse vegetable and animal fats due to the use of dishes with non-stick coating.

4. Bake no longer than necessary.

After perederav chicken in the oven, you can dramatically degrade its taste. To solve this problem, use a culinary thermometer that will tell you the best cooking mode. The internal temperature of whole chicken meat should reach 80 ° C, and chicken breasts should be cooked at a temperature of 75 ° C.

The second way to determine the degree of readiness is to pierce the thickest part of the meat and assess the transparency of the resulting juice. If the juice is clear and colorless (not pink), the chicken is ready.

Typically, the chicken is baked at an oven temperature of 170-190 ° for 15 minutes + 20 minutes for every 500 g of meat

5. Leave skin

If you cook a whole chicken, the skin is better to leave - the meat will be more juicy. The skin retains juice and aromas in meat and is easily separated after preparation.

You can also try rubbing chicken with spices under the skin. So when baking spices will not burn, and the meat will be more fragrant.

6. Use brine

One of the best ways to cook a very juicy, tender and flavorful chicken is considered to be soaked in salt water or brine. To make a good pickle, dissolve half a glass of salt and half a glass of cane sugar in 4-4.5 liters of water.

Completely immerse the chicken in the solution and immediately put it in the refrigerator. You can press the meat with something so that it is completely immersed in the brine. Let the meat drink in liquid for 3-12 hours.

This process makes the chicken more juicy, saturates the meat with flavors and reduces cooking time. It is important to understand that after seasoning in brine, chicken meat is cooked faster than without soaking, because water is a better conductor of heat than meat.

Salting makes chicken meat more succulent due to the filling of muscle cells with fluid, this process is called osmosis. The brine surrounding the cells is characterized by a higher salt concentration than the fluid inside the cells, but the intracellular fluid contains more other dissolved components.

This imbalance contributes to the penetration of salt ions into the cell by diffusion. An increase in the salt content in the cellular fluid leads to the fact that the cells absorb water from the brine by osmosis. Salt penetrating the cells also causes protein denaturation. Protein molecules coagulate (fold), forming complexes that absorb water and hold it in the process of preparation. All this protects the meat from drying out, or dehydration.

Before cooking, be sure to remove excess brine by washing the chicken in clean water and dry the meat with paper towels.

7. Rub with salt and sugar.

Another way to cook a delicious and tender chicken is to rub it with salt and sugar. For chicken breast, mix 1/3 cup of coarse salt and 1/3 cup of cane sugar with your favorite seasonings. An ideal chord will be both a tablespoon of ground black pepper and the same amount of paprika or red pepper.

Place the chicken in a large, hermetically sealed plastic bag, evenly rub it with a mixture of spices, salt and sugar, then tightly close the bag and put it in the refrigerator for 4-8 hours. It may be easier for you to use multiple packages.

Before cooking, thoroughly rinse the chicken breasts, remove the salt and sugar, and then blot them with paper towels. The meat is ready to cook.


Chicken is a great source of protein for any athlete. Having mastered the new recipes for the preparation of this fundamental product, you diversify your diet and learn how to prepare dishes that you want to return again and again.

Do not be afraid to experiment with different tastes. Chicken goes well with a variety of products and flavors, you only need to turn on the imagination and breathe new life into the chicken dishes. Enjoy your meal!

Chicken in Potatoes

This dish is prepared quite simply and quickly. Chicken in potatoes - this is a kind of zrazy with meat, only more tasty and healthy.

For the preparation of this dish requires chicken breast, potatoes, cheese, flour, egg, herbs, salt and pepper.

Initially, it should be finely chopped greens and mix it with grated cheese. Next, the chicken breast is cut into small thin slices, which should be fried in a skillet for 5 minutes. Salt and pepper the meat during frying.

While chicken breast is fried, you need to peel potatoes and grate it. Grated potatoes are mixed with flour, egg and salt.

Grated potatoes are evenly distributed on a pre-heated pan. To avoid burning, add more sunflower oil. Ideally, the oil should completely cover the potatoes.

When the potatoes are fully roasted on one side, they should be turned over. One half of the potato pancake is laid out meat, which must be sprinkled with grated cheese with herbs.

After about 3 minutes, when the potato pancake is fully fried, cover the meat with its free part and lightly crush it with a spatula.

Tomato Chicken

The preparation of this tasty and flavorful dish begins with a sauce, which requires the following products:

 tomatoes;

 garlic;

 pepper;

 coriander.

Tomatoes must be peeled and scalded with boiling water. After that, they should either be grated or chopped in a blender. Grated garlic, ground pepper, coriander seeds and greens are added to the resulting tomato paste.

After cooking the sauce, it is necessary to cut the raw chicken into small pieces. Instead of a whole chicken, you can use ham or wings. Cut chicken tightly folds into pots for baking and poured sauce.
Pots, tightly covered with a lid, put in the oven for about 40 minutes. To prepare this dish, instead of pots, you can use ordinary glass jars covered with saucers.

Chicken ham in sour cream

Despite the fact that chicken ham, baked in sour cream, is prepared very simply, this dish is able to decorate any celebration.

First, you need to chop the onion in half rings and place it on a baking sheet in a tight row. Next, chicken hams are cut into two pieces and placed on top of the onion. Chicken legs must also be laid in a tight, even carpet, otherwise they will lose their juiciness during the cooking process.
After that, half a liter of sour cream should be diluted with water and add garlic, salt and pepper. Ready sauce is spread on chicken. Then, the chicken is baked in the oven for 30-40 minutes. If desired, a few minutes before the dish is ready, you can sprinkle with grated cheese and fresh herbs.

Czech Chicken

In the Czech Republic, carrots and onions are usually added to any meat dishes. In ancient times, the Czechs believed that consuming meat, onions and carrots, a person receives all the necessary trace elements, so no disease threatens him.

To cook a chicken according to the Czech recipe, you must cut the meat into small pieces and sprinkle it with plenty of spices. While the meat is soaked with spices, the carrots are rubbed on the grater, and the onion is shredded in half rings.
Next, onions and carrots are fried in a frying pan with a small addition of sunflower oil. When the carrots are fully fried and onions become golden in color, vegetables are added to the pan with chicken meat. In this case, the vegetables should completely cover the chicken.
To make the finished dish juicy and appetizing, add half a glass of water to the saucepan. After that, tightly closing the pan with a lid, the meat is put in the oven for 10 minutes.
After baking, pieces of chicken are fried in a pan, and then mixed again with vegetables. While roasting chicken in the oven, thick broth will appear in the pan, which Czech chefs use to make soup.

Chicken with sweet sauce

Chicken with sweet sauce is most often cooked in China. Through a combination of ingredients such as honey, garlic and onions, chicken meat gets an unusual savory taste.

The following ingredients are required to make this recipe:

 chicken fillet;

 sweet pepper;

 garlic;

 carrot.

Also, this recipe includes cooking the sauce, which is prepared from the following products:

 soy sauce;

 vinegar;

 starch.

First of all, chicken meat should be separated from the bone, and then cut into thin strips. After that, the meat is poured on soy sauce for about 10 minutes. After the meat has absorbed the sauce, it must be cooked over low heat.
At this time, you should cut the carrot into straws and add it to the meat. When chicken and carrots are almost cooked, they should add starch diluted in half a glass of cold water.
Next, finely chopped garlic, honey and vinegar are added to the products. After that, onion and chopped pepper are added to the ingredients.

During frying products must be intensively stirred. A few minutes before being ready, you should loosen the fire and give the dish a bit later. In total, the whole cooking process takes about 40 minutes.

If the finished dish is too sweet, you can add a little vinegar to the sauce. Chicken with sweet sauce served hot. As a side dish is best to use rice.

Baked chicken

Fragrant baked chicken can make any holiday table truly chic. To make the dish especially tasty and juicy, experienced chefs recommend holding chicken in water with 3 tablespoons of salt before cooking.

About an hour later, the chicken must be removed and dried with a paper towel.

After that, you need to take a half-liter bottle of beer and remove labels from it. About half of the liquid is poured from the bottle, and then a small amount of dry spices is added.

The chicken is completely put on the bottle and placed on a baking sheet. The dish should be baked for an hour. Best of all, the chicken will bake at a temperature of 220 degrees, but if the top starts to redden quickly, the bird will need to be covered with foil.

The finished chicken is cut into pieces and served with any side dish.