Pork ears. Ear from the head and tail of salmon

14.05.2019 Bakery products

Pork ears according to the classification of meat by category are classified as by-products. As you know, pork is loved by everyone, because it is cooked quickly and easily, and the stomach is perceived better than the same beef. But the attitude of various peoples to such a pork offal, as the ears, is ambiguous. There is even an opinion that such a product is intended only for people who cannot afford to buy meat and therefore have to buy by-products.

But this is not at all the case. Pork ears are considered, if not a delicacy, then quite nutritious and useful product and dishes from them are present in many national cuisines.

This animal product does not need special characteristics. However, it should be noted that the "true" pig ears do not have an additional component in the form of the so-called skin-fat "septum". Although many sellers are not in a hurry to separate each ear from the adjacent snout skin. After all, even it always has its own consumer.

Often these ears are held in high esteem by the majority of Slavic ethnic groups (Belarusians, Russians, Ukrainians, Czechs, Lithuanians). For example, no Belarusian wedding can do without a pork ears dish. Because they are considered a symbol of respect for all those gathered.

But interesting is the fact that pig ears are a delicious food in the Philippines, Korea, China and Germany.

Useful properties and composition of pork ears

No matter how skeptical people are about pork ears, they are no less rich in the mass of vitamins and minerals necessary for humans, usually calculated per 100 g of product:

  • Saturated fatty acids;
  • Water (almost 62 g);
  • Small amount of ash (up to 1 g);
  • Vitamins PP, group B (thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, pantothenic acid, folate, cobalamin), niacin;
  • Selenium, manganese, zinc, copper, phosphorus, iron, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iodine (or rather, the most important for the body of their salts).

The total caloric content of 100 g of pork ears (the weight of one ear is approximately 300 grams) varies from 210 to 240 calories.

Regarding the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, the situation is ambiguous. Some argue that there is a carbohydrate component in pig ears, others deny this fact. In any case, the standard energy ratio b / f / y is considered to be 38% / 58% / 1% (sometimes 0% is given for carbohydrates).

The benefits of pig ears

Often, animal offal is considered insignificant and even simply throw them away. But pork ears, whatever one may say, are part of the pork carcass, the meat of which is valued in the world cuisine for its beneficial properties. Thus, the ears went over the benefits, so ignoring them in the diet is not at all correct.

So, pig ears:

  • They consist of cartilage tissue and contain a large amount of calcium, necessary for strengthening the human skeletal system;
  • With additional introduction to the diet will help in the treatment of joint injuries and prevention of osteochondrosis;
  • Contribute to the regulation of metabolic processes in the body due to the presence in them of 60% protein;
  • Collagen supports skin elasticity, helps to rejuvenate and smooth wrinkles;
  • The almost complete absence of fat can be attributed to low-calorie foods;
  • Vitamin B2, which is actively involved in redox processes, increases the susceptibility of the visual analyzer to the surrounding color scheme and dark adaptation, improving the condition of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • Available vitamin B6 supports immunity, normalizes the central nervous system, activates the metabolism of tryptophan, lipids and nucleic acids, has a beneficial effect on the formation of red blood cells and maintaining the level of the amino acid homocysteine ​​in the blood (usually increases in pregnant women, can lead to the emergence and aggravation of cardiovascular diseases);
  • Contribute (due to the content of vitamin B12) to improve blood formation, metabolism and transformation of amino acids;
  • In some people, they increase the appetite (it all depends on the method of preparation).

But seriously, many doctors consider this product to be an excellent natural substitute for expensive overseas vitamin and mineral pills.

Pig ears will benefit the athletes, teenagers and all those people who experience regular heavy physical exertion. Ears allow you to recuperate, raise your mood and improve brain activity.

This product is ideal for the prevention and treatment of diseases associated with joints and bones. Due to the large amount of collagen, a positive effect not only on the skin, but hair and nails.

Pork Ears in Cooking

Pork ears can be boiled, fried, smoked, stewed. It does not seem strange, but even rolls with pork ears are prepared. There are many ways to make this by-product.

If there is no need to put dishes from pork ears on the festive table and everyone's viewing, then the best thing is a well-washed and peeled product, cut into pieces, cook or stew with the addition of bay leaf and black (peas) pepper, and then use in its natural form.

True, many cooks prefer to serve smoked and fried ears along with tomato and soy sauce as an excellent snack for beer. You can bake sliced ​​ear strips in a similar sauce in the oven (it will also be tasty, although less useful).

In order to give the ears a distinct aroma, it is customary to marinate them like regular pork for kebabs.

There are dishes where the ears are stuffed, added to salads or act as herring in the preparation of a special "cheese coat".

Some gourmets believe that the ears, previously soaked in cold water, cleaned and poured over with boiling water, should be served only in a fresh, raw variation.

Watch the video about the beneficial properties of pigs and how to prepare them.

Possible harm

Despite the maximum number of beneficial qualities of pig ears, they are strongly not recommended to use for people suffering from:

Abnormal liver function;

Gallbladder disease;

Low acidity of the stomach.

Do not eat pork ears to those who are allergic to pork due to individual intolerance.

You should be especially careful with spicy dishes made from pork ears, such as in Korean, smoked especially for people with chronic illnesses.

Do not include ears and baby food, so as not to cause irritation of the stomach in a child and the appearance of an allergic reaction.

Table of the nutritional value of pig ears per 100 grams of product (fresh)

Ukha is a traditional Russian first dish. In ancient times, any first dishes were called soup, regardless of what they were cooked on the basis of. Starting from the 18th century, the fish soup begins to be called the first dish, prepared exclusively on the basis of fish.

In modern cooking, the ear is considered a unique fish dish. Depending on the method of preparation and its contents, this dish is classified into various types. There are many recipes for this dish, which allows you to significantly diversify the diet of any person.

Calorie soup

Ear refers to the average calorie dishes. Its energy value is on average 72 kcal. The most high-calorie ear is considered with dumplings or pies - 85 kcal.

The nutritional value of such first courses is quite high. Most of it is occupied by proteins, since the main raw material for cooking fish soup is of various varieties. The ratio of basic nutrients has the following average:

  • Protein - 10.5 g
  • Fat - 1.7 g
  • Carbohydrates - 2.9 g.

The energy and nutritional value of the soup directly depends on the type of fish used for its preparation and other additional ingredients in the form of vegetables and spices.

Good soup

Ear is one of the main sources of aliphatic monobasic carboxylic acids of various groups and numerous minerals. Therefore, its usefulness to the body is to improve the condition and functionality of the organs of the central nervous system, including the brain.

The level of “harmful” cholesterol contained in the blood also decreases, and the functional action of the organs of the cardiovascular and nervous systems is normalized. The high content of iodine in the composition of marine fish species contributes to the saturation of the body, which has a positive effect on the functionality of the organs of the endocrine system.

Hurt soup

Ear treats dietary dishes, which speaks of its high usefulness to the body. That is why a fresh dish made from high-quality fish is absolutely harmless. Nutritionists warn that the only restriction for eating fish soup may be the presence of individual intolerance to fish products.

Ear for me Volzhanka - one of my favorite first courses. From my childhood I tried a real fish soup cooked both on a fire and at home. The taste of Volga fish soup is excellent.

It is prepared in different ways, but its useful properties are stored in each.

The ear cooked on a fire is especially good. With the added flavor of haze, this first course has a delicious taste.

Someone likes to add to the ear cereal, and some do not perceive it.

We often cook fish soup on the nature of a large company. We have one big lover of soup with cereals. Under whatever circumstances they would not cook this wonderful dish with him, he would find the moment to add a handful of cereal in his ear.

And how does it manage to do this? Then the storm of indignations follows, but nevertheless the ear is eaten with a bang. It is funny to tears!

What is useful ear?

Ukha is a delicious first course. The benefits of first courses are clear, namely:

  1. calorie lower than that of saturated main courses.
  2. Quickly digested
  3. improve digestion
  4. restore fluid balance in the body
  5. nourish and warm
  6. strengthen after illness

How to cook fish soup from the river

In principle, fish soup from any fish can be prepared according to this recipe. The traditional ear is boiled from several types of fish. It has a unique taste and aroma.

Small fish ruff, perch, roach gut. Cooking soup begins with the decoction of this small fish.

They give the dish a sweetish pleasant taste.

After the small fish was boiled. Broth strain. If you want to clarify the fat using a couple of egg white.

A saucepan with a fat set on the fire, put into it pieces of large fish: perch, pike, starlet.

Add a little potato, cut into small pieces, carrots, put it whole or cut into ringlets, onions.

After 20 minutes, enter for flavor put pepper, laurel, salt to taste.

Greens are added: a bunch of greens is finely chopped and sprinkled into the finished dish.

It is better to put the greens right in the portion plate.

After cooking, the ear should stand for about an hour.

The ear is nourishing and excellent. Having tried once, you will love this great dish!

Red fish soup

I often make salmon soup. Salmon is useful for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, strengthening of blood vessels and capillaries, the normalization of cholesterol in the blood, improving cerebral circulation. The nutrients of the fish have a beneficial effect on the thyroid and protect our nerves.

Fish contains Omega 3 polyunsaturated acids, as well as selenium, which slows down the aging of the body.

Preparation of fish for cooking

Fish scale, remove the gills, cut fins, cut into small pieces. Gut if required. Rinse in cold water and dry.

Let's start the process of cooking fragrant salmon soup

For a tasty salmon soup, we need

water - 2 liters

salmon - 400 - 500 gr

potatoes a few pieces to your taste. For lovers of thicker soup, add as much as you like, and more liquid - 2 pcs is enough.

Carrot 1 pc

onion 1 pc

Necessary spices are peppercorns and laurel.

Green parsley, onion, dill.

We salt to taste and your desire.

  • Put a pot of water on the stove.
  • We clean, cut or chop vegetables as you are used to.
  • Put all vegetables in boiling water
  • we cook minutes not for long about 10-15 minutes
  • put in the pan pieces of cooked fish
  • cook with fish for 25 minutes
  • chop the greens, I often add a part of it to the ear before the end of boiling in 5 minutes. I put the second part of greens on the table and each seasoning the dish with her own taste.
  • Add spices: black pepper peas, salt, bay leaf.

After cooking, I let all the ingredients connect closer, let the ear stand on the stove for about 40-50 minutes.

It remains to cook plates, put a piece of fish in each, add a pair of ladle fragrant soup.

Enjoy your meal!

Let the food be on your table not only tasty, but also useful.

Fish first courses are used by nutritionists for weight loss, treatment and prevention of various diseases around the world.

Let the fish be prepared by you so that you will lick your fingers. Then even those who from Soviet times remember the fish days in every dining room will love her.

I guarantee this to you. Verified by personal experience.

I wish you delicious healthy dishes on your table. Let the principles of proper nutrition underlie them, contribute to a comprehensive health promotion, lead to a slim figure, perfect well-being for many years.

Galina Tarasova

Among the first courses a special place is occupied by fish soup, better known as fish soup. Fans of fish dishes constantly argue about which dish deserves an honorary title, and which is fish soup. How many people, so many opinions, we will take as an axiom that any first dish made from fish is our favorite Usha. Simply, there is a huge number of variations of its preparation, the ear can be prepared from crucian carp, carp and other representatives of the ichthyofauna - this is “black”, and if sturgeon or salmon were used to make it, then it is called “red”. For a long time, great attention was paid to cooking fish soup, and some species cooked for several days, adding waterfowl to non-different varieties. In any case, it is tasty and healthy, and the question of how many calories in the ear may not bother lovers of healthy eating.

Beneficial features

The soup is often prepared from sea fish, it is perfectly complemented by the flavors of the sea, while the sea fish gives the dish not only unforgettable taste notes, it is very useful and affects many vital processes in the human body. The iodine contained in it normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland, and phosphorus improves the nervous system and contributes to increased efficiency. The main property of it is the presence of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in it, normalizing the work of the cardiovascular system and capable of removing excess cholesterol from the body. Any fish also contains a large amount of valuable fat, while fish soup is considered dietary and is often included in the diet.

Calorie content

They say that it is necessary to eat the food that is found where you live, so for many it will be important to answer the question of how many calories in the ear of river fish. It is difficult to give an unambiguous answer to this question, but on average it is 46 kcal per 100 grams of product. In this connection, I would like to know how many calories in the ear are from a pike, since its popularity in Russia is huge. The calorie content of pike soup is also not high and does not exceed 50 kilocalories per 100 grams.

Soup made from carp and crucian carp, which in some regions is considered weed fish, is also incredibly tasty and healthy, and the calorie content of the dish made from carp, crucian carp, and pikeperch is different. These are 58, 40 and 45 kcal per 100 grams, respectively. Pike-perch, which is highly respected by cooks, is often used for cooking first courses. It is made of, among other things, an excellent fish soup. Despite the ambiguous attitude of people to the silver carp, it is often used for cooking soup and the calorie content of silver carp soup is not high - only 45 kcal.

Now I wanted to consider the "red" variety, made from noble varieties of fish. First of all, we are interested in how many calories in fish soup with salmon, from trout. These are different in fat content varieties of fish, so the calorie content of fish salmon, trout, and pink salmon is 70, 38 and 48 kcal per 100 grams of dish, respectively. Today, trout are caught everywhere, even in the Moscow region ponds, and this product can be called dietary. and even a soup of pink salmon is a few calories.

Now that you know how many calories are in the ear from the pink salmon and in the soup made on the basis of other varieties of fish, it remains to find out how many calories in the ear are from saury and cod, from canned food. Saury itself is oily and has a peculiar taste, and the soup from it “weighs” approximately 55 kcal, while the cod product contains no more than 40 calories.

Any fisherman will throw a stone in our garden, when we will tell you that the ushits are cooked from canned food, and you need to know how much it “weighs” at least for informational purposes. The main advantage of this fish soup is its quick cooking, and the caloric content depends on what fish it is cooked from. On average, it is 50 kcal per 100 grams, but when buying canned food you need to be careful, as it sometimes contains a lot of harmful additives.