Strawberry jelly recipe without gelatin. Strawberry Jelly Recipe

15.05.2019 Buffet table

Tasty and fragrant strawberries are a favorite treat of many adults and children. This berry, as a symbol of summer, is saturated with the aromas of ripe earth and is baked with the rays of the gentle sun. Perhaps the longing for the past summer days is the reason why strawberry harvesting is popularly popular? After all, this berry does not completely lose its aroma or taste during heat treatment.

One of the most popular recipe recipes is strawberry jelly. It is not at all difficult to cook it, it is well stored, but the main advantage of this delicacy is that it can turn any frosty winter evening into a real holiday.

Jelly Berries

Ideally, only the most beautiful fruits are used for preservation. But strawberry jelly, the recipe of which involves mashed potatoes, can be prepared from almost any berry. The only condition is the lack of immature and rotten.

The collected berries must be very carefully scrutinized, discarded all unformat, tear stalks.

Method for making jelly

Everyone knows that making jelly is a simple matter. It is enough to mix berry syrup or juice with swollen gelatin and sugar and send to congeal. In just a few hours, you can enjoy a delicious dessert. Another thing is strawberry jelly for the winter. It should be not only tasty and beautiful, but also stand for at least a few months. Because cooking technology has its own nuances.

And yet, there is nothing complicated. Any hostess with at least minimal experience in preparing home-made preparations can cope with this dish. So, prepare delicious strawberry jelly.

Recipe for the winter:

  • berries - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • gelatin - 40 g.


From the prepared berries we make mashed potatoes. It is best to use a blender. Pour sugar and let it stand for a while, so that its crystals dissolve and the berries let juice. At this time, steam the gelatin in a small amount of hot water.

Mix gelatin with mashed berry, mix thoroughly, put on a small fire. While our future jelly is boiling, do not forget to stir it.

Thoroughly wash and sterilize the jars in which our strawberry jelly will be stored, the recipe of which does not contain any artificial preservatives.

We must remove the foam from the berry brew. When it boils, cook another 2-3 minutes, stirring occasionally. After that, you can pour it into banks.

It is advisable to keep the jars in a water bath or sterilize in the oven. Then definitely there will be no problems with the safety of the workpiece.

Cooking Use and Serving

To do this, it is best to use a silicone mold, then the cake will be easier to get. This dish can be the highlight of the program, for example, at a birthday party or at a beach party.

Gourmet Strawberry Jelly Treats

There are many gourmet dishes that use strawberry jelly in the recipe. The tops of cheese-cakes are poured over them, tartlets are filled, decorations for cakes are made. Some chefs add alcohol to its composition and use pieces of such jelly to make cocktails.

Many of these dishes require certain skills, but there are some that any housewife can handle. Try to cook, guests will be delighted!

For example, a dessert made from ripe strawberries, which is used as a base for filling jelly. In this dessert, an increased amount of gelatin is used (1.5 tbsp. L. For 2 cups of liquid) so that the strawberry-cups keep their shape. For cooking, berry juice or broth is used.

You can decorate the dish with powdered sugar and small pieces of lime.

A variety of goodies can be prepared from summer strawberries.

For example, strawberry jelly. This is a very light and fantastically delicious dessert that can be enjoyed in both summer and winter.

It will take a minimum of time to cook, and even a beginner will cope with recipes. Ready strawberry jelly can be served with tea or used as a component of sweet pastries.

Strawberry jelly - general principles of preparation

The main component of the dessert is ripe strawberries. You can even use mashed and not very beautiful berries. Jelly assumes a homogeneous consistency, in which taste and aroma come first, rather than preserving the shape of the berries.

Strawberries need to be freed from green tails, washed with cold water and dried on a dry paper or cloth towel. Depending on the recipe, the berry is cut into slices, squeezed juice or used whole.

The essence of the recipe is extremely simple: mix the berry mass and juice with swollen gelatin. It is this component that gives the delicacy a characteristic consistency. Some recipes allow you to cook jelly without any gelatin. In this case, for thickening the mass, for example, natural apple pectin or agar agar is used.

Additional components of jelly are sugar, water. If jelly is prepared for the winter, sterile jars will be required. For sterilization, steam from boiling water or oven heat is used. You need to cool the sealed jars in the same way as any hot workpiece: turn down the lid, cover with a thick old blanket, blanket, fur coat, etc.

Strawberry Jelly "Pleasure"

The simplest traditional version of strawberry jelly does not require a large number of ingredients. The taste is amazing, the texture is tender with the inclusion of pieces of berry. And the aroma just drives crazy strawberry lovers!


Three glasses of strawberries;

A tablespoon of gelatin powder;

Half a glass of sugar;

One and a half glasses of hot water;

Half a glass of cold boiling water.

Cooking method:

Pour gelatin powder with cold water and leave to swell for half an hour.

Wash, dry and split the strawberries in two.

Arrange half the whole berries in portioned bowls. Very large specimens can be cut into 2-4 parts.

Cut the other half of the strawberries into small pieces and squeeze the juice out of them.

Put the remaining pulp into a small saucepan.

Pour in hot water.

Bring to a boil, reduce heat and boil for about five minutes.

Strain the mixture through a fine sieve.

Pour juice into it, add swollen gelatin and sugar.

Heat over low heat, avoiding boiling and stirring.

When the gelatin has dissolved, remove the solution from the heat and let it cool.

Pour the cooled juice over prepared portioned containers and refrigerate until the jelly solidifies.

When serving, remove the jelly from the bowl, turning it on a plate.

Garnish with mint leaves.

Strawberry Jelly Winter Fairy

It’s very easy to make strawberry jelly for the winter. It will take only three ingredients and a few cans.


A kilogram of granulated sugar;

A kilogram of berries;

Twenty grams of gelatin.

Cooking method:

Put prepared berries in a glass or enamel bowl.

To fill up with sand.

Mash the strawberries and sugar with a crush.

Transfer to a saucepan and put on a slow fire.

When the strawberry juice boils, turn off the fire, remove the pan.

Wait for the mass to cool.

Repeat heating again and after the jam has boiled, remove it from the heat.

Soak gelatin with water according to instructions.

Heat the cooled berry mass a third time, put the swollen gelatin, mix everything and turn off the heat.

Without letting the jelly cool, put it in jars, seal and cool.

Strawberry Jelly "Love"

Fantastically gentle whipped strawberry jelly is one of the options for winter preparations. It is very easy to cook. In winter, such a jar can be brought as a small but very tasty presentation.


A kilogram of strawberries;

A glass of sugar;

Twenty grams of gelatin powder.

Cooking method:

Make mashed potatoes from berries.

Put the strawberry mass into the pan.

Fall asleep with sugar.

Add gelatin, mix.

Turn on a small fire.

Heat the mass, constantly stirring with a spoon to dissolve sugar and gelatin.

If foam forms on the surface, it must be removed.

After boiling, boil the jelly for about five minutes, stirring constantly.

Turn off the fire.

Pour jelly hot in jars.

In addition, hold in a water bath, cork and cool.

Store in the cold.

Winter strawberry jelly with apples

This variant of strawberry jelly is prepared without gelatin. To make the mass of the desired consistency, quite a lot of apples are added to it.


A kilogram of strawberries;

A pound of apples;

A kilogram of white sugar.

Cooking method:

Prepare strawberries in the usual way.

Wash apples, peel and core.

Mashed berries and apples separately.

Mix berry and fruit puree, put in a pan.

Cover everything with sugar and heat over medium heat while stirring.

When the mixture boils, boil it over low heat until the jelly thickens. Stir constantly, so as not to burn.

Arrange the hot mass in jars, seal, cool.

Strawberry Jelly Gourmand

Not only fresh strawberries can become the basis of jelly. You can also prepare a treat from strawberry jam, if in winter you really want to treat yourself or your child with a wonderful treat.


Two hundred grams of strawberry jam;

One hundred grams of sugar;

Three glasses of water;

25 grams of gelatin powder.

Cooking method:

Pour a portion of cold water into gelatin grains according to the instructions and leave alone for an hour.

Dilute a portion of jam with hot water, strain the resulting fruit juice.

Remove the berries on a plate.

Add sugar to the syrup, put on fire and wait for it to boil.

As soon as the syrup boils, remove it from the heat and cool a little.

Dissolve the swollen grains of gelatin on a fire, but do not allow to boil. Stir constantly so that the gelatin blooms better and does not burn.

Pour the gelatin solution into the syrup which has cooled down to 50 ° С, mix.

At the bottom of the molds put the strawberries from the jam and pour the gelatin mixture.

Put for several hours in the cold so that the gelatin freezes.

Put on serving plates, decorate and serve.

Strawberry Jelly “A Little Romance”

A pleasant romantic date is an occasion to prepare a special treat for your lover. You can, of course, serve fresh strawberries for champagne. But it is much more interesting to demonstrate not only your romance, but also a hint of culinary talent. In the end, all wise women know what the path to a man’s heart goes through.


Three hundred grams of strawberries;

Slice of lemon;

Two tablespoons of sugar;

A tablespoon of gelatin;

A glass of brutus or semisweet champagne.

Cooking method:

Cut the washed and dried berries into large pieces, halves or quarters.

Sprinkle slices of berry juice with lemon wedges.

Fall asleep with sugar, leave for half an hour alone.

Soak gelatin in cold water and also leave for half an hour.

Mix the juice released from strawberries with gelatin in a saucepan, pour champagne and heat over low heat until the gelatin blooms.

Pour a little gelatin base onto the bottom of the pan or bowl and cool to solidification.

Spread strawberry slices over frozen jelly and pour over the remaining solution.

Put in the refrigerator for freezing.

Strawberry Jelly with agar-agar

Gentle and very easy to make strawberry jelly - a gift for vegetarians. Instead of gelatin, a beautiful plant thickener agar-agar is used here. Sugar is not indicated in the recipe, but if it is not comfortable without it or the strawberries are acidic, you can add it to taste.


Three hundred grams of strawberries;

A teaspoon of agar agar.

Cooking method:

Prepare strawberries, and then mashed with a conventional or submersible blender.

Pour agar-agar powder with water for half an hour, then dissolve on fire and boil for about ten minutes.

Pour agar-agar into the strawberry mass, mix.

If the jelly seems thick, you can add a little water to it.

Remove the jelly from the strawberries for half an hour in the refrigerator.

Serve the finished jelly, decorating it as desired.

Jelly from strawberries and raspberries "Summer Duet"

It is very tasty to combine strawberries with other berries. A wonderful couple will be her garden girlfriend - raspberries.


Two hundred grams of strawberries;

Two hundred grams of raspberries;

Three tablespoons of white sugar;

A generous tablespoon of gelatin (instant);

Two glasses of water.

Cooking method:

Bring the water to a boil, put clean berries in it and boil the compote for ten minutes.

Strain, leave the whole berries to set aside.

Add sugar to the broth, you can pour a spoonful of lemon juice for taste.

While stirring, dissolve the sugar.

Add gelatin immediately and dissolve it.

Seize the solution, pour into molds, adding whole berries.

Refrigerate for 3 hours.

    A wonderful, but modest-looking strawberry jelly requires a mandatory decor. You can decorate it not only with fresh mint leaves, but also with whipped cream, powdered sugar, slices of strawberries. Very tasty and unusual serving - put transparent slices of the most delicate cream cheese on top of the jelly.

    Strawberry jelly prepared for the winter is a great idea for sweet sandwiches, toppings for cakes and pies. It is very tasty to add jelly to the cottage cheese, porridge or serve it with pancakes and pancakes.

    To easily remove the jelly from the molds, the container needs to be immersed in hot water for just a few seconds, and then quickly turn it over to a serving plate.

A light summer dessert can easily be prepared in the winter. To do this, we simply replace fresh strawberries with frozen ones.  Fortunately, they are now sold in any normal supermarket.

The classic recipe for a great dessert. He is very popular with children and almost all adults.

You will need:

  • 330 g strawberries
  • 50 g sugar
  • 500 milliliters of boiling water
  • 20 g of gelatin
  • 100 milliliters of cold purified or boiled water

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the fruits with non-hot water.
  2. Then put in a volumetric dish and pour sugar there. Let the berries stand for 30 minutes in a warm place.
  3. Sort the strawberries when it thaws a little, pour boiling water over it and grind it with mashed potato using a blender.
  4. Then fill the gelatin with cold water and let stand ten minutes. Then heat it over low heat to completely dissolve the granules, while constantly stirring the mass.
  5. Mix the resulting solution with grated fruits, mix thoroughly and leave for several minutes so that it cools slightly. Then pour into the molds and place in the refrigerator. After a few hours, you can enjoy an excellent culinary masterpiece.

Jelly with mint

You will need:

  • 500 gr. berries
  • Bag of dried gelatin
  • 3 cups boiled water
  • for decoration - fresh mint
  • 100 gr. Sahara

How to cook:

You can make jelly from frozen strawberries according to another recipe.

  1. Take a bag of berries from the freezer and rinse with warm water. Then put them in a colander and let the excess water drain.
  2. Set aside a few fruits for decoration. Grind the rest of it in a mortar, or wipe with a sieve. Next, let the juice stand out and then pour it into a separate bowl.
  3. Pour the pulp with 2 cups of boiled water and place on the stove. When it boils, add sugar and boil until the granules are completely dissolved. Then remove the dishes from the heat and let the broth cool down a bit.
  4. In the meantime, dilute dry gelatin in a glass of cold water and leave for two hours. Then dissolve it in a water bath, but do not bring to a boil, stirring constantly.
  5. Now strain the hardened berry solution with gauze, pour in the juice and, stirring, add the gelatin mixture.
  6. Prepare silicone molds, pour cold water over them, put the berry mass on the bottom and fill them with the prepared mixture. Then put the dessert in the refrigerator to let it cool.

Immediately before serving, dip the jelly forms into hot water (for a few seconds) and place the contents on a plate. Garnish this magnificent dessert with fresh mint leaves.

Dessert is ready! Be sure to please your loved ones with this dessert!

Strawberry Jelly Video Recipe

When the thermometer outside the window seeks to break temperature records and has nothing to breathe, the body stubbornly refuses food - it only needs water. Favorite strawberry jelly made from natural ingredients at home according to a simple recipe - an ideal treat in the hot summer season. It is being made, as they say, in a hurry, and most importantly, what is needed to get a healthy dessert is fresh fragrant berries grown without “chemistry”.

The secrets of delicious jelly for large and small sweet tooth

  • It is unlikely that anyone will be surprised to learn that the beloved by many strawberry jelly at home is made on the basis of gelatin. Despite the natural origin of the thickener, it is better not to abuse it. Putting it too much, in the end we get something resembling rubber. In addition, an excessive amount of a gelatin base will give it a not-so-pleasant specific taste.
  • Too sweeten homemade "jelly" is also not worth it - the natural taste of the main summer berry will be lost. If the treat turned out to be unsweetened, popsicles rich in sucrose will help correct the situation.
  • The most fragrant jelly is obtained from fresh strawberries grown in their own personal plot.

Classic step by step recipe for strawberry jelly


  •   - 300 g + -
  •   - 50 g + -
  • Granular gelatin  - 1 tbsp + -
  •   - 500 ml + -
  •   - 100 ml + -

How to make tasty and healthy strawberry jelly at home

  1. Since we are dealing with ground berries, before sending them to a blender, they need to be cleaned of sand, dirt and stalks, and then washed and dried on a towel.
  2. Pour the prepared strawberries with “cool” boiling water and with it we chop it with a blender into a smoothie, sweetened. It should not have a single berry clot to make our dessert tender and tasty.
  3. For gelatin to dissolve, it must be poured with water at room temperature and allowed to stand for about 10 minutes.
  4. Then we send the gelatin solution container to the water bath and keep it so, constantly stirring the contents.
  5. Put the dissolved gelatin in the berry puree and mix. Then it remains only to put the semi-finished jelly in creamers and send it in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.

The readiness indicator for jelly from pureed or blended strawberries - even with strong shaking, it remains stationary. Serve it with balls of berry ice cream or fresh berries.

Not all children love to eat fruit, but many "bad guys" love fruit and berry juices. They will be happy to eat homemade jelly desserts. Yes, and mother, having made this useful treat for the kids, will be able to enjoy it without worrying about its calorie content.

In 100 g of marmalade goodies - an average of 50 kcal, depending on the juices used.


  • Fresh strawberry fresh - 1.5 cups;
  • Banana juice - 1.5 cups;
  • Food gelatin in granules - 15 g.

How to make Strawberry Double Layer Jelly

  1. We take a small stainless container, pour juice from strawberries without pulp into it, add half of the prepared gelatin granules, mix well and leave for 15 minutes.
  2. Then we place the container with juice on the stove, turn on the minimum fire, and warm, without stopping interfering, to 40C. Once the granules are completely dissolved, remove the saucepan from the heat. Strawberry jelly is almost ready - you just need to let it cool, pour into portioned bowls and leave it in the cold for 2 hours.
  3. In the same way we make "jelly" and from a banana fresh. After another 2 hours, strawberry jelly with banana juice will be ready with such a simple recipe!

The appearance on the festive table of homemade "jelly" made of sour cream with berry intersperses always causes a sensation among guests and is eaten at the moment. Making it is as simple as desserts from previous recipes.

The fatter the sour cream, the tastier the treat. It is better to take dense berries so that when cut, the pieces remain intact. The amount of sugar varies to taste.


  • Large strawberries - 200 g;
  • Homemade sour cream - 250 ml;
  • White sugar - 3 tbsp .;
  • Hot purified water - 1 cup;
  • Gelatin granules - 2 tbsp.

How deliciously jelly is made from strawberries and sour cream

  1. Sour cream should be taken out of the refrigerator at least an hour before the start of cooking. A product that is too cold will not be able to absorb the gelatin component, and it will form lumps.
  2. Now you need to dissolve the gelatin granules. Pour them with boiling water, stir and leave for 15-20 minutes.
  3. We wash strawberries, remove the green pedicels, collect moisture from it with a paper towel, divide the large berries into halves or quarters, and leave the small ones intact.
  4. Pour sugar in sour cream and beat with a mixer until the sweet crystals dissolve. Add the gelatin water, which we pre-filter with gauze, berry slices, mix everything, put the dessert in small bowls in portions and send it to the cold for 2 hours.

Light refreshing dessert with low calorie content is very relevant with the summer heat. Knowing how to make delicious strawberry jelly with your own hands, you can endlessly experiment with a wide variety of berry and fruit flavors in search of the perfect combination. The main thing is to correctly calculate the time required to prepare your favorite treats, so that it ripens just in time for the table.

Sexual jelly on February 14, dessert for Valentine's Day

Cooking jelly at home is very simple, and serving this dessert beautifully is already aerobatics. Our chef offers a simple agar jelly recipe and an original serving.

Fresh strawberries provide a variety of desserts. In previous articles, I reviewed compote and jam recipes. Today let's talk about strawberry jelly from chopped berries. As a thickener, agar-agar, pectin is used, but we will cook with gelatin.

This treat can be served almost immediately. Do not forget to prepare it for the winter. Berry jelly makes excellent sandwiches for breakfast or filling to.

Dessert is considered less calorie than jam, as it contains less sugar. Therefore, it will not harm your figure if you do not abuse it every day.


To prepare a delicious, thick jelly, we need simple products:

  • 500 g of fresh strawberries;
  • 10 g of gelatin;
  • 200 g of granulated sugar;
  • 20 g of basil;
  • 50 ml of water.

Whole, crumpled and ripe berries are suitable for this dessert.

Step-by-step jelly recipe for the winter

First of all, we pick strawberries. Remove green ponytails, then rinse it several times, then dry with paper towels. If you have large berries, then they need to be cut and the juice drained.

The berries are sent to the blender bowl along with basil leaves. Grind the ingredients. We should get a thick, uniform mass, as shown in the photo below. Pour mashed potatoes in a saucepan or stewpan.

Pour edible gelatin into the bowl, add cold water and mix. Leave for a quarter of an hour to swell the mass.

Pour granulated sugar into the stewpan with strawberries, mix and put on fire. Bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes. Then add gelatin, mix the ingredients and cook for about a minute.

Pour jelly into sterilized jars and twist the lids. Keep the workpiece in a cool place.

If you want to immediately try jelly, then pour it into molds and freeze in the refrigerator. Then we lower the plastic container for a few seconds in a container with hot water and carefully remove the dessert on a plate.

Video recipe

In the summer, you can put delicious and beautiful strawberry jelly on the festive table, instead of a classic cake. Make it very simple. Watch the step-by-step dessert video:

  Use strawberry jelly, powdered sugar, whipped cream, or thin slices of cream cheese to decorate strawberry jelly.

According to this recipe, you can make a treat of cherries, strawberries, raspberries and any other berries. Even an inexperienced housewife can handle the cooking process.