Braised cabbage with meat is a classic step by step recipe. Braised cabbage with meat in a pan

25.07.2019 Egg Dishes

Cherry tomatoes differ from their large counterparts not only in the small size of the berries. Many varieties of cherry are characterized by a unique sweet taste, which is very different from the classic tomato. Anyone who has never tried such cherry tomatoes, with their eyes closed, may well decide that they are tasting some unusual exotic fruits. In this article I will talk about five different cherry tomatoes, which have the sweetest fruits of an unusual color.

I began to grow annual flowers in the garden and on the balcony over 20 years ago, but I will never forget my first petunia, which I planted in the country along the path. Only a couple of decades have passed, but one wonders how much the petunias of the past differ from modern many-faced hybrids! In this article, I propose to trace the history of the transformation of this flower from a simpleton into a real queen of annuals, as well as consider modern varieties of unusual colors.

Salad with spicy chicken, mushrooms, cheese and grapes - fragrant and hearty. This dish can be served as the main one if you prepare a cold dinner. Cheese, nuts, mayonnaise - high-calorie products, in combination with spicy fried chicken and mushrooms, a very nutritious snack is obtained, which is refreshed by sweet and sour grapes. Chicken fillet in this recipe is marinated in a spicy mixture of ground cinnamon, turmeric and chili powder. If you like food with a twinkle, use hot chili.

The question of how to grow healthy seedlings is a concern for all summer residents in the early spring. It seems that there are no secrets here - the main thing for fast and strong shoots is to provide them with heat, moisture and light. But in practice, in a city apartment or a private house, this is not so simple. Of course, each experienced gardener has his own proven method of growing seedlings. But today we will talk about a relatively new assistant in this matter - the propagator.

The task of indoor plants in the house is to decorate housing with their own view, to create a special atmosphere of comfort. For this we are ready to take care of them regularly. Care is not only watering on time, although it is important. It is necessary to create other conditions: suitable lighting, humidity and air temperature, to make the correct and timely transplant. For experienced gardeners, there is nothing supernatural in this. But beginners often encounter certain difficulties.

Gentle chicken breast cutlets with mushrooms to cook just this recipe with step by step photos. There is an opinion that it is difficult to cook juicy and tender cutlets from chicken breast, this is not so! Chicken meat contains virtually no fat, which is why it is rather dry. But, if you add cream, white bread and mushrooms with onions to the chicken fillet, you get awesomely delicious cutlets that will appeal to both children and adults. In the mushroom season, try adding wild mushrooms to the minced meat.

A beautiful garden blooming throughout the season cannot be imagined without perennials. These flowers do not require as much attention as annuals, are frost-resistant, and only occasionally need little shelter for the winter. Different types of perennials do not bloom at the same time, and the duration of their flowering can vary from one week to 1.5–2 months. In this article, we suggest recalling the most beautiful and unpretentious perennial flowers.

Seeds of poor germination are a frequent occurrence for the Russian market. Normally, the germination of cabbage should be at least 60%. On bags of seeds it is often written that germination is almost 100%, although in practice it’s already good if at least 30% of the seeds come from such a package. That is why it is so important to choose the right supplier. In this article, we consider varieties and hybrids of white cabbage, which deservedly received the love of gardeners.

All gardeners seek to get fresh, environmentally friendly and fragrant vegetables from the garden. Relatives are happy to take home-cooked meals from their potatoes, tomatoes and salads. But there is a way to demonstrate your culinary skills with even greater effect. To do this, it is worth trying to grow several fragrant plants that will give your dishes new tastes and aromas. What kind of greenery in the garden can be considered the best from the point of view of the cook?

Radish salad with egg and mayonnaise, which I made from Chinese radish. This radish in our stores is often called Loba radish. Outside, the vegetable is covered with a light green peel, and the cut turned out to be pink flesh that looks exotic. It was decided during the preparation to focus on the smell and taste of the vegetable, and make a traditional salad. It turned out very tasty, we didn’t catch any “nutty” notes, but it was nice to eat a light spring salad in winter.

The graceful perfection of shining white flowers on high pedicels and huge shiny dark leaves of eucharis give it the appearance of a classic star. In room culture, this is one of the most famous bulb. Few plants cause so much controversy. In some eucharis bloom and delight completely effortlessly, in others for many years they have not let out more than two leaves and seem stunted. Amazon lily is very difficult to classify as unpretentious plants.

Kefir fritters pizza - delicious pancakes with mushrooms, olives and mortadella, which are easy to cook in less than half an hour. There is not always time to cook yeast dough and turn on the oven, but it happens that you want to eat a slice of pizza without leaving your home. In order not to go to the nearest pizzeria, wise housewives came up with this recipe. Fritters like pizza is a great idea for a quick dinner or breakfast. As a filling, we use sausage, cheese, olives, tomatoes, mushrooms.

Growing vegetables at home is a feasible task. The main thing is desire and a little patience. Most greens and vegetables can be successfully grown on the city balcony or kitchen windowsill. There are pluses compared to outdoor cultivation: in such conditions, your plants are protected from low temperatures, many diseases and pests. And if you have a loggia or balcony glazed and insulated, then you can grow vegetables almost all year round

We grow many vegetable and flower crops in the seedling method, which allows us to get an earlier harvest. But creating ideal conditions is very difficult: lack of sunlight, dry air, drafts, untimely watering, soil and seeds may initially contain pathogenic microorganisms. These and other causes often lead to depletion, and sometimes to the death of young seedlings, because it is most sensitive to adverse factors

White cabbage refers to vegetables that are good both in fresh and cooked form. Salads, soups, main dishes are prepared from it. Braised fresh cabbage with meat has long been deservedly among the most popular dishes.

Many national cuisines have their own traditions of cooking cabbage. It is difficult to name a European country where there is no famous dish of stewed fresh cabbage with meat. Often, a very simple cabbage dish is hidden behind a loud foreign name. In Germany, cabbage is cooked with smoked salted pork casserole. In Swiss and Alsatian cuisine this is already called shukrut. For these dishes, cabbage can be used after preliminary marinating. In Czech restaurants you can order bohemian cabbage, which is cooked in fried bacon, with the addition of lemon juice and caraway seeds. In Soviet times, cabbage with tomato and meat was called hodgepodge in all dining rooms.

Braised Fresh Cabbage with Meat

At home, stewed fresh cabbage with meat will not cause great difficulties even for beginners. A few small subtleties below will help to avoid mistakes in the cooking process.

In order to stew fresh white cabbage with meat in the amount of three to four servings, you will need:


  1. Remove the top integumentary leaves from the cabbage. Cut the stump. After this cabbage will remain about one kg.
  2. Chop the cabbage into strips. It turns out quite a voluminous cabbage mass.


Kuhoman to the rescue

The subtlety of cooking fresh stewed cabbage with meat is that after cutting it needs to be crushed a little with your hands, then it will not only decrease in volume, but will also secrete juice, which will help to avoid burning during cooking.



Kuhoman to the rescue

Important! Water is not added to this dish, the stewing is due to the released juice.


6. While the cabbage is stewed, you need to prepare a dressing. For her, finely chop the onions and carrots. Heat remaining oil in a skillet. Fry onions first, put carrots in five minutes, and add tomato in another five minutes.


Kuhoman to the rescue

The unique specific taste of stewed fresh cabbage with meat will give a small amount of acid. In this case, tomato will give sourness, which can be replaced with finely chopped ripe tomato.


Thus, the whole process of cooking stewed fresh cabbage with meat takes a little more than an hour and consists of the following main steps:

  • sliced \u200b\u200bcabbage;
  • roasting meat;
  • braised cabbage with fried meat;
  • cooking dressings from onions, carrots, tomatoes;
  • connecting stewed cabbage with dressing;
  • adding salt, pepper and herbs.

Serve this delicious dish hot. It is worth cooking it once so that the braised fresh cabbage with meat is firmly included in the family menu.

  • 500 g of veal or other meat;
  • vegetable oil - for frying;
  • 1 kg of cabbage;
  • 1 medium onion;
  • 1 medium carrot;
  • 1 tomato;
  • ½ cup boiling water;
  • dill, salt, pepper - to taste.

For stewing, you can take white, Beijing, cauliflower, fresh or. Pieces of meat can be replaced with minced meat, sausages or sausage, or you can completely do without meat ingredients. Vegetables, mushrooms, prunes, beans, tomato paste, all kinds of spices will help to diversify the taste.


Heat vegetable oil in a pan, add meat, fry it a little and simmer in its own juice for about 20 minutes, covered with a lid.

Rinse and shred fresh cabbage well.

If you use sauerkraut, first iterate over it and cut it into identical pieces. To remove excess acid, rinse the cabbage with cold water.

Peel the tomato and cut into small cubes.

Add onions, carrots and tomatoes to the meat. Shuffle.

Add the cabbage. If you succeed with a slide, it’s not scary: the vegetables will surely boil.

Shredded cabbage can be pre-fried in oil until golden brown. This will give the dish a pleasant look and aroma. It is better to choose unrefined oil: it is more aromatic.

Pour a little boiling water or broth (with the last cabbage will be tastier) and cover the pan with a lid.

Simmer over low heat, stirring every 5–7 minutes. If you can't stand the smell of the cabbage being cooked, put a large piece of stale bread in the pan. This will help get rid of the smell. Before turning off the stove, remove the bread.

Cooking time depends on the age of the cabbage: young stewed for 10-15 minutes, old and dense - about 30 minutes.

To get a pleasant sweet and sour taste, 7-10 minutes before cooking, you can add a teaspoon of sugar and table vinegar to the pan. If you stew sauerkraut, you do not need to add vinegar.

If you stew the cabbage for too long, it will turn into a mess. Readiness is determined by softness and taste: specific sharpness and bitterness should appear.

Make flour thicker. 4–5 minutes before cooking, add 1 tablespoon of flour, fried in butter or dried in a pan to light beige for each kilogram of cabbage.

When the cabbage is ready, salt and pepper it. Mix well, cover and let it brew for a couple of minutes.

Before serving, add your favorite greens.

By the way, you can stew cabbage in the oven at a temperature of 165-170 ° C, so that boiling is minimal.

Beef Stew   - A fairly satisfying second course, which is independent and does not need a side dish, as many men think. The cabbage in this recipe is juicy and tender, and the meat is incredibly soft and tasty. To prepare the indicated amount of ingredients, we need a sufficiently large pan or wok.


  •    cabbage 1 kg
  •    beef 800 g
  •    bow 1 PC.
  •    carrot 1 PC.
  •    tomatoes 2 pcs.
  •    tomato paste 3-4 tbsp. spoons
  •    salt taste
  •    ground black pepper taste

For this recipe you should choose beef without veins, choose the softest meat - tenderloin or adrenal part, a thick edge.


To begin with, we clean the cabbage from the top layer of leaves, wash it and cut into thin strips.

We leave the cabbage to wait in the wings and begin to engage in vegetables. Here they are, waiting for us.

We clean and wash onions and carrots. Cut the onions into quarter-rings, and three carrots on a coarse grater.

My tomatoes and cut into small cubes.

We begin to work with meat. Well, wash it, if there are veins and films, then cut them out and cut them into pieces. We make the pieces not very large, but noticeable so that the meat is not lost among stewed cabbage.

We heat a large frying pan or wok, pour the necessary amount of sunflower oil, wait until it is thoroughly warmed up and fry the meat until golden brown at maximum capacity. With this process, we lock the juice inside the pieces and they should not be stiff. Salt and stir the beef. Then, pour a small amount of water (50-60 ml), reduce the power to slightly below average, close the pan with a lid and leave the meat to stew for 20 minutes.

Meanwhile, in another frying pan at medium power, lightly fry the onions until golden brown, after a couple of minutes add carrots to it, fry them together for several minutes, then add the tomatoes. After that, fry the vegetables for another couple of minutes and remove them from the heat.

20 minutes after the start of the meat stew, add chopped cabbage to it and mix.

Stew for another 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then add the fried onions, carrots and tomatoes. Salt, add ground black pepper, as well as 3-4 tablespoons of tomato paste or ketchup.

Mix, cover and simmer at low power for another 25-30 minutes. Determine the readiness to your taste - someone likes the stewed cabbage to remain crispy, and someone likes it when it becomes completely soft. When the readiness is determined, remove from heat and let it brew for 20 minutes. As you can see, everything is quite easy and simple.

Beef Stew   can be served on the table, decorating a plate with sprigs of dill or parsley. Sour cream and rye bread are perfect for the dish. Enjoy your meal!

  • 500 g of veal or other meat;
  • vegetable oil - for frying;
  • 1 kg of cabbage;
  • 1 medium onion;
  • 1 medium carrot;
  • 1 tomato;
  • ½ cup boiling water;
  • dill, salt, pepper - to taste.

For stewing, you can take white, Beijing, cauliflower, fresh or. Pieces of meat can be replaced with minced meat, sausages or sausage, or you can completely do without meat ingredients. Vegetables, mushrooms, prunes, beans, tomato paste, all kinds of spices will help to diversify the taste.


Heat vegetable oil in a pan, add meat, fry it a little and simmer in its own juice for about 20 minutes, covered with a lid.

Rinse and shred fresh cabbage well.

If you use sauerkraut, first iterate over it and cut it into identical pieces. To remove excess acid, rinse the cabbage with cold water.

Peel the tomato and cut into small cubes.

Add onions, carrots and tomatoes to the meat. Shuffle.

Add the cabbage. If you succeed with a slide, it’s not scary: the vegetables will surely boil.

Shredded cabbage can be pre-fried in oil until golden brown. This will give the dish a pleasant look and aroma. It is better to choose unrefined oil: it is more aromatic.

Pour a little boiling water or broth (with the last cabbage will be tastier) and cover the pan with a lid.

Simmer over low heat, stirring every 5–7 minutes. If you can't stand the smell of the cabbage being cooked, put a large piece of stale bread in the pan. This will help get rid of the smell. Before turning off the stove, remove the bread.

Cooking time depends on the age of the cabbage: young stewed for 10-15 minutes, old and dense - about 30 minutes.

To get a pleasant sweet and sour taste, 7-10 minutes before cooking, you can add a teaspoon of sugar and table vinegar to the pan. If you stew sauerkraut, you do not need to add vinegar.

If you stew the cabbage for too long, it will turn into a mess. Readiness is determined by softness and taste: specific sharpness and bitterness should appear.

Make flour thicker. 4–5 minutes before cooking, add 1 tablespoon of flour, fried in butter or dried in a pan to light beige for each kilogram of cabbage.

When the cabbage is ready, salt and pepper it. Mix well, cover and let it brew for a couple of minutes.

Before serving, add your favorite greens.

By the way, you can stew cabbage in the oven at a temperature of 165-170 ° C, so that boiling is minimal.