A simple recipe for plum and apple jam for the winter. Apple-plum jam for the winter

26.07.2019 Dishes for children

The other day, my mother-in-law passed plums, and for a long time I wanted to cook apple-plum jam for the winter. My family loves plums in pastries and in various desserts, and this jam will perfectly complement pancakes or pancakes. Apples in this case can and should even be used together with the skin, as it contains a lot of pectin, which will contribute to the thickening of jam. Jam preparation is quite simple, and even any novice hostess can easily cope with it. I got 2 jars of 0.5 l each and another vase of jam remained for testing.

To prepare jam from apples and plums for the winter, you should prepare all the necessary products.

Wash apples well, cut into 4 parts and remove core.

Cut apples into small pieces and put in a pan with a thick bottom. Add water to apples and put the pan on a small fire. Cook until apples are boiled. It will take 10-15 minutes.

While the apples are boiling, prepare the plums. They need to be washed and remove the bones.

Cut plums into smaller pieces and add to apples. Cook together for 15-20 minutes, it all depends on the variety of plums and their degree of maturity. My plums were soft, boiled for 10 minutes.

Transfer the fruit mixture into a sieve with large holes and wipe with a wooden spoon.

Then pour the mashed potatoes back into the pan and put on fire. Bring to a boil and cook with stirring for 5 minutes.

Add sugar and mix. Cook the jam for 10-12 minutes over low heat.

Prepare jars for jam: sterilize them in a convenient way. I sterilize over steam for 10 minutes. Pour the covers with water and boil for 5 minutes. Pour hot jam into dry cans and immediately roll up. Turn the cans over, cover with a blanket until sterilization is complete.

In any prescription for making jam or candied fruit, it is indicated that the fruits should be slightly ripened, healthy and have a dense, crisp pulp. What to do with fruits that have already managed to collect juice or are slightly spoiled by worms? Of these, you can cook jam. In order for it to be dense, it must include fruits with strong gelling properties. It can be quince, currant or apples. Combining them with other fruits and berries, you can experiment with the taste of jam. Change sweetness, astringency or add sourness. An interesting and harmonious taste range has jam from apples and plums.


  • apples 500 g
  • plums 500 g
  • granulated sugar 750 g
  • water 200 ml

How to make apple and plum jam

  1. For cooking jam from apples and plums, you can take fruits of different varieties. Also, their value does not matter. In one serving, it is better to combine sweet apples and sour plums, or vice versa. All fruits must be washed and dried.

  2. Peel apples. To do this, you can use a kitchen knife or a peeler.

  3. Immediately after this, apples must be cut into slices so that the core remains intact. It is especially necessary to ensure that coarse transparent membranes do not remain on the separated pulp. Then apple slices should be cut into cubes. Do not dispose of cleanings.

  4. There is no need to remove the skin from the plum. The fruits need to be cut in half along the groove and the seed removed. Dice plums.

  5. Put apples and plums in layers in an enameled pan. You should get 2 layers of each type of fruit. Each of them should be poured 3-4 tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar.

  6. Allow the fruits to stand warm for about 20 minutes. This is done so that they let the juice go. Then, to cook the jam, a minimum amount of water will be required, and it will have a more saturated taste. In the meantime, you need to prepare the syrup. Mix the remaining sugar with water and boil. This should be done on low heat. Before complete dissolution, the sugar must be stirred so that it does not burn.

  7. Pour slices of fruit with hot syrup and cook.

  8. After 15 minutes, apples and plums boil well, and the syrup thickens enough.

  9. After that, the whole mass must be beaten with a blender or rubbed through a sieve. Then it should again be brought to a boil. In this case, the fire under the pan should be minimal, and the jam must be constantly stirred from the bottom.

  10. Ready jam from apples and plums should be hot laid out in clean, dry jars and corked.

On the agenda is a delicious and homemade photo recipe - plum and apple for the winter. A thick consistency, lack of sugary sweet taste, thin sour note - this is a characteristic of our jam. Especially it will appeal to those people who do not like too much sweet jam / jam. We took sour plum as the basis, the apples were of a mixed variety - the apple-pear, which turned out to be quite interesting. Jam is always appropriate, a hidden jar of goodies will surely find its application - whether it is unexpected guests or a planned tea party. Jam can be used as a filling for pies, it can be served with cheesecakes or pancakes, kids love this very much. Also, such jam (as well as) goes well with noble cheeses or breaded cheese sticks, deep-fried.

- plum - 1.5 kg
- apples - 2-3 pcs.,
- sugar - 1.5 kg.

  We choose plums for our jam, it is not necessary to take selected berries, plums that are slightly crumpled are suitable, but the main thing is that they do not have spoilages in the form of rotted places. We wash all the plums under running cool water, dry a little and separate from the bones. We transfer the pulp into a chopper - a blender or a meat grinder. Grind the plums until smooth.

  We remove the peel from the apples, cut each apple lengthwise into two halves, cut the seed box. We rub peeled apples on a coarse grater, you can use the harvester.

  We take a thick-walled pan, pour the plum mixture into it, and also pour apple chips.

  Add the indicated amount of granulated sugar to the ingredients. If desired, you can add any spices or zest of lemon / orange.

  We mix the ingredients, send the pan to the stove. We cover the pan with a lid, cook our future jam for 15-20 minutes. We look into the pan several times, stir, so that the jam does not burn.

  In order for the consistency of the jam to be silky and smooth, take a hand blender and carefully punch all the contents at the highest speeds. We return the pan to the stove, boil another 7-10 minutes. We take a sample of jam, it also checks the consistency - the liquid should not drain from a spoon. After cooling, the jam will become more dense.

  We pack plum-apple jam in pre-sterilized jars, immediately seal hermetically with lids. We cool the blanks in an inverted state, wrapping them in a warm blanket. A day later, we send a treat to the shelf of the pantry or closet.

Good appetite!

And it’s also very tasty and bright

Calorie content:   Not specified
   Time for preparing:   Not specified

  The most delicious jam is obtained from plums of the Vengerka variety. The stone in such plums easily separates, the plums are fleshy, with dense pulp and juicy, with a wonderful sweet and sour taste. Traditionally, apples are added to plums when cooking jam, but there are more original recipes - for example, with chocolate, nuts, orange zest, spices and spices.

We will cook jam from apples and plums for the winter according to the simplest recipe, without exotic additives, so that jam can be used in any. It turns out a thick, rich taste and a very beautiful burgundy color. Jam is perfect for pancakes, cheesecakes, cottage cheese casseroles, like filling for pies and pies, toasts and toasts.

- apples (peeled from seeds) - 1 kg;
- plum - 700 gr;
- water - 0.5 cups;
- sugar - 800 g (to taste).

Recipe with photo step by step:

  We don’t cut the peel from apples for two reasons. Firstly, apple peel has a lot of pectin, and it gives a more dense texture to jams and preserves. Secondly, apples still need to be wiped through a sieve, and there is no need to do extra work (peeling apples). Cut apples into slices, remove the middle with seeds.

  Then we cut the apples smaller - so they boil faster. We put in a cauldron or a pan (or in other dishes convenient for cooking plum jam).

  Pour about half a glass of water into apples. Apples do not immediately give juice, and water is needed so that the apples do not burn on heating. We put the dishes with apples on a small fire, cook with a quiet boil. Stir occasionally to warm them evenly.

  Hungarian plums are very well cleaned from the stone. It is enough to cut the plum along the embossed line, divide it into two halves and the stone will immediately depart.

  When the apples soften a little and boil, add plums to them, cut into small pieces.

  We continue to cook fruits for 30-40 minutes until almost completely boiled. The mass will turn pink, become viscous and loose. Make sure that the fruits do not burn, cook them over low heat.

  The boiled fruits are transferred in small portions to a sieve or colander with small holes and wiped with a wooden spoon. After wiping, only apple skins and plum peel will remain. Throw this cake.

  Fruit puree will turn out thick, but not quite uniform. If you like a uniform plum jam, beat the mashed potatoes with a blender until the desired consistency.

We put a saucepan with fruit puree on a quiet fire. When the puree begins to "puff", pour sugar. Stir. Sugar can be put more than indicated in the jam recipe - it all depends on the taste of apples and plums.

  After adding sugar, jam for 10 minutes with a very quiet boil. We don’t make a strong fire, otherwise apple jam and plums will quickly darken.

  Cans and lids with hot water and soda. Pour the covers with boiling water, let the water boil again. We sterilize the jars in any way convenient for you (in the oven, microwave, over steam). We fill the jars with boiling jam, twist the lids.

  Wrap jars of jam with a warm blanket, leave it for 1-2 days. When the jam cools, rearrange it in the pantry and store at room temperature. The cooled jam from apples and plums thickens very well, and in consistency resembles jelly. It can be used as a filling for

To make jam, peeling apples is not necessary. It is enough to cut the fruit into two halves, remove the core with seeds, and cut into small pieces.

For a sweet dessert, I took hard autumn plums. What is characteristic, due to this variety, the flavor of jam turned out with a light chocolate tint, although there is not a single gram of cocoa in the recipe. Plums must be divided into halves and remove the seeds, and then sent to the pan to apple slices.

Now the fruit is covered with sugar and left for several hours to let the juice go. You can, of course, add a little water and immediately start cooking jam, but excess moisture will make the sweet mass liquid - you can’t put it in pies.

After moisture appears at the bottom of the pan, you can start cooking jam.

We send the fruit platter to the stove, turn on the slowest fire, and cook, stirring, until the fruit is completely covered with thick syrup. We increase the fire to medium, bring the apples and plums to softness. Puree the fruit with a submersible blender into a smooth, uniform mass, carefully breaking all the fruit pieces.

Next, mashed potatoes need to be boiled over low heat until the desired density. This process will take at least an hour. At the same time, it is important not to completely close the pan lid, so that moisture evaporation takes place intensively. It is enough to cover it only slightly, in order to calm the gurgling jam a little, and, thereby, to prevent the plate from getting dirty. Every 10 minutes, do not forget to stir the boiling mass with a wooden spoon, in order to avoid burning to the metal bottom of the dishes.

How to check jam readiness? The most common, "grandfather" way is to drop a hot mass onto the bottom of the saucer, if the drop froze and did not spread over the bottom, then apple jam and plum are ready. Another method involves picking up a full spoon of jam and tipping it on its side, if the fruit mixture is gathered in two drops at the edge, you can safely roll the jam in jars.

In clean, dry cans, we spread the apple-plum jam, roll up the lids and send for storage.

How to cook apple plum jam for the winter told Ksenia, the recipe and photo of the author.